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Subsidium: Master List of REKn Primary Sources


This list of resources is a subsidium to Prototyping the Renaissance English Knowledgebase (REKn) and Professional Reading Environment (PReE), Past, Present, and Future Concerns: A Digital Humanities Project Narrative


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Siemens (Founding Editor, Editor 2008-2010), R. (2011). Subsidium: Master List of REKn Primary Sources. Digital Studies/le Champ Numérique, 2(2). DOI:


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List of Sources and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Resource
Bart Project Bartleby
CH Chadwyck-Healey
CCEL Christian Classics Ethereal Library
EarlyUVa Early English Collection, EText Centre, University of Virginia
EEBO-TCP Early English Books Online- Text Creation Partnership
ElizAuth Elizabethan Authors
MiddleUVa Middle English Collection, EText Centre, University of Virginia
NebMusic School of Music, University of Nebraska
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
OTA Oxford Text Archive
PG Project Gutenberg
R3 Richard III Society
RE Renascence Editions
TACT Text Analysis Computing Tools
TUDOR Textbase of Early Tudor English
WWP Women Writers Project

Alphabetical List of Resources


A. B. (1699). Remarks upon a late pamphlet entituled, A brief and full account of Mr. Tate's and Mr. Brady's New version of the Psalms. EEBO-TCP.

A. B. (1680). Synopsis of vocal musick. EEBO-TCP.

A. L. (1665). A letter to a friend, touching Dr. Jeremy Taylor's Disswasive from Popery. EEBO-TCP.

A. M. ([1581]). The true reporte of the prosperous successe which God gaue vnto our English souldiours against the forraine bands of our Romaine enemies. EEBO-TCP.

A. S. (1640). A terrible sea-fight. EEBO-TCP.

A. S. (1663). Miracles not ceas'd. EEBO-TCP.

A. T. ([1631]). A Christian reprofe against contention. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1600). An exposition vpon the prophet Ionah. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1604). The reasons vvhich Doctour Hill hath brought, for the vpholding of papistry, which is falselie termed the Catholike religion. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1608). A sermon preached at Westminster May 26. 1608 at the funerall solemnities of the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Dorset, late l. high treasurer of England. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George ([1622]). [The coppie of a letter sent from my lords grace of Canterburie shewing the reasons which induced the kings majestie to prescribe directions for preachers]. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1624). A treatise of the perpetuall visibilitie,. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1640). The whole booke of Iob paraphrased. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1641). Vindiciæ sabbathi, or, An answer to two treatises of Master Broads. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1651). Brief notes upon the whole book of Psalms. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, George (1664). A briefe description of the whole world. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, John ([1647]). Abbot: Devout Rhapsodies [1647]. CH.

Abbot, John (1623). Iesus praefigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. EEBO-TCP.

Abbot, John (1623). Abbot: Jesus Praefigured (1623). CH.

Abbot, John (1645). Abbot: The Sad Condition of a Distracted Kingdome (1645). CH.

Abia ([1579]). A reproofe, spoken and geeuen-fourth by Abia Nazarenus, against all false Christians, seducing ypocrites [sic], and enemies of the trueth and loue. Wher-withall their false deuices, punishment, and condemnation together with the conuersion from their abominations and their preseruation in the godlynes, is figured-fourth before their eyes. EEBO-TCP.

Achelley, Thomas ([1582]). Achelley: To the author [1582]. CH.

Achelley, Thomas ([1572]). The key of knovvledge. EEBO-TCP.

Achelley, Thomas (1576). Achelley: A most lamentable and Tragicall historie (1576). CH.

Achilles Tatius (1597). The most delectable and pleasaunt history of Clitiphon and Leucippe. EEBO-TCP.

Achilles Tatius (1638). The loves of Clitophon and Leucippe. EEBO-TCP.

Acosta, José de (1604). The naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Adam ([1483]). The prologe of this reuelation. EEBO-TCP.

Adam, Melchior (1643). The life and death of Dr. Martin Luther. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Hannah (1799). A summary history of New-England. WWP.

Adams, John (1700). An essay concerning self-murther. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1612). The gallants burden. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1613). The white deuil, or, The hypocrite vncased. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1614). The deuills banket. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1615). Englands sicknes, comparatively conferred with Israels. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1615). Mystical bedlam, or, the vvorld of mad-men. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1615). The blacke devil, or, The apostate. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1616). A divine herball. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1616). Diseases of the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1616). The sacrifice of thankefulnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1617). The souldiers honour. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1619). The happines of the church, or, A description of those spirituall prerogatiues vvherewith Christ hath endowed her. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1622). Eirenopolis. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1626). Fiue sermons preached vpon sundry especiall occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1652). God's anger, and Man's comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, Thomas (1675). The main principles of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Adams, William (1685). God's eye on the contrite, or, A discourse shewing that true poverty and contrition of spirit, and trembling at God's Word is the infallible and only way for the obtaining and retaining of divine acceptation. EEBO-TCP.

Adamson, Henry ([1849]). Adamson: Muses Threnodie. CH.

Adamson, Henry (1638). The muses threnodie, or, mirthfull mournings, on the death of Master Gall. EEBO-TCP.

Adamson, John (1618). Adamson: The mvses welcome (1618). CH.

Adamson, John (1698). The duty of daily frequenting the publick service of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Addison, Joseph (1695). A poem to His Majesty, presented to the Lord Keeper. EEBO-TCP.

Adis, Henry (12. day of the 11. month, heathenishly called in houour [sic] to their God Janus, January, 1659 [i.e. 1660]). A declaration of a small society of baptized believers, undergoing the name of Free-willers, about the city of London. EEBO-TCP.

Adis, Henry (1660). A fannaticks mite cast into the Kings treasury. EEBO-TCP.

Adis, Henry (1661). A fannaticks addresse humbly presented to the King and his peers, and also to his people in their representative, the Commons House of Parliament …. EEBO-TCP.

Adis, Henry (1661). A fannaticks alarm, given to the mayor in his quarters, by one of the sons of Zion, become Boanerges. EEBO-TCP.

Adis, Henry (1664). A letter sent from Syrranam, to His Excellency, the Lord Willoughby of Parham, General of the Western Islands, and of the continent of Guianah, &c. then residing at the Barbados. EEBO-TCP.

Ady, Thomas (1655). A candle in the dark. EEBO-TCP.

Aelian (1666). Claudius Ælianus, his various history. EEBO-TCP.

Aesop ([1570]). The morall fabillis of Esope the phrygian. EEBO-TCP.

Agard, Arthur (1631). The repertorie of records, remaining in [brace] the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster, the two remembrancers of the Exchequer. EEBO-TCP.

Aglionby, William (1669). The present state of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries as to the government, laws, forces, riches, manners, customes, revenue, and territory of the Dutch. EEBO-TCP.

Aglionby, William (1686). Painting illustrated in three diallogues. EEBO-TCP.

Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius ([1655]). Henry Cornelius Agrippa's fourth book of occult philosophy and geomancy. EEBO-TCP.

Aikin, Lucy (1810). Epistles on women. WWP.

Ainsworth, Henry (1630). Certain notes of M. Henry Aynsworth his last sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Ainsworth, Robert (1698). The most natural and easie way of institution. EEBO-TCP.

Airay, Henry ([1621]). The iust and necessary apologie of :. EEBO-TCP.

Alba, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo (1573?]). An ansvver and true discourse to a certain letter lately sent by the Duke of Alba (in maner of a pardon) to those of Amsterdam. EEBO-TCP.

Albemarle, George Monck (1659). General Monck's last letter to His Excellency the Lord Fleetwood. EEBO-TCP.

Albemarle, George Monck (1659). Three letters from the Lord General Monck, Commander in Chief of the forces in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Albemarle, George Monck (1671). Observations upon military & political affairs. EEBO-TCP.

Albott, Robert (1599). VVits theater of the little world. EEBO-TCP.

Alcock, John (1497?]). [Desponsacio virginis xpristo. Spousage of a virgin to Christ]. EEBO-TCP.

Alcock, John ([1497]). [Sermon on Luke VIII]. EEBO-TCP.

Alcock, John (1498?]). In die Innocencium sermo pro episcopo puerorum. EEBO-TCP.

Alcock, John ([1498]). Gallicantus Iohannis alcok epi Eliensis ad co[n]fratres suos curatos in sinodo apud Bernwell. EEBO-TCP.

Alemán, Mateo (1623). The rogue, or, The life of Guzman de Alfarache. EEBO-TCP.

Alesius, Alexander (1544?]). Of the auctorite of the word of god agaynst the bisshop of london. EEBO-TCP.

Alexander Barclay ([1570]). Stultifera nauis, qua omnium mortalium narratur stultitia. 1570. The ship of fooles. [With other works by Barclay]. TUDOR.

Alexander, Daniel Ben ([1621]). [Daniel Ben Alexander]. EEBO-TCP.

Alexander, Sir W.: The Poetical Works (1921-1929). CH.

Aleyn, Charles (1633). Aleyn: The Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers (1633). CH.

Aleyn, Charles (1638). Aleyn: The Historie of That wise and Fortunate Prince, Henrie of that Name the Seventh (1638). CH.

Alfield, Thomas ([1582]). A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion Iesuite and preiste, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan preistes, at Tiborne the first of December 1581. EEBO-TCP.

Alison, Richard (1590). A plaine confutation of a treatise of Brovvnisme. EEBO-TCP.

Alison, Richard (1599. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Majestatis). The Psalmes of Dauid in meter. EEBO-TCP.

Alison, Richard (1606). An howres recreation in musicke, apt for instrumentes and voyces. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1664). A call to Archippus, or, An humble and earnest motion to some ejected ministers. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1672). An alarme to unconverted sinners, in a serious treatise …. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1672). Divers practical cases of conscience satisfactorily resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1673). Christian letters full of spiritual instructions. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1674). A most familiar explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1674). Remaines of that excellent minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. Joseph Alleine. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1678). The way to true happiness. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Joseph (1688). A sure guide to heaven, or, An earnest invitation to sinners to turn to God in order to their eternal salvation. EEBO-TCP.

Alleine, Theodosia (1672). The life & death of Mr. Joseph Alleine, late teacher of the church at Taunton, in Somersetshire, assistant to Mr. Newton. EEBO-TCP.

Allen, Benjamin (1699). The natural history of the chalybeat and purging waters of England. EEBO-TCP.

Allen, William (1673). A discourse of the nature, ends, and difference of the two covenants. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard. Forty sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1658). The practice of Christian graces, or, The whole duty of man. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1659). The whole duty of man laid down in a plain way for the use of the meanest reader. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1660). A sermon preached in St. Peter's Westminster on Sunday, Jan. 6, 1660 at the consecration of the Right Reverend Fathers in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Bristoll, Edward, Lord Bishop of Norwich, Nicholas, Lord Bishop of Hereford, William, Lord Bishop of Glocester. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1660). The gentlemans calling. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1662). A sermon preached at Hampton-court on the 29th of May, 1662. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1663). A sermon preached before the King at White-hall, October the 12th 1662. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1666). A sermon preach'd before the King, Decemb. 31, 1665, at Christ-Church in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1667 [i.e. 1677]). The government of the tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1667). A sermon preached before the King at White Hall on Sunday Nov. 17, 1667. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1667). The causes of the decay of Christian piety, or, An impartial survey of the ruines of Christian religion, undermin'd by unchristian practice. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard ([1669]). Eighteen sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1673). The divine aut[h]ority and usefulness of the Holy Scripture asserted in a sermon on the 2 Timothy 3, 15. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1673). The ladies calling. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1675). The art of contentment. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1677). A discourse concerning the period of humane life, whether mutable or immutable. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1678). A defence and continuation of the Discourse concerning the period of humane life. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1678). Scala sancta, or, The exaltation of the soul. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1678). The lively oracles given to us, or, The Christians birth-right and duty, in the custody and use of the Holy Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1679). A discourse concerning the beauty of holiness. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1684). The vanity of the creature. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1692). The whole duty of prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1694). The government of the thoughts. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard (1694). The whole duty of divine meditation. EEBO-TCP.

Allestree, Richard ([1695]). The whole duty of mourning. EEBO-TCP.

Almoni, Peloni (1641). A compendious discourse, proving episcopacy to be of apostolicall, and conseqvently of divine, institution. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1676). Anti-sozzo, sive, Sherlocismus enervatus. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1678). Melius inquirendum, or, A sober inquirie into the reasonings of the Serious inquirie. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1680). An exercitation on the historical relation, Matth. 15, 1--9, Mark 7, 1--13, concerning eating with unwashen hands. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1681). A reply to the Reverend Dean of St. Pauls's reflections on the Rector of Sutton, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1687). The humble address of the Presbyterians, presented to the King. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent ([1687]). Mr. Alsop's speech to King James the II. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1695). Duty and interest united in prayer and praise for kings and all that are in authority. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1696). A sermon upon the wonderful deliverance by His Majesty from assassination, the nation from invasion. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1696). Decus & tutamen, or, Practical godliness the ornament and muniment of all religion. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent ([1697]). A faithful rebuke to a false report lately dispersed in a letter to a friend in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1698). A confutation of some of the errors of Mr. Daniel Williams. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1698). A sermon preach'd to the Societies for Reformation of Manners in the cities of London and Westminster at Salters-Hall, Aug 15, 1698. EEBO-TCP.

Alsop, Vincent (1698). A vindication of the faithful rebuke to a false report against the rude cavils of the pretended defence. EEBO-TCP.

Alsoppe, Thomas ([c.1525]). Alsoppe: The Breuyate and short Tragycall hystorie of the fayre Custance [1525?]. CH.

Alsted, Johann Heinrich (1643). The beloved city, or, The saints reign on earth a thovsand yeares. EEBO-TCP.

Alsted, Johann Heinrich (1664). Templum musicum, or, The musical synopsis of the learned and famous Johannes-Henricus-Alstedius. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, Richard (1688). Ames: Sylvia's Revenge (1688). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames, R.: Elegy on Richard Baxter (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: A Farther Search after Claret (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: A Search after Wit (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: An Elegy On the Death of Dr. Saffold (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: Islington-wells (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: Lawyerus Bootatus and Spurratus (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: The Female Fire-Ships (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: The Last Search after Claret (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: The Pleasures of Love and Marriage (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1691). Ames: The Search after Claret (1691). CH.

Ames, Richard (1692). Ames, R.: An Elegy (1692). CH.

Ames, Richard (1692). Ames: A Dialogue Between Claret & Darby-Ale (1692). CH.

Ames, Richard (1692). Ames: Britannia Victrix (1692). CH.

Ames, Richard (1692). Ames: Sylvia's Complaint (1692). CH.

Ames, Richard (1692). Ames: The Double Descent (1692). CH.

Ames, Richard (1692). Ames: The Jacobite Conventicle (1692). CH.

Ames, Richard (1693). Ames: Bacchanalian Sessions (1693). CH.

Ames, Richard (1693). Ames: Fatal Friendship (1693). CH.

Ames, Richard (1693). Ames: The Folly of love (1693). CH.

Ames, Richard (1693). Ames: The Rake (1693). CH.

Ames, William ([1615]). A second manuduction, for Mr. Robinson, or, A confirmation of the former, in an ansvver to his manumission. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1622). A reply to Dr. Mortons generall Defence of three nocent [sic] ceremonies. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1633). A fresh suit against human ceremonies in God's vvorship, or, A triplication unto. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William ([1639]). Conscience with the power and cases thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1641). An analyticall exposition of both the epistles of the Apostle Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1642). The marrow of sacred divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1652). The saints security against seducing spirits, or, The anointing from the Holy One. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1659). The substance of Christian religion, or, A plain and easie draught of the Christian catechisme. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1661). Good counsell and advice to all the Friends of truth. EEBO-TCP.

Ames, William (1663). A sound out of Sion from the holy mountain which the Lord is establishing above all the mountains. EEBO-TCP.

Amyraut, Moïse (1676). A discourse concerning the divine dreams mention'd in Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Antaki, Dawud ibn ‘Umar (1659). The nature of the drink kauhi, or coffe, and the berry of which it is made. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, George (1643). The Scotch Counsellor. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Patrick (1618). The colde spring of Kinghorne Craig. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Patrick ([1680]). The copie of a barons court. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Robert (1668). Stereometrical propositions variously applicable, but particularly intended for gageing. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Robert (1669). Gaging promoted. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Robert (1670). Dary's miscellanies examined. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Robert (1690). To hit a mark, as well upon ascents and descents, as upon the plain of the horizon. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Robert (1691). To cut the rigging. EEBO-TCP.

Anderson, Robert (1696). The making of rockets. EEBO-TCP.

Andrew, Laurence? (1528?). The debate and stryfe betwene somer and wynter with the estate present of man. TUDOR.

Andrewes, John (1615). Andrewes: The Anatomie of Basenesse (1615). CH.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1592). The wonderfull combate (for Gods glorie and mans saluation) betweene Christ and Satan. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1604). The copie of a sermon preached on good Friday last before the Kings Maiestie,. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1610?]). A sermon preached before the Kings Maiestie at White-Hall, on Munday the 25. of December, being Christmas day, anno 1609. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1610). A sermon preached before His Maiestie on Sunday the fifth of August last at Holdenbie. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1611). A sermon preached before his Maiestie at White-Hall, on the 24 of March last. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1611). Scala cœli. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot ([1613]). Concio habita coram serenissimo, Iacobo, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ et Hyberniæ Rege, fidei Defensore, &c. Apud curiam Hamptoniensem. De Iure ac potestate conuocandorum cœtuum. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot ([1618]). A sermon preached before His Maiestie, at VVhitehall the fift of Nouember last, 1617. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot ([1620]). A sermon preached at White-hall, on Easter day the 16. of April. 1620. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1627). Seven sermons on, the wonderfull combate (for Gods glorie and mans saluation) betweene Christ and Sathan. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1636). A sermon of the pestilence. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1641). A summarie view of the government both of the Old and New testament. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1642). A manuall of directions for the visitation of the sicke, with sweete meditations and prayers to be used in time of sicknesse. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1647). Of episcopacy. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1647). Of the right of tithes. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1648). A manual of directions for the sick. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1650). The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large, or, A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments. EEBO-TCP.

Andrewes, Lancelot (1663). Holy devotions, with directions to pray. EEBO-TCP.

Andrews, Eusebius (1650). The last speech of Col. Eusebius Andrews, sometimes a lawyer of Lincolns-Inne, at the time of his execution on the scaffold at Tower-hill, Thursday the 22 of August, 1650. EEBO-TCP.

Anger, Jane (1589). Jane Anger her protection for women. WWP.

Anghiera, Pietro Martire d' (1555). The decades of the newe worlde or west India. EEBO-TCP.

Anghiera, Pietro Martire d' (1577). The history of trauayle in the VVest and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes. EEBO-TCP.

Anglesey, Arthur Annesley (1693). Memoirs of the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, late lord privy seal. EEBO-TCP.

Angouleme, Marguerite d' (1548). A godly medytacyon of the christen sowle, concerninge a love towardes God and hys Christe. WWP.

Annand, William (1661). Fides Catholica, or, The doctrine of the Catholick Church. EEBO-TCP.

Annand, William (1661). Panem quotidianum, or, A short discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Annand, William (1670). Pater noster, Our Father, or, The Lord's prayer explained. EEBO-TCP.

Annand, William (1671). Mysterium pietatis, or, The mysterie of godlinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Annand, William (1674). Dualitas, or, A two-fold subject displayed and opened conducible to godliness and peace. EEBO-TCP.

Anon (1590). Edmund Ironside. ElizAuth.

Anon (1594). The true Tragedy of Richard the Third. ElizAuth.

Anon (1598). Pasquil's Countercuffe to Martin Junior. ElizAuth.

Anon (1598). The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. ElizAuth.

Anon (1600). The Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll. ElizAuth.

Anon (1605). The True Chronicle history of King Leir. ElizAuth.

Anonymous (14th. c. English). The Cloud of Unknowing. CCEL.

Anonymous (1558-1688). "Long Buckby Wills 1558-1688": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (1641). The Stage-Players Complaint. R3.

Anonymous (1643). The Actors Remonstrance. R3.

Anonymous (1644). A Looking-Glasse for Women, or, A Spie for Pride. R3.

Anonymous (1644). A Looking-Glasse of the World. R3.

Anonymous (1654?). The Triall of Mr. John Gerhard, Mr. Peter Vowell, and Sommerset Fox. Renascence Edition. R3.

Anonymous (1623). Homily against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily Against Excess of Apparel. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily against Idleness. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily against Peril of Idolatry. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily against Strife and Contention. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily against Whoredom and Adultery. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily for Rogation Week. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Alms Deeds. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Christian Love and Charity. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Common Prayer and Sacraments. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Gluttony and Drunkenness. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Good Works: and First of Fasting. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Good Works. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Obedience. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Prayer. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Repairing and Keeping Clean the Church. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Repentance and True Reconciliation unto God. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on Swearing and Perjury. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Coming Down of the Holy Ghost for Whitsunday. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Declining from God. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Fear of Death. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Misery of Mankind. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Nativity. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Passion for Good Friday. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Place and Time of Prayer. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Reading of ScriptuR3. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Resurrection for Easter Day. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Right Use of the Church. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Salvation of Salvation. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the State of Matrimony. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the True and Lively Faith. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Homily on the Worthy Receiving of the Sacrament. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Of them Which Take Offence at Certain Places of Holy ScriptuR3. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Preliminaries: Book II. TACT.

Anonymous (1623). Preliminaries. TACT.

Anonymous. [A Ballad of King Henry II and the miller of Mansfield]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [A full] description of these times, or The Prince of Orange's march from Exeter to London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [A mery playe bothe pytthy and pleasaunt of albyon knyghte]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [A parte of a register]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [A treatise against the Defense of the censure, giuen upon the bookes of W. Charke and Meredith Hanmer]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [Here begynneth a lytell treatyse called, the (myrrour or lokynge glasse of lyfe) for co[m]fortyng of the soule]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [Here endeth ye hystorye of Olyuer of Castylle, and of the fayre Helayne]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [Jest, o]r, A Pretty iest of a bride and a bridegroome. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The abbaye of the Holy Ghost]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The Complaynt of Scotland]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The cronycles of Englond]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The midwi]ves ghost …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The noble history of King Ponthus]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The Ploughman's tale]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The remedy against the troubles of temptations]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The] Drunkards dyall, or, [Go]od Sir, your nose is durty. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [The] Judgment of the reformed churches. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. [Thus endeth the secrete of secretes of Arystotle]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Batchelers resolution, or, Have among you now, widowes or maydes …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A book of dravving, limning, vvashing or colouring of maps and prints. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A booke of Christian exercise. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A booke of epitaphes made vpon the death of the right worshipfull Sir VVilliam Buttes knight. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A brief deduction of the case between George Carew Esqr. administrator of the goods and chattels, rights, debts and credits of Sr. William Courten, knight deceased unadministred with his will annexed, plaintiff. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A brief enquiry into the ancient constitution and government of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A brief fourme of confession. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A brief narrative of a strange and wonderful old woman that hath a pair of horns growing upon her head. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A brief narrative of the late treacherous and horrid designe which by the great blessing and especiall providence of God hath been lately discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A briefe and plaine declaration, concerning the desires of all those faithfull ministers, that haue and do seeke for the discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A briefe and pleasaunt treatise, intituled, Naturall and artificiall conclusions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A briefe chronologie of the holie scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A briefe description of the notorious life of Iohn Lambe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A briefe treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Quene Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A bvll from Rome, consisting of 15 pardons for delinquents in these kingdomes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A catalogue of ancient and modern musick books, both vocal and instrumental. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Caueat or vvarning for all sortes of men both young and olde to auoid the company of lewd and wicked women. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A certaine relation of the hog-faced gentlewoman called Mistris Tannakin Skinker, who was borne at Wirkham a neuter towne betweene the Emperour and the Hollander, scituate on the river Rhyne. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Chaleng sent from Prince Rupert and the Lord Grandison to Sir Wjlljam Belford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Christian letter of certaine English protestants, vnfained fauourers of the present state of religion, authorised and professed in England, vnto that reverend and learned man, Mr R. Hoo. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A collection of poems written upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A collection of prayers and thanksgivings, used in His Majesties chappel, and in his armies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A comfortable new ballad of a dreame of a sinner …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A common-place-book out of The rehearsal transpros'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A commyssion sent to the bloudy butcher byshop of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A compendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints of diuers of our country men in these our dayes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A compendyouse somme of the very Christen relygyon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Congratulatory poem on the Whigg's entertainment. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A constant wife and a kind wife, a loving wife and a fine wife, which gives content unto a mans life. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A continuation of a former relation concerning the entertainment giuen to Prince His Highnesse by the King of Spaine in his court at Madrid. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Copie of a letter vvritten from His Holinesse court at Rome to His Grace of Canterburies palace now in the tower. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A copie of a letter wyth articles. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A coppy of Generall Lesley's letter to Sir Iohn Svckling. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Coppy of the prisoners jvdgment condemned tody [sic] from Nvgate on Mundaie the 13 of Decemb. 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A cup of coffee, or, Coffee in its colours. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A curious collection of musick-books, both vocal and instrumental, (and several rare copies in three and four parts, fairly prick'd) by the best masters. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A declaration of His M. pleasure anent the religion & present kirk governament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A declaration of the causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a nauy to the seas, for the defence of her realmes against the King of Spaines forces. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Declaration, or, Letters patents of the election of this present King of Poland, John the Third, elected on the 22d of May last past, Anno Dom. 1674. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A decree of the Priuye Counsell at Westminster Anno October. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A defence of dramatick poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A defence of priestes mariages. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A defence of the rights and priviledges of the University of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A delicate new ditty composed upon the posie of a ring. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Description of Buda, in its ancient and present state. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A description of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Description of the Academy of the Athenian virtuosi. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A detection of damnable driftes, practized by three vvitches arraigned at Chelmifforde in Essex, at the laste assises there holden, whiche were executed in Aprill. 1579. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A dialogue agaynst the tyrannye of the Papistes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A dialogue between Dr. Sherlock, the King of France, the great Turk, and Dr. Oates. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A dialogue between Toney, and the ghost of the late Lord Viscount-Stafford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A dialogue betwene a knyght and a clerke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A dialogue betwixt Whig and Tory, alias Williamite and Jacobite. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A direction to the husbandman. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A discourse made by the Ld Bishop of Rochester to the clergy of his diocese. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Discourse shewing in what state the three kingdomes are in at this present. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A discourse touching the pretended match betwene the Duke of Norfolke and the Queene of Scottes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A discovrse concerning Puritans. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A ditty delightfull of mother watkins ale. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Full and perfect account of the seizing seven of K. James's officers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Full and true account of the landing of the notorious wicked life of that grand impostor, John Taylor. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A full and true account of the proceedings at the sessions of oyer and terminer, holden for the city of London, county of Middlesex, and goal-delivery of Newgate; which began at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly, on Thursday, Iune 1st. and ended on Fryday, Iune 2d. 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A full and true account of the proceedings at the sessions of oyer and terminer, holden for the city of London, county of Middlesex, and goal-delivery of Newgate; which began at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly, on Wednesday, April 26. and ended on Fryday, April 28, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A full and true relation of an English vessel newly taken by a company of French pyrats. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A further accompt of the progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A garden of spirituall flowers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A general sale of rebellious houshold-stuff. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A godly boke wherein is contayned certayne fruitefull, godlye, and necessarye rules, to bee exercised [et] put in practise by all Christes souldiers lyuynge in the campe of this worlde. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A good vvife, or none. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A good wife, or none. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A health to all good-fellowes, or, The good companions arithmaticke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A health to the gentlemanly profession of seruingmen, or, The seruingmans comforts. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A helpe to discourse, or, A miscelany of merriment. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Helpe to memory and discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A hermeticall banquet, drest by a spagiricall cook. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A iournall or daily register of all those warlike atchieuements which happened in the siege of Berghen-up-Zoome in the Low-countries. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A ioynt attestation, avowing that the discipline of the Church of England was not impeached by the Synode of Dort. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A iustification or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders, wherewith his ilwillers goe about to charge him wrongfully. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A lamentable ditty composed vpon the death of Robert Lord Devereux, late earle of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Lanthorne for Landlords. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A larum for London, or, The siedge of Antwerpe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A law against cuckoldom, or, The Tryal of adultery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Letter formerly sent to Dr. Tillotson, and for want of an answer made publick, and now reprinted. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter from Maj. General Massey to an honourable person in London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Letter from Oxford concerning Mr. Samuel Johnson's late book. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter from the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland residing here at London to William Lenthall Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter humbly offer'd to the consideration of all gentlemen, yeomen, citizens, freeholders, &c. that have right to elect members to serve in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter sent from the Lord Goring directed to the Lord Maior, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of London, and what was agreed upon, at the receipt thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthal Esq., speaker of the Parliament of the commonwealth of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Letter to a member of Parliament, shewing the necessity of regulating the press. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter to a member of Parliament, shewing, that a restraint on the press is inconsistent with the Protestant religion, and dangerous to the liberties of the nation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter to a member of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A letter to A.H. Esq., concerning the stage. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Letter, or paper, signed by Garald Fitz-gerald in behalf of an assembly of the Irish at Glanmaliroe in the province of Leinster in Ireland, to the commissioners of Parliament delivered the 11. of March 1652. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A list of the colonels as also of the severall counties out of which they are to raise their men. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Louers complaint being forsaken of his loue. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Louers lamentation to his faire Phillida. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A loyal satyr against Whiggism. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Mad crue, or, That shall be tryde. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A magical vision, or, A perfect discovery of the fallacies of witchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A man in favour, or, The way to preferment. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A manifest detection of the moste vyle and detestable vse of diceplay, and other practises lyke the same. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A memorial of suche princes, as since the tyme of king Richard the seconde, haue been vnfortunate in the realme of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Merry ballad of a rich maid that had 18 seuerall suitors of seuerall countries. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A merry dialogue betwixt a married man and his wife, concerning the affaires of this carefull life. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Merry neuu catch of all [t]rades. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A message from both houses of Parliament, sent to the King and Queenes Majesties, touching certain letters lately intercepted, and, as it may be conjectured, sent from the Lord Digby, to the Queens Majestie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A moche profitable treatise against the pestilence. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Modest vindication of Oliver Cromwell from the unjust accusations of Lieutenant-General Ludlow in his Memoirs. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Most excellent and profitable dialogue, of the powerfull iustifying faith. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Most excellent ballad of S. George for England and the kings daughter of Ægypt, whom he delivered from death, and how he slew a mighty dragon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Most excellent ditty, called Collins conceit …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A most notable and worthy example of an vngratious sonne, who in the pride of his hart denied his owne father. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A most pleasant and merie nevv comedie, intituled, A knacke to knowe a knaue. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A most pleasant comedie of Mucedorus the kings sonne of Valentia and Amadine the Kings daughter of Arragon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A most sweet song of an English merchant, borne at Chichester. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A most wonderful and sad judgment of God upon one Dorothy Mattley, late of Ashover in the county of Darby, within fourteen miles of the said town of Darby …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A musicall banquet. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A myrror for Martinists, and all other schismatiques, which in these dangerous daies doe breake the godlie vnitie, and disturbe the Christian peace of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A myrroure for magistrates. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A nevv and short defense of tabacco. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new and pleasaunt enterlude intituled the mariage of witte and science. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new ballad from Whigg-Land. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New ballad intituled a bell-man for England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New ballad intituled, I have fresh cheese and creame. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New ballad intituled, The stout cripple of Cornwall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New ballad of the souldier and Peggy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new ballad, containing a communication between the carefull wife, and the comfortable husb[and] touching the common cares and charges of house-hold. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New ballad, intituled, The battell of Agen-Court, in France, betweene the English-men and Frenchmen. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New ballad, with the definition of the word Tory. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new copy of verses call'd The heiress's lamentation, or, Pity too late. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new enterlude called Thersytes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new enterlued for chyldren to playe, named Iacke Iugeler. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new letter from London-Derry. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New merry ballad I haue here to shew, come pence a peece for them, I tell you but so. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A new northeren iigge, called, Daintie come thou to me. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New play called Canterburie his change of diot. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A New song. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A panegyrick on the author of Absolom and Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A panoplie of epistles, or, A looking glasse for the vnlearned. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Paper devlivered to His Highness the Prince of Orange by the commissioners sent by His Majesty to treat with him and His Highness's answer. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A paradox against liberty. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A particular declaration or testimony, of the vndutifull and traiterous affection borne against her Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pastoral letter from the four Catholic bishops to the lay-Catholics of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A petition of the major, aldermen, and common-councell of the citie of London, to His Majestie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A physicall directory, or, A translation of the London dispensatory. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A platform of church discipline. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant comedie, called The tvvo merry milke-maids, or, The best words weare the garland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant comedie, shewing the contention betweene liberalitie and prodigalitie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant commodie, of faire Em the Millers daughter of Manchester. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant conceyted comedie of George a Greene, the pinner of VVakefield. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant countrey new ditty. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant nevv court song, betweene a yong courtier, and a countrey lasse. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant new ballad to sing both euen and morne, of the bloody murther of Sir John Barley-corne. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Pleasant new court song, betweene a young courtier and a countrey lasse. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Pleasant new song betwixt the saylor and his loue. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A pleasant song made by a souldier. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A preaty interlude called, Nice wanton …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Preparative to studie, or, The vertue of sack. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Printed paper cald The Lord Digbies speech to the bill of attainder of the Earle of Strafford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamacion declaryng the Quenes Maiesties purpose, to kepe peace with Fraunce and Scotlande, and to prouyde for the suretie of hir kyngdomes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamacion for the marchaunts aduenturers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation against breakinge or defacing of monumentes of antiquitie, beyng set up in churches or other publique places for memory and not for supersticion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation against exportation, and buying and selling of gold and silver at higher rates then in our mint. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation against fighting of duels. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation agaynst the deceyptfull wyndyng and foldynge of wooles. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation anent tanning and barking of hydes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation concerning building in, and about London and Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation concerning the granting of licenses for selling and retailing of wines. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation concerning the President and Council of Wales, and marches of the same. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation concernynge bouchers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning Sir VValter Ravvleigh, and those who aduentured vvith him. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for calling in and suppressing of two books written by John Milton. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for discovery of robberies and burglaries, and for a reward to the discoverers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for pardon to them of Tindale and Riddesdale. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for prizing wines. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for resysting and withstandyng of most damynable heresyes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the better discouery and apprehension of those malefactors, who were actors in the late insolent riots and murders committed in Fleetstreet, London, vpon Friday, the tenth day of this instant moneth of Iuly. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the calling in all moneys of gold and silver coyned or stamped with the cross and harp, and the circumscription, the commonwealth of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the encouraging of planters in His Majesties island of Jamaica in the West-Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the entring and putting in of claims in Ireland, pursuant to His Majesties gracious declaration of the 30th of November 1660, and the instructions for execution thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppressing of pirates and privateers in America. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the obseruation of certein statutes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation for the well-ordering the making of white-starch within this realm, and for restraint of the importation thereof from foreign parts. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation of grace, for the inlargement of prisoners called Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation that straungers shall paye lyke custome and subsydie as the kynges subiectes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation to restrain the excessive carriages in wagons and four-wheeled carts to the destruction of high-ways. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation, for a thanksgiving throughout the kingdom of Scotland, for the late defeat of the Kings enemies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proclamation, for the well ordering of the market in the cittie of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A proposal about printing A treatise of algebra, historical and practical. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A prymer in Englyshe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A reasonable motion in the behalfe of such of the clergie, as are now questioned in Parliament for their places. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A rehearsall both straung and true, of hainous and horrible actes committed by Elizabeth Stile. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A relation in the form of journal of the voiage and residence which the most mighty Prince Charls the II King of Great Britain, &c. hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, to the 2 of June, 1660. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A relation of the diabolical practices of above twenty wizards and witches of the sheriffdom of Renfrew in the kingdom of Scotland, contain'd in their tryalls, examinations, and confessions, and for which several of them have been executed this present year, 1697. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A relation of the proceedings at Charter-House, upon occasion of King James the II, his presenting a Papist to be admitted into that hospital, in vertue of His letters dispensatory. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Remarkable passage, or, A vvitty discovrse between two citizens and the Bishop of Lincolne, concerning the Book of common prayer before the Lords of the Prliament House. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Remonstrance concerning the present troubles from the meeting of the Estaees [sic] of Scotland, Aprill 16. unto the Parliament of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A remonstrance from his excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the armie under his command. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A reply to a paper of Dr. Sandersons, containing a censure of Mr. A.A. his booke Of the confusions and revolutions of goverment [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A reply to the answer Doctor Welwood has made to King James's declaration. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A reply to the Answer made upon the three royal papers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A review of the universal remedy for all diseases incident to coin. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A ryght pithy, pleasaunt and merie comedie, intytuled Gammer gurtons nedle. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A satyr against coffee. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Satyr against whoring. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A seasonable discourse shewing the unreasonableness and mischeifs [sic] of impositions in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A second return to the letter of a noble peer, concerning the addresses. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Serious advice to the citizens of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A short account of Dr. Bentley's humanity and justice, to those authors who have written before him. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Short answere to the boke called Beware the cat. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A short catechisme, or, Playne instruction, conteynynge the su[m]me of Christian learninge. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Short, compendious, and true description of the round-heads and the long-heads shag-polls briefly declared, with the true discovery both of the time and place of both their originall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A skeltonicall salutation, or, Condigne gratulation, and iust vexation of the Spanishe nation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A sober whisper, concerning the evil of things present, and the good of things to come. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A solemne contestation of diuerse popes, for the aduaunsing of theyr supremacie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A soueraigne cordial for a Christian conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A speciall grace, appointed to haue been said after a banket at Yorke, vpo[n] the good nues and Proclamacion thear, of the entraunce in to reign ouer vs, of Our Soueraign Lady Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A specimen of the several sorts of letter given to the university by Dr. John Fell late Lord Bishop of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Strange banquet, or, The Devils entertainment by Cook Laurel at the Peak in Devonshire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A strange metamorphosis of man, transformed into a vvildernesse. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A strange report of sixe most notorious vvitches. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A supplication of the poore commons. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Terrible plot against London and VVestminster discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A third collection of new songs, never printed before. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A treatise concerning adultery and divorce. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A treatise concernynge generall councilles, the byshoppes of Rome, and the clergy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true account from Chichester, concerning the death of Habin the informer. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true account of a fight between Captain John Leech, commander of the ship Ann of London, of 14 guns and 19 men from Jamaica, and a French privateer of 24 guns and some petteraroes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true account of a strange and wonderful relation of John Tonken, of Pensans in Cornwall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true and exact relation of the proceedings of His Majesties army in Cheshire, Shropshire and Worstershire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true and fearfull pronouncing of warre against the Roman Imperial Majesty, and withall against the king of Poland, by the late emperour of Turkey, Soloma Hometh. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true and impartial relation of the informations against three witches, viz., Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards, who were indicted, arraigned and convicted at the assizes holden for the county of Devon, at the castle of Exon, Aug. 14, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A True bill of the whole number that hath died in the cittie of London, the citty of Westminster, the citty of Norwich, and diuers other places, since the time this last sicknes of the plague began in either of them, to this present month of October the sixt day, 1603. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A True description of a treacherous plot intended against this kingdome by the Lord Digby and his asistants at Sherborne in the county of Dorset. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A True description or rather a parallel betweene Cardinall Wolsey, Arch-Bishop of York, and VVilliam Laud, Arch-Bishop of Canterbvry. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true discourse of all the sallyes which the soldiers of the citie of Graue haue made since the siedge. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true discourse, Declaring the damnable life and death of one Stubbe Peeter, a most wicked sorcerer. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true discourse, vpon the matter of Martha Brossier of Romorantin. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true historie of the memorable siege of Ostend. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true relation and iournall, of the manner of the arrivall, and magnificent entertainment, giuen to the high and mighty Prince Charles, Prince of Great Britaine, by the King of Spaine in his court at Madrid. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true relation of taking of Alba-Regalis. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true relation of that vvhich lately hapned to the great Spanish fleet, and galeons of Terra Firma in America. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true relation of the birth of three monsters in the city of Namen in Flanders. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A True relation of the life and death of Sir Andrew Barton, a pirate and rover on the seas. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true relation of the wonderful cure of Mary Maillard, lame almost ever since she was born, on Sunday the 26th of Nov. 1693. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true relation of two most strange and fearefull accidents, lately happening. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A true souldiers councel. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Trve relation of a Scotchman, vvho comming into the church of St. Olaves in the old iury in London, at such time as the people were receiving the communion, did much disturb them, and by force tore the service-book in peeces, on Sunday Septemb. 5, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Trve relation of the apprehension of the Lord Digby. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Trve relation of the proposing, threatning, and perswading the vintners to yeeld to the imposition upon wines. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Very godly song intituled, The earnest petition of a faithfull Christian, being clarke of Bodnam, made vpon his death bed, at the instant of his transmutation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A very lively portrayture, of the most reverend arch-bishops, the right reverend bs. of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A vindication of the Bishop of Dvrham from the vile and scandalovs calvmnies of a libell intitvled The downfall of hierarchie, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A vvell vvishing to a place of pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A vvhip for an ape, or, Martin displaied. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A warning for house-keepers, or, A discovery of all sorts of thieves and robbers which go under these titles. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Warning for married women. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A warning-peice for ingroosers of corne. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Whip for the Devil, or, The Roman conjuror. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Wonderfull discoverie of a terrible plot against Hutl [sic] by the designes of the Lord Digby, many papists and others of the malignant party. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A word of advice to the two new sheriffs of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A worthy example of a vertuous wife. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A yong-mans most earnest affection to his sweetheart. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. A Yorkshire tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Absolon's IX worthies, or, A key to a late book or poem, entituled A.B. & A.C. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles, by the grace of God King of Great Britane, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesle. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Additionals to The mystery of Jesuitisme. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Admirable and notable things of note. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Aduise giuen by a Catholike gentleman, to the nobilitie & commons of France, to ioyne together, and take armes speedily (by commandement of the King) against theeues and robbers, which are now abroade ruining the poore people. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Advice to a painter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Advice to a painter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Advice to the maidens of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Advice to the painter's adviser. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Advice to young gentlemen, or, An answer to The ladies of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An abridgment of the late Remonstrance of the army. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An abstract of some branches of His Maiesties late charter, granted to the tobacco-pipe makers of VVestminster, declaring His Maiesties pleasure touching that manufacture, and also all persons whom it may concern. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An account of severall things that passed between His Sacred Majesty and Richard Hubberthorne Quaker on the fourth of June 1660. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An account of the present persecution of the Church in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Account of the proceedings against Samuel Johnson. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An account of the tryal and examination of Joan Buts, for being a common witch and inchantress, before the Right Honourable Sir Francis Pemberton, Lord Chief Justice, at the assizes holden for the burrough of Southward and county of Surrey, on Monday, March 27, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An account of what passed at the execution of the late Duke of Monmouth on Wednesday the 15th of July, 1685, on Tower-Hill. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An act for granting an additional duty on tobacco. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An act for restraining and punishing privateers and pyrates. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An act for suppressing the detestable sins of incest, adultery and fornication. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An admonishion to the bishoppes of VVinchester, London and others. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An aduice. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An answeare for the time, vnto that foule, and wicked defence of the censure, that was giuen vpon M. Charkes booke, and Meredith Hanmers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An answer (to a printed paper dispersed by Sir John Maynard entituled, The humble petition of the owners and commoners of the towne of Isleham in the county of Cambridge, and to the exceptions thereto annexed against the Act for the dreyning of the great level of the fennes). EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Answer to a book intituled, The doctrine and discipline of divorce, or, A plea for ladies and gentlewomen, and all other maried [sic] women against divorce. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An answer to a certain godly man[n]es lettres. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An answer to a paper set forth by the coffee-men directed to the Honourable, the Commons in Parliament assembled. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An answer to the author of the Letter to a member of the convention. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An answer to the Geneva ballad. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An antiquodlibet, or, An aduertisement to beware of secular priests. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Apology and advice for some of the clergy, who suffer under false and scandalous reports. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An apology for the Protestants of France, in reference to the persecutions they are under at this day. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An aunswere to the proclamation of the rebels in the north. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Elegie upon the death, and in commemoration of the truly honourable and truly learned John Lord Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Enquiry after further satisfaction concerning obeying a change of government beleeved to be unlawfull. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots colony at Darien, or, An answer to a libel entituled, A defence of the Scots abdicating Darien. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An enterlude of welth, and health. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Epistle to Mr. Dryden. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Epistle to Sr. Richard Blackmore. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An epitome of all the lives of the kings of France. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Epode to his worthy friend, Mr. John Dryden. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Exact and necessary catalogue of pentioners in the Long Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An exact and true relation of the dangerous and bloudy fight, betweene His Majesties armie, and the Parliaments forces, neere Kyneton in the countie of Warwick, the 23 of this instant October. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An exact collection of farewel sermons preached by the late London-ministers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An exact description of the growth, quality, and vertues of the leaf tee, alias tay. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An exact narrative of the tryals of the pyrates. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Exact relation of an honovrable victory obtained by the Parliaments forces in Yorkshire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An examination of M. Doctor VVhytgiftes censures, contained in tvvo tables, sett before his booke, entituled The defence of the aunswer to the admonition, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An excellent and a right learned meditacion, compiled in two prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Excellent and most-pleasant new sonnet shewing how the goddess Diana transform'd Acteon into the shape of a hart. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An excellent ballad intituled, the constancy of Susanna. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An excellent epitaffe of syr Thomas wyat. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An excellent new ditty, or, Which proveth that women the best warriers be, for they made the devill from earth for to flee. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An excellent receipt to make a compleat common-wealth-oleo, or (if you please) a new senate fitted to the English-man's palate. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Excellent song called The shooe-makers travel. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An experimentall discoverie of Spanish practises, or, The counsell of a well-wishing souldier, for the good of his prince and state. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Hvmble petition and remonstrance presented unto both the high and honourable Houses of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An ode upon the glorious and successful expedition of His Highness the Prince of Orange, now King of England, who landed Novemb. 5, 1688. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An Oration or funerall sermon vttered at Roome, at the buriall of the holy Father Gregorie the 13. who departed in Iesus Christ the 11. of Aprill, 1585. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. An ordinance made and agreed by the Lords and Commons of Parliament the 28th day of August 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Anacreon done into English out of the original Greek. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Anti-Coton, or, A Refutation of Cottons letter declaratorie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Antipus. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Antvverpes vnitye. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Any thing for a quiet life, or, The Married mans bondage to a curst wife. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Argumentum anti-normannicum, or, An argument proving, from ancient histories and records, that William, Duke of Normandy, made no absolute conquest of England by the Sword, in the sense of our modern writers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Arthur of Brytayn. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles deuisid by the holle consent of the kynges moste honourable counsayle, his gracis licence opteined therto, not only to exhorte, but also to enfourme his louynge subiectis of the trouthe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles exhibited in Parliament against William Archbishop of Canterbury, 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles for instruction of all the Viceadmiralles within the realme, howe to proceade for the preseruation of the quiet trade of all marchauntes and fysshermen, aswell strangers as Englyshe, resortyng to the seas for exercise of theyr lawfull trades. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of agreement made betweene the French King and those of Rochell, vpon the rendition of the towne, the 24. of October last. 1628. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of impeachment against George Lord Digby. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of peace made and concluded with the Irish rebels and papists. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of treason exhibitted in Parliament against Edward, Earl of Clarendon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical, exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens & side-men of every parish within the diocess of Canterbury, in the ordinary visitation of the Most Reverend Father in God, William,. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of visitation and enquiry within the diocess of Chichester, in the first episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Peter, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Chichester. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles of visitation and enquiry within the diocess of Ely. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of by the church-wardens and sworne-men, within the diocesse of Winchester in the visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Thomas Bishop of Winton, in his triennall visitation, holden 1603. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of in the Diocesse of Norwich. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of in the generall visitation of Edmonde Bisshoppe of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of in the visitation of the moste Reuerend father in God, Matthew, by the sufferaunce of God Archebyshop of Canterbury, Primate of all Englande, and Metropolitane. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of vvithin the diocesse of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of within the dioces of Norwiche, in the metropoliticall visitation of the moste Reuerend father in God, Mathew, by the prouidence of God, Archebyshop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of within the diocese of Lincoln. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of within the prouince of Canterburie in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reuerend father in God, Edmond Archbishop of Canterburie, primate of all England and metropolitane. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of, in the ordinarie visitation of the most reuerend father in God, George by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of, vvithin the Diocesse of Sarisbury, in the first visitation of the right reuerend father in God, Martin, by the prouidence of God, Lord Bishoppe of Sarum. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be enquired of, within the prouince of Canterburie, in the metropoliticall visitation of the Moste Reuerende Father in God, Edmonde, Archbishop of Canterburie, primate of all Englande, and metropolitane. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be inquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitan. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be inquired of in the visitation to be had in the byshopricke of Norwyche, now vacant. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be inquired of vvithin the dioces of Norwich. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Articles to be inquired of, in the first metropoliticall visitation, of the most reuerend father, Richarde by Gods prouidence, archbushop [sic] of Canterbury, and primat of all Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. At the court at Whitehall, the twenty eighth of November, 1677, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Babylon blazon'd, or, The Jesuit jerk'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Bathonia rediviva. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Be it knowne vnto all deuote and faythful people that there hath byne and is erectede foure hosspitals in and aboute the cytie of London …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Bedlam schoolman, or, Some lines made by an English noble man, that was in Bedlam. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Bel-vedére, or, The Garden of the muses. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Blanket-fair, or, The history of Temple Street. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Bloody news from Chelmsford, or, A proper new ballad containing a true and perfect relation of a most barbarous murder. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Bohemica iura defensa. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Brightmans predictions and prophecies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Brittains glory, or, The history of the life and death of K. Arthur, and the adventures of the knights of the Round Table. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King and Queen, a proclamation William R. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation commanding noblemen, knights, and gentlemen of quality, to repayre to their mansion houses in the country, to attend their seruices, and keepe hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custome of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation concerning ale-houses. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation declaring the cessation of hostility and preserving an entire amity between His Majesty and the King of Spain. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation declaring the confirmation of the treaties and continuance of the amity and commerce between the crowns of England and Portugal. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for calling home such of His Majesties subjects as are now abroad in the dominions or service of His Majesties enemies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for preuention and restraint of the abuses and inconueniences occasioned by dying with logwood. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for quieting possessions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for reforming the abuses in making of gold and siluer threed within this realme. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for the adjournement of part of Michaelmas terme. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for the avoyding of all intercourse betweene His Maiesties Royall Court and the cities of London and Westminster, and places adioyning. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for the banishing of Giles Mompesson. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of Don Philip Hellen, alias Fitz-gerald. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of the Earl of Bristol. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making of gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Fair, and Sturbridge Fair. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King, a proclamation to restraine the planting of tobacco in England and VVales. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the King. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, a proclamation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Lords Justices of England, a proclamation …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Lords Justices, a proclamation …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. A proclamation to represse all piracies and depredations vpon the seas. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queene. Whereas by diuerse and sundrie proclamations heeretofore published … restraint was giuen and made, that no shippes, crayres, uessels, shipmasters, mariners or sea-faring men whatsoeuer, of this realme of England, or the Teritories of the same …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Queenes Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. The Quenes maiestie considering howe necessary it is and pleasynge to almyghtye God, to haue concorde and peace with al princes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie perceauing, that not withstandyng the notorious offence of Thomas Cobham, committed on the seas, against certayne subiectes of her good brother the Kynge of Spayne …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. By the Quene. Where of late order hath ben geuen by the Quenes Maiesties commaundement, to sundry portes of this realme. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Caltha poetarum, or, The bumble bee. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Canaans calamitie Ierusalems misery, or, The dolefull destruction of faire Ierusalem by Tytus, the sonne of Vaspasian Emperour of Rome, in the yeare of Christs incarnation 74. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Canons and constitutions ecclesiasticall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Canterburies conscience convicted, or, His dangerous projects and evill intents tending to the subversion of religion detected. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Canterbury's vvill. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Canterbvries dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Catalogus variorum & insignium librorum instructissimæ bibliothecæ clarissimi doctissimiq; Viri Thomæ Manton, S.T.D. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in in ædibus defuncti in vico regio prope Covent-Garden, Martis 25. Per Gulielmum Cooper, bibliopolam. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Cato translated grammatically. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Cato variegatus, or, Catoes morall distichs. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Celia's triumph, or, Venus dethron'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Certain disquisitions and considerations representing to the conscience the unlawfulnesse of the oath, entituled, A solemn League and Covenant for reformation &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Certaine choise and remarkable observations. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Certayne chapters of the prouerbes of Salomon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, commonlye called the.vii. penytentiall psalmes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Certayne sermons, or homelies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Chastities conquest, or, No trusting before marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Cheapsides triumphs, and Chyrones Crosses lamentation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Choice new songs, never before printed. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Choice of inuentions, or, Seuerall sorts of the figure of three. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Chorus poetarum, or, Poems on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Christ on his throne, or, Christs church-government briefly laid downe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Christes bloodie sweat, or, The Sonne of God in his agonie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Christmas lamentation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Clods carroll, or, A proper new iigg. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Coffee-houses vindicated in ansvver to the late published Character of a coffee-house. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Collectanea chymica. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Come buy this new ballad, before you doe goe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Commendatory verses on the author of The two Arthurs. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Considerations vpon the treaty of marriage between England and Spain. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Constance of Cleveland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Constitutions and canons ecclesiastical. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall;. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Coridons commendation in the praise of his loue the faire Phillis. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Corinna, or, Humane frailty. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Cuckolds haven, or, The marry'd mans miserie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Dauids Psalter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Davids troubles remembred. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Deat[hs] dance. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Delectable demaundes, and pleasaunt questions, with their seuerall aunswers, in matters of loue, naturall causes, with morall and politique deuises. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Diana's darling, or, The modish courtier …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Dolefvll nevves from Edinborough in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Dolus an virtus?, or, An answer to a seditious discourse concerning the religion of England and the settlement of reformed Christianity in its due latitude. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Eikon basilike. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland … to all and singuler archbishops, bishops …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Enchiridion, seu, Fasciculus adagiorum selectissimorum, or, A manuall of the choysest adagies, collected out of the most ancient poets and philosophers, neuer before translated into English, with the proper sense and application. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Englands complaint to Iesus Christ, against the bishops canons. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Englands Helicon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Englands object, or, Good and true newes to all true-hearted subjects for the taking and apprehending of that horrid deluding sower of sedition, Hugh Peters, by the name of Thomson, in Southwarke, Saturday, September the first. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Ephemeris parliamentaria, or, A faithfull register of the transactions in Parliament in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord, King Charles. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Epistolary poems, on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Epitaphs vpon the vntymelie death of that hopefull, learned, and religious youth, Mr VVilliam Michel. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Esops eables [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Essayes upon several subjects not unworthy consideration in these times. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Examen poeticum. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Exceeding joyfull nevves from the Earl of Essex, being a true and reall relation of his incompassing the Kings army neare the city of Oxford, Decemb. 7, and the great skirmish which they had at the same time. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Fables of Æsop and other eminent mythologists. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Factum, or, Rehearsall of the whole cause, with proofes and reasons to maintaine and defend it. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Fair Cynthia's sorrowful sighs. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Fair vvarning, or, The burnt child dreads the fire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Faire fall all good tokens, or, A pleasant new song not common to be had, which will teach you to know good tokens from bad. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Female falshood, or, The Unfortunate beau. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Fond loue why dost thou dally, or, The passionate louers ditty. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Forasmuche as the tyme wherein common interludes in the Englishe tongue ar wont vsually to be played. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Forced divinity, or, Two sermons preached by the compulsion of two sorts of sinners, viz. drunkards & theives. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Fortunes tennis-ball. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Fourteen papers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. From our half years meeting in Dublin, the 9th 10th and 11th days of the 9th month 1691. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Funerals of a right reuerend father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdfne [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Further reasons for inlarging the trade to Russia. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Generall demands concerning the late covenant. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. God's judgments against whoring. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Good admonition, or, To al sorts of people this counsell I sing. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Good counsells for the peace of reformed churches. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Good newes from Colonel Hollis his regiment. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Good sir, you wrong your britches. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Grand plvtoes remonstrance, or, The devill horn-mad at Roundheads and Brownists. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Graphautarkeia, or, The Scriptures sufficiency practically demonstrated. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Gratiae theatrales, or, A choice ternary of English plays. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Great news from the west of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Greenes funeralls. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Greuous grones for the poore. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Gutta podrica, a treatise of the gout. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. He tes anthologias anthologia. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hactenus inaudita, or, Animadversions upon the new found way of curing the small pox. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Halfe a dozen of good vvives. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hels torments, and heavens glorie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Henry by the grace of God kyng of Engl[ãd] and of France, and lord of Ireland, to all and syngular archebisshops & bysshops, abbattis … to whome these psent letters shall com sendeth grettyng. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Henry the Second, King of England, with The death of Rosamond. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here after folowith the boke callyd the myrroure of Oure Lady. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here after folows the hystorye of Gesta Romanorum. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here beginneth a song of the Lordes Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begyn[n]eth a newe treatyse deuyded in thre parties. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth a dialogue betwene the comen secretary and Ielowsy touchynge the vnstablenes of harlottes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth a lytel treatyse called the Dysputacyon or co[m]playnt of the herte thorughe perced with the lokynge of the eye. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth a lytell boke, that speketh of purgatorye. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth a lytle boke named the Schole house of women. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth a treatyse agaynst pestele[n]ce [and] of ye infirmits. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth the boke intituled Eracles, and also of Godefrey of Boloyne. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth the book of the subtyl historyes and fables of Esope. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth the kalendre of the newe legende of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth the lyfe of the blessed martyr Saynte Thomas. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book callid Caton. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here fynyssheth the boke yf [sic] Eneydos. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Here is a true and perfect relation from the Faulcon at the banke-side. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hereafter ensue certayne statut[es] and ordenau[n]ces of warre made ordeyned enacted [and] establysshed by the most noble victoryous, and moste Cristen prynce our moste drade soueraygne lorde Kynge Henry the. viij. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus his Divine pymander. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hier begynneth the booke callyd the Myrrour of the worlde …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Maiesties passing through the Scots armie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Maiesties speciall command under the great seale of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Maiesties speech to both houses of Parliament, July the 5th 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Majesties declaration. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Majesties gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Majesties speech on the scaffold at White-Hall on Tuesday last Jan. 30 before the time of his coming to the block of execution. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. His Majesties speech to both Houses of Parliament December the second 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Hocus Pocus Junior, the anatomy of legerdemain, or, The art of jugling. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Humble and modest proposals tender'd to the consideration of both houses of Parliament, for uniting the Protestant interest in the nation for the present age, and preventing our divisions for future. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. I tell you John Iarret, you'l breake. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Ichabod, or, Five groans of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Ieremy the prophete. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. In the yere of thyncarnacion of our lord Ih[es]u crist M.CCCC.lxxx. and in the xx. yere of the regne of kyng Edward the fourthe, atte requeste of dyuerce gentilmen I haue endeauourd me to enprinte the cronicles of Englond. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. In this tretyse that is cleped Gouernayle of helthe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Informations, or, A protestation, and a treatise from Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Iniunctions geven by the Quenes Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Iniunctions giuen by the most reuerende father in Christ, Edmonde by the prouidence of God, Archbishop of Yorke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Iniunctions giuen by the Reuerend Father in Christ John by Gods prouidence, Bishop of Sarisburie [sic], aswel to the cleargie, as to the churche wardens and enquirers of euerye seueral parish, aswel of his peculiar as general iurisdiction within and of the diocesse of Sarum to be obserued and kept of euery of them in their offices and callings, as to them shal appertaine, for the aduauncement of Gods honor, thincrease of vertue, and good order to be continued within his sayd diocesse, and the same to be enquired of and put in vse by all the Archdeacons, commissaries, and other officers excercising ecclesiastical iurisdiction vnder the sayde Bishop. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Italy in its original glory, ruine, and revival. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Jack vp Lande. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Jehovah. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Jemmy return'd, or, The nations joy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Joan's ale is new, or, A new merry medly …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. July 22. Numb. 41. More newes of the Duke of Brunswick. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. July 29. Numb. 42. More newes of the good successe of the Duke of Brunsvvicke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Jus divinum ministerii evangelici, or, The divine right of the Gospel-ministry. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Kaina kai palaia. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. King Iames his iudgement by way of counsell and advice to all his loving subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. King James his letter and directions to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury concerning preaching and preachers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lachrymæ musarum. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lady Alimony, or, The alimony lady. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lambeth Faire's ended, or, A description of the Bishops holy ghost lately set to sale at Lambeth Faire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lamentable newes from Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lavves and orders of vvarre. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Laws and ordinances of warre, extablished for the better conduct of the army. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Letter to a friend containing certain observations upon some passages which have been published in a late libell intituled, The third part of no Protestant-plot. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Letters and poems in honour of the incomparable princess, Margaret, Dutchess of Newcastle. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Letters to restraine carrying packets by shippers, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lex talionis, or, The Law of marque or reprizals. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Liberty of conscience asserted and several reasons rendred why no outward force nor imposition ought to be used in matters of faith and religion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Londons liberties, or, A learned argument of law and reason, before the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common-Council, at Guild-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Longe paruula. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Looke vp and see vvonders. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Loue without lucke, or, The maidens misfortune. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Love given o're, or, A satyr against the pride, lust, and inconstancy &c. of woman. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Love in a maze, or, The young-man put to his dumps. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Love letters between Polydorus, the Gothick king, and Messalina, late Queen of Albion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Luctus britannici, or, The tears of the British muses for the death of John Dryden, Esq., late poet laureat to Their Majesties, K. Charles and K. James the Second. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Lusts dominion, or, The lascivious queen. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Manes presbyteriani, or, The monuments of the Kirk. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mar-Martine. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Marre Mar-Martin, or, Marre-Martins medling, in a manner misliked. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Massachusetts, or, The first planters of New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Matters of great note and consequence. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Memoriæ honoratissimi domini Francisci, Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani sacrum. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Memoriae sacrum Lanceloti Davves S:T:D:. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mercuries message, or, The coppy of a letter sent to William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Merie tales newly imprinted [and] made by Master Skelton Poet Laureat. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Miltons republican-letters. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Miscellany poems upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Miscellany poems. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Miscellany poems. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Miscellany poems. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Misery to bee lamented, or, A doleful relation of the sad accident which befell Lawrence Cawthorn. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mohammedis imposturæ. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Most fearefull and strange nevves from the bishoppricke of Dvrham. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mount Taraghs triumph, 5 Iuly, 1626. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mr. Speakers speech before the King in the Lords House of Parliament July the third 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mr. Speakers speech with His Majesties speech to both Houses of Parliament at the passing of the bill for tonnage and poundage. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Much a-do about nothing. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Mundorum explicatio, or, The explanation of an hieroglyphical figure. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Musica transalpina. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Musica transalpina. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nature's cabinet unlock'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Neglected virtue, or, The unhappy conqueror. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nevves from sea, of tvvo notorious pyrats Ward the Englishman and Danseker the Dutchman. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nevves out of the coast of Spaine. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nevves sent to the Ladie Princesse of Orenge. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nevvs from Ostend, or, The Souldiers loving letter to his sweet-heart in London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nevvs from Sir John Svckin being a relation of his conversion from a papist to a Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Nevvs from St. John Street,. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. New propositions from the King of Scotland to the Parliament of that kingdom. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. New propositions propounded at the Kings royall court at Holmby, betwixt the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and Mr. Marshall and Mr. Caryll. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. New propositions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Newes from Sally. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Newes from Scotland, declaring the damnable life and death of Doctor Fian. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Newes from Scotland, His Maiesties manifest touching the Palatine cause. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. News from Dunkirk-House, or, Clarendon's farewell to England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. News from Pannier-alley, or, A True relation of some pranks the devil hath play'd with a plaster-pot there. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. News from sea, or, The takeing of the cruel pirate,. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. No-body, and some-body. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Now she that I louyd trewly. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Now we the lord lieutenant and Council, in pursuance of His Majesties said letters, and by virtue of the said clause in the act explaining the Act of Settlement, do by this our act of Council, give and grant general licence and leave to all and every His Majesties Roman Catholic subjects …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Odes and elogies upon divine and moral subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Of the imitation of Christ, three, both for wisedome, and godlines, most excellent bookes; made 170. yeeres since by one Thomas of Kempis, and for the worthines thereof oft since translated out of Latine into sundrie languages by diuers godlie and learned men:. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. On Saynt Andrewes day. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Orders taken the x. day of October. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Ordinances made by the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon … being then Lord Chancellor. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Our sauiour Iesus Christ hath not ouercharged his chirche with many ceremonies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Outlandish proverbs. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Palmerin D'Oliua. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Pathose, or, An inward passion of the pope for the losse of hys daughter the masse. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Pendragon, or, The carpet knight his kalendar. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Persecvtion inconsistant with Christianity, humane society, and the honor of princes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Pharmacopæia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Philanax Protestant, or, Papists discovered to the King as guilty of those traiterous positions and practises which they first insinuated into the worst Protestants and now charge upon all. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Philogamus. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Pimlyco, or, Runne Red-cap. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Piso's conspiracy, a tragedy acted at the Duke's theatre. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Pleasant quippes for vpstart nevvfangled gentle-vvomen. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Poemata varii argumenti. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Poems by several hands, and on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Poems on affairs of state. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Poems on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Poems to the memory of that incomparable poet Edmond Waller Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Protesters no subverters, and presbyterie no papacie, or, A vindication of the protesting brethren, and of the government of the kirk of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Raillerie a la mode consider'd, or, The supercilious detractor. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Rapta Tatio. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Reason and judgement, or, Special remarques of the life of the renowned Dr. Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Reasons humbly offer'd for a law to enact the castration of popish ecclesiastics, as the best way to prevent the growth of popery in England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Rede me and be nott wrothe for I saye no thynge but trothe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Reformation of church-government in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Relation of the most remarkable proceedings at the late assizes at Northampton. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Remarkeable passages, first a prayer for the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Remarks on The life of Mr. Milton. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Remarks upon the most eminent of our antimonarchical authors and their writings. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Remarques upon a late printed speech under the name of Sir Charles Sidley. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Reports or causes in Chancery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Reports, or, New cases. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Revenge for honour. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Robin Hood and the tanner, or, Robin Hood met with his match …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Rome for Canterbury, or, A true relation of the birth and life of William Laud Arch-bishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Rome rhym'd to death. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Romulus and Hersilia, or, The Sabine war. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Rycharde Rolle hermyte of Hampull in his contemplacyons of the drede and loue of god. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Rythmes against Martin Marre-Prelate. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. S'too him, Bayes, or, Some observations upon the humour of writing Rehearsals transpros'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sad and dreadful news from New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sad nevves from Black-vvall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sapientia clamitans. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Scrinia Ceciliana, mysteries of state & government. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Septima pars patentium de anno regni Regis Jacobi Secundi quarto. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Several weighty considerations humbly recommended to the serious perusal of all, but more especially to the Roman Catholicks of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Shall I? Shall I? No, no. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Short rules sent by Maister Richard Greenham to a gentlewoman troubled in minde. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sions groans for her distressed, or, Sober endeavours to prevent innocent blood, and to stablish the nation in the best of settlements. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sir Martin Mar-people, his coller of esses. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sir Walter Raleigh sailing in the Low-Lands. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sodom fair, or, The market of the man of sin. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sol in opposition to Saturn, or, A a [sic] short return to a late tragedy call'd The Duke of Guise. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Some considerations about the raising of coin. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Some considerations relating to the enlarging the Russia trade. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Some considerations upon the question, whether the Parliament is dissolved by it's prorogation for 15 months?. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Some seasonable queries, on the third head, viz. A general naturalization. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Songes and sonettes,. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Spencer redivivus containing the first book of the Fairy queen. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Sportive vvit. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. State-poems. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Statutes compyled for the better obseruation of the holy Rule of the most glorious Father and patriarch S. Benedict. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Stella Meridiana Caroli Secundi regis, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Strange and dreadful news from the town of Deptford, in the county of Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Strange and wonderful news from Yowel in Surry. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Strange nevves out of Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Strange nevvs from Shadvvell. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Strange newes of a prodigious monster. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Ta ton Mouson eisodia. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tarltons jests. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tarltons newes out of purgatorie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Terrible nevves from York. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The [n]terlude of youth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Accomplish'd lady's delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Act of Parliament against religious meetings, proved to be the bishops act, or, A letter of the Arch-bishop of Canterbury to his fellow-bishops, to promote the persecution intended by it. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Age of riddles, or, A true list of certain extraordinary positions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ages of sin, or, Sinnes birth & groweth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Alcoran of Mahomet. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ancient history of the Septuagint. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ansvver of Mr. Wallers painter, to his many new advisers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ansvver to the buxome virgin, or, The farmer well-fitted, for slighting his first love honest Joan. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The answer of the chancellor, masters and scholars of the Vniversity of Oxford, to the petition, articles of grievance, and reasons of the city of Oxon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Answer to the appeal expounded. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The apologie of the Reformed Churches of France. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Apophthegmes of the ancients. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The appellation of Iohn Knoxe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The apprehension and confession of three notorious witches. Arreigned and by iustice condemned and executed at Chelmes-forde, in the Countye of Essex, the 5. day of Iulye, last past. 1589. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The araignment, examination, confession and iudgement of Arnold Cosbye: vvho wilfully murdered the Lord Burke, neere the towne of Wanswoorth, on the 14. day of this present month of Ianuary and was executed the 17. of the same moneth. 1591. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The arbor of amorous deuises. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Archbishop of Canterbury's instructions to the clergy of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Argument of the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench concerning the great case of monopolies, between the East-India Company, plantiff, and Thomas Sandys, defendant. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The arguments of Sir Richard Hutton, Knight, one of the judges of the Common Pleas, and Sir George Croke, Knight, one of the judges of the Kings Bench. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The arguments of the Right Honourable, the late Lord Chancellor Nottingham. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ark, its loss and recovery, or, Some meditations on the history recorded in the beginning of I Sam. in meeter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The armes of the tobachonists. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The art of patience and balm of Gilead under all afflictions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Articles of Exeter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The association, agreement and protestation of the counties of Cornvvall and Devon, January 5, 1643. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The bachelers banquet, or, A banquet for bachelers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The begger-boy of the north. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The begynnynge and foundacyon of the holy hospytall, [and] of the ordre of the knyghtes hospytallers of saynt Johan baptyst of Jerusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Bishops potion, or, A dialogue betweene the Bishop of Canterbury and his phisitian. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Black box of Roome [sic] opened. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The brides buriall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The briefe content of certayne actes of Parliament, agaynst thinordinate vse of apparell. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The canticles or balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh metres. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The carnall professor. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The case of the Earl of Argyle, or, An exact and full account of his trial, escape, and sentence. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Censure of the Rota upon Mr Miltons book, entituled, The ready and easie way to establish a free common-wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The certificate of the deputy lieutenants for county of Warwick. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The character of a pilfering taylor, or, A True anatomy of Monsieur Stich in all his tricks and qualities. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Character of an English-man. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Character of His Royal Highness, William Henry, Prince of Orange. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Character of Queen Elizabeth, or, A full and clear account of her policies, and the methods of her government both in church and state. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The charge of the Scottish Commissioners against Canterburie and the Lieutenant of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The chimneys scuffle. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Christen rule, or, State of all the worlde from the hyghest to the lowest. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Christian belief. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Christians pattern, or, A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Church of England truly represented. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The coat of arms of N.T. J.F. & R.L. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The collegiat suffrage of the divines of Great Britaine, concerning the five articles controverted in the Low Countries. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The comparison betwene the Antipus and the Antigraphe or answere therunto. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Compleat citt, or, The Man of fashion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Compleat mendicant, or, Unhappy beggar. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Compleat statesman. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confescion of the fayth of the Sweserla[n]des. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confession and execution of the five prisoners suffering at Tyburn on Fryday the 16th of March, 1676/7. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confession and execution of the five prisoners that suffered on the new gallows at Tyburn on Friday the 6th of September, 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confession and execution of the seven prisoners that suffered at Tyburn on Wednesday the 6th of March, 1677/8. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confession of faith and the larger and shorter catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Confession of the four high-way-men. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confession or declaration of the ministers or pastors which in the United Provinces are called Remonstrants, concerning the chief points of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The confessyon of the fayth of the Germaynes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The constancy of true loue, or, An excellent relation of the vntimely death of tvvo faithfull louers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Contented couckould, or, A Pleasant new songe of a New-castle man. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The copie of a letter written by one in London to his frend concernyng the credit of the late published detection of the doynges of the Ladie Marie of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The coppie of the Anti-Spaniard made at Paris by a French man, a Catholique. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Cornish comedy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Countrey mans chat. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Country parson's folly, or, The young Dutch woman of Westminster come off with flying colours. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The court of England, or, The preparation for the happy coronation of King William and Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The covenant. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The crowne of all Homers workes Batrachomyomachia or the battaile of frogs and mise. His hymn's - and - epigrams. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Cucking of a scould. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Cunning northerne beggar. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Dæmon of Burton, or, A true relation of strange witchcrafts or incantations lately practised at Burton in the parish of Weobley in Herefordshire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Day-breaking, if not the sun-rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The dead mans song. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The decisions of the Lords of council & session in the most important cases debate before them. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The declinatour and protestation of the some some-times [sic] pretended bishops, presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found futile, but full of insolent reproaches, and bold assertions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Delights of the bottle, or, The town-galants declaration for women and wine. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The demands of His Excellency Tho. Lord Fairfax and the Generall Councell of the Army, in prosecution of the late remonstrance to the two houses of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Deputies ghost, or, An Apparition to the Lord of Canterbury in the Tower. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The description of a monstrous pig. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The dilucidation of the late commotions of Turkey. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The discontented married man, or, A merry new song that was pend in foule weather, of a scould that could not keep her lips together. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Doubting virgins satisfaction, or, The Maids answer. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Duke of Monmouth's kind answer to his mournful dutchess complaint, in the time of his absence. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The dying speeches of several excellent persons, who suffered for their zeal against popery, and arbitrary government. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Dying speeches, letters and prayers &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Easter wedding, or, The Bridegooms joy and happiness compleated in his kind and constant bride …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The edict or proclamation set forthe by the Frenche Kinge vpon the pacifying of the troubles in Fraunce, with the articles of the same pacification. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Elephant's speech to the citizens and countrymen of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The entertainment of the high and mighty monarch Charles King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, into his auncient and royall city of Edinburgh, the fifteenth of Iune, 1633. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The epistles and gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The epitaffe of the moste noble [and] valyaunt Iasper late duke of Beddeforde. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Examination and confession of certaine wytches at Chensforde in the countie of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The examination of John Walsh. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The exemplification of the Queenes Maiesties letters pattents directed for the reliefe of Gregory Pormorte, marchant of the towne of Kingstone vpon Hull, to her Maiesties louing subiects within this realme, for one year. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The fables of young Æsop, with their morals. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The fair maid of Islington, or, The London vintner over-reach'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The famous and remarkable history of Sir Richard Whittington. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The famous historie of Fryer Bacon. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The famous ratketcher. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Fatal discovery, or, Love in ruines. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The fayre mayde of the Exchange. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Female advocate, or, An ansvver to a late satyr against the pride, lust and inconstancy, &c. of woman. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The female warrior. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The fift lampe of virginitie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The finall protest, and sence of the citie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The first book of Amadis of Gaule. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The first part of Ieronimo. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The first part of the true and honorable historie, of the life of Sir Iohn Old-castle, the good Lord Cobham. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The first parte of Pasquils apologie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The fourme of the proclamations to be published in the port townes, and market townes, or other publique places, within the limittes of the commission geuen by the Queenes Maiestie, the first of March, 1571. to sundry persons of credite, for reformation of disorders vpon the sea coastes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Frenchmens vvonder, or, The battle of the birds …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The full tryals, examination, and condemnation of four notorious witches at the assizes held at Worcester, on Tuesday the 4th of March. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The fundamental constitutions of Carolina. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The generall demands, of the reverend doctors of divinitie, and ministers of the Gospell in Aberdene, concerning the late covenant, in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The genuine epistles of the apostolical fathers, S. Barnabas, S. Ignatius, S. Clement, S. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, and the matyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp,. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Glorious progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Golden age, or, An Age of plaine-dealing. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The golden meane. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The gospelles of dystaues. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The gossips meeting, or, The merry market-women of Taunton. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The grand pyrate, or, The life and death of Capt. George Cusack, the great sea-robber. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The great wonders that are chaunced in the realme of Naples. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Gunpowder-treason. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The happy lovers pastime. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The harmony of the muses, or, The gentlemans and ladies choisest recreation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Hartford-shire wonder, or, Strange news from vvare. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The heads of the judges arguments for the deceased Duke of Norfolk. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The history of kyng Boccus, [and] Sydracke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The History of Sir Eger, Sir Grahame, and Sir Gray-Steel. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Hollanders declaration of the affaires of the East Indies, or, A true relation of that which passed in the Ilands of Banda, in the East Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Holy fast of Lent defended against all its prophaners, or, A discourse shewing that Lent-fast was first taught the world by the apostles, as Dr. Gunning, now Bishop of Ely learnedly proved in a sermon printed by him in the year 1662 by His Majesties special command. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The honorable, pleasant and rare conceited historie of Palmendos. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The housholders new-yeeres gift. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The humble address of the corporation of Trinity-House. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The humble representation of the Commission of the Generall Assembly to the Honourable Estates of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The humble request of His Majesties loyall subjects, the governour and the company late gone for Nevv-England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The hystory of the two valyaunte brethren Valentyne and Orson, sonnes vnto the Emperour of Grece. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The imitation of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The imitation or following of Christ, and the contemning of worldly vanities. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The inrichment of the vveald of Kent, or, A direction to the husbandman, for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent and Sussex. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The intentions of the army of the kingdome of Scotland, declared to their brethren of England, by the commissioners of the late parliament, and by the generall, noblemen, barons, and others, officers of the army. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ioy of tears, or, Cordials of comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ioyful and royal entertainment of the ryght high and mightie Prince, Frauncis the Frenche Kings only brother. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Ioyfull peace concluded betweene the King of Denmarke and the King of Sweden by the meanes of our most worthy soueraigne, Iames, by the grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, etc. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The iust dovvn[fall of] ambition, adultery, and murder. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Jesuites exaltation, or, A preparation for a turn at Tyburn. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Jesuites intrigues. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Jesuits Gospel according to Saint Ignatius Loiola. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Jesuits loyalty, manifested in three several treatises lately written by them against the oath of allegeance. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The King of Denmarks resolvtion concerning Charles, King of Great Britain. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Kings cabinet opened, or, Certain packets of secret letters & papers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Kings letter intercepted coming from Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Kings Maiesties speech, as it was delivered the second of November before the vniversity and city of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Kings most gracious messages for peace and a personal treaty. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The knot unty'd, or, The association disbanded. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lame[n]tacion of England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lamentable and true tragedie of M. Arden of Feuersham in Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Lamentable ditty of Little Mousgrove, and the Lady Barnet. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lamentation of a new married man briefely declaring the sorrow and grief that comes by warrying [sic] a young wanton wife. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The last speech and carriage of the Lord Russel, upon the scaffold, &c. on Saturday the 21st of July, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The late King James his letter to his Privy Council of Scotland, with their answer, in reference to his indulgence containing his absolute power without reserve. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lawes against vvitches, and conivration. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The laws and acts made in the fifth session of the first Parliament of Our Most High and Dread Soveraign William, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The laws and acts made in the second session of the First Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The letters from His Maiesty, and from the officers of His Majesties army, to the Earle of Essex at Lestithen, inviting him to peace and his refusall thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The life and death of Levvis Gaufredy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The life and death of Sir Hugh of the Grime. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Life of Boetius. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Life of that incomparable princess, Mary, our late sovereign lady, of ever blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The light upon the candlestick. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The linnen and woollen manufactory discoursed. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The liues, apprehensions, arraignments, and executions, of the 19. late pyrates. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lofty bishop, the lazy Brovvnist, and the loyall author. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The London lasses folly, or, The maiden beguil'd. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The London prodigall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lovers delight, or, A pleasant pastorall sonnet to a new court tune. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The loves of Hero and Leander. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble capteine and maintener of the trew Christian religion in Fraunce, Iasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme greate admirall of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The mad-merry prankes of Robbin Good-fellow. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The maidens complaint of her loves inconstancie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Mall, or, The modish lovers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The map of Mock-begger Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The meeting of gallants at an ordinarie, or, The walkes in Powles. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The merchants daughter of Bristow. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Merrie historie, of the thrie friers of Ber[wic]ke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The merry cuckold. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The merry deuill of Edmonton. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Miser mump'd of his gold, or, The Merry frolick of a lady of pleasure in Bartholomew-fair. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The mistaken mid-vvife, or, Mother mid-night finely brought to bed. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The modish London life, or, The merry meeting. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Moral practice of the Jesuites. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The most cruell and bloody murther committed by an Inkeepers wife, called Annis Dell, and her sonne George Dell, foure yeeres since. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The most famous and renowned historie, of that woorthie and illustrous knight Meruine, sonne to that rare and excellent mirror of princely prowesse, Oger the Dane, and one of that royall bond of vnmatchable knighthoode, the twelue peeres of France. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The moste excellent and pleasaunt booke, entituled: The treasurie of Amadis of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The moste notable Historie of John Lorde Mandosse. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The moste pleasaunt historye of Blanchardine, sonne to the King of Friz; & the faire lady Eglantine Queene of Tormaday, (surnamed) the proud ladye in loue. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Murmurers. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Muse of New-market, or, Mirth and drollery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The new academy of complements. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The new broome. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ninth part of the Mirrour of knight-hood. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ninth tragedie of Lucius Anneus Seneca called Octauia. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Northhampton-shire louer, or, A Pleasant dialogue between a Northampton-shire gentleman and a marchants daughter of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The opinion of Padre Paolo of the Order of the Servites, consultor of state. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The order and solemnitie of the creation of the High and mightie Prince Henrie,. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The ordour and doctrine of the generall faste. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The original papers and letters, relating to the Scots Company, trading to Africa and the Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Owles almanacke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Paris gazette. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Parliaments resolution to the citizens of London concerning His Majesties proceedings. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The passage of our most drad Soueraigne Lady Quene Elyzabeth through the citie of London to westminster the daye before her coronacion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Passion of a discontented minde. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The passionate pilgrime. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Patentee, or, Some reflections in verse on Mr. R---'s forgetting the design of His Majesty's bear-garden at Hockly in the Hole. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The patterne of painefull aduentures. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The petition of the most substantiall inhabitants of the citty of London, and the liberties thereof, to the Lords and Commons for peace. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The philosophers banquet. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The plea of the harmless oppressed, against the cruel oppressor. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The plouumans tale compylled by syr Geffrey Chaucher knyght. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Popes pittiful lamentation, for the death of his deere darling Don Ioan of Austria. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The power of vvitchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The practyse of cyrurgyons of Mountpyller. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Praise of sailors. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The prayse of nothing. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The principles of truth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The priviledges and practice of parliaments in England. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The problemes of Aristotle. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Proceedings against the Lord Russel upon his tryal for high-treason, at the sessions-house in the Old-Baily, on the 13th. of this instant July, for conspiring against the life of the King, to levy war and rebellion, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The proceedings in the House of Commons, touching the impeachment of Edward, late Earl of Clarendon, Lord High-Chancellour of England, Anno 1667. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The proclamacion made and de[vised by the] kynges hyghnesse our soueraygne lorde and his honorable counsaile …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The promisse of matrimonie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Protestants' doom in popish times. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The protestation of the Generall Assemblie of the Church of Scotland, and of the noblemen, barons, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers and commons; subscribers of the Covenant, lately renewed, made in the high Kirk, and at the Mercate Crosse of Glasgow, the 28, and 29. of November 1638. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Psalmes of David the king and prophet. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Psalter of Dauid in Englyshe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Quaker turn'd Jevv. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Queenes Maiestie hauyng not long since geuen her louyng subiectes knowledge by proclamation, of certayne forrayne coynes of golde brought into this realme, of muche lesse value then Angels of golde of this realme, and yet stamped so like to the same Angels, as it was harde without diligent markynge therof …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Queenes Maiestie hearyng by reporte of some of the subiectes of her good brother the kyng of Spayne, that notwithstandyng both the seueritie of iustice diuers tymes extended by her maiestie agaynst sundry pirates …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Queenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that certayne malicious persons haue of late tyme caused a report to be made in forren partes, that a great part of such armour and prouisions of warre as by her Maiestie hath of late yeres ben made in Germany for her owne vse, should be transported into the countries of Russia …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Queenes Maiesties entertainement at VVoodstock. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Queens closet opened. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be … to absteyne form kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Quenes Maiestie vnderstanding that there be certaine persons, hauing in times past the office of ministery in the churche, which nowe do purpose to vse their former office in preaching and ministery …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The remonstrance of the nobility, barrones, burgesses, ministers and commons within the kingdome of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The reporte of a bloudie and terrible massacre in the citty of Mosco. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The representation, propositions, and protestation of divers ministers, elders and professors, for themselves, and in name of many others, well-affected ministers, elders, and people in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Restor'd maiden-head. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The reuengers tragædie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Roman martyrologe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The royal remembrancer, or, A healing letter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Sad condition of a distracted kingdome, expressed, in a fable of Philo the Jew. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Sale of Esau's birth-right, or, The New Buckingham ballad. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The second and third advice to a painter, for drawing the history of our navall actions, the two last years, 1665 and 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The second part of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution, or, A Christian directory, guiding all men vnto their saluation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The second part of the first booke of the Myrrour of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The second part of the Myrror of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The second tome of homilees. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The seconde parte of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution, or, A Christian directorie, guiding all men to their saluation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Secret history of the four last monarchs of Great-Britain, viz. James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The sentence of Samuel Johnson. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The seueral rates and taxations for wages, made [and] set forth by the Iustices of peace of the Countie of Rutland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Shee-devil of Petticoat-Lane, or, A true and perfect relation of a sad accident which befel Mr. Freeland at the Kings-head in Petticoat-Lane near White-Chappel-Bars on Friday last, Jully 20, 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The shepardes kalender. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Siluer age, or, The VVorld turned backward. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The sixt lampe of virginitie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The sixth booke of the Myrrour of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Songs to the new play of Don Quixote. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The sorrowful lamentation of the widdows of the west for the death of their deceased husbands …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The sovereigns prerogative and the subjects priviledge. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Spanish decameron, or, Ten novels …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The statutes prohemium Iohannis Rastell. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The story of David and Berseba. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The strange and marueilous newes lately come from the great kingdome of Chyna. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The summarie of certaine reasons. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The surfeit. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The svpplication of all the papists of England to King James at his first comming to the crowne for a tolleration of their religion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The testament of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The testaments of the [twelue] patriarches. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The third advice to a painter, how to draw the effigies of the whore of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The third part of the first booke, of the Mirrour of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The tragedye of Solyman and Perseda. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The treasury of deuotion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The trimming of Thomas Nashe Gentleman, by the high-tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico campo, barber chirurgion to Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The triumph of truth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The true and originall copy of the first petition which was delivered by Sir David Watkins, Mr. Shute. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The True effigies of the monster of Malmesbury, or, Thomas Hobbes in his proper colours. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The true reporte of the forme and shape of a monstrous childe, borne at Muche Horkesleye. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The true state and condition of the kingdom of Ireland sent to the House of Commons from their committee there. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The tryal, condemnation, and execution of three vvitches. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The tryals of Joseph Dawson, Edward Forseith, William May, [brace] William Bishop, James Lewis, and John Sparkes for several piracies and robberies by them committed. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Two faithfull friends. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Two kinde louers, or, The Maydens resolution and will, to be like her true louer still. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The two noble converts, or, The Earl of Marlborough and the Earl of Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Two Nottinghamshire lovers, or, The Maid of Standon in Nottinghamshire, and the Leicestershire man. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Un-deceiver. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The unreasonableness of a separation from the new bishops, or, A treatise out of ecclesiastical history. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The vertues of chocolate East-India drink. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Vertues of coffee. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The voyages and adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp and others in the South Sea. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The voyce of the Lord in the temple, or, A most strange and wonderfull relation of Gods great power, providence, and mercy, in sending very strange sounds, fires, and a fiery ball into the church of Anthony in Cornwall neere Plimmouth, on Whitsunday last, 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The vvarfare of Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The vvhole Psalter translated into English metre, which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The vvyll of the Deuyll. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Welsh-man's letter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The whole booke of Psalmes. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The witches of Northampton-shire. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Wits, or, Sport upon sport. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The wofull complaint, and lamentable death of a forsaken louer. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Woman turn'd bully. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The wonderful discouerie of the vvitchcrafts of Margaret and Phillip Flower, daughters of Ioan Flower neere Beuer Castle, executed at Lincolne, March 11. 1618. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The wonderful preservation of Gregory Crow. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The wonderful, and most deplorable history of the latter times of the Jews. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The work of God in a dying maid. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. The Young-students-library. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. These are to certifie you that the bearer hereof, by name Angelus Jacobi, a merchant of Cyprus, sayling out of Egypt unto Creet, fell most vnfortunately into the hands of Turkish pirats. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. These be the articles folovvynge the vvhiche the kynges grace hathe pardoned. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. This is the table of the historye of reynart the foxe. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Threnoikos. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Three partes of Salomon his Song of Songs, expounded. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Three precious teares of blood, flowing from the wounded harts of three great French ladies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Three treatises concerning the Scotish discipline. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Thus endeth the prologue of this book named. Cord’yal. Whiche treteth of the four last and final thinges that ben to come …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tintinnalogia, or, The art of ringing. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To all and euery the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men, within the citie, suburbs, and diocesse of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To poet Bavius. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To the honourable, the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, propositions for changing the excise, now laid upon coffee, chacholet, and tea, into an imposition upon those commodities at their importation. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To the Kings most excellent Maiesty the humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To the ministers and church-wardens of [blank]. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To the most honourable assembly of knights, citizens, and burgesses of the House of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. To the right reuerend father in God, my verie good lord and brother, the lord bishop of London. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Treason discovered from Holland, or, A discoverie of a most damnable and divellish attempt of two Iesuites and three other Catholiques against the life and person of the Ladie Elisabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. True nevves from one of Sir Fraunces Veres companie. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Trueth triumphant, or, The late conversion of a learned doctor of Sorbon, D. Francis Cupif, Doctor of Diuinite; from poperie, to the profession of the true religion. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Trve nevves from Yorke. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tvvo letters or embassies. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tvvo letters. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tvvo vvise men and all the rest fooles, or, A comicall morall, censuring the follies of this age. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two hymns for the nativity of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two journeys to Jerusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two letters from Rotterdam. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two letters from Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two remarkable and true histories, which hapned this present yeare, 1619. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two speeches made by the speakers of both Houses of Parliament to His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax Generall. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Two unfortunate lovers, or, A true relation of the lamentable end of Iohn True, and Susan Mease. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Tydings from Rome, or, Englands alarm. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Undaunted London-Derry, or, The victorious Protestants constant success against the proud French and Irish forces. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Varietie of lute-lessons. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Verses of prayse and ioye. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Vienna's triumph, with the Whigg's lamentation for the overthrow of the Turks. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Votes and resolves of the Commons-House of Parliament Iune 15, July 13, Caroli Regis. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. VVits A.B.C, or, A centurie of epigrams. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Wanton Tom, or, The merry history of Tom Stitch the taylor. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. We the lord lieutenant and Council, do command and proclaim publick humiliation, fasting and prayers to be observed in all parts and parishes within this kingdom, on Wednesday the 17th of April next …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Westerne Wyll upon the debate betweene Churchyarde and Camell. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Westminster-drollery, or, A choice collection of the newest songs & poems both at court and theaters. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Where for the seruice of her Maiestie, and her realme, committed to Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, captaine of her Maiesties garde, to bee done vpon the seas for defence of the realme …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Where sundrie preachers haue latelie come into sundrie places of the diocesse of London, some of them not being ministers …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas by the antient laws and statutes of this realm, great and heady penalties are inflicted upon all such as shall be found to be spreaders of false news, or promoters of any malicious slanders and calumnies in their ordinary and common discourses …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas for sundry good causes and considerations, we have thought it convenient and necessary to prorogue the present Parliament …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas in expectation of conformity to the laws of the land, concerning uniformity of common-prayer and service in the church and the administration of the sacraments …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas on the seventh day of November last we did set out a proclamation whereby we did continue the respective collectors for the respective counties in the said proclamation mentioned, in the execution of the said imployment, as receivers of the quit-rents due to His Majesty …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas Robert Brown vicar of Castle-Lyons, Oliver Parr, Henry Parr, Edward Morly, Dennis Kearny, and John Patt, petitioned us in behalf of themselves, and several other inhabitants of the town of Castle-Lyons in the county of Cork, setting forth that on Wednesday the eleventh of June last, 1662 there hapned in the town of Castle-Lyons a sudden and violent fire …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas Rory Mac Randall Mac Donnell late of the barony of Dungannon in the county of Tyrone, Owen Doo Mac Donnell of the same, Toole Ballagh Mac Donnell late of Croskevenagh in the barony and county aforesaid, [and 16 others] and their complices had in the counties of Monoghan, Antrim, Downe, Tyrone and Londonderry, and other places appeared in armes against His Majesties authority, and several of them committed murders, burglaries, robberies and stealths, besides divers other out-rages to the terror and annoyance of His Majesties loyall and good subjests …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas there was an ordinance made by the late general convention of this kingdom, assembled by His Majesties authority, intituled, an Ordinance for the Speedy Raising of Moneys for His Majesties Service …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Whereas we are highly sensible of the many and great inconveniences, which His Majesties good subjects in this kingdome are too frequently brought under by the multitude of causeless presentments and indictments, which are usually prosecuted at the assizes and sessions, rather out of malice or revenge than for the furtherance of justice …. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. William the Third, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, &c. To all … archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deans, … greeting. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Wit and drollery. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Wit for money, or, Poet Stutter. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Wits recreations. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Witty apophthegms delivered at several times, and upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. XIIII orders voted by the high court of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous. Young Jemmy. EEBO-TCP.

Anonymous ([1496?]). [Of this chapell se here the fundacyon]. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1497]). Here begynneth a lytell treatyse for to lerne Englysshe and Frensshe. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1510-13] [STC]). Here begynneth a mery geste of the frere and the boye. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1510]). Here begynneth a lytell geste how the plowman lerned his pater noster. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1512-13]). Syr DegoR3. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1520?]). Here begynneth vndo your doR3. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1522]). Of the tryumphe, and the v[er]ses that Charles themperour, and the kyng of England, Henry the.viii. were saluted with, passyng through London. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1540]). A balade agaynst malycyous sclaunderers. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1540]). A brefe apologye or answere to a certen craftye cloynar, or popyshe parasyte, called Thomas Smythe. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([1548]). A Goodly Dyalogue betwene Knowledge and Symplicitie. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([c. 1528]). De cursione lune. Here begynneth the course of the dayes of the moone. TUDOR.

Anonymous ([c. 1545?]). [Here begynneth the Epigrams]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1190-1210). The Owl and the Nightingale. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1190-1210). The Owl and the Nightingale. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1240). Sawles Warde. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1350-1375). Octavian (Lincoln MS). MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1350-1375). Octovian (Cambridge MS). MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1384-1462). An anthology of Chancery English. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1390-1500 C.E). The Constitution of the Iroquois Nation. EarlyUVa.

Anonymous (1400). Pearl. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1400). Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1440). The alliterative Morte ArthuR3. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1440). The York Plays. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1460). The Townley Plays. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1480-1500). The Tale of Rauf Coil. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1485). Everyman. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (1493). [Here begynneth of seint margarete. The blissid lif that is so swete]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1500). Here beginneth a lytel treatyse that sheweth how every man and woman ought to faste on ye wednesday. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1506?). Here begynneth a lytell geste of Robyn hode. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1509). [Elegy on the death of Henry VII]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1509). The fyftene Ioyes of maryage. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1509). The parlyament of deuylles. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1510?). The.iiii. leues of the trueloue. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1510?). Thystory of Iacoby and his twelue sones. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1510). Here begynneth a lytel treatyse of ye byrth and prophecye of Marlyn. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1518?). [Cocke Lorelles bote]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1520? [STC]). Here endeth the complaynte of the louer of cryst Saynt mary Magdaleyn. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1520?). Here begynneth a mery gest and a true howe Johan splynter made his testament. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1520). Here begynneth the lyfe of Ioseph of Armathia. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1521?). Here begynneth a boke of a ghoostly fader, that confesseth his ghoostly chylde, the whiche speketh of the.vii. deedly synnes. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1525?). [Romance of King Alexander]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1525?). He[re] begynneth an interlocucyon / with an argument / betwyxt man and woman …. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1525?). The example of euyll tongues. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1528?). Here begynneth a lyttell treatyse cleped La conusaunce damours. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1529?). The sayinges or prouerbes of king Salomon, with the answers of Marcolphus / tr. out of frenche in to englysshe. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1530?). Here begynneth a dialogue betwene the comen secretary and jelowsy touchynge the vnstablenes of harlottes. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1530). Thus is ended the fantasy of the passyon of ythornsuperscript-e fox, lately in the town of Myre [lacks title-page]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1531? [STC]). Here begynneth a complaynt of a dolorous louer. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1534?). HEre begynneth a lytell propre ieste. Called cryste crosse me spede. a.b.c. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1535?). Here begynneth ythornsuperscript-e new notb[ro]une mayd vpon ythornsuperscript-e passion of cryste. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1536?). The Batayll of Egyngecourte. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1537-1756). "Inventories": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (1538?). A pretye complaynt of Peace that was banyshed out of dyuers countreys. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1540? [STC]). Here is a necessarye treatyse … and hath to name, the maydens crosse rewe. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1540?). This lytle treatyse declareth the study and frutes of Barnes borned in west smyth felde. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1542?). Here begynneth a newe treatyse deuyded in thre parties. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1547). A lamentation of the death of Henry the eyght. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1548? 1549?). A breue cronycle of the bysshope of Romes blessynge, and of his prelates rewardes, from the tyme of kynge Heralde. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1548). The vnion of the two noble and illustrate famelies of Lancastre and Yorke [by Edward Halle]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1548). The vnion of the two noble and illustrate famelies of Lancastre and Yorke [by Edward Halle]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1549?). [O Lord thy word is our sure touchstone]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1553? [STC], 1555? [Ringler]). An Exclamation vpon the erronious and fantasticall sprite of heresy. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1555?). Spare your good. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1561?). Syr TryamouR3. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1565?). Here begynneth the history of the valyent Knyght, Syr Isenbras. TUDOR.

Anonymous (1575). "Gammer Gurton's Needle": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (1575). Gammer Gvrton's nedle. EarlyUVa.

Anonymous (1582). "The New Testament (Rheims 1582)": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (1586?). The Praise of Musicke. NebMusic.

Anonymous (1590-1595). Sir Thomas MoR3. EarlyUVa.

Anonymous (1592). Arden of Faversham. TACT.

Anonymous (1596). Anonymous "Edward III": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (1611). "The King James Bible": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (1619). The wonderful discoverie of the witchcrafts of Margaret and Phillip Flower, daughters of Joan Flower neere Beuer Castle. WWP.

Anonymous (1620). Swetnam, the woman-hater, arraigned by women. WWP.

Anonymous (1620). William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. EarlyUVa.

Anonymous (1636). The King and Queenes Entertainement at Richmond. R3.

Anonymous (1649). Maryland Toleration Act (1649). EarlyUVa.

Anonymous (1652). Elizas babes: or, the virgins-offering. Being divine poems, and meditations. WWP.

Anonymous (1660). The Return of the King: An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II. EarlyUVa.

Anonymous (1664). [Scudamore?]: Homer A la Mode (1664). CH.

Anonymous (1665). Monsey: Scarronides (1665). CH.

Anonymous (1672). [Anon.]: Chaucer's ghoast (1672). CH.

Anonymous (1672). A[tkins]: Cataplus (1672). CH.

Anonymous (1673). [Anon.]: Ovidius exulans (1673). CH.

Anonymous (1674). [Anon.]: Hogan-Moganides (1674). CH.

Anonymous (1681). [Scudamore?]: Homer A la Mode, The Second Part. CH.

Anonymous (1683). Dixon, Robert: Canidia (1683). CH.

Anonymous (1684). [Anon.]: Part of Lucian's Dialogues (1684). CH.

Anonymous (1689). Farewell: The Irish Hudibras (1689). CH.

Anonymous (1693). Olinda's adventures. WWP.

Anonymous (1698). [Anon.]: Pendragon (1698). CH.

Anonymous (1704). The female wits: or, the triumvirate of poets at rehearsal. WWP.

Anonymous (1750). The fortunate transport; or, the secret history of the life and adventures of the celebrated Polly Haycock. WWP.

Anonymous (1774). England's tears: a poem. WWP.

Anonymous (1830). Clariodus (1830). CH.

Anonymous (1839). Anon: The Jeaste of Syr Gawayne (1839). CH.

Anonymous (1841–1843). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1841 -1843). CH.

Anonymous (1841). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1841). CH.

Anonymous (1847). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1847). CH.

Anonymous (1856). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1856). CH.

Anonymous (1866). The Romans of Partenay (1866). CH.

Anonymous (1867). [Anon]: Bishop Percy's Folio Ms. (1867). CH.

Anonymous (1867). The Romance of William of Palerne (1867). CH.

Anonymous (1868). [Anon.]: Cheuelere Assigne (1868). CH.

Anonymous (1868). [Anon.]: Havelok the Dane (1868). CH.

Anonymous (1869 & 1874). The "Gest Hystoriale" of the Destruction of Troy (1869 & 1874). CH.

Anonymous (1869). [Anon.]: Arthur (1869). CH.

Anonymous (1871). Joseph of Arimathie (1871). CH.

Anonymous (1872). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1872). CH.

Anonymous (1873–1877). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1873 -1877). CH.

Anonymous (1875-1876). [Anon.]: The Romance of Guy of Warwick (1875-1876). CH.

Anonymous (1876). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1876). CH.

Anonymous (1878). [Anon.]: Alexander and Dindimus (1878). CH.

Anonymous (1878). Generydes (1878). CH.

Anonymous (1879). The English Charlemagne Romances: Part I. Sir Ferumbras (1879). CH.

Anonymous (1880). The English Charlemagne Romances: Part II. The Sege of Melayne (1880). CH.

Anonymous (1881). The Sowdone of Babylone (1881). CH.

Anonymous (1882–1898). [Anon.]: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (1882-1898). CH.

Anonymous (1882). [Anon.]: Die Fragmente des Trojanerkrieges (1882). CH.

Anonymous (1882). The English Charlemagne Romances: Part VI. The Tail of Rauf Coilyear (1882). CH.

Anonymous (1883-1891). [Anon.]: The Romance of Guy of Warwick (1883-1891). CH.

Anonymous (1886). [Anon.]: Sir Tristrem (1886). CH.

Anonymous (1886). [Anon.]: The Wars of Alexander (1886). CH.

Anonymous (1887). Torrent of Portyngale (1887). CH.

Anonymous (1888). Anon.: The King of Tars (1888). CH.

Anonymous (1889). [Anon.]: Ipomedon (1889). CH.

Anonymous (1889). [Anon.]: Landavall (1889). CH.

Anonymous (1889). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1889). CH.

Anonymous (1890). [Anon.]: Arthour and Merlin (1890). CH.

Anonymous (1890). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1890). CH.

Anonymous (1892). [Anon.]: The History of Roswall and Lillian (1892). CH.

Anonymous (1893). [Anon.]: Le bone Florence of Rome (1893). CH.

Anonymous (1894). [Anon.]: The Romance of Sir Beves of Hamtoun (1894). CH.

Anonymous (1894). Anon.: The Tale of Gamelyn (1894). CH.

Anonymous (1897). [Anon.]: Scottish Alliterative Poems (1897). CH.

Anonymous (1898). [Anon.]: Morte Arthure (1898). CH.

Anonymous (1901). [Anon.]: King Horn (1901). CH.

Anonymous (1901). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1892). CH.

Anonymous (1901). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1901). CH.

Anonymous (1901). [Anon]: Sir Ysumbras (1901). CH.

Anonymous (1901). Anon: Floriz and Blauncheflur (1901). CH.

Anonymous (1902-1903). [Anon.]: The Laud Troy Book (1902-3). CH.

Anonymous (1903). [Anon.]: Le Morte Arthur (1903). CH.

Anonymous (1903). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1903). CH.

Anonymous (1905). [Anon.]: Titus & Vespasian (1905). CH.

Anonymous (1906). [Anon.]: The Romance of Emaré (1906). CH.

Anonymous (1907). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1907). CH.

Anonymous (1911). Anon.: Alexander-Cassamus fragment (1911). CH.

Anonymous (1912 (for 1911)). [Anon.]: Partonope of Blois (1912 for 1911). CH.

Anonymous (1912). [Anon.]: Lancelot of the Laik (1912). CH.

Anonymous (1913). [Anon.]: Middle English Carols (1913). CH.

Anonymous (1913). [Anon.]: Richard the Lionheart (1913). CH.

Anonymous (1913). [Anon.]: Sir Perceval of Gales (1913). CH.

Anonymous (1915). [Anon.]: Sir Orfeo (1915). CH.

Anonymous (1924). [Anon.]: Religious Lyrics of the 14th Century (1924). CH.

Anonymous (1927). [Anon.]: The Seege of Troye (1927). CH.

Anonymous (1930). [Anon.]: Middle English Metrical Romances (1930). CH.

Anonymous (1932). [Anon.]: English Lyrics of the 13th Century (1932). CH.

Anonymous (1932). [Anon.]: The Siege of Jerusalem (1932). CH.

Anonymous (1933). [Anon.]: The seven sages of Rome (1933). CH.

Anonymous (1935). [Anon.]: Firumbras (1935). CH.

Anonymous (1935). [Anon.]: Otuel and Roland (1935). CH.

Anonymous (1936). The Exeter Book (1936). CH.

Anonymous (1937). [Anon.]: Amis and Amiloun (1937). CH.

Anonymous (1942). [Anon.]: The Anglo Saxon Minor Poems (1942). CH.

Anonymous (1949). [Anon.]: The Romance of Sir Degrevant (1949). CH.

Anonymous (1951). [Anon.]: Athelston (1951). CH.

Anonymous (1952-1957). [Anon.]: King Alexander (1952-1957). CH.

Anonymous (1952). [Anon.]: Medieval Carols (1952). CH.

Anonymous (1953). [Anon.]: Middle English Lyrics (1953). CH.

Anonymous (1956). Middle English Apollonius fragment (1956). CH.

Anonymous (1959). [Anon.]: Historical poems (1959). CH.

Anonymous (1964). [Anon.]: Ywain and Gawain (1964). CH.

Anonymous (1964). Anon.: Middle English Lyrics (1964). CH.

Anonymous (1965). The Breton lays in Middle English (1965). CH.

Anonymous (1966). [Anon.]: Middle English verse romances (1966). CH.

Anonymous (1968). [Anon.]: Sir Amadace and The Avowing of Arthur (1968). CH.

Anonymous (1969). [Anon.]: Lybeaus Desconus (1969). CH.

Anonymous (1973). [Anon.]: Of Arthour and of Merlin (1973). CH.

Anonymous (1986-1990). [Anon.]: Gilbert Hay's Buik of Alexander (1986-1990). CH.

Anonymous (1986). [Anon.]: Octovian (1986). CH.

Anonymous (c 1475). "Rauf Coilzear": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (c 1500). "Towneley Mystery Play": electronic edition. TACT.

Anonymous (c. 1310). The Harley Lyrics. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (c. 1390-1400). The Siege of Jerusalem. MiddleUVa.

Anonymous (c. 1515). [Capystranus: A Metrical Romance]. TUDOR.

Anonymous (c. 1525). Here foloweth a lytell treatyse of the Beaute of women newly translated out of Frenshe. TUDOR.

Anonymous (c. 1525). Here is the boke of mayd Emlyn. TUDOR.

Anonymous (c. 1530). The hystory of syr Isenbras. TUDOR.

Anonymous (c. 1540 [STC]). Here beginneth a good lesson for yonge men. TUDOR.

Anonymous (c. 1550). … Alteracions of Kingdoms, for despising of god. TUDOR.

Anonymous (N.D). A merry Ieste of a shrewde and curst Wyfe. R3.

Anonymous ["I.M."] (c. 1550). A ruful complaynt of the publyke weale to Englande. TUDOR.

Anonymous [attrib. to Alexander Barclay by Bale] (1505?). Here begynneth the castell of labouR3. TUDOR.

Anonymous [Barnes, Robert]([1548]). The metynge of doctor Barons and doctor Powell at Paradise gate. TUDOR.

Anonymous [Bradshaw, Henry?]([c. 1525]). Here begynneth the lyfe of saynt Radegunde. TUDOR.

Anonymous [CC1-2, 4-6]; Copland, W. [CC3, Ringler] (1547?). Christmas carolles newely imprinted. TUDOR.

Anonymous [Lydgate, John?] (1495?). [The parfite lyfe …]. TUDOR.

Anonymous [sometimes attrib. to A. Borde]; [and] More, Sir Thomas (c. 1575 [STC]). A ryght pleasaunt and merye historie, of the mylner of Abyngton. Whereunto is adioyned another merye iest, of a sargeaunt that woulde haue learned to be a fryar. TUDOR.

Anonymous, E. C. E. (1595). Emaricdulfe. R3.

Anonymous, P. J. S. (1521-1537?). Everyman. R3.

Anonymous, T. M. (1555?). Spare your good. R3.

Anonymous, V. A. (1593). The Phoenix Nest. R3.

Anonymous ([1568?]). [Anon.]: The Knight of Curtesy and the lady of Faguell [1568?]. CH.

Anonymous ([1902]). The Vercelli Book [1902]. CH.

Anonymous ([1931]). The Junius Manuscript [1931]. CH.

Anonymous ([1932]). The Paris Psalter and The Meters of Boethius [1932]. CH.

Anonymous ([1939]). [Anon.]: Religious Lyrics of the 15th Century (1939). CH.

Anonymous ([1953]). Beowulf and Judith [1953]. CH.

Anonymous (c. 1530 [STC]). A metricall declaration of the vij. petitions of the pater noster. TUDOR.

Anonymous (c. 1536? [STC], 1548? [Ringler]). Here after foloweth the lyfe of saynt Gregoryes mother. TUDOR.

Another hand (1696). Mr. De Labadie's letter to his daughter, Mrs. Delabadie, nurse to the pretended Prince of Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Anton, Robert (1613). Moriomachia. EEBO-TCP.

Anton, Robert (1616). The philosophers satyrs. EEBO-TCP.

Anton, Robert (1616). Anton: The philosophers satyrs (1616). CH.

Antoniszoon, Cornelis (1605). The safegarde of saylers, or, Great rutter. EEBO-TCP.

Anvers, Alicia (Clarke) D' (1691). Academia: or, the humours of the University of Oxford. WWP.

Anvers, Alicia (Clarke) D' (1693). The Oxford-act: a poem. WWP.

Appianus (1679). The history of Appian of Alexandria. EEBO-TCP.

Arbuthnot, John (1692). Of the laws of chance, or, A method of calculation of the hazards of game. EEBO-TCP.

Arderne, James (1677). A sermon preached at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Lord Bishop of Chester, at Chester. EEBO-TCP.

Aretine, Peter (1661). Strange nevves from Bartholomew-Fair, or, The wandring-whore discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Aretino, Pietro ([1635]). Paraphrase vpon the seaven pen[i]tentiall psalmes of [t]he kingly prophet. EEBO-TCP.

Aretius, Benedictus, d. 1574 (1696). A short history of Valentinus Gentilis, the tritheist. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1641). A true copy of a speech delivered in the Parliament in Scotland, by the Earle of Argile. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1643). A letter from the Marqves of Argile and Sir William Armyn. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1645). Letters from the Marquesse of Argyle, the Earle of Lanerick, Lord Warriston, and others now at Edenburgh, to their friends at London. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1648). The Marqvesse of Argyle, his speech concerning the King, the covenant, and peace or warre betweene both kingdomes. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1661). Instructions to a son. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1661). The Marques of Argyll his defences against the grand indytement of high treason, exhibited against him to the Parliament in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1661). The speech and plea of Archibald marquesse of Argyle to the Parliament of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1661). The speech of the late Marquiss of Argyll upon the scaffold, May 27, 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1661). To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty the humble petition of Archibald Marquess of Argyle. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (1682). The speech of the Earl of Argyle at his trial on the 12th of December, 1681. EEBO-TCP.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (27, 1646). The Lord Marques of Argyle's speech to a grand committee of both Houses of Parliament the 25th of this instant June, 1646. EEBO-TCP.

Ariadne (1696). She ventures, and he wins. EEBO-TCP.

Ariadne (1696). She ventures,and he wins. WWP.

Ariosto, Lodovico (1597). Two tales. EEBO-TCP.

Ariosto, Lodovico ([1607]). Orlando furioso. EEBO-TCP.

Ariosto, Lodovico (1608). Ariosto's satyres. EEBO-TCP.

Ariosto, Lodovico (1910). Orlando enraged. OTA.

Aristotle ([1528]). De cursione lune. EEBO-TCP.

Aristotle (1598). Aristotles politiques, or, Discourses of gouernment. EEBO-TCP.

Aristotle (1637?]). A briefe of the art of rhetorique. EEBO-TCP.

Aristotle (1694). Aristotle's master-piece, or, The secrets of generation. EEBO-TCP.

Armin, Robert (1600). Armin: Qvips vpon qvestions (1600). CH.

Armin, Robert (1608). [A nest of ninnies. EEBO-TCP.

Armin, Robert (1609). The history of the tvvo maids of More-clacke. EEBO-TCP.

Armin, Robert (1609). Armin: The Italian Taylor (1609). CH.

Armstrong, Archie (1641). Archy's dream, sometimes iester to His Majestie, but exiled the court by Canterburies malice. EEBO-TCP.

Arnold, Richard (1503?]). In this booke is conteyned the names of ye baylifs custos mairs and sherefs of the cite of londo[n] from the tyme of king richard the furst …. EEBO-TCP.

Arthington, Henry (1607). Arthington: Principall Points of holy profession (1607). CH.

Arthington, Henry ([1592]). Arthington, H.: The Sedvction of Arthington [1592?]. CH.

Arthus, Gotthard (1614). Dialogues in the English and Malaiane languages, or, Certaine common formes of speech. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1684). An elegy on Her Grace Elizabeth, Duchess of Ormond, who died July the 21st, 1684. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1684). Arwaker: An Elegy on Her Grace Elizabeth Duchess of Ormond (1684). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1685). Arwaker: The Second Part of the Vision (1685). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1685). Arwaker: The Vision (1685). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1686). Fons perennis, a poem on the excellent and useful invention of making sea-water fresh. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1686). Arwaker: Fons Perennis (1686). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1687). The ministration of publick baptism of infants to be used in the church, or, A disswasive from baptising children in private. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1688). A poem humbly dedicated to the Queen on the occasion of Her Majesty's happy conception. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1688). Arwaker: A Poem Humbly Dedicated to the Queen (1688). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1689). A votive table, consecrated to the Church's deliverers, the present King and Queen. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1689). The apparition, or, The genius of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1689). Arwaker: A Votive Table (1689). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1689). Arwaker: The Apparition (1689). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1694). An elegy on His Excellency Lieutenant-General Tolmach. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1694). An epistle to Monsieur Boileau. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1694). Arwaker: An Elegy on His Excellency Lieutenant-General Tolmach (1694). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1694). Arwaker: An Epistle to Monsieur Boileau (1694). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1695). A pindaric ode upon the our late soveraign lady of blessed memory, Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1695). Thoughts well employ'd, or, The duty of self-observation in the care and regulation of life according to the royal pattern. EEBO-TCP.

Arwaker, Edmund (1695). Arwaker: A Pindaric Ode (1695). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1704). Arwaker: An Embassy from Heav'n (1704). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1705). Arwaker: The Birth-Night (1705). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1708). Arwaker: Select Fables (1708). CH.

Arwaker, Edmund (1712). Arwaker: Pia Desideria (1712). CH.

Ascham, R.-. (1570). The Scholemaster (two books). R3.

Ascham, Roger (1545). Toxophilus. EEBO-TCP.

Ascham, Roger (1570?]). A report and discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his court, duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there. EEBO-TCP.

Ascham, Roger (1570). The scholemaster, or, Plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to vnderstand, write, and speake, the Latin tong. EEBO-TCP.

Ascham, Roger (1570). The Scholemaster. NTNU.

Ascham, Roger, 1515-1568 (1570). The Scholemaster. EarlyUVa.

Ashby, George (1899). Ashby: Poems (1899). CH.

Ashby, John (1691). The account given by Sir John Ashby, Vice-Admiral, and Reere-Admiral Rooke to the Lords Commissioners of the engagement at sea between the English, Dutch, and French fleets, June the 30th, 1690. EEBO-TCP.

Ashmole, Elias (1660). Sol in ascendente, or, The glorious appearance of Charles the Second, upon the horizon of London, in her horoscopicall sign, Gemini. EEBO-TCP.

Ashmole, Elias (1672). The institution, laws & ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter. EEBO-TCP.

Ashmore, John (1621). Ashmore: Certain Selected Odes of Horace (1621). CH.

Aske, James (1588). Elizabetha triumphans. EEBO-TCP.

Aske, James (1588). Aske: Elizabetha Triumphans [1588]. CH.

Aske, James (1588). Elizabetha triumphans. WWP.

Askew, Anne (1546 [1547?]). The first examinacio[n] of Anne Askewe. EEBO-TCP.

Askew, Anne (1546). The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe. EEBO-TCP.

Askew, Anne (16, die Ianuarij, anno 1. 5. 4. 7). The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe. EEBO-TCP.

Askew, Anne Bale, John (1546). The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe, latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the Romysh popes upholders, with the elucydacyon of Johan Bale. WWP.

Assheton, William (1663). Evangelium armatum,. EEBO-TCP.

Astell, Mary (1694). A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. WWP.

Astell, Mary (1706). Reflections upon marriage. WWP.

Atkins, Thomas ([1649]). Hosanna, or, A song of thanks-giving. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1689). A defence of the late Lord Russel's innocency. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1689). An enquiry into the power of dispensing with penal statutes. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1689). The Lord Russel's innocency further defended, by way of reply to an ansvver, entituled, The magistracy and government of England vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1689). The power, jurisdiction and priviledge of Parliament and the antiquity of the House of Commons asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1693). The Lord Chief Baron Atkyns's speech to Sir William Ashhvrst, Lord-Mayor elect of the city of London, at the time of his being sworn in Their Majesties Court of Exchequer, Monday the thirtieth of October, 1693. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1695). An enquiry into the jurisdiction of the Chancery in causes of equity …. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert (1695). The case of Sir Robert Atkyns. EEBO-TCP.

Atkyns, Robert ([1699]). A treatise of the true and ancient jurisdiction of the House of Peers. EEBO-TCP.

Atterbury, Francis (1687). An answer to some considerations on the spirit of Martin Luther and the original of the Reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Atterbury, Francis (1692). A sermon before the queen at White-hall, May 29, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Atterbury, Francis (1694). The Christian religion increas'd by miracle. EEBO-TCP.

Atterbury, Francis (1694). The power of charity to cover sin. EEBO-TCP.

Atterbury, Francis (1698). A discourse occasion'd by the death of the Right Honourable the Lady Cutts. EEBO-TCP.

Atterbury, Francis (1700). The rights, powers, and priviledges, of an English convocation, stated and vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Attowell, George ([1617?]). Frauncis new iigge, betweene Frauncis a gentleman, and Richard a farmer. EEBO-TCP.

Atwood, William (1681). Jus Anglorum ab antiquo, or, A confutation of an impotent libel against the government by king, lords, and commons. EEBO-TCP.

Atwood, William (1683). Three letters to Dr. Sherlock concerning church-communion. EEBO-TCP.

Aubery du Maurier, Louis (1693). The lives of all the princes of Orange, from William the Great, founder of the Common-wealth of the United Provinces. EEBO-TCP.

Aubrey, John (1696). Miscellanies upon the following subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Audelay, John (1931). Audelay: Poems (1931). CH.

Augustine (1550). A woorke of the holy bishop S. Augustine concernyng adulterous mariages. EEBO-TCP.

Augustine (1610). St. Augustine, Of the citie of God. EEBO-TCP.

Aulnoy (1692). Memoirs of the court of Spain. EEBO-TCP.

Aulnoy (1699). The memoirs of the Countess of Dunois. EEBO-TCP.

Austen, Ralph (1658). Observations upon some part of Sr Francis Bacon's Naturall history as it concernes fruit-trees, fruits, and flowers. EEBO-TCP.

Austen, Ralph (1665). A treatise of fruit trees. EEBO-TCP.

Austin, John (1668). Austin, J.: Devotions In The Ancient Way Of Offices (1668). CH.

Austin, William (1635). Devotionis Augustinianae flamma, or, Certaine devout, godly, and learned meditations. EEBO-TCP.

Austin, William (1637). Hæc homo. EEBO-TCP.

Austin, William (1662). Triumphus hymenæus, A panegyrick to the King and Queen's most Sacred Majestie, vpon their ever to be remembred most glorious passing upon the river of Thames, coming from Hampton-Court to White-Hall, August the 23d, 1662 …. EEBO-TCP.

Austin, William ([1662]). A joyous welcome to the most serene and most illustrious queen of brides Catherin, the royal spouse and comfort of Charles the Second King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Austin, William (1664). Atlas under Olympus. EEBO-TCP.

Austin, William (1666). Epiloimia epe, or, The anatomy of the pestilence. EEBO-TCP.

Author of Absalom & Achitophel (1682). Satyr to his muse. EEBO-TCP.

Author of The abdicated prince (1690). The bloody duke, or, The adventures for a crown. EEBO-TCP.

Author of Westminster drollery (1675). Mock songs and joking poems, all novel. EEBO-TCP.

Avale, Lemeke (1569). Avale: A Commemoration or Dirige of Bastarde Edmonde Boner (1569). CH.

Avale, Lemeke ([1569]). A commemoration or dirige of bastarde Edmonde Boner, alias Sauage, vsurped Bisshoppe of London. EEBO-TCP.

Averell, William (1581). Averell: An excellent Historie bothe pithy and pleasant (1581). CH.

Avity, Pierre d' (1615). The estates, empires, & principallities of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Avril, Philippe (1693). Travels into divers parts of Europe and Asia, undertaken by the French King's order to discover a new way by land into China. EEBO-TCP.

Awdelay, John ([1559]). The wonders of England[e]. 1559. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1621). The Song of Songs, which was Salomons. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1622). Peace with her foure garders. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1622). Susanna, or, The arraignment of the two vniust elders. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1622). Thrifts equipage. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1622). Aylett: Peace With Her Foure Garders (1622). CH.

Aylett, Robert (1622). Aylett: Thrifts Eqvipage (1622). CH.

Aylett, Robert (1623). Ioseph, or, Pharoah's fauourite. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1623). Aylett: Ioseph (1623). CH.

Aylett, Robert (1625). The brides ornaments. EEBO-TCP.

Aylett, Robert (1638). Aylett: David's Troubles Remembered (1638). CH.

Aylett, Robert (1653). Aylett: A vvife, not ready made, but bespoken (1653). CH.

Aylett, Robert (1654). Aylett: Divine And Moral Speculations (1654). CH.

Aylett, Robert (1655). Aylett: Devotions (1655). CH.

Ayloffe, John (1685). A true account of the proceedings against John Ayloff, and Richard Nelthorp Esquires at the King's-Bench-Bar. EEBO-TCP.

Ayres, Philip (1667). A short account of the life and death of Pope Alexander the VII. EEBO-TCP.

Ayres, Philip (1684). Vox clamantis, or, An essay for the honour, happiness and prosperity of the English gentry, and the whole nation. EEBO-TCP.

Ayres, Philip (1687). Lyric poems, made in imitation of the Italians. EEBO-TCP.

Ayres, Philip (1687). Ayres: Lyric Poems (1687). CH.

Ayres, Philip (1689). Mythologia ethica, or, Three centuries of Æsopian fables in English prose. EEBO-TCP.

Ayres, Philip (1696). The revengeful mistress. EEBO-TCP.

Ayres, Philip ([1683]). Ayres: Emblems of Love [1683]. CH.

Ayton, Robert (1963). Ayton: Poems (1963). CH.


Béthune, Philippe de (1634). The counsellor of estate. EEBO-TCP.

Bèze, Théodore de (1562). Ane answer made the fourth day of Septembre a thousand fyue hundreth syxtie [and] one, by maister Theodore de Besza minister of the holie Euangile, in the presence of the quene mother, the king and quene of Nauarre, the princes of the blood royall, and of the priuie counseil, vnto that whiche the cardinall of Lorraine had replied against that whiche was propounded in the first iourney of their talking together. EEBO-TCP.

Bèze, Théodore de ([1576]). The treasure of trueth. EEBO-TCP.

Bèze, Théodore de (1577). A tragedie of Abrahams sacrifice. EEBO-TCP.

Böhme, Jakob (1648). The way to Christ discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Böhme, Jakob (1656). [Aurora, that is, the day-spring, or dawning of the day in the Orient, or, Morning-rednesse in the rising of the sun, that is, the root or mother of philosophie, astrologie, & theologie from the true ground, or a description of nature …]. EEBO-TCP.

Böhme, Jakob (1656). Mysterium magnum, or, An exposition of the first book of Moses called Genesis. EEBO-TCP.

Böhme, Jakob (1691). Jacob Behmen's theosophick philosophy unfolded. EEBO-TCP.

Bünting, Heinrich ([1682]). Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ, or, The travels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, our Saviour Christ and his apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. EEBO-TCP.

B. D ([1697]). Controversial discourses relating to the church. EEBO-TCP.

B. G ([1578]). The ioyfull receyuing of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie into hir Highnesse citie of Norvvich. EEBO-TCP.

B. G (1579). A newyeares gifte. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, F.-. (1601). The Essays. R3.

Bacon, F.-. (1605). The Advancement of Learning (two books). R3.

Bacon, Francis (1597). Essayes. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1599). A letter vvritten out of England to an English gentleman remaining at Padua. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1601). A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices, against her Maiestie and her kingdoms. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1603). A briefe discourse, touching the happie vnion of the kingdomes of England, and Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1604?]). Certaine considerations touching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1604). Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1605). The tvvoo bookes of Francis Bacon. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1614). The charge of Sir Francis Bacon Knight, his Maiesties Attourney generall, touching duells. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1619). The vvisedome of the ancients,. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1625). Apophthegmes new and old. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1625). The translation of certaine psalmes into English verse. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1626 [i.e. 1627]). Sylua syluarum, or, A naturall historie. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1626). Ideal Commonwealths. EarlyUVa.

Bacon, Francis (1626). The New Atlantis. TACT.

Bacon, Francis (1629). The historie of the reigne of King Henry the Seuenth. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1638). Historie naturall and experimentall, of life and death, or, Of the prolongation of life. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1638). The historie of life and death. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1641). A confession of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1641). Cases of treason. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1641). Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight …. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1642). The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon, one of Her Majesties learned counsell at law, upon the statute of uses. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1648). The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount of St. Albanes, sometimes Lord Chancellour of England. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1651). A true and historical relation of the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1657). Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, & theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1658?]). New Atlantis. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1661). A letter of advice written by Sr. Francis Bacon to the Duke of Buckingham, when he became favourite to King James. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1662). A charge given by the most eminent and learned Sr. Francis Bacon, Kt., late Lord Chancellor of England, at a sessions holden for the verge, in the reign of the late King James. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1662). True peace, or, A moderate discourse to compose the unsettled consciences and greatest differences in ecclesiastical affaires. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1670). A preparatory to the history natural & experimental. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1670). Certain miscellany works of the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1670). The union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, or, The elaborate papers of Sir Francis Bacon …. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1674). A collection of apophthegms, new and old. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1676). The history of the reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1676). The novum organum of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1679). Baconiana, or, Certain genuine remains of Sr. Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans in arguments civil and moral, natural, medical, theological, and bibliographical. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis (1686?]). Bibliotheca Baconia, or, A collection of choice English books. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Francis. A collection of ten samples of Latin from various works of Francis Bacon. OTA.

Bacon, Nathaniel (4 others], 1689). An historical and political discourse of the laws & government of England. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Nicholas (1641). Arguments exhibited in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Roger ([1550]). This boke doth create all of the beste waters artyfycialles. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Roger (1597). The mirror of alchimy,. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Roger (1659). Frier Bacon his discovery of the miracles of art, nature, and magick. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Roger (1683). The cure of old age and preservation of youth. EEBO-TCP.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas (1919). Bacon, N.: The Recreations of his Age (1919). CH.

Bagshaw, Christopher (1601). A sparing discouerie of our English Iesuits, and of Fa. Parsons proceedings vnder pretence of promoting the Catholike faith in England. EEBO-TCP.

Baillie, Robert (1685). The tryal and process of high-treason and doom of forfaulture against Mr. Robert Baillie of Jerviswood traitor. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Daniel (1697). Poems upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Daniel (1697). Baker, D.: Poems upon Several Occasions (1697). CH.

Baker, Daniel (1706). Baker, D.: The History of Job (1706). CH.

Baker, Richard (1636). Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lords prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Richard (1638). Meditations and disquisitions upon the first Psalme of Dauid. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Richard (1638). Meditations and disquisitions upon the one and fiftieth Psalme of Dauid. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Richard (1641). An apologie for lay-mens writing in divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Richard (1643). A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Richard (1662). Theatrum redivivum, or, The theatre vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Robert (1589). Baker, R.: The first voyage of Robert Baker to Guinie, with the Minion, and Primrose, set out in October, 1562 … The second voyage to Guinie, and the river of Selto, set out in the Moneth of Nouember 1563 … and written in verse by the foresaid Robert Baker [1589]. CH.

Baker, Thomas (1656). The wicked mans plot defeated, or, The wicked man laughed out of countenance. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Thomas (1657). The unspotted high-court of justice erected and discovered in three sermons preached in London and other places. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Thomas (1681). The head of Nile, or, The turnings and windings of the factious since sixty. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Thomas (1700). Reflections upon learning. EEBO-TCP.

Baker, Ven. F. Augustine (1575-1641). Holy Wisdom: or, Directions for the prayer of contemplation: extracted out of more than forty treatises by the Ven. F. Augustine Baker. CCEL.

Balcanquhall, Walter (1623). A sermon preached at St. Maries Spittle on Munday in Easter weeke. EEBO-TCP.

Balcanquhall, Walter (1633). The honour of Christian churches. EEBO-TCP.

Balcanquhall, Walter ([1639]). A large declaration concerning the late tumults in Scotland, from their first originalls. EEBO-TCP.

Baldwin, William (1547). Baldwin: Introductory poem to A brefe treatise of Phisick (1547). CH.

Baldwin, William ([1547]). A treatise of morall phylosophie. EEBO-TCP.

Baldwin, William (1549). Baldwin: The canticles of Salomon (1549). CH.

Baldwin, William (1549). The canticles or balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh metres, by W. Baldwin. TUDOR.

Baldwin, William ([1560]). The funeralles of King Edward the sixt. EEBO-TCP.

Baldwin, William (1564). Baldwin: A treatyce of Moral philosophy (1564). CH.

Baldwin, William (1570). A maruelous hystory intitulede, beware the cat. EEBO-TCP.

Baldwin, William (1610). A royall elegie. EEBO-TCP.

Baldwin, William ([1560]). Baldwin: The funeralles of King Edward the sixt [1560]. CH.

Baldwin, William ([1584]). Baldwin: Beware the cat [1584]. CH.

Bale, John (1538 [i.e. 1548?]). [A comedy concernynge thre lawes, of nature Moses, & Christ, corrupted by the sodomytes. Pharysees and Papystes. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1544?]). The epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe Christyane vnto his derelye beloued co[n]treye of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1544. & vi. die Augusti). A brefe chronycle concernynge the examinacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ syr Iohan Oldecastell the lorde Cobham. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1545?]). [The image of bothe churches. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1545). A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1547?]). [A tragedye or enterlude manyfestyng the chefe promyses of God unto man by all ages in the olde lawe. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John ([1548]). An answere to a papystycall exhortacyon. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John ([1549]). A dialoge or communycacyon to be had at a table betwene two chyldren, gathered out of the holy scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1550?]). The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John ([1551]). The first two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1552?]). An expostulation or complaynte agaynste the blasphemyes of a franticke papyst of Hamshyre. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John ([1553]). The vocacyon of Ioha[n] Bale to the bishiprick of Ossorie in Irela[n]de his persecucio[n]s in ye same, & finall delyueraunce …. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1562, 6 November]). A nevve comedy or enterlude, concernyng thre lawes. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John ([1570]). The image of both Churches. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1574). The pageant of popes. EEBO-TCP.

Bale, John (1908). A tragedy or enterlude. OTA.

Bale, John (1909). A brefe comedy or enterlude concernynge the temptacyon of our lorde and sauer Jesus Christ by Sathan in the desart. OTA.

Bale, John?(c. 1548). An answere to a papystycall exhortacyon, pretendynge to auoyde false doctryne. TUDOR.

Bale, John ([c.1548]). CH.

Balfour, Andrew ([1700]). Letters write [sic] to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Balnaves, Henry (1584). The confession of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez (1638). Nevv epistles of Mounsieur de Balzac. EEBO-TCP.

Banckes, Matthew (1682). Reflections upon two scurrilous libels, called Speculum crape-gownorum. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, John (1679). The tragedy of Sertorius. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, John (1691). King Edward the Third, with the fall of Mortimer, Earl of March. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Richard (1588). A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 9. of Februarie. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Richard (1593). A suruay of the pretended holy discipline. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Richard (1593). Daungerous positions and proceedings. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Thomas (1633). The gluttons feauer. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Thomas (1633). Bancroft: The Glvttons Feaver (1633). CH.

Bancroft, Thomas (1639). Tvvo bookes of epigrammes, and epitaphs. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Thomas (1639). Bancroft: Two bookes of epigrammes, and epitaphs (1639). CH.

Bancroft, Thomas (1649). Bancroft: To the Noble Lord Hastings (1649). CH.

Bancroft, Thomas (1658). The heroical lover, or, Antheon and Fidelta. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Thomas (1658). Time's out of tune, plaid upon however. EEBO-TCP.

Bancroft, Thomas (1658). Bancroft: The Heroical Lover (1658). CH.

Banester, Gilbert (1937). Banester: Guiscardo and Ghismonda (1937). CH.

Banister, John (1575). A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of chyrurgerie. EEBO-TCP.

Banister, John (1578. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Majestatis). The historie of man. EEBO-TCP.

Banister, John (1589). An antidotarie chyrurgicall. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1677). The rival kings, or, The loves of Oroondates and Statira. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1679). The destruction of Troy. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1682). The unhappy favourite, or, The Earl of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1682). Vertue betray'd, or, Anna Bullen. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1684). The blessed effects of true and saving faith. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1684). The island queens, or, The death of Mary, Queen of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1693). An epistle to Friends. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1694). The innocent usurper, or, The death of the Lady Jane Gray. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John (1696). Cyrus the Great, or, The tragedy of love. EEBO-TCP.

Banks, John ([1698]). A general epistle to the flock of God, but more particularly in Cumberland. EEBO-TCP.

Bannerman, Anne (1800). Poems. WWP.

Banquet of Dainties, The ([1566?]). [Anon.]: The Banquett of Dainties [1566?]. CH.

Bansley, Charles (c. 1550). A treatyse, shewing and declaring the pryde of women. TUDOR.

Baptista (1551?]). A lamentable complaynte of Baptista Ma[n]tuanus, an Italysh poete. EEBO-TCP.

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin) (1793). Sins of government, sins of the nation, or, a discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793. WWP.

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin) (1794). Reasons for national penitence recommended for the fast, appointed February XXVIII, 1794. WWP.

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin) (1826). A legacy for young ladies, consisting of miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse. WWP.

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin) (1826). The works of Anna Letitia Barbauld. With a memoir by Lucy Aikin. WWP.

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin) Aikin, Lucy (1826). The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, with memoir by Lucy Aikin. WWP.

Barbon, Nicholas (1696). A discourse concerning coining the new money lighter. EEBO-TCP.

Barbour, John (1620). The actes and life of the most victorious conquerour, Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Barbour, John (1920-1929). Barbour, J.: The Buik of Alexander (1920-1929). CH.

Barbour, John (1980-1986). Barbour: Barbour's Bruce (1980-1986). CH.

Barckley, Richard (1631). The felicitie of man, or, His summum bonum. EEBO-TCP.

Barclay, Alexander (1509). This present boke named the shyp of folys of the worlde was tr. out of Laten, Frenche, and Doche in the college of saynt mary Otery by A. Barclay. TUDOR.

Barclay, Alexander (1518?). Here begynneth a ryght frutefull treatyse, intituled the myrrour of good maners, conteynyng the.iiii. vertues. TUDOR.

Barclay, Alexander (1928). Barclay: The Eclogues (1928). CH.

Barclay, Alexander (1955). Barclay: The Life St. George (1955). CH.

Barclay, Alexander? (1512? [STC]). The gardyners passetaunce touchyng the outrage of fraunce. TUDOR.

Barclay, Alexander ([1505]). Barclay: The Castell of Laboure [1505]. CH.

Barclay, Alexander ([1509]). Barclay: The ship of fools [1509]. CH.

Barclay, Alexander ([1515?]). Here begynnyth the lyfe of the gloryous martyr saynt George … tra[n]slate by alexander barclay. TUDOR.

Barclay, Alexander ([1523]). Barclay: The myrrour of good maners [1523]. CH.

Barclay, Robert (1676). Quakerism confirmed, or, A vindication of the chief doctrines and principles of the people called Qvakers from the arguments and objections of the students of divinity (so called) of Aberdeen in their book entituled Quakerism convassed [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Barclay, William (1614). Nepenthes, or, The vertues of tabacco. EEBO-TCP.

Barker, Andrew (1609). A true and certaine report of the beginning, proceedings, ouerthrowes, and now present estate of Captaine Ward and Danseker, the two late famous pirates. EEBO-TCP.

Barker, Jane (1688). Poetical recreations. EEBO-TCP.

Barker, Jane (1688). Barker: Poetical Recreations (1688). CH.

Barker, T. (1659). Barker's Delight: or, The Art of Angling. R3.

Barker, Thomas (1700). A poem, dedicated to the memory of Dr Joseph Beaumont, Regius Professor of Divinity in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Barksdale, Clement (1670). A remembrancer of excellent men …. EEBO-TCP.

Barkstead, John (1662). A letter from Colonel Barkestead, Colonel Okey, and Miles Corbet, to their friends in the congregated churches in London. EEBO-TCP.

Barkstead, John (1662). The speeches, discourses, and prayers, of Col. John Barkstead, Col. John Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet, upon the 19th of April. EEBO-TCP.

Barksted, William (1607). Mirrha the mother of Adonis, or, Lustes prodegies. EEBO-TCP.

Barksted, William (1607). Barksted: Mirrha the Mother of Adonis (1607). CH.

Barksted, William (1611). Hiren, or, The faire Greeke. EEBO-TCP.

Barksted, William (1611). Barksted: Hiren (1611). CH.

Barksted, William (1617). Barksted: That Which Seemes Best is Worst (1617). CH.

Barlow, Thomas ([1648]). Pegasus, or, The flying horse from Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William ([1530]). A proper dyaloge, betwene a gentillman and a husbandma[n]. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1597). The nauigators supply. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1601). A defence of the articles of the Protestants religion. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1601). A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, on the first Sunday in Lent: Martij 1. 1600. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1604). The svmme and svbstance of the conference. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1606). One of the foure sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie, at Hampton Court in September last. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1606). The sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the tenth day of Nouember. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1607). A brand, Titio erepta. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1609). An answer to a Catholike English-man. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1613). Psalmes and hymnes of praier and thanksgiuing. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1618). A breife discouery of the idle animaduersions of Marke Ridley Doctor in Phisicke vpon a treatise entituled, Magneticall aduertisements. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (1618). Magneticall aduertisements, or, Diuers pertinent obseruations, and approued experiments, concerning the natures and properties of the load-stone. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William (28 daye of Iuly the yere of oure lorde. 1531 by Wyllyam Rastell wyth the pryuylege of our souereyn lord kyng Henry [the].viii. [and] no ma[y] prynt [the] same agayn withi[n] [the] space of.vii. yere next e[n]suing, 1531]). A dyaloge descrybyng the orygynall grou[n]d of these Lutheran faccyons, and many of theyr abusys. EEBO-TCP.

Barlow, William, Bishop of Chichester (1530). Barlow, W.: A proper dyaloge (1530). CH.

Barlow, William, Bishop of Chichester ([1528]). Barlow, W.: Rede me and be nott wrothe [1528]. CH.

Barlow, William, Bp. of St. Asaph and of Chichester. (1529?). A proper dyaloge, betwene a gentillman and a husbandman, eche complaynenge … the ambicion of the clergye. TUDOR.

Barlow, William? (1528). Rede me and be nott wrothe. TUDOR.

Barnard, John (1683). Theologo-Historicus, or, The true life of the most reverend divine, and excellent historian, Peter Heylyn …. EEBO-TCP.

Barnes, (Master) (1541?). The treatyse answerynge the boke of berdes. Compyled by Collyn clowte. TUDOR.

Barnes, Barnabe (1593). Barnes, B.: Parthenophil and Parthenophe (1593). CH.

Barnes, Barnabe ([1593]). Parthenophil and Parthenophe. EEBO-TCP.

Barnes, Barnabe (1595). A divine centurie of spirituall sonnets. EEBO-TCP.

Barnes, Barnabe (1595). Barnes, B.: A Divine Centvrie of Spirituall Sonnets (1595). CH.

Barnes, Barnabe (1606). Foure bookes of offices. EEBO-TCP.

Barnes, Barnabe (1607). The Diuils charter. EEBO-TCP.

Barnfield, Richard (1594). The affectionate shepheard. EEBO-TCP.

Barnfield, Richard (1594). Barnfield: Greenes Funeralls (1594). CH.

Barnfield, Richard (1594). Barnfield: The Affectionate Shepheard (1594). CH.

Barnfield, Richard (1595). Barnfield: Cynthia (1595). CH.

Barnfield, Richard (1598). Barnfield: The Encomion of Lady Pecunia (1598). CH.

Barnfield, Richard (1599). Barnfield: Poems in The Passionate Pilgrime (1599). CH.

Barnfield, Richard (1605). Lady Pecunia, or, The praise of money. EEBO-TCP.

Barnfield, Richard (1605). Barnfield: A Combat betwixt Conscience and Covetousnesse (1605). CH.

Barnfield, Richard ([1625]). A louers newest curranto, or, The lamentation of a young mans folly. EEBO-TCP.

Baron, John (1699). A sermon preach'd June 1, 1699, at Feckenham in Worcester-shire, before the trustees appointed by Sir Thomas Cookes, Kt. Bart. to manage his charity given to that place. EEBO-TCP.

Baron, Robert (1647). Erotopaignion, or, The Cyprian academy. EEBO-TCP.

Baron, Robert (1647). Baron: EROTOPAIGNION (1647). CH.

Baron, Robert ([1647]). Mirza. EEBO-TCP.

Baron, Robert (1649). An apologie for Paris for rejecting of Juno and Pallas, and presenting of Ate's golden ball to Venus. EEBO-TCP.

Baron, Robert (1650). Baron, R.: Pocula Castalia (1650). CH.

Baron, William (1699). A just defence of the royal martyr, K. Charles I, from the many false and malicious aspersions in Ludlow's Memoirs. EEBO-TCP.

Barret, Robert (1598). The theorike and practike of moderne vvarres. EEBO-TCP.

Barret, Robert (1699). A companion for midwives, child-bearing women, and nurses. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry (1589). A true description out of the VVorde of God of the visible church. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry (1590 [i.e. 1591?]). A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry (1590). A collection of certain letters and conferences lately passed betvvixt certaine preachers & tvvo prisoners in the Fleet. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry (1590). A collection of certaine sclaunderous articles. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry (1591). A plaine refutation of M. G. Giffardes reprochful booke, intituled a short treatise against the Donatists of England. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry ([1591]). A petition directed to Her Most Excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Henry ([1611]). Mr Henry Barrowes platform. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1671). The duty and reward of bounty to the poor. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1677). A sermon upon the passion of Our Blessed Saviour. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1678). Several sermons against evil-speaking. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1679). Sermons preached upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1680). Of the love of God and our neighbour, in several sermons : the third volume. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1681). A brief exposition of the Lord's prayer and the Decalogue. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1683). A treatise of the Pope's supremacy. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1685). Of contentment, patience and resignation to the will of God. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1693). Of industry, in five discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1694). Practical discourses upon the consideration of our latter end, and the danger and mischief of delaying repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, Isaac (1698). A brief state of the Socinian controversy concerning a trinity in unity. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, John (1664). The Lord's arm stretched ovt in an answer of prayer, or, A true relation of the wonderful deliverance of James Barrow, the son of John Barrow of Olaves Southwark, who was possessed with evil spirits near two years. EEBO-TCP.

Barrow, John (1683). A sermon preached at the triennial visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum, held at Reading, Sept. 6, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Barry, Lording (1611). Ram-Alley, or, Merrie-trickes. EEBO-TCP.

Bartholomaeus ([1582]). Batman vppon Bartholome. EEBO-TCP.

Bartlet, John (1606). A booke of ayres. EEBO-TCP.

Barton, John (1634). The art of rhetorick concisely and compleatly handled. EEBO-TCP.

Barton, William (1644). The Book of Psalms in metre. EEBO-TCP.

Barton, William (1645). The choice and flower of the old Psalms. EEBO-TCP.

Barton, William (1670). Mercy in the midst of judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Barton, William (1688). Six centuries of select hymns and spiritual songs collected out of the Holy Bible. EEBO-TCP.

Barton, William (21, M.DC.LI [1651]). Psalms and hymns composed and fitted for the present occasion of publick thanks-giving, October 24, 1651. EEBO-TCP.

Barwick, Humfrey (1592?]). A breefe discourse, concerning the force and effect of all manuall weapons of fire. EEBO-TCP.

Basier, Isaac (1661). The ancient liberty of the Britannick church, and the legitimate exemption thereof from the Roman patriarchate. EEBO-TCP.

Basilius Valentinus (1671). Of natural & supernatural things. EEBO-TCP.

Basse, William (1602). Svvord and buckler, or, Seruing-mans defence. EEBO-TCP.

Basse, William (1602). Three pastoral elegies. EEBO-TCP.

Basse, William (1613). Great Brittaines sunnes-set, bewailed with a shower of teares. EEBO-TCP.

Basse, William ([1620]). Maister Basse his careere, or, The New hunting of the hare, to a new court tune. EEBO-TCP.

Basse, William (1893). Basse: The Poetical Works (1893). CH.

Basse, William ([1620]). Basse: Maister Basse his Careere [1620]. CH.

Bastard, Thomas (1598). Chrestoleros. EEBO-TCP.

Bastard, Thomas (1598). Bastard: Chrestoleros (1598). CH.

Bastard, Thomas (1611). Bastard: A burlesque poem (1611). CH.

Bastard, Thomas (1615). Twelue sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Bastwick, John (1637). The answer of John Bastvvick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the information of Sir Iohn Bancks Knight, Atturney universall. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1662). The peace-maker, or, Two farewel-sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1674). The harmony of the divine attributes in the contrivance and accomplishment of man's redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, or, Discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1676). Considerations of the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul, with the recompences of the future state. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1677). The divinity of the Christian religion, proved by the evidence of reason and divine revelation. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1678). A funeral sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1680). The soveraign and final happiness of man with the effectual means to obtain it. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1683). Sermons upon death and eternal judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1684). The great duty of resignation to the divine will in afflictions. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1685). The danger of prosperity. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1687). A short description of the blessed place and state of the saints above. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1687). The speedy coming of Christ to judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1687). The way to the highest honour. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1689). The sure trial of uprightness. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1691). The four last things. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1692). A funeral-sermon for the reverend, holy and excellent divine, Mr. Richard Baxter. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1693). Sermons preach'd on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1693). The upright Christian discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1695). A sermon preached upon the much lamented death of our late gracious sovereign Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1696). Sermons upon Psalm CXXX, ver. 4. EEBO-TCP.

Bates, William (1699). Spiritual perfection, unfolded and enforced from 2 Cor. VII, 1. EEBO-TCP.

Bath, Elizabeth (1806). Poems, on various occasions. WWP.

Bathe, William (1596). A Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song. NebMusic.

Bathe, William. A Brief Introduction to the True Arte of Music. NebMusic.

Bathurst, Elizabeth (1679). Truth's vindication, or, A gentle stroke to wipe off the foul aspersions, false accusations, and misrepresentations cast upon the people of God called Quakers, both with respect to their principle and their way of proselyting people over to them. EEBO-TCP.

Batman, Stephen (1569). A christall glasse of christian reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Batman, Stephen (1569). Batman: The trauayled Pylgrime (1569). CH.

Batman, Stephen (1577). The golden booke of the leaden goddes. EEBO-TCP.

Batman, Stephen (1580?]). The new arival of the three gracis, into Anglia. EEBO-TCP.

Battie, William (1678). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable Sir Francis Chaplin, Lord Mayor of London at Gvild-Hall Chapell, November the 18th, 1677. EEBO-TCP.

Baudier, Michel (1682). The history of the court of the king of China. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Nathaniel (1578). Baxter: The Lectures of … Iohn Caluine (1578). CH.

Baxter, Nathaniel (1606). Sir Philip Sydneys ouránia. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Nathaniel (1606). Baxter: Sir Philip Sydneys Ouránia (1606). CH.

Baxter, Richard (1615-1691). The Reformed Pastor. CCEL.

Baxter, Richard (1650). The saints everlasting rest, or, A treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in glory. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1655). Aphorismes of justification, with their explication annexed. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1655). The arrogancy of reason against divine revelations, repressed, or, Proud ignorance the cause of infidelity, and of mens quarrelling with the word of God. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1658). A call to the unconverted to turn and live. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1658). Certain disputations of right to sacraments, and the true nature of visible Christianity. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1658). Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1658). The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1659). Five disputations of church-government and worship. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1660). Catholick vnity, or, The only way to bring us all to be of one religion. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1660). The Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1660). The successive visibility of the church of which the Protestants are the soundest members. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1661). An accompt of all the proceedings of the commissioners of both persvvasions appointed by His Sacred Majesty, according to letters patent, for the review of the Book of common prayer, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1662). Richard Baxter his account to his dearly beloved, the inhabitants of Kidderminster, of the causes of his being forbidden by the Bishop of Worcester to preach within his diocess. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1663). Fair-warning, or, XXV reasons against toleration and indulgence of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1664). The divine life in three treatises …. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1669). Directions for weak distempered Christians, to grow up to a confirmed state of grace. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1670). The cure of church-divisions, or, Directions for weak Christians to keep them from being dividers or troublers of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1671). A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1671). The difference between the power of magistrates and church-pastors and the Roman kingdom & magistracy under the name of a church & church-government usurped by the Pope, or liberally given him by popish princes. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1671). The divine appointment of the Lords day. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1671). The duty of heavenly meditation. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1672). The certainty of Christianity without popery, or, Whether the Catholick-Protestant or the papist have the surer faith. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1672). The church told of Mr. Ed. Bagshaw's scandals and warned of the dangerous snares of Satan now laid for them in his love-killing principles. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1673). A Christian directory, or, A summ of practical theologie and cases of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1674). An appeal to the light, or, Richard Baxter's account of four accused passages of a sermon on Eph. I,3. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1679). Which is the true church?. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1680). Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1680). The defence of the nonconformists plea for peace, or, An account of the matter of their nonconformity. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1681). A breviate of the life of Margaret, the daughter of Francis Charlton … and wife of Richard Baxter … : there is also published the character of her mother, truly described in her published funeral sermon, reprinted at her daughters request, called, The last work of a believer, his passing-prayer recommending his departing spirit to Christ, to be received by him. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1681). An apology for the nonconformists ministry. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1681). Compassionate counsel to all young men. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1681). Faithful souls shall be with Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1682). Additional notes on the life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, the late universally honoured and loved Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1682). An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke, confuting an universal humane church-supremacy aristocratical and monarchical, as church-tyranny and popery : and defending Dr. Isaac Barrow's treatise against it. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1682). The ready way of confuting Mr. Baxter. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1683). Additions to the poetical fragments of Rich. Baxter. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1683). The catechizing of families. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1683). The dangerous schismatick clearly detected and fully confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1684). Catholick communion defended against both extreams, and unnecessary division confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1684). Catholick communion doubly defended by Dr. Owens, vindicator, and Richard Baxter. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1689). Cain and Abel malignity, that is, Enmity to serious godliness, that is, To an holy and heavenly state of heart and life. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1689). The English nonconformity as under King Charles II and King James II truly stated and argued. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1691). Against the revolt to a foreign jurisdiction, which would be to England its perjury, church-ruine, and slavery. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1691). Church concord. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1691). The certainty of the worlds of spirits and, consequently, of the immortality of souls. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard ([1691]). An end of doctrinal controversies which have lately troubled the churches by reconciling explication without much disputing. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1693). The Christians converse with God, or, The insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship and the improvement of solitude in converse with God. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard (1696). Reliquiæ Baxterianæ, or, Mr. Richard Baxters narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times. EEBO-TCP.

Baxter, Richard. The Saints' Everlasting Rest. TACT.

Bayly, Lewis (1613). The practise of pietie. EEBO-TCP.

Bayly, Lewis (1695). The practice of piety. EEBO-TCP.

Bayly, Lewis (d. 1631). The Practice of Piety: Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God. CCEL.

Baynes, Paul (1621 [i.e. 1641]). The diocesans tryall. EEBO-TCP.

Beard, Thomas (1642-1648). The theatre of Gods judgements. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, F. (1602). Salmacis and Hermaphroditus. R3.

Beaumont, Francis (1602). Beaumont, F.: Salamacis and Hermaphroditvs. CH.

Beaumont, Francis (1607). The vvoman hater. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis (1613). The knight of the burning pestle. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis ([1613]). The masque of the Inner Temple and Grayes Inne. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis (1615). Cupids reuenge. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis (1616). The scornful ladie. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis (1619). The maides tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis (1620). Phylaster, or, Loue lyes a bleeding. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis (1661). Wit withovt money. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Francis. The knight of the burning pestle. OTA.

Beaumont, John (1694). A postscript to a book published last year entituled Considerations on Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Joseph (1648). Psyche, or, Loves mysterie. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Joseph (1665). Some observations upon the apologie of Dr. Henry More for his mystery of godliness. EEBO-TCP.

Beaumont, Joseph (1880). Beaumont, Joseph: The complete poems (1880). CH.

Beaumont, Joseph (1914). Beaumont, Joseph: The Minor Poems (1914). CH.

Beaumont, S. J. (1625). The theatre of Apollo. R3.

Beaumont, Sir John (1602). Beaumont, John: The Metamorphosis of Tabacco (1602). CH.

Beaumont, Sir John (1629). Beaumont, John: Bosworth-field (1629). CH.

Beaumont, Sir John (1869). Beaumont, J.: The Poems (1869). CH.

Becanus, Martinus ([1610]). The confutation of Tortura Torti, or, Against the King of Englands chaplaine. EEBO-TCP.

Becanus, Martinus ([1612]). The English iarre, or, Disagreement amongst the ministers of great Brittaine, concerning the Kinges supremacy. EEBO-TCP.

Beck, Sarah (1680). A certain and true relation of the heavenly enjoyments and living testimonies of God's love unto her soul, participated of from the bountiful hand of the Lord, and communicated to her in the time of her weakness of body. EEBO-TCP.

Becke, Edmund ([1550]). A brefe confutacion of this … anabaptistical opinion, that Christ dyd not take hys flesh of the blessed vyrgyn Mary… For the maintenaunce whereof J. Bucher was burned the.ii. day of May M.D.L. TUDOR.

Becon, Thomas (1541?]). Newes out of heauen. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1542. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Per Septennium). Dauids harpe ful of moost delectable armony. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1542). A Christmas bankette garnyshed with many pleasaunt and deynty disshes. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1542). A newe pathway vnto praier. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1542). A potacio[n] or dri[n]kynge for this holi time of le[n]t. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1542). The new pollecye of warre. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1543). A new yeares gyfte more precious than golde. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1543]). A pleasaunt newe nosegaye. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1543]). An inuectyue agenst the moost wicked [and] detestable vyce of swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1547?]). A newe dialog betwene thangell of God, & the shepherdes in the felde. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1548]). The solace of the soule agaynst the bytter stormes of sycknes and deathe. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1549?]). The castell of comforte. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1549]). The physyke of the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1550?]). The iewel of ioye. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1550). The fortresse of the faythfull agaynst [ye] cruel assautes of pouertie and honger. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1550]). [The flour of godly praiers]. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1551?]). A fruitful treatise of fasting. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1554]). A comfortable epistle, too Goddes faythfull people in Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1561). The pomaunder of prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1561]). The sycke mans salue. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1563]). The reliques of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1566]). A new postil. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas ([1566]). The gouernaunce of vertue. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1569). The principles of Christian Religion. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1577). The actes of Christe and of Antichriste. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1577). The demaundes of holy scripture, with answeres to the same. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1637). The displaying of the Popish masse. EEBO-TCP.

Becon, Thomas (1843). Becon: Early works (1843). CH.

Becon, Thomas (1844). Becon: Psalms CIII and CXII (1844). CH.

Becon, Thomas (1844). Becon: To the reader the book speaketh (1844). CH.

Bede (1565). The history of the Church of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Bedell, William (1628). An examination of certaine motives to recusancie. EEBO-TCP.

Bedford, Thomas (1621). The sinne vnto death, or, An ample discouery of that fearefull sinne, the sinne against the holy Ghost. EEBO-TCP.

Bedford, Thomas (1624). Luthers predecessours, or, An ansvvere to the question of the Papists. EEBO-TCP.

Bedford, Thomas (1635). A true and certaine relation of a strange-birth. EEBO-TCP.

Bedford, Thomas (1638). A treatise of the sacraments according to the doctrin of the Church of England touching that argument. EEBO-TCP.

Bedloe, William (1679). The excommunicated prince, or, The false relique. EEBO-TCP.

Bedwell, William (1614). De numeris geometricis. EEBO-TCP.

Bedwell, William (1631). Mesolabium architectonicum. EEBO-TCP.

Beedome, Thomas (1641). Poems, divine and humane. EEBO-TCP.

Beedome, Thomas (1641). Beedome, T.: Poems Divine and Humane (1641). CH.

Behn, A. (1677). The Rover; or, the Banish'd Cavaliers. Part I. R3.

Behn, A. (1677). The Rover; or, the Banish'd Cavaliers. Part II. R3.

Behn, A. (1688). Oroonoko: or, the Royal Slave. R3.

Behn, Aphra (1671). The amorous prince, or, The curious husband. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1671). The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1673). The Dutch lover. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1677). Abdelazer, or, The Moor's revenge. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1677). The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1677). The rover, or, The banish't cavaliers. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1677). The town-fopp, or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1677). The rover, or, The banish'd cavaliers. OTA.

Behn, Aphra (1678). Sir Patient Fancy. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1678). The lives of sundry notorious villains, memorable for their base and abominable actions. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1679). The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrigue. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1682). A prologue to her new play called Like father, like son, or, The mistaken brothers. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1682). Prologue to Romulus. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1682). The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1682). The false count, or, A new way to play an old game. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1682). The Roundheads, or, The good old cause. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1682). "The City Heiress". EarlyUVa.

Behn, Aphra (1682). Behn: A prologue … to her New Play (1682). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1683). The young king, or, The mistake. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1684). Love-letters between a noble-man and his sister. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1684). Poems upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1684). Behn: Poems on several occasions (1684). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1684). Poems upon several occasions, with a voyage to the island of love. WWP.

Behn, Aphra (1685?]). A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1685). A pindarick poem on the happy coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty James II and his illustrious consort Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1685). A poem humbly dedicated to the great patern of piety and virtue Catherine, Queen Dowager. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1685). A Pindarick poem on the happy coronation of his most sacred majesty James II and his illustrious consort Queen Mary. WWP.

Behn, Aphra (1685). Behn: A Pindarick on the death of Our Late Sovereign (1685). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1685). Behn: A Pindarick Poem on the Happy Coronation (1685). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1685). Behn: A poem humbly dedicated to Catherine Queen Dowager (1685). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1687). The emperor of the moon. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1687). The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1687). To the most illustrious Prince Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, on his voyage to his government of Jamaica. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1687). Behn: To Christopher Duke of Albemarle (1687). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1688). A congratulatory poem to Her Most Sacred Majesty, on the universal hopes of all loyal persons for a Prince of Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1688). A congratulatory poem to His Most Sacred Majesty on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1688). A poem to Sir Roger L'Estrange on his third part of the history of the times. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1688). Oroonoko, or, The royal slave. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1688). The fair jilt, or, The history of Prince Tarquin and Miranda. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1688). Behn, A.: A Congratulatory poem (1688). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1688). Behn, A.: Lycidus (1688). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1688). Behn: A congratulatory poem to Her Majesty (1688). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1688). Behn: To Poet Bavius (1688). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1688). Behn: To Sir Roger L'Estrange (1688). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1689). A congratulatory poem to Her Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary upon her arrival in England. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1689). A Pindaric poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet on the honour he did me of enquiring after me and my muse. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1689). The history of the nun, or, The fair vow-breaker. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1689). The lucky mistake. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1689). A Pindaric poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet, on the honour he did me of enquiring after me and my Muse. WWP.

Behn, Aphra (1689). Behn: A Congratulatory Poem to her Sacred Majesty Queen Mary (1689). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1689). Behn: A Pindaric Poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet (1689). CH.

Behn, Aphra (1690). The widdow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1697). Poems upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1697). The lady's looking-glass, to dress herself by, or, The whole art of charming. EEBO-TCP.

Behn, Aphra (1717). Behn: The Land of Love (1717). CH.

Behn, Aphra. The city heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all. OTA.

Bellamie, John (1646). A ivstification of The city remonstrance and its vindication, or, An answer to a book written by Mr. J.P. entituled, The city remonstrance remonstrated. EEBO-TCP.

Bellenden, John (1822). Bellenden: The first five books of the Roman history (1822). CH.

Bellenden, John (1878). Bellenden, J.: The Benner of Piete (1873 -1878). CH.

Bellenden, John ([1536?]). Bellenden: The Hystory and Croniklis of Scotland [1536?]. CH.

Bellers, Fulk (1656). Abrahams interment, or, The good old-mans buriall in a good old age. EEBO-TCP.

Bellers, John (1695). Proposals for raising a colledge of industry of all useful trades and husbandry. EEBO-TCP.

Bellers, John (1696?]). To the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled. EEBO-TCP.

Bellers, John (1699). Essays about the poor, manufactures, trade, plantations, & immorality. EEBO-TCP.

Bellings, Richard ([1624]). A sixth booke to the Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. EEBO-TCP.

Benedetto ([1573]). The benefite that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucifyed. EEBO-TCP.

Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy (1791). The female Geniad; a poem. WWP.

Benlowes, Edward (1652). Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice. EEBO-TCP.

Benlowes, Edward (1652). Benlowes: Theophila (1652). CH.

Benlowes, Edward (1657). The summary of vvisedome. EEBO-TCP.

Benlowes, Edward (1657). Benlowes: The Summary of Wisedome (1657). CH.

Benlowes, Edward (1672). Benlowes: Oxonii Encomium (1672). CH.

Benlowes, Edward ([1649]). Benlowes: A poetick descant [1649]. CH.

Benlowes, Edward ([1657]). Benlowes: Sacred friendship [1657]. CH.

Bennet, John (1625). The psalme of mercy, or, A meditation vpon the 51. psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Bennet, John (1683). Constantius the Apostate. EEBO-TCP.

Bennett, E. (1620). A treatise divided into three parts, touching the inconveniences, that the Importation of Tobacco out of Spain, hath brought into this land. R3.

Bennett, Edward ([1620]). A treatise deuided into three parts, touching the inconueniences, that the importation of tobacco out of Spaine, hath brought into this land. EEBO-TCP.

Benson, George (1609). A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the seauenth of May, M.DC.IX. EEBO-TCP.

Benson, Gervase (1655). An ansvver to John Gilpin's book, published in his name, and subscribed by the priest of Kendal. EEBO-TCP.

Benson, Gervase (1656). A true tryall of the ministers and ministry of England. EEBO-TCP.

Benson, Gervase (1656). The cry of the oppressed from under their oppressions, ascending up to Him, who will rebuke the oppressor and devourer, and deliver the innocent. EEBO-TCP.

Benson, Gervase (1669). A true testimony concerning oaths & swearing &c. EEBO-TCP.

Benson, Gervase (1675). A second testimony concerning oaths and swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Bentivoglio, Guido (1652). Historicall relations of the United Provinces & of Flanders. EEBO-TCP.

Bentley, Richard (1696). Of revelation and the Messias. EEBO-TCP.

Bentley, Richard (1697). A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and others, and the Fables of Æsop. EEBO-TCP.

Bentley, Richard (1699). The folly and unreasonableness of atheism. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, G. (1710). A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. R3.

Berkeley, George (1686). A sermon preached at the assizes held at Leicester, July xxii. MDCLXXVI. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, George Berkeley (1666 [i.e. 1677]). Historical applications and occasional meditations upon several subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, George Berkeley (1681). A speech made by the Right Honourable George Earl of Berkeley to the Levant company at their annual election, February ix, MDCLXXX. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, George Berkeley (1681). The Earl of Berkeley's speech to the corporation of Trinity-House. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, John (1699). Memoirs of Sir John Berkley. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, William (1638). The lost lady. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, William (1651). The speech of the Honourable Sr. VVilliam Berkeley. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, William (1663?]). A discourse and view of Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Berkeley, William (1663). A DISCOURSE And View of VIRGINIA. EarlyUVa.

Berkeley, William (1697). Diatribæ. EEBO-TCP.

Bernard, Edward (1689). Private devotion and a brief explication of the ten commandments. EEBO-TCP.

Bernard, Richard (1627). A guide to grand-iury men. EEBO-TCP.

Bernardino (1511] the. xxij. daye of Auguste). The chirche of the euyll men and women. EEBO-TCP.

Berners, D. J. (1561). A treatyse of fysshynge wyth an Angle. R3.

Berners, Juliana ([1566]). The booke of hauking, huntyng and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. EEBO-TCP.

Beroaldo, Filippo (1581). A contention betwene three bretheren, that is to say, the vvhoremonger, the dronkarde, and the diceplayer. EEBO-TCP.

Best, George (1578 [Decembris. 10]). A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northvveast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall. EEBO-TCP.

Bethel, Slingsby (1673). Observations on the letter written to Sir Thomas Osborn, upon the reading of a book called The present interest of England stated. EEBO-TCP.

Betson, Thomas ([1500]). Here begynneth a ryght profytable treatyse co[m]pendiously drawen out of many [and] dyuers wrytynges of holy men, to dyspose men to be vertuously occupyed in theyr myndes [and] prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Beverley, Peter ([1575]). The historie of Ariodanto and Ieneura, daughter to the King of Scottes, in English verse. EEBO-TCP.

Bevin, Elway (1631). A briefe and short instruction of the art of musicke. EEBO-TCP.

Beza, TheodoR3. Trans. by Arthur Golding (1577). A Tragedie of Abraham's Sacrifice. ElizAuth.

Bible, King James. 1 Chronicles, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Corinthians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 John, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Kings, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Maccabees, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Peter, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Samuel, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Thessalonians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 1 Timothy, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Chronicles, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Corinthians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 John, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Kings, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Maccabees, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Peter, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Samuel, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Thessalonians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 2 Timothy, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 3 John, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. 4 Ezra OR 2 Esdras, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Acts, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Additions to Daniel, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Additions to Esther, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Amos, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Baruch, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Bel, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Canticles (Song of Solomon), from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Colossians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Daniel, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Deuteronomy, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Ephesians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Esdras, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Esther, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Exodus, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Ezekiel, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Ezra, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Galatians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Genesis, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Habakkuk, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Haggai, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Hebrews, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Hosea, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Isaiah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. James, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Jeremiah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Job, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Joel, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. John, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Jonah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Joshua, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Jude, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Judges, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Judith, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Lamentations, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Leviticus, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Luke, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Malachi, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Mark, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Micah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Nahum, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Nehemiah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Numbers, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Obadiah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Philemon, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Philippians, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Prayer of Manassheh, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Proverbs, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Psalms, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Revelation, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Romans, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Ruth, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Sirach, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Susanna, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Titus, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Tobit, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Wisdom of Solomon, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Zechariah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Bible, King James. Zephaniah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.

Biddle, Ester (1660). A warning from the Lord God of life and power. EEBO-TCP.

Biddle, Hester (1660). A warning from the Lord God of life and power, unto thee O city of London. WWP.

Biddle, Hester (1662). The Trumpet of the Lord sounded forth unto these three nations. WWP.

Bieston, Roger ([1554?]). Bieston: The bayte and snare of fortune [1554?]. CH.

Billing, Edward (1665). A certaine sound, or, An alarm sounded to the persecuting episcopalians in and about the cities of London & Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Billingsley, Nicholas (1657). Billingsley: Brachy-Martyrologia (1657). CH.

Billingsley, Nicholas (1658). Billingsley: The infancy of the world (1658). CH.

Billingsley, Nicholas (1667). Billingsley: Qesauro-fulakion: or, A treasury of divine raptures (1667). CH.

Bilson, Thomas ([1585]). The true difference betweene Christian subiection and unchristian rebellion. EEBO-TCP.

Bilson, Thomas (1593). The perpetual gouernement of Christes Church. EEBO-TCP.

Bilson, Thomas (1599). The effect of certaine sermons touching the full redemption of mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Iesus. EEBO-TCP.

Bilson, Thomas (1603). A sermon preached at Westminster before the King and Queenes Maiesties, at their coronations on Saint Iames his day, being the 28. of Iuly. 1603. EEBO-TCP.

Bilson, Thomas ([1604]). The suruey of Christs sufferings for mans redemption. EEBO-TCP.

Binning, Hugh (1666 [i.e. 1667]). The common principiles of Christian religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or, A practical catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Binning, Hugh (1670). The sinners sanctuary, or, A discovery made of those glorious priviledges offered unto the penitent and faithful under the Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Binning, Hugh (1671). Fellowship with God, or, XXVIII sermons on the I Epistle of John, chap. 1 and 2. EEBO-TCP.

Binning, Hugh (1693). An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Biondi, Giovanni Francesco (1641-1646). An history of the civill vvares of England betweene the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke. EEBO-TCP.

Birchensha, Ralph (1602). Birchensha: A Discourse (1602). CH.

Birckbek, Simon (1635). The Protestants evidence. EEBO-TCP.

Birckbek, Simon (1647). A cordiall for a heart-qualme, or, Severall heavenly comforts for all those who suffer any worldly crosse or calamity. EEBO-TCP.

Birkenhead, John (1666). A new ballad of a famous German prince and a renowned English duke. EEBO-TCP.

Blackborow, Sarah (1659). Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world. EEBO-TCP.

Blackbourn, Richard (1688). Clitie. EEBO-TCP.

Blackmore, Richard (1695). Prince Arthur. EEBO-TCP.

Blackmore, Richard (1699). A short history of the last Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Blackmore, Richard (1700). A paraphrase on the book of Job. EEBO-TCP.

Blackmore, Richard (1700). A satyr against wit. EEBO-TCP.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1695). Blackmore: Prince Arthur (1695). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1697). Blackmore: King Arthur (1697). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1700). Blackmore: A paraphrase on the Book of Job (1700). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1705). Blackmore, R.: Eliza (1705). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1712). Blackmore: Creation: A philosophical poem (1712). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1718). Blackmore: A Collection of Poems on Various Subjects (1718). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1721). Blackmore: A New Version of the Psalms of David (1721). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1722). Blackmore: Redemption (1722). CH.

Blackmore, Sir Richard (1723). Blackmore: Alfred (1723). CH.

Blackwood, Adam (1587). Martyre de la Royne d'Escosse, douariere de France. EEBO-TCP.

Blair, Hugh (1661). Gods soveraignity, His Sacred Majesties supremacy, the subjects duty. EEBO-TCP.

Bland, John ([1661]). To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. EEBO-TCP.

Blenerhasset, Thomas (1578). The seconde part of the Mirrour for magistrates. EEBO-TCP.

Blenerhasset, Thomas (1582). Blenerhasset: A Revelation of the true Minerva (1582). CH.

Blenerhasset, Thomas (1610). A direction for the plantation in Vlster. EEBO-TCP.

Blenerhasset, Thomas (1946). Blenerhasset: Parts added to The Mirror for Magistrates (1946). CH.

Blind Hary (1968-1969). Blind Hary: Wallace (1968-1969). CH.

Blith, Walter (1653). The English improver improved, or, The svrvey of hvsbandry svrveyed. EEBO-TCP.

Blondel, François (1696). The comparison of Pindar and Horace. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1673). Mr. Dreyden vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1679). A just vindication of learning, or, An humble address to the high court of Parliament in behalf of the liberty of the press. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1679). An appeal from the country to the city, for the preservation of His Majesties person, liberty, property, and the Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1679). Anima mundi, or, An historical narration of the opinions of the ancients concerning man's soul after this life. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1680). Great is Diana of the Ephesians, or, The original of idolatry. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1683). Religio laici. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1693). King William and Queen Mary, conquerors, or, A discourse endeavouring to prove that Their Majesties have on their side, against the late king, the principal reasons that make conquest a good title. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Charles (1693). The oracles of reason …. EEBO-TCP.

Blount, Thomas Pope (1693). A natural history. EEBO-TCP.

Blow, John (1695). Three elegies upon the much lamented loss of our late most gracious Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Blow, John (1696). An ode on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell …. EEBO-TCP.

Blundeville, Thomas (1561). Blundeville: Three morall Treatises. CH.

Blundeville, Thomas ([1566]). The fower chiefyst offices belongyng to horsemanshippe. EEBO-TCP.

Blundeville, Thomas ([1574]). The true order and methode of wryting and reading hystories. EEBO-TCP.

Blundeville, Thomas (1589). A briefe description of vniuersal mappes and cardes, and of their vse. EEBO-TCP.

Blundeville, Thomas (1602). The theoriques of the seuen planets. EEBO-TCP.

Blundeville, Thomas (1617). The arte of logick. EEBO-TCP.

Boaistuau, Pierre (1569). Certaine secrete wonders of nature. EEBO-TCP.

Boccaccio, Giovanni (1525?]). Here begynneth y[e] hystory of Tytus & Gesyppus. EEBO-TCP.

Boccaccio, Giovanni ([1532]). Guystarde and Sygysmonde. EEBO-TCP.

Boccaccio, Giovanni (1554?]). The tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune since the creacion of Adam, vntil his time. EEBO-TCP.

Boccaccio, Giovanni ([1562]). The most wonderful and pleasaunt history of Titus and Gisippus. EEBO-TCP.

Boccaccio, Giovanni ([1565]). A pleasant and delightfull history, of Galesus Cymon and Iphigenia. EEBO-TCP.

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375 (1340). The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love. EarlyUVa.

Boccalini, Traiano (1626). The new-found politicke. EEBO-TCP.

Boccalini, Traiano (1656). I ragguagli di Parnasso, or, Advertisements from Parnassus. EEBO-TCP.

Bodin, Jean (1606). The six bookes of a common-weale. EEBO-TCP.

Boece, Hector (1540?]). Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Boethius ([1478]). Boecius De consolacione philosophie. EEBO-TCP.

Boiardo, Matteo Maria (1598). Orlando inamorato the three first bookes of that famous noble gentleman and learned poet, Mathew Maria Boiardo Earle of Scandiano in Lombardie. EEBO-TCP.

Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas, 1636-1711. (1683). The Art of Poetry. EarlyUVa.

Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas (1683). The art of poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Bokenham, Osbern (1883). Bokenham: Osbern Bokenam's Legenden (1883). CH.

Bokenham, Osbern (1905). Bokenham: Eine Mittelenglische Claudian-Ůbersetzung (1905). CH.

Bokenham, Osbern (1938 for 1936). Bokenham: Legends of Hooly Wuumen (1938 for 1936). CH.

Bold, Henry (1657). VVit a sporting in a pleasant grove of new fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, Henry (1657). Bold, H.: Wit A Sporting In a pleasant Grove (1657). CH.

Bold, Henry (1660). Elegy on the death of Her Highness Mary Princess Dowager of Aurange. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, Henry (1661). Anniversary to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, Charles the II. on his birth-&-restauration-day, May 29, having resolv'd to marry with the Infanta of Portugall, May the 8th, 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, Henry (1661). Satyr on the adulterate coyn inscribed the common-wealth, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, Henry (1664). Poems lyrique, macaronique, heroique, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, Henry (1664). Bold, H.: Poems (1664). CH.

Bold, Henry (1685). Latine songs with their English, and poems. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, Henry (1685). Bold: Latine Songs (1685). CH.

Bold, S (1698). Observations on the animadversions (lately printed at Oxford) on a late book, entituled, The reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Bold, S (1699). Some considerations on the principal objections and arguments which have been publish'd against Mr. Lock's Essay of humane understanding. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Edmund (1610). The elements of armories. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Edmund (1624). Nero Cæsar, or, Monarchie depraued. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Edmund (1629). The cities aduocate. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Edmund (1674). The cities great concern in this case of question of honour and arms. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1611). A discourse about the state of true happinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1626). Some generall directions for a comfortable walking with God. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1630). Helpes to humiliation. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1631). Instructions for a right comforting afflicted consciences. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert ([1632]). Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1635). Two sermons preached at Northampton at two severall assises there. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1637). A short and priuate discourse betweene Mr. Bolton and one M.S. concerning vsury. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1638). Certaine devout prayers of Mr. Bolton upon solemne occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert ([1640]). A cordiall for Christians in the time of affliction, or, A sermon preached at Kethering Lecture. EEBO-TCP.

Bolton, Robert (1646). The last conflicts and death of Mr. Thomas Peacock, batchelour of divinity, and fellow of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Bomelius, Henricus ([1529]). The summe of the holye scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Bon, Ottaviano (1653). A description of the grand signour's seraglio, or, Turkish emperours court. EEBO-TCP.

Bona, Giovanni (1680). A guide to eternity. EEBO-TCP.

Bonarelli, Guidubaldo (1655). Filli di Sciro, or, Phillis of Scyros. EEBO-TCP.

Bond, John (1641). Englands reioycing for the Parliaments retvrne. EEBO-TCP.

Bonnecorse (1686). La montre, or, The lover's watch. EEBO-TCP.

Bonnefons, Nicolas de (1658). The French gardiner. EEBO-TCP.

Bonner, Edmund ([1555]). A profitable and necessarye doctrine. EEBO-TCP.

Bonner, Edmund ([1555]). An honest godlye instruction. EEBO-TCP.

Book of a Ghostly Father, A ([1520?]). [Anon.]: A boke of a Ghoostly fader [1520?]. CH.

Boothby, Frances (1670). Marcelia: or the treacherous friend. A tragicomedy. WWP.

Boothby, Richard (10, 1644). A true declaration of the intollerable wrongs done to Richard Boothby, merchant of India, by two lewd servants to the honorable East India Company, Richard Wylde and George Page. EEBO-TCP.

Boothby, Richard (1647). A briefe discovery or description of the most famous island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare unto East-India. EEBO-TCP.

Borde, Andrew (1870). Borde: The Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge (1870). CH.

Borlase, Edmund (1672). Latham Spaw in Lancashire. EEBO-TCP.

Borlase, Edmund ([1680]). The history of the execrable Irish rebellion. EEBO-TCP.

Borlase, Edmund (1682). Brief reflections on the Earl of Castlehaven's memoirs of his engagements and carriage in the wars of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Borri, Cristoforo (1633). Cochin-China. EEBO-TCP.

Bossewell, John (1572. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum). VVorkes of armorie. EEBO-TCP.

Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne ([1672]). An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholique Church in the points of controversie with those of the pretended reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1699). Maxims and reflections upon plays. EEBO-TCP.

Bosworth, William (1653). The chast and lost lovers living shadowed in the person of Arcadius and Sepha. EEBO-TCP.

Bosworth, William (1653). Bosworth: The Chast and Lost Lovers (1653). CH.

Botero, Giovanni (1601). The trauellers breuiat, or, An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the world. EEBO-TCP.

Botero, Giovanni (1606). A treatise, concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities, deuided into three bookes. EEBO-TCP.

Botero, Giovanni (1630). Relations of the most famous kingdomes and common-wealths thorowout the world. EEBO-TCP.

Bouhours, Dominique (1688). The life of St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, apostle of the Indies, and of Japan. EEBO-TCP.

Bourcher, Arthur (1589). A worthy mirrour, vvherein you may marke, an excellent discourse of a breeding larke. EEBO-TCP.

Bourman, Nicholas (1571. October. 2). An epytaphe vpon the death of the Right Reuerent Father in God I. Iuell, Doctor of Diuinitie and Bishop of Sarisburie. who deceased the. 22. of September 1571. EEBO-TCP.

Bouvet, Joachim (1699). The history of Cang-Hy, the present emperour of China. EEBO-TCP.

Bowle, John (1615). A sermon preached at Flitton in the countie of Bedford. EEBO-TCP.

Bowle, John (1616). A sermon preached at Mapple-Durham in Oxfordshire, and published at the request of Sir Richard Blount. EEBO-TCP.

Bowles, Edward (1643). Plaine English, or, A discourse concerning the accommodation, the armie, the association. EEBO-TCP.

Bowles, Edward (1643). The mysterie of iniqvity yet working in the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the destruction of religion truly Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

Bowles, Edward (1646). Manifest truth, or, An inversion of truths manifest. EEBO-TCP.

Bowles, Edward (1655). The dutie and danger of swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Elizabeth (1727). Variety: a poem in two cantos. Humbly offered to the god of change. WWP.

Boyd, Robert (1628). A spirituall hymne, or, The sacrifice of a sinner. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1629). The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1629). The last battell of the soule in death. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1629). Two sermons, for these who are to come to the table of the Lord. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1639). A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1640). Foure letters of comforts, for the deaths of the Earle of Hadingtoun, and of the Lord Boyd, with two epitaphs. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1648). The Psalms of David in meeter. EEBO-TCP.

Boyd, Zacharie (1648). The songs of the Old and New Testament in meeter. EEBO-TCP.

Boyer, Abel (1694). The compleat French-master for ladies and gentlemen. EEBO-TCP.

Boyer, Abel (1695). Characters of the virtues & vices of the age, or, Moral reflections, maxims, and thoughts upon men and manners. EEBO-TCP.

Boyer, Abel (1700). Achilles, or, Iphigenia in Aulis. EEBO-TCP.

Boyer, Abel (1700). The wise and ingenious companion, French and English, or, A collection of the wit of the illustrious persons, both ancient and modern. EEBO-TCP.

Boyer, P ([1692]). The history of the Vaudois. EEBO-TCP.

Boyle, Robert (1660). New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air, and its effects. EEBO-TCP.

Boyle, Robert ([1665]). New experiments and observations touching cold, or, An experimental history of cold begun. EEBO-TCP.

Boyle, Robert (1674). Tracts. EEBO-TCP.

Boyle, Robert ([1682]). New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the air. EEBO-TCP.

Boyle, Robert (1685/6 [i.e. 1686]). A free enquiry into the vulgarly receiv'd notion of nature. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1610). An exposition of al the principal Scriptures vsed in our English liturgie. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1610). An exposition of the dominical epistles and gospels used in our English liturgie throughout the whole yeare. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1613). An exposition of the last psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1613). The autumne part from the twelfth Sundy [sic] after Trinitie, to the last in the whole yeere. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1615). An exposition of the festiuall epistles and gospels vsed in our English liturgie. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1615). The third part from S. Iohn Baptists nativitie to the last holy-day in the whole yeere. EEBO-TCP.

Boys, John (1631). Remaines of that reverend and famous postiller, Iohn Boys, Doctor in Divinitie, and late Deane of Canterburie. EEBO-TCP.

Boyse, J (1690). A vindication of the Reverend Mr. Alexander Osborn, in reference to the affairs of the north of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Bradford, William (1622). A relation or iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English aduenturers both merchants and others. EEBO-TCP.

Bradmore, Sarah (1686). Mrs. Sarah Bradmores prophecy of the wonders that will happen, anno Dom. 1687. EEBO-TCP.

Bradshaw, Henry (1521). Bradshaw: The lyfe of saynt Radegunde (1521). CH.

Bradshaw, Henry (1521). Here begynneth the holy lyfe and history of saynt Werburge / very frutefull for all christen people to rede. TUDOR.

Bradshaw, Henry (1887). Bradshaw: The Life of Saint Werburge of Chester (1887). CH.

Bradshaw, William (1609). A direction for the weaker sort of Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Bradshaw, William (1620). A plaine and pithy exposition of the second Epistle to the Thessalonians. EEBO-TCP.

Bradshaw, William (1621). A meditation of mans mortalitie. EEBO-TCP.

Bradshaw, William (1641). English Puritanisme. EEBO-TCP.

Bradstreet, Anne (1962). Bradstreet: The works (1962). CH.

Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley) (1650). The tenth Muse,lately sprung up in America. WWP.

Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley) (1678). Several poems compiled with great variety of wit and learning. WWP.

Bralesford, Humphrey (1689). The poor man's help. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1643 [i.e. 1644]). A sermon preached in Yorke Minster, before his Excellence the Marques of Newcastle, being then ready to meet the Scotch Army, January, 28. 1643. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1643). A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of York. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1643). The serpent salve, or, A remedie for the biting of an aspe. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1654). A just vindication of the Church of England, from the unjust aspersion of criminal schisme. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1656). A replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon his Survey of the Vindication of the Church of England from criminous schism. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1657). Castigations of Mr. Hobbes his last animadversions in the case concerning liberty and universal necessity. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1658). Schisme garded and beaten back upon the right owners. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1658). The consecration and succession, of Protestant bishops justified, the Bishop of Duresme vindicated, and that infamous fable of the ordination at the Nagges head clearly confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1661?]). A fair warning for England to take heed of the Presbyterian government of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1661). A sermon preached at Dublin upon the 23 of Aprill, 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1661). The right way to safety after ship-wrack. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1672). Bishop Bramhall's vindication of himself and the episcopal clergy, from the Presbyterian charge of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1673). An answer to two letters of T.B. EEBO-TCP.

Brand, Adam (1698). A journal of the embassy from their Majesties John and Peter Alexievitz, emperors of Muscovy &c. over land into China through the provinces of Ustiugha, Siberia, Dauri, and the great Tartary to Peking the capital city of the Chinese empire by Everard Isbrand, their ambassador in the years 1693, 1694, and 1695. EEBO-TCP.

Brandon, Charles [and others] (1507?). Here begynneth the iustes of Maye parfurnysshed and done by Charles brandon. Thomas knyuet. [etc.]. TUDOR.

Brandon, Samuel ([1598]). The tragicomoedi of the vertuous Octauia. EEBO-TCP.

Brant, Sebastian (1509] the fyrste yere of the reygne of our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the viii. The. vi. daye of Iulii]). The shyppe of fooles. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwait, Richard (1611). Brathwait: The Golden Fleece (1611). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1614). Brathwait: The Poets Willow (1614). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1615). Brathwait: A Strappado for the Diuell (1615). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1617). Braithwait, R.: A Solemn Joviall Disputation (1617). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1619). Brathwait: A New Spring (1619). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1619). Brathwait: The Description of a good Wife (1619). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1621). Brathwait, R.: Times cvrtaine drawne (1621). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1621). Brathwait: Natures Embassie (1621). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1634). Brathwait, R.: Anniversaries upon his panarete (1634). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1635). Brathwait: Anniversaries upon his Panarete; continued (1635). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1635). Brathwait: Raglands Niobe (1635). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1636). Brathwait: The Fatall Nvptiall (1635). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1638). Brathwait: Barnabæ Itinerarium (1638). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1638). Brathwait: The Psalmes of David (1638). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1641). Brathwait: A Paraphrase upon the Lords Prayer, and the Creed (1641). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1641). Brathwait: Astraea's Teares (1641). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1658). Brathwait: The honest ghost (1658). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1660). Brathwait: To his majesty upon his happy arrivall (1660). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1662). Brathwait: The Chimneys Scuffle (1662). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1665). Brathwait: A Comment Upon the Two Tales of Chaucer (1665). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1665). Brathwait: The Captive-captain (1665). CH.

Brathwaite, Richard (1611). The golden fleece. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1614). The poets vvillow, or, The passionate shepheard. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1614). The schollers medley, or, An intermixt discourse vpon historicall and poeticall relations. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1615). A strappado for the Diuell. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1619). A new spring shadovved in sundry pithie poems. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1620). Essaies vpon the fiue senses. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1621). Natures embassie, or, The wilde-mans measures. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1621). Times curtaine dravvne, or, The anatomie of vanitie. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1630). The English gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1631). The English gentlevvoman, drawne out to the full body. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1631). Whimzies, or, A nevv cast of characters. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1634). Anniversaries upon his Panarete. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1635). Anniversaries upon his Panarete; continued. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1635). The last trumpet, or, A six-fold Christian dialogue. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1638). A spiritual spicerie. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard ([1638]). Barnabees journall. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1640). Ar't asleepe husband?. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1640). The two Lancashire lovers, or, The excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1641). Astraea's tears. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1641). Mercurius Britanicus, or, The English intelligencer. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1641). The penitent pilgrim. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1647). A letter from a scholar in Oxford to his friend in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1652). Times treasury, or, Academy for gentry. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1658). The honest ghost, or, A voice from the vault. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1659). Capitall hereticks, or, The evill angels embattel'd against St. Michael. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1665). A comment upon the two tales of our ancient, renovvned, and ever-living poet Sr Jeffray Chaucer, Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1665). The captive-captain, or, The restrain'd cavalier. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwaite, Richard (1669). The history of moderation, or, The life, death and resurrection of moderation. EEBO-TCP.

Brenz, Johannes (1550] the nynth daye of Apryll). A verye fruitful exposicion vpon the syxte chapter of Saynte Iohn. EEBO-TCP.

Brerewood, Edward (1614). Enquiries touching the diuersity of languages, and religions through the cheife parts of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Brerewood, Edward (1630). A learned treatise of the Sabaoth. EEBO-TCP.

Brerewood, Edward (1632). A second treatise of the Sabbath, or, An explication of the Fourth Commandement. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1575). A smale handfull of fragrant flowers. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1575). Breton: A smale handfull of fragrant flowers (1575). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (1577). Breton: The vvorkes of a young wyt (1577). CH.

Breton, Nicholas ([1577]). The vvorkes of a young wyt, trust vp with a fardell of pretie fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1591). Brittons bovvre of delights. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1592). The pilgrimage to paradise, ioyned with the Countesse of Penbrookes loue. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas ([1595]). Marie Magdalens loue. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1597). Auspicante Iehoua. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1597). The vvil of vvit, vvits vvill, or vvils wit, chuse you whether. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1597). VVits trenchmour. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1599). The passions of the spirit. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). Melancholike humours, in verses of diuerse natures. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). Pasquils fooles-cap. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). Pasquils mad-cap. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). Pasquils mistresse, or, The vvorthie and vnworthie woman. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). Pasquils passe, and passeth not. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). The strange fortunes of two excellent princes. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1600). Breton: Pasquils Mistresse (1600). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (1601). A diuine poeme. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1601). An excellent poeme, vpon the longing of a blessed heart. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1601). No vvhippinge, nor trippinge. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1601). The soules heavenly exercise set downe in diuerse godly meditations, both prose and verse. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1601). Breton: No Whippinge, nor trippinge (1601). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). A poste vvith a madde packet of letters. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). A true description of vnthankfulnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). Olde mad-cappes new gally-mawfrey. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). The mothers blessing. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). The soules harmony. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). Wonders worth the hearing. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1602). Breton: Olde Mad-cappes new Gally-mawfrey (1602). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (1603). A dialogue full of pithe and pleasure, betvveene three phylosophers, Antonio, Meandro, and Dinarco. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1603). A merrie dialogue betvvixt the taker and mistaker. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1604). Grimellos fortunes, vvith his entertainment in his trauaile. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1605). An olde mans lesson, and a young mans loue. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1605). Honest counsaile. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1605). The soules immortall crowne consisting of seauen glorious graces. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1605). Breton: Honest Counsaile (1605). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (1606). A poste with a packet of madde letters. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1608). Diuine considerations of the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1612). VVits priuate vvealth. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1613). Breton: The vncasing of Machivils Instructions to his sonne (1602). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (1614). I vvould, and would not. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1615). Characters vpon essaies morall, and diuine. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1615). The vncasing of Machauils instructions to his sonne. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1616). Crossing of prouerbs. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1616). Crossing of proverbs. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1616). The good and the badde, or, Descriptions of the vvorthies, and vnworthies of this age. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1616). The hate of treason. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1618). Conceyted letters, nevvly layde open, or, A most excellent bundle of new wit. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1622). Strange nevves out of diuers countries. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1625). Characters and essayes. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1626). Fantasticks. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1631). The figure of foure, or, A handfull of sweet flowers. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1632). I pray you be not angry, for I will make you merry. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1636). The figure of foure. EEBO-TCP.

Breton, Nicholas (1879). Breton: The Works (1879). CH.

Breton, Nicholas (6. Maij. 1577). A floorish vpon fancie. EEBO-TCP.

Brett, Samuel (1655). A narrative of the proceedings of a great councel of Jews. EEBO-TCP.

Brewer, Anthony (1647). The covntrie girle. EEBO-TCP.

Brewer, Anthony (1655). The love-sick king, an English tragical history. EEBO-TCP.

Brewer, Thomas ([1605]). A newe ballad composed in commendation of the societie or companie of the porters. EEBO-TCP.

Brice, Thomas (1559). Brice, T.: A compendious Register in Metre (1559). CH.

Brice, Thomas ([1562]). Against filthy writing, and such like delighting. EEBO-TCP.

Brice, Thomas ([1562]). Brice: Against filthy writing/and such like delighting [1562]. CH.

Bridges, John ([1571]). A sermon, preached at Paules Crosse on the Monday in Whitson weeke Anno Domini. 1571. EEBO-TCP.

Bridges, John (1573). The supremacie of Christian princes. EEBO-TCP.

Bridges, John (1587). A defence of the gouernment established in the Church of Englande for ecclesiasticall matters. EEBO-TCP.

Bridgman, Robert (1700). Some reasons why Robert Bridgman, and his wife, and some others in Hvntington-shire, have left the society of the people called Quakers, and have join'd in communion with the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Bright, Timothie (1615). A treatise, vvherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases, cured with medicines. EEBO-TCP.

Brinkelow, Henry (1542?]). The complaynt of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a gray fryre, vnto the parliament howse of Ingland his natural cuntry. EEBO-TCP.

Brinkelow, Henry ([1548]). The lamentacyon of a Christe[n] agai[n]st the citye of London. EEBO-TCP.

Brinley, John (1680). A discovery of the impostures of witches and astrologers. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1606). The true watch, or, A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1607). The second part of the true watch. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1612). Ludus literarius, or, The grammar schoole. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1615). The posing of the parts, or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answeres, arising directly out of the words of the rules. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1622). A consolation for our grammar schooles, or, A faithfull and most comfortable incouragement, for laying of a sure foundation of all good learning in our schooles, and for prosperous building thereupon. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1622). The third part of The true vvatch. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1624). The fourth part of the true watch. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1631). The glorie of the latter temple greater then of the former. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1631). The preachers charge, and peoples duty. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John ([1643]). A breviate of saving knowledge, or, The principles of Christian religion methodically digested into short questions and answers. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1644). The saints solemne covenant vvith their God. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1647). Stand still, or, A bridle for the times. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1655). The spirituall vertigo, or, Turning sickensse of soul-unsettlednesse in matters of religious concernment. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1656). Two treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1659). Three links of a golden chain, or, Three of the principal causes of mans salvation. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1661). Prayer and praise, a two-fold tribute to be payed by all loyal subjects to their supream and subordinate soveraign. EEBO-TCP.

Brinsley, John (1662). The Christians cabala, or, Sure tradition. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1640). The third speech of the Lord George Digby to the House of Commons concerning bishops and the citie petition the 9th of Febr. 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1641). The Lord Digby his last speech against the Earle of Strafford. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1642). The Lord George Digbies apologie for himselfe, published the fourth of January, Anno Dom. 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1642). Two letters of note. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1660). The Earle of Bristoll his speech in the House of Lords the XX day of July 1660 upon the bill of indempnity. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1667). Elvira, or, The worst not always true. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby (1674). Two speeches of George, Earl of Bristol, with some observations upon them. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, George Digby ([1680]). Bibliotheca Digbeiana, sive, Catalogus librorum in variis linguis editorum. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, John Digby (1641). The speeches of the Lord Digby in the High Court of Parliament, concerning grievances, and the trienniall Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Bristol, John Digby (1642). Articles drawn up by the now Iohn Earle of Bristoll and presented to the Parliament against George late Duke of Buckingham in the yeare 1626. EEBO-TCP.

Broë, S. de (1686). The history of the triumvirates, the first that of Julius Cæsar, Pompey and Crassus, the second that of Augustus, Anthony and Lepidus. EEBO-TCP.

Broke, Arthur (1562). Broke, A.: Romeus and Iuliet (1562). CH.

Broke, Arthur (1563). Broke, A.: A commendatory poem (1563). CH.

Broke, Thomas (1569?]). An epitaphe declaryng the lyfe and end of D. Edmund Boner &c. EEBO-TCP.

Broke, Thomas ([1568]). Broke, T.: An Epitaphe declaryng the lyfe and end of D. Edmund Boner [1568]. CH.

Brome, Alexander (1641). A Canterbury tale translated out of Chaucers old English into our now vsvall langvage. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Alexander ([1660]). Bumm-foder, or, Waste-paper proper to wipe the nation's rump with or your own. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Alexander (1661). Brome, A.: Songs and other poems (1661). CH.

Brome, Alexander (1664). Brome, A.: Songs and other poems (1664). CH.

Brome, Alexander (1668). Brome, A.: Songs and other poems (1668). CH.

Brome, Alexander (1670?]). A record in rithme. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Alexander ([1648]). Brome, A.: A Copie of Verses, said to be Composed by His Majestie [1648]. CH.

Brome, Alexander ([1659?]). Brome, A.: A record in rithme [1659?]. CH.

Brome, Alexander ([1660?]). Brome, A.: Bumm-foder [1660?]. CH.

Brome, Alexander ([1660]). Brome, A.: Arsy versy [1660]. CH.

Brome, Charles (1700). To the memory of Mr. Dryden. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Richard (1632). The northern lasse. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Richard (1640). The antipodes. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Richard (1640). The sparagvs garden. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Richard (1652). A joviall crew, or, The merry beggars. EEBO-TCP.

Brome, Richard (1657). The queenes exchange. EEBO-TCP.

Bromwich, Andrew (1679). The tryal and condemnation of two popish priests, Andrew Brommich and William Atkyns, for high treason at Stafford assizes, August 16, 1679. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Christopher (1613). Tvvo elegies. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Christopher (1614). The ghost of Richard the Third. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Ralph ([1599]). A discouerie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia. 1594. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Robert (1651). Some new cases of the years and time of King Hen. 8. Edw. 6. and Qu: Mary; written out of the great abridgement. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Robert Greville (1641). A discovrse opening the natvre of that episcopacie, which is exercised in England. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Robert Greville (1641). The nature of truth, its union and unity with the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Robert Greville (1642). Three speeches spoken in Gvild-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Brooke, Samuel ([1681]). Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ. EEBO-TCP.

Broughton, Hugh ([1595]). A direction to finde all those names expressed in that large table of genealogies of Scripture lately gathered by I.S. EEBO-TCP.

Broughton, Hugh (1605). Mishpahat David ‘al bene hamalkhut ‘im Seder ‘Olam ‘ad ge’ulat … berit hamashiah. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Andrew (1691). A vindicatory schedule concerning the cure of fevers. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Andrew (1699). The epilogue to the five papers lately past betwixt the two physicians Dr. O. and Dr. E. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1661). The description and use of a joynt-rule. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1662). The triangular quadrant, or, The quadrant on a sector. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1665). An apologeticall relation of the particular sufferings of the faithfull ministers & professours of the Church of Scotland, since August, 1660. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John ([1670]). A collection of centers and useful proportions on the line of numbers. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1671). Horologiographia, or, The art of dyalling. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1671). The description and use of the trianguler quadrant. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1677). Christ the way and the truth and the life, or, A short discourse pointing forth the way of making use of Christ for justification. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1678). Quakerisme the path-way to paganisme, or, A vieu of the Quakers religion. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1678). The history of the indulgence. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1679-1680). The life of faith in times of trial and affliction. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1680). A brief remonstrance of the grand grievances and oppressions suffered by Sir William Courten and Sir Paul Pyndar, knts., deceased. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1688). The description and use of the carpenters-rule. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John (1694). Christ in believers the hope of glory. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, John ([1695]). The life of justification opened, or, A treatise grounded upon Gal. 2, II. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1688). Heraclitus ridens redivivus, or, A dialogue between Harry and Roger concerning the times. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1688). The reasons of Mr. Bays changing his religion. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1690). The late converts exposed, or, The reasons of Mr. Bays's changing his religion. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1690). The reasons of Mr. Joseph Hains the player's conversion & re-conversion. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1691). A congratulatory poem on His Majesty's happy return from Holland. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1691). Novus reformator vapulans, or, The Welch Levite tossed in a blanket. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1691). The moralist, or, A satyr upon the sects. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1691). The reasons of the new converts taking the oaths to the present government. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1691). The weesil trap'd. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1693). The Salamanca wedding, or, A true account of a swearing doctor's marriage with a Muggletonian widow in Breadstreet. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1697). Physick lies a bleeding, or, The apothecary turned doctor. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1699). A collection of miscellany poems, letters, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1700). A description of Mr. D-n's funeral. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1700). Amusements serious and comical, calculated for the meridian of London. EEBO-TCP.

Brown, Thomas (1715). Brown, T.: Works (1715). CH.

Brown, Thomas (1720). Brown, T.: The Remains (1720). CH.

Browne, John (1641). A discovery of the notorious proceedings of William Lavd Archbishop of Canterbury in bringing innovations into the church and raising up troubles in the state. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, John (1641). The confession of John Browne, a Iesvite, in the gate-house twice examined by a committee from the honourable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Peter (1697). A letter in answer to a book entitled, Christianity not mysterious. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Richard (1644 [i.e. 1645]). The Lord Digbies designe to betray Abingdon. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Robert (1582). A booke which sheweth the life and manners of all true Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Robert (1585?]). An ansvvere to Master Cartvvright. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Thomas (1605-1682). Religio Medici. CCEL.

Browne, Thomas (1642). Religio Medici. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Thomas (1646). Pseudodoxia epidemica, or, Enquiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Thomas (1683). Certain miscellany tracts. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, Thomas Sir (1643). Browne's "Religio Medici": electronic edition. TACT.

Browne, Thomas Sir (1658). Browne's "Hydriotaphia. Urn-Burial": electronic edition. TACT.

Browne, Thomas Sir (1672). Browne's "Letter to a Friend": electronic edition. TACT.

Browne, Thomas, Sir (1643). Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend. EarlyUVa.

Browne, William (1614). The shepheards pipe. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, William (1624). Brovvne his fiftie yeares practice, or, An exact discourse concerning snafflle-riding [sic], for trotting and ambling of all manner of horses whatsoeuer, from one degree to another, till they be perfit both for the trot and amble. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, William (1625). Britannia's pastorals. EEBO-TCP.

Browne, William, of Tavistock (1868). Browne, W.: The Whole Works (1868). CH.

Brownrig, Ralph (1661). A sermon preach'd on the coronation day of K. Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Brownrig, Ralph ([1664]). Twenty five sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Bruni, Leonardo (1563). The historie of Leonard Aretine. EEBO-TCP.

Brydall, John (1700). Non compos mentis, or, The law relating to natural fools, mad-folks, and lunatick persons. EEBO-TCP.

Bucer, Martin ([1549]). The gratulation of the mooste famous clerke M. Martin Bucer. EEBO-TCP.

Bucer, Martin (1644). The Ivdgement of Martin Bucer concerning divorce. EEBO-TCP.

Buchanan, George ([1571]). Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis graces authoritie. EEBO-TCP.

Buchanan, George ([1571]). Ane detectioun of the duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes. EEBO-TCP.

Buchanan, George (1642). Tyrannicall-government anatomized, or, A discovrse concerning evil-councellors. EEBO-TCP.

Buchanan, George (1680). De jure regni apud Scotos, or, A dialogue, concerning the due priviledge of government in the kingdom of Scotland, betwixt George Buchanan and Thomas Maitland. EEBO-TCP.

Buchanan, George (1689). A detection of the actions of Mary Queen of Scots concerning the murther of her husband, and her conspiracy, adultery, and pretended marriage with the Earl Bothwell. EEBO-TCP.

Buchanan, George (1690). The history of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Buck, George (1605). Daphnis polystephanos. EEBO-TCP.

Buck, George (1647). The history and life and reigne of Richard the Third. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1627). A manifestation or remonstrance. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers ([1628]). Aprill 4. The proceeding of the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1668). The Duke of Buckingham's speech in a late conference. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1672). A letter to Sir Thomas Osborn, one of His Majesties Privy Council. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1672). The rehearsal. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1677). The Duke of Buckingham's speech, spoken in the House of Lords, Feb. 15th, 1676, proving that the Parliament is dissolved. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1680?]). An epitaph upon Thomas, late Lord Fairfax. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1681). Poetical reflections on a late poem entituled Absalom and Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1685). A short discourse upon the reasonableness of men's having a religion, or worship of God. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers (1685). The Duke of Buckingham His Grace's letter to the unknown author of a paper, entituled, A short answer to his Grace the Duke of Buckingham's paper concerning religion, toleration and liberty of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, George Villiers ([1689]). A prophetick lampoon, made anno 1659. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, John Sheffield (1680). An essay upon satyr, or, A poem on the times. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, John Sheffield (1682). An essay upon poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Buckingham, John Sheffield ([1697]). An essay on poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Buckler, Edward (1640). A buckler against the fear of death, or, Pious and profitable observations, meditations, and consolations. EEBO-TCP.

Buckler, Edward (1646). Buckler, E.: Midnights meditations of death (1646). CH.

Buckler, Edward ([1658]). Salus populi, or, A nations happinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Bugenhagen, Johann ([1536]). A compe[n]dious letter which Jhon Pomerane curate of the congregation at Wittenberge sent to the faythfull christen congregation in Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Bulkeley, Gershom (1689). The people's right to election, or, Alteration of goverment [sic] in Connecticut. EEBO-TCP.

Bull, Henry (1578?]). Christian praiers and holie medtations. EEBO-TCP.

Bullein, William ([1562]). A comfortable regiment, and a very wholsome order against the moste perilous pleurisi. EEBO-TCP.

Bullein, William ([1564]). A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull. EEBO-TCP.

Bullein, William (1579). Bulleins bulwarke of defence. EEBO-TCP.

Bullein, William (1595). The gouernment of health. EEBO-TCP.

Bullinger, Heinrich (1543). The golde[n] boke of christen matrimonye. EEBO-TCP.

Bullinger, Heinrich (1572. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis per decennium). A confutation of the Popes bull which was published more then two yeres agoe against Elizabeth the most gracious Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, and against the noble realme of England. EEBO-TCP.

Bulstrode, Whitelocke (1692). An essay of transmigration, in defence of Pythagoras, or, A discourse of natural philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Bunny, Edmund (1589). A briefe answer, vnto those idle and friuolous quarrels of R.P. against the late edition of the Resolution. EEBO-TCP.

Bunny, Edmund (1610). Of diuorce for adulterie, and marrying againe. EEBO-TCP.

Bunyan, J. (1678). The Pilgrim's Progress. R3.

Bunyan, John (1628-1688). The Pilgrim's Progress. CCEL.

Bunyan, John (1666). Grace Abounding. TACT.

Bunyan, John (1666). The Pilgrim`s Progress. EarlyUVa.

Bunyan, John (1678). The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. EEBO-TCP.

Bunyan, John. Grace Abounding. CCEL.

Bunyan, John. The Holy War. CCEL.

Bunyan, John. The Holy War. TACT.

Burbury, John (1671). A relation of a journey of the Right Honourable My Lord Henry Howard. EEBO-TCP.

Burdet, Robert ([1542]). A dyalogue defensyue for women, agaynst malycyous detractoures. TUDOR.

Burel, John (1596?]). [To the richt high, Lodvvik Duke of Lenox … J. Burel, wisheth lang life]. EEBO-TCP.

Burel, John ([1595?]). Burel: To the Richt High Lodvvik Dvke of Lenox [1595?]. CH.

Burges, Cornelius (1641). Two sermons preached to the Honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament at their pvbliqve fast, Novem. 17, 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Burgh, Benedict (1558). Burgh: Here begynneth the boke of Cato 1558. CH.

Burgh, Benedict (1868). Burgh: The ABC of Aristotle in The Babees Book (1868). CH.

Burgh, Benedict (1892). Burgh: A Christemasse game (1892). CH.

Burgh, Benedict (1894). Burgh: A Poem in Praise of John Lydgate (1894). CH.

Burgh, Benedict (1905-1906). Burgh: [Parvus and Magnvs Cato] (1905-1906). CH.

Burghley, William Cecil (1588). The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine. EEBO-TCP.

Burkhead, Henry (1646). A tragedy of Cola's furie, or, Lirenda's miserie. EEBO-TCP.

Burnaby, William (1700). The reform'd wife. EEBO-TCP.

Burne, Nicol (1581). The disputation concerning the controuersit headdis of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1665). A discourse on the memory of that rare and truely virtuous person Sir Robert Fletcher of Saltoun. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1669). A modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist about the present distempers of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1673). Observations on the first and second of the canons, commonly ascribed to the holy apostles. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1673). Romes glory, or, A collection of divers miracles wrought by popish saints, both during their lives and after their deaths. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1673). The mystery of iniquity unvailed. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1673]). A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1675). The royal martyr, and the dutiful subject. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1675]). A rational method for proving the truth of the Christian religion, as it is professed in the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1676). A modest survey of the most considerable things in a discourse lately published, entituled Naked truth. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1676). A relation of a conference held about religion at London, the third of April, 1676. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1677). A vindication of the ordinations of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1677). The memoires of the lives and actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1678). A letter written upon the discovery of the late plot. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1678). A relation of the barbarous and bloody massacre of about an hundred thousand Protestants, begun at Paris, and carried on over all France, by the Papists, in the year 1572. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1678). A sermon preached at St. Dunstans in the West at the funeral of Mrs. Anne Seile, the 18th of July, 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1678). The unreasonableness and impiety of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1679]). The history of the reformation of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1680). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at Bow-Church, September 2, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1680). Some passages of the life and death of the right honourable John, Earl of Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1680). The conversion & persecutions of Eve Cohan, now called Elizabeth Verboon. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1680). The infallibility of the Church of Rome examined and confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1681). A sermon preached before the Aldermen of the city of London, at St. Lawrence-church, Jan 30. 1680/1. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1681). A sermon preached on the fast-day, Decemb. 22, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1681). The life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, kt. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1682). A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. James Houblon. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1682). An answer to the Animadversions on the History of the rights of princes, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1682). News from France. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1683). The letter writ by the last Assembly General of the Clergy of France to the Protestants, inviting them to return to their communion. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1684). A sermon preached at the Chappel of the Rolls on the fifth of November, 1684. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1685). A collection of several tracts and discourses written in the years 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1685). A letter from Gilbert Bvrnet, D.D. to Mr. Simon Lowth, vicar of Cosmus-Blene in the diocess of Canterbury, occasioned, by his late book of the subject of church-power. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1685). A letter occasioned by the second letter to Dr. Burnet, written to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1685). An answer to a letter to Dr. Burnet, occasioned by his letter to Mr. Lowth. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1685). The Protestant's companion, or, An impartial survey and comparison of the Protestant religion as by law established, with the main doctrines of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1686). Reflections on Mr. Varillas's history of the revolutions that have happned in Europe in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1687). A continuation of reflections on Mr. Varillas's History of heresies. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1687). A defense of the reflections on the ninth book of the first volum [sic] of Mr. Varillas's History of heresies. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1687). Six papers. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1687]). An answer to Mr. Henry Payne's letter concerning His Majesty's declaration of indulgence, writ to the author of the Letter to a dissenter. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688?]). An apology for the Church of England, with relation to the spirit of persecution for which she is accused. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688?]). An edict in the Roman law, in the 25 book of the digests, title 4, section 10. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). A discourse concerning transubstantiation and idolatry. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). A letter to a lord upon his happy conversion from popery to the Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). An enquiry into the measures of submission to the supream [sic] authority. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). Animadversions on the Reflections upon Dr. B's travels. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). Reflections on The relation of the English reformation, lately printed at Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). Some letters, containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, &c. in the years 1685 and 1686. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). The case of compulsion in matters of religion stated. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). The expedition of His Highness, the Prince of Orange, for England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). The history of the persecution of the valleys of Piedmont. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). The ill effects of animosities among Protestants in England detected. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). The Prince of Orange his declaration. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1688). Three letters concerning the present state of Italy. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1688]). An enquiry into the reasons for abrogating the test imposed on all members of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). A letter to Mr. Thevenot. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). A pastoral letter writ by the Right Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum, to the clergy of his diocess, concerning the oaths of allegiance and supremacy to K. William and Q. Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). A sermon preached at the coronation of William III and Mary II, King and Queen of England, ---- France, and Ireland, defenders of the faith. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). A sermon preached before the House of Commons, on the 31st of January, 1688. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). A sermon preached before the House of Peers in the Abbey of Westminster, on the 5th of November, 1689, being Gun-Powder Treason-Day, as likewise the day of His Majesties landing in England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). A sermon preached in the chappel of St. James's, before His Highness the Prince of Orange, the 23d of December, 1688. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). An enquiry into the present state of affairs, and in particular, whether we owe allegiance to the King in these circumstances?. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). An exhortation to peace and union. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). Reflections on a paper, intituled, His Majesty's reasons for withdrawing himself from Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1689). The story of Jetzer, taken out of Dr. G. Burnet's letters. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1689]). A collection of papers against popery and arbitrary government. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1689]). A letter, containing some reflections on His Majesties Declaration for liberty of conscience dated the fourth of April, 1687. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1690). A sermon preached at Bow-Church, before the court of aldermen, on March 12, 1689/90. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1690). A sermon preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, on Christmas-Day, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1690). A sermon preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall on the 19th day of October, 1690, being the day of thanksgiving for His Majesties preservation and success in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1690). A sermon preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, on the 16th day of July, 1690, being the monthly-fast. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1690). Injunctions for the arch-deacons of the diocess of Sarum. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1691). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable Anne, Lady-Dowager Brook, who was buried at Breamor, the 19th day of February, 1690/1. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1691). A sermon preached at White-Hall before the King and Queen on the 29th of April, 1691, being the fast-day. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1691). A sermon preached at White-hall, on the 26th of Novemb. 1691. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1692). A discourse of the pastoral care. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1692). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Honourable Robert Boyle at St. Martins in the Fields, January 7, 1691/2. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1692). The life of William Bedell D.D., Lord Bishop of Killmore in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1693). A letter writ by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, to the Lord Bishop of Cov. and Litchfield, concerning a book lately published, called, A specimen of some errors and defects in the History of the reformation of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1694). A sermon preach'd before the Queen, at White-Hall, on the 11th of March, 1693/4. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1694). A sermon preached at the funeral of the most reverend Father in God, John, by the divine providence, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, primate and metropolitan of all England, who died at Lambeth the 22nd day of November, in the 65th year of his age, and was buried at St. Lawrence Jewry, in London, on the 30th of that month, Anno Dom. 1694. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1694). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall on the 29th of May, 1694, being the anniversary of King Charles II, his birth and restauration. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1694). Four discourses delivered to the clergy of the Diocess of Sarum …. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1695). A sermon preach'd before the King, at St. James-Chapel. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1695). An essay on the memory of the late Queen. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1696). Reflections upon a pamphlet entituled, Some discourses upon Dr. Burnet and Dr. Tillotson, occasioned by the late funeral-sermon of the former upon the later. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1697). A sermon preach'd before the King in the chappel at Whitehall on the third Sunday in Lent, being the 7th day of March, 1696/7. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1697). A sermon preached before the King at Whitehall, on Christmas-Day, 1696. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1697). A sermon preached before the King at Whitehall, on the second of December, 1697. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1698). Of charity to the houshold of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert ([1698]). A sermon preached before the King, at Whitehall, on the second of December, 1697. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1700). An exposition of the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1700). Charitable reproof. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Gilbert (1700). Reflections on a book entituled (The rights, powers, and privileges of an English convocation, stated and vindicated). EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1690). A review of The theory of the earth and of its proofs, especially in reference to Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1690). An answer to the late exceptions made by Mr. Erasmus Warren against The theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1691). A short consideration of Mr. Erasmus Warren's defence of his exceptions against the theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1697). Remarks upon An essay concerning humane understanding. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1697). Second remarks upon An essay concerning humane understanding. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1697). The theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Burnet, Thomas (1699). Third remarks upon An essay concerning humane understanding. EEBO-TCP.

Burnyeat, John (1688). The holy truth and its professors defended. EEBO-TCP.

Burnyeat, John (1691). The truth exalted in the writings of that eminent and faithful servant of Christ, John Burnyeat. EEBO-TCP.

Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 (1692). "A Brief and True Narrative, by Deodat Lawson, 1692". EarlyUVa.

Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 (1692). "Letter of Thomas Brattle, F. R. S., 1692". EarlyUVa.

Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 (1692). "Letters of Governor Phips to the Home Government, 1692-1693". EarlyUVa.

Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 (1692). "The Wonders of the Invisible World," by Cotton Mather, 1693. EarlyUVa.

Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 (1692). Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706. EarlyUVa.

Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 (1700). "More Wonders of the Invisible World," by Robert Calef, 1700 ;. EarlyUVa.

Burrough, Edward (1656). A trumpet of the Lord sounded out of Sion. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1656). Truth defended, or, Certain accusations answered. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1657). A declaration to all the world of our faith, and what we believe. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1657). A generall epistle, and greeting of the Fathers love, to all the saints. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1657). Many strong reasons confounded, which would hinder any reasonable man from being a Quaker. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward ([1657]). To you that are called Anabaptists in the nation of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). A message for instruction to all the rulers, judges, and magistrates to whom the law is committed. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). A standard lifted up, and an ensigne held forth, to all nations. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). A testimony against a great idolatry committed. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). Some of the principles of the Quakers (scornfully so called by men) vindicated and proved sound and true and according to the Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). Something of truth made manifest. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). The true Christian religion again discovered after the long and dark night of apostacy, which hath overshadowed the whole world for many ages …. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1658). The true state of Christianity, truly discribed, and also discovered unto all people. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward ([1658]). A message proclaimed. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659?]). A message to all kings and rulers in Christendom. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659?]). To the Parliament of the common-wealth of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). A declaration from the people called Quakers, to the present distracted nation of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). A discovery of some part of the war between the kingdom of the Lamb and the kingdom of Anti-Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). A faithful testimony concerning the true worship of God. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). A message to the present rulers of England. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). A visitation & vvarning proclamed and an alarm sounded in the popes borders …. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). Good counsel and advice rejected by disobedient men. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). Satans designs defeated …. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). Some false principles and errors discovered and refuted. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). To Charles Fleetvvood, steward, Robert Hatton, recorder, Sackford Gunstone, Henry Wilcock, baliffs. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1659). To the rulers and to such as are in authority. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660?]). A seasonable word of advice unto all that are or may through the subtlety of the enemy, backslide from the truth. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660?]). The everlasting gospel of repentance and remission of sins …. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660). A general epistle to all the saints. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660). A just and lawful tryal of the teachers and professed ministers of his age and generation. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660). A returne to the ministers of London. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660). A visitation and presentation of love unto the King, and those call'd Royallists. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1660). To the beloved and chosen of God in the seed elected. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward ([1660]). A vindication of the people of God, called Quakers …. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1661). A discovery of divine mysteries. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1661). A hue and cry after the false prophets and deceivers of our age. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1661). A just and righteous plea. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1661). A tender salutation of perfect love unto the elect of God. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1661). The case of free liberty of conscience in the exercise of faith and religion. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1662?]). The case of the people called Quakers (once more) stated, and published to the world. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1662). A brief relation of the persecutions and cruelties that have been acted upon the people called Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward ([1662]). To all dear Friends & brethren in the everlasting truth & covenant of the Almighty Jehovah, blessed for evermore. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1663). A true description of my manner of life. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1663). Two general epistles, or, The breathings of love. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1667). An epistle to friends of truth in and about London. EEBO-TCP.

Burrough, Edward (1672). The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1672). Tagathon, or, Divine goodness explicated and vindicated from the exceptions of the atheist. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1675). Cavsa dei, or, An apology for God. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1678). Organum vetus & novum, or, A discourse of reason and truth. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1684). An argument for infants baptisme. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1685). Vindiciæ pædo-baptismi, or, A confirmation of an argument lately emitted for infants baptism. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1687). Prudential reasons for repealing the penal laws against all recusants and for a general toleration. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard ([1691]). The nature of church-government. EEBO-TCP.

Burthogge, Richard (1699). Of the soul of the world and of particular souls. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1624). A censure of simonie, or, A most important case of conscience concerning simonie briefly discussed. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1626). A plea to an appeale. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1628). A tryall of priuate deuotions, or, A diall for the houres of prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1628). Conflicts and comforts of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1628). The seuen vials, or, A briefe and plaine exposition vpon the 15: and 16: chapters of the Revelation. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry ([1628]). Israels fast, or, A meditation vpon the seuenth chapter of Ioshuah. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1629). Truth's triumph ouer Trent, or, The great gulfe betweene Sion and Babylon. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry ([1631]). Grounds of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1632). The Christians bulvvarke, against Satans battery, or, The doctrine of iustification. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1635?]). A brief answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath day. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1636). For God, and the King. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry ([1636]). A divine tragedie lately acted, or, A collection of sundry memorable examples of Gods judgements upon Sabbath-breakers, and other like libertines, in their unlawfull sports, happening within the realme of England, in the compass only of two yeares last past, since the booke was published. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry ([1640]). A replie to a relation, of the conference between William Laude and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1641). A most godly sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1641). Englands bondage and hope of deliverance. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1641). The humble petitions of Mr. Burton and Dr. Bastwicke. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1644). A vindicaton of churches, commonly called Independent, or, A briefe answer to two books. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry ([1644]). The grand impostor vnmasked, or, A detection of the notorious hypocrisie and desperate impiety of the late Archbishop, so styled, of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1645). A full and satisfactorie ansvvere to the Arch-bishop of Canterbvries speech, or, Funerall sermon preached by himselfe on the Tower-hill, on Friday the tenth of Ianuary, 1645, upon Hebr. 12. 1, 2 at which time he was there and then beheaded. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, Henry (1660). Jesu-vvorship confuted, or, Certain arguments against bowing at the name Jesus. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William ([1590]). A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church in Norwich, the xxi. day of December, 1589. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1591). Certaine questions and answeres, concerning the knovvledge of God. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William ([1592]). [Dauids euidenece [sic], or, The assurance of Gods loue]. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1593). A caueat for suerties. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1594). An exposition of the Lords Prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1594). Conclusions of peace, betweene God and man. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1595). The rowsing of the sluggard, in 7. sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1598). Dauids thanksgiuing for the arraignement of the man of earth. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1602). Ten sermons vpon the first, second, third and fourth verses of the sixt of Matthew. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1608). The Christians heauenly treasure. EEBO-TCP.

Burton, William (1658). A commentary on Antoninus, his Itinerary, or, Journies of the Romane Empire, so far as it concerneth Britain. EEBO-TCP.

Bury, Richard de (1345 1888). The Love of Books: the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury. EarlyUVa.

Busbecq, Ogier Ghislain de (1694). The four epistles of A.G. Busbequius concerning his embassy into Turkey. EEBO-TCP.

Bush[e], Paul, Bishop of Bristol ([1526]). Bush[e]: The Extripacion of ignorancy (1526). CH.

Bushe, Paul ([1526?]). Here begynneth a lytell treatyse in Englysshe, called the extripacion of ignorancy. TUDOR.

Butcher, Richard (1646). The survey and antiquitie of the towne of Stamford in the county of Lincolne. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1643). A letter from Mercvrivs Civicvs to Mercurius Rusticus, or, Londons confession but not repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1659). The acts and monuments of our late Parliament, or, A collection of the acts, orders, votes, and resolves that hath passed in the House. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1662). A proposall humbly offered for the farming of liberty of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1663). Hudibras. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1671). To the memory of the most renowned Du-Vall. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1672). Two letters. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1673). The London almanack, or, A compendium of the year 1673. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1674). Another ballad called the libertines lampoone, or, The curvets of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel ([1674]). The Geneva ballad. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1681). The priviledge of our saints in the business of perjury. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1691). The plagiary exposed, or, An old answer to a newly revived calumny against the memory of King Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Butler, Samuel (1905). Butler, S.: Hudibras (1905). CH.

Butler, Samuel (1928). Butler, S.: Satires and Miscellaneous poetry and prose (1928). CH.

Byfield, Nicholas (1614). The signes, or, An essay concerning the assurance of Gods loue, and mans saluation. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1615). An exposition vpon the Epistle to the Colossians. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1617). Sermons vpon the first chapter of the first epistle generall of Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1618). Directions for the priuate reading of the Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1618). The cure of the feare of death. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1618). The paterne of wholsome words, or, A collection of such truths as are of necessity to be belieued vnto saluation. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1619). The promises, or, A treatise shewing how a godly Christian may support his heart with comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1619). The rules of a holy life, or, A treatise containing the holy order of our liues, prescribed in the Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1623). A commentary, or, Sermons vpon the second chapter of the first epistle of Saint Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1625). The principall grounds of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1626). Sermons upon the ten first verses of the third chapter of the first Epistle of S. Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas (1630). The marrovv of the oracles of God, or, Diuers treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, Nicholas ([1637]). A commentary upon the three first chapters of the first Epistle generall of St. Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Byfield, T (1695). A short discourse on the rise, nature, and management of the small-pox, and all putrid fevers. EEBO-TCP.


C. H (1655?). A fairing for young-men, or, The careless lover. EEBO-TCP.

C. T. (1615). An aduice hovv to plant tobacco in England. EEBO-TCP.

Caesar, Julius (1565). The eyght bookes of Caius Iulius Cæsar conteyning his martiall exploytes in the realme of Gallia and the countries bordering vppon the same. EEBO-TCP.

Caesar, Philipp (1578). A general discourse against the damnable sect of vsurers. EEBO-TCP.

Caius, John (1552). A boke, or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatyng sicknesse. EEBO-TCP.

Caius, John (1576). Of Englishe dogges. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1642). An ansvver to the articles against Master Calamy, Master Martiall, Master Burton, Master Peters, Master Moleigne, Master Case, M. Sedgwicke, M. Evans, &c. and many other painfull divines. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1642). Englands looking-glasse. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1642). Gods free mercy to England. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1643). The noble-mans patterne of true and reall thankfulnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1646). A just and necessary apology against an unjust invective published by Mr. Henry Burton in a late book of his entituled, Truth still truth, though shut out of doors. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1651?]). A sermon preached by Mr. Edmund Calamy at Aldermanbury, London, Aug. 24, 1651. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1652). Englands antidote against the plague of civill warre. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1655). The monster of sinful self-seeking, anatomizd. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1655). The saints transfiguration, or, The body of vilenesse changed into a body of glory. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1657). Evidence for heaven. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1658). The Godly mans ark, or, City of refuge, in the day of his distresse. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1662). Eli trembling for fear of the ark. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1662). The fixed saint. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1662). The happinesse of those who sleep in Jesus, or, The benefit that comes to the dead bodies of the saints even while they are in the grave, sleeping in Jesus. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1663). A sermon preached at Aldermanberry Church, Dec. 28, 1662 in the fore-noon. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund ([1663]). Master Edmund Calamies leading case. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1674). Saints memorials, or, Words fitly spoken, like apples of gold in pictures of silver. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1680). The art of divine meditation, or, A discourse of the nature, necessity, and excellency thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1694). A funeral sermon preach'd at the internment of Mr. Samuel Stephens. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1697). A practical discourse concerning vows. EEBO-TCP.

Calamy, Edmund (1698). A funeral sermon preached upon occasion of the decease of the eminently pious Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, late wife of Mr. Daniel Williams, who departed this life, June the 10th, 1698, Ætat 62. EEBO-TCP.

Calderwood, David (1636). The re-examination of two of the articles abridged. EEBO-TCP.

Calef, Robert (1700). More wonders of the invisible world, or, The wonders of the invisible world. EEBO-TCP.

Calendar of Shepherds, The (1892). [Anon.]: The kalender of shepherdes (1892). CH.

Calvi, François de (1638). Histoire des larrons, or, The history of theeves. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean (1548?]). A faythfull and moost godlye treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauioure Chryst,. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean ([1549]). Of the life or conuersation of a Christen man, a right godly treatise,. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean (1561 [6 May] Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum). The institution of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean ([1567]). A little booke of Iohn Caluines concernynge offences. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean (1577). The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean (1578). A commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the booke of Iosue. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean (1583). The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean (1584). A harmonie vpon the the three Euangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke. EEBO-TCP.

Calvin, Jean. Calvin: Commentaries. CCEL.

Calvin, John (1509-1564). The Institutes of the Christian Religion. CCEL.

Calvin, John. On the Christian Life. CCEL.

Camões, Luís de (1655). The Lusiad, or, Portugals historicall poem. EEBO-TCP.

Camden, William (1634). The historie of the life and reigne of that famous princesse Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Camden, William (1637). Britain, or, A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the ilands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiquitie. EEBO-TCP.

Camden, William (1688). The history of the most renowned and victorious princess Elizabeth, late queen of England. WWP.

Camden, William (1695). A second edition of Camden's description of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Cameron, John (1626). An examination of those plausible appearances which seeme most to commend the Romish Church, and to preiudice the reformed. EEBO-TCP.

Cameron, John (1628). A tract of the soueraigne iudge of controuersies in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Camfield, Benjamin (1678). A theological discourse of angels and their ministries. EEBO-TCP.

Camilton, John (1641). Camiltons discoverie of the devilish designes and killing projects of the Society of Jesuites of late years. EEBO-TCP.

Campanella, Tommaso ([1660]). Thomas Campanella, an Italian friar and second Machiavel, his advice to the King of Spain for attaining the universal monarchy of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Campbell, Dorothea Primrose (1816). Poems. WWP.

Campion, Edmund (1581). The great bragge and challenge of M. Champion a Jesuite. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Edmund ([1632]). Campian Englished, or, A translation of the Ten reasons. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Edmund ([1633]). Tvvo histories of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Edmund (1687). Reasons of a challenge sent to the universities of England, in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, T. (1602). Observations in the Art of English Poesie. R3.

Campion, Thomas (1602). Obseruations in the art of English poesie. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas (1607). The discription of a maske, presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall, on Twelfth Night last. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas (1613?]). Tvvo bookes of ayres. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas (1613). A relation of the late royall entertainment giuen by the Right Honorable the Lord Knovvles, at Cawsome-House neere Redding: to our most gracious queene, Queene Anne, in her progresse toward the Bathe, vpon the seuen and eight and twentie dayes of Aprill. 1613. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas (1614). The description of a maske. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas (1617?]). The third and fourth booke of ayres. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas ([1625]). A friends aduice. EEBO-TCP.

Campion, Thomas (1967). Campion: The Works (1967). CH.

Camus, Jean-Pierre (1639). Admirable events: selected out of foure bookes. WWP.

Canning, William (1688). Gesta Grayorum, or, The history of the high and mighty prince, Henry Prince of Purpoole …. EEBO-TCP.

Capel of Hadham, Arthur Capel (1654). Certain letters written to severall persons. EEBO-TCP.

Capito, Wolfgang (1539). An epitome of the Psalmes, or briefe meditacions vpon the same, with diuerse other moste christian prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Capriata, Pier Giovanni (1663). The history of the wars of Italy from the year MDCXIII to MDCXLIV. EEBO-TCP.

Caradoc (1584 imprinted at London by Rafe Newberie and Henrie Denham, [1584]). The historie of Cambria, now called Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Caradoc (1633?]). Cambria, ou VVallia. EEBO-TCP.

Care, Henry (1681). Towser the Second, a bull-dog, or, A short reply to Absalon and Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, George (1661). A retrospect into the Kings certain revenue annexed to the crown. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, George (1675?]). To the honnorable the knights, cittizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled the humble petition of George Carew, Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, George (1675). A vindication of the severall actions at law, brought against the heires of Sr. Peter Courten, Knight, and Peter Boudaen, merchants deceased. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, George ([1675]). Severall considerations offered to the Parliament concerning the improvement of trade, navigation and comerce. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, George (1676). Fraud and oppression detected and arraigned, or, An appeal to the Parliament of England in a short narative and deduction of severall actions at law. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, Richard (1598). A herrings tayle. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, Richard ([1660]). Excellent helps really found out, tried and had, (whereof the parties hereafter mentioned are true and sufficient witnesses, by a warming-stone in his case, which not costing much, will save much cost in fire, and withall avoid the danger of fire. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, Richard, of Anthony (1594). Carew: Godfrey of Boulloigne (1594). CH.

Carew, Richard, of Anthony (1598). Carew R.: A Herrings Tayle (1598). CH.

Carew, Thomas (1640). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, Thomas (1640). Carew, T.: Poems 1640 (1969). CH.

Carew, Thomas (1651). Poems, with a maske. EEBO-TCP.

Carew, Thomas (1651). Carew, T.: Poems, With a Maske (1651). CH.

Carew, Thomas (1681). Hinc illæ lacrymæ, or, An epitome of the life and death of Sir Wlliam Courten and Sir Paul Pyndar …. EEBO-TCP.

Carier, Benjamin (1614). A treatise, vvritten by M. doctor Carier, vvherein hee layeth downe sundry learned and pithy considerations. EEBO-TCP.

Carkesse, James (1679). Lucida intervalla, containing divers miscellaneous poems. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1606). Tithes examined and proued to bee due to the clergie by a diuine right. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1610). Iurisdiction regall, episcopall, papall. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1619). An oration made at the Hage, before the Prince of Orenge. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1624). A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1624). Astrologomania. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1626). An examination of those things wherein the author of the late Appeale holdeth the doctrines of the Pelagians and Arminians, to be the doctrines of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, George (1629). The life of Bernard Gilpin. EEBO-TCP.

Carleton, Mary (1663). The case of Madam Mary Carleton, lately stiled the German Princess, truely stated. WWP.

Carlile, Christopher (1572). A discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Carlile, Christopher (1582). A discourse, concerning two diuine positions. EEBO-TCP.

Carlton, Richard (1601. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum). Madrigals to fiue voyces. EEBO-TCP.

Carpenter, Nathanael (1629). Achitophel, or, The picture of a wicked politician. EEBO-TCP.

Carpenter, Nathanael (1633). Chorazin and Bethsaida's vvoe, or warning peece. EEBO-TCP.

Carpenter, Nathanael ([1635]). Geographie delineated forth in two bookes. EEBO-TCP.

Carr, Robert (1686). The delightful companion, or, Choice new lessons for the recorder or flute. EEBO-TCP.

Cart, John ([1625]). The cunning age, or, A re-married woman repenting her marriage, rehearsing her husbands dishonest carriage. EEBO-TCP.

Carter, Matthew (1650). A most true and exact relation of that as honourable as unfortunate expedition of Kent, Essex, and Colchester. EEBO-TCP.

Cartigny, Jean de (1581). The voyage of the wandering knight. EEBO-TCP.

Cartwright, George (1661). The heroick-lover, or, The infanta of Spain. EEBO-TCP.

Cartwright, Joanna (1649). The petition of the Jewes for the repealing of the act of Parliament for their banishment out of England. WWP.

Cartwright, John (1611). The preachers trauels. EEBO-TCP.

Cartwright, William (1639). The royall slaue. EEBO-TCP.

Cartwright, William (1642). Semography, or, Short and swift writing. EEBO-TCP.

Cartwright, William (1651). Cartwright: Poems (1651). CH.

Cartwright, William (1671). November, or, Signal dayes observed in that month in relation to the crown and royal family. EEBO-TCP.

Cartwright, William (1671). Cartwright: November (1671). CH.

Carwell, Thomas (1658). Labyrinthvs Cantuariensis, or, Doctor Lawd's labyrinth. EEBO-TCP.

Cary, Elizabeth (1613). The tragedie of Mariam, the faire queene of Iewry. EEBO-TCP.

Cary, Elizabeth (Tanfield), Viscountess Falkland (1613). The tragedie of Mariam, the faire queen of Jewry. WWP.

Cary, Elizabeth (Tanfield), Viscountess Falkland (1680). The history of the life, reign, and death of Edward II. King of England, and Lord of Ireland. With the rise and fall of his great favourites, Gaveston and the Spencers. WWP.

Cary, Elizabeth (Tanfield), viscountess Falkland Cary, Henry, Viscount Faulkland (1680). The history of the most unfortunate prince King Edward II. WWP.

Cary, John (1698). An answer to Mr. Molyneux. EEBO-TCP.

Cary, Mary (1651). The little horns doom & downfall: or a scripture prophesie of King James, and King Charles, and of this present Parliament, unfolded. WWP.

Cary, Patrick (1820). Cary, P.: Trivial poems, and triolets (1820). CH.

Cary, Philip (1690). A just reply to Mr. John Flavell's arguments by way of answer to a discourse lately published, entitled, A solemn call, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Cary, Walter (1580). The hammer for the stone. EEBO-TCP.

Cary, Walter (1609). A briefe treatise. EEBO-TCP.

Cary, Walter (1626). The present state of England. EEBO-TCP.

Caryll, John (1667). The English princess, or, The death of Richard the III. EEBO-TCP.

Caryll, John (1671). Sir Salomon, or, The cautious coxcomb. EEBO-TCP.

Caryll, John (1679). Naboth's vinyard, or, The innocent traytor. EEBO-TCP.

Caryll, John ([1700]). The Psalms of David. EEBO-TCP.

Casas, Bartolomé de las (1656). The tears of the Indians. EEBO-TCP.

Cassan, Mrs. (1806). Poems. WWP.

Castamore (1700). Conjugium languens, or, The natural, civil, and religious mischiefs arising from conjugal infidelity and impunity. EEBO-TCP.

Castell, William (1644). A short discoverie of the coasts and continent of America, from the equinoctiall northward, and the adjacent isles. EEBO-TCP.

Castiglione, B. (1561). The Book of the Courtier. R3.

Castiglione, Baldassarre (1561). The courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio. EEBO-TCP.

Caton, William (1658). The moderate enquirer resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Caton, William (1660). An epistle to King Charles the II sent from Amsterdam in Holland, the 28 of the 10 month, 1660. EEBO-TCP.

Caton, William (1660). Truths caracter of professors and their teachers. EEBO-TCP.

Caton, William (1662). The testimony of a cloud of witnesses. EEBO-TCP.

Caton, William (1662). Three general epistles for the whole body of Friends. EEBO-TCP.

Cavendish, George (1825). Cavendish, G.: The life of Cardinal Wolsey (1825). CH.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1653). Poems, and fancies. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1655). The world's olio. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1656). Natures pictures drawn by fancies pencil to the life. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1662). Playes Written by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1666). Observations upon experimental philosophy, to which is added, the description of a new blazing world. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1667). The description of a new world, called the blazing-world. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1667). The life of the thrice noble, high and puissant prince William Cavendishe. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1668). Plays never before printed. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1668). Plays never before printed. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1668). Plays never before printed. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1668). Plays never before printed. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1668). Plays never before printed. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle (1668). Plays never before printed. WWP.

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1653). Cavendish: Philosophicall Fancies (1653). CH.

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1655). Cavendish, M.: The Worlds Olio (1655). CH.

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1664). Cavendish, M.: Philosophical Letters (1664). CH.

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1664). Cavendish, M.: Poems, and phancies (1664). CH.

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1671). Cavendish, M.: Natures Picture (1671). CH.

Cavendish, Michael (1598). 14.Ayres in tabletorie to the lute expressed with two voyces and the base violl or the voice & lute only : 6.more to 4.voyces and in tabletorie : and 8.madrigalles to 5.voyces. EEBO-TCP.

Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle (1717). Cavendish, W.: The charms of liberty: A poem (1717). CH.

Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle (1956). Cavendish, W.: Phanseys (1956). CH.

Caxton, William (1477?]). If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracio[n]s of saliburi vse …. EEBO-TCP.

Caxton, William ([1480]). [Here endeth this doctrine at Westmestre by london in fourmes enprinted. In the whiche one euerich may shortly lerne. Frenssh and englissh] …. EEBO-TCP.

Cellier, Elizabeth (1680). The matchless rogue, or, A brief account of the life of Don Thomazo, the unfortunate son. EEBO-TCP.

Cellier, Elizabeth (Dormer) (1680). Malice defeated: or a brief relation of the accusation and deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier. WWP.

Cellier, Elizabeth (Dormer) (1688). To Dr.---- an answer to his queries, concerning the Colledg of Midwives. WWP.

Cely Family (1475-1488). The Cely Papers. R3.

Centlivre, Susanna (1700). The perjur'd husband, or, The adventures of Venice. EEBO-TCP.

Centlivre, Susanna (Freeman) (1707). The platonick lady. WWP.

Centlivre, Susanna (Freeman) (1709). The man's bewitch'd: or, the devil to do about her. WWP.

Centlivre, Susanna (Freeman) (1714). The wonder: a woman keeps a secret. WWP.

Cerdan, Jean-Paul (1681). Europe a slave, unless England break her chains. EEBO-TCP.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1640). Exemplarie nouells. EEBO-TCP.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1652). The history of the valorous and vvitty-knight-errant, Don-Quixote, of the Mancha. EEBO-TCP.

Chaderton, Laurence (1584). A fruitfull sermon, vpon the verses of the 12. chapiter of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes. EEBO-TCP.

Chalkhill, John (1683). Thealma and Clearchus. EEBO-TCP.

Chalkhill, John (1683). Chalkhill: Thealma and Clearchus (1683). CH.

Chaloner, Sir Thomas (1549). The Praise of Folie. NTNU.

Chaloner, Sir Thomas, the elder (1804). Chaloner: Helen to Paris (1804). CH.

Chaloner, Thomas ([1584]). A shorte discourse of the most rare and excellent vertue of nitre. EEBO-TCP.

Chaloner, Thomas (1646). An answer to the Scotch papers. EEBO-TCP.

Chaloner, Thomas ([1646]). A speech made in the House of Commons the 26th day of October, 1646. EEBO-TCP.

Chamberlain, Robert (1638). Chamberlain: Nocturnall Lucubrations (1638). CH.

Chamberlain, Robert (1639). Chamberlain, R.: Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimsies (1639). CH.

Chamberlain, Robert (1661). Chamberlain, R.: Balaam's Asse Cudgeld (1661). CH.

Chamberlayne, Sir James (1680). Chamberlayne, J.: A Sacred Poem (1680). CH.

Chamberlayne, Sir James (1681). Chamberlayne: Manuductio ad Coelum (1681). CH.

Chamberlayne, William (1659). Chamberlayne, W.: Pharonnida (1659). CH.

Chamberlayne, William (1660). Chamberlayne, W.: Englands Iubile (1660). CH.

Chambers, Robert (1600). Palestina. EEBO-TCP.

Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret (1845). Essays, Philanthropic and Moral, by Elizabeth Margaret Chandler: principally relating to the abolition of slavery in America. WWP.

Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret (1845). The poetical works of Elizabeth Margaret Chandler: with a memoir of her life and character. WWP.

Chandler, Samuel (1691). The country's concurrence with the London united ministers in their late heads of agreement. EEBO-TCP.

Chandler, Samuel (1699). A dialogue between a pædo-baptist and an anti-pædo-baptist. EEBO-TCP.

Chandler, Samuel (1699). An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation. EEBO-TCP.

Chandos, Grey Brydges (1611). A discourse against flatterie. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1594). Skia nyktos. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1594). Chapman: The Shadow of Night (1594). CH.

Chapman, George (1595). Ouids banquet of sence. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1595). Chapman: Ovid's Banquet of Sence (1595). CH.

Chapman, George (1598). The blinde begger of Alexandria. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1599). A pleasant comedy entituled, An humerous dayes myrth. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1605). Al fooles. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1606). Sir Gyles Goosecappe Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1606). The gentleman vsher. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1606). Monsieur D'Olive. ElizAuth.

Chapman, George (1607). Bussy d'Ambois. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1608). The conspiracie, and tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron, Marshall of France. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1609). Euthymiæ raptus, or, the teares of peace. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1609). Chapman: Evthymiæ Raptvs; (1609). CH.

Chapman, George (1611). May-day. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1612 [i.e. 1613]). An epicede or funerall song. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1612). The vviddovves teares. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1612). Chapman: An Epicede or Funerall Song (1612). CH.

Chapman, George (1612). Chapman: Petrarchs seven penitentiall psalms (1612). CH.

Chapman, George (1613). The reuenge of Bussy D'Ambois. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George ([1613]). The memorable maske of the two honorable houses or Innes of Court ; the Middle Temple, and Lyncolns Inne. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1614-16). The Odysseys of Homer, vol. 1. Bart.

Chapman, George (1614). A free and offenceles iustification. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1614). Andromeda liberata, or, the nuptials of Perseus and Andromeda. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1614). Chapman, G.: Evgenia (1614). CH.

Chapman, George (1614). Chapman: A free and offenceles iustification (1614). CH.

Chapman, George (1614). Chapman: Andromeda Liberata (1614). CH.

Chapman, George (1616). Chapman: The Divine Poem of Mvsæus (1616). CH.

Chapman, George (1618). Chapman: The Georgicks of Hesiod (1618). CH.

Chapman, George (1622). Pro Vere, autumni lachrymæ. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1622). Chapman: Pro vere avtvmni lachrymæ (1622). CH.

Chapman, George (1629). Chapman: A Iustification of a Strange Action of Nero (1629). CH.

Chapman, George ([1629]). A iustification of a strange action of Nero. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George ([1631]). The vvarres of Pompey and Caesar. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1654). The tragedy of Alphonsus, Emperour of Germany. EEBO-TCP.

Chapman, George (1987). Bussy d'Ambois. OTA.

Chapman, George. Bussy d'Ambois. OTA.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book I. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book II. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book III. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book IV. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book IX. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book V. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book VI. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book VII. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book VIII. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book X. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book XI. TACT.

Chapman, George. Homer's Odysseys: Book XII. TACT.

Chapman, George. The gentleman usher. OTA.

Chapman, George. The revenge of Bussy d'Ambois. OTA.

Chapman, George ([1616]). Chapman: The Whole Works of Homer … in his Iliads and Odysses [1616]. CH.

Chappell, Bartholomew (1595). The garden of prudence. EEBO-TCP.

Chappell, Bartholomew (1595). Chappell, B.: The Garden of Prudence (1595). CH.

Charles (1662). His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, to the two Houses of Parliament at their prorogation, on Monday the nineteenth of May, 1662. EEBO-TCP.

Charles (1665). His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Charles (1674). Most Reverend Father in God we greet you well. EEBO-TCP.

Charles (1684?]). Most reverend father in God, we greet you well. EEBO-TCP.

Charles ([1686]). Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1654). Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana, or, A fabrick of science natural, upon the hypothesis of atoms founded by Epicurus. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1657). The immortality of the human soul, demonstrated by the light of nature. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1659). Natural history of nutrition, life, and voluntary motion. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1661). A character of His Most Sacred Majesty, Charles the Second, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1663). Chorea gigantum, or, The most famous antiquity of Great-Britan [sic], vulgarly called Stone-Heng, standing on Salisbury Plain, restored to the Danes. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1668). The Ephesian and Cimmerian matrons. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1669). Two discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1674). Natural history of the passions. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1680). Enquiries into human nature. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1682). The harmony of natural and positive divine laws. EEBO-TCP.

Charleton, Walter (1683). Three anatomic lectures. EEBO-TCP.

Chartier, A. (1484). The Curial. R3.

Chartier, Alain ([1483]). Here foloweth the copye of a lettre whyche maistre Alayn Charetier wrote to hys brother …. EEBO-TCP.

Chassepol, François de (1677). The history of the grand visiers, Mahomet and Achmet Coprogli, of the three last grand signiors, their Sultana's and chief favourites, with the most secret intrigues of the seraglio. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer (1687). Canterbury tales. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer, Geoffrey (1477?]). The lyf so short the craft so lo[n]ge to lerne. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer, Geoffrey (1477?]). Thou fiers god of armes, mars the rede. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer, Geoffrey ([1477]). Whan that Apprill with his shouris sote and the droughte of marche hath p[er]cid þe rote …. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer, Geoffrey ([1483]). The book of fame. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer, Geoffrey (1500?]). The loue and complayntes bytwene Mars and Venus. EEBO-TCP.

Chaucer, Geoffrey (1894-1897). Chaucer: The complete works (1894 -1897). CH.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400 (1385). Troilus and Criseyde. MiddleUVa.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400 (1387-1394). The Canterbury tales. MiddleUVa.

Cheke, John (1641). The true subiect to the rebell, or, The hurt of sedition, how greivous it is to a common-wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Chester, Robert (1611). The anuals of great Brittaine, or, A most excellent monument. EEBO-TCP.

Chester, Sir Robert (1601). Chester: Loves martyr (1601). CH.

Chester, Sir Robert (1914). Chester: Poems (1914). CH.

Chettle, H. (1592). Kind-Harts Dreame. R3.

Chettle, Henry (1593?]). Kind-harts dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Chettle, Henry (1603). Englands mourning garment. EEBO-TCP.

Chettle, Henry (1631). The tragedy of Hoffman, or, A reuenge for a father. EEBO-TCP.

Cheynell, Francis (1643). The rise, growth, and danger of Socinianisme. EEBO-TCP.

Cheynell, Francis (1647). An account given to the Parliament by the ministers sent by them to Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Cheynell, Francis (1650). The divine trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or, The blessed doctrine of the three coessentiall subsistents in the eternall Godhead without any confusion or division of the distinct subsistences or multiplication of the most single and entire Godhead. EEBO-TCP.

Chidley, Katharine (1641). The justification of the independent churches of Christ. WWP.

Chidley, Katharine (1645). A new-yeares gift, or a brief exhortation to Mr. Thomas Edwards. WWP.

Chidley, Katharine (1645). Good counsell, to the petitioners for Presbyterian government. WWP.

Chidley, Katherine (1641). The ivstification of the independant chvrches of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Chidley, Katherine (1645). A new-yeares-gift, or, A brief exhortation to Mr. Thomas Edwards. EEBO-TCP.

Chidley, Samuel (1652). Retsah, a cry against a crying sinne, or, A just complaint to the magistrates, against them who have broken the statute laws of God, by killing of men meerly for theft. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1668). A short addition to the observations concerning trade and interest of money. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1670?]). Sir Josiah Child's proposals for the relief and employment of the poor. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1681). A treatise wherein is demonstrated, I. That the East-India trade is the most national of all foreign trades, II. That the clamors, aspersions, and objections made against the present East-India company, are sinister, selfish, or groundless, III. That since the discovery of the East-Indies, the dominion of the sea depends much upon the wane or increase of that trade, and consequently the security of the liberty, property, and protestant religion of this kingdom, IV. That the trade of the East-Indies cannot be carried on to national advantage, in any other way than by a general joynt stock, V. That the East-India trade is more profitable and necessary to the kingdom of England, than to any other kingdom or nation in Europe. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1689). A discourse concerning trade, and that in particular of the East-Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah ([1689]). A supplement, 1689 to a former treatise. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1690). A discourse about trade. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1693). A new discourse of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1693). An essay on wool and wollen manufacture. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1694). A discourse of the nature, use and advantages of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1697). The great honor and advantage of the East-India trade to the kingdom, asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Child, Josiah (1699). A method concerning the relief and employment of the poor. EEBO-TCP.

Chillingworth, William ([1638]). The religion of protestants a safe vvay to salvation, or, An ansvver to a booke entitled Mercy and truth, or, Charity maintain'd by Catholiques, which pretends to prove the contrary. EEBO-TCP.

Chillingworth, William (1644). A sermon preached preached before His Majesty at Reading. EEBO-TCP.

Chillingworth, William (1662). Mr. Chillingworths letter touching infallibility. EEBO-TCP.

Chillingworth, William ([1664]). The apostolical institution of episcopacy demonstrated. EEBO-TCP.

Chillingworth, William (1673). Reasons against popery. EEBO-TCP.

Chillingworth, William (1687). Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth never before printed. EEBO-TCP.

Christine ([1478]). The morale prouerbes of Cristyne. EEBO-TCP.

Christine ([1484]). Here begynneth the table of the rubryshys of the boke of the fayt of armes and of chyualrye. EEBO-TCP.

Christine ([1521]). Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes. EEBO-TCP.

Christine ([1521]). Here begynneth the booke whiche is called the body of polycye. EEBO-TCP.

Christine (1549?]). Here foloweth the. C. hystoryes of Troye. EEBO-TCP.

Christopherson, John ( 24. Iulij). An exhortation to all menne to take hede and beware of rebellion. EEBO-TCP.

Chudleigh, Lady Mary (1703). Chudleigh: Poems on Several Occasions (1703). CH.

Chudleigh, Lady Mary (1710). Chudleigh, M.: Essays upon Several Subjects (1710). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1552?]). A playn and fynall confutacion: Of cammells corlyke oblatracion. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1552?]). Dauy Dycars dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1552]). A myrrour for man where in he shall see the myserable state of thys worlde. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1560). Churchyard: The Contention betwyxte Churchyeard and Camell (1560). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1560]). The contention betwyxte Churchyeard and Camell, vpon Dauid Dycers dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). A farewell cauld, Churcheyeards, rounde. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). Churchyardes farewell. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). A greatter thanks, for Churchyardes welcome home. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). Churchyardes lamentacion of freyndshyp. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1568). Churchyard: A commendatory poem (1568). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1570. March. 27). The epitaphe of the honorable Earle of Penbroke, Baron of Cardiffe, and knight of the most noble order of the garter. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1570. The first of Maye). Come bring in Maye with me. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1570). Churchyard: A discourse of Rebellion (1570). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1570). Churchyard: The Epitaphe of the honourable Earle of Penbroke (1570). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1572). Churchyard: Commendatory verse to Hvloets dictionarie (1572). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1572). Churchyard: The Thre first bookes of Ouids De Tristibvs (1572). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1575. Cum priuilegio). The firste parte of Churchyardes chippes. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1575). Churchyard: The firste parte of Churchyardes Chippes (1575). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1578). A lamentable, and pitifull description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1578). Churchyard, T.: A discourse of The Queenes … entertainment (1578). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1578). Churchyard: A Lamentable, and pitifull Description of the wofull warres in Flaunders (1578). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1578). Churchyard: A prayse of Maister Forboishers voyage (1578). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1578]). A prayse, and reporte of Maister Martyne Forboishers voyage to Meta Incognita. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1578]). A discourse of the Queenes Maiesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1579?]). The moste true reporte of Iames Fitz Morrice death, and others the like offe[n]ders: with a brief discourse of rebellion, dedicated to the ribht [sic] worshipfull my louying freende M. Drewe Drewrie, brother to the honourable sir Willyam Drewrie, lorde Iustice of Irelande. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1579). Churchyard: The Miserie of Flavnders (1579). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1579]). A generall rehearsall of warres, called Churchyardes choise. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1579]). The miserie of Flaunders, calamitie of Fraunce, misfortune of Portugall, vnquietnes of Irelande, troubles of Scotlande: and the blessed state of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1580. April. 8). A warning for the wise, a feare to the fond, a bridle to the lewde, and a glasse to the good. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1580). A light bondell of liuly discourses called Churchyardes charge. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1580). A pleasaunte laborinth called Churchyardes chance. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1580). Churchyard: A light Bondell of liuly discourses called Churchyards Charge (1580). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1580). Churchyard: A pleasaunte Laborinth called Churchyardes Chance (1580). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1580). Churchyard: A warning for the wise (1580). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1580]). A plaine or moste true report of a daungerous seruice. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1584). A scourge for rebels. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1586]). The epitaph of Sir Phillip Sidney Knight, lately Lord Gouernour of Floshing. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1587). The vvorthines of VVales. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1587). Churchyard, T.: Epitaph of Sir Phillip Sidney (1537). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1587). Churchyard: The Worthines of Wales (1587). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1588). A sparke of frendship and warme goodwill, that shewest the effect of true affection and vnfoldes the finenesse of this world. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1588). Churchyard: A sparke of frendship (1588). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1591). A reuyuing of the deade by verses that foloweth. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1591). Churchyard: A reuyuing of the deade (1591). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1592). A feast full of sad cheere. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1592). A handeful of gladsome verses, giuen to the Queenes Maiesty at Woodstocke this prograce. 1592. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1592). Churchyard: A Feast full of sad cheere (1592). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1592). Churchyard: A handefvl of gladsome verses (1592). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1593). Churchyards challenge. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1593). Churchyard: A Pleasant conceite (1593). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1593). Churchyard: Chvrchyards challenge (1593). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1593]). A pleasant conceite penned in verse. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1594). Churchyard: The mirror of Man (1594). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1595). A musicall consort of heauenly harmonie (compounded out of manie parts of musicke) called Churchyards charitie. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1595). Churchyard: A Musical Consort (1595). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1596). A pleasant discourse of court and wars. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1596). A sad and solemne funerall, of the right Honorable sir Francis Knowles knight, treasorer of the Queenes Maiesties houshold, one of hir priuie councell, and knight of the most honorable order of the Garter. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1596). The honor of the lawe. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1596). Churchyard: A pleasant Discourse of Court and Wars (1596). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1596). Churchyard: A sad and solemn Funerall (1596). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1596). Churchyard: The Honor of the Lawe (1596). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1598). Churchyard: A wished reformacion of wicked Rebellion (1598). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1599). Churchyard: The Fortunate Farewell (1599). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1602). Churchyard: The wonders of the ayre (1602). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas (1604?]). Sorrovvfull verses made on [the] death of our most Soueraigne Lady Queen Elizabeth, my gracious mistresse. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1604). Churchyards good will. EEBO-TCP.

Churchyard, Thomas (1604). Churchyard: Churchyards good will (1604). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). Churchyard: A Farewell cauld, Churchyeards, rounde [1566]. CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). Churchyard: A Greatter thankes (1566). CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). Churchyard: Churchyardes farewell [1566]. CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1566]). Churchyard: Churchyardes Lamentation of Freyndshyp [1566]. CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1573]). Churchyard:[To L. Lloid] [1573]. CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1579]). Churchyard: A generall rehearsall of warres [1579]. CH.

Churchyard, Thomas ([1603?]). Churchyard, T.: Sorrowfull Verses [1603?]. CH.

Chute, Anthony (1593). Chute: Beawtie Dishonoured (1593). CH.

Chute, Anthony (1595). [Tabacco]. EEBO-TCP.

Cibber, Colley (1695). A poem on the death of our late soveraign lady Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Cibber, Colley (1696). Loves last shift, or, The fool in fashion. EEBO-TCP.

Cibber, Colley (1699). Xerxes, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Cibber, Colley (1700). Richard III. EarlyUVa.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1481 (12 Aug. [-ca. Sept.])]). hEre begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge, both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh tongue, of the polytyque book named Tullius de senectute …. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1534?]). [The paradox of Marcus Tullius Cicero]. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1556). Marcus Tullius Ciceroes thre bokes of duties. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1561). An epistle or letter of exhortation. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1561). Those fyue questions. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1562). The booke of freendeship of Marcus Tullie Cicero. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1616). The first book of Tullies Offices translated grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius ([1620]). The familiar epistles of M.T. Cicero. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1648). Cato major, or, The book of old age. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1668). Cicero's prince. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1671). Cicero against Catiline, in IV invective orations. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1680). Tullys offices. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1689). The oration of Cicero for M. Marcellus. EEBO-TCP.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1699). Tully's three books of offices, in English. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1596). A briefe of the Bible. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch ([1597]). Theologicall axioms or conclusions. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1598). The syn, against the holy ghoste. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1599). The discription of a true visible Christian. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1600). Antidoton, or, A soueraigne remedie against schisme and heresie. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1601). Clapham: Ælohim-triune (1601). CH.

Clapham, Henoch (1603). An epistle discoursing vpon the present pestilence. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1604). Henoch Clapham his demaundes and answeres touching the pestilence. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1606). A manuel of the Bibles doctrine for law and Gospell, letter and spirit, signe and thing signified. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1606). An abstract of fayth. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1608). Errour on the left hand, through a frozen securitie. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1608). Errour on the right hand, through a preposterous zeale. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, Henoch (1608). Clapham: A Briefe of the Bibles History (1608). CH.

Clapham, Henoch (1609). A chronological discourse touching, 1 The Church. 2 Christ. 3 Anti-Christ. 4 Gog & Magog. &c. EEBO-TCP.

Clapham, John (1606). The historie of Great Britannie. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1641). Mr. Edvvard Hydes speech at a conference betweene both Houses on Tewsday the 6th of July 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1641). Mr. Hides argvment before the Lords in the Vpper Hovse of Parliament, Aprill 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde ([1643]). Tvvo speeches made in the House of Peeres, on Munday the 19th. of December, for, and against accomodation. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1660?]). Second thoughts, or, The case of a limited toleration, stated according to the present exigence of affairs in church and state. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1667?). To the Right Honourable, the Lords spiritual and temporal, in Parliament assembled, the hvmble petition and address of Edward, Earl of Clarendon. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1673). Animadversions upon a book intituled, Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Catholick Church, by Dr. Stillingfleet, and the imputation refuted and retorted by S.C. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1676). A brief view and survey of the dangerous and pernicious errors to church and state, in Mr. Hobbes's book, entitled Leviathan. EEBO-TCP.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1680?]). Two letters written by the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, late Lord High Chancellour of England. EEBO-TCP.

Clark, William (1685). Clark: The grand Tryal: or, Poetical Exercitations upon the book of Job (1685). CH.

Clarke, Jeremiah (1700?]). The country farmer. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1640). A generall martyrologie. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1643). Englands covenant proved lawful and necessary also at this time both by Scripture and reason. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1653). The life of Tamerlane the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1655). Christian good-fellowship, or, Love and good works. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel ([1657]). A geographicall description of all the countries in the known vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1662). A collection of the lives of ten eminent divines. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1664). The blessed life and meritorious death of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, from His conception to His cross, and from His cross to His crown. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1665). A briefe and yet exact and accurate description of the present state of the great & mighty empire of Germany. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1665). The life and death of Pompey the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1672). A description of the seaventeen provinces commonly called the Low-Countries (the present stage of action). EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1673). The life and death of the thrice noble and illustrious Edvvard, surnamed the Black Prince. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1677). England's remembrancer. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1682). The history of the glorious life, reign, and death of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Clarke, Samuel (1690). The historian's guide, or, Britain's remembrancer. EEBO-TCP.

Clavell, John (1628). A recantation of an ill led life, or, A discouerie of the high-way law. EEBO-TCP.

Cleaver, Robert (1621). A godly forme of houshold government. EEBO-TCP.

Cleland, William (1697). A collection of several poems and verses. EEBO-TCP.

Cleland, William (1697). Cleland: A Collection of Several Poems and Verses (1697). CH.

Clerk, William (1631). An epitome of certaine late aspersions cast at ciuilians, the ciuil and ecclesistical lawes, the courts Christian; and at bishops and their chancellors. EEBO-TCP.

Clerke, Francis (1667?]). Proposals for printing by subscription, Clarke's Praxis, in one volume, in octavo. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1644). The character of a London diurnall. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1647). The character of a London-diurnall. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1647). Cleveland: The Character of A London-Diurnall (1647). CH.

Cleveland, John (1648). Midsummer-moone, or, Lvnacy rampant. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1651). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1654). The idol of the clovvnes, or, Insurrection of Wat the Tyler with his priests Baal and Straw. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1657). Cleveland: Poems (1657). CH.

Cleveland, John (1658). Cleveland: Poems (1658). CH.

Cleveland, John (1659). J. Cleaveland revived. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1677). Clievelandi Vindiciæ, or, Clieveland's genuine poems, orations, epistles, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Cleveland, John (1677). Cleveland: Genuine Poems (1677). CH.

Cleveland, John (1687). The works of Mr. John Cleveland. EEBO-TCP.

Clifford, M (1687). Notes upon Mr. Dryden's poems. EEBO-TCP.

Clinton, Elizabeth (1622). The Countesse of Lincolnes nurserie. WWP.

Clive, Catherine (1744). The case of Mrs. Clive. WWP.

Cobb, Samuel (1694). A Pindarique ode, humbly offer'd to the ever-blessed memory of our late Gracious Sovereign Lady, Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Cobb, Samuel (1695). Bersaba, or, The love of David. EEBO-TCP.

Cobb, Samuel (1697). Pax redux. EEBO-TCP.

Cobb, Samuel ([1700]). Poetæ Britannici. EEBO-TCP.

Cock Lorrel's Boat ([1510?]). [Anon.]: Cocke Lorelles Bote [1510]. CH.

Cockaine, T. (1591). A Short Treatise of Hunting. R3.

Cockburn, John (1691). A continuation of the historical relation of the late General Assembly in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Cockburn, John (1696). An enquiry into the nature, necessity, and evidence of Christian faith. EEBO-TCP.

Cockburn, John (1696). Jacob's vow, or, Man's felicity and duty. EEBO-TCP.

Cockburn, John ([1697]). Fifteen sermons preach'd upon several occassions, and on various subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Cockburn, John ([1697]). The dignity and duty of a married state. EEBO-TCP.

Cockburn, John (1698). Bourignianism detected, or, The delusions and errors of Antonia Bourignon, and her growing sect. EEBO-TCP.

Cockburn, John ([1698]). A letter from John Cockburn, D.D., to his friend in London. EEBO-TCP.

Cocker, Edward (1678). Cockers arithmetick. EEBO-TCP.

Cocker, Edward (1685). Cocker's decimal arithmetick. EEBO-TCP.

Coeffeteau, Nicholas Man, Judith (1640). An epitome of the history of faire Argenis and Polyarchus. WWP.

Coeffeteau, Nicolas (1621). A table of humane passions. EEBO-TCP.

Cokain, Aston (1669). The tragedy of Ovid. EEBO-TCP.

Cokayne, Sir Aston (1658). Cockayne: Small poems of Divers sorts (1658). CH.

Colclough, George (1571). Colclough: The Spectacle to Repentance (1571). CH.

Cole, Thomas (1676). The old apostolical way of preaching, or, Peters last legacy to all his true successors in the ministry and faith of the Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, Thomas (1689). A discourse of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, Thomas (1692). A discourse of Christian religion, in sundry points. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, Thomas (1692). The incomprehensibleness of imputed righteousness, for justification, by humane reason, till enlightned by the spirit of God. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, Thomas ([1692]). A discourse of regeneration, faith and repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, William (1659). A rod for the lawyers. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, William (1659). Severall proposals humbly tendered to the consideration of those that are in authority, for the ease, security, & prosperity of this common-wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, William (1661). Noah's dove with her olive-branch, or, The happy tidings of the abatement of the flood of England's civil discords. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, William ([1675]). Legal and other reasons (with all humility) presented to His most Excellent Majesty, King Charles II. and to both his Honorable Houses of Parliament, why the subjects of England, should not be imprisoned for debt or damages, or any thing thereunto relating. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, William (1689). A physico-medical essay concerning the late frequency of apoplexies. EEBO-TCP.

Cole, William ([1689]). Purpura anglicana. EEBO-TCP.

Coles, Elisha (1677). An English dictionary. EEBO-TCP.

Colet, Claude (1588). The famous, pleasant, and variable historie, of Palladine of England. EEBO-TCP.

Colet, John (1530?]). The sermo[n] of doctor Colete, made to the conuocacion at Paulis. EEBO-TCP.

Colet, John (1661). A sermon of conforming and reforming. EEBO-TCP.

Colin Blowbols Testament (1864). [Anon.]: Colyn Blowbols Testament (1864). CH.

Collier, Jeremy (1686). The difference between the present and future state of our bodies. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1688). The office of a chaplain enquir'd into and vindicated from servility and contempt. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1689). A moral essay concerning the nature and unreasonableness of pride. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1689). Vindiciæ juris regii, or, Remarques upon a paper, entitled, An enquiry into the measures of submission to the supream authority. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy ([1689]). The desertion discuss'd in a letter to a country gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy ([1689]). Animadversions upon the modern explanation of II Hen. 7. cap. I, or, A king de facto. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1690?]). A caution against inconsistency, or, The connexion between praying and swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1691). Dr. Sherlock's Case of allegiance considered. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1692). A brief essay concerning the independency of church-power. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy ([1693]). A perswasive to consideration, tender'd to the Royalists. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1694). Miscellanies. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1695). Miscellanies upon moral subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1696). The case of the two absolvers that were tryed at the Kings-Bench-Bar at Westminster on Thursday the 2d of July 1696. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy ([1696]). A defence of the absolution given to Sr. William Perkins, at the place of execution, April the 3d. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy ([1696]). A reply to The absolution of a penitent, according to the directions of the Church of England, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy ([1696]). An answer to the Animadversions on two pamphlets lately published by Mr. Collier, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1698). A short view of the immorality, and profaneness of the English stage. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1699). A defence of The short view of the profaneness and immorality of the English stage, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Jeremy (1700). A second defence of the Short view of the prophaneness and immorality of the English stage, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Collier, Mary (1739). The woman's labour: an epistle to Mr. Stephen Duck. WWP.

Collins, An (1653). Divine songs and meditacions. WWP.

Collins, Anne (1653). Collins, A.: Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653). CH.

Collins, Anthony (1700). An answer to Dr. Scot's cases against dissenters concerning forms of prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Collins, Thomas (1610). The penitent publican. EEBO-TCP.

Collins, Thomas (1610). Collins, T.: The Penitent Pvblican (1610). CH.

Collins, Thomas (1615). The teares of loue, or, Cupids progresse. EEBO-TCP.

Collins, Thomas (1615). Collins, T.: The Teares of Love (1615). CH.

Collins, Thomas (1658). Choice and rare experiments in physick and chirurgery, or, A discovery of most approved medicines for the curing of most diseases incident to the body of men, women, and of children. EEBO-TCP.

Collins, W. (1746). Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects. R3.

Collins, William (1675). Missa triumphans, or, The triumph of the mass. EEBO-TCP.

Collop, John (1656). Poesis rediviva, or, Poesie reviv'd. EEBO-TCP.

Collop, John (1656). Collop Poesis Rediviva (1656). CH.

Collop, John (1660). Itur satyricum. EEBO-TCP.

Collop, John (1661). A letter with animadversions upon the animadverter on the Bishop of Worcesters letter. EEBO-TCP.

Collop, John (1667). Charity commended, or, A catholick Christian soberly instructed. EEBO-TCP.

Collyngbourne, William (1548). The vnion of the two noble and illustrate famelies of Lancastre and Yorke [by Edward Halle]. TUDOR.

Colmenero de Ledesma, Antonio (1640). A curious treatise of the nature and quality of chocolate. EEBO-TCP.

Colonel Norwood (1649). Tracts and Other Paper Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America From the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. EarlyUVa.

Colonna, Francesco (1592). Hypnerotomachia. EEBO-TCP.

Colse, Peter (1596). Penelopes complaint, or, A mirrour for wanton minions. EEBO-TCP.

Colse, Peter (1596). Colse: Penelopes Complaint (1596). CH.

Colvil, Samuel (1681). Colvil, S.: Mock poem, or, Whiggs Supplication (1681). CH.

Colvil, Samuel (1707). Colvil, S.: Prophecy anent the Union (1707). CH.

Colville, Elizabeth Melvill (1620). A godlie dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Combe, Thomas (1614). Combe, T.: The Theater of Fine Devices (1614). CH.

Comber, Thomas (1689). A letter to a bishop concerning the present settlement and the new oaths. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry ([1679]). The Bishop of London his letter to the clergy of his diocess. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry (1686). A list of the præbendaries of St Paul's Church (and others), appointed to preach upon the holy-days in the year of our Lord, 1686, at Saint Peter's Church in Cornhill. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry (1686). Episcopalia, or, Letters of the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of London, to the clergy of his diocess. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry (1688). An exact account of the whole proceedings against the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of London, before the Lord Chancellor and the other ecclesiastical commissioners. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry (1690). The Bishop of London's seventh letter, of the conference with his clergy. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry (1696). The bishop of London's charge to the clergy of his diocese. EEBO-TCP.

Compton, Henry (1699). The Bishop of London's ninth conference with his clergy upon the fifth and tenth injunctions given by the King, February the 15th, 1694/5. EEBO-TCP.

Confucius (1691). The morals of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, W. (1700). The Judgment of Paris. R3.

Congreve, W. (1743). Semele. R3.

Congreve, William (1692). Incognita, or, Love and duty reconcil'd. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1693). The old batchelour. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1694). The double-dealer. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1695). Love for love. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1695). The mourning muse of Alexis. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William ([1695]). A pindarique ode humbly offer'd to the King on his taking Namure. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1697). The mourning bride. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1698). Amendments of M. Collier's false and imperfect citations, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1698). The birth of a muse. EEBO-TCP.

Congreve, William (1700). The way of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Connaissance d'Amours, La ([1528?]). [Anon.]: La conusaunce damours [1528?]. CH.

Constable, Henry (1589). Examen pacifique de la doctrine des Huguenots. EEBO-TCP.

Constable, Henry (1592). Diana. EEBO-TCP.

Constable, Henry (1600). Discoverye of a counterfecte conference helde at a counterfecte place, by counterfecte travellers, for thadvancement of a counteerfecte tytle, and invented, printed, and published by one (person) that dare not avovve his name. EEBO-TCP.

Constable, Henry (1623). The Catholike moderator, or, A moderate examination of the doctrine of the Protestants. EEBO-TCP.

Constable, Henry (1897). Constable: Poems and Sonnets (1897). CH.

Constable., H. (1594). Diana. R3.

Cook, E. (1707). The Sot-Weed Factor. R3.

Cooke, Jo. (1614). Greenes Tu quoque, or, The cittie gallant. EEBO-TCP.

Cooke, John ([1604]). Cooke. J: Epigrames (1604). CH.

Cooke, Thomas (1641). Episcopacie asserted, as it now stands established in our church and common-wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Mrs. (1770). An address to the people of Wapping and its environs. WWP.

Cooper, Thomas (1606). A brand taken out of the fire, or, The Romish spider, with his webbe of treason. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1608). The Christians daily sacrifice. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1615). The art of giuing. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1617). The mystery of witch-craft. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1619). The worldlings aduenture. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1620?]). The mysterie of the holy government of our affections. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1620). The cry and reuenge of blood. EEBO-TCP.

Cooper, Thomas (1622). Sathan transformed into an angell of light. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Patrick (1622). Virginia's God be thanked, or, A sermon of thanksgiving for the happie successe of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Patrick ([1622]). A declaration how the monies (viz. seuenty pound eight shillings sixe pence) were disposed, which was gathered (by M. Patrick Copland, preacher in the Royall Iames) at the Cape of good hope, (towards the building of a free schoole in Virginia) of the gentlemen and marriners in the said ship. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Patrick (18. of Februarie, 1622. Stilo nouo). A second courante of newes from the East India in two letters. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Robert (1518?). Here begynneth the complaynte of them that ben to late maryed. TUDOR.

Copland, Robert (1520). Copland: L'enuoy of Robert Coplande. CH.

Copland, Robert (1524). Copland: Epilogue to the syege of Rodes (1524). CH.

Copland, Robert (1528). Copland: L'envoy and excuse (1528). CH.

Copland, Robert (1530). Copland: Introductory and Concluding Poems to The Assemble of Soules (1530). CH.

Copland, Robert (1532). Copland: R. Coplande to the translatour (1532). CH.

Copland, Robert (1535). A complaynt of them that be to soone maryed. TUDOR.

Copland, Robert (1535). Copland: A complaynt of them that be to soone maryed (1535). CH.

Copland, Robert (1536?). The hye way to the Spyttell hous. TUDOR.

Copland, Robert ([1536?]). The hye way to the spyttell hous. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Robert ([1565]). The seuen sorowes that women haue when theyr husbandes be deade. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Robert ([1567?]). Iyl of Braintfords testament. EEBO-TCP.

Copland, Robert (1863). Copland: Complaynte of them that ben to late maryed (1966). CH.

Copland, Robert ([1521]). Copland: Introductory poem to the passyon of our lorde [1521]. CH.

Copland, Robert ([1521]). Copland: Introductory verse to the myrrour & the chyrche [1521]. CH.

Copland, Robert ([1536?]). Copland, R.: The hye way to the spyttell hous [1536?]. CH.

Copland, Robert ([1560?]). Copland: Iyl of braintfords Testament [1560?]. CH.

Copland, Robert ([1568?]). Copland: The seuen sorowes that women have when theyr husbandes be deade [1568?]. CH.

Copland, Robert (c. 1565). The seuen sorowes that women haue when theyr husbandes be deade. TUDOR.

Copland, Robert (c. 1567?). Iyl of braintfords Testament. Newly Compiled. TUDOR.

Copley, Anthony (1595). Wits fittes and fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Copley, Anthony (1595). Copley: Loves Owle (1595). CH.

Copley, Anthony (1596). Copley: A Fig For Fortune (1596). CH.

Copley, Anthony (1602). Another letter of Mr. A.C. to his dis-Iesuited kinseman, concerning the appeale, state, Iesuites. EEBO-TCP.

Coppinger, Matthew (1682). Poems, songs and love-verses, upon several subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Coppinger, Matthew (1682). Coppinger: Poems, Songs and Love-Verses (1682). CH.

Coppinger, Nathaniel (1641). A seasonable speech by Sir Nathaniell Coppinger spoken in the high covrt of Parliament October 24, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, Edward (1642). Gods providence, a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Decemb. 28, 1642, in S. Margarets Church at Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, Jeffrey (1654). Eye-salve for English-men, and an alarvm to the Londoners. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1645). An historicall relation of the military government of Gloucester, from the beginning of the Civill Warre betweene King and Parliament, to the removall of Colonell Massie from that government to the command of the westerne forces. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1661). The interest of England in the matter of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1667). A discourse of the religion of England. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1668). A second discourse of the religion of England. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1679). The kingdom of God among men. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1679). The point of church-unity and schism discuss'd. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1681). Self-imployment in secret …. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1682). An account given of the principles & practices of several nonconformists. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1682). An enquiry into the oath required of non-conformists by an act made at Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1683). A humble endeavour of some plain and brief explication of the decrees and operations of God, about the free actions of men, more especially of the operations of divine grace. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, John (1683). The nonconformist's plea for lay-communion with the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Corbet, Richard (1647). Certain elegant poems. EEBO-TCP.

Corbett, Richard (1640). Corbett: On Francis Beaumonts death (1640). CH.

Corbett, Richard (1647). Corbett: Certain Elegant Poems (1647). CH.

Corbett, Richard (1648). Corbett: Poetica Stromata (1648). CH.

Corbett, Richard (1871). Corbett: The Times' Whistle (1871). CH.

Cordier, Mathurin (1636). Corderius dialogues translated grammatically. EEBO-TCP.

Corkine, William (1610). Ayres. EEBO-TCP.

Corkine, William (1612). The second booke of ayres. EEBO-TCP.

Corneille, Pierre (1655). Polyeuctes, or, The martyr. EEBO-TCP.

Corneille, Pierre (1656). Horatius, a Roman tragedie,. EEBO-TCP.

Corneille, Pierre (1663). Pompey. EEBO-TCP.

Corneille, Pierre (1664). Pompey the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Corneille, Pierre (1671). Horace. EEBO-TCP.

Corneille, Thomas (1654). The extravagant sheepherd. EEBO-TCP.

Cornwallis, William (1600-1601). Essayes. EEBO-TCP.

Cornwallis, William (1601). Discourses vpon Seneca the tragedian. EEBO-TCP.

Cornwallis, William (1604). The miraculous and happie vnion of England and Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Cornwallis, William (1616). Essayes of certaine paradoxes. EEBO-TCP.

Corrozet, Gilles (1602). Memorable conceits of diuers noble and famous personages of Christendome, of this our moderne time. EEBO-TCP.

Cortés, Martín (1589). The arte of nauigation. EEBO-TCP.

Coryate, Thomas (1611). Coryates crambe, or, His colwort tvvise sodden. EEBO-TCP.

Coryate, Thomas (1616). Thomas Coriate traueller for the English vvits: greeting. EEBO-TCP.

Cosin, John ([1700]). Bishop Cozens's argument, proving, that adultery works a dissolution of the marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Cosin, Richard ([1593]). An apologie for sundrie proceedings by iurisdiction ecclesiasticall, of late times by some chalenged, and also diuersly by them impugned. EEBO-TCP.

Coste, Pierre (1693). The life of Lewis of Bourbon, late prince of Conde. EEBO-TCP.

Cosyn, John (1585). Musike of six, and fiue partes. EEBO-TCP.

Cotta, John (1616). The triall of vvitch-craft. EEBO-TCP.

Cottington, R (1609). A true historicall discourse of Muley Hamets rising to the three kingdomes of Moruecos, Fes, and Sus. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1660). A panegyrick to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1664). Scarronides, or, Le Virgile travestie. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1667). Cotton, C.: Scarronides (1667). CH.

Cotton, Charles (1674). The compleat gamester, or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1675). Burlesque upon burlesque, or, The scoffer scoft. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1675). The planters manual, being instructions for the raising, planting, and cultivating all sorts of fruit-trees, whether stonefruits or pepin-fruits, with their natures and seasons. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1675). Cotton, C.: Burlesque upon Burlesque (1675). CH.

Cotton, Charles (1679). The confinement. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1681). The wonders of the peake. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1681). Cotton, C.: The Wonders of the Peacke (1681). CH.

Cotton, Charles (1684). Erotopolis, the present state of Betty-land. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1689). Poems on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Charles (1689). Cotton, C.: Poems on Several Occasions (1689). CH.

Cotton, Clement (1613). The mirror of martyrs. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, John (1641). A coppy of a letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston, in New England, sent in answer of certaine objections made against their discipline and orders there, directed to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, John (1650). Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-ordinance, or, A Treatise wherein are handled these particulars. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Priscilla (1661). A visitation of love unto all people. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Robert (1642). The histories of the lives and raignes of Henry the Third, and Henry the Fourth, Kings of England. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Robert ([1655]). An answer made by command of Prince Henry to certain propositions of warre and peace delivered to His Highnesse by some of his military servants. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Robert (1680). The antiquity and dignity of parliaments. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Roger (1590). A direction to the waters of lyfe. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Roger (1596). A spirituall song. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Roger (1596). An armor of proofe. EEBO-TCP.

Cotton, Roger (1596). Cotton, R.: A Spirituall Song (1596). CH.

Cotton, Roger (1596). Cotton, R.: An Armor of Proofe (1596). CH.

Cousin, Gilbert ([1543]). Of the office of servavntes. EEBO-TCP.

Covell, William (1595. And are to be sold [by R. Bankworth] at the signe of the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard in London, 1595). Polimanteia, or, The meanes lawfull and vnlawfull, to iudge of the fall of a common-wealth, against the friuolous and foolish coniectures of this age. EEBO-TCP.

Covell, William (1603). A iust and temperate defence of the fiue books of ecclesiastical policie. EEBO-TCP.

Covell, William (1604). A modest and reasonable examination, of some things in vse in the Church of England, sundrie times heretofore misliked. EEBO-TCP.

Covell, William (1606). A briefe ansvver vnto certaine reasons by way of an apologie deliuered to the Right Reuerend Father in God, the L. Bishop of Lincolne, by Mr. Iohn Burges. EEBO-TCP.

Coverdale, Miles (1543?]). A Christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers. EEBO-TCP.

Coverdale, Miles ([1533?]). Coverdale: Goostly psalmes and spirituall songes [1533?]. CH.

Coverte, Robert (1612). A true and almost incredible report of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good ship called the Assention in Cambaya the farthest part of the East Indies) trauelled by land through many vnknowne kingdomes, and great cities. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1689). The Third Part of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley Being his Six Book of Plants. EarlyUVa.

Cowley, Abraham (1633). Poetical blossomes. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1638). Loves riddle. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1642). The prologve and epilogve to a comedie. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham ([1643]). The Puritan and the papist. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1645). A letter to a freind [sic] shewing the illegall proceedings of the two houses of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1648). The foure ages of England, or, The iron age. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1650). The guardian. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1661). A vision, concerning his late pretended highnesse, Cromwell, the Wicked. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1663). Cutter of Coleman-Street. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1663). Verses. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1667). The mistresse, or, Several copies of love-verses. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1679). A poem on the late civil war. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1680). A translation of the sixth book of Mr. Cowley's Plantarum. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1680). Translation of the Sixth Book of Mr. Cowley's Plantarum. EarlyUVa.

Cowley, Abraham (1682). Wit and loyalty reviv'd. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1688). The learned and loyal Abraham Cowley's definition of a tyrant. EEBO-TCP.

Cowley, Abraham (1905-1906). Cowley: The Works (1905-6). CH.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1786). The Scottish village, or, Pitcairne Green. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. WWP.

Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) (1813). The works of Mrs. Cowley. Dramas and poems. In three volumes. WWP.

Cowper, Spencer (1699). The tryal of Spencer Cowper, Esq, John Marson, Ellis Stevens, and William Rogers, gent. upon an indictment for the murther of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1606). A conduit of comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1607). A preparatiue for the new Passeouer. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1608). The triumph of a Christian. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1609). Three heauenly treatises vpon the eight chapter to the Romanes. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1610). A defiance to death. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1611). The anatomie of a Christian man. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1612). Three heavenly treatises, concerning Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1613). A holy alphabet for Sion's scholars. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1613). Seuen dayes conference. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1614). The Bishop of Gallovvay his dikaiologie. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1615). A mirrour of mercie, or, The prodigals conuersion. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1616). Two fruitfull and godly treatises, to comfort the afflicted. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1617). A most comfortable and Christian dialogue, betweene the Lord, and the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1618). Tvvo sermons preached in Scotland before the Kings Maiesty. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1619). Pathmos, or, A commentary on the Reuelation of Saint Iohn. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1619). The life and death of the Reuerend Father, and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. William Cowper, Bishop of Galloway. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1694). Myotomia reformata, or, A new administration of all the muscles of humane bodies. EEBO-TCP.

Cowper, William (1698). The anatomy of humane bodies. EEBO-TCP.

Cox, Leonard ([1532]). The art or crafte of rhetoryke. EEBO-TCP.

Cox, Nicholas (1686). The gentleman's recreation. EEBO-TCP.

Cox, Robert (1656). Acteon & Diana. EEBO-TCP.

Cradock, Walter (1648). Glad tydings, from Heaven to the worst of sinners on earth. EEBO-TCP.

Cragge, John (1641). Great Britains prayers in this dangerous time of contagion. EEBO-TCP.

Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1604). Craig: The Poeticall Essayes (1604). CH.

Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1606). Craig: The Amorose Songes, Sonets, and Elegies (1606). CH.

Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1609). Craig: The Poetical Recreations (1609). CH.

Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1623). Craig: Poeticall Recreations (1623). CH.

Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1631). Craig: The pilgrime and heremite (1631). CH.

Craig, Thomas (6 others], 1695). Scotland's soveraignty asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Crakanthorpe, Richard (1608). A sermon of sanctification. EEBO-TCP.

Crakanthorpe, Richard (1609). A sermon at the solemnizing of the happie inauguration of our most gracious and religious soueraigne King Iames. EEBO-TCP.

Crakanthorpe, Richard (1620). A sermon of predestination. EEBO-TCP.

Crakanthorpe, Richard (1621). The defence of Constantine. EEBO-TCP.

Crakanthorpe, Richard ([1631]). Vigilius dormitans. EEBO-TCP.

Crane, Ralph (1621). The vvorkes of mercy, both corporall, and spirituall. EEBO-TCP.

Crane, Ralph ([1625?]). Crane: The Pilgrimes New-yeares-gift [1625?]. CH.

Cranley, Thomas ([1635]). Amanda, or, The reformed whore. EEBO-TCP.

Cranley, Thomas (1636). Cranley: Amanda (1636). CH.

Cranmer, Thomas (1548). Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people. EEBO-TCP.

Cranmer, Thomas ([1550]). A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Cranmer, Thomas (1556?]). The copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye,. EEBO-TCP.

Cranmer, Thomas ([1556]). A confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities. EEBO-TCP.

Cranmer, Thomas ([1556]). All the submyssyons, and recantations of. EEBO-TCP.

Cranmer, Thomas (1580. Cum gratia & priuilegio, Regiæ Maiestatis). An aunsvvere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury …. EEBO-TCP.

Cranmer, Thomas (1689). The judgment of Archbishop Cranmer concerning the peoples right to, and discreet use of the H. Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Crashaw, Richard (1634). Epigrammatum sacrorum liber. EEBO-TCP.

Crashaw, Richard (1646). Steps to the temple. EEBO-TCP.

Crashaw, Richard (1670). Steps to the temple. EEBO-TCP.

Crashaw, Richard (1904). Crashaw: Steps to the Temple (1904). CH.

Crashaw, William (1609). The sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. xiiii. 1607. EEBO-TCP.

Crashaw, William (1610). A sermon preached in London before the right honorable the Lord Lavvarre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of Virginea, and others of his Maiesties Counsell for that kingdome, and the rest of the aduenturers in that plantation. EEBO-TCP.

Crawford-Lindsay, John Lindsay (11. 1642). The Earles of Lindsey and Cumberland's petition to the King at Yorke. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus (1653). Exomologesis, or, A faithfull narration of the occaision and motives of the conversion unto Catholick unity of Hugh-Paulin de Cressy, lately Deane of Laghlin &c. in Ireland and Prebend of Windsore in England. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus (1663). Roman-Catholick doctrines no novelties, or, An answer to Dr. Pierce's court-sermon, miscall'd The primitive rule of Reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus (1668). The church-history of Brittany from the beginning of Christianity to the Norman conquest. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus ([1671]). Dr. Stillingfleets principles. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus (1672). Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Catholick church by Doctour Stillingfleet. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus (1674). An epistle apologetical of S.C. to a person of honour. EEBO-TCP.

Cressy, Serenus (1686). I. Question: Why are you a Catholic?. EEBO-TCP.

Crimsal, Richard (1632?]). Roaring Dick of Douer, or, The Iouiall good fellow of Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Crimsal, Richard (1635?]). Constant, faire, and fine Betty. EEBO-TCP.

Crimsal, Richard (1635?]). Death's loud allarum, or, A perfect description of the frailty of mans life. EEBO-TCP.

Crimsal, Richard (1638?]). Loves lunacie, or, Mad Besses fegary. EEBO-TCP.

Crimsal, Richard ([1640]). The ioviall broome man, or, A Kent street souldiers exact relation, of all his travels in every nation. EEBO-TCP.

Crisp, Thomas (1681). Babel's builders unmasking themselves. EEBO-TCP.

Cristall, Ann Batten (1795). Poetical sketches. WWP.

Croft, Herbert (1674). A letter written to a friend concerning Popish idolatrie. EEBO-TCP.

Croft, Herbert (1675). The naked truth, or, The true state of the primitive church. EEBO-TCP.

Croft, Herbert (1676). A sermon preached before the King at White-hal [sic] April the 12th, 1674. EEBO-TCP.

Croft, Herbert (1678). A second call to a farther humiliation. EEBO-TCP.

Croft, Herbert (1679). A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at a place called the Come in the county of Hereford. EEBO-TCP.

Croft, Herbert (1679). The legacy of the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford, to his diocess, or, A short determination of all controversies we have with the papists, by Gods holy word. EEBO-TCP.

Croft, Herbert (1685). Some animadversions upon a book intituled, The theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Cromarty, George Mackenzie (1689). A memorial for His Highness the Prince of Orange in relation to the affairs of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Cromarty, George Mackenzie (1695). A vindication of Robert III, King of Scotland from the imputation of bastardy, by the clear proof of Elizabeth Mure (daughter to Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan) her being the first lawful wife of Robert the II, then Stewart of Scotland and Earl of Strathern. EEBO-TCP.

Crompton, Hugh (1652). Crompton, H.: The Glory of Women (1652). CH.

Crompton, Hugh (1657). Crompton: Pierides (1657). CH.

Crompton, Hugh (1657). Crompton: Poems (1657). CH.

Cromwell, Oliver (1645). Lieut. Generall Cromwells letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq., speaker of the House of Commons, of the surrender of Langford-House neer Salisbury. EEBO-TCP.

Cromwell, Oliver (1649). A letter from the Right Honorable, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to the Honorable William Lenthall, Esq., speaker of the Parliament of England. EEBO-TCP.

Crossman, Samuel (1664). The young mans monitor, or, A modest offer toward the pious, and vertuous composure of life from youth to riper years. EEBO-TCP.

Crossman, Samuel (1664). Crossman: The Young Mans Meditation (1664). CH.

Crossman, Samuel (1676). A sermon preached in Christs Church Bristol. EEBO-TCP.

Crossman, Samuel (1680). A sermon preached upon April xxiii. MDCLXXX. in the cathedral church of Bristol,. EEBO-TCP.

Crossman, Samuel (1681). Two sermons preached in the cathedral-church of Bristol, January the 30th 1679/80 and January the 31th 1680/81. EEBO-TCP.

Crossman, Samuel (1682). An humble plea for the quiet rest of God's ark. EEBO-TCP.

Crossman, Samuel (1683?]). The last testimony & declaration of the Reverend Samuel Crossman, D.D. and Dean of Bristoll. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1637?]). The mad mans morrice. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1637). Londons vacation, and the countries tearme, or, A lamentable relation of severall remarkable passages which it hath pleased the Lord to shew on severall persons. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1637). Loves court of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey ([1640]). A whip for the back of a backsliding Brovvnist. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1643). The parliament of graces. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1655). A new and pleasant history of unfortunate Hodg of the south. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1671). The Welch traveller, or, The unfortunate Welchman. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1673). The heroick history of Guy Earl of Warwick. EEBO-TCP.

Crouch, Humphrey (1693). England's jests refin'd and improv'd. EEBO-TCP.

Crowe, William (1663). An exact collection or catalogue of our English writers on the Old and New Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Crowley, Robert ([1548]). The confutation of the mishapen aunswer to the misnamed, wicked ballade, called the Abuse of ye blessed sacrame[n]t of the aultare. EEBO-TCP.

Crowley, Robert (1549). A new yeres gyfte, wherein is taught the knowledge of our selfe and the feare of God. TUDOR.

Crowley, Robert (1549). Crowley, R.: The Psalter of David (1549). CH.

Crowley, Robert (1549). The voyce of the laste trumpet blowen bi the seuenth angel wherin are contayned xii. lessons to twelue seueral estates of menne. TUDOR.

Crowley, Robert (1550). Crowley: The voyce of the laste Trumpet (1550). CH.

Crowley, Robert (1550). One and thyrtye epigrammes, wherein are bryefly touched so many abuses, that ought to be put away. TUDOR.

Crowley, Robert (1551). Crowley, R.: Pleasure and Payne (1551). CH.

Crowley, Robert (1567). The opening of the wordes of the Prophet Joell, in his second and third Chapters … concerning the Signes of the last day. TUDOR.

Crowley, Robert ([1548]). Crowley: To Nicholas Shaxton [1548]. CH.

Crowley, Robert ([1548]). The Confutation of the mishapen Aunswer to the misnamed, wicked Ballade, called the Abuse of ythorn superscript-e blessed sacrame[n]t of the aultare … [by] Miles Hoggard …. TUDOR.

Crowley, Robert ([1550]). Crowley: One and Thyrtye Epigrammes [1550]. CH.

Crowley, Robert ([1551]). Crowley: Philargyrie of greate Britayne [1551]. CH.

Crowne, William (1637). A true relation of all the remarkable places and passages observed in the travels of the right honourable Thomas Lord Hovvard, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Primer Earle, and Earle Marshall of England, ambassadour extraordinary to his sacred Majesty Ferdinando the second, emperour of Germanie, anno Domini 1636. EEBO-TCP.

Crull, J (1694). Denmark vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Cudworth, Ralph (1642). A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Cudworth, Ralph (1647). A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, March 31, 1647. EEBO-TCP.

Cudworth, Ralph ([1664]). A sermon preached to the honourable Society of Lincolns-Inne. EEBO-TCP.

Cullen, Francis Grant (1698). Sadducimus debellatus, or, A true narrative of the sorceries and witchcrafts exercis'd by the devil and his instruments. EEBO-TCP.

Culmann, Leonhard (1612). Sententiae pueriles, translated grammatically. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Nicholas (1651). Semeiotica uranica, or, An astrological judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Nicholas (1652). Catastrophe magnatum, or, The fall of monarchie. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Nicholas (1654). An ephemeris for the year 1654, being the second after leap-year. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1621). A tract against vsurie. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1655). Morall discourses and essayes, upon severall select subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1668). A short appendix to a late treatise concerning abatement of usury. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1668). The advantages which will manifestly accrue to this kingdom by abatement of interest from six to four per. cent. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1670). The necessity of abating usury re-asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1671). Several objections against the reducement of interest. EEBO-TCP.

Culpeper, Thomas (1673). Plain English. EEBO-TCP.

Cumberland, Henry Clifford (1642). The declaration of the right honourable Henry, Earle of Cumberland, Lord Lievtenant Generall of His Maiesties forces in Yorke-Shire. EEBO-TCP.

Cumberland, Henry Clifford (1642). The declaration of the Right Honourable Henry, Earle of Cumberland, together with diverse gentlemen of the county of York, who desire it may be put in print, and published in all the parish churches of this county, 26 August, 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Cumberland, Richard (1686). An essay towards the recovery of the Jewish measures & weights, comprehending their monies, by help of ancient standards, compared with ours of England. EEBO-TCP.

Cuningham, William (1559). The cosmographical glasse. EEBO-TCP.

Cunningham, Alexander (1689). An essay concerning church government. EEBO-TCP.

Cunningham, Alexander (1690). Some questions resolved concerning Episcopal and Presbyterian government in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Cunningham, Alexander (1690). The divine right of episcopacy demonstrated from Calvin and Beza. EEBO-TCP.

Curione, Celio Secondo (1566?]). Pasquine in a traunce. EEBO-TCP.

Curteys, Richard (1573). A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, by the reuerende Father in God the Bishop of Chichester, at Grenewiche, the 14[th] day of Marche 1573. EEBO-TCP.

Cushing, Caroline Elizabeth (Wilde) (1832). Letters, descriptive of public monuments, scenery, and manners in France and Spain. Vol. I, France. WWP.

Cushing, Eliza Lanesford (1824). Saratoga; a tale of the revolution. WWP.

Cushing, Eliza Lanesford (1824). Saratoga; a tale of the revolution. WWP.

Cutler, Edward (1622?]). A pleasant new song of the backes complaint, for bellies wrong, or, A farwell to good fellowship. EEBO-TCP.

Cutts, John Cutts (1685). La muse de cavalier, or, An apology for such gentlemen as make poetry their diversion, not their business : in a letter from a scholar of Mars to one of Apollo. EEBO-TCP.

Cutts, John Cutts (1687). Poetical exercises written upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Cutts, John Cutts (1695). On the death of the Queen. EEBO-TCP.

Cutts, John, 1st Baron Cutts (1687). Cutts, J.: Poetical Exercises (1687). CH.

Cutts, John, 1st Baron Cutts (1695). Cutts, J.: On the Death of the Queen (1695). CH.

Cyprian ([1534]). A svvete and deuoute sermon of holy saynt Ciprian of mortalitie of man. EEBO-TCP.

Cyprian ([1539]). A sermon of S. Cyprian made on the Lordes prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Cyprian (1682). Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera. EEBO-TCP.

Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (1682). Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera recognita & illustrata a Joanne Fello, Oxoniensi episcopo. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici, sive, Tredecim annorum, quibus S. Cyprianus inter Christianos versatus est, brevis historia chronologicè delineata a Joanne Pearsonio, Cestriensi episcopo. EEBO-TCP.

Cyrano de Bergerac (1659). Selenarhia, or, The government of the world in the moon. EEBO-TCP.


D'Avenant, William (1650). A discourse upon Gondibert. EEBO-TCP.

D'Avenant, William (1651). Gondibert. EEBO-TCP.

D'Ewes, Simonds (1641). A speech delivered in the House of Commons, July 7th: 1641. EEBO-TCP.

D'Ewes, Simonds (1642). A speech made in Parliament by Sir Simon Dvcy knight on Twesday the eleventh of Ianuary. EEBO-TCP.

D'Ewes, Simonds (1642). Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes. EEBO-TCP.

D'Ewes, Simonds ([1645]). The primitive practise for preserving the truth, or, An historicall narration, shewing what course the primitive church anciently, and the best reformed churches since have taken to suppresse heresie and schisme. EEBO-TCP.

D'Ewes, Simonds (1682). The journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

D'Ouvilly, George Gerbier (1657). The false favourit disgrac'd. and, The reward of loyalty. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas. An essay towards the theory of the intelligible world intuitively considered. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1676). The siege of Memphis, or, The ambitious queen. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1677). A fond husband, or, The plotting sisters. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas ([1677]). Madam Fickle, or, The witty false one. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1678). The fool turn'd critick. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1678). Trick for trick, or, The debauch'd hypocrite. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1679). Squire Oldsapp, or, The night-adventurers. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1680). The virtuous wife, or, Good luck at last. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1681). The progress of honesty, or, A view of a court and city. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1682). Butler's ghost, or, Hudibras. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1682). Scandalum magnatum, or, Potapski's case. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1682). The injured princess, or, The fatal vvager. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1682). The royalist. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1682). The Scotch lasses constancy, or, Jenny's lamentation for the death of Jockey. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas ([1682]). A prologue to a new play, called The royallist. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1683?]). The gowlin, or, A pleasant fancy for the spring. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1683). A new collections of songs and poems. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1684). The malecontent, a satyr. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1684). The prologue to Mr. Lacy's new play, Sir Hercules Buffoon, or, The poetical esquire. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas ([1684]). The New-market song. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1685 and 1688]). The constant lover, or, Celia's glory exprest to the life. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1685). An elegy upon the late blessed monarch King Charles II and two panegyricks upon Their present sacred Majesties, King James and Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1685). Prologue to A commonwealth of women. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1686). A common-wealth of women. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1688). A fool's preferment, or, The Dukes of Dunstable. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1688). A poem congratulatory on the birth of the young prince. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas ([1689]). The maiden-warrier, or, The damsels resolution to fight in field, by the side of Jockey her entire love. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1690). Collin's walk through London and VVestminster. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1690). New poems, consisting of satyrs, elegies, and odes. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1691). A pindarick ode on New-Year's-Day. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1691). A pindarick poem on the Royal Navy. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1691). Love for money, or, The boarding school. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1692). The marriage-hater match'd. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1693). The Richmond heiress, or, A woman once in the right. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1694-1696). The comical history of Don Quixote. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1695). Gloriana, funeral pindarique poem. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1697). A new opera, call'd, Cinthia and Endimion, or, The loves of the deities. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1697). The intrigues at Versailles, or, A jilt in all humours. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1698). The campaigners, or, The pleasant adventures at Brussels. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas ([1698]). Albion's blessing. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1699). A choice collection of new songs and ballads. EEBO-TCP.

D'Urfey, Thomas (1700). The famous history of the rise and fall of Massaniello. EEBO-TCP.

Daborne, Robert (1612). A Christian turn'd Turke, or, The tragicall liues and deaths of the two famous pyrates, Ward and Dansiker. EEBO-TCP.

Daborne, Robert (1618). A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of the citie of Waterford. EEBO-TCP.

Daborne, Robert (1655). The poor-mans comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Dallington, Robert (1604). The vievv of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.

Dallington, Robert (1605). A suruey of the great dukes state of Tuscany. EEBO-TCP.

Dallington, Robert (1613). Aphorismes ciuill and militarie. EEBO-TCP.

Daman, William (1591). Bassus. The second booke of the musicke of M. William Damon, late one of her maiesties musitions. EEBO-TCP.

Daman, William (1591). The former booke of the musicke of M. William Damon, late one of her maiesties musitions. EEBO-TCP.

Dampier, William (1697-1703). A new voyage round the world. EEBO-TCP.

Dando, John (1595). Maroccus extaticus, or, Bankes bay horse in a trance. EEBO-TCP.

Daneau, Lambert (1575). A dialogue of witches, in foretime named lot-tellers, and novv commonly called sorcerers. EEBO-TCP.

Dangerfield, Thomas (1680). Mr. Tho. Dangerfield's second narrative. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Gabriel (1692). A voyage to the world of Cartesius. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, George (1878). Daniel, George: The poems (1878). CH.

Daniel, S. (1592). Delia. Contayning certayne Sonnets: vvith the complaint of Rosamond. R3.

Daniel, S. (1603). A Defence of Ryme. R3.

Daniel, Samuel (1594. Printed at London : [By James Roberts and Edward Allde] for Simon Waterson, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yarde at the signe of the Crowne, [1594]). Delia and Rosamond augmented. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1594). The complaint of Rosamond. OTA.

Daniel, Samuel (1599). The poeticall essayes of Sam. Danyel. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel ([1603]). A panegyrike congratulatorie to the Kings Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1604). The vision of the 12. goddesses. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1605). Certaine small poems lately printed. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1605). Daniel, S.: In commendation of Mounsieur Erondel (1605). CH.

Daniel, Samuel (1606). The Queenes Arcadia. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1606). Daniel, S.: Like as the lute delights (1606). CH.

Daniel, Samuel ([1606]). A funerall poem vppon the death of the late noble Earle of Deuonshyre. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1607). Daniel, S.: Certaine small workes (1607). CH.

Daniel, Samuel (1611). Daniel: To the worthy Knight Sir Fovlke Grivell (1611). CH.

Daniel, Samuel (1612). The first part of the historie of England. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1615). Hymens triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel ([1618]). The collection of the historie of England. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1642). Archiepiscopal priority instituted by Christ, proved by plaine testimonies of Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Daniel, Samuel (1885). Samuel Daniel: The Complete Works (1885). CH.

Daniel, Samuel. Poems. OTA.

Danyel, John ([1606]). Songs for the lute viol and voice. EEBO-TCP.

Darby, Charles (1680). Darby: Bacchanalia (1680). CH.

Darby, Charles (1695). Darby: An Elegy on the Death of the Queen (1695). CH.

Darby, Charles (1704). Darby: The Book of Psalms in English Metre (1704). CH.

Dares (1553). The faythfull and true storye of the destruction of Troye. EEBO-TCP.

Daunce, Edward (1590). A briefe discourse dialoguevvise. EEBO-TCP.

Daunce, Edward (1590). A briefe discourse of the Spanish state. EEBO-TCP.

Dauncey, John (1660). The history of His Sacred Majesty Charles the II, third monarch of Great Britain, crowned King of Scotland, at Scoone the first of Ianuary 1650. EEBO-TCP.

Dauncey, John (1660). The history of the thrice illustrious Princess Henrietta Maria de Bourbon, Queen of England. EEBO-TCP.

Dauncey, John (1662). The English lovers, or, A girle worth gold. EEBO-TCP.

Dauncey, John (2 others], 1661). A compendious chronicle of the kingdom of Portugal, from Alfonso, the first King, to Alfonso the Sixth, now reigning. EEBO-TCP.

Davanzati, Bernardo (1696). A discourse upon coins. EEBO-TCP.

Davenant, Sir William (1673). Davenant: Works (1673). CH.

Davenant, Sir William (1685). Davenant: The seventh canto of Gondibert (1685). CH.

Davidson, John (1590). D. Bancrofts rashnes in rayling against the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Davidson, John (1595. Cum privilegio regali). A memorial of the life [et] death of two vvorthye Christians, Robert Campbel of the Kinyeancleugh, and his wife, Elizabeth Campbel. EEBO-TCP.

Davidson, John, Minister of Prestonpans (1573). Davidson, John: minister: A brief commendation of uprightness (1573). CH.

Davidson, John, Minister of Prestonpans (1595). Davidson, John, Minister: A Memorial of the life & death of two vvorthye Christians (1595). CH.

Davidson, John, Minister of Prestonpans (1891). Davidson: Ane Dialog or Mutuall talking (1891). CH.

Davies, Eleanor (1644). The word of God. WWP.

Davies, Eleanor (1652). Tobits book: a lesson. WWP.

Davies, James (1679). A sermon on Psal. CXIX, v. 57. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John ([1591]). [O Vtinam]. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1596). Orchestra, or, A poeme of dauncing. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1599). Hymnes of Astræa. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1599). Nosce teipsum. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John ([1599]). Epigrammes and elegies. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1602). Mirum in modum. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1603). Microcosmos. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1605?]). Wittes pilgrimage, (by poeticall essaies) through a vvorld of amorous sonnets, soule-passions, and other passages, diuine, philosophicall, morall, poeticall, and politicall. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1606). Bien venv. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1607). Yehovah. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John ([1609]). The holy roode, or, Christs crosse. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1612). A discouerie of the true causes why Ireland was neuer entirely subdued, nor brought vnder obedience of the crowne of England, vntill the beginning of his Maiesties happie raigne. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1612). The muses sacrifice. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1613). The mvses-teares for the losse of their hope. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1616). A select second husband for Sir Thomas Ouerburie's wife, now a matchlesse widow. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1617). VVits bedlam. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1620?]). Thy motto's lyke thy mind …. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1625). A scourge for paper-persecutors, or, Papers complaint, compil'd in ruthfull rimes, against the paper-spoylers of these times. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John (1656). The question concerning impositions, tonnage, poundage, prizage, customs, &c. fully stated and argued, from reason, law, and policy. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John ([1659]). Jus imponendi vectigana, or, The learning touching customs, tonnage, poundage, and impositions on merchandizes, asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1602). Davies, J.: Mirum in modum (1602). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1603). Davies, J.: Microcosmos (1603). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1606). Davies, J.: Bien venv (1606). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1607). Dauies, J.: Summa Totalis (1607). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1609). Davies, J.: Humours Heau'n on Earth (1609). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1612). Davies, J. CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1613). Davies, J.: The mvses-teares (1613). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1616). Davies, J.: A Select Second Hvsband (1616). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1617). Davies, J.: Wits Bedlam (1617). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1652). Davies, J.: A divine Psalme (1652). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford (1878). Davies, J.: of Hereford: [Commendatory Poems] (1878). CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford ([1605?]). Davies, J.: Wittes pilgrimage [1605?]. CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford ([1609]). Davies, J.: The Holy Roode [1609]. CH.

Davies, John, of Hereford ([1611]). Davies, J.: The Scourge of Folly (1611). CH.

Davies, Lady Eleanor (1650). The Arraignment. WWP.

Davies, Lady Eleanor (1651). Hells destruction. WWP.

Davies, Richard (1577). A funerall sermon preached the xxvi. day of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord M.D.LXXVI. in the parishe church of Caermerthyn. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, Richard (1610). Chesters triumph in honor of her prince. EEBO-TCP.

Davies, S. J. (1596). Orchestra: or, a Poem of Dancing. R3.

Davies, Sir John (1869). Davies: Works (1869). CH.

Davila, Arrigo Caterino (1678). The history of the civil wars of France. EEBO-TCP.

Davis, John (1595). The vvorldes hydrographical discription. EEBO-TCP.

Davison, Francis (1611). A poetical rapsodie. EEBO-TCP.

Davys, Mary (1752). The reform'd coquet; or, memoirs of Amoranda. WWP.

Day, Angel (1586?]). Vpon the life and death of the most worthy, and thrise renowmed knight, Sir Phillip Sidney. EEBO-TCP.

Day, Angel (1586). The English secretorie. EEBO-TCP.

Day, Angel (1587). Day, A.: Daphnis and Chloe (1587). CH.

Day, Angel (1595). Day, A.: Commendatory poem to Nennio (1595). CH.

Day, Angel ([1587]). Day: Vpon the life and death of Sir Phillip Sidney [1587]. CH.

Day, James (1637). Day, J.: A New Spring of Divine Poetrie (1637). CH.

Day, John (1607). The trauailes of the three English brothers. EEBO-TCP.

Day, John (1659). The blind-beggar of Bednal-green. EEBO-TCP.

Day, Richard (1578). A booke of Christian prayers, collected out of the auncie[n]t writers, and best learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians, in these daungerous and troublesome dayes, that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs. EEBO-TCP.

Day, Thomas ([1583]). VVonderfull straunge sightes seene in the element, ouer the citie of London and other places. EEBO-TCP.

De la Barre ([1630]). A note of such things as were stollen in Lyons, on Munday night the eleventh of June 1630, in the house which is knowne by the signe of the Sunnes-rising in the street de la Poullaillerie in the said citie of Lyons. EEBO-TCP.

De La March, John (1641). A complaint of the false prophets mariners upon the drying up of their hierarchicall Euphrates. EEBO-TCP.

De la Warr, Thomas West (1611). The relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of the colonie, planted in Virginea. EEBO-TCP.

De Vere, Edward, 17th Earl of Oxford (1872). De Vere, E.: Poems (1872). CH.

Deacon, John (1601). A summarie ansvvere to al the material points in any of Master Darel his bookes. EEBO-TCP.

Deacon, John (1601). Dialogicall discourses of spirits and divels. EEBO-TCP.

Deacon, John (1616). Tobacco tortured, or, The filthie fume of tobacco refined. EEBO-TCP.

Deacon, Prudentiana Sales, Francis de (1632). Delicious entertainments of the soule [introductory material]. WWP.

Deageant, Guichard (1690). The memoires of Monsieur Deageant. EEBO-TCP.

Dean, John (1681). Dean: The Wine-Cooper's Delight (1681). CH.

Dean, John (1682). Dean: Iter Boreale (1682). CH.

Dean, John (1682). Dean: The Hunting of the Fox (1682). CH.

Dean, John (1683). Dean: The Lord Russels Last Farewel to the World (1683). CH.

Dean, John (1683). Dean: The Loyal Conquest (1683). CH.

Dean, John (1684). Dean: Oate's Bug-Bug-Boarding-School (1684). CH.

Dean, John ([1680?]). Dean: The Badger in the Fox-Trap [1680?]. CH.

Dean, John ([1680]). Dean: The Dutch-Miller [1680]. CH.

Decius, Theophilus Philanax Gerusiphilus Philalethes (1642). An Answer to the Lord George Digbies apology for himself published Jan 4, Anno Dom. 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Dee, John (1577. In Septemb.] [1577]). General and rare memorials pertayning to the perfect arte of nauigation. EEBO-TCP.

Dee, John (1599. At London : Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Bred-streete hill at the signe of the Starre, [1599]). A letter, containing a most briefe discourse apologeticall. EEBO-TCP.

Dee, John (1603. At London : Printed by E. Short, dwelling on Bred-streete hill neere to the end of old Fish-streete, at the signe of the Starre, [1604?]). To the Honorable assemblie of the Commons in the present Parlament. EEBO-TCP.

Dee, John (1603. At London : Printed by E. Short, dwelling on Bred-streete hill neere to the end of old Fish-streete, at the signe of the Starre, [1604]). To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Dee, John (1659). A true & faithful relation of what passed for many yeers between Dr. John Dee … and some spirits. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1689). Reflections upon the late great revolution. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1690). Taxes no charge. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1694). The Englishman's choice, and true interest. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1697). An essay upon projects. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1697). Some reflections on a pamphlet lately published entituled An argument shewing that a standing army is inconsistent with a free government and absolutely destructive to the constitution of the English monarchy. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1698). A brief reply to the History of standing armies in England. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1698). An argument shewing, that a standing army, with consent of Parliament, is not inconsistent with a free government, etc. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1698). The interests of the several princes and states of Europe consider'd, with respect to the succession of the crown of Spain, and the titles of the several pretenders thereto examin'd. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1698). The poor man's plea. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel ([1698]). An enquiry into the occasional conformity of dissenters in cases of preferment. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel ([1698]). Lex talionis, or, An enquiry into the most proper ways to prevent the persecution of the Protestants in France. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1700). The pacificator. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1700). The true-born Englishman. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1700). The two great questions consider'd. EEBO-TCP.

Defoe, Daniel (1700). The two great questions further considered. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, T. (1603). The Wonderfull yeaR3. 1603. R3.

Dekker, T. (1609). The Guls Horn-Booke. R3.

Dekker, Thomas (1600). The pleasant comedie of old Fortunatus. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1600). The shomakers holiday, or, The gentle craft. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1600). Dekker's "The Shoemaker's Holiday": electronic edition. TACT.

Dekker, Thomas (1602). Blurt master-constable, or, The Spaniards night-walke. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1602). Satiro--mastix, or, The vntrussing of the humorous poet. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1603?]). The vvonderfull yeare. 1603. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1603). The pleasant comodie of patient Grisill. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1604). Nevves from Graues-end. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1604). The honest whore. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1604). The magnificent entertainment. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1606). Nevves from hell. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1606). The double PP. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1606). The seuen deadly sinnes of London. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1607). A knights coniuring. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1607). Iests to make you merie. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1607). North-vvard hoe. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1607). The famous history of Sir Thomas VVyat. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1607). The vvhore of Babylon. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1607). Vvest-vvard hoe. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1608). The belman of London. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1608). The dead tearme, or, VVestminsters complaint for long vacations and short termes. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1609). Foure birds of Noahs arke. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1609). Lanthorne and candle-light, or, The bell-mans second nights-walke. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1609). The gvls horne-booke. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1609). The ravens almanacke. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1609). VVorke for armorours, or, The peace is broken. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1612). If it be not good, the Diuel is in it. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1612). Troia-Noua triumphans. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1613). A strange horse-race. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1615). The cold yeare. 1614. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1620). Dekker his dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1625). A rod for run-awayes. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1628). VVarres, vvarre[s,] vvarres. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas ([1628]). Brittannia's honor. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1630). London looke backe at that yeare of yeares 1625. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1630). The blacke rod, and the vvhite rod. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1630). The second part of The honest whore. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1631). A tragi-comedy: called, Match mee in London. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1631). Penny-vvis[e] pound foolish, or, A Bristovv diamond, set in t[wo] rings, and both crack'd. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1634). The Noble Spanish Soldier. jprice.

Dekker, Thomas (1634). The Noble Spanish Soldier. PG.

Dekker, Thomas (1636). The wonder of a kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1656). The sun's-darling. EEBO-TCP.

Dekker, Thomas (1968). The shoemakers' holiday. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. A pleasant comedie of the gentle craft. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. Match mee in London. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. North-ward hoe. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. The famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. The second part of The honest whore. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. The witch of Edmonton. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. The witch of Edmonton. OTA.

Dekker, Thomas. West-ward hoe. OTA.

Dell, William (1646). Vniformity examined. EEBO-TCP.

Dell, William (1651). Christ's spirit a Christians strength, or, A plain discovery of the mighty and invincible power that all believers receive through the gift of the Spirit :. EEBO-TCP.

Dell, William (1651). The way of true peace and unity in the true church of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Dell, William (1654). A plain and necessary confutation of divers gross and antichristian errors, delivered to the vniversity congregation, the last commencement, anno 1653. EEBO-TCP.

Dell, William (1660). The tryal of spirits both in teachers & hearers. EEBO-TCP.

Dell, William (1697). Baptismõn didaché, or, The doctrine of baptisms. EEBO-TCP.

Della Casa, Giovanni (1576). Galateo of Maister Iohn Della Casa, Archebishop of Beneuenta, or rather, A treatise of the ma[n]ners and behauiours, it behoueth a man to vse and eschewe, in his familiar conuersation. EEBO-TCP.

Della Casa, Giovanni (1665). The arts of grandeur and submission, or, A discourse concerning the behaviour of great men towards their inferiours, and of inferiour personages towards men of greater quality. EEBO-TCP.

Della Valle, Pietro (1665). The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. EEBO-TCP.

Della Valle, Pietro (1665). The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. EEBO-TCP.

Dellon, Gabriel (1688). The history of the Inquisition, as it is exercised at Goa. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1586). Deloney, T.: A most ioyfull Songe (1586). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1586). Deloney: A proper newe sonet declaring the lamentation of Beckles in Suffolke (1586). CH.

Deloney, Thomas ([1586]). A most ioyfull songe made in the behalfe of all her Maiesties faithfull and louing subiects. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas ([1586]). A proper new sonet declaring the lamentation [of Beckles in] Suffolke. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1588). A ioyful nevv ballad, declaring the happie obtaining of the great galleazo, wherein Don Pietro de Valdez was the chiefe. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1588). A new ballet of the straunge and most cruell whippes which the Spanyards had prepared to whippe and torment English men and women. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1588). The Queenes visiting of the campe at Tilsburie with her entertainment there to the tune of Wilsons wilde. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1588). Deloney: A Ioyful New Ballad (1588). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1588). Deloney: A new Ballet of the straunge and most cruell Whippes (1588). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1588). Deloney: The Queenes visiting of the Campe at Tilburie (1588). CH.

Deloney, Thomas ([1600]). A most pleasant ballad of patient Grissell. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1602. Cum priuilegio). Strange histories, of kings, princes, dukes earles, lords, ladies, knights, and gentlemen. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1607). Deloney: Strange Histories (1607). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1612). Thomas of Reading, or, The sixe worthy yeomen of the west. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1612). Deloney: Thomas of Reading (1612). CH.

Deloney, Thomas ([1620]). The noble acts newly found, of Arthur of the table round. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1626). The pleasant historie of Iohn VVinchcomb. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1631). Deloney: The garland of Good Will (1631). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1635?]). The lamentation of Master Pages wife of Plimmouth. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1637). The gentle craft. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1637). Deloney: The Gentle Craft (1637). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1639). Deloney: The Gentile Craft. The Second Part (1639). CH.

Deloney, Thomas (1663-1674]). The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (167[4]). The royal garland of love and delight. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1678). The garland of good-will. EEBO-TCP.

Deloney, Thomas (1688 and 1691]). The Spanish lady's love. EEBO-TCP.

Demosthenes ([1570]). The three orations of Demosthenes chiefe orator among the Grecians, in fauour of the Olynthians, a people in Thracia, now called Romania. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1641). An exact copy of a letter sent to William Laud, late Arch-bishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower, November the 5, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John ([1643]). Coopers Hill. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1645). The sophy. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1651). The anatomy of play. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1653). Certain verses written by severall of the authors friends. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1659). A panegyrick on His Excellency the Lord General George Monck, commander in chief of all the forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1667). Directions to a painter for describing our naval business. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1667). On Mr. Abraham Cowley. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1668). Famous battel of the catts, in the province of Ulster, June 25, 1668. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1668). Poems and translations. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, John (1673). Further advice to a painter, or, Directions to draw the late engagement, Aug. 11th, 1673. EEBO-TCP.

Denham, Sir John (1642). Denham: Coopers Hill (1642). CH.

Denham, Sir John (1928). Denham: The poetical works (1928). CH.

Dennis, John (1692). Poems in burlesque. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1693). Miscellanies in verse and prose. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1693). The impartial critick, or, Some observations upon a book, entituled, A short view of tragedy, written by Mr. Rymer. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1695). The court of death. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1696). Letters upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1696). Remarks on a book entituled Prince Arthur, an heroick poem. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1697?]). A plot and no plot. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1697). The nuptials of Britain's genius and fame. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1698). The usefulness of the stage, to the happiness of mankind, to government, and to religion. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John ([1699]). Rinaldo and Armida. EEBO-TCP.

Dennis, John (1700). The reverse, or, The tables turn'd. EEBO-TCP.

Denny, William (1653). Pelecanicidium, or, The Christian adviser against self-murder. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward ([1568]). A sparing restraint, of many lauishe vntruthes, which M. Doctor Harding do the chalenge, in the first article of my Lorde of Sarisburies replie. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1569?]). A sermo[n] preached before the Quenes Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward ([1569]). A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of Dece[m]ber. 1569. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1572). A briefe & necessary instruction. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward ([1573]). A lecture or exposition vpon a part of the. v. chapter of the epistle to the Hebrues. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1577). XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1578?]). Godly priuate prayers for housholders to meditate vpon, and to say in their families. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1641). A consideration and a resolvtion. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1641). Fovre speeches made by Sr. Edward Deering in the high court of Parliament concerning the archbishop and divers other grievances. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1641). The foure cardinall-vertues of a Carmelite-fryar. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1641). The speeches of Sr. Edward Deering in the Commons House of Parliament 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1641). Three speeches of Sir Edward Dearings, Knight and Baronet, in the Commons House of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Dering, Edward (1642). A most worthy speech of the truly honourable and worthy member of the House of Commons Sir Edward Deering knight and baronet. EEBO-TCP.

Derricke, John (1581). The image of Irelande. EEBO-TCP.

Des Périers, Bonaventure, 1500?-1544?(1583). The mirrour of mirth and pleasant conceits. EEBO-TCP.

Descartes, René (1653). Renatus Des-Cartes excellent compendium of musick. EEBO-TCP.

Descartes, René (1680). Six metaphysical meditations. EEBO-TCP.

Desportes, Philippe (1607). Rodomonths infernall, or, The Diuell conquered. EEBO-TCP.

Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex (1870-1872). Devereux: Poems (1872). CH.

Dewsbury, William (1655). The discovery of mans return to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1655). The discovery of the great enmity of the serpent against the seed of the woman, which witnesseth against him where he rules, both in rulers, priests, and people. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1663). The breathings of life to God's spiritual Israel. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1664). The word of the Lord to Sion the New Jerusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William ([1664]). The word of the Lord, to his beloved citty New-Ierusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1665?]). This for dear friends in London and them that are aboard the ship in order to transportation, or else where all abroad. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1665). The word of the Lord to all children born again of the immortal seed. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1666). The word of the Lord to his church and holy assembly. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1668). A general epistle given forth from the spirit of the Lord. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William ([1675]). A general epistle. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William (1682). A general epistle to be read in the fear of God in and amongst the assemblies of his people. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William ([1686]). A general epistle to Friends, from that ancient servant of Christ William Dewsebury. EEBO-TCP.

Dewsbury, William ([1689]). The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord, and minister of the everlasting Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Dey, Richard (1641). Tvvo looks over Lincolne, or, A view of his Holy table, name and thing, discovering his erronious and popish tenets and positions. EEBO-TCP.

Dickenson, John (1594). Dickenson: Arisbas, Euphues amidst his slumbers (1594). CH.

Dickenson, John (1598). Greene in conceipt. EEBO-TCP.

Dickenson, John (1598). Dickenson: Greene in Conceipt (1598). CH.

Dickenson, John ([1596]). Dickenson: The Shepheardes Complaint [1596]. CH.

Dickson, David (1635). A short explanation, of the epistle of Paul to the Hebrewes. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1651). A brief exposition of the evangel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1653). A brief explication of the other fifty Psalmes, from Ps. 50 to Ps. 100. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1654). A brief explication of the last fifty Psalmes. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1655). A brief explication of the first fifty Psalms. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1655). True Christian love. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1659). An expositon of all St. Pauls epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1664). Therapeutica sacra. EEBO-TCP.

Dickson, David (1684). Truths victory over error, or, An abridgement of the chief controversies in religion. EEBO-TCP.

Diemerbroeck, Ysbrand van (1694). The anatomy of human bodies, comprehending the most modern discoveries and curiosities in that art. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Everard ([1590]). Euerard Digbie his dissuasiue. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Everard (1595). A short introduction for to learne to swimme. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1638). A conference with a lady about choice of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1641). Sr. Kenelme Digbyes honour maintained. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1643). Observations on the 22. stanza in the 9th. canto of the 2d. book of Spencers Faery Queen. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1643). Observations vpon Religio medici. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1644). Two treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1652). A discourse concerning infallibility in religion. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1658). A late discourse made in a solemne assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1669). Of bodies and of mans soul. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1669). Of the sympathetick powder. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1669). The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. opened. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1675). Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1682). A choice collection of rare secrets and experiments in philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Digby, Kenelm (1683). Chymical secrets and rare experiments in physick & philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Dudley (1611). Fata mihi totum mea sunt agitanda per orbem. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Dudley (1615). The defence of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Dudley ([1618]). Sir Dudley Digges, Knight, ambassador from His Maiestie, to the emperor of Russia. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Dudley (1655). The compleat ambassador, or, Two treaties of the intended marriage of Qu. Elizabeth of glorious memory. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Leonard (1555). A prognostication of right good effect. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Leonard (1571). A geometrical practise, named Pantometria. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Leonard (1605). A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Thomas (1590). A breife and true report of the proceedings of the Earle of Leycester for the reliefe of the towne of Sluce. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Thomas (1604). Foure paradoxes, or, Politique discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Digges, Thomas (1680). Englands defense, a treatise concerning invasion, or, A brief discourse of what orders were best for repulsing of foreign forces if at any time they should invade us by sea in Kent, or elsewhere. EEBO-TCP.

Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1680). Dillon: Horace's Art of Poetry (1680). CH.

Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1685). Dillon: Essay on translated verse (1685). CH.

Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1714). Dillon, W.: Poems on several occasions (1714). CH.

Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1717). Dillon: Poems (1717). CH.

Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1749). Dillon: The works of the Earl of Roscommon (1749). CH.

Diodorus (1569). A righte noble and pleasant history of the successors of Alexander surnamed the Great, taken out of Diodorus Siculus. EEBO-TCP.

Ditchfield, Edward (1625). Considerations touching the nevv contract for tobacco. EEBO-TCP.

Dixon, Sarah (1740). Poems on several occasions. WWP.

Docwra, Anne ([1683]). An epistle of love and good advice to my old friends & fellow-sufferers in the late times, the old royalists and their posterity. EEBO-TCP.

Dod, Henry (1603). Certaine Psalmes of Dauid, heretofore much out of vse. EEBO-TCP.

Dod, John (1611). Foure godlie and fruitful sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Doddridge, John (1629). The lavvyers light, or, A due direction for the study of the law. EEBO-TCP.

Dodwell, Henry (1698). Reflexions on a pamphlet entitled, Remarks on the occasional paper, numb. VIII. EEBO-TCP.

Donaldson, James (1697). Husbandry anatomized, or, An enquiry into the present manner of teiling and manuring the ground in Scotland for most part. EEBO-TCP.

Donaldson, James (1698). A pick-tooth for swearers, or, A looking glass for atheists and prophane persons. EEBO-TCP.

Done, John (1650). A miscellania of morall, theologicall and philosophicall sentances. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, J. (1621). The First and Second Anniversaries. R3.

Donne, J. (1633). Juvenilia: Or Certain Paradoxes and Problems. R3.

Donne, John (1572-1631). Death's Duel. CCEL.

Donne, John (1572-1631). John Donne's Devotions. CCEL.

Donne, John (1572-1631). John Donne's Sermon Preached at the Spital. CCEL.

Donne, John (1572-1631). Sermon Preached to the Lords upon Easter-day, at the Communion. CCEL.

Donne, John (1610). Pseudo-martyr. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1611). An anatomy of the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1611). Ignatius his conclaue. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John ([1611]). Conclaue Ignati, siue, Eius in nuperis inferni comitiis in thronisatio. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1612). The first anniuersarie. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1622). A sermon vpon the XX. verse of the V. chapter of the booke of Ivdges. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1623). Three sermons vpon speciall occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1624). Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1624). Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. TACT.

Donne, John (1626). A sermon, preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24 Febr. 1625. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1627). A sermon of commemoration of the Lady Da[n]uers. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1630). Death's Duel. TACT.

Donne, John ([1632]). Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1633). Iuuenilia, or, Certaine paradoxes and problemes. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1633). Donne: Poems (1633). CH.

Donne, John (1635). Donne, J.: Poems (1635). CH.

Donne, John ([1644]). Biathanatos. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John ([1649]). Fifty sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1651). Letters to severall persons of honour. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1652). Paradoxes, problemes, essayes, characters. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1662). Donne's satyr. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John (1872). Donne: Poems (1872). CH.

Donne, John (1896). Donne: Poems (1896). CH.

Donne, John (1899). Donne: Poems (1899). CH.

Donne, John (23, 1662). Dr. Donne's Last will and testament, July 21, 1657. EEBO-TCP.

Donne, John. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. TACT.

Dorman, Thomas (1564). A proufe of certeyne articles in religion, denied by M. Iuell. EEBO-TCP.

Dorrell, Hadrian (1594). Willobie his Auisa, or, the true picture of a modest maid, and of a chast and constant wife. EEBO-TCP.

Dorset, Edward Sackville (1642 [i.e. 1643]). The Earle of Dorset his speech for propositions of peace. EEBO-TCP.

Douglas, Gavin (1950-1964). Douglas, Gavin: Virgil's Aeneid (1950 -1964). CH.

Douglas, Gavin (1967). Douglas, G.: Shorter Poems (1967). CH.

Dove, John (1601). Of diuorcement. EEBO-TCP.

Dowland, John (1597). The first booke of songes or ayres of fowre partes with tableture for the lute. EEBO-TCP.

Dowland, John (1600). The second booke of songs or ayres, of 2. 4. and 5. parts. EEBO-TCP.

Dowland, John (1603). The third and last booke of songs or aires. EEBO-TCP.

Dowland, John ([1604]). Lachrimæ, or, Seauen teares figured in seauen passionate pauans. EEBO-TCP.

Dowland, John (1612). A pilgrimes solace. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1602). Abrahams tryall. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1603). A treatise concerning Antichrist. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1604). Lectures on the XV. Psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1604). The Christians sanctuarie. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1607). A funerall sermon preached at Watton in Hertfordshire, at the buriall of the ancient and worthy knight, Sir Philip Boteler, Decemb. 9. 1606. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1608). Tvvo sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1611). A defence of the sermon preached at the consecration of the L. Bishop of Bath and VVelles. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1620). An abstract of the duties commanded, and sinnes forbidden in the Law of God. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1620). The Christian arte of thriving, whereby a man may become rich to God, or, A sermon vpon Matth.6.33. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1631). The covenant of grace, or, An exposition upon Luke 1. 73.74.75. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1633). A treatise of iustification. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George ([1635]). The Christians freedome. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1639). An apostolicall injunction for unity and peace, or, A sermon preached by George Downame Master of Arts of Christs Colledge in Cambridge, to the parishioners of Saint Stephens in Walbrooke, at his departure from them. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1640). A godly and learned treatise of prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1647). The covenant of grace, or, An exposition upon Luke I. 73, 74, 75. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1652). A briefe summe of divinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Downame, George (1656). The doctrine of practicall praying. EEBO-TCP.

Downe, John (1633). Certaine treatises of the late reverend and learned divine, Mr Iohn Downe, rector of the church of Instow in Devonshire, Bachelour of Divinity, and sometimes fellow of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Downing, Harriet (1816). Mary, or female friendship: a poem. WWP.

Dowrich, Anne (1589). Dowrich, A.: The French Historie (1589). CH.

Dowrich, Anne (1596). Dowrich, A.: Verses written by a Gentlewoman, upon The Iaylors Conversion (1596). CH.

Dowriche, Anne (Edgecombe) (1589). The French historie. WWP.

Drage, William (1665). Daimonomageia. EEBO-TCP.

Drake, William ([1661]). The Long Parliament revived, or, An act for continuation, and the not dissolving the Long parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Drant, Thomas (1565). Drant: Impii cvivsdam epigrammatis (1565). CH.

Drant, Thomas (1566). Drant: A Medicinable Morall (1566). CH.

Drant, Thomas (1567). Drant: Horace His arte of Poetrie (1567). CH.

Drant, Thomas (1568). Drant: Epigrams and sentences spirituall (1568). CH.

Drant, Thomas (1570?]). Two sermons preached. EEBO-TCP.

Drant, Thomas (1572). Drant: A commendatory poem (1572). CH.

Drant, Thomas (1637). The divine lanthorne, or, A sermon preached in S. Pauls Church appointed for the crosse the 17. of July M.DC.XXXCI. EEBO-TCP.

Drant, Thomas (1637). The royall guest, or, A sermon preached at Lent Assises, anno Dom. M.DC.XXXVI. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1608). The churches securitie, togither with the antidote or preseruative of euer waking faith. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1608). The lambes spouse, or, The heauenly bride. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1608). The vvorldes resurrection, or, The generall calling of the Iewes. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1609). The sicke-mans catechisme, or, Path-way to felicitie. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1611). The Christian armorie. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1613). The earnest of our inheritance. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1615). An alarum to the last iudgement, or, An exact discourse of the second comming of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Draxe, Thomas (1617?]). Anterotemata Thomæ Draks. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, M. (1595). Endimion and Phœbe. R3.

Drayton, Michael (1593). Idea the shepheards garland. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1594?]). Peirs Gaueston Earle of Cornvvall. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1594). Ideas mirrour. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1594). Matilda. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael ([1595]). Endimion and Phœbe. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1596). The tragicall legend of Robert, Duke of Normandy, surnamed Short-thigh, eldest sonne to William Conqueror. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael ([1596]). Mortimeriados. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1597). Englands heroicall epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1603). The barrons vvars in the raigne of Edward the second. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1603). To the Maiestie of King James. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1604). A pæan triumphall. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1604). The owle. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1607). The legend of great Cromvvel. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1610). A heauenly harmonie of spirituall songes, and holy himnes, of godly men, patriarkes, and prophets. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael ([1612]). Poly-Olbion. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1622). The second part, or a continuance of Poly-Olbion from the eighteenth song. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1630). The Muses Elizium. EEBO-TCP.

Drayton, Michael (1931). Drayton, M.: Works (1931). CH.

Drexel, Jeremias (1636). The considerations of Drexelius upon eternitie. EEBO-TCP.

Drout, John (1570). The pityfull histori[e] of two louing Italians, Gaulfrido and Barnardo le vayne, which ariued in the countrey of Grece in the time of the noble Emperoure Vaspasian. EEBO-TCP.

Drout, John (1570). Drout: The pityfull Historie of two Louing Italians (1570). CH.

Drue, Thomas (1631). The life of the dutches of Suffolke. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William (1613). Teares on the death of Meliades. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William (1616). Poems:. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William (1617). Forth feasting. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William (1623). Flovvres of Sion. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William (1655). The history of Scotland, from the year 1423 until the year 1542. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William (1656). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Drummond, William, of Hawthornden (1913). Drummond: The Poetical Works (1913). CH.

Dryden, J. (1682). Mac Flecknoe. R3.

Dryden, J. (N.D). Virgil's Aeneid. R3.

Dryden, John (1659 ;). Three poems upon the death of the late usurper Oliver Cromwel. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1659). A poem upon the death of His late Highness, Oliver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland & Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1662). To my Lord Chancellor. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1667). Annus mirabilis, The year of wonders, 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1667). The Indian emperour, or, The conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1668). Of dramatick poesie, an essay. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1668). Secret-love, or, The maiden-queen. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1668). Sr Martin Mar-all, or, The feign'd innocence. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1669). The wild gallant. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1670). The tempest, or, The enchanted island. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1670). Tyrannick love, or, The royal martyr. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1671). An evening's love, or, The mock-astrologer. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1672). The conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1673). Amboyna, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1673). Marriage a-la-mode. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1673). The assignation, or, Love in a nunnery. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1674). Notes and observations on The empress of Morocco, or, Some few errata's to be printed instead of the sculptures with the second edition of that play. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1675). The mistaken husband. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1676). Aureng-Zebe, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1677). The state of innocence and fall of man. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1679). Oedipus. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1679). Troilus and Cressida, or, Truth found too late. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1681). His Majesties declaration defended in a letter to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1681). The Spanish fryar, or, The double discovery. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John ([1681]). Absalom and Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1682?]). Prologue to His Royal Highess, upon his first appearance at the Duke's Theatre since his return from Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1682). Prologue to the Duchess, on her return from Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1682). Religio laici, or, A laymans faith. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John ([1682]). An elegy on the usurper O. C. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1683). Prologue to the King and Queen at the opening of their theatre. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1683). The Duke of Guise. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1684). A true coppy of the Epilogue to Constantine the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1684). Prologue to a new play call'd The disappointment, or, The mother in fashion. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1685). Albion and Albanius. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1685). Sylvæ, or, The second part of Poetical miscellanies. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1685). Threnodia augustalis. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1686). A defence of the papers written by the late king of blessed memory, and Duchess of York, against the answer made to them. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1687). The hind and the panther. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John ([1687]). The epilogue. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1688). Britannia rediviva, a poem on the birth of the prince. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1692). All for love, or, The world well lost. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1692). Cleomenes, the Spartan heroe. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1692). Eleonora. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John ([1692]). MacFlecknoe. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1694). Love triumphant, or, Nature will prevail. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1696). The husband his own cuckold. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1697). Alexander's feast, or, The power of musique. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1697). Dryden's "Virgil's Aeneid": electronic edition. TACT.

Dryden, John ([1700]). Fables ancient and modern. EEBO-TCP.

Dryden, John (1882-1892). Dryden: The works of John Dryden (1882 -1892). CH.

Dryden, John. The tempest. OTA.

Dryden, John. Virgil's Aenid. TACT.

Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste (1603). The second day of the First vveeke of the most excellent, learned, and diuine poet, VVilliam, Lord Bartas. EEBO-TCP.

Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste (1604). The third dayes creation. EEBO-TCP.

Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste ([1611]). Du Bartas his deuine weekes and workes translated. EEBO-TCP.

Du Bec, Jean (1597). The historie of the great emperour Tamerlan. EEBO-TCP.

Du Bosc, Jacques (1656). The accomplish'd woman. EEBO-TCP.

Du Moulin, Lewis (1680). The last words of Lewis du Moulin. EEBO-TCP.

Du Moulin, Pierre (1613). The accomplishment of the prophecies, or, The third booke in defence of the Catholicke faith. EEBO-TCP.

Du Moulin, Pierre (1652). Heraclitus, or, Mans looking-glass and survey of life. EEBO-TCP.

Du Perron, Jacques Davy (1630). The reply of the most illustrious Cardinall of Perron, to the ansvveare of the most excellent King of Great Britaine the first tome. EEBO-TCP.

Du Pin, Louis Ellies ([1693]). A new history of ecclesiastical writers. EEBO-TCP.

Du Vair, Guillaume (1612). Holy meditations vpon seauen penitentiall and seauen consolatory psalmes of the kingly prophet Dauid. EEBO-TCP.

Du Vair, Guillaume (1664). The morall philosophy of the stoicks. EEBO-TCP.

Du Verger, S (1657). Du Vergers humble reflections vpon some passages of the Right Honorable the Lady Marchionesse of Nevvcastles Olio, or, An appeale from her mes-informed, to her ovvne better informed iudgement. EEBO-TCP.

Du Vignau (1688). The Turkish secretary. EEBO-TCP.

Dudley, R., Earl of Leicester (1586). Lawes and Ordinances militarie. R3.

Duffett, Thomas (1674). The empress of Morocco. EEBO-TCP.

Duffett, Thomas ([1674]). The amorous old-vvoman, or, 'Tis vvell if it take. EEBO-TCP.

Duffett, Thomas (1675). The mock-tempest, or, The enchanted castle. EEBO-TCP.

Duffett, Thomas (1676). Beauties triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Duffett, Thomas (1676). New poems, songs, prologues, and epilogues. EEBO-TCP.

Duffett, Thomas (1678). Psyche debauch'd. EEBO-TCP.

Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre (1685). The manner of making of coffee, tea, and chocolate. EEBO-TCP.

Dufresnoy, Charles-Alphonse (1695). De arte graphica. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, Gilbert (1604). A true discourse of the practises of Elizabeth Caldwell, Ma: Ieffrey Bownd, Isabell Hall widdow, and George Fernely, on the parson of Ma: Thomas Caldwell, in the county of Chester, to haue murdered and poysoned him, with diuers others. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1645). Considerations touching the late treaty for a peace held at Uxbridge. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1656). The antiquities of Warwickshire illustrated. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1662). The history of imbanking and drayning of divers fenns and marshes, both in forein parts and in this kingdom, and of the improvements thereby. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1666). Origines juridiciales, or, Historical memorials of the English laws, courts of justice, forms of tryall, punishment in cases criminal, law writers, law books, grants and settlements of estates, degree of serjeant, Innes of court and chancery. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1675-1676). The baronage of England, or, An historical account of the lives and most memorable actions of our English nobility in the Saxons time to the Norman conquest, and from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's reign. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1681). A short view of the late troubles in England. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1682). The antient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms. EEBO-TCP.

Dugdale, William (1693). Monasticon anglicanum, or, The history of the ancient abbies, and other monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches, in England and Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Duke, Richard (1681). Floriana. EEBO-TCP.

Duke, Richard (1717). Duke, R.: Poems upon Several Occasions (1717). CH.

Duke, Richard ([1679?]). Duke: A Panegyrick upon Oates [1679?]. CH.

Duke, Richard ([1680]). Duke, R.: Funeral Tears [1680]. CH.

Dunbar, William ([1508]). [The flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy]. EEBO-TCP.

Dunbar, William ([1508]). Here begynns ane litil tretie intitulit The goldyn targe. EEBO-TCP.

Dunbar, William ([1508]). The ballade of ane right noble victorius & myghty lord Barnard Stewart lord of Aubigny erle of Beaumont …. EEBO-TCP.

Dunbar, William (1893). Dunbar: Poems (1893). CH.

Dunbar, William, 1460?-1520? (1508). The poems of William Dunbar. MiddleUVa.

Dunton, John (1637). A true iournall of the Sally fleet. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1683). The informer's doom, or, An unseasonable letter from Utopia directed to the man in the moon. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1685). An hue and cry after conscience, or, The pilgrims progress by candle-light in search after honesty and plain-dealing. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1685). Heavenly pastime, or, Pleasant observations on all the most remarkable passages throughout the Holy Bible of the Old and New Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1689). An impartial history of the life and death of George Lord Jeffreys late Lord Chancellor of England. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1691). The parable of the top-knots. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John ([1691]). A voyage round the world, or, A pocket-library. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1692). The mourning-ring, in memory of your departed friend …. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1692). The visions of the soul, before it comes into the body. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1693). England's alarum, being an account of God's most considerable dispensations of mercy and judgement toward these kingdoms for fourteen years last past. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1699). The Dublin scuffle. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1700). The art of living incognito. EEBO-TCP.

Dunton, John (1700). The case of John Dunton, citizen of London. EEBO-TCP.

Duport, James (1676). Three sermons preached in St. Maries Church in Cambridg, upon the three anniversaries of the martyrdom of Charles I, Jan. 30, birth and return of Charles II, May 29, gun-powder treason, Novemb. 5. EEBO-TCP.

Duppa, Brian (1644). Two prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Duppa, Brian (1660). Private forms of prayer, fitted for the late sad-times. EEBO-TCP.

Duppa, Brian (1664). A guide for the penitent, or, A modell drawn up for the help of a devout soul wounded with sin. EEBO-TCP.

Duppa, Brian (1683). Holy rules and helps to devotion both in prayer and practice. EEBO-TCP.

Durham, James (1658). A commentarie upon the book of the Revelation. EEBO-TCP.

Durham, James (1659). The dying man's testament to the Church of Scotland, or, A treatise concerning scandal. EEBO-TCP.

Durham, James (1668). Clavis cantici, or, An exposition of the Song of Solomon. EEBO-TCP.

Durham, James (1675). A practical exposition of the X. Commandements. EEBO-TCP.

Durham, James (1681). The blessednesse of the death of these that die in the Lord and more especially in ane evil time. EEBO-TCP.

Durham, James (1685). Heaven upon earth. EEBO-TCP.

Dury, John (1650). Just re-proposals to humble proposals, or, An impartiall consideration of, and answer unto, the humble proposals, which are printed in the name of sundry learned and pious divines, concerning the Engagement which the Parliament hath ordered to be taken. EEBO-TCP.

Dyer, Sir Edward (1870-1872). Dyer, E.: Writings in verse and prose (1872). CH.

Dymoke, Tailboys (1599). Dymoke: Caltha Poetarum (1599). CH.


E. A. (1645). Medico mastix, or, A pill for the doctor. EEBO-TCP.

E. B (1685). Strange and wonderful news of the birth of a monstrous child with two heads, and three arms. EEBO-TCP.

E. L. (1596). E. L.: Romes Monarchie (1596). CH.

E. M (1658). A brief answer unto the Cambridge moddel. EEBO-TCP.

E. S. (1597). The discouerie of the knights of the poste, or, The knightes of the post, or co[m]mon common [sic] baylers newly discried. EEBO-TCP.

E. W (1645). Four queries resolved for the satisfaction of all men, who are not willingly ignorant, touching the late arch-bishop. EEBO-TCP.

E. W. (1660). A reply to the answer of Lieutenant General Ludlow, or, His answer to the officers at Dublin examined. EEBO-TCP.

Eachard, John (1648). The great day at the dore. EEBO-TCP.

Eachard, John (1671). Some observations upon the Answer to an enquiry into the grounds & occasions of the contempt of the clergy, with some additions. EEBO-TCP.

Eachard, John (1672). A vindication of the clergy from the contempt imposed upon them by the author of The grounds and occasions of the contempt of the clergy and religion. EEBO-TCP.

Eachard, John (1672). Mr. Hobbs's state of nature considered in a dialogue between Philautus and Timothy. EEBO-TCP.

Eachard, John (1672). The grounds & occasions of the contempt of the clergy and religion enquired into. EEBO-TCP.

Eachard, John (1673). Some opinions of Mr. Hobbs considered in a second dialogue between Philautus and Timothy. EEBO-TCP.

Earle, John (1628). Micro-cosmographie, or, A peece of the world discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Earle, John (1642). A trve description of the pot-companion poet. EEBO-TCP.

Earle, John (1675). The character of a tavern. EEBO-TCP.

Eburne, Richard (1609). The maintenance of the ministery. EEBO-TCP.

Eburne, Richard (1616). The royal lavv, or, The rule of equitie prescribed us by our Sauiour Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Eburne, Richard (1624). A plaine path-vvay to plantations. EEBO-TCP.

Echard, Laurence (1691). A most compleat compendium of geography, general and special. EEBO-TCP.

Echard, Laurence (1691). An exact description of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Echard, Laurence (1691). Flanders, or the Spanish Netherlands, most accurately described. EEBO-TCP.

Echard, Laurence (1692). The gazetteer's, or, Newsman's interpreter. EEBO-TCP.

Echard, Laurence ([1696]). The Roman history from the building of the city to the perfect settlement of the empire by Augustus Caesar. EEBO-TCP.

Edgeworth, Maria (1795). Letters for literary ladies to which is added an essay on the noble science of self-justification. WWP.

Edgeworth, Roger (1557). Sermons very fruitfull, godly, and learned. EEBO-TCP.

Edmund ([1521]). The myrrour of the chyrche. EEBO-TCP.

Edmundson, William (1672). A letter of examination. EEBO-TCP.

Edwardes, Richard (1571). Damon and Pithias. ElizAuth.

Edwards (1652). A treatise concerning the plague and the pox. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1665). The plague of the heart. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1684). Cometomantia, A discourse of comets. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1692). A farther enquiry into several remarkable texts of the Old and New Testament which contain some difficulty in them. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1692). An enquiry into four remarkable texts of the New Testament which contain some difficulty in them, with a probable resolution of them. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1693). A discourse concerning the authority, stile, and perfection of the books of the Old and New-Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1695). Some thoughts concerning the several causes and occasions of atheism, especially in the present age. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1696). A demonstration of the existence and providence of God, from the contemplation of the visible structure of the greater and the lesser world. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1696). Socinianism unmask'd. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1697). A brief vindication of the fundamental articles of the Christian faith. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1697). Brief remarks upon Mr. Whiston's New theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1697). The Socinian creed, or, A brief account of the professed tenents and doctrines of the foreign and English Socinians. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1698). Sermons on special occasions and subjects …. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1699). Polpoikilos sophia, a compleat history or survey of all the dispensations and methods of religion, from the beginning of the world to the consummation of all things, as represented in the Old and New Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, John (1699). The eternal and intrinsick reasons of good and evil. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, R. (1571). Damon and Pithias. R3.

Edwards, Richard ([1571]). The excellent comedie of two the moste faithfullest freendes, Damon and Pithias. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Richard (1585). The paradise of daintie deuises. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Richard (1927). Edwards, R.: Poems (1927). CH.

Edwards, Thomas (1595). Cephalus & Procris. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Thomas (1644). Antapologia, or, A full answer to the Apologeticall narration of Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, Mr. Sympson, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Bridge, members of the Assembly of Divines. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Thomas (1646). The first and second part of Gangræna, or, A catalogue and discovery of many of the errors, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries of this time, vented and acted in England in these four last years. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Thomas (1692). Dialling made easy, or, Tables calculated for the latitude of Oxford (but will serve without sensible difference for most parts of England). EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Thomas (1699). The paraselene dismantled of her cloud, or, Baxterianism barefac'd. EEBO-TCP.

Edwards, Thomas (1882). Edwards, T.: Cephalus and Procris (1882). CH.

Egerton, Sarah (1686). Egerton, S.: The Female Advocate (1686). CH.

Egerton, Sarah (Fyge) (1686). The female advocate: or, An answer to a late satyr against the pride, lust and inconstancy, &c. of woman. WWP.

Egerton, Sarah Fyge (1703). Poems on several occasions, together with a pastoral. WWP.

Egerton, Sarah ([1703]). Egerton, S.: Poems on Several Occasions [1703]. CH.

Eglisham, George (1626). The forerunner of reuenge. EEBO-TCP.

Elder, John ([1555]). The copie of a letter sent in to Scotlande. EEBO-TCP.

Elderton, William (1559, Mar. 22]). The panges of loue and louers ftts [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Elderton, William (1559). Elderton: The panges of Love (1559). CH.

Elderton, William (1570). Elderton: A Newe well a daye (1570). CH.

Elderton, William (1570). Elderton: Prepare ye to the Plowe (1570). CH.

Elderton, William (1571). Elderton: An Epytaphe uppon the Death of I. Iuell (1571). CH.

Elderton, William ([1571]). An epytaphe vppon the death of the right reuerend and learned father in God I. Iuell, doctor of diuinitie and bishop of Sarisburie, whom God called to his marcie the 22. of September. 1571. EEBO-TCP.

Elderton, William (1584). A new Yorkshyre song, intituled: Yorke, Yorke, for my monie. EEBO-TCP.

Elderton, William (1584). Elderton: A new Yorkshyre song (1584). CH.

Elderton, William ([1569?]). Elderton: A proper newe ballad [1569?]. CH.

Elderton, William ([1569]). Elderton: A proper new balad in praise of my Ladie Marques [1569]. CH.

Elderton, William ([1570]). Elderton: A ballat intituled Northomberland newes [1570]. CH.

Elderton, William ([1595?]). Elderton: The lamentation of Follie [1595?]. CH.

Elderton, William ([1606]). Elderton: A new merry newes, as merry as can be [1606]. CH.

Elestone, Sarah (1678). The last speech and confession of Sarah Elestone at the place of execution. EEBO-TCP.

Elidad (1574?]). A good and fruitfull exhortation vnto the famelie of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1592). The suruay or topographical description of France. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1593). Ortho-epia Gallica. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1641). Sir Iohn Eliot his grave and learned speech spoken in the high court of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1655). A late and further manifestation of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in Nevv-England. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1658). Poems, or, Epigrams, satyrs, elegies, songs and sonnets, upon several persons and occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1658). Eliot: Poems (1658). CH.

Eliot, John (1660). A further account of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England:. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1665). Communion of churches, or, The divine management of gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils constituted in order according to the Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1671). A brief narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670. EEBO-TCP.

Eliot, John (1671). Indian dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

Elizabeth I (1558-01-23). The passage of our most drad soveraigne Lady Quene Elyzabeth through the citie of London. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1586). The true copie of a letter from the Queenes Majestie, to the Lord Maior of London. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1601-11-30). Her majesties most princelie answere, delivered by her selfe at the Court at White-hall, on the last day of November 1601. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1642). Queene Elizabeths speech to her last Parliament. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1643-01-28). A most excellent and remarkable speech, delivered by that mirrour and miracle of princes, Queen Elizabeth. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1654). Cabala, sive scrinia sacra: mysteries of state. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1679). The last speech and thanks of Queen Elizabeth of ever blessed memory, to her last Parliament, after her delivery from the Popish plots, etc. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1688). A speech made by Queen Elizabeth (of famous memory) in Parliament, anno 1593. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1693). A compleat journal of the votes, speeches, and debates…. WWP.

Elizabeth I (1693). A compleat journal of the votes, speeches, and debates…. WWP.

Elizabeth I, Queen (1964). Elizabeth I: Poems (1964). CH.

Elizabeth of York. Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York: Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV. R3.

Elizabeth_I (1569). A Proclamation agaynst the maintenaunce of Pirates. R3.

Elizabeth_I (1591). A Proclamation. for restitution of goods lately taken on the Seas. R3.

Elizabeth_I (1602?). Elizabeth I's Speech to her Last Parliament (The Golden Speech). R3.

Ellis, Clement (1658). Piæ juventuti sacrum, an elegie on the death of the most vertuous and hopefull young gentleman, George Pitt, esq. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1660). The gentile sinner, or, Englands brave gentleman characterized in a letter to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1661). A sermon preached on the 29th of May 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1674). A catechism wherein the learner is at once taught to rehearse and prove all the main points of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1674). The vanity of scoffing, or, A letter to a witty gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1684). The right foundation of quietness, obedience, and concord. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1685). The communicant's guide, shewing a safe and easie way to the Lord's table. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1687). A letter to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1688). The Protestant resolved, or, A discourse shewing the unreasonableness of his turning Roman Catholick for salvation. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1691). The necessity of serious consideration, and speedy repentance, as the only way to be safe both living and dying. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1692). The folly of atheism demonstrated to the capacity of the most unlearned reader. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1692). The lambs of Christ fed with sincere milk of the Word. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, Clement (1694). The Christian hearer's first lesson. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, G. (1605). The lamentation of the lost sheepe. EEBO-TCP.

Ellis, John (1700). A defence of the Thirty nine articles of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1676). Truth prevailing and detecting error, or, An answer to a book mis-called, A friendly conference between a minister and a parishioner of his, inclining to Quakerism, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1678). The foundation of tythes shaken. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1683). A caution to constables and other inferiour officers, concerned in the execution of the Conventicle-Act. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1683). A seasonable disswasive from persecution. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas ([1683]). A discourse concerning riots. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1685). Rogero-Mastix. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1685). Ellwood: Rogero-Mastir (1685). CH.

Ellwood, Thomas (1686). An epistle to friedns [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1689). The account from Wickham (lately published by John Raunce and Charles Harris) examin'd and found false. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1691). A reply to an answer lately published to a book long since written by W.P. entituled A brief examination and state of liberty spiritual &c. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1694). A further discovery of that spirit of contention & division which hath appeared of late in George Keith, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1696). An answer to George Keith's Narrative of his proceedings at Turners-Hall, on the 11th of the month called June, 1696. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1699). A sober reply, on behalf of the people called Quakers, to two petitions against them, the one out of Norfolk, and the other from Bury in Suffolk, being some brief observations upon them. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas ([1700]). An account of tythes in general. EEBO-TCP.

Ellwood, Thomas (1796). Ellwood: Davideis (1796). CH.

Ellwood, Thomas (1867). Ellwood: The Penns & Peningtons (1867). CH.

Ellwood, Thomas ([1750?]). Ellwood: A Collection of Poems on Various Subjects [1750?]. CH.

Elsholtz, Johann Sigismund (1677). The curious distillatory, or, The art of distilling coloured liquors, spirits, oyls, &c. from vegitables, animals, minerals and metals …. EEBO-TCP.

Elviden, Edmund (1569). The closet of counsells. EEBO-TCP.

Elviden, Edmund (1569). Elviden: The Closet of Counsells (1569). CH.

Elviden, Edmund (1570?]). The most excellent and plesant metaphoricall historie of Pesistratus and Catanea. EEBO-TCP.

Elviden, Edmund (1570). Elviden: A Neweyeres gift (1570). CH.

Elviden, Edmund ([1570]). A neweyeres gift to the rebellious persons in the north partes of England. EEBO-TCP.

Elviden, Edmund ([1570?]). Elviden: The Historie of Pesistratus and Catanea [1570?]. CH.

Elyot, Thomas (1531). Thomas Elyot's "The Governor": electronic edition. TACT.

Elyot, Thomas ([1533]). Of the knowledeg [sic] whiche maketh a wise man. EEBO-TCP.

Elyot, Thomas ([1533]). Pasquil the playne. EEBO-TCP.

Elyot, Thomas ([1541]). The image of gouernance compiled of the actes and sentences notable, of the moste noble Emperour Alexander Seuerus,. EEBO-TCP.

Elyot, Thomas ([1545]). A preseruatiue agaynste deth. EEBO-TCP.

Elyot, Thomas ([1564]). The banket of sapience. EEBO-TCP.

Elyot, Thomas. The boke named The gouernour. OTA.

Elys, Edmund (1642). Elys: The bishops downefall (1642). CH.

Elys, Edmund (1655). Elys: Dia Poemata (1655). CH.

Elys, Edmund (1656). E[lys]: An alphabet of Elegiack Groans (1656). CH.

Elys, Edmund (1659). Elys: Divine poems (1659). CH.

Elys, Edmund (1660). Letters to Mr. Hughes of Plymouth, and Mr. Ford of Exeter, concerning the common prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund (1660). Elys: Anglia Rediviva (1660). CH.

Elys, Edmund (1662). Elys: Miscellanea (1662). CH.

Elys, Edmund (1687). The second epistle to the truly religious and loyal gentry of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund (1690?]). Reflections upon some passages in a book, entitled reflections upon the conduct of human life. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund (1691). A vindication of the honour of King Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund (1692). An earnest call to the people of England. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund (1692). Reflections upon several passages in a book entitled, The reasonableness of a personal reformation, and the necessity of conversion. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund (1692). The letter torn in pieces, or, A full confutation of Ludlow's suggestions, that King Charles I. was an enemy to the state. EEBO-TCP.

Elys, Edmund ([1693]). A letter from Edmund Ellis, a minister of the Church of England to John Norris, another minister of the same church. EEBO-TCP.

Emblem Books (1608). Vaenius: Amorum Emblemata (1608). CH.

Emblem Books (1619). [Goodere?]: The Mirrovr of Maiestie (1619). CH.

Emblem Books (1619). Montenay: A Booke of armes (1619). CH.

Emblem Books (1634). Hawkins, H.: Hymns (1634). CH.

Emblem Books (1659). Pecke, T.: Parnassi Puerperium (1659). CH.

Emblem Books (1665). M. E.: Ashrea (1665). CH.

Emblem Books (1673). [Anon.]: Emblems Divine, Moral, Natural and Historical (1673). CH.

Emblem Books (1680). [Anon.]: The Protestants Vade Mecum (1680). CH.

Emblem Books (1684). Crouch: Delights for the Ingenious (1684). CH.

Emblem Books (1686). Bunyan: A book for boys and girls (1686). CH.

Emblem Books (1700). Astry: The Royal Politician (1700). CH.

Emblem Books (1838). Birch: Divine emblems (1838). CH.

Emlyn, Thomas (1698). A sermon preach'd before the societies for reformation of manners in Dublin, October the 4th, 1698. EEBO-TCP.

English gentleman of very good account (1602). Extremities vrging the Lord Generall Sir Fra: Veare to the anti- parle with the Archduke Albertus. EEBO-TCP.

Englishman (1689). An answer to the Bishop of Rochester's first letter to the Earl of Dorset, &c. concerning the late ecclesiastical commission. EEBO-TCP.

Enniskillen, Connor Maguire (1645). The vvhole triall of Connor Lord Macguire. EEBO-TCP.

Ephelia (1682). Ephelia: Female Poems (1682). CH.

Ephelia ([1682?]). Philips: Advice to his Grace [1682?]. CH.

Epictetus (1610). Epictetvs his manuall. EEBO-TCP.

Epicurus (1656). Epicurus's morals. EEBO-TCP.

Erard, Claude (1699). The arguments of Monsieur Herard for Monsieur the Duke of Mazarin against Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin, his spouse. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1526?]). A deuoute treatise vpon the Pater noster,. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1526?]). De immensa dei misericordia. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1526). A devout treatise upon the pater noster. WWP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1529]). An exhortation to the diligent studye of scripture,. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1531?]). A treatise perswadynge a man patientlye to suffre the deth of his frende. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1531). A devout treatise upon the pater noster. WWP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1532?]). De co[n]temptu mundi. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1532] the. x. daye of Septe[m]bre]). De ciuilitate morun [sic] puerilium. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1533, i.e. 1534]). Bellum Erasmi. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1533?]). A sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1533]). A booke called in latyn Enchiridion militis christiani, and in englysshe The manuell of the christen knyght. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1534?]). An epystell of ye famous doctor Erasm[us] of Roterdam. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1534]). The paraphrase of Erasm[us] Roterdame vpon [the] epistle of sai[n]t Paule vnto his discyple Titus. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1534]). [Ye dyaloge called Funus]. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1534]). A playne and godly exposytion or declaratio[n] of the co[m]mune crede (which in the Latin tonge is called Symbolum Apostolorum). EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1535?]). A lytle treatise of the maner and forme of confession,. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1535]). The dyaloge bytwene Iulius the seconde, Genius, and saynt Peter …. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1536?]). [A ryght excellent sermon and full of frute and edificacyon of the chylde Jesus.]. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1536?]). A ryght frutefull epystle,. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1537?]). Declamatio in laudem nobilissimæ artis medicinæ. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1537]). An exposicyon of the.xv. psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1537]). The comparation of a vyrgin and a martyr. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1538]). Preparation to deathe. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1539). Prouerbes, or, Adagies. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1540?]). A dialoge or communication of two persons. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1540]). Flores aliquot sententiarum ex variis collecti scriptoribus. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1542 [September] Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum). Apophthegmes. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1543?]). Here folowith a scorneful image or monstrus shape of a maruelous stra[n]ge fygure called, Sileni alcibiadis. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1547?]). An epistle of the famous clerke Erasmus of Roterodame, concernynge the veryte of the sacrament of Christes body and bloude. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1548 [31 Jan. 1548]). The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testamente. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1549]). The praise of folie. = Moriæ encomium. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1550?]). The censure and iudgement of the famous clark Erasmus of Roterodam, whyther dyuorsemente betwene man and wyfe stondeth with the lawe of God. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius ([1557]). A mery dialogue, declaringe the propertyes of shrowde shrewes, and honest wyues. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1559). The complaint of peace. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1606). Seven dialogues both pithie and profitable. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1621). Adagia in Latine and English. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1683). Witt against wisdom, or, A panegyrick upon folly. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1689). Twenty-two select colloquies out of Erasmus Roterodamus. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1699). Seven new colloquies translated out of Erasmus Roterodamus. EEBO-TCP.

Erasmus, Desiderius (1965). The praise of folie. OTA.

Erasmus, Desiderius (c. 1466-1536). In Praise of Folly. CCEL.

Erasmus, Desiderius. De immensa Dei misericordia. OTA.

Erasmus, Desiderius. That chyldren oughte to be taught and brought up gently in vertue and learnynge, and that euen forthwyth from theyr natiuitie [Electronic resource] : a declamacion of a briefe theme / by Erasmus of Roterodame ;. OTA.

Erbery, William (647). Nor truth, nor error, nor day, nor night, but in the evening there shall be light, Zach. 14. 6, 7. EEBO-TCP.

Escalante, Bernardino de (1579). A discourse of the nauigation which the Portugales doe make to the realmes and prouinces of the east partes of the worlde. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (10. 1643. [i.e. 1644]). His Excellencies letter of the 30 of Ianuary, 1643. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (13, 1644). A letter from His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex to the Honourable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1600?]). [An apologie of the Earle of Essex]. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1633). Profitable instructions. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1642). The copy of a letter sent from His Excellencie Robert, Earle of Essex, to Mr. Pym, a member of the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux ([1642]). The Earle of Essex his letter to the Earle of Southampton in the time of his troubles. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1643). A letter written from His Excellency Robert Earle of Essex vnto the speaker of the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1643). Most hapy and wellcome newes from His Excellencie The Earle of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1645). A copy of a letter from the Earle of Essex, by order of the pretended Houses of Parliament, to Prince Rupert. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1645). A letter from the Earl of Essex to His Highnesse Prince Rupert. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (1679). The arraignment, tryal and condemnation of Robert Earl of Essex and Henry Earl of Southampton,. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (29, 1642). A vvorthy speech spoken by His Excellence the Earle of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (38, 1642). The Earle of Essex his speech in the Partilrie garden to the souldiers on Tuesday last. EEBO-TCP.

Essex, Robert Devereux (8, 1642). Tvvo proclamations. EEBO-TCP.

Estella, Diego de (1608). A methode vnto mortification. EEBO-TCP.

Estienne, Charles (1593). The defence of contraries. EEBO-TCP.

Estienne, Charles (1616). Maison rustique, or, The countrey farme. EEBO-TCP.

Estienne, Henri (1607). A world of vvonders, or, An introduction to a treatise touching the conformitie of ancient and moderne wonders, or, A preparatiue treatise to the Apologie for Herodotus. EEBO-TCP.

Etherege, George (1664). The comical revenge, or, Love in a tub. EEBO-TCP.

Etherege, George (1668). She wou'd if she cou'd. EEBO-TCP.

Etherege, George (1676). The man of mode, or, Sr. Fopling Flutter. EEBO-TCP.

Etherington, John (1641). The defence of Iohn Etherington against Steven Denison and his witnesses their accusatons and depositions. EEBO-TCP.

Euclid (1570 (3 Feb.)]). The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. EEBO-TCP.

Eusebius (1683). The history of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Eusebius (1698). The abridgment of Eusebius Pamphilius's Ecclesiastical history in two parts …. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, John (1630). The sacrifice of a contrite heart. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, John (1642, 1651). The universall medicine, or, The virtues of the magneticall, or antimoniall cup. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, John (1683). The case of kneeling at the Holy Sacrament stated & resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, John (1695). Some thoughts on the character of Solomon's vertuous woman. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, Katharine (1662). This is a short relation of some of the cruel sufferings (for the truths sake) of Katharine Evans & Sarah Chevers in the inquisition of the isle of Malta. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, Katharine (1663). A brief discovery of God's eternal truth. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, Katharine Chevers, Sarah (1662). This is a short relation of some of the cruel sufferings (for the truths sake)of Katharien Evans and Sarah Chevers, in the Inquisition in the isle of Malta. WWP.

Evans, Lewis ([1565]). A brieue admonition vnto the nowe made ministers of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, Lewis (1568?]). [The abridgement of logique]. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, Lewis ([1570]). The hatefull hypocrisie, and rebellion of the Romishe prelacie. EEBO-TCP.

Evans, William (1602). Evans, W.: Pietatis Lachrymæ (1602). CH.

Evelyn, George (1698?]). The case of George Evelyn of Wotton in the county of Surrey, Esq. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1641). Sir John Evelyn his report from the committee appointed to consider of the printing of the Lord Digbyes speech concerning the bill of attainder of the Earl of Strafford. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1659). A character of England. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1660). The late news, or, Message from Bruxels unmasked. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1661). Tyrannus, or, The mode. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John ([1661]). A panegyric to Charles the Second. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John ([1661]). Fumifugium, or, The inconveniencie of the aer and smoak of London dissipated. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John ([1666]). Kalendarium hortense, or, The gard'ners almanac. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1667). Publick employment and an active life prefer'd to solitude and all its appanages, such as fame, command, riches, conversation, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1669). The history of the three late, famous impostors, viz. Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bei and Sabatai Sevi. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1670). Pomona, or, An appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1674). Navigation and commerce, their original and progress. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1676). A philosophical discourse of earth. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, John (1697). Numismata, a discourse of medals, ancient and modern. EEBO-TCP.

Evelyn, Mary (1690). Mundus muliebris, or, The ladies dressing-room unlock'd, and her toilette spread. EEBO-TCP.

Everard, Giles (1659). Panacea, or, The universal medicine. EEBO-TCP.

Everard, John (1618). The arriereban. EEBO-TCP.

Everard, John ([1622]). Somewhat. EEBO-TCP.

Everard, John (1657). The Gospel treasury opened, or, The holiest of all unvailing. EEBO-TCP.

Everard, John (1687). A winding-sheet for the schism of England. EEBO-TCP.

Everard, John (1697). The universal love of God to mankind defended. EEBO-TCP.

Exquemelin, A. O (1684). Bucaniers of America, or, A true account of the most remarkable assaults committed of late years upon the coasts of the West-Indies by the bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French. EEBO-TCP.

Exquemelin, A. O (1684). The history of the bucaniers. EEBO-TCP.

Eye witness (1674). A true and perfect account of the miraculous sea-monster, or, Wonderful fish lately taken in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.


Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe- (1699-1700). The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. EEBO-TCP.

F. H (1687). Great nevvs from the West-Indies. EEBO-TCP.

F. T ([1570]). F. T.: The debate betweene Pride and Lowlines [1570]. CH.

F. T. (1604). The case is altered. EEBO-TCP.

Fabyan, Robert (1516). The Concordaunce of Hystoryes. R3.

Fabyan, Robert (1533 [31 Dec.]). Fabyans cronycle newly prynted, wyth the cronycle, actes, and dedes done in the tyme of the reygne of the moste excellent prynce Kynge Henry the vii. father vnto our most drad souerayne Lord Kynge Henry the.viii. To whom be all honour, reuere[n]ce, and ioyfull contynaunce of his prosperous reygne, to the pleasure of god and weale of this his realme amen. EEBO-TCP.

Fabyan, Robert ([1516]). Fabyan: Chronicle [1516]. CH.

Fage, Robert ([1644]). Protestatio attestata coram Anthonio Luthero Armigero uno iusticiariorum pacis pro comitatu Essexiæ …. EEBO-TCP.

Fage, Robert (1658). A description of the whole world. EEBO-TCP.

Fage, Robert (1666). St. Leonard's hill. EEBO-TCP.

Fage, Robert (1667). Cosmography, or, A description of the whole world. EEBO-TCP.

Fairfax, Edward (1600). Fairfax: Godfrey of Bulloigne (1600). CH.

Fairfax, Edward (1882). Fairfax, E.: Dæmonologia (1882). CH.

Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax (1643). A second letter from the right honourable the Lord Fairfax, of his late prosperous proceedings against the Earle of New-castle, and his popish army in Yorke-shire. EEBO-TCP.

Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax (1647). A declaration from Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army under his command. EEBO-TCP.

Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax (22 March, 1645). Master Peters messuage from Sir Thomas Fairfax. EEBO-TCP.

Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax (28, 1645). Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq. speaker of the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Falkland, Henry Cary (1664). The mariage night. EEBO-TCP.

Falkland, Lucius Cary (1660). [Two discourses] concerning episcopacy. EEBO-TCP.

Falkland, Lucius Cary (1660). A discourse of infallibility. EEBO-TCP.

Family, Paston (1420-1504). Paston letters and papers of the fifteenth century, Part I. TACT.

Fane, Francis (1662). A panegyrick to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. EEBO-TCP.

Fane, Francis (1675). Love in the dark, or, The man of bus'ness. EEBO-TCP.

Fane, Francis (1685). A pindarick ode on the sacred memory of our late Gracious Sovereign King Charles II. EEBO-TCP.

Fane, Francis ([1685]). The sacrifice. EEBO-TCP.

Fane, Mildmay, Earl of Westmorland (1648). Fane, M.: Otia Sacra Optima Fides (1648). CH.

Fanshawe, Sir Richard (1655). Fanshawe: The Lusiad (1655). CH.

Fanshawe, Sir Richard (1964). Fanshawe, R.: Shorter Poems and Translations (1964). CH.

Farewell, Christopher (1633). An East-India colation, or, A discourse of travels. EEBO-TCP.

Faria e Sousa, Manuel de (1695). The Portugues Asia, or, The history of the discovery and conquest of India by the Portugues. EEBO-TCP.

Farley, Robert (1638). Farley: Lychnocausia (1638). CH.

Farley, Robert (1638). Farley: The Kalendar of Mans Life (1638). CH.

Farnaby, Giles ([1598]). Canzonets. EEBO-TCP.

Farquhar, George (1699). Love and a bottle. EEBO-TCP.

Farquhar, George (1700). The constant couple, or, A trip to the Jubilee. EEBO-TCP.

Faugeres, Margaretta V. (Bleecker) (1797). The ghost of John Young the homicide. WWP.

Featley, Daniel ([1623]). The Fisher catched in his owne net. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1624). The Romish Fisher caught and held in his owne net, or, A true relation of the Protestant conference and popish difference. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1626). A parallel, of nevv-old Pelgiarminian error. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel ([1626]). A second parallel. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel ([1626]). Ancilla pietatis, or, The hand-maid to priuate deuotion. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1629). Cygnea cantio, or, Learned decisions, and most prudent and pious directions for students in divinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1630). The grand sacrilege of the Church of Rome, in taking away the sacred cup from the laiety at the Lords Table. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1638). Transubstantiation exploded, or, An encounter vvith Richard the titularie Bishop of Chalcedon concerning Christ his presence at his holy table. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1642). Virtumnus romanus, or, A discovrse penned by a Romish priest. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1644). Roma ruens. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1644). Sacra nemesis, the Levites scourge, or, Mercurius Britan disciplin'd, [Mercurius] civicvs [disciplin'd]. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1644). The gentle lash, or, The vindication of Dr. Featley, a knowne champion of the Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1645). Katabaptistai kataptysesoi. EEBO-TCP.

Featley, Daniel (1661). Dr. Daniel Featley revived, or, The faithfull shepheard. EEBO-TCP.

Felice, Costanzo ([1557]). The conspiracie of Catiline. EEBO-TCP.

Fell, John ([1647]). The privileges of the University of Oxford in point of visitation. EEBO-TCP.

Fell, John (1661). The life of that reverend divine, and learned historian, Dr. Thomas Fuller. EEBO-TCP.

Fell, John ([1662]). The life of the most learned, reverend and pious Dr. H. Hammond. EEBO-TCP.

Fell, Margaret (Askew) (1656). A loving salutation to the seed of Abraham among the Jewes. WWP.

Fell, Margaret (Askew) (1660). A declaration and an information from us the people of God called Quakers, to the present governors, the King and both houses of Parliament, and all whom it may concern. WWP.

Fell, Margaret (Askew) (1660). An evident demonstration to Gods elect. WWP.

Fell, Margaret (Askew) (1660). This was given to Major Generall Harrison and the rest. WWP.

Fell, Margaret (Askew) (1667). Womens speaking justified, proved, and allowed of by the scriptures. WWP.

Fell, Philip (1676). Lex talionis, or, The author of Naked truth stript naked. EEBO-TCP.

Felltham, Owen (1623?]). Resolues, diuine, morall, politicall. EEBO-TCP.

Felltham, Owen (1652). A brief character of the Low-Countries under the states. EEBO-TCP.

Felltham, Owen (1661). Felltham: Lusoria (1661). CH.

Felltham, Owen (1672). Batavia, or, The Hollander displayed. EEBO-TCP.

Felltham, Owen (1699). A trip to Holland. EEBO-TCP.

Felton, Edmond (1642). To the right honorable the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Felton, John ([1628]). The prayer and confession of Mr. Felton, word for word as hee spake it immediately before his execution. Novem. 29. 1628. EEBO-TCP.

Fenne, Thomas (1590). Fennes frutes. EEBO-TCP.

Fenne, Thomas (1590). Fenne: Fennes Frutes (1590). CH.

Fennor, William (1615). Fennors defence, or, I am your first man. EEBO-TCP.

Fenton, Edward (1622). So shorte a catechisme. EEBO-TCP.

Fenton, Roger (1599). An ansvvere to VVilliam Alablaster [sic] his motiues. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1673). A sober enquiry into the nature, measure and principle of moral virtue, its distinction from gospel-holiness. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1675). The interest of reason in religion. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1677). The East-India-trade a most profitable trade to the kingdom and best secured and improved in a company, and a joint-stock. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1680]). A letter to a person of honour concerning the black box. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1680]). A letter to a person of honour, concerning the kings disavovving the having been married to the D. of M's mother. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1684). An enquiry into and detection of the barbarous murther of the late Earl of Essex, or, A vindication of that noble person from the guilt and infamy of having destroy'd himself. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1684). Ferguson's remonstrance to the council of six upon the first discovery of the late horrid conspriacy. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1687]). A representation of the threatning dangers, impending over Protestants in Great Brittain. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1689). A brief justification of the Prince of Orange's descent into England, and of the kingdoms late recourse to arms. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1689). R. Fergusson's apology for his transactions these last ten years, both in England and forreign parts. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1689). The late proceedings and votes of the Parliament of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1694]). A letter to Mr. Secretary Trenchard. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1694]). A letter to the Right Honourable Sir John Holt, Kt. Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench; occasioned by the noise of a plot. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1695?]). Whether the preserving the Protestant religion was the motive unto, or the end, that was designed in the late revolution. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1695]). A brief account of some of the late incroachments and depredations of the Dutch upon the English. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1695]). Whether the Parliament be not in law dissolved by the death of the Princess of Orange?. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert ([1698]). A view of an ecclesiastick in his socks & buskins, or, A just reprimand given to Mr. Alsop, for his foppish, pedantick, detractive and petulant way of writing. EEBO-TCP.

Ferguson, Robert (1699). A just and modest vindication of the Scots design, for the having established a colony at Darien. EEBO-TCP.

Fergusson, David (1563). Ane answer to ane epistle written by Renat Benedict. EEBO-TCP.

Fergusson, David ([1572]). Ane sermon preichit befoir the Regent and nobilitie. EEBO-TCP.

Fergusson, James (1656). A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Philippians and Colossians. EEBO-TCP.

Fergusson, James (1659). A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians. EEBO-TCP.

Fergusson, James (1674). A brief exposition of the first and second epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. EEBO-TCP.

Fergusson, James (1692). A brief refutation of the errors tolleration, erastianism, independency and separation. EEBO-TCP.

Ferris, Richard (1590). The most dangerous and memorable aduenture of Richard Ferris. EEBO-TCP.

Feylde, Thomas (1527?]). Here begynneth a lytel treatyse called the co[n]traverse bytwene a louer and a jaye. EEBO-TCP.

Feylde, Thomas (1532?). A contrauersye bytwene a lover and a iaye. TUDOR.

Feylde, Thomas ([1527?]). Feylde: The c°trauerse bytwene a louer and a laye [1527?]. CH.

Feynes, Henri de (1615). An exact and curious suruey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China. EEBO-TCP.

Fidelitas (1574?]). Fidelitas, a distinct declaratio[n] of the requiring of the Lorde and of the godlie testimonies of the holie spirit of the loue of Iesu Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Fidge, George (1652?]). VVit for mony. EEBO-TCP.

Field, Nathan (1612). A vvoman is a vveather-cocke. EEBO-TCP.

Field, Nathan (1618). Amends for ladies. EEBO-TCP.

Field, Richard (1604). A learned sermon preached before the King at VVhitehall, on Friday the 16 of March. EEBO-TCP.

Field, Richard (1628). Of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Fielde, John ([1581]). A caueat for Parsons Hovvlet. EEBO-TCP.

Fiennes, Nathaniel (1641). A speech of the Honourable Nathanael Fiennes, second son to the right honourable the Lord Say, in answere to the third speech of the Lord George Digby. EEBO-TCP.

Fiennes, Nathaniel (1643). Articles of impeachment and accusation, exhibited in Parliament against Colonell Nathaniel Fiennes. EEBO-TCP.

Fifteen Joys of Marriage, The ([1509]). [Anon.]: The fyftene Joyes of maryage [1509]. CH.

Filmer, Robert (1653). Quæstio quodlibetica, or, A discourse whether it may bee lawfull to take use for money. EEBO-TCP.

Filmer, Robert ([1679]). The free-holders grand inquest touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Filmer, Robert (1680). Patriarcha, or, The natural power of Kings. EEBO-TCP.

Finch, Anne (Kingsmill), Countess of Winchilsea (1713). Miscellany poems, on several occasions. WWP.

Finch, Anne (Kingsmill), Countess of Winchilsea (1713). Miscellany poems, on several occasions. WWP.

Finch, B. (1805). Sonnets, and other poems: to which are added tales in prose. WWP.

Fisher, Jasper (1536 [i.e. 1636]). The priest's duty & dignity. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Jasper (1633). Fuimus Troes. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, John, Student in Oxford (1558). Fisher: [Three Dialogues] (1558). CH.

Fisher, Samuel (1653). Baby-baptism meer babism, or, An answer to nobody in five words to every-body who finds himself concern'd in't. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel (1655). A love-token for mourners. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel (1655). Christianismus redivivus. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel ([1659]). To the Parliament of England, and the several members thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel (1660?]). One antidote more, against that provoking sin of swearing, by reason of which this land now mourneth. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel (1660). Rusticus ad academicos in exercitationibus expostulatoriis, apologeticis quatuor. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel (1662). The bishop busied beside the business, or, That eminent overseer, Dr. John Gauden, Bishop of Exeter, so eminently overseen as to wound his own cause well nigh to death with his own weapon. EEBO-TCP.

Fisher, Samuel (1673). Honour the king. EEBO-TCP.

Fitz-Geffry, Charles (1637). Compassion towards captives. EEBO-TCP.

Fitzgeffrey, Charles (1596). Fitzgeffrey, C.: Sir Francis Drake (1596). CH.

Fitzgeffrey, Charles (1636). Fitz-geffrey, C.: The Blessed Birth-day (1636). CH.

Fitzgeffrey, Henry (1617). Fitzgeffrey, H.: Satyres and Satyricall Epigrams (1617). CH.

Fitzgeffrey, Henry (1618). Certain elegies, done by sundrie excellent wits. EEBO-TCP.

Fitzherbert, Anthony ([1579]). In this booke is contayned the offices of shyriffes, bayliffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners. EEBO-TCP.

Fitzherbert, Thomas (1602). A defence of the Catholyke cause. EEBO-TCP.

Fitzherbert, Thomas ([1613]). An adioynder to the supplement of Father Robert Persons his discussion of M. Doctor Barlowes ansvvere &c. EEBO-TCP.

Fitzjames, Richard ([1495?]). Sermo die lune in ebdomada Pasche. EEBO-TCP.

Flacius Illyricus, Matthias ([1552?]). Wonderfull newes of the death of Paule the. iii. last byshop of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Flacius Illyricus, Matthias (1564. These bookes are to be sold at hys shop vnder the gate, [1564]). A godly and necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord. M.D.LXII. and. M.D.LXIII. EEBO-TCP.

Flamel, Nicolas (1624). Nicholas Flammel, his exposition of the hieroglyphicall figures which he caused to bee painted vpon an arch in St. Innocents Church-yard, in Paris. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1660). Flatman: A Panegyrick to Charles the Second (1660). CH.

Flatman, Thomas (1661). Don Juan Lamberto, or, a comical history of the late times :. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1661). Don Juan Lamberto, or, a comical history of the late times :. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1670). On the death of the truly valiant, and loyal George, Duke of Albemarle, late general of His Majesties forces, and knight of the Honorable Order of the Garter. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1674). Poems and songs. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1679). Matrimonii pensitatio, or, No joynture but the hugg-rural. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1681). A pindarique ode on the death of the Right Honourable Thomas, Earl of Ossory. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1683). On the death of the illustrious Prince Rupert. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1685). On the death of our late sovereign lord King Charles II of blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1686). A song for St. Cæcilia's Day, Nov. 22, 1686. EEBO-TCP.

Flatman, Thomas (1686). Flatman: A Song for St. Cæcilia's Day (1686). CH.

Flatman, Thomas (1686). Flatman: Poems and songs (1686). CH.

Flatman, Thomas (1688). On the death of the Right Honorable the Duke of Ormond. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1630-1691). Christ Altogether Lovely. CCEL.

Flavel, John (1630-1691). On Keeping the Heart. CCEL.

Flavel, John (1668). A saint indeed, or, The great work of a Christian, opened and pressed, from Prov. 4. 23. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1673). The fountain of life opened, or, A display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1674). A token for mourners, or, The advice of Christ to a distressed mother bewailing the death of her dear and only son. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John ([1678]). Divine conduct, or, The mysterie of Providence. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1679). Sacramental meditations upon divers select places of scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1681). The method of grace, in bringing home the eternal redemption. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1682). Two treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1685). Pneumatologia, a treatise of the soul of man. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1688). The balm of the covenant applied to the bleeding wounds of afflicted saints. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1689). Englands duty under the present gospel liberty. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1690). Vindiciæ legis & fœderis, or, A reply to Mr. Philip Cary's Solemn call. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1691). Planelogia, a succinct and seasonable discourse of the occasions, causes, nature, rise, growth, and remedies of mental errors. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1692). An exposition of the assemblies catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1698). Navigation spiritualiz'd, or, A new compass for seamen. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (1698). The touchstone of sincerity, or, The signs of grace and symptomes of hypocrisie opened in a practical treatise upon Revelations III 17, 18. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (674). Husbandry spiritualized, or, The heavenly use of earthly things. EEBO-TCP.

Flavel, John (c. 1630-1691). The Life of the late Rev. Mr. John Flavel. CCEL.

Flavel, John (c. 1630-1691). The Fountain of Life opened up. CCEL.

Flecknoe, Richard ([1626]). Hierothelamium, or, The heauenly nuptialls of our blessed Sauiour. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1640). The affections of a pious soule, unto our Saviour-Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1653). Animadversions on a petition delivered to the honourable House of Parliament by several of the godly party in the county of Salop. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1654). Love's dominion. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard ([1654]). Ariadne deserted by Theseus and found and courted by Bacchus. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1656?]). A relation of ten years in Europe, Asia, Affrique, and America. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1656). The diarium, or journall. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1658). Enigmaticall characters, all taken to the life from severall persons, humours, & dispositions. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1659). The idea of His Highness Oliver, late Lord Protector, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1659). The marriage of Oceanus and Brittania. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1660). The portrait of William Marquis of New-Castle to his Lady, the Lady Marchionesse. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1661). Erminia, or, The fair and vertuous lady. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1664). Love's kingdom. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1665). Rich. Flecknoe's ænigmatical characters. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1666). A farrago of several pieces. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1667). Life of Tomaso the Wanderer. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1667). The damoiselles a la mode. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1668). Sr William D'avenant's voyage to the other world. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1669). Epigrams of all sorts. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1670). Epigrams of all sorts, made at divers times on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1675). A treatise of the sports of wit. EEBO-TCP.

Flecknoe, Richard (1675). Euterpe revived, or, Epigrams made at several times in the years 1672, 1673, & 1674 on persons of the greatest honour and quality. EEBO-TCP.

Fleming, Abraham (1580). Fleming: An Epitaph vpon the Godlie Life (1580). CH.

Fleming, Abraham (1589). Fleming: The Bvcoliks of Pvblivs Virgilivs Maro (1589). CH.

Fletcher, Giles, the elder ([1593?]). Fletcher, G., the elder: Licia [1593?]. CH.

Fletcher, Giles, the younger (1908). Fletcher, G.: the younger: Poetical Works (1908). CH.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, J. M. Research at Oxford on tree-ring dating of oak. OTA.

Fletcher, John (1610?]). The faithfull shepheardesse. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1619). John Fletcher's "Demetrius and Enanthe, being the Humorous Lieutenant": electronic edition. TACT.

Fletcher, John (1619). John Fletcher's "Monsieur Thomas": electronic edition. TACT.

Fletcher, John (1621). The tragedy of Thierry King of France, and his brother Theodoret. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1634). The two noble kinsmen. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1637). The elder brother. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1639). The bloody brother. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1640). Rule a vvife and have a wife. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1640). The night-vvalker, or, The little theife. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1640). The tragædy of Rollo Duke of Normandy. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1652). The wild-goose chase. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John ([1660]). Fathers own son. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1661). The beggars bush. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1669). The island princess, or, The generous Portugal. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1682). The chances. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1685). Valentinian, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1697). The humorous lieutenant, or, Generous enemies. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1700). The pilgrim. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, John (1876). Two noble kinsmen. OTA.

Fletcher, John (1922). Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt. OTA.

Fletcher, John (1951). Demetrius and Enanthe. OTA.

Fletcher, John (1966-). The chances. OTA.

Fletcher, John (1966-). The island princess. OTA.

Fletcher, John (1966-). The woman's prize. OTA.

Fletcher, John 1579-1625. The chances. OTA.

Fletcher, John and Beaumont Francis (1613). Beaumont and Fletcher's "The Knight of the Burning Pestle": electronic edition. TACT.

Fletcher, John, With William Shakespeare (1634). The Two Noble Kinsmen. ElizAuth.

Fletcher, John. Demetrius and Enanthe. OTA.

Fletcher, John. Demetrius and Enanthe. OTA.

Fletcher, John. Monsieur Thomas. OTA.

Fletcher, John. Monsieur Thomas. OTA.

Fletcher, John. Sir John van Olden Barnavelt. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The faire maide of the inne. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The island princess. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The loyal subject. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The tragedie of Bonduca. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The tragedy of Valentinian. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The two noble kinsmen - 1634 Quarto. OTA.

Fletcher, John. The woman's prize. OTA.

Fletcher, Joseph (1613). Fletcher, J.: Christes Bloodie Sweat (1613). CH.

Fletcher, Joseph (1628). Fletcher, J.: The Historie of the Perfect-Cursed-Blessed Man (1628). CH.

Fletcher, P. (1633). The Purple Island. R3.

Fletcher, Phineas (1628). Brittain's Ida. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, Phineas (1631). Sicelides. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, Phineas (1632). Ioy in tribulation, or, Consolations for the afflicted spirits. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, Phineas (1632). The way to blessednes. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, Phineas (1633). The purple island, or, The isle of man. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, Phineas (1670). A fathers testament. EEBO-TCP.

Fletcher, Phineas (1908). Fletcher, P.: Poetical Works (1908). CH.

Fletcher, R ([c.1650?]). Fletcher, R.: Radius Heliconicus (c. 1650?). CH.

Fletcher, R. (1656). Fletcher, R.: Ex otio Negotium (1656). CH.

Fletcher, Thomas (1692). Fletcher, T.: Poems On several Occasions, and Translations (1692). CH.

Fleury, Maria De (1790). British liberty established, and Gallic liberty restored; or, the triumph of freedom. WWP.

Florus, Lucius Annaeus ([1619]). The Roman histories of Lucius Iulius Florus. EEBO-TCP.

Floyd, John ([1620]). God and the king, or, A dialogue wherein is treated of allegiance due to our most gracious Lord, King Iames, within his dominions. EEBO-TCP.

Fludd, Robert (1631). Doctor Fludds answer vnto M. Foster, or, The sqveesing of Parson Fosters sponge, ordained by him for the wiping away of the weapon-salve. EEBO-TCP.

Fludd, Robert (1659). Mosaicall philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Fonseca, Cristóbal de (1629). Deuout contemplations expressed in two and fortie sermons vpon all ye quadragesimall Gospells. EEBO-TCP.

Fontenelle (1683). New dialogues of the dead. EEBO-TCP.

Fontenelle (1687). A discourse of the plurality of worlds. EEBO-TCP.

Fontenelle (1688). A discovery of new worlds. EEBO-TCP.

Fontenelle (1688). The history of oracles, and the cheats of the pagan priests. EEBO-TCP.

Fontenelle, Bernard (1688). A discovery of new worlds. WWP.

Forbes, Patrick (1614). A defence of the lavvful calling of the ministers of reformed churches, against the cavillations of Romanists. EEBO-TCP.

Forbes, Patrick (1627). Eubulus, or, A dialogue, where-in a rugged Romish rhyme, (inscrybed, Catholicke questions, to the Protestaut [sic]) is confuted, and the questions there-of answered. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Emanuel (1607). The most pleasant historie of Ornatus and Artesia. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Emanuel (1615). The first part of Parismus, the renovvmed Prince of Bohemia. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Emanuel (1640). The famous historie of Montelyon, Knight of the Oracle, and sonne to the renowned Persicles King of Assyria. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1606). Fames memoriall, or, The Earle of Deuonshire deceased. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1620). A line of life. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1629). The louers melancholy. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1633). 'Tis pitty shee's a whore. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1633). Loues sacrifice. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1633). The broken heart. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1634). The chronicle historie of Perkin VVarbeck. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1638). The fancies, chast and noble. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John (1653). The Queen, or, The excellency of her sex. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, John. 'Tis pitty shee's a whore. OTA.

Ford, Thomas (1607). Musicke of sundrie kindes. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Thomas (1641). Reformation sure and stedfast, or, A seasonable sermon for the present times. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Thomas (1657). Grace and mercy to a sinner in a time of afflictions, or, The serious meditations of M. Tho. Ford of Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Thomas (1659). Singing the psalmes the duty of Christians under the New Testament, or, A vindication of that gospel-ordinance in V sermons upon Ephesians 5, 19. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Thomas (1667). Logos autopistos, or, Scriptures self-evidence. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Thomas (1668). Aytokatakritos, or, The sinner condemned of himself. EEBO-TCP.

Ford, Thomas (1668). Felo de se, or, The bishops condemned out of their own mouthes. EEBO-TCP.

Forde, Thomas (1660). Forde: Virtus Rediviva (1660). CH.

Forrest, William (1875). Forrest: The History of Grisild the Second (1875). CH.

Forrest, William (1884). Forrest: Theophilus (1884). CH.

Forrest, William ([1553?]). Forrest: A new ballade of the Marigolde [1553?]. CH.

Forrest, William ([1563]). Forrest: Pater Noster/Te Deum [1563]. CH.

Forrester, Thomas (1684). Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane [sic] informer. EEBO-TCP.

Forrester, Thomas (1692). A counter-essay, or, A vindication and assertion of Calvin and Beza's Presbyterian judgment and principles. EEBO-TCP.

Forrester, Thomas (1699). The hierarchical bishops claim to a divine right, tried at the scripture-bar, or, A consideration of the pleadings for prelacy. EEBO-TCP.

Forset, Edward (1606). A comparatiue discourse of the bodies natural and politique. EEBO-TCP.

Forset, Edward (1624). A defence of the right of kings. EEBO-TCP.

Fortescue, John ([1616]). De laudibus legum Angliæ. EEBO-TCP.

Foster, Samuel (1638). The art of dialling. EEBO-TCP.

Foster, Samuel (1654). Elliptical or azimuthal horologiography. EEBO-TCP.

Foster, Samuel (1654). Posthuma Fosteri. EEBO-TCP.

Foster, Samuel (1659). The geometrical square, with the use thereof in plain and spherical trigonometrie. EEBO-TCP.

Foster, Samuel ([1659]). De instrumentis plantariis. EEBO-TCP.

Foster, Samuel (1685?]). The description and use of the nocturnal. EEBO-TCP.

Fotherby, Martin (1608). Foure sermons, lately preached. EEBO-TCP.

Fotherby, Martin (1622). Atheomastix. EEBO-TCP.

Fougasses, Thomas de (1612). The generall historie of the magnificent state of Venice. EEBO-TCP.

Foulweather, Adam ([1591]). A vvonderfull, strange and miraculous astrologicall prognostication for this yeere 1591. EEBO-TCP.

Fourcroy (1695). A new and easy method to understand the Roman history. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1670). The principles and practices of certain moderate divines of the Church of England (greatly mis-understood), truly represented and defended. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1671). The design of Christianity, or, A plain demonstration and improvement of this proposition. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1672). Dirt wipt off, or, A manifest discovery of the gross ignorance, erroneousness and most unchristian and wicked spirit of one John Bunyan …. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1676). A friendly conference between a minister and a parishioner of his, inclining to Quakerism. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1678). A vindication of the Friendly conference, between a minister and a parishioner of his inclining unto Quakerism, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1680). Libertas evangelica, or, A discourse of Christian liberty. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1681). A sermon preached before the judges, &c. in the time of the assizes in the Cathedral church at Gloucester on Sunday Aug. 7, 1681. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1683). A discourse of offences. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1683). The resolution of this case of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1685). A sermon preached at the general meeting of Gloucestershire-men, for the most part inhabitants of the City of London. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1685). The great wickedness, and mischievous effects of slandering, represented in a sermon preached at St. Giles without Cripplegate, on Sunday Nov. 15, 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1687). The fourth note of the church examined, viz. amplitude, or multitude and variety of believers. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1688). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior of London, and the Court of Aldermen, &c. on Wednesday in Easter week, in the Church of St. Andrew Holborn. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1689). A vindication of the divines of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1690). A sermon preached at Bow-Church, April the Xvith. 1690 before the Lord Maior, and Court of Aldermen, and citizens of London, being the fast-day. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1690). An answer to the paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his execution to Sir Francis Child …. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1691?]). The loyal martyr vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1691). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-hall, on Sunday, March 22, 1690/1. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1692). A sermon preach'd at the meeting of the sons of the clergy in S. Mary-le-Bow Church, on Tuesday the sixth of December, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1692). A vindication of a late undertaking of certain gentlemen. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward ([1692]). A sermon preached before the right honourable the lord maior of London, and the Court of Aldermen, &c., on Easter-Monday, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1694). Certain propositions by which the doctrin of the H. Trinity is so explain'd, according to the ancient fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to natural reason. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1695). A discourse of the great disingenuity & unreasonableness of repining at afflicting providences. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1695). A second defence of the propositions by which the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is so explained. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1696). A sermon preached before the House of Lords in the Abby-Church at Westminster, upon Thursday the sixteenth of April, 1696. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, Edward (1699). A sermon preach'd at the Church of St. Mary le Bow to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, June 26, 1699. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, William (1581). An ansvver to the calumnious letter and erroneous propositions of an apostat named M. Io. Hammiltoun. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, William ([1594]). A true reportarie of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the baptisme of the most excellent, right high, and mightie prince, Frederik Henry, by the grace of God, Prince of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Fowler, William (1914-1940). Fowler: The Works (1914-1940). CH.

Fox, Edward (7. day of Nouembre, 1531 cum priuilegio). The determinations of the moste famous and mooste excellent vniuersities of Italy and Fraunce, that it is so vnlefull [sic] for a man to marie his brothers wyfe, that the pope hath no power to dispence therewith. EEBO-TCP.

Fox, G. (1653-1663). Selected Epistles of George Fox. R3.

Fox, George (1624-1691). Autobiography of George Fox. CCEL.

Fox, George (1658). The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Fox, George (1660). A battle-door for teachers & professors to learn singular & plural. EEBO-TCP.

Fox, George (1678). A New-England-fire-brand quenched. EEBO-TCP.

Fox, George. An Autobiography. TACT.

Fox, Margaret Askew Fell (1660). False prophets, antichrists, deceivers. EEBO-TCP.

Fox, Margaret Askew Fell (1664). The examination and tryall of Margaret Fell and George Fox (at the severall assizes held at Lancaster the 14th and 16th days of the first moneth, 1663, and the 29th of the 6th moneth, 1664) for their obedience to Christs command who saith, swear not at all. EEBO-TCP.

Fox, Margaret Askew Fell (1664). Two general epistles to the flock of God, where-ever they are dispersed on the face of the earth …. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1563). Actes and monuments. WWP.

Foxe, John (1578). A sermon preached at the christening of a certaine Iew. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1579). Christ Iesus triumphant. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1580). Papa confutatus. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1580). The Pope confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1583). Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1615). Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1631). A blowe for the Pope. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1672). Christus triumphans. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1677). Martyrologia alphabetike, or, An alphabetical martyrology. EEBO-TCP.

Foxe, John (1694). Of free justification by Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Fréart, Roland (1664). A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. EEBO-TCP.

Fréart, Roland (1668). An idea of the perfection of painting. EEBO-TCP.

Fracastoro, Girolamo (1686). Syphilis, or, A poetical history of the French disease. EEBO-TCP.

Francis de Sales, St. (1567-1622). Treatise on the Love of God. CCEL.

Francis of Sales, St. (1567-1622). Introduction to the Devout Life. CCEL.

Francis, Philip (1644?]). The answer of Philip Francis, merchant, late major of the borrough of Plymouth, in the county of Devon. EEBO-TCP.

Franck, Richard (1687). A philosophical treatise of the original and production of things. EEBO-TCP.

Franck, Richard (1694). Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Francklin, Thomas (1642). An epistle written from Lucifer, Prince of Darkness. EEBO-TCP.

Francois Fenelon. Spiritual Progress. CCEL.

Francois Fenelon. Spiritual Progress. CCEL.

Frank, Mark (1672). LI sermons preached by the Reverend Dr. Mark Frank …. EEBO-TCP.

Fraunce, Abraham (1587). Fraunce: The Lamentations of Amyntas (1587). CH.

Fraunce, Abraham (1588). The lavviers logike. EEBO-TCP.

Fraunce, Abraham ([1588]). The Arcadian rhetorike, or, The præcepts of rhetorike made plaine by examples. EEBO-TCP.

Fraunce, Abraham (1591). The Countesse of Pembrokes Emanuel. EEBO-TCP.

Fraunce, Abraham (1591). The countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch. EEBO-TCP.

Fraunce, Abraham (1591). Fraunce: The Countesse of Pembrokes Emanuel (1591). CH.

Fraunce, Abraham (1591). Fraunce: The Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch (1591). CH.

Fraunce, Abraham (1592). The third part of the Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch. EEBO-TCP.

Fraunce, Abraham (1592). Fraunce: The Third part of the Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch (1592). CH.

Freeman, George (1682). Golden remains of Sir George Freman, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath. EEBO-TCP.

Freeman, Thomas (1614). Freeman: Rvbbe and A great Cast (1614). CH.

Freire de Andrade, Jacinto (1664). The life of Dom John de Castro, the fourth vice-roy of India. EEBO-TCP.

Frethorne, Richard (1623). Richard Frethorne to his father and mother, March 20, April 2 and 3, 1623. EarlyUVa.

Frith, John (1531?]). A disputacio[n] of Purgatorye made by Ioh[a]n Frith which is deuided in to thre bokes. EEBO-TCP.

Frith, John (1533 by me Conrade Willems [i.e. H. Peetersen van Middelburch?, 1533]). A boke made by Iohn Frith prisoner in the tower of London. EEBO-TCP.

Froissart, Jean; translated by John Bourchier, Lord Berners (1523-1525). The Chronicles of Froissart. EarlyUVa.

Frontinus, Sextus Julius ([1539]). The strategemes, sleyghtes, and policies of warre. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1563). A goodly gallerye. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1571). A sermon preached at Hampton Court. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William ([1571]). A confutation of a popishe, and sclaunderous libelle, in forme of an apologie. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1573 [pridie calendas Ianuarij]). Prælections vpon the sacred and holy Reuelation of S. Iohn. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1574). A comfortable sermon of faith, in temptations and afflictions. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1577). Tvvo treatises written against the papistes. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William ([1577]). A sermon preached on Sundaye, being the.17. of March Anno. 1577. at S. Alpheges Church within Creplegate in London. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1579). D. Heskins, D. Sanders, and M. Rastel, accounted (among their faction) three pillers and archpatriarches of the popish synagogue. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1580?]). A godly and learned sermon, preached before an honourable auditorie the 26. day of Februarie. 1580. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1580). A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1580). T. Stapleton and Martiall (two popish heretikes) confuted, and of their particular heresies detected. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1581). A briefe confutation, of a popish discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1581). A reioynder to Bristows replie in defence of Allens scroll of articles and booke of purgatorie. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1581). A sermon preached vpon Sunday, beeing the twelfth of March. Anno. 1581, within the Tower of London. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1583. Cum gratia & priuilegio). A defense of the sincere and true translations of the holie Scriptures into the English tong. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1611). The vvoman of Canaan. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (1655). Meteors, or, A plain description of all kind of meteors. EEBO-TCP.

Fulke, William (23. day of December. And are there to be solde. Perused and allovved according to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.] 1560). Antiprognosticon, that is to saye, an inuectiue agaynst the vayne and vnprofitable predictions of the astrologians as Nostrodame, [et]c. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1626). A sermon intended for Paul's Crosse, but preached in the Church of St. Paul's, London, the III. of December, M.DC.XXV. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1631). Davids hainous sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1631). Fuller: Davids Hainous Sinne [etc.] (1631). CH.

Fuller, Thomas (1639). The historie of the holy vvarre. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1640). Ioseph's partie-colored coat. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1642). The holy state. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1643). A sermon of reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1643). A sermon preached at the Collegiat Church of S. Peter in Westminster, on the 27 of March, being the day of His Majesties inauguration. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1644). Jacobs vow. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1645). Good thoughts in bad times. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1646). Andronicus, or, The vnfortunate politician. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1647). A sermon of assurance. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1647). Good thoughts in worse times. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1647). The cause and cure of a vvounded conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1647). The historie of the holy vvarre. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1648). A sermon of contentment. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1650). A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1651). Fuller, T.: Abel redevivus (1651). CH.

Fuller, Thomas (1652). A comment on the eleven first verses of the fourth chapter of S. Matthew's Gospel concerning Christs temptations. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1652). Abel redevivus, or, The dead yet speaking. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1653). Perfection and peace. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1654). Two sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1657). A sermon preached at St. Clemens Danes at the funeral of Mr. George Heycock. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1659). The appeal of iniured innocence, unto the religious learned and ingenuous reader. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1659). The best name on earth. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1660). A panegyrick to His Majesty on his happy return. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1660). An alarum to the counties of England and Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1660). Mixt contemplations in better times. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1660). Fuller: A panegyrick to his Majesty (1660). CH.

Fuller, Thomas (1662). Ornitho-logie, or, The speech of birds. EEBO-TCP.

Fuller, Thomas (1662). The history of the worthies of England. EEBO-TCP.

Fulwell, Ulpian (1575). Fulwell: The Flovver of Fame (1575). CH.

Fulwell, Ulpian ([1575]). The flovver of fame. EEBO-TCP.

Fulwell, Ulpian (1579). Fulwell: The First Parte of The Eyghth Liberall Science (1579). CH.

Fulwell, Ulpian ([1579]). The first parte, of the eyghth liberall science, entituled, Ars adulandi, the arte of flatterie. EEBO-TCP.

Fulwell, Ulpian (1587). A pleasant enterlude, intituled, Like will to like quoth the Deuill to the collier. EEBO-TCP.

Furio Ceriol, Fadrique ([1570]). A very briefe and profitable treatise declaring hovve many counsells, and vvhat maner of counselers a prince that will gouerne well ought to haue. EEBO-TCP.

Furly, Benjamin (1663). The worlds honour detected, and, for the unprofitableness thereof, rejected, and the honour which comes from God alone, asserted, and reduced to practice, or, Some reasons why the people of God called Quakers, do deny the accustomary honour and salutations of the world …. EEBO-TCP.


G. B (1683). Dr. Burnet's letter to his friend in London. EEBO-TCP.

G. B. ([1635]). A new song, called Jacke Doues resolution. EEBO-TCP.

Gabriel Archer (1602). "Gosnold's Settlement at Cuttyhunk.". EarlyUVa.

Gadbury, John ([1684]). Cardines cœli, or, An appeal to the learned and experienced observers of sublunars and their vicissitudes whether the cardinal signes of heaven are not most influential upon men and things. EEBO-TCP.

Gage, Thomas (1648). The English-American, his travail by sea and land, or, A new survey of the West-India's. EEBO-TCP.

Gage, Thomas (1654). A full survey of Sion and Babylon, and a clear vindication of the parish-churches and parochial-ministers of England …, or, A Scripture disproof, and syllogistical conviction of M. Charles Nichols, of Kent …. EEBO-TCP.

Gailhard, J (1671). The present state of the princes and republicks of Italy. EEBO-TCP.

Gailhard, J (1678). The compleat gentleman, or, Directions for the education of youth as to their breeding at home and travelling abroad. EEBO-TCP.

Gailhard, J (1694). A just and sober vindication of the observations upon the thirtieth of January, and twenty ninth of May. EEBO-TCP.

Gainsford, Thomas (1610). The vision and discourse of Henry the seuenth. EEBO-TCP.

Gainsford, Thomas (1616). The historie of Trebizond,. EEBO-TCP.

Gainsford, Thomas (1616). The secretaries studie. EEBO-TCP.

Gainsford, Thomas (1618). The glory of England, or, A true description of many excellent prerogatiues and remarkeable blessings, whereby she triumpheth ouer all the nations of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Gainsford, Thomas (1618). The true and vvonderfull history of Perkin VVarbeck, proclaiming himselfe Richard the fourth. EEBO-TCP.

Gainsford, Thomas (1619). The true exemplary, and remarkable history of the Earle of Tirone. EEBO-TCP.

Gale, Dunstan (1617). Pyramus and Thisbe. EEBO-TCP.

Gale, Dunstan (1617). Gale, D.: Pyramus and Thisbe (1617). CH.

Gallaway, William (1614 [i.e. 1694]). Reflections upon Mr. Johnson's notes on the pastoral letter. EEBO-TCP.

Gallobelgicus (1630). VVine, beere, ale, and tobacco. EEBO-TCP.

Gallus, Evaldus (1617). Pueriles confabulatiunculæ, or, Childrens dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

Gamage, William (1613). Gamage: Linsi-woolsie (1613). CH.

Gamage, William (1621). Linsi-woolsie, or, Two centuries of epigrammes. EEBO-TCP.

Gamble, John (1657). Ayres and dialogues (to be sung to the theorbo-lute or bass-viol). EEBO-TCP.

Gannett, Deborah (Sampson) (1802). Address delivered with applause at the Federal-street theatR3. WWP.

Garbutt, Richard (1675?]). One come from the dead, to awaken drunkards and whoremongers. EEBO-TCP.

García, Carlos (1638). The sonne of the rogue, or, The politick theefe. EEBO-TCP.

Gardener, John (1894). Gardener: A Treatise on Gardening (1894). CH.

Gardiner, Edmund (1610). The triall of tabacco. EEBO-TCP.

Gardiner, James (1647). A new declaration presented to the Commons of England. EEBO-TCP.

Gardiner, Richard (1603). Profitable insructions [sic] for the manuring, sowing, and planting of kitchin gardens. EEBO-TCP.

Gardiner, Stephen ([1553]). De vera obedientia. EEBO-TCP.

Gardiner, Stephen ([1553]). The communication betwene my Lord Chauncelor and iudge Hales. EEBO-TCP.

Gardiner, Stephen and "H. S." (1548? [STC]). Theyr dedes in effecte, my lyfe wolde haue. TUDOR.

Gardyne [or Garden], Alexander (1609). Gardyne: A garden of graue and godlie flowers (1609). CH.

Gardyne [or Garden], Alexander (1625). Gardyne: Characters and Essayes (1625). CH.

Gardyne [or Garden], Alexander (1709). Garden, A.: The Theatre of the Scotish Kings (1709). CH.

Garnier, Robert (1594). Cornelia. EEBO-TCP.

Garnier, Robert (1595). The tragedie of Antonie. EEBO-TCP.

Garrard, William ([1591]). The arte of vvarre. EEBO-TCP.

Garter, Bernard (1568). Garter: The Tragicall [and true] Historie (1568). CH.

Garter, Bernard (1579). Garter, B.: A New Yeares Gifte (1579). CH.

Garter, Bernard ([1566?]). Garter: Poems [1566?]. CH.

Garter, Bernard ([1566]). Garter: A dittie In the worthie praise of an high and Mightie Prince [1566]. CH.

Garter, Bernard ([1578]). Garter: The ioyfvll receyuing of the Queenes maiestie into Norwich [1578]. CH.

Garter, Thomas (1578). The commody of the moste vertuous and godlye Susanna. EEBO-TCP.

Garth, Samuel (1699). The dispensary. EEBO-TCP.

Garth, Sir Samuel (1705). Garth, S.: Prologue (1705). CH.

Garth, Sir Samuel (1710). Garth, S.: A poem to the Earl of Godolphin (1710). CH.

Garth, Sir Samuel (1711). Garth: A Prologue for the 4th of November, 1711 (1711). CH.

Garth, Sir Samuel (1714). Garth: The Dispensary (1714). CH.

Garth, Sir Samuel (1715). Garth: Claremont (1715). CH.

Garth, Sir Samuel (1749). Garth: The Works (1749). CH.

Garzoni, Tomaso (1600). The hospitall of incurable fooles. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, G. (1576). The Steel Glas & The Complaynte of Philomene. R3.

Gascoigne, George ([1573]). A hundreth sundrie flowres bounde vp in one small poesie. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, George ([1575]). The glasse of gouernement. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, George ([1575]). The noble arte of venerie or hunting. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, George (1576?]). The spoyle of Antwerpe. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, George (1576). The droomme of Doomes day. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, George ([1576]). The steele glas. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, George (1907-1910). Gascoigne: Complete Works (1907 -1910). CH.

Gascoigne, George (22. 1576). A delicate diet, for daintiemouthde droonkardes. EEBO-TCP.

Gascoigne, Thomas (1680). The tryal of Sr Thomas Gascoyne Bar. for high-treason. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1619). Of the nature and vse of lots. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1619). The spirituall vvatch, or, Christs generall watch-word. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1620). Gods parley vvith princes. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1620). Marriage duties briefely couched togither. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1620). Maskil le-David. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1620). Two mariage sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1621). A sparke toward the kindling of sorrow for Sion. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1623). A good vvife Gods gift. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1623). A iust defence of certaine passages in a former treatise concerning the nature and vse of lots, against such exceptions and oppositions as haue beene made thereunto by Mr. I.B. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1623). The ioy of the iust. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1623). Two sermons tending to direction for Christian cariage [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1624). A discussion of the popish doctrine of transubstantiation. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1624). Christian constancy crovvned by Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1624). Iacobs thankfulnesse to God, for Gods goodnesse to Iacob. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1624). The Christian mans care. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1626). An anniuersarie memoriall of Englands deliuery from the Spanish inuasion. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1627). Abrahams decease. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1640). The decease of Lazarus Christ's friend. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1642). An answer to Mr. George Walkers vindication, or rather, fresh accusation. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1645). Gods eye on His Israel, or, A passage of Balaam, out of Numb. 23, 21. EEBO-TCP.

Gataker, Thomas (1679). An antidote against errour concerning justification, or, The true notion of justification, and of justifying faith, cleared by the light of scripture, and solid reason, from several mistakes of the words, which misapprehensions prove the seeds of dangerous errours. EEBO-TCP.

Gaule, John (1657). Sapientia justificata, or, A vindication of the fifth chapter to the Romans. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund (1654). Pleasant notes upon Don Quixot. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund (1655). Charity triumphant, or, The virgin-shew. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund (1655). Upon the meeting of the sons of the clergy at a sermon preached before them in Saint Pauls church the eighth of November, 1655. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund ([1661]). Epulæ Oxonienses, or, A jocular relation of a banqvet. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund ([1662]). Upon Mr. Bobard's yew-men of the guards to the physick garden. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund (1663). The religion of a physician, or, Divine meditations upon the grand and lesser festivals, commanded to be observed in the Church of England by act of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund (1666). The glorious and living cinque-ports of our fortunate island. EEBO-TCP.

Gayton, Edmund ([1666]). To Mr. Robert Whitehall at the wels at Astrop. EEBO-TCP.

Gebhard (1583). A declaration made by the Archbishop of Collen, vpon the deede of his mariage, sent to the states of his archbishoprike. EEBO-TCP.

Geddes, William ([1683]). The saints recreation, third part, upon the estate of grace. EEBO-TCP.

Geninges, John (1614). The life and death of Mr. Edmund Geninges priest, crowned with martyrdome at London, the 10. day of Nouember, in the yeare M.D.XCI. EEBO-TCP.

Gentleman at York (1688?]). Popish treaties not to be rely'd on. EEBO-TCP.

Gentleman in Algier (1682). The present state of Algeir. EEBO-TCP.

Gentleman of the town of Elvas (1686). A relation of the invasion and conquest of Florida by the Spaniards under the command of Fernando de Soto. EEBO-TCP.

Gentleman, Tobias (1614). Englands vvay to vvin vvealth, and to employ ships and marriners, or, A plaine description of what great profite, it will bring vnto the common- wealth of England, by the erecting, building, and aduenturing of busses, to sea, a fishing. EEBO-TCP.

Gerard, John (1633). The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar ([1646]). To the honnorable the Commons of the realme of England, assembled in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1649?]). To the right honourable the Parliament and the Councell of State of England, the most humble expression of Sir Balthazar Gerbier. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1650?]). To the Parliament, the most humble remonstrance of Sr. Balthazar Gerbier, Kt. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1650). The art of well speaking. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1650). The first lecture being an introduction to the military architecture, or fortifications. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar ([1651]). To the supreme authority, the Parliament of the Common-vvealth of England. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1660). A sommary description manifesting that greater profits are to bee done in the hott then in the could [sic] parts off the coast off America. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1662). A brief discourse concerning the three chief principles of magnificent building. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1664). The first and second part of counsel and advice to all builders. EEBO-TCP.

Gerbier, Balthazar (1665). Subsidium peregrinantibus, or, An assistance to a traveller. EEBO-TCP.

Gerhard, Johann (1632). A golden chaine of divine aphorismes. EEBO-TCP.

Gerhard, Johann (1638). Gerards prayers, or, A daylie practice of pietie. EEBO-TCP.

Gerhard, Johann ([1638]). Gerards meditations. EEBO-TCP.

German (1599). Historia de donne famose, or, The Romaine iubile which happened in the yeare 855. EEBO-TCP.

Gifford, George (1587). A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by vvitches and sorcerers. EEBO-TCP.

Gifford, George (1593). A dialogue concerning witches and witchcraftes. EEBO-TCP.

Gifford, Humfrey (1580). Gifford, H.: A Posie of Gilloflowers (1580). CH.

Gilbert, Humphrey (1576. Aprilis. 12). A discourse of a discouerie for a new passage to Cataia. EEBO-TCP.

Gilbert, Thomas ([1679]). Threnode, or, Englands passing-bell. EEBO-TCP.

Gilbert, Thomas (1695). A learned and accurate discource concerning the guilt of sin, pardon of that guilt, and prayer for that pardon. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1691?]). The history of the Athenian Society. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1692). Nuncius infernalis, or, A new account from below. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1692). Poeta infamis, or, A poet not worth hanging. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1692). The post-boy rob'd of his mail, or, The pacquet broke open. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1694). Miscellaneous letters and essays on several subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1697). The Roman brides revenge. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1698). Phaeton, or, The fatal divorce. EEBO-TCP.

Gildon, Charles (1700). Measure for measure, or, Beauty the best advocate. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1637). A dispute against the English-popish ceremonies, obtruded vpon the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1641). An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland in the points of ruling-elders and of the authority of presbyteries and synods. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1644). A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine concerning the present condition of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1644). A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast Wednesday, March 27, 1644. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1646). A sermon preached before the right honourable the House of Lords in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th of August, 1645. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1646). Aarons rod blossoming, or, The divine ordinance of church-government vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1647). CXI propositions concerning the ministerie and government of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1649). A treatise of miscellany questions. EEBO-TCP.

Gillespie, George (1649). An usefull case of conscience discussed and resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Gilpin, Bernard (1581). A godly sermon preached in the court at Greenwich. EEBO-TCP.

Giovio, Paolo (1585). The vvorthy tract of Paulus Iouius, contayning a discourse of rare inuentions, both militarie and amorous called imprese. EEBO-TCP.

Gipps, Thomas (1699). Tentamen novum continuatum, or, An answer to Mr Owen's Plea and defense. EEBO-TCP.

Giraffi, Alessandro (1650). An exact historie of the late revolutions in Naples, and of their monstrous successes. EEBO-TCP.

Giraffi, Alessandro (1663). The second part of Massaniello. EEBO-TCP.

Girard, Guillaume (1670). The history of the life of the Duke of Espernon, the great favourite of France. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvil, John (1696). Glanvil: Damon (1696). CH.

Glanvil, John (1725). Glanvil: Poems (1725). CH.

Glanvill, Joseph (1661). The vanity of dogmatizing, or, Confidence in opinions. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1662). Lux orientalis, or, An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the praeexistence of souls. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1666). A philosophical endeavour towards the defence of the being of vvitches and apparitions. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1667). A loyal tear dropt on the vault of our late martyred sovereign. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1667). Some philosophical considerations touching the being of witches and witchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1668). Plus ultra, or, The progress and advancement of knowledge since the days of Aristotle. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1669). Catholick charity. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1670). Logou threskeia, or, A seasonable recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1670). The way of happiness. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1671). A further discovery of M. Stubbe. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1671). A præfatory answer to Mr. Henry Stubbe, the doctor of Warwick. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1671). Philosophia pia, or, A discourse of the religious temper and tendencies of the experimental philosophy which is profest by the Royal Society. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1674). An earnest invitation to the sacrament of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1675). An account of Mr. Ferguson, his common-place-book. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1676). Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1681). Saducismus triumphatus, or, Full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph (1681). The zealous, and impartial Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

Glanvill, Joseph ([1691]). Mr. J. Glanvil's full vindication of the late Reverend, pious and learned Mr. Richard Baxter. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1639). Argalus and Parthenia. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1639). Poëms. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1639). The tragedy of Albertus VVallenstein. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1640). The Hollander. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1640). The ladies priviledge. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1640). Wit in a constable. EEBO-TCP.

Glapthorne, Henry (1643). White-hall, a poem vvritten 1642. EEBO-TCP.

God, John ([1570]). God: A discourse of the great crueltie of a Widowe [1570]. CH.

Goddard, W. (1615). A Neaste of VVaspes. R3.

Goddard, William (1615). A neaste of vvaspes latelie found out and discouered in the Law-Countreys, yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees. EEBO-TCP.

Goddard, William (1615). Goddard: A neaste of vvaspes (1615). CH.

Goddard, William (1616?]). A mastif vvhelp and other ruff-island-lik currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes. EEBO-TCP.

Goddard, William (1616?]). A satirycall dialogue or a sharplye-invectiue conference, betweene Allexander the great, and that truelye woman-hater Diogynes. EEBO-TCP.

Goddard, William ([1599]). Goddard: A mastif whelp [1599]. CH.

Goddard, William ([1616?]). Goddard: Satirycall dialogue [1615]. CH.

Godefroy, Jacques (1673). The history of the United Provinces of Achaia. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis (1601). A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis ([1603]). To the parson, vicar or curate, of [blank] and to everie of them. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis (1625?]). The succession of the bishops of England since the first planting of Christian religion in this island. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis ([1628]). Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII Edvvardo VI. et Maria regnantibus, annales. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis (1629). Nuncius inanimatus. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis (1657). The man in the moone, or, A discourse of a voyage thither. EEBO-TCP.

Godwin, Francis (1689?]). The character of Thomas Merkes, Bishop of Carlisle. EEBO-TCP.

Godwyn, Thomas (1684). Phanatical tenderness, or, The charity of the non-conformists. EEBO-TCP.

Goedaert, Johannes (1682). Of insects. EEBO-TCP.

Goffe, Thomas (1627). Deliuerance from the graue. EEBO-TCP.

Goffe, Thomas (1631). The raging Turke, or, Baiazet the Second. EEBO-TCP.

Goffe, Thomas (1632). The couragious Turke, or, Amurath the First. EEBO-TCP.

Goffe, Thomas (1633). The tragedy of Orestes. EEBO-TCP.

Goffe, Thomas (1656). The careles shepherdess. EEBO-TCP.

Gold, R (1700). The dream. EEBO-TCP.

Golding, Arthur (1567). Golding: Ovid's Metamorphosis (1567). CH.

Golding, Arthur (1567). The Fifteen Books of Ovid's Metamorphoses. ElizAuth.

Golding, Arthur (1573). A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Saunders, a worshipfull citizen of London. EEBO-TCP.

Golding, Arthur (1577). Golding: A Tragedie of Abrahams Sacrifice (1577). CH.

Golding, Arthur ([1580]). A discourse vpon the earthquake that hapned throughe this realme of Englande, and other places of Christendom, the first of Aprill. 1580. betwene the houres of fiue and six in the euening. EEBO-TCP.

Goldwel, Henry ([1581]). A briefe declaratio[n] of the shews, deuices, speeches, and inuentions, done & performed before the Queenes Maiestie, & the French ambassadours, at the most valiaunt and worthye triumph, attempted and executed on the Munday and Tuesday in VVhitson weeke last, anno 1581. EEBO-TCP.

Gomberville, M. Le Roy (1647). The history of Polexander. EEBO-TCP.

Gomersall, Robert (1633). Gomersall: Poems (1633). CH.

Gomersall, Robert ([1633]). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Gomersall, Robert (1634). Sermons on St Peter. EEBO-TCP.

González de Mendoza, Juan (1588). The historie of the great and mightie kingdome of China, and the situation thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Good, Thomas (1674). Firmianus and Dubitantius, or, Certain dialogues concerning atheism, infidelity, popery, and other heresies and schisme's that trouble the peace of the church and are destructive of primitive piety. EEBO-TCP.

Good, Thomas ([1675]). To the right honorable, the right worshipful, and the reverend, the lords, knights, gentlemen, and clergy, of the diocess and county of Worcester. EEBO-TCP.

Good, Thomas (1677). A brief English tract of logick. EEBO-TCP.

Goodall, Charles (1689). Goodall: Poems and Translations (1689). CH.

Goodcole, Henry (1618). A true declaration of the happy conuersion, contrition, and Christian preparation of Francis Robinson, gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Goodcole, Henry (1621). The wonderfull discouerie of Elizabeth Savvyer a witch. EEBO-TCP.

Goodcole, Henry (1635). The adultresses funerall day in flaming, scorching, and consuming fire, or, The burning downe to ashes of Alice Clarke, late of Vxbridge in the county of Middlesex, in West-smith-field on Wensday the 20 of May, 1635 for the unnaturall poisoning of Fortune Clarke her husband. EEBO-TCP.

Goodcole, Henry (1637). Natures cruell step-dames, or, Matchlesse monsters of the female sex ; Elizabeth Barnes, and Anne Willis. EEBO-TCP.

Goodman, Godfrey (1616). The fall of man, or, The corruption of nature, proued by the light of our naturall reason. EEBO-TCP.

Goodman, Godfrey (1622). The creatures praysing God, or, The religion of dumbe creatures. EEBO-TCP.

Goodman, Godfrey (1653). The two great mysteries of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Goodman, Godfrey (1681). The first apparition of Bishop Goodman's ghost, being a new strange sight, or, A late strange vision. EEBO-TCP.

Goodman, Nicholas (1632). Hollands leaguer, or, An historical discourse of the life and actions of Dona Britanica Hollandia the arch-mistris of the wicked women of Eutopia. EEBO-TCP.

Goodwin, Christopher (1520?]). Here begynneth a lytell prosses or matter called the Chauce of the dolorous louer. EEBO-TCP.

Goodwin, George (1624). Babels balm, or, The honey-combe of Romes religion. EEBO-TCP.

Goodwyn, Christopher (1520). Goodwyn: A lytell prosses (1520). CH.

Goodwyn, Christopher ([1542?] [STC]). The maydens dreme compyled … M.CCCCC.xlij. TUDOR.

Goodwyn, Christopher ([1542]). Goodwyn: The maydens dreme [1542]. CH.

Goodwyn, Crystofer (1520?). Here begynneth a lytell prosses or matter called the chaunce of the dolorous louer newely compyled M.ccccc.xx. TUDOR.

Googe, Barnabe (1563). Googe: Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes (1563). CH.

Googe, Barnabe (1565). Googe: The Zodiake of Life (1565). CH.

Googe, Barnabe (1569). Googe: The Shippe of safegarde (1569). CH.

Googe, Barnabe (1570). Googe: The Popish Kingdome (1570). CH.

Googe, Barnabe (1577). Googe: The overthrovv of the Gout (1577). CH.

Googe, Barnabe (1579). Googe: The Prouerbes of Sir Iames Lopez de Mendoza (1579). CH.

Googe, Barnabe (1672). Googe: A Prophecie Lately Transcribed (1672). CH.

Gordon, James ([1614]). A treatise concerning the church. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James ([1614]). A treatise concerning the ground of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James ([1614]). A treatise concerning the properties and offices of the true Church of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James ([1614]). A treatise of the vnvvritten Word of God, commonly called traditions. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James ([1614]). A treatise of the vvritten VVord of God. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James (1679). The reformed bishop, or, XIX articles. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James (1687). A request to Roman Catholicks to answer the queries upon these their following tenets …. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, James ([1700]). Some observations on the fables of Æsop. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, John (1603). A panegyrique of congratulation for the concord of the realmes of Great Britaine in vnitie of religion, and vnder one king. EEBO-TCP.

Gordon, Patrick (1615). Gordon, P.: The Famous Historie (1615). CH.

Gordon, Patrick (1615). Gordon, P.: The First booke of Penardo and Laissa (1615). CH.

Gorges, Sir Arthur (1614). Gorges: Lucans Pharsalia (1614). CH.

Gorges, Sir Arthur (1619). Gorges: The wisedome of the ancients (1619). CH.

Goring, George Goring (28. 1642). The discovery of a great and wicked conspiracy against this kingdom in generall, and the City of London in particular. EEBO-TCP.

Gosnold, Bartholomew (1602). "Master Bartholomew Gosnold's Letter to his Father, touching his first voyage to Virginia, 1602". EarlyUVa.

Gosson, Stephen (1579). [The schoole of abuse]. EEBO-TCP.

Gosson, Stephen ([1582]). Playes confuted in fiue actions. EEBO-TCP.

Gosynhyll, Edward (1542?]). The prayse of all women, called Mulieru[m] pean. EEBO-TCP.

Gosynhyll, Edward (1560). Gosynhill: The Scole house of women (1560). CH.

Gosynhyll, Edward? (1541). Here begynneth a lytle boke named the schole house of women. TUDOR.

Gosynhyll, Edward ([1556?]). Gosynhyll: Here begynneth a dialogue betwene the comen Secretary and Jelowsy [1556?]. CH.

Gosynhyll, Edward ([1560?]). Gosynhyll: The prayse of all women [1560?]. CH.

Gother, John (1686). A papist mis-represented and represented, or, A twofold character of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Gott, Samuel (1650). An essay of the true happines of man. EEBO-TCP.

Gott, Samuel (1670). The divine history of the genesis of the world explicated & illustrated. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, Thomas (1661). Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, Thomas (1668). A word to sinners, and a word to saints. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, Thomas (1673). The surest & safest way of thriving, or, A conviction of that grand mistake in many, that what is given to the poor, is a loss to their estate : which is so directly contrary as to the experiences of the charitable : so to the testimony of God's spirit in divers places of Scripture …. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, Thomas (1676). The young man's guide through the wilderness of this world to the heavenly Canaan. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, Thomas (1680). God's call to England, for thankfulness after gracious deliverances. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, William (1626). The dignitie of chiualrie. EEBO-TCP.

Gouge, William (1655). A learned and very useful commentary on the whole epistle to the Hebrews. EEBO-TCP.

Gough, John (1570). The aunswer of Iohn Gough preacher, to Maister Fecknams obiections. EEBO-TCP.

Goulart, Simon (1607). Admirable and memorable histories containing the wonders of our time. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1683). Presbytery rough-drawn. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1683). Gould: Presbytery Rough-drawn (1683). CH.

Gould, Robert (1685). A funeral eclogue to the pious memory of the incomparable Mrs. Wharton. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1685). The laurel. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1687). To the society of the Beaux esprits. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert ([1687]). The laureat. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1689). Poems, chiefly consisting of satyrs and satyrical epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1691). A satyrical epistle to the female author of a poem, call'd Silvia's revenge, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1691). Mirana. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1695). A poem most humbly offered to the memory of Her late Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1696). The rival sisters, or, The violence of love. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1698). A satyr against wooing. EEBO-TCP.

Gould, Robert (1709). Gould: The Works (1709). CH.

Gould, Robert ([1687]). Gould: The Laureat [1687]. CH.

Gov. Thomas Hutchinson (1692). THE WITCHCRAFT DELUSION OF 1692. EarlyUVa.

Gower, John (1901). Gower, J.: The Complete Workes (1901). CH.

Gower, John, 1325?-1408 (1390-1393). Confessio amantis. MiddleUVa.

Gracián y Morales, Baltasar (1681). The critick. EEBO-TCP.

Graham, James, 1st Marquis of Montrose (1938). Graham, J.: Poems (1938). CH.

Grahame, Simion (1604). Grahame, S.: The Passionate Sparke (1604). CH.

Grahame, Simion (1609). Grahame, S.: The Anatomie of Hvmors (1609). CH.

Grange, John (1577). The golden Aphroditis. EEBO-TCP.

Grange, John (1577). Grange: The Golden Aphroditis (1577). CH.

Granger, Timothy ([1568]). A moste true and marueilous straunge wonder, the lyke hath seldom ben seene, of. XVII. monstrous fishes, taken in Suffolke, at Downham brydge, within a myle of Ipswiche. EEBO-TCP.

Granger, Timothy (1570?]). The.xxv. orders of fooles. EEBO-TCP.

Grassi, Giacomo di (1594). Giacomo di Grassi his True arte of defence. EEBO-TCP.

Gratton, John (1674). John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed. EEBO-TCP.

Gratton, John (1683). The prisoners vindication. EEBO-TCP.

Gratton, John (1695). A treatise concerning baptism, and the Lord's Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Graves, Edward (1679). A brief narrative and deduction of the several remarkable cases of Sir William Courten, and Sir Paul Pyndar, Knights, and William Courten late of London Esquire, deceased. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, Andrew (1669). Great precious promises, or, Some sermons concerning the promises and the right application thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, Andrew (1669). The great salvation offered and tendered. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, Andrew (1669). The mystery of faith opened up, or, Some sermons concerning faith (two whereof were not formerly printed). EEBO-TCP.

Gray, Andrew (1672). The spiritual warfare, or, Some sermons concerning the nature of mortification, right exercise, and spiritual advantages thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, L. J. (1553). Proclamation Of Lady Jane Grey as Queen of England. R3.

Gray, William ([1540]). An answere to maister Smyth. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, William ([1540]). The ret[ur]ne of M. Smythes enuoy …. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, William (1649). Chorographia, or, A survey of Newcastle upon Tine. EEBO-TCP.

Gray, William [of Reading] (1548). The vnion of the two noble and illustrate famelies of Lancastre and Yorke [by Edward Halle]. TUDOR.

Gray, William ([1540]). An answere to maister Smyth. TUDOR.

Gray, William ([1540]). The returne of.M. smythes enuoy. TUDOR.

Greaves, John (1646). Pyramidographia, or, A description of the pyramids in Ægypt. EEBO-TCP.

Greaves, John (1647). A discourse of the Romane foot and denarius. EEBO-TCP.

Greaves, Thomas (1656). A brief summe of Christian religion, or, Of things most necessary for a Christians knowledge, practice, and comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, R. (1592). Greene's Groats-worth of Wit. R3.

Greene, Robert (1583). Mamillia. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1584). Gvvydonius. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1584). Morando the tritameron of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1584). The myrrour of modestie. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1585). Planetomachia, or, The first parte of the generall opposition of the seuen planets. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1587). Euphues his censure to Philautus. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1588). Pandosto. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1588). Perimedes the blacke-smith. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1589). Arbasto. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1589). Ciceronis amor. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1589). Menaphon. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1589). The Spanish masquerado. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1590). Greenes mourning garment. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1590). Greenes neuer too late, or, A powder of experience. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1591). A maidens dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1591). Greenes farewell to folly. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1591). The second part of conny-catching. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). A disputation, betweene a hee conny-catcher, and a shee conny-catcher. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). A notable discouery of coosenage. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). A quip for an vpstart courtier, or, A quaint dispute betvveen veluet breeches and cloth-breeches. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). Greenes, groats-vvorth of witte, bought with a million of repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). Philomela. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). The blacke bookes messenger. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). The defence of conny catching, or, a confutation of those two iniurious pamphlets published by R.G. against the practitioners of many nimble-witted and mysticall sciences. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1592). The repentance of Robert Greene Maister of Artes. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert ([1592]). Greenes vision. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1594). The historie of Orlando Furioso, one of the twelue pieres of France. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1599). Greenes Orpharion. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1599). The comicall historie of Alphonsus, King of Aragon. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1599). The Comicall historie of Alphonsus, King of Aragon. ElizAuth.

Greene, Robert (1601). Penelopes vveb. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1615). Theeues falling out, true-men come by their goods, or, The belman wanted a clapper. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1617). Alcida. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1617). The history of Arbasto King of Denmarke. EEBO-TCP.

Greene, Robert (1905). Greene: The Plays & Poems (1905). CH.

Greene, Robert (Pandosto - The Triumph of Time). 1588. ElizAuth.

Greenham, Richard (1584). A godlie exhortation, and fruitfull admonition to vertuous parents and modest matrons. EEBO-TCP.

Greenham, Richard (1595). A most sweete and assured comfort for all those that are afflicted in consciscience [sic], or troubled in minde. EEBO-TCP.

Greenham, Richard (1595). Two learned and godly sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Greenham, Richard (1597). Propositions containing answers to certaine demaunds in divers spirituall matters. EEBO-TCP.

Greenham, Richard (1598). Paramythion. EEBO-TCP.

Greenham, Richard (1612). The workes of the reuerend and faithfull seruant af Iesus Christ M. Richard Greenham, minister and preacher of the Word of God. EEBO-TCP.

Greenwood, John (1590 [i.e. 1603]). An aunsvver to George Giffords pretended defence of read prayers and devised leitourgies. EEBO-TCP.

Greenwood, John (1640). More vvorke for priests, or, An answere to George Giffords pretended defence of read prayers and devised leitourgies. EEBO-TCP.

Greepe, Thomas (1587). Greepe, T.: The true and perfecte Newes (1587). CH.

Greepe, Thomas ([1587]). The true and perfecte newes of the woorthy and valiaunt exploytes, performed and doone by that valiant knight Syr Frauncis Drake. EEBO-TCP.

Gregory (1568). Epigrams and sentences spirituall in vers, of Gregori Nazanzen, an auncient & famous bishop in the Greke churche. EEBO-TCP.

Grelot, Guillaume-Joseph (1683). A late voyage to Constantinople. EEBO-TCP.

Greville, Fulke (1609). The tragedy of Mustapha. EEBO-TCP.

Greville, Fulke (1633). Certaine learned and elegant vvorkes of the Right Honorable Fulke Lord Brooke. EEBO-TCP.

Greville, Fulke (1651). The tragedy of that famous Roman oratour Marcus Tullius Cicero. EEBO-TCP.

Greville, Fulke (1670). The remains of Sir Fulk Grevill Lord Brooke. EEBO-TCP.

Greville, Fulke, Baron Brooke (1670). Greville: The Remains (1670). CH.

Greville, Fulke, Baron Brooke (1939). Greville: Poems (1939). CH.

Grew, Nehemiah (1673). An idea of a phytological history propounded. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1675). A discourse made before the Royal Society, Decemb. 10, 1674. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1675). The comparative anatomy of trunks. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1678). Experiments in consort of the luctation arising from the affusion of several menstruums upon all sorts of bodies. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1679/80). Whereas a book entitutled, Musæum Regalis Societatis. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1682). The anatomy of plants. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1683). New experiments, and useful observations concerning sea-water made fresh. EEBO-TCP.

Grew, Nehemiah (1685). Musæum regalis societatis, or, A catalogue and description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge. EEBO-TCP.

Grey, Elizabeth, Countess of Kent (1653). A choice manuall, or rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery. WWP.

Grey, Elizabeth, Countess of Kent (1653). A true gentlewomans delight. Wherein is contained all manner of cookery: together with preserving, conserving, drying, and candying. WWP.

Griffin, Bartholomew (1596). Griffin: Fidessa, more chaste then kinde (1596). CH.

Grimald, Nicholas (1551). Grimald: Commendatory poem (1551). CH.

Grimston, Harbottle (1641). Master Grimstons argvment concerning bishops with Mr. Seldens answer. EEBO-TCP.

Grimston, Harbottle (1641). Mr. Grymstons speech in Parliament upon the accusation and impeachment of William Laud Arch-bishop of Canterbury upon high treason. EEBO-TCP.

Grindal, Edmund (1564). A sermon, at the funeral solemnitie of the most high and mighty Prince Ferdinandus, the late Emperour of most famous memorye. EEBO-TCP.

Grotius, Hugo (1655). The illustrious Hugo Grotius Of the law of warre and peace. EEBO-TCP.

Grotius, Hugo (1682). The English version of Hugo Grotius, his catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Grove, Matthew (1587). Grove: The Historie of Pelops and Hippodamia (1587). CH.

Grymeston, Elizabeth (1604). Miscelanea, meditations, memoratiues. EEBO-TCP.

Grymeston, Elizabeth (1604). Grymeston: Miscelanea (1604). CH.

Grymeston, Elizabeth (Bernye) (1604). Miscelanea, meditations, memoratives. WWP.

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo (1648). An history of the late warres and other state affaires of the best part of Christendom. EEBO-TCP.

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo (3 others], 1676). The history of France. EEBO-TCP.

Guarini, Battista (1647). Il pastor fido. EEBO-TCP.

Guazzo, Stefano (1581). The ciuile conuersation. EEBO-TCP.

Guevara, Antonio de ([1697]). Spanish letters. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1608). A yong mans inquisition, or triall. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1620). Moses vnuailed, or, Those figures which serued vnto the patterne and shaddow of heauenly things, pointing out the Messiah Christ Iesus, briefly explained. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1625). Ignis fatuus, or, The elf-fire of purgatorie. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1627). Popish glorying in antiquity turned to their shame. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1633). The humble addresse both of church and poore, to the sacred maiestie of Great Britaines monarch. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1649). The old Roman Catholik, as at first he was taught by Paul, in opposition to the new Roman Catholick, as of latter he is taught by the Pope. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1655). Anti-Christ pointed and painted out in his true colours, or, The popes of Rome proven to bee that man of sinne and sonne of perdition fore-prophesied in Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Guild, William (1656). The noveltie of poperie. EEBO-TCP.

Guilford, Francis North (1677). A philosophical essay of musick. EEBO-TCP.

Guilford, Francis North (1680). The examination of Captain William Bedlow, deceased, relating to the Popish Plot. EEBO-TCP.

Guillemard, Jean (1621). A combat betwixt man and death, or, A discourse against the immoderate apprehension and feare of death. EEBO-TCP.

Guilleragues, Gabriel Joseph de Lavergne (1678). Five love-letters from a nun to a cavalier. EEBO-TCP.

Guillim, John (1679). A display of heraldry. EEBO-TCP.

Guilpin, E. (1598). Skialetheia. R3.

Guilpin, Edward (1598). Guilpin: Skialetheia (1598). CH.

Guilpin, Edward (1601). Guilpin, E.: The Whipper of the Satyre his pennance in a white Sheete (1601). CH.

Gulter, Giles (1641). The archbishops crveltie made knowne in a true story of one Mr. Edward Rood who was minister at Saint Helens in Abingdon, and dismissed of his meanes and ministery by him. EEBO-TCP.

Gunning, Peter (1662). The Paschal or Lent-Fast, apostolical & perpetual. EEBO-TCP.

Guthrie, James (1653). A humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ministery of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Guthrie, James (1661). The true and perfect speech of Mr. James Guthrey, late minister of Sterling. EEBO-TCP.

Guthrie, James (1690). A treatise of ruling elders and deacons. EEBO-TCP.

Guy ([1542]). The questyonary of cyrurgyens. EEBO-TCP.

Guy, Richard (1635?]). The country-mans new care away. EEBO-TCP.

Guyon, Madame (1647-1717). Autobiography of Madame Guyon. CCEL.

Guyon, Madame. Song of Songs of Solomon / Explanations and Reflections having Reference to the Interior Life. CCEL.

Gwalther, Rudolf (1572). An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles. EEBO-TCP.


H. B. ([1566]). The true discripcion of a childe with ruffes borne in the parish of Micheham in the cou[n]tie of Surrey in the yeere of our Lord. M.D.LXvi. EEBO-TCP.

H. B. (1634). The opinion, judgement, and determination of two reverend, learned, and conformable divines of the Church of England, concerning bowing at the name, or naming of Jesus. EEBO-TCP.

H. C (1579?]). A dolefull ditty, or, Sorowfull sonet of the Lord Darly, sometime king of Scots, neuew to the noble and worthy King Henry the eyght. EEBO-TCP.

H. C (1659). An extract out of a letter from a gentleman of quality, wherein this addresse was sent up to be printed. EEBO-TCP.

H. C. ([1637]). Londons Lord have mercy vpon vs. EEBO-TCP.

H. D. (1583). A godlie and fruitfull treatise of faith and workes. Wherein is confuted a certaine opinion of merit by workes, which an aduersary to the gospell of Christ Iesu, held in the conference, had in the Tower of London. EEBO-TCP.

H. R (1600). Haigh for Deuonshire. EEBO-TCP.

Habermann, Johann (1579). The enimie of securitie, or, A dailie exercise of godly meditations. EEBO-TCP.

Habervesl z Habernfeldu, Ondrej (1680). A true narrative of the Popish-plot against King Charles I and the Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.

Habington, William (1640). Castara. EEBO-TCP.

Habington, William (1640). The historie of Edvvard the Fourth, King of England. EEBO-TCP.

Habington, William (1640). The Queene of Arragon. EEBO-TCP.

Habington, William (1641). Observations vpon historie. EEBO-TCP.

Habington, William (1948). Habington: Poems (1948). CH.

Haddon, Walter (1565?]). A sight of the Portugall pearle. EEBO-TCP.

Haddon, Walter (1581). Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane in Portingall and against his slaunderous inuectiues. EEBO-TCP.

Hagthorpe, John (1622). Diuine meditations, and elegies. EEBO-TCP.

Hagthorpe, John (1622). Hagthorpe: Divine Meditations (1622). CH.

Hagthorpe, John (1623). Visiones rerum. EEBO-TCP.

Hagthorpe, John (1623). Hagthorpe: Visiones rerum (1623). CH.

Hake, Edward (1574). A touchestone for this time present. EEBO-TCP.

Hake, Edward (1574). Hake, E.: A Compendious fourme of education (1574). CH.

Hake, Edward ([1575]). A commemoration of the most prosperous and peaceable raigne of our gratious and deere soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Irelande, Queene &c. EEBO-TCP.

Hake, Edward (1579). Hake, E.: Newes out of Powles Churchyarde (1579). CH.

Hake, Edward ([1579]). Newes out of Powles Churchyarde. EEBO-TCP.

Hake, Edward ([1587]). An oration conteyning an expostulation. EEBO-TCP.

Hake, Edward (1604). Hake, E.: Of Golds Kingdome and This Unhelping Age (1604). CH.

Hake, Edward ([1604]). Of golds kingdome, and this vnhelping age. EEBO-TCP.

Hake, Edward ([1575]). Hake, E.: A Commemoration of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth [1575]. CH.

Hakewill, George (1613). The auncient ecclesiasticall practise of confirmation. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1615). The vanitie of the eye. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1616). An ansvvere to a treatise vvritten by Dr. Carier, by way of a letter to his Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1621). King Dauids vow for reformation of himselfe. his family. his kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1626). A comparison betvveene the dayes of Purim and that of the Powder treason. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1627). An apologie of the povver and prouidence of God in the gouernment of the world, or, An examination and censure of the common errour touching natures perpetuall and vniuersall decay. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1632). A sermon preached at Barstaple. EEBO-TCP.

Hakewill, George (1641). A short but cleare discovrse of the institiution, dignity, and end of the Lords-day. EEBO-TCP.

Hakluyt, Richard (1584). Richard Hakluyt's "Discourse of Western Planting": electronic edition. TACT.

Hakluyt, Richard (1584). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Hakluyt, Richard (1585,1586). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Hakluyt, Richard (1586). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Hakluyt, Richard (1587). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Hale, Matthew (1684). The judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale, of the nature of true religion, the causes of its corruption, and the churches calamity by mens additions and violences. EEBO-TCP.

Hales, John (1642). A tract concerning schism and schismatiqves. EEBO-TCP.

Hales, John (1673). Golden remains of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales …. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1681). A seasonable address to both Houses of Parliament concerning the succession, the fears of popery, and arbitrary government. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1687). A letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesties late gracious declaration of indulgence. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1687). Lettre ecrite a un nonconformiste, au sujet de la derniére déclaration de sa majesté, pour la tolérance. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile ([1687]). Remarks upon a pamphlet stiled, A letter to a dissenter, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1688). The commissioners proposals to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1688). The lady's new-years gift, or, Advice to a daughter. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile ([1688]). A letter from a clergy-man in the city, to his friend in the country, containing his reasons for not reading the declaration. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile ([1688]). The character of a trimmer. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1689). The character of the Protestants of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile ([1689]). The character of a trimmer concerning religion, laws and liberties. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile ([1690]). A letter from a nobleman in London, to his friend in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1694). A rough draught of a new model at sea. EEBO-TCP.

Halifax, George Savile (1695). Some cautions offered to the consideration of those who are to chuse members to serve in the ensuing Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Arthur ([1576?]). A letter sent by F.A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Arthur (1581). Hall, A.: Ten books of Homers Iliades (1581). CH.

Hall, Edmund (1653). He apostasia, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Edmund (1664). A sermon preached at Stanton-Harcourt Church in the county of Oxford, at the funerall of the Honourable the Lady Ann Harcourt, who deceased Aug. 23, 1664. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Edward (1548). The vnion of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre [and] Yorke, beeyng long in continual discension for the croune of this noble realme. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, J., Bishop of Exeter (1608). Characters of Virtues and Vices. R3.

Hall, John (1550). Hall, John: 1529?-1566?: Certayn chapters tak³ out of the Proverbes of Salom° (1550). CH.

Hall, John (1563). Hall, John: A poesie in forme of a Vision (1563). CH.

Hall, John (1646-1647). Hall, John: 1627-1656: Poems (1646 -1647). CH.

Hall, John (1653). Paradoxes. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, John (1658). Hall, John: 1627-1656: Emblems with elegant figures (1658). CH.

Hall, John (1676). Jacobs ladder, or, The devout souls ascention to Heaven, in prayers, thanksgivings, and praises. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, John (1679). Select observations on English bodies of eminent persons in desperate diseases. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, John (1682). Hall, J.: Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans (1682). CH.

Hall, John ([1563]). Hall, John: A commendatory poem [1563]. CH.

Hall, John ([1565?]). Hall, J.: [A Book of Proverbs.] [1565?]. CH.

Hall, John ([1565]). Hall, John: The Courte of Vertu [1565]. CH.

Hall, Joseph (1610). A common apologie of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph (1614). Contemplations vpon the principal passages of the holy story. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph (1622). Contemplations, the sixth volume. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph ([1635]). The character of man. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph (1647). Christ mysticall, or, The blessed union of Christ and his members. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph (1650). The balm of Gilead, or, Comforts for the distressed, both morall and divine. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph (1654). Cases of conscience practically resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich (1598). Hall, J.: Virgidemiarvm (1598). CH.

Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich (1598). Hall, Joseph: Virgidemiarvm. The three last Bookes (1598). CH.

Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich (1603). Hall, Joseph: The Kings Prophecie (1603). CH.

Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich (1607). Hall, Joseph: Some fewe of David's Psalms Metaphrased (1607). CH.

Hall, Richard (1655). The life & death of that renowned John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1651). The pulpit guarded with XVII arguments. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1654). Comarum akosmia. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1655). The beauty of holiness, or, A description of the excellency, amiablenes, comfort, and content which is to be found in wayes of purity and holinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1655). Vindiciæ literarum, the schools guarded, or, The excellency and vsefulnesse of humane learning in subordination to divinity, and preparation to the ministry. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1658). A practical and polemical commentary, or, Exposition upon the third and fourth chapters of the latter epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1660). An apologie for the ministry and its maintenance. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1660). Samaria's downfall, or, A commentary (by way of supplement) on the five last verses of the thirteenth chapter of Hosea. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1660). The beauty of magistracy. EEBO-TCP.

Hall, Thomas (1661). An exposition by way of supplement, on the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chapters of the prophecy of Amos. EEBO-TCP.

Hallywell, Henry (1681). Melampronoea, or, A discourse of the polity and kingdom of darkness. EEBO-TCP.

Hamilton, Patrick (1534?]). Dyuers frutful gatherynges of scripture and declarynge of fayth and workes of the lawe. EEBO-TCP.

Hamilton, William (1700). A discourse concerning zeal. EEBO-TCP.

Hamilton, William Douglas ([1679]). Some farther matter of fact relating to the administration of affairs in Scotland, under the Duke of Lauderdale. EEBO-TCP.

Hammond, Henry (1644). Of resisting the lavvfull magistrate under colour of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Hammond, Henry (1650). A copy of some papers past at Oxford, betwixt the author of the Practicall catechisme, and Mr. Ch. EEBO-TCP.

Hammond, William (1655). Hammond, W.: Poems (1655). CH.

Hamond, George (1693). A good minister of Jesus Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Hamond, Thomas (1605). The late commotion of certaine papists in Herefordshire. EEBO-TCP.

Hamond, Walter (1640). A paradox. EEBO-TCP.

Hamond, Walter (1643). Madagascar, the richest and most frvitfvll island in the world. EEBO-TCP.

Hamor, Ralph (1615). A true discourse of the present estate of Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Hands, Several (1683-1686). "Plutarch's Lives": electronic edition. TACT.

Hanmer, Jonathan (1677). Archaioskopia, or, A view of antiquity. EEBO-TCP.

Hannapes, Nicolas de (1561). The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of Holye Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Hannay, Patrick (1619). A happy husband, or, Directions for a maide to choose her mate. EEBO-TCP.

Hannay, Patrick (1622). Hannay: The Nightingale [etc.] (1622). CH.

Harbert, William, of Glamorgan (1604). Harbert: A Prophesie of Cadwallader (1604). CH.

Harbert, William, of Glamorgan (1605). Harbert: Commendatory poem to The French Garden (1605). CH.

Harbert, William, of Glamorgan (1606). Harbert: England's Sorrowe (1606). CH.

Harbert, William, of Glamorgan (1625). Harbert: Commendatory verse to Britannia's pastorals (1625). CH.

Harcourt, Robert (1613). A relation of a voyage to Guiana. EEBO-TCP.

Harding, Thomas (1567). A reioindre to M. Iewels replie. EEBO-TCP.

Harding, Thomas (26 Iulij [26 July 1565]). A briefe answere of Thomas Harding Doctor of Diuinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1647). The arraignment of licentious liberty, and oppressing tyranny. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1648). Justice triumphing, or, The spoylers spoyled. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1653). Mercy in her beauty, or, The height of a deliverance from the depth of danger. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1656). Safety in the midst of danger. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1656). The first general epistle of St. John the Apostle, unfolded and applied. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1656). Wisdomes character and counterfeit. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1658). A sad prognostick of approaching judgement, or, The happy misery of good men in bad times. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1658). Love and fear. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1658). The olive-branch presented to the native citizens of London. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1659). A looking-glasse of hvmane frailty. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1659). Cardvvs benedictvs, The advantage of affliction, or, The reward of patience. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1659). Mans last journey to his long home. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1659). The pilgrims wish, or, The saints longing. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1659). The pious votary and prudent traveller. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1660). The choicest fruit of peace gathered from the tree of life. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1661). The apostolical liturgy revived. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1661). The hierarchy exalted and its enemies humbled. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1662). A loud call to great mourning. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1666). Lamentation, mourning, and woe. EEBO-TCP.

Hardy, Nathaniel (1668). The royal common-wealth's man, or, King David's picture. EEBO-TCP.

Hardyng, John (1543). The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, from the first begynnyng of Englande [etc.]. TUDOR.

Hare, John (1642). The marine mercury, or, A true relation of the strange appearance of a man-fish about three miles within the river of Thames, having a musket in one hand and a petition in the other. EEBO-TCP.

Harflete, Henry (1632). The hunting of the fox, or, Flattery displayed. EEBO-TCP.

Harflete, Henry (1653). A banquet of essayes, fetcht out of famous Owens confectionary, disht out, and served up at the table of Mecoenas. EEBO-TCP.

Harington, John (1596). A nevv discourse of a stale subiect, called the metamorphosis of Aiax. EEBO-TCP.

Harington, John (1596). An anatomie of the metamorpho-sed Aiax. EEBO-TCP.

Harington, John ([1596]). An apologie. EEBO-TCP.

Harington, John (1618). The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington, Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Harington, John (1653). A briefe view of the state of the Church of England as it stood in Q. Elizabeths and King James his reigne, to the yeere 1608. EEBO-TCP.

Harington, John (1657). Harington, John: The History of Polindor and Flostella (1657). CH.

Harington, John (1684). Harington, J.: The Odes and Epodon of Horace (1684). CH.

Harington, John (1684). Harington, John: The Grecian Story (1684). CH.

Harington, John (1685). Harington, J.: A Pindarick Ode on the Death Of His Late Sacred Majesty, King Charles II (1685). CH.

Harington, John, the elder (1971). Harington, J.: the elder: Works (1971). CH.

Harington, Sir John (1607). Harington, Sir J.: Orlando Fvrioso (1607). CH.

Harington, Sir John (1607). Harington, Sir J.: The Englishmans Docter (1607). CH.

Harington, Sir John (1618). Harrington, J.: The most elegant and witty epigrams (1618). CH.

Harington, Sir John (1804). Harington, J.: Nugæ Antiquæ (1804). CH.

Hariot, Thomas (1588). Hariot's Narrative of The First Plantation of Virginia in 1585. EarlyUVa.

Hariot, Thomas ([1590]). A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Harman, Thomas (1573). A caueat o[r warening, for [?]] common cursetor[s vulgarely called [?]] vagabones,. EEBO-TCP.

Harpsfield, John ([1553]). Concio quædam admodum elegans, docta, salubris, & pia magistri Iohannis Harpesfeldi, sacre Theologiæ baccalaurei, habita coram patribus & clero in Ecclesia Paulina Londini.26. Octobris. 1553. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1645). Noah's dove, or, An epistle of peace directed to his intirely affected brethren, the Presbiterians and Independants. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1658). The stumbling-block of disobedience & rebellion. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1659). Aphorisms political. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James ([1659]). Brief directions shewing how a fit and perfect model of popular government may be made, found, or understood. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1660). Political discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1680?]). The benefit of the ballot, with nature and use thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1688). Some reflections upon a treatise call'd Pietas Romana & Parisiensis, lately printed at Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1690). An account of the proceedings of the Right Reverend Father in God Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exeter in his late visitation of Exeter college in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, James (1690). Roger L'Estrange's queries considered. EEBO-TCP.

Harrington, Richard (1584). A famous dittie of the ioyful receauing of the Queens moste excellent maiestie, by the worthy citizens of London. EEBO-TCP.

Harris, Benjamin (1679). A short, but just account of the tryal of Benjamin Harris. EEBO-TCP.

Harris, Joseph (1691). The mistakes, or, The false report. EEBO-TCP.

Harris, Joseph (1696). The city bride, or, The merry cuckold. EEBO-TCP.

Harris, Joseph (1699). Love's a lottery and a woman the prize. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, John (1619). A short relation of the departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia, with his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth, and the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receiue the crowne of that kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, John ([1619]). The Messiah already come, or, Profes [sic] of Christianitie. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, John (1633). The tragicall life and death of Muley Abdala Melek the late King of Barbarie. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, John (1649). Nahash redivivus in a letter from the Parliament of Scotland, directed to the Honorable William Lenthal, Speaker of the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, John (1683). A thanksgiving sermon for discovery of the late phanatick plot, September 9, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, Robert ([1583]). [A little treatise vppon the firste verse of the 122. Psalm]. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, Robert (1672). Two sermons lately preached at the Assizes in St. Maries Church in Leicester. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, Robert (1682). A strange relation of the suddain and violent tempest, which happened at Oxford May 31, Anno Domini 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, Stephen ([1604]). The arch's of triumph erected in honor of the high and mighty prince. Iames. the first of that name. King, of England. and the sixt of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, Thomas (1690). Political aphorisms, or, The true maxims of government displayed. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, William (1602). Deaths aduantage little regarded, and The soules solace against sorrow. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, William (1625). A plaine and profitable exposition, of the parable of the sower and the seede. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, William (1634). The christian life and death, of Mistris Katherin Brettergh. EEBO-TCP.

Harrison, William (1639). Tvvo treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Harriss, Charles (1669). The woolf under sheeps-clothing discovered, or, The spirit of Cain, appearing in the Bishop of Liechfield, reproved. EEBO-TCP.

Hart, William (1608). The examinations, arraignment & conuiction of George Sprot, notary in Aye-mouth. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Christopher (1640). The synagogue, or, The shadow of the temple. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Christopher (1640). Harvey, C.: The synagogue (1640). CH.

Harvey, Christopher (1647). Schola cordis, or, The heart of it selfe, gone away from God. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Christopher (1647). Harvey, C: Schola cordis (1647). CH.

Harvey, Gabriel (1593). A nevv letter of notable contents. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gabriel (1593). Pierces supererogation, or, A new prayse of the old asse. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1665). A discourse of the plague. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1666). Morbus anglicus, or, The anatomy of consumptions. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1670). Little Venus unmask'd, or, A perfect discovery of the French pox. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1674). A theoretical and chiefly practical treatise of fevors. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1675). The disease of London, or, A new discovery of the scorvey [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1678). Casus medico-chirurgicus, or, A most memorable case, of a noble-man deceased. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1678). The family-physician, and the house-apothecary. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1686). The conclave of physicians. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1689). The art of curing diseases by expectation. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1696). A treatise of the small-pox and measles. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Gideon (1699). The vanities of philosophy & physick. EEBO-TCP.

Harvey, Richard ([1590]). Plaine Perceuall the peace-maker of England. EEBO-TCP.

Harwood, Edward (1642). The advice of that vvorthy commander Sir Ed. Harvvood, collonell. EEBO-TCP.

Hasleton, Richard (1595). Strange and wonderfull things. EEBO-TCP.

Hastings, Francis (1600). An apologie or defence of the watch-vvord,. EEBO-TCP.

Hatton, Christopher ([1579]). A true report of the most gratious and mercifull message of hir most excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Hatton, Christopher (1677). A treatise concerning statutes, or acts of Parliament, and the exposition thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Haudicquer de Blancourt, Jean (1699). The art of glass. EEBO-TCP.

Hausted, Peter (1642). A satyre against seperatists, or, The conviction of chamber-preachers and other chismatickes contrary to the discipline of this our Protestant profession. EEBO-TCP.

Haviland, Matthew ([1635?]). Haviland: A monument of Gods most gracious preservation of England ([1635?]). CH.

Hawes, Stephen (1504?). Here begynneth the boke called the example of vertu. TUDOR.

Hawes, Stephen (1504?]). Here begynneth the boke called the example of vertu. EEBO-TCP.

Hawes, Stephen (1509). A joyfull medytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of Henry the eyght. TUDOR.

Hawes, Stephen (1509). Hawes: The c°uercyon of swerers (1509). CH.

Hawes, Stephen (1509). The conuercyon of swerers. TUDOR.

Hawes, Stephen ([1509]). The co[n]uercyon of swerers. EEBO-TCP.

Hawes, Stephen ([1509]). A ioyfull medytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of our moost naturall souerayne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. EEBO-TCP.

Hawes, Stephen (1515). The conforte of louers. TUDOR.

Hawes, Stephen (1517). Here begynneth the passe tyme of pleasuR3. TUDOR.

Hawes, Stephen ([1554]). The historie of graunde Amoure and la bell Pucel, called the Pastime of plesure. EEBO-TCP.

Hawes, Stephen (1928 (for 1927)). Hawes: The Pastime of Pleasure (1928 for 1927). CH.

Hawes, Stephen ([1509]). Hawes: A Joyfull medytacyon to all Englonde [1509]. CH.

Hawes, Stephen ([1510?]). Hawes: The Example of Vertu [1510?]. CH.

Hawes, Stephen ([1512?]). Hawes, S.: The comfort of lovers [1512?]. CH.

Hawkins, Henry ([1632]). The history of S. Elizabeth daughter of the King of Hungary. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkins, Henry ([1633]). Partheneia sacra, or, The mysterious and delicious garden of the sacred Parthenes. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkins, John (1569). A true declaration of the troublesome voyadge of M. Iohn Haukins to the parties of Guynea and the west Indies, in the yeares of our Lord 1567. and 1568. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkins, John (1692). The English school-master compleated. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkins, Richard (1622). The observations of Sir Richard Havvkins Knight, in his voiage into the South Sea. Anno Domini 1593. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkins, William ([1627]). Apollo shrouing. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1693). Poems upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1693). Hawkshaw: Poems Upon Several Occasions (1693). CH.

Hay, George (1563). The confutation of the abbote of Crosraguels masse. EEBO-TCP.

Hay, John (1617). A speach, deliuered to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Hay, Peter (1616). A vision of Balaams asse. EEBO-TCP.

Hay, Peter (1627). An aduertiseme[nt] to the subjects of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Hayley, William (1687). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable George, Earl of Berkeley, governour, and the company of merchants of England trading into the Levant seas. EEBO-TCP.

Hayley, William (1696). A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons at St. Margarets Westminster, upon December the 11th, 1695. EEBO-TCP.

Hayley, William (1699). A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Giles in the Fields. EEBO-TCP.

Hayley, William (1700). A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the lord mayor of London, and the Honourable the Court of Aldermen, and governours of the several hospitals of the city. EEBO-TCP.

Hayman, Robert (1628). Quodlibets lately come ouer from New Britaniola, old Newfound-land. EEBO-TCP.

Hayman, Robert (1628). Hayman: Quodlibets (1628). CH.

Hayman, Robert ([before 1634]). Hayman: Epigrammes [1634]. CH.

Hayward, John (1599). The first part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1601). The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1602). A sermon of the stewards danger. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1603). An ansvver to the first part of a certaine conference, concerning succession, published not long since vnder the name of R. Dolman. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1603). Gods vniuersal right proclaimed. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1604). A treatise of vnion of the two realmes of England and Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1606). A reporte of a discourse concerning supreme power in affaires of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1613). The liues of the III. Normans, Kings of England. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1614). The strong helper, offering to beare euery mans burthen, or, A treatise, teaching in all troubles how to cast our burden vpon God. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1622 [i.e. 1623]). Dauids teares. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John ([1623]). Christs prayer vpon the Crosse for his enemies. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1630). The life, and raigne of King Edward the Sixt. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1683). The right of succession asserted against the false reasonings and seditious insinuations of R. Dolman alias Parsons and others. EEBO-TCP.

Hayward, John (1695). The precious blood of the son of God. EEBO-TCP.

Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) (1725). Bath-intrigues: in four letters to a friend in London. WWP.

Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) (1729). The fair Hebrew: or, a true, but secret history of two Jewish ladies. WWP.

Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) (1736). Adventures of Eovaai, princess of Ijaveo. WWP.

Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) (1745). The female spectator. WWP.

Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) (1745). The female spectator. WWP.

Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) (1745). The female spectator. WWP.

Head, Richard (1668). The English rogue described, in the life of Meriton Latroon, a witty extravagant. EEBO-TCP.

Head, Richard (1680). The English rogue continued in the life of Meriton Latroon, and other extravangants. EEBO-TCP.

Headrich, John (1697). Arcana philosophia, or, Chymical secrets. EEBO-TCP.

Hearne, Thomas (1650). A seasonable vvord, or, A plain and tender-hearted epistle to all sincere hearts in Parliament, Army and countrey, who have any willing, though weak desires to glorifie their Heavenly Father in their holy conversations. EEBO-TCP.

Hearne, Thomas (1698). Ductor historicus, or, A short system of universal history and an introduction to the study of that science. EEBO-TCP.

Heart, Edward (1657). Flushing Remonstrance. EarlyUVa.

Hearty lover of his prince and country (1681). A second dialogue between the Pope and a phanatick, concerning affairs in England. EEBO-TCP.

Hearty lover of his prince and country (1684). A third dialogue between the Pope and a phanatick, concerning affairs in England. EEBO-TCP.

Hearty lover of King William and Queen Mary (1691). Some modest reflections upon Mr. Stephens's late book, entituled, A plain relation of the late action at sea, between the English, Dutch, and French fleets, from June 22 to July 5 last. EEBO-TCP.

Hearty lover of King William and the Protestant religion (1698). Loyalty vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Heath, James ([1661]). An elegie upon Dr. Tho. Fuller. EEBO-TCP.

Heath, James ([1676]). A chronicle of the late intestine war in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Heath, John (1610). Heath, J.: Two centvries of epigrammes (1610). CH.

Heath, John (1619). Heath, J.: The hovse of correction (1619). CH.

Heath, Robert (1650). Heath: Clarastella (1650). CH.

Heath, Robert (1659). Paradoxical assertions and philosophical problems full of delight and recreation for all ladies and youthful fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Heath, Robert (1694). Maxims and rules of pleading, in actions real, personal and mixt, popular and penal. EEBO-TCP.

Heer, Henri de (1658). The most true and wonderfull narration of two women bewitched in Yorkshire. EEBO-TCP.

Heliodorus (1686). The Æthiopian history of Heliodorus. EEBO-TCP.

Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van (1694). Seder olam, or, The order, series or succession of all the ages, periods, and times of the whole world is theologically, philosophically and chronologically explicated and stated. EEBO-TCP.

Helmont, Jean Baptiste van ([1650]). A ternary of paradoxes. EEBO-TCP.

Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne) (1827). Hymns on the works of nature, for the use of children. WWP.

Hemmingsen, Niels (1569). A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts. EEBO-TCP.

Hemmingsen, Niels (1581). The faith of the church militant. EEBO-TCP.

Henderson, Alexander (1638). The ansvveres of some brethren of the ministerie. EEBO-TCP.

Henderson, Alexander (1638). The protestation of the noblemen, barrons, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers, and commons. EEBO-TCP.

Henderson, Alexander ([1641]). The government and order of the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Henderson, Alexander (1644). A sermon preached before the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Henderson, Alexander (1644). A sermon preached to the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, December 27, 1643. EEBO-TCP.

Hendred, William ([1508]). Hendred: The pylgrymage of man [1508?]. CH.

Hennepin, Louis (1698). A new discovery of a vast country in America. EEBO-TCP.

Henrietta Maria (1641). A coppy of 1. the letter sent by the Queenes Majestie concerning the collection of the recusants mony for the Scottish warre, Apr. 17, 1639. EEBO-TCP.

Henry VIII (1889). Henry VIII: Anglia (1889). CH.

Henry, Matthew (1690). A brief enquiry into the true nature of schism, or, A persuasive to Christian love and charity. EEBO-TCP.

Henry, Matthew (1695). Family-hymns. EEBO-TCP.

Henry, Matthew (1698). An account of the life and death of Mr. Philip Henry, minister of the gospel near Whitechurch in Shropshire, who dy'd June 24, 1696, in the sixty fifth year of his age. EEBO-TCP.

Henry, Matthew (1699). A discourse concerning meekness and quietness of spirit. EEBO-TCP.

Henry (1532?]). A glasse of the truthe. EEBO-TCP.

Henryson, Robert (1508?]). Heire begynnis the traitie of Orpheus. EEBO-TCP.

Henryson, Robert ([1593]). The testament of Cresseid. EEBO-TCP.

Henryson, Robert (1906). The morall fabillis of Esope the Phrygian. OTA.

Henryson, Robert (1908). [Orpheus and Eurydice]. OTA.

Henryson, Robert (1908). [The minor poems of Robert Henryson]. OTA.

Henryson, Robert (1908). The testament of Cresseid. OTA.

Henryson, Robert (1958). Henryson: The poems and fables (1958). CH.

Henryson, Robert, 1430?-1506? (1450). The morall fabillis of Esope the Phrygian. MiddleUVa.

Henryson, Robert, 1430?-1506? (1480). The testament of Cresseid. MiddleUVa.

Henryson, Robert, 1430?-1506?(c. 1480). The minor poems of Robert Henryson. MiddleUVa.

Henryson, Robert, 1430?-1506?(c.1480). Orpheus and Eurydice. MiddleUVa.

Henryson, Robert. The Testament of Cresseid. TACT.

Henshaw, Joseph (1631). Horæ succisivæ, or, Spare-houres of meditations. EEBO-TCP.

Henshaw, Joseph (1637). Meditations miscellaneous, holy and humane. EEBO-TCP.

Heraclitus and Democritus (1598). [Anon.]: The Riddles of Heraclitus and Democritus (1598). CH.

Herbert, Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury (1665). Herbert, E.: Occasional Verses (1665). CH.

Herbert, Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury (1923). Herbert, E.: The Poems (1923). CH.

Herbert, George (1593-1633). A Priest to the Temple, or, The Country Parson his Character and Rule of Holy Life. CCEL.

Herbert, George (1623). Oratio quâ auspicatissimum serenissimi principis Caroli, reditum ex Hispanijs celebrauit Georgius Herbert Academiæ Cantabrigiensis orator. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, George (1633). The temple. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, George (1633). Herbert, G.: The temple (1633). CH.

Herbert, George (1652). A priest to the temple, or, The country parson his character, and rule of holy life. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, George (1670). Herbert: Lives (1670). CH.

Herbert, George (1697). Select hymns, taken out of Mr. Herbert's Temple, and turn'd into the common metre. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, George (1874). Herbert, G.: The Complete Works (1874). CH.

Herbert, George (1892). Herbert, G.: The Poetical Works (1892). CH.

Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke (1592). Herbert, M.: Antonius (1592). CH.

Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke (1977). Herbert, M.: The Triumph of Death (1977). CH.

Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke ([1963]). Herbert, M.: The psalms [1963]. CH.

Herbert, Percy (1650). Certaine conceptions, or, Considerations of Sir Percy Herbert, upon the strange change of peoples dispositions and actions in these latter times. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, Thomas (1634). A relation of some yeares trauaile. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, Thomas (1641). A reply in the defence of Oxford Petition. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, Thomas (1641). An answer to the most envious, scandalous and libellous pamphlet entitled, Mercuries message, or, The copy of a letter sent to William Laud, Arch-bishop of Canterbury now prisoner in the Tower. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, Thomas (1641). An elegie vpon the death of Thomas, Earle of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, Thomas (1641). Keep within compasse Dick and Robin, there is no harme in all this, or, A merry dialogue betwen two or three merry coblers, with divers songs full of mirth and newes, which may very fitly be applyed to these times. EEBO-TCP.

Herbert, Thomas (1641). Vox secvnda popvli, or, The commons gratitude to the most honorable Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Mongomery, for the great affection which hee alwaies bore unto them. EEBO-TCP.

Heresbach, Conrad (1577). Foure bookes of husbandry, collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius, counseller to the hygh and mighty prince, the Duke of Cleue. EEBO-TCP.

Herrick, Robert (1647). His noble numbers, or, His pious pieces. EEBO-TCP.

Herrick, Robert (1915). Herrick: The poetical works (1915). CH.

Herring, Francis (1617). Mischeefes mysterie, or, Treasons master-peece, the Powder-plot. EEBO-TCP.

Herring, Francis (3] dwelling in Red-crosse street at the signe of the Ship, 1604). A modest defence of the caueat giuen to the wearers of impoisoned amulets, as preseruatiues from the plague. EEBO-TCP.

Herwig, H. M (1700). The art of curing sympathetically, or magnetically, proved to be most true by its theory and practice. EEBO-TCP.

Hesiod (1618). The georgicks of Hesiod. EEBO-TCP.

Hewat, Peter (1621). Three excellent points of Christian doctrine. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry (1630). A historicall relation of the famous siege of the Busse, and the suprising of Wesell. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry (1633. VVith the priviledge therevnto of the high and mighty lords, the States Generall of the vnited Provinces). A iournall, of the taking in of Venlo, Roermont, Strale, the memorable seige of Mastricht, the towne & castle of Limburch vnder the able, and wise conduct of his Excie, the Prince of Orange, anno 1632. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry (1637). A true and briefe relation of the famous seige of Breda. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry ([1641]). A trve and briefe relation of the bloody battel of Nievport in Flanders found betwixt Prince Mavrice of happy memory and Albert arch-duke of Avstria vpon the second of Iuly 1600. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry (1642). The first part of the principles of the art military. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry (1642). The second part of the principles of art military, practised in the warres of the United Provinces. EEBO-TCP.

Hexham, Henry (1643). The third part of the principles of the art military. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1625). Mikrokosmos. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1631). The historie of that most famous saint and souldier of Christ Iesus, St. George of Cappadocia. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1636). A coale from the altar, or, An ansvver to a letter not long since written to the Vicar of Gr. against the placing of the Communion table at the east end of the chancell ; and now of late dispersed abroad to the disturbance of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1636). The history of the Sabbath. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1637). Antidotum Lincolniense, or, An answer to a book entituled, The holytable, name, & thing, &c. said to be written long agoe by a minister in Lincolnshire, and printed for the diocese of Lincolne, ap0s. 1637. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1642 [i.e. 1643]). A briefe relation of the remarkeable occurences in the northerne parts. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1642, i.e. 1643]). A second, but more perfect relation of the great victory obtained by Sir Ralph Hopton. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1642. [i.e. 1643]). A view of the proceedings of the Western-counties for the pacification of their present troubles. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1643). A letter from an officer in His Majesties army, to a gentleman in Glocester-shire. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1643). The rebells catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter ([1643]). A letter to a gentleman of Leicester-shire. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1644). A briefe relation of the death and sufferings of the Most Reverend and renowned prelate, the L. Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1645). Parliaments power in lawes for religion, or, An ansvvere to that old and groundles calumny of the papists, nick-naming the religion of the Church of England, by the name of a parliamentary-religion. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1654). Theologia veterum, or, The summe of Christian theologie, positive, polemical, and philological, contained in the Apostles creed, or reducible to it. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1656). A full relation of two journeys, the one into the main-land of France, the other into some of the adjacent ilands. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1656). Observations on the historie of The reign of King Charles. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1657). The way and manner of the Reformation of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1659). Examen historicum, or, A discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modern histories. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1660-1661). Ecclesia restaurata, or, The history of the reformation of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1661). A sermon preached in the collegiate church of St. Peter in Westminster, on Wednesday May 29th, 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1668). Cyprianus anglicus, or, The history of the life and death of the Most Reverend and renowned prelate William, by divine providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury …. EEBO-TCP.

Heylyn, Peter (1670). Aerius redivivus, or, The history of the Presbyterians. EEBO-TCP.

Heyrick, Thomas (1685). The character of a rebel. EEBO-TCP.

Heyrick, Thomas (1687). The new Atlantis. EEBO-TCP.

Heyrick, Thomas (1687). Heyrick: The New Atlantis (1687). CH.

Heyrick, Thomas (1691). Miscellany poems. EEBO-TCP.

Heyrick, Thomas (1691). Heyrick: Miscellany Poems (1691). CH.

Heywood, Jasper (1581). Heywood, Jasper: Hercules Furens, Thyestes, Troas (1581). CH.

Heywood, John (1546). A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the englishe tongue, compacte in a matter concernyng two maner of mariages. TUDOR.

Heywood, John (1554?]). A balade specifienge partly the maner, partly the matter, in the most excellent meetyng and lyke mariage betwene our soueraigne Lord, and our soueraigne Lady, the Kynges and Queenes highnes. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, John (1556). Heywood, J.: The Spider and the Flie (1556). CH.

Heywood, John (1557?]). A breefe balet touching the traytorous takynge of Scarborow Castell. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, John (1562). Heywood, John: Woorkes (1562). CH.

Heywood, John. Heywood, J.: A ballad against slander and detraction [1562]. CH.

Heywood, John ([1554]). Heywood, J.: A balade specifienge the mariage betwene our soueraigne Lord, and our soueraigne Lady [1554]. CH.

Heywood, John ([1557]). Heywood, J.: A balet touching the takynge of Scarborrow Castell [1557]. CH.

Heywood, John ([1906]). Heywood, J.: [Works] [1906]. CH.

Heywood, Nathaniel (1679). Christ displayed. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, T. (1613). A funerall elegie upon the death of Henry, prince of Wales. R3.

Heywood, Thomas (15, 1642). Hogs caracter of a projector. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1600). The first and second partes of King Edward the Fourth. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1602). A pleasant conceited comedie, wherein is shewed, how a man may chuse a good wife from a bad. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1605). If you knovv not me, you know no bodie, or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1606). The second part of, If you know not me, you know no bodie. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1607). A woman kilde with kindnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1608). The rape of Lucrece. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1609). Troia Britanica, or, Great Britaines Troy. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1609). Heywood, T.: Troia Brittanica (1609). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1611). The golden age, or, The liues of Iupiter and Saturne, with the deifying of the heathen gods. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1612). An apology for actors. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1612). Heywood, T.: The Author to his Booke (1612). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1613). A funerall elegie. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1613). A marriage triumphe. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1613). The brazen age. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1613). Heywood, T.: A Fvnerall Elegie (1613). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1613). Heywood, T.: A Marriage Triumphe (1613). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1615). The foure prentises of London. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1624). Gynaikeion, or, Nine bookes of various history. Concerninge women. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1625). A funeral elegie, vpon the much lamented death of the trespuissant and vnmatchable king, King Iames, King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1625). Heywood, T.: A Funeral Elegie upon King James (1625). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1631). Englands Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1631). London ius honorarium. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1631). The fair maid of the vvest, or, A girle worth gold. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1633). Londini emporia, or, Londons mercatura. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1633). The English traueller. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1634). A pleasant comedy, called A mayden-head well lost. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1634). The late Lancashire vvitches. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1635). Philocothonista, or, The drunkard, opened, dissected, and anatomized. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1635). The hierarchie of the blessed angells. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1635). Heywood, T.: The Hierarchie of the blessed Angells (1635). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1636). A challenge for beautie. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1636). A true discourse of the two infamous upstart prophets, Richard Farnham weaver of White-Chappell, and Iohn Bull weaver of Saint Butolphs Algate, now prisoners, the one in Newgate, and the other in Bridewell. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1636). Loves maistresse, or, The Queens masque. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1637). A curtaine lecture. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1637). A true description of His Majesties royall ship, built this yeare 1637. at Wooll-witch in Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1637). Londini speculum, or, Londons mirror. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1637). The royall king, and the loyall subject. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1637). Heywood, T.: Pleasant dialogves and dramma's (1637). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1637). Thomas Heywood: An Epitaph (1637). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1638). Porta pietatis, or, The port or harbour of piety. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1638). The vvise-woman of Hogsdon. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1639). A true relation, of the lives and deaths of two most famous English pyrats, Purser, and Clinton. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1639). Londini status pacatus, or, Londons peaceable estate. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1639). Heywood, T.: The life and death of Queene Elizabeth (1639). CH.

Heywood, Thomas (1640). The exemplary lives and memorable acts of nine the most worthy women in the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1641). Machiavels ghost, as he lately appeared to his deare sons, the moderne projectors. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1641). Reader, here you'l plainly see iudgement perverted by these three, a priest, a judge, a patentee. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1641). The life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1641). Heywood, T.: Reader, Here you'l plainly see Iudgement perverted (1641). CH.

Heywood, Thomas ([1641]). The rat-trap, or, The Jesuites taken in their owne net &c. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas (1655). Fortune by land and sea. EEBO-TCP.

Heywood, Thomas ([c.1625]). Heywood, T.: The Art of Love [c.1625]. CH.

Hickeringill, Edmund (1673). Gregory, Father-Greybeard, with his vizard off, or, News from the Cabal in some reflexions upon a late pamphlet entituled, The rehearsal transpros'd (after the fashion that now obtains). EEBO-TCP.

Hickeringill, Edmund (1682). The mushroom, or, A satyr against libelling Tories and prelatical tantivies. EEBO-TCP.

Hickes, George (1674). A letter sent from beyond the seas to one of the chief ministers of the non-conforming party. EEBO-TCP.

Hickes, George (1680). The spirit of popery speaking out of the mouths of phanatical-Protestants, or, The last speeches of Mr. John Kid and Mr. John King, two Presbyterian ministers, who were executed for high-treason and rebellion at Edinburgh, August the 14th, 1679. EEBO-TCP.

Hickes, George (1684). The judgment of an anonymous writer. EEBO-TCP.

Hickman, Henry (1661). Plus ultra, or, Englands reformation, needing to be reformed. EEBO-TCP.

Hickman, Henry (1674). Historia quinq-articularis exarticulata, or, Animadversions on Doctor Heylin's quintquarticular history. EEBO-TCP.

Hierocles (1682). Hierocles upon the Golden verses of the Pythagoreans. EEBO-TCP.

Higden, Henry (1686). Higden: A Modern Essay on the Thirteenth Satyr of Juvenal (1686). CH.

Higden, Henry (1687). A modern essay on the tenth satyr of Juvenal. EEBO-TCP.

Higden, Henry (1687). Higden: A Modern Essay on the Tenth Satyr of Juvenal (1687). CH.

Higden, Ranulf (2 July 1482]). Prolicionycion [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Higgins, John (1574. Cum priuilegio). The first parte of the Mirour for magistrates. EEBO-TCP.

Higgins, John (1946). Higgins: Parts added to The Mirror for Magistrates (1946). CH.

Higginson, Francis (1630). Nevv-Englands plantation, or, A short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that countrey. EEBO-TCP.

Higginson, Francis (1653). A brief relation of the irreligion of the northern Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Highmore, Nathaniel (1651). The history of generation. EEBO-TCP.

Hilarie, Hugh (1554). Hilarie: The resurreccion of the masse (1554). CH.

Hilarie, Hughe (1554). The resurreccion of the masse. EEBO-TCP.

Hildersam, Arthur ([1632]). CVIII lectures vpon the fourth of Iohn. EEBO-TCP.

Hildersam, Arthur (1633). The doctrine of fasting and praier, and humiliation for sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Hildersam, Arthur ([1635]). CLII lectures vpon Psalme LI. EEBO-TCP.

Hildersam, Arthur (1672). The canticles, or, Song of Solomon paraphrased. EEBO-TCP.

Hill, Adam (1592). The defence of the article, Christ descended into Hell. EEBO-TCP.

Hill, William (1662). A brief narrative of that stupendious tragedie late intended to be acted by the satanical saints of these reforming times. EEBO-TCP.

Hilton, Walter (1507] And ended the. xxvi. daye of ye moneth of Ianyuer]). Scala perfectionis. EEBO-TCP.

Hind, John (1604). The most excellent historie of Lysimachus and Varrona, daughter to Syllanus, Duke of Hypata, in Thessalia. EEBO-TCP.

Hind, John (1606). Eliosto libidinoso. EEBO-TCP.

Hippisley, Edmund (1642). The Protestants wonderment, or, A strange and unheard of oraison put up by the Papists. EEBO-TCP.

Hitchcock, Robert (1. Ianuarie. 1580). A pollitique platt for the honour of the Prince, the greate profite of the publique state, relief of the poore, preseruation of the riche, reformation of roges and idle persones, and the wealthe of thousandes that knowes not howe to liue. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, T. (1651). Leviathan. R3.

Hobbes, Thomas (1651). Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, and power of a common wealth, ecclesiasticall and civil. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1651). Hobbes's "De Cive": electronic edition. TACT.

Hobbes, Thomas (1652). De corpore politico, or, The elements of law, moral and politick. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1654). Of libertie and necessitie. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1656). Elements of philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1656). The questions concerning liberty, necessity, and chance. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas ([1656]). Six lessons to the professors of the mathematiques. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1657). Stigmai ageometrias, agroichias, antipoliteas, amatheias, or, Markes of the absurd geometry, rural language, Scottish church-politicks, and barbarismes of John Wallis professor of geometry and doctor of divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1671). Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas ([1675]). A catalogue of the works of Mr. Hobbes. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1676). A letter about liberty and necessity. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1678). De mirabilibus pecci. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1678). Decameron physiologicum, or, Ten dialogues of natural philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1679). The history of the civil wars of England. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1680). An historical narration concerning heresie and the punishment thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1680). Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners, & religion of Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1680). The last sayings, or, Dying legacy of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1680). The life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas ([1680]). Memorable sayings of Mr. Hobbes in his books and at the table. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1681). The art of rhetoric, with A discourse of the laws of England. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1682). Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geometry. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1682). Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas (1684). Humane nature, or, The fundamental elements of policy. EEBO-TCP.

Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679 (1642). Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, a dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and then sacred. Containing the elements of civill politie in the agreement which it hath both with naturall and divine lawes. In which is demonstrated, both what the origine of justice is, and wherein the essence of Christian religion doth consist. Together with the nature, limits, and qualifications both of regiment and subjection. EarlyUVa.

Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679 (1650). The Elements of Law Natural and Politic. EarlyUVa.

Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679 (1651). Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. EarlyUVa.

Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. OTA.

Hoccleve, Thomas (1892). Hoccleve: Works: The minor poems (I.) (1892). CH.

Hoccleve, Thomas (1897). Hoccleve: The regement of princes (1897). CH.

Hoccleve, Thomas (1925). Hoccleve: Works (1925). CH.

Hody, Humphrey (1692). A letter from Mr. Humphry Hody to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Hody, Humphrey (1693). The case of sees vacant by an unjust or uncanonical deprivation, stated. EEBO-TCP.

Hody, Humphrey (1694). The resurrection of the (same) body asserted, from the traditions of the heathens, the ancient Jews, and the primitive church. EEBO-TCP.

Hody, Humphrey (1696). Animadversions on two pamphlets lately publish'd by Mr. Collier. EEBO-TCP.

Hody, Humphrey (1699). Some thoughts on a convocation and the notion of its divine right. EEBO-TCP.

Hody, Humphrey (1700). A short examination of A discourse concerning edification, by Dr. Hascard. EEBO-TCP.

Hogarde (Huggarde), Miles (1554). The assault of the sacrament of the altar … written in … 1549. Now newly imprynted. TUDOR.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles (1548). Hogarde, M.: The Abuse of the blessed sacrament of the aultare (1548). CH.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles (1554). Hogarde [or Huggarde]: A Treatise entitled The Pathwaye to the Towre of Perfection (1554). CH.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles (1554). Hogarde, M.: A treatise declaring howe Christ was banished (1554). CH.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles (1554). Hogarde: The assault of the sacram³t of the Altar (1554). CH.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles (1555). Hogarde: A mirrour of loue (1555). CH.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles (1557). Hogarde, M.: A newe ABC (1557). CH.

Hogarde [or Huggarde], Miles ([1550?]). Hogarde: A new treatyse in maner of a Dialoge (1550?). CH.

Holden, Henry (1657?]). Doctor Holden's letter to a friend of his. EEBO-TCP.

Holford, Margaret (1798). Gresford Vale; and other poems. WWP.

Holinshed, Raphael (1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas VVoodcocke. At London printed [by Henry Denham] in Aldersgate street at the signe of the Starre, [1587]). The first and second volumes of Chronicles. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Henry (1590). A treatise against vvitchcraft, or, A dialogue, wherein the greatest doubts concerning that sinne, are briefly answered. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Henry (1603). Spirituall preseruatiues against the pestilence, or, Seuen lectures on the 91. Psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Hugh (1603). Holland: Pancharis (1603). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1605). Holland, H.: A commendatory poem to Seianus (1605). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1610). Holland, H.: Commendatory poem in Edmund Bolton, The elements of armories (1610). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1611). Holland, H.: Coryats Crudities (1611). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1611). Holland, H.: Dedicatory poems to The Odcombian Banquet (1611). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1623). Holland, H.: Upon William Shakespeare (1623). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1625). Holland, H.: A Cypres Garland (1625). CH.

Holland, Hugh (1625). Holland, H.: To Sir T. H. Knight (1625). CH.

Holland, Hugh ([1611]). Holland, H.: On his worthy friend N. H. CH.

Holland, Hugh ([1612]). Holland, H.: A commendatory poem [1612]. CH.

Holland, Richard (1897). Holland, Richard: The Buke of the Howlat (1897). CH.

Holland, Robert ([1594]). Holland, Robert: The Holie Historie of Our Lord and Saviovr [1594]. CH.

Holland, Samuel (1656). Don Zara del Fogo. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Samuel (1660?]). On the death of my much honoured friend, Colonel Richard Lovelace. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Samuel (1661). A panegyrick on the coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty Charles II. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Samuel (1662). The phaenix her arrival & welcome to England. EEBO-TCP.

Holland, Samuel ([1662]). The muses holocaust, or, A new burnt-offering to the tvvo great idols of presbytery and anabaptism. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641 [i.e. 1642]). Master Hollis his speech in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641). A speech made by the Honourable Denzel Hollis esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641). A speech of the Honorable Denzell Hollis (second son to the Right Honorable John Earle of Clare deceased) and brother to the now Earle of Clare, at the delivery of the protestation to the Lords of the upper house of Parliament, 4 May 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641). Densell Hollis esq. his speech at the delivery of the protestation to the Lords of the Upper House of Parliament 4 May, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641). Densell Hollis Esquire, his worthy and learned speech in Parliament on Thnrfeday [sic] the thirtieth of December 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641). Mr. Denzell Hollis His speech to the Lords. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1641). The speech of Denzill Hollis, Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1642). Master Hollis his speech in Parliament the 21, of March 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1642). Mr. Hollis his speech in Parliament, on Munday the 31. of Januarie 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1642). The speech of Denzell Holles, Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1671). A true relation of the unjust accusation of certain French gentlemen (charged with a robbery of which they are most innocent) and the proceedings upon it, with their tryal and acquittance in the Court of Kings Bench in Easter term last. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1671). A true relation of the unjust accusation of certain French gentlemen (charged with a robbery, of which they were most innocent) and the proceedings upon it, with their tryal and acquittance in the Court of Kings Bench, in Easter term last. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1675). The case stated concerning the judicature of the House of Peers in the point of appeals. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1676?]). A letter to Monsieur Van. B---- de M---- at Amsterdam, written anno 1676. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1676). The Long Parliament dissolved. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1676). The Lord Holles his vindication of himself and of his son Sir Francis Holles from some foul aspersions cast upon them by Mr. Justice Ellis. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1679). A letter of a gentleman to his friend, shewing that the bishops are not to be judges in Parliament in cases capital. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1682). Lord Hollis, his remains. EEBO-TCP.

Holles, Denzil Holles (1699). Memoirs of Denzil Lord Holles, Baron of Ifield in Sussex, from the year 1641 to 1648. EEBO-TCP.

Holley, Mrs. Mary Austin (1833). Texas. Observations, historical, geographical, and descriptive, in a series of letters. WWP.

Hollingworth, Richard (1692). A second defence of King Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Holme, Randle (1688). The academy of armory, or, A storehouse of armory and blazon. EEBO-TCP.

Holme, Wilfred (1572). The fall and euill successe of rebellion. Written in old Englishe verse. TUDOR.

Holme, Wilfrid (1572 Februarie. 9). The fall and euill successe of rebellion from time to time. EEBO-TCP.

Holme, Wilfrid (1572). Holme: The fall and euill successe of Rebellion (1572). CH.

Holte, John ([1508]). Lac puero[rum]. EEBO-TCP.

Home, James Home (1641). The Lord Hvmes his speech. EEBO-TCP.

Homer (1581). Ten books of Homers Iliades. EEBO-TCP.

Homer (1611?]). The Iliads of Homer prince of poets. EEBO-TCP.

Homer (1615?]). Homer's Odysses. EEBO-TCP.

Homer (1675). Homer's Odysses. EEBO-TCP.

Homer (1676). Homer's Iliads in English. EEBO-TCP.

Homer ([1700]). Homer in a nutshell, or, His War between the frogs and the mice. EEBO-TCP.

Honest gent. and a true lover of all such (1682). Concavum cappo-cloacorum, or, A view in little of the great wit and honesty contain'd under a brace of caps, and wrap'd up in the querpo-cloak of a phanatick. EEBO-TCP.

Hooke, Robert (1665). Micrographia, or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. EEBO-TCP.

Hooke, Robert (1674). An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observations. EEBO-TCP.

Hooke, Robert (1674). Animadversions on the first part of the Machina coelestis of the honourable, learned, and deservedly famous astronomer Johannes Hevelius, consul of Dantzick. EEBO-TCP.

Hooke, Robert (1676). A description of helioscopes and some other instruments. EEBO-TCP.

Hooke, Robert (1677). Lampas, or, Descriptions of some mechanical improvements of lamps & waterpoises. EEBO-TCP.

Hooke, Robert (1678). Lectures de potentia restitutiva, or, Of spring explaining the power of springing bodies. EEBO-TCP.

Hooker, Richard. A Sermon. TACT.

Hooker, Thomas (1632). The soules preparation for Christ, or, A treatise of contrition. EEBO-TCP.

Hooker, Thomas (1656). The application of redemption by the effectual work of the word, and spirit of Christ, for the bringing home of lost sinners to God …. EEBO-TCP.

Hookes, Nicholas (1653). Amanda, a sacrifice to an unknown goddesse, or, A free-will offering of a loving heart to a sweet-heart. EEBO-TCP.

Hookes, Nicholas (1653). Hookes: Amanda (1653). CH.

Hooper, John (1562). An apologye made by the reuerende father and constante martyr of Christe Iohn Hooper late bishop of Gloceter and Worceter againste the vntrue and sclaunderous report that he should be a maintainer and encorager of suche as cursed the Quenes highnes that then was, Quene Marye. EEBO-TCP.

Hooper, John (1562). An exposition vpon the.23. psalme of Dauid. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, Charles ([1695]). The history of love. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, Charles (1698). White-hall, or, The court of England. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, Charles (1700. Where gentlemen and ladies may pick novels at 6 s. per doz. and be furnish'd with most sorts of plays). The art of love. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, John (1698). The triumphs of peace, or, The glories of Nassaw. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, John (1698). The victory of death, or, The fall of beauty. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, John (1698). Hopkins, J.: The Triumphs of Peace (1698). CH.

Hopkins, John (1698). Hopkins, J.: The Victory of Death (1698). CH.

Hopkins, John (1699). Milton's Paradise lost imitated in rhyme, in the fourth, sixth and ninth books. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, John (1699). Hopkins, J.: Milton's Paradise Lost Imitated in Rhyme (1699). CH.

Hopkins, John (1700). Amasia, or, The works of the muses. EEBO-TCP.

Hopkins, John (1700). Hopkins, J.: Amasia (1700). CH.

Hopkins, John (1700). Hopkins, J.: Gloria (1700). CH.

Hopkins, William (1691). Animadversions on Mr Johnson's answer to Jovian. EEBO-TCP.

Hopton, Ralph Hopton (1642). The true copie of a letter. EEBO-TCP.

Horace (1565?]). [The first two satires or] poesyes of Horace. EEBO-TCP.

Horace ([1566]). A medicinable morall, that is, the two bookes of Horace his satyres. EEBO-TCP.

Horace (1567). Horace his arte of poetrie, pistles, and satyrs Englished. EEBO-TCP.

Horace ([1666]). The poems of Horace. EEBO-TCP.

Horace (1680). Horace's Art of poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Horne, Robert (1614). The Christian gouernour, in the common-wealth, and priuate families. EEBO-TCP.

Horne, Robert (1617). Points of instruction for the ignorant. EEBO-TCP.

Horneck, Anthony (1682). An account of what happen'd in the kingdom of Sweden in the years 1669, and 1670 and upwards. EEBO-TCP.

Hortop, Job (1591). The trauailes of an English man. EEBO-TCP.

Hotman, François (1573). A true and plaine report of the furious outrages of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.

Houpreght, John Frederick (1680). Aurifontina chymica, or, A collection of fourteen small treatises concerning the first matter of philosophers for the discovery of their (hitherto so much concealed) mercury. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1666). A panegyrick to His Highnesse the Duke of York on his sea-fight with the Dutch June 3d, 1665. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1668). The Usurper, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1669). The Brittish princes. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1671). The six days adventure, or, The new Utopia. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1671). The womens conquest. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1677?]). A memorial delivered to His Majesty by the Honourable Edward Howard and Bernard Howard of Norfolk, the 16th day of November, 1676, of what they demand from their brother the Right Honourable Henry, Earl Marsha11 of England. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1678). The man of Newmarket. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1689). Caroloiades, or, The rebellion of forty one. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Edward (1700). Remarks on the new philosophy of Des-Cartes. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey (1557 [21 June]). Certain bokes [2 and 4] of Virgiles Aenaeis turned into English meter by … Henry [Howard] Earle of Surrey. TUDOR.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey (1557 [31 July]). Songes and Sonettes, written by the right honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other. TUDOR.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey (1557 [5 June]). Songes and Sonettes, written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other. TUDOR.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey (1605). [Camden, William] Remaines of a greater worke, concerning Britaine, the inhabitants thereof, [etc. Init.]. Part 2 [_Poems_]. TUDOR.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey (1928). Howard, H.: The Poems (1928). CH.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey; Anon (1545?). An excellent epitaffe of syr Thomas wyat, with two other dytties, [upon] the state of mannes lyfe. TUDOR.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. TUDOR.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. TUDOR.

Howard, James (1672). All mistaken, or, The mad couple. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, James (1674). The English mounsieur. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Philip, 1st Earl of Arundel (1606). Howard, P.: A foure-fould Meditation (1606). CH.

Howard, Philip, 1st Earl of Arundel (1868). Howard, P.: In the wrackes of Walsingham (1868). CH.

Howard, Robert ([1640]). A sacred poem describing the miraculous life and death of the glorious conuert S. Marie of Ægipt. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Robert (1696). Poems on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Howard, Robert ([1630?]). Howard, R.: A Sacred Poeme [1630?]. CH.

Howe, John (1668). The blessednesse of the righteous. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1673). The vanity of this mortal life, or, Of man, considered only in his present mortal state. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1674). A treatise of delighting in God. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1675). The living temple, or, A designed improvement of that notion that a good man is the temple of God. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1677). A post-script to the late letter of the reconcileableness of God's prescience, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1677). The reconcileableness of God's prescience of the sins of men. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1680). A letter written out of the countrey to a person of quality in the city who took offence at the late sermon of Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of S. Pauls, before the Lord Mayor. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1680). An ansvver to Dr. Stillingfleet's Mischief of separation. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1681). A funeral sermon on the decease of that worthy gentlewoman Mrs. Margaret Baxter, who died the 28th of June, 1681. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1681). Of charity in reference to other mens sins. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1681). Of thoughtfulnes for the morrow. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1682). A funeral sermon for that faithful and laborious servant of Christ Mr. Richard Fairclough (who deceased July 4, 1682 in the sixty first year of his age). EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1682). Self-dedication. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1682). The right use of that argument in prayer from the name of God on behalf of a people that profess it. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1684). The redeemer's tears wept over lost souls. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1688). Two sermons preached at Thurlow in Suffolk. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1690). A funeral sermon for Mrs. Esther Sampson. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1693). The carnality of religious contention. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1694). A calm and sober enquiry concerning the possibility of a Trinity in the Godhead. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1694). A letter to a friend concerning a postscript to the Defense of Dr. Sherlock's notion of the Trinity in unity, relating to the Calm and sober enquiry upon the same subject. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1695). A discourse relating to the much-lamented death and solemn funeral of our incomparable and most gracious Queen Mary, of most blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1695). A view of that part of the late considerations addrest to H.H. about the Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1696). A sermon directing what we are to do, after strict enquiry whether or no we truly love God. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John ([1696]). A funeral sermon on the death of that pious gentlewoman Mrs. Judith Hamond. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1698). A sermon on the much lamented death of that reverend and worthy Servant of Christ Mr. Richard Adams, M.A. sometime fellow of Brazen-Nose Colledge in Oxford, afterwards, minister of St. Mildred Breadstreet, London, more lately, pastor of a congregation in Southwark, who deceased Febr. 7th, 1697/8. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1698). A sermon preach'd Febr. 14, 1698, and now publish'd, at the request of the Societies for reformation of manners in London and Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1698). A sermon preach'd on the late day of thanksgiving, Decemb. 2, 1697. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1699). A discourse concerning the Redeemer's dominion over the invisible world, and the entrance thereinto by death. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1699). A funeral sermon for that very reverend, and most laborious servant of Christ, in the work of the ministry, Mr. Matthew Mead. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, John (1700). A discourse of an unconverted man's enmity, against God. EEBO-TCP.

Howe, Josias (1644?]). Psal. 4, vers. 7. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1640). Dendrologia. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1642). Instructions for forreine travell. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1643). Parables reflecting upon the times. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James ([1643]). The trve informer. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1644). Mercurius hibernicus, or, A discourse of the late insurrection in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1644). Two discourses lately revievv'd and enrich'd by the author. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1644). Howell, J.: Dodonas Grove (1644). CH.

Howell, James (1645). The pre-eminence and pedigree of Parlement. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1646). Lustra Ludovici, or, The life of the late victorious King of France, Lewis the XIII (and of his Cardinall de Richelieu). EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1648). A letter to the Earle of Pembrooke. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1649). A trance, or, Newes from Hell. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1649). The pre-eminance and pedigree of Parlement. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1650). Epistolæ Ho-elianæ. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1651). A survay of the signorie of Venice, of her admired policy, and method of government, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1651). The vision, or, A dialog between the soul and the bodie. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1651). Howell, J.: The Vision (1651). CH.

Howell, James (1653). A German diet, or, The ballance of Europe. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1654). Howell, J.: Minor works (1654). CH.

Howell, James (1655). Howell, J.: A New Volume of Familiar Letters (1655). CH.

Howell, James (1656). Some sober inspections made into carriage and consults of the late Long-Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1657). Londinopolis. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1658). A discours of the empire, and of the election of a king of the Romans, the greatest busines of Christendom now in agitation. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1659). Paroimiographia. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1660). Therologia, The parly of beasts, or, Morphandra, queen of the inchanted iland. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1661). A cordial for the cavaliers. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1661). Divers historicall discourses of the late popular insurrections in Great Britain and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1661). Som sober inspections made into those ingredients that went to the composition of a late cordial, call'd A cordial for the Cavaliers. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1662). A new English grammar. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James ([1662]). A brief account of the royal matches or matrimonial alliances vvhich the kings of England have made from time to time since the year 800 to this present 1662. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1663). Poems on several choice and various subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1663). Howell, J.: Poems On several Choice and Various Subjects (1663). CH.

Howell, James (1664). A discours of Dunkirk, with some reflexes upon the late surrender therof, &c. and other additions. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1664). Florus Hungaricus, or, The history of Hungaria and Transylvania. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, James (1664). Proedria vasilike. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, Thomas (1568). The arbor of amitie. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, Thomas (1568). Howell, T.: The Arbor of Amitie (1568). CH.

Howell, Thomas (1581). Howell, T.: H. His Deuises (1581). CH.

Howell, Thomas (1623). A sermon, preached at the funerall of the right vvorshipfull Sir Robert Boteler Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Howell, Thomas ([1568]). Howell: Newe Sonets, and pretie pamphlets [1568]. CH.

Howgill, Francis (1655?]). To the camp of the Lord in England. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1658). The measvring rod of the Lord stretched forth over all nations and the line of true judgment laid to the rulers thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1659). An information, and also advice to the Armie on both parts, and this present Committee of Safety newly erected, and to the late Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1659). Darknesse and ignorance. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1659). The heart of New-England hardned through wickednes. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1659). The invisible things of God. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1659). The mouth of the pit stopped and the smoke that hath arisen out of it scattered by the breath of truth. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1660). One of the Antichrists voluntiers defeated and the true light vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1660). One warning more unto England before she gives up the ghost and be buried in the pit of darkness. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1662). A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1662). The rock of ages exalted above Rome's imagined rock on which her church is builded. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1663). Truth lifting up its head above slander. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1664). A visitation of love, peace, and good will from the spirit of the Lord. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1665). A general epistle to the dispersed and persecuted flock of Christ Jesus in the dominion of England. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1665). The true rule, judge, and guide of the true church of God discovered, and borne testimony unto what it is, and wherein it consisteth. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis ([1665]). A general epistle to all who have believed in the light of the Lord Iesus and are called of God to follow the lamb through the great tribulation. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1666?]). A copy of a paper sent to John Otway, Justice of the Peace, concerning swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Howgill, Francis (1666). Oaths no gospel ordinance but prohibited by Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Huarte, Juan (1594). Examen de ingenios. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1654). Truth cleared, and the deceit made manifest, or, An answer to a printed paper. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1656). The antipathy betwixt flesh and spirit. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1659). The Common-wealtsh's [sic] remembrancer for discovery of the disturbers of her peace. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1659). The difference of that call of God to the ministry. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1659). The real cause of the nations bondage and slavery here demonstrated and the way of their freedome from their sore and hard bondage asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1660). A short answer to a book called The fanatick history. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1660). An answer to a book called A just defence and vindication of Gospel-ministers, and Gospel-ordinances. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1660). Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R.H. EEBO-TCP.

Hubberthorn, Richard (1661). Supplementum sublatum. EEBO-TCP.

Hubert, Francis (1628). The deplorable life and death of Edward the Second, King of England. EEBO-TCP.

Hubert, Francis (1629). The historie of Edward the Second, surnamed Carnarvan, one of our English kings. EEBO-TCP.

Hubert, Francis (1631). Egypts favorite. EEBO-TCP.

Hubert, Sir Francis (1629). Hubert: The Historie of Edward the Second (1629). CH.

Hubert, Sir Francis (1631). Hubert: Egypts Favourite (1631). CH.

Hudson, Thomas (1584). Hudson, T.: The Historie of Ivdith (1584). CH.

Hues, Robert (1659). A learned treatise of globes, both cœlestiall and terrestriall. EEBO-TCP.

Huggarde, Miles ([1550?]). A new treatyse in maner of a dialoge, whiche sheweth the excellency of man[n]es nature. EEBO-TCP.

Huggarde, Miles (1554). A treatise entitled the path waye to the towre of perfection. EEBO-TCP.

Huggarde, Miles ([1554]). The assault of the sacrame[n]t of the altar. EEBO-TCP.

Huggarde, Miles (1555). A mirrour of loue, which such light doth giue, that all men may learne, how to loue and liue. EEBO-TCP.

Hugh of Leicester (1864). [Anon.]: A mery Iest of Dane Hew Munk of Leicestre (1864). CH.

Hughes, John (1622). St. Pauls exercise, or, A sermon of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Hughes, John (1683). A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable George Earl of Berkley, governour, and the Company of Merchants of England trading in the Levant seas. EEBO-TCP.

Hughes, John (1698). The triumph of peace. EEBO-TCP.

Hughes, John (1700). The court of Neptune. EEBO-TCP.

Hughes, Lewes (1640). Certaine greevances, vvell vvorthy the serious consideration of the right honorable and high Court of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Hughes, Thomas (1587). Certaine deu[is]es and shewes presented to her Maiestie by the gentlemen of Grayes-Inne at her Highnesse court in Greenewich, the twenty eighth day of Februarie in the thirtieth yeare of her Maiesties most happy raigne. EEBO-TCP.

Hugo of Caumpeden (1537?). The history of kyng Boccus, and Sydracke. Tr. by Hugo of Caumpeden, out of frenche. TUDOR.

Hume, Alexander (1594). A treatise of the felicitie, of the life to come. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Alexander (1594). Ane treatise of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Alexander (1599). Hymnes, or, Sacred songs. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Alexander (1602). A diduction of the true and catholik meaning of our Sauiour his words. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Alexander (1902). Hume, A.: Poems (1902). CH.

Hume, Anna (1644). Hume, Anna: The triumphs of love: chastity: death (1644). CH.

Hume, David (1605). Daphn-Amaryllis. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, David (1605). De vnione insulæ Britannicæ tractatus. 1. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, David (1613). Illustrissimi principis Henrici iusta. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, David (1617). Regi suo post bis septennium in patriam ex Angliâ redeunti, Scotiae gratulatio. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, David (1643-1644). The history of the houses of Douglas and Angus. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, David (1648 and 1657]). A general history of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Patrick (1580). The promine, contening the maner, place and time, of the maist illuster King James the sext his first passing to the feildis. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Patrick (1629). The flytting betwixt Montgomerie and Polwart. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Patrick (1695). A poem dedicated to the immortal memory of Her Late Majesty the Most Incomparable Q. Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Patrick (1695). Annotations on Milton's Paradise lost. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Sir Patrick, of Polwart (1895). Hume, P.: The Promine (1895). CH.

Hume, Tobias (1607). Captaine Humes poeticall musicke. EEBO-TCP.

Hume, Tobias (1642). The trve petition of Colonel Hvme as it was presented to the Lords assembled in the high court of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Humfrey, John ([1682]). An answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's book of The unreasonableness of separation. EEBO-TCP.

Hunnis, William (1550). Hunnis, W.: Certayne Psalmes chosen out of the Psalter (1550). CH.

Hunnis, William (1578). A hyue full of hunnye. EEBO-TCP.

Hunnis, William (1578). Hunnis: A Hyve Fvll of Hunnye (1578). CH.

Hunnis, William (1583). Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Hunnis, William (1595). Hunnies recreations. EEBO-TCP.

Hunnis, William (1595). Hunnis: Hvnnies Recreations (1595). CH.

Hunnis, William (1597). Hunnis: Seuen Sobs of a Sorrowful Soule for Sinne. CH.

Hurault, Jacques (1595). Politicke, moral, and martial discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Hurtado de Mendoza, Antonio (1671). Querer por solo querer. EEBO-TCP.

Hutchins, Edward (1593). Davids sling against great Goliah. EEBO-TCP.

Hutchinson, Roger (1560. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ maiestatis per septennium). A faithful declaration of Christes holy supper. EEBO-TCP.

Hutchinson, Roger (1560. Cum gratia & priuilegio Reginæ maiestatis per septennium). The image of God, or, Laie mans boke. EEBO-TCP.

Hutchinson, William (1676). A rational discourse concerning transubstantiation. EEBO-TCP.

Hutchinson, William ([1679]). A letter to the Jesuits in prison. EEBO-TCP.

Hutten, Ulrich von (1533] Cum priuilegio). De morbo Gallico. EEBO-TCP.

Hutten, Ulrich von (1536] Cum priuilegio). Of the vvood called guaiacum. EEBO-TCP.

Hutton, Henry (1619). Follie's anatomie, or, Satyres and satyricall epigrams. EEBO-TCP.

Hutton, Henry (1619). Hutton: Follies Anatomie (1619). CH.

Hutton, Luke ([1596]). The blacke dogge of Newgate. EEBO-TCP.

Hutton, Luke (1598). Luke Huttons lamentation. EEBO-TCP.

Hutton, Luke (1638). The discovery of a London monster, called, The blacke dogg of New-gate. EEBO-TCP.

Hyde, Edward (1657). A Christian legacy. EEBO-TCP.

Hyde, Edward (1659). A Christian vindication of truth against errour. EEBO-TCP.

Hyde, Edward (1662). The true Catholicks tenure, or, A good Christians certainty which he ought to have of his religion, and may have of his salvation. EEBO-TCP.


I. B. ([1547]). A bryefe and plaine declaracion of certayne sente[n]ces in this litle boke folowing. EEBO-TCP.

I. B. ([1621]). Algiers voyage in a iournall, or, Briefe reportary of all occurrents hapning in the fleet of ships sent out by the King his most excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

I. C (1613). Alcilia. EEBO-TCP.

I. D (1597). The most wonderfull and true storie, of a certaine witch named Alse Gooderige of Stapen hill, who was arraigned and conuicted at Darbie at the Assises there. EEBO-TCP.

I. E (1641). The land of promise and the Covenant thereof. EEBO-TCP.

I. H (1619). The house of correction, or, Certayne satyricall epigrams. EEBO-TCP.

I. H. (1616). The diuell of the vault, or, The vnmasking of murther. EEBO-TCP.

Ibn Tufayl, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik (1674). An account of the Oriental philosophy shewing the wisdom of some renowned men of the East. EEBO-TCP.

Ibn Tufayl, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik (1686). The history of Hai Eb'n Yockdan, an Indian prince, or, The self-taught philosopher. EEBO-TCP.

Ignatius (1624). A manuall of devout meditations and exercises. EEBO-TCP.

Ignatius ([1696]). [Tou agiou Ignatiou epistolai.]. EEBO-TCP.

Image of Hypocrisy, The (1868-1872). [Anon.]: The Image of Ypocresye (1868-1872). CH.

Ingelo, Nathaniel (1660). Bentivolio and Urania. EEBO-TCP.

Ingelo, Nathaniel (1677). A discourse concerning repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Innocent (1576). The mirror of mans lyfe. EEBO-TCP.

Instone, Sarah (1797). Poems on several occasions. WWP.

Irish, David (1700). Levamen infirmi, or, Cordial counsel to the sick and diseased. EEBO-TCP.

Isidore (1534). Here be the gathered counsailes of saynct Isodorie to informe man, howe he shuld flee vices and folowe vertues. EEBO-TCP.

Isocrates (1533?]). [The doctrinall of princis]. EEBO-TCP.


J. B (1644). Chirologia, or, The naturall language of the hand. EEBO-TCP.

J. B (1645). A relation of the troubles of the three forraign churches in Kent, caused by the injunctions of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, Anno Dom. 1634 &c. EEBO-TCP.

J. B (1649). Pathomyotamia, or, A dissection of the significative muscles of the affections of the minde. EEBO-TCP.

J. B (1697). The true case of John Butler, B.D., a minister of the true Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

J. C ([1664]). An elegie upon the death of the most incomparable Mrs. Katharine Philips, the glory of her sex. EEBO-TCP.

J. C., fl.1603 ([1603]). J. C., fl.1603: Saint Marie Magdalens Conversion [1603]. CH.

J. C., gent. (1579). J. C., fl.1579 Gent: A poor Knight his Pallace (1579). CH.

J. D ([1591]). A triple almanacke for the yeere of our Lorde God 1591, being the thirde from the leape yeare. EEBO-TCP.

J. D (1665). A true and compendious narration, or, Second part of Amboyna, or, Sundry notorious or remarkable injuries, insolencies, and acts of hostility which the Hollanders have exercised from time to time against the English nation in the East-Indies, &c. EEBO-TCP.

J. D. (1686). A memorial for the learned, or, Miscellany of choice collections from most eminent authors. EEBO-TCP.

J. F. (1587?]). A most breefe manner of instruction, to the principles of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

J. G. E. [John Egerton?] (1600). J. G. E. [John Egerton?]: Englands Hope, Against Irish Hate (1600). CH.

J. H (12, 1642). A remonstrance of the present estate of the Kings armie. EEBO-TCP.

J. H (1657). The history of Polindor and Flostella, with other poems. EEBO-TCP.

J. M (1642). A reply to the Answer (printed by His Majesties command at Oxford) to a printed booke intituled Observations upon some of His Maiesties late answers and expresses. EEBO-TCP.

J. M (1676). Sports and pastimes, or, Sport for the city and pastime for the country. EEBO-TCP.

J. S (1664). Paidon nosemata. EEBO-TCP.

J. S (1678). A short compendium of chirurgery. EEBO-TCP.

J. S. (1697). The innocent epicure, or, The art of angling. EEBO-TCP.

J. T. (1594). J. T.: An Ovld Facioned Love (1594). CH.

J. V. C (1671). Three letters declaring the strange odd preceedings of Protestant divines. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, Henry (1663 [i.e. 1664]). A visitation of love to the tender plants of Gods vineyard. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, John (1628). Ecclesiastes. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, John (1640). The key of knowledge. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, John (1641). The true euangelical temper. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, John (1642). The booke of conscience opened and read. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, John (1649). The pedigree and perigrination of Israel. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, John (1661). A treatise concerning mans future eternity. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, Thomas (1625). Christs ansvver vnto Iohns question, or, An introduction to the knowledge of Iesus Christ, and him crucified. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, Thomas (1637). Diverse sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, Thomas (1639). Wisdome crying out to sinners to returne from their evill wayes. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, William (1616). The celestiall husbandrie, or, The tillage of the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Jackson, William (1675). Of the rule of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Jacob and his Sons ([1570?]). [Anon.]: Thystory of Jacoby and his twelve Sones [1570?]. CH.

Jacobus (1474 (31 March)]). [T]o the right noble, right excellent [and] vertuous prince George duc of Clarence Erle of warwyk and of salisburye, grete chamberlayn of Englond [and] leutenant of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of England and of frau[n]ce, your most humble seruant william Caxton amonge other of your seruantes sendes vnto you peas. helthe. ioye and victorye vpon your enemyes …. EEBO-TCP.

Jacobus ([1483]). [Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive, Lombardica historia]. EEBO-TCP.

James I, King of Scotland (1884). James I: The Kingis Quair (1884). CH.

James VI, King of Scotland (1947-1958). James VI: Poems (1947 -1958). CH.

James_I (1585). A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco. R3.

James, Ralph (1672). The Quakers subterfuge or evasion over-turned. EEBO-TCP.

James, Thomas (1608). An apologie for Iohn Wickliffe. EEBO-TCP.

James (1584). The essayes of a prentise, in the diuine art of poesie. EEBO-TCP.

James (1597). Daemonologie. EEBO-TCP.

James (1604). A counterblaste to tobacco. EEBO-TCP.

Jameson, William (1689). Verus Patroclus, or, The weapons of Quakerism, the weakness of Quakerism. EEBO-TCP.

Jameson, William (1697). Nazianzeni querela et votum justum, The fundamentals of the hierarchy examin'd and disprov'd. EEBO-TCP.

Jane, Joseph (1660). Salmasius his dissection and confutation of the diabolical rebel Milton. EEBO-TCP.

Jane, William ([1689]). A letter to a friend, containing some quæries about the new commission for making alterations in the liturgy, canons, &c. of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Janeway, James (1674). Mr. James Janeway's legacy to his friends. EEBO-TCP.

Jeanes, Henry (1660). A second part of The mixture of scholasticall divinity, with practical,. EEBO-TCP.

Jeffreys, George Jeffreys ([1685]). The charge given by the Ld. Ch. Justice Jefferies at the city of Bristol, Monday, September 21, 1685, in his return from his western campaigne. EEBO-TCP.

Jeffreys, George Jeffreys (1688). Lord Chancellor's petition to His Highness the Prince of Orange. EEBO-TCP.

Jeffreys, George Jeffreys (1689). The chancellor's address & confession to both houses of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Jenkyn, Pathericke (1661). Amorea, the lost lover, or, The idea of love and misfortune. EEBO-TCP.

Jenkyn, Pathericke (1661). Jenkyn: Amorea (1661). CH.

Jenner, Thomas (1656). The path of life and the way that leadeth down to the chambers of death, or, The steps to Hell and the steps to Heaven. EEBO-TCP.

Jenny, Thomas (1568). Jenny: A discovrs of the present troobles in Fravnce (1568). CH.

Jenny, Thomas (1891). Jenye: Maister Randolphes Phantasey (1891). CH.

Jenynges, Edward (1574). Jenynges: The Notable Hystory of Alfagus and Archelaus (1574). CH.

Jerome ([1630]). Certaine selected epistles of S. Hierome as also the liues of Saint Paul the first hermite, of Saint Hilarion the first monke of Syria, and of S. Malchus. EEBO-TCP.

Jessey, Henry (1647). The exceeding riches of grace advanced by the spirit of grace, in an empty nothing creature, viz. Mris. Sarah Wight. EEBO-TCP.

Jevon, Thomas (1686). The devil of a wife, or, A comical transformation. EEBO-TCP.

Jewel, John (1560?]). The true copies of the letters betwene the reuerend father in God Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole. EEBO-TCP.

Jewel, John ([1562]). An apologie, or aunswer in defence of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Jewel, John (1564). An apologie or answere in defence of the Churche of Englande, with a briefe and plaine declaration of the true Religion professed and used in the ame. WWP.

Jewel, John ([1564]). An apologie or answere in defence of the Churche of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Jewel, John (1565). A replie vnto M. Hardinges ansvveare. EEBO-TCP.

Jewel, John (1582). A viewe of a seditious bul sent into Englande, from Pius Quintus Bishop of Rome, anno. 1569. EEBO-TCP.

Jewel, John (1584). An expositio[n] vpon the two epistles of the apostle S. Paul to the Thessalonians. EEBO-TCP.

Joannes (1607). The Englishmans docter, or, The schoole of Salerne, or, Physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing of the body of man in continuall health. EEBO-TCP.

Jobson, Richard (1623). The golden trade, or, A discouery of the riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians. EEBO-TCP.

Jocelin (1625). The life of the glorious bishop S. Patricke apostle and primate of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Jocelin, Elizabeth (1624). The mothers legacie, to her vnborne childe. EEBO-TCP.

John (1621). The pope. EEBO-TCP.

John (8 October 1496]). Multo[rum] vocabuloru[m] equiuocoru[m] intepretatio, Magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia grammatico [et] latini cupido p[er]maxime necessaria, incipit. EEBO-TCP.

John Calvin. Of Prayer- A Perpetual Exercise of Faith. The Daily Benefits Derived from It. CCEL.

John Chrysostom ([1542]). A sermon of Saint Chrysostome, wherein besyde that it is furnysshed with heuenly wisedome [and] teachinge, he wonderfully proueth, that no man is hurted but of hym selfe. EEBO-TCP.

John Chrysostom (1544). An homilie of Saint John Chrysostome vpon that saying of Saint Paul, Brethern, I wold not haue you ignorant, what is becom of those that slepe, to the end ye lament not. &c. EEBO-TCP.

John Chrysostom (1659). The golden book of St. John Chrysostom, concerning the education of children. EEBO-TCP.

John of Capistrano ([c.1515]). John of Capistrano: [Capystranus] [c. 1515]. CH.

John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591). A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ. CCEL.

John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591). Ascent of Mount Carmel. CCEL.

John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591). Dark Night of the Soul. CCEL.

John ([23 Aug. 1553]). The treasury of healthe. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Edward (1659). An examination of the essay, or, An answer to The fifth monarchy. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Francis ([1595]). A treatise of the ministery of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Francis (1606). An inquirie and ansvver of Thomas VVhite his discoverie of Brovvnisme. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, James (1670). Nature inverted, or, Judgement turned into gall. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, James (1670). The judge's authority, or, Constitution. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Mary F. (1810). Original sonnets, and other poems. WWP.

Johnson, Richard ([1591]). Musarum plangores. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1592). The nine worthies of London. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1592). Johnson, R.: The nine Worthies of London (1592). CH.

Johnson, Richard (1596). The most famous history of the seauen champions of Christendome. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1597). The second part of the famous history of the seauen champions of Christendome. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1603). A lanterne-light for loyall subiects, or, A terrour for traytours. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1607). The pleasant vvalkes of Moore-fields. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1607). Johnson, R.: The Pleasant Walkes of Moore-fields (1607). CH.

Johnson, Richard (1612). A crovvne garland of goulden roses. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1612). A remembrance of the honors due to the life and death of Robert Earle of Salisbury, Lord Treasurer of England, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1612). Johnson, R.: A Crovvne-Garland of Govlden Roses (1612). CH.

Johnson, Richard (1620). The golden garland of princely pleasures and delicate delights. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1620). Johnson, R.: The golden garland (1620). CH.

Johnson, Richard (1631). The most pleasant history of Tom a Lincolne. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1635). The pilgrimage of man, vvandering in a vvildernesse of vvoe. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1642). Good and trve nevves from Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1642). The last intelligence from Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1649[?]). The pleasant conceits of Old Hobson the merry Londoner. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard (1696). The famous history of the seven champions of Christendom. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Richard ([1591]). Johnson, R.: Musarum plangores [1591]. CH.

Johnson, Robert (1601). Essaies, or, Rather imperfect offers. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Robert (1609). Dauids teacher, or, The true teacher of the right-vvay to heauen. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Robert (1609). Nova Britannia. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Robert (1684). Enchiridion medicum, or, A manual of physick. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Robert (1690). A letter from Dublin, of April the second. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Robert (1700). Praxis medicinæ reformata, or, The practice of physick reformed. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel ([1679]). A letter from a freeholder of Buckinghamshire, to a friend in London, concerning the election of the knights of the said county. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel ([1679]). An ansvver to a letter from a freeholder of Buckingham-shire to a friend in London. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel ([1682]). Julian the apostate. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1684). A sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor and aldermen at Guildhall-Chappel, on Palm-Sunday, 1679. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1687?]). The tryal and examination of a late libel, intituled, A new test of the Church of Englands loyalty. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1688). Of magistracy. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1688). Purgatory prov'd by miracles. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1688). The absolute impossibility of transubstantiation demonstrated. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1688). The true mother church, or, A short practical discourse upon Acts II, concerning the first church at Jerusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1688). The way to peace amongst all Protestants. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1689?]). A letter from a freeholder, to the rest of the freeholders of England, and all others, who have votes in the choice of Parliament-men. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1689). Remarks upon Dr. Sherlock's book intituled The case of resistance of the supreme powers stated and resolved, according to the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1689). The opinion is this, that resistance may be vsed, in case our religion and rights should be invaded. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel ([1689]). Reflections on the History of passive obedience. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1692). An argument proving, that the abrogation of King James by the people of England from the regal throne, and the promotion of the Prince of Orange, one of the royal family, to throne of the kingdom in his stead, was according to the constitution of the English government, and prescribed by it. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1693). An essay concerning Parliaments at a certainty, or, The kalends of May. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1694). Notes upon the Phœnix edition of the Pastoral letter. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1698). A confutation of a late pamphlet intituled, A letter ballancing the necessity of keeping a land-force in time of peace, with the dangers that may follow on it. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Samuel (1700). The second part of The confutation of the Ballancing letter. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, Thomas (1595). Cornucopiæ, or, Diuers secrets. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, William (1661). Novelty represt, in a reply to Mr. Baxter's answer to William Johnson. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, William (1664). Deus nobiscum. EEBO-TCP.

Johnson, William (1665). Agyrto-mastix, or, Some brief animadversions upon two late treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Jole, William (1671). Comfortable words to afflicted consciences. EEBO-TCP.

Jole, William (1680). A vvarning to drunkards. EEBO-TCP.

Jonas, Justus ([1546]). The true historie of the Christen departynge of the reuere[n]de ma[n] D. Martyne Luther,. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Anna Maria (1793). The poems of Anna Maria. WWP.

Jones, D (1697). The secret history of White-Hall, from the restoration of Charles II down to the abdication of the late K. James. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Henry (1641 [i.e. 1642]). A perfect relation of the beginning and continuation of the Irish-rebellion, from May last, to this present 12th, of January, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Inigo (1634). The temple of love. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Inigo (1637 [i.e. 1638]). Britannia triumphans. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Inigo (1655). The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng on Salisbvry plain. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, John ([1698]). De morbis hibernorum; speciatim vero de dysenteria hibernica. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, John (1700). The mysteries of opium reveal'd. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Richard (1590). The booke of honor and armes. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Sarah (1644). To Sions louers, being a golden egge to avoid infection, or, A short step into the doctrine of laying on of hands. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, Sarah (1644). To Sions lovers, being a golden egge, to avoide infection. WWP.

Jones, Sarah ([1650]). This is lights appearance in the truth to all the precious dear lambs of the life dark vanished, light shines forth. EEBO-TCP.

Jones, William ([1682]). A just and modest vindication of the proceedings of the two last parliaments. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, B. (1608). The Masque of Beauty. R3.

Jonson, B. (1608). The Masque of Blacknesse. R3.

Jonson, Ben (0 sD. 1616). The workes of Beniamin Ionson. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1600). The comicall satyre of euery man out of his humor. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1601). Euery man in his humor. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1601). The fountaine of selfe-loue, or, Cynthias reuels. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1601). Jonson's "Cynthia's Revels": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben (1601). Jonson's "Every Man in His Humour": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben (1604). B. Ion, his part of King Iames his royall and magnificent entertainement through his honorable cittie of London, Thurseday the 15. of March. 1603. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1605). Ben Jonson's "Sejanus": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben (1606). Hymenaei, or, the solemnities of masque, and barriers. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1607). Ben Jonson's "Volpone": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben ([1608]). The characters of two royall masques. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1609). A pleasant comedy, called: The case is alterd. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1611). Catiline his conspiracy. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1611). Ben Jonson's "Catiline": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben (1612). The alchemist. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1612). Ben Jonson's "The Alchemist": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben (1616). Every man in his humour. OTA.

Jonson, Ben (1616). Every Man in his Humour. EarlyUVa.

Jonson, Ben (1620). Jonson's "Epic[oelig ]ne": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben ([1624]). Neptunes triumph for the returne of Albion. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben ([1625]). The fortunate isles and their vnion. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1630. [i.e. 1631]). Loues triumph through Callipolis. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1631). Bartholmew fayre. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1631). Jonson: The nevv inne (1631). CH.

Jonson, Ben (1631). Jonson's "Bartholomew Fair": electronic edition. TACT.

Jonson, Ben ([1631]). Chloridia. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben ([1631]). The nevv inne, or, The light heart. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1640). Ben: Ionson's Execration against Vulcan. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben (1640). Jonson: The Workes (1640). CH.

Jonson, Ben (1641). The divell is an asse. EEBO-TCP.

Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637 (1598). Every Man In His Humour. EarlyUVa.

Jonson, Ben. Bartholomew Fair. OTA.

Jonson, Ben. Bartholomew Fayre. OTA.

Jordan, Thomas (1637). Poeticall varieties, or, Varietie of fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1641). A medicine for the times, or, An antidote against faction. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1641). Jordan, T.: Pictures (1641). CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1641]). Pictures of passions, fancies, & affections. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1642). A speech to the people, or, A briefe and reall discovery of the unhappy estate of these most distracted times. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1642). London's ioyfull gratulation, and thankfull remembrance for their safeties. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1642). Jordan: A Diurnall of Dangers. CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1642). Jordan: The Christian Souldier (1642). CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1643). Piety, and poesy. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1644). Jordan: The Debtor's Apologie (1644). CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1644]). The debtors apologie, or, A quaint paradox proving that it is good to be in debt, and, in this age, may be usefull for all men. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1646). Divine raptvres, or, Piety in poesie. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1646). Jordan: Divine raptvres (1646). CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1646). Jordan: Love's Dialect (1646). CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1650?]). Claraphil and Clarinda. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1657). Fancy's festivals. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (166-?]). Jevvels of ingenvity, set in a coronet of poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1660?]). Divinity and morality in robes of poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas ([1660]). A speech spoken to His Excellency the Lord General Monck. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1661). Jordan: A box of spikenard (1661). CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1662). A cure for the tongue-evill, or, A receipt against vain oaths. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1662). Jordan: A Cure for the Tongue-Evill (1662). CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1663). A new droll, or, The counter-scuffle. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1663). Tricks of youth, or, The walks of Islington and Hogsdon with the humours of Woodstreet-compter. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1663). Jordan: A New Droll (1663). CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1663]). A royal arbor of loyal poesie. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1665?]). Wit in a wildernesse of promiscuous poesie. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1668). Money is an asse. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1668). Selfe, or, A riddle called the monster. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1668). Jordan: Selfe (1668). CH.

Jordan, Thomas (1671). London's resurrection to joy and triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1674). The goldsmiths' jubile, or, Londons triumphs. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1675). The triumphs of London. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1676). Londons triumphs. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1678). The triumphs of London. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1679). London in luster. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas (1680?]). The muses melody in a consort of poetrie. EEBO-TCP.

Jordan, Thomas ([1643]). Jordan: Piety, and Poesy [1643]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1650?]). Jordan: Claraphil and Clarinda [1650?]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1657]). Jordan: Divinity and morality in Robes of Poetry[1657]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1660?]). Jordan: Jewels of Ingenvity [166*?]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1663]). Jordan: A Royal Arbor (1663). CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1665?]). Jordan: A Nursery of Novelties [1665?]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1665?]). Jordan: Musick & Poetry [1665?]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1665?]). Jordan: Wit in a Wildernesse of Promiscuous Poesie [1665?]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([1680?]). Jordan: The Muses Melody [1680?]. CH.

Jordan, Thomas ([c.1670]). Jordan, T.: A Looking-glass for a covetous Miser [c.1670]. CH.

Josephus, Flavius (1602). The famous and memorable vvorkes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Iewes. EEBO-TCP.

Josselyn, John (1672). New-Englands rarities discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Jousts of May and June, The (1507). The Jousts of May and June (1507). CH.

Joye, George (1531?]). The letters which Iohan Ashwel priour of Newnham Abbey besids Bedforde, sente secretely to the Bishope of Lyncolne. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George ([1534]). The subuersio[n] of Moris false foundacion. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George (1535). An apolgye made by George Ioye to satisfye (if it maye be) w. Tindale. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George ([1541]). The defence of the mariage of preistes. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George (1543] In Iune). The vnitie and scisme of the olde chirche. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George ([1543]). George Ioye confuteth, VVinchesters false articles. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George ([1544]). A present consolation for the sufferers of persecucion for ryghtwysenes. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George (1545. In Auguste). The exposicion of Daniel the prophete gathered oute of Philip Melanchton, Iohan Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane [and] out of Iohan Draconite. [et] c. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George ([1546]). The refutation of the byshop of Winchesters derke declaratio[n] of his false articles. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George (1548?]). The letters whyche Iohan Ashwell priour of Newnham Abbey besydes Bedforde, sente secretely to the Byshope of Lyncolne. EEBO-TCP.

Joye, George ([1549?]). A contrarye (to a certayne manis) consultacion. EEBO-TCP.

Juan de Santa María (1632). Policie vnveiled. EEBO-TCP.

Jurieu, Pierre ([1688]). A letter of several French ministers fled into Germany upon the account of the persecution in France. EEBO-TCP.

Justinus, Marcus Junianus ([1564]). Thabridgment of the histories of Trogus Pompeius. EEBO-TCP.

Justinus, Marcus Junianus (1606). The historie of Iustine. EEBO-TCP.

Juvenal (1617). That vvhich seemes best is worst. EEBO-TCP.

Juvenal (1660). Mores hominum. EEBO-TCP.

Juvenal (1693). The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis. EEBO-TCP.


Keach, Benjamin (1675). Keach: The Grand Impostor Discovered (1675). CH.

Keach, Benjamin (1676). Keach: An Elegy on the Death of … John Norcot (1676). CH.

Keach, Benjamin (1676). Keach: War with the Devil (1676). CH.

Keach, Benjamin (1679). Keach: The Glorious Lover (1679). CH.

Keach, Benjamin (1681). Keach: Sion in distress (1681). CH.

Keach, Benjamin (1691). Keach: Spiritual Melody (1691). CH.

Keach, Benjamin (1693). Keach: The Everlasting Covenant (1693). CH.

Keach, Benjamin ([1693]). [The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism and church-membership. EEBO-TCP.

Keach, Benjamin ([1693]). The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism, and church-membership. EEBO-TCP.

Keach, Benjamin (1700). Keach: Spiritual Songs (1700). CH.

Keckermann, Bartholomäus ([1622]). Ouranognosia. EEBO-TCP.

Keill, John (1698). An examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1665). A salutation of dear and tender love to the seed of God. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George ([1665]). Help in time of need from the God of help. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1668). Immediate revelation, or, Jesus Christ the eternall Son of God revealed in man and revealing the knowledge of God and the things of his kingdom immediately, or, The Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit of promise. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1670). The light of truth triumphing over darkness and ignorance, error and envy. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1671). A general epistle to Friends. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1671). The universall free grace of the Gospell asserted, or, The light of the glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1674). A looking-glass for all those called Protestants in these three nations. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1674). George Keith's vindication from the forgeries and abuses of T. Hick & W. Kiffin with the rest of his confederate brethren of the Barbican-Meeting held London the 28th of the 6th month, 1674. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1674). The woman-preacher of Samaria. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1675). Quakerism no popery, or, A particular answere to that part of Iohn Menzeis, professor of divinity in Aberdeen, (as he is called) his book, intituled Roma mendax. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1677). The way cast up, and the stumbling-blocks removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1678). The way to the city of God described, or, A plain declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1679). The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1682). Truths defence, or, The pretended examination by John Alexander of Leith. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1685). Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1687). The benefit, advantage and glory of silent meetings. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1688). The fundamental truths of Christianity. EEBO-TCP.

Keith, George (1690). A refutation of three opposers of truth. EEBO-TCP.

Kellwaye, Simon (1593). A defensatiue against the plague. EEBO-TCP.

Kelly, John ([1699]). An impartial relation of John Kelly's services in the Victualling-Office. EEBO-TCP.

Kelsey, Joseph ([1691]). Melchisedek. EEBO-TCP.

Kelton, Arthur (1546). A commendacion / Of welshmen. TUDOR.

Kelton, Arthur ([1546]). A commendacyon of welshmen. EEBO-TCP.

Kelton, Arthur (1547). A chronycle with a genealogie. Newly compyled in meter. TUDOR.

Kelton, Arthur (1547). Kelton: A Chronycle with a Genealogie (1547). CH.

Kelton, Arthur ([1547]). A chronycle with a genealogie declaryng that the Brittons and Welshemen are linealiye dyscended from Brute. EEBO-TCP.

Kelton, Arthur ([1546]). Kelton: [A Commendacion of Welshmen] [1546]. CH.

Kemp, W (1665). A brief treatise of the nature, causes, signes, preservation from, and cure of the pestilence. EEBO-TCP.

Kemp, W. (1600). Nine daies vvonder. R3.

Kempe, Margery ([1501]). Here begynneth a shorte treatyse of contemplacyon taught by our lorde Jhesu cryste, or taken out of the boke of Margerie kempe of lyn[n]. EEBO-TCP.

Kempe, William (1587). A dutiful inuectiue, against the moste haynous treasons of Ballard and Babington. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1675). A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester College. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1682). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Margaret Mainard, at Little Easton in Essex, on the 30th of June, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1685). An exposition on the church-catechism, or, The practice of divine love. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas ([1686]). Directions for prayer, for the diocess of Bath and Wells. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1688). A pastoral letter from the Bishop of Bath and Wells to his clergy, concerning their behaviour during Lent. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1688). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Margaret Mainard, at Little Easton in Essex, on the 30th of June, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1692). Prayers for the use of all persons who come to the baths for cure. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas ([1695]). A letter to the author of a sermon entitled, A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Her Late Majesty Queen Mary, of ever blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Ken, Thomas (1699). The royal sufferer. EEBO-TCP.

Kendall, Timothy (1577). Flovvers of epigrammes, out of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers : Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie. EEBO-TCP.

Kendall, Timothy (1577). Kendall, T.: Flowers of Epigrammes (1577). CH.

Kendricke, John (1625). The last will and testament of Mr. Iohn Kendricke late citizen and draper of London. EEBO-TCP.

Kennedy, John (1626). The historie of Calanthrop and Lucilla. EEBO-TCP.

Kennedy, John (1626). Kennedy, J.: Calanthrop and Lucilla (1626). CH.

Kennedy, John (1629). A theological epitome, or, Divine compend. EEBO-TCP.

Kennedy, John (1629). Kennedy, J.: A Theological Epitome or Divine Compend (1629). CH.

Kennedy, Walter (1902). Kennedy, Walter: The poems of Walter Kennedy (1902). CH.

Kennett, White (1681). A letter from a student at Oxford to a friend in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Kennett, White (1681). To Mr. E.L. on His Majesties dissolving the late Parliament at Oxford, March 28, 1681. EEBO-TCP.

Kennett, White (1689). A dialogue between two friends occasioned by the late revolution of affairs, and the oath of allegiance. EEBO-TCP.

Kennett, White (1695). The righteous taken away from the evil to come. EEBO-TCP.

Kennett, White (1699). Some remarks on the life, death, and burial of Mr. Henry Cornish, B.D., an eminent dissenting teacher who died on Sunday, Dec. 18, and was interr'd on Thursday, Dec. 22, 1698, in the church of Bisiter in the county of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Kent, Elizabeth Grey (1687). A choice manual, or, Rare secrets in physick and chirurgery. EEBO-TCP.

Ker, George (1593). A discouerie of the vnnatural and traiterous conspiracie of Scottish papists, against God, his church, their natiue countrie, the Kings Maiesties person and estate. EEBO-TCP.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1684). Ker: Flosculum Poeticum (1684). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1685). Ker: A Mournful Elegy (1685). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1685). Ker: A poem on the Coronation of James II (1685). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1685). Ker: A Poem on the Coronation of James the II (1685). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1685). Ker: An elegy on the … death … of … Charles II (1685). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1685). Ker: Scotlands Loyalty (1685). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1685). Ker: The Mournful Mite (1685). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1690). Ker: LOGOMACIA: or, The Conquest of Eloquence (1690). CH.

Ker, Peter [or Patrick] (1690). Ker: The Map of Man's Misery (1690). CH.

Kethe, William (1548? [STC]). A ballet declaringe the fal of the whore of babylone intytuled Tye thy mare tom boye. TUDOR.

Kethe, William (1548?]). A ballet declaringe the fal of the whore of babylone intytuled Tye thy mare tom boye. EEBO-TCP.

Kethe, William (1553? [STC]). Of misrules contending, with gods worde by name. TUDOR.

Kethe, William (1553?]). Of misrules contending, with gods worde by name. EEBO-TCP.

Kethe, William ([1555]). [William Kethe his seeing glasse]. EEBO-TCP.

Kethe, William (1558). Kethe: Introductory verse (1558). CH.

Kethe, William (1558). Kethe: The appellation of John Knoxe (1558). CH.

Kethe, William (1571?]). A sermon made at Blanford Foru[m]. EEBO-TCP.

Kethe, William ([1548?]). Kethe: A Ballet [1548?]. CH.

Kethe, William ([1553?]). Kethe: Of misrules contending / with gods worde by name [1553?]. CH.

Kettlewell, John (1681). The measures of Christian obedience, or, A discourse shewing what obedience is indispensably necessary to a regenerate state, and what defects are consistent with it, for the promotion of piety, and the peace of troubled consciences. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1683). An help and exhortation to worthy communicating, or, A treatise describing the meaning, worthy reception, duty, and benefits of the Holy Sacrament and answering the doubts of conscience, and other reasons, which most generally detain men from it. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1684). A funeral sermon for the Right Honourable, the Lady Frances Digby, who deceased at Coles-Hall in Warwickshire, on the 29th of September, 1684. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1686). The religious loyalist, or, A good Christian taught how to be a faithful servant both to God and the King. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1688). The practical believer, or, The articles of the Apostles Creed drawn out to form a true Christian's heart and practice. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1691). Christianity, a doctrine of the cross, or, Passive obedience, under any pretended invasion of legal rights and liberties. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1691). Of Christian prudence, or, Religious wisdom not degenerating into irreligious craftiness in trying times. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1691). The duty of allegiance settled upon its true grounds, according to Scripture, reason, and the opinion of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1693). A companion for the persecuted, or, An office for those who suffer for righteousness. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1693). Of Christian communion. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1694). A companion for the penitent, and for persons troubled in mind. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John ([1695]). Death made comfortable, or, The way to dye well. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1696). Five discourses on so many very important points of practical religion. EEBO-TCP.

Kettlewell, John (1697). An office for prisoners for crimes, together with another for prisoners for debt. EEBO-TCP.

Kilburne, Richard (1659). A topographie or survey of the county of Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Kilburne, Richard (1681). Choice presidents upon all Acts of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Anne (1686). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Anne (1686). Killigrew: Poems (1686). CH.

Killigrew, Anne (1686). Poems by Mrs Anne Killigrew. WWP.

Killigrew, Henry (1638). The conspiracy. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Henry (1643). A sermon preached before the Kings Most Excellent Majesty at Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Henry (1653). Pallantus and Eudora. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Henry (1666). A sermon preach'd before the king the first Sunday of Advent, 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Henry (1668). A sermon preach'd before His Majesty at White-Hall, May 29th, 1668. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Henry (1685). Sermons, preached partly before His Majesty at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Henry (1697). A court of judicature. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, Thomas (1664). Comedies and tragedies. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1647). An answer to such objections as were made by some commoners of Lincoln-shire and presented to both houses at the first sitting of this Parliament against Robert, Earle of Lindesey, and his participants. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1649). Sr. VVilliam Killigrew his answer to the fenne mens objections against the Earle of Lindsey his drayning in Lincolnshire. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1654?]). The Earle of Lindsey his title, by which himselfe and his participants doe claime 24000 acres of land in the fennes in Lincolnshire. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William ([1663]). A proposal, shewing how this nation may be vast gainers by all the sums of money, given to the Crown, without lessening the prerogative. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1664). Pandora. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1665). Three playes. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1666). Fovr nevv playes. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1669). The imperial tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1682). Mid-night thoughts. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William (1694). Mid-night and daily thoughts. EEBO-TCP.

Killigrew, William ([1698]). A short answer to a paper, intituled, Reasons humbly offered to the Honourable the Commons assembled in Parliament, against a bill brought in by Sir Robert Killigrew and others, undertakers and participants for the pretended dreining of Lindsey-Level in Lincolnshire. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1621). A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the 25. of Nouember. 1621. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1625). Two sermons. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1626). A sermon of deliuerance. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1640). A sermon preached at St. Pauls March 27. 1640. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1648?]). An elegy upon the most incomparable K. Charles the I. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1649). A groane at the fvnerall of the incomparable and glorious monarch, Charles the First, King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, &c., on whose sacred person was acted that execrable, horrid and prodigious murther by a trayterous crew, and bloudy combination at Westminster, January 30, 1648. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1654). The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1661). A sermon preached at White-Hall on the 29th of May. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1663). A sermon preached at Lewis in the diocess of Chichester. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1664). Poems, elegies, paradoxes, and sonets. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry (1665). A sermon preached the 30th of January at White-Hall, 1664. EEBO-TCP.

King, Henry, Bishop of Chichester (1648). King, H.: An Elegy Upon King Charles I (1648). CH.

King, Henry, Bishop of Chichester (1649). King: A Groane at the Fvnerall (1649). CH.

King, Henry, Bishop of Chichester (1651). King, H.: The Psalmes of David (1651). CH.

King, Henry, Bishop of Chichester (1664). King, Henry: Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes and Sonets (1664). CH.

King, John (1599). Lectures vpon Ionas. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1607). A sermon preached in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1607). The fourth sermon preached at Hampton Court on Tuesday the last of Sept. 1606. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1608). A sermon preached at White-Hall the 5. day of November. ann. 1608. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1608). A sermon preached in St. Maries at Oxford the 24. of March. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1614). Vitis Palatina. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1619). A sermon of publicke thanks-giuing for the happie recouerie of his Maiestie from his late dangerous sicknesse. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1620). A sermon at Paules Crosse, on behalfe of Paules Church, March 26. 1620. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1661). A sermon on the 30th of January, being the day on which that sacred martyr, King Charles the First, was murdered. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1680). The last speeches of the two ministers Mr. John King, and Mr. John Kid, [brace]. EEBO-TCP.

King, John (1697). A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Willoughby Chamberlain, Kt. EEBO-TCP.

King, Peter King (1691). An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity & worship of the primitive church that flourished within the first three hundred years after Christ. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1617). The straight gate to heauen. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1668). Poems of Mr. Cowley and others. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1687). An answer to the considerations which obliged Peter Manby, late Dean of London-Derry in Ireland, as he pretends, to embrace what he calls, the Catholick religion. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1691). A sermon preached at St. Patrick's Church Dublin on the 16th of Novemb. 1690. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1691). Europe's delivery from France and slavery. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1691). The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1694). A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1694). An admonition to the dissenting inhabitants of the diocess of Derry. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1694). Animadversions on a pretended Account of Danmark. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1696). A second admonition to the dissenting inhabitants of the diocess of Derry. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1698). A journey to London in the year 1698. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1699). Dialogues of the dead. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1699). The furmetary. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1700). The transactioneer, with some of his philosophical fancies. EEBO-TCP.

King, William (1704). King, W.: Mully of Montoun (1704). CH.

King, William ([1708]). King, William: 1662-1712: The Art of Cookery [1708]. CH.

King, William ([1709]). King, W.: Miscellanies [1709]. CH.

King, William ([1709]). King: The art of love [1709]. CH.

Kirbye, George (1597). The first set of English madrigalls. EEBO-TCP.

Kircher, Athanasius (1669). The vulcano's, or, Burning and fire-vomiting mountains, famous in the world, with their remarkables. EEBO-TCP.

Kirkcaldy, Sir William, of Grange (1891). Kirkcaldy: Ane ballate of the captane of the castell (1891). CH.

Kitchin-maid (1691). The kitchin-maids answer to the London apprentice's Word to the wavering Levite, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Kittowe, Robert (1600). Loues load-starre. EEBO-TCP.

Knell, Thomas (1550?). An ABC to the christen congregacion. TUDOR.

Knell, Thomas (1550?]). An ABC to the christen congregacion, or, A pathe way to the heauenly habitacion. EEBO-TCP.

Knell, Thomas (1569. Sep. 14). An epitaph, or rather a short discourse made vpon the life [and] death of D. Boner sometimes vnworthy Bisshop of London. EEBO-TCP.

Knell, Thomas ([1570]). An answer at large, to a most hereticall, trayterous, and papisticall byll in English verse. EEBO-TCP.

Knell, Thomas (1571). A declaration of such tempestious, and outragious fluddes, as hath been in diuers places of England. 1570. EEBO-TCP.

Knell, Thomas, junior (1569). Knell: An Epitaph upon the life and death of D. Boner (1569). CH.

Knell, Thomas, junior (1570). Knell: A piththy note to Papists all and some that ioy in Feltons Martirdome (1570). CH.

Knell, Thomas, junior (1570). Knell: An answer at large to a Papisticall Byll (1570). CH.

Knell, Thomas, junior (1571). Knell, T.: An historicall discourse of ye life and death of Doctor Story (1571). CH.

Knevet, Ralph (1628). Stratiotikon, or, A discourse of militarie discipline. EEBO-TCP.

Knevet, Ralph (1631). Rhodon and Iris. EEBO-TCP.

Knevet, Ralph (1637). Funerall elegies; consecrated to the immortall memory, of the Right Honorable the Lady Katherine Paston, late wife to the truely noble, and heroicke, William Paston, of Oxned Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Knevet, Ralph (1966). Knevet: The Shorter Poems (1966). CH.

Knight, Francis (1640). A relation of seaven yeares slaverie under the Turkes of Argeire, suffered by an English captive merchant. EEBO-TCP.

Knighthood and Battle (1935). [Anon.]: Knyghthode and Bataile (1935). CH.

Knolles, Richard (1603). The generall historie of the Turkes. EEBO-TCP.

Knolles, Richard (1687-1700). The Turkish history from the original of that nation, to the growth of the Ottoman empire. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John ([1554]). An admonition or vvarning that the faithful Christia[n]s in London, Newcastel Barwycke [and] others, may auoide Gods vengeau[n]ce. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John ([1558]). The first blast of the trumpet against the monstruous regiment of women. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John ([1560]). An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal predestination /. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John (1566). A sermon preached by Iohn Knox minister of Christ Iesus in the publique audience of the Church of Edenbrough, within the realme of Scotland, vpon Sonday, the 19 of August 1565. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John (1572). An answer to a letter of a Iesuit named Tyrie. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John (1580). A fort for the afflicted. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John (1644). The historie of the reformation of the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, John (20. daye of Julij. 1554]). A faythfull admonition made by Iohn Knox, vnto the professours of Gods truthe in England. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, Robert (1681). An historical relation of the island Ceylon, in the East-Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Knox, Thomas (1680). The tryal and conviction of Thomas Knox and John Lane for a conspiracy to defame and scandalize Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe. EEBO-TCP.

Kyd, Thomas ([1592]). The Spanish tragedie. EEBO-TCP.

Kyd, Thomas (1594). The Spanish Tragedy. ElizAuth.

Kyd, Thomas (1594). Thomas Kyd's "Spanish Tragedy": electronic edition. TACT.

Kyd, Thomas (1599). The Tragedy of Soliman and Perseda. ElizAuth.

Kynaston, Sir Francis (1633). Kynaston: Musæ Querulæ de Regis in Scotiam Profectione (1633). CH.

Kynaston, Sir Francis (1635). Kynaston: Musae aulicae (1635). CH.

Kynaston, Sir Francis (1642). Kynaston: Leoline and Sydanis (1642). CH.

Kyttes, G ([c.1572]). Kyttes: The Vnluckie Firmentie [1572?]. CH.

Kyttes, G (1572?]). [The vnluckie firmentie]. EEBO-TCP.


L. ?E (1687). A plain defence of the Protestant religion, fitted to the meanest capacity. EEBO-TCP.

L. P ([1636]). Bee patient in trouble, or, The patient mans counsell. EEBO-TCP.

L. T. A. (1592). The masque of the League and the Spanyard discouered. EEBO-TCP.

L. W (166-?]). The ill fortune of a younger brother. EEBO-TCP.

L.P ([1639]). A monstrous shape, or, A shapelesse monster. EEBO-TCP.

L'Espine, Jean de (1590). The sicke-mans comfort. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Hamon (1641). God's Sabbath before, under the law and under the Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Hamon (1655). The reign of King Charles. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Hamon (1659). The alliance of divine offices, exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (12th. 1662). A whipp for the animadverter. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1641 [i.e. 1661]). The relaps'd apostate, or, Notes upon a Presbyterian pamphlet, entituled, A petition for peace, &c. wherein the faction and design are laid as open as heart can wish. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1642, and now reprinted for Joanna Brome …, 1682). A memento treating of the rise, progress, and remedies of seditions. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1649). L'Estrange his vindication from the calumnies of a malitious party in Kent (relating to a commotion there in May, 1648). EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1660). A plea for limited monarchy, as it was established in this nation, before the late war. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1660). A short view of some remarkable transactions, leading to the happy settlement of these nations under the government of our lawfull and gracious soveraign, Charl[e]s the II, whom God preserve. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1660). L'Estrange his apology. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1661). A caveat to the cavaliers, or, An antidote against mistaken cordials. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1661). Interest mistaken, or, the Holy cheat. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1661). State-divinity, or, A supplement to The relaps'd apostate. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger ([1661]). To the right honorable Edward Earl of Clarenden, Lord High Chancellor of England, the humble apology of Roger L'Estrange. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1662). A memento, directed to all those that truly reverence the memory of King Charles the martyr. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1662). A whipp a whipp, for the schismaticall animadverter upon the Bishop of Worcester's letter. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1663). Toleration discuss'd. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1674). A discourse of the fishery. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1678). An account of the growth of knavery under the pretended fears of arbitrary government and popery. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1678). The growth of knavery and popery under the mask of presbytery. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1678). Tyranny and popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King and people. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). An answer to the Appeal from the country to the city. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). The case put, concerning the succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). The free-born subject, or, The Englishmans birthright asserted against all tyrannical vsurpations either in church or state. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). The history of the Plot, or, A brief and historical account of the charge and defence of Edward Coleman, Esq., William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, John Grove : Robert Greene, Henry Berry. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). The parallel, or, An account of the growth of knavery under the pretext of arbitrary government and popery. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). The reformed Catholique, or, The true Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1679). Toleration discuss'd, in two dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680?]). To the reverend Dr. Thomas Ken, Feb. 1, New stile, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). A compendious history of the most remarkable passages of the last fourteen years. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). A further discovery of the Plot. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). A seasonable memorial in some historical notes upon the liberties of the presse and pulpit. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). Citt and Bumpkin in a dialogue over a pot of ale concerning matters of religion and government. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). Citt and Bumpkin, or, A learned discourse upon swearing and lying. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). Crack upon crack, or, Crack-fart whipt with his own rod. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). Discovery upon discovery. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). L'Estrange's case in a civil dialogue betwixt 'Zekiel and Ephraim. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). Lestrange's narrative of the plot. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). The casuist uncas'd, in a dialogue betwixt Richard and Baxter, with a moderator between them, for quietnesse sake. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). The Presbyterian sham, or, A commentary upon the new old answer of the Assembly of divines to Dr. Stillingfleet's sermon. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1680). The state and interest of the nation, with respect to His Royal Highness the Duke of York. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681-). A new dialogue between some body and no body, or, The Observator observed. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). A hue and cry after Dr. T.O. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). A letter out of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). A reply to the second part of The character of a popish successor. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). A word concerning libels and libellers. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). Dissenters sayings. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). L'Estrange his appeal humbly submitted to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty and the three estates assembled in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). Notes upon Stephen College. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). The character of a papist in masquerade, supported by authority and experience. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). The committee, or Popery in masquerade. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). The dissenter's sayings, in requital for L'Estrange's sayings. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). The reformation reform'd, or, A short history of new-fashion'd Christians. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1681). The shammer shamm'd, in a plain discovery under young Tong's own hand, of a designe to trepann L'Estrange into a pretended subornation against the Popish plot. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1682). Remarks on the growth and progress of non-conformity. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1683). Considerations upon a printed sheet entituled the speech of the late Lord Russel to the sheriffs. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1683). The lawyer outlaw'd, or, A brief answer to Mr. Hunts defence of the charter. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1683). Theosebia, or, The churches advocate. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1685). The observator defended. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger ([1685]). The Observator's observation how narrowly he scap'd hanging. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger ([1685]). The observator's observations upon the bill of exculsion. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1687-1688). A brief history of the times, &c. …. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1687). A reply to the reasons of the Oxford-clergy against addressing. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1687). An answer to a letter to a dissenter. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1687). Two cases submitted to consideration. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1689). A dialogue between Sir R.L. Knight, and T.O.D. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (1689). The history of the Plot anatomised, or, The late sham fanatical-plot, briefly and plainly laid open. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger ([1690]). Some queries concerning the election of members for the ensuing Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (20, 1660). No blinde guides. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (28, 1661). A modest plea both for the caveat, and the author of it. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (3d, 1663). Considerations and proposals in order to the regulation of the press. EEBO-TCP.

L'Estrange, Roger (7th, 1662). Truth and loyalty vindicated from the reproches [sic] and clamours of Mr. Edward Bagshaw. EEBO-TCP.

La Bruyère, Jean de (1699). The characters, or, The manners of the age. EEBO-TCP.

La Fayette (1679). The Princess of Cleves. EEBO-TCP.

La Marche, Olivier de (1569). The trauayled pylgrime. EEBO-TCP.

La Marche, Olivier de (1594). The resolued gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

La Milletière, Théophile Brachet (1653). The victory of truth for the peace of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

La Mothe Le Vayer, François de (1649). Of liberty and servitude. EEBO-TCP.

La Noue, François de (1589). The declaration of the Lord de la Noue, vpon his taking armes for the iust defence of the townes of Sedan and Iametz, frontiers of the realme of Fraunce, and vnder the protection of his Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

La Perrière, Guillaume de (1614). The theater of fine deuices. EEBO-TCP.

La Roche-Guihen (1678). Almanzor and Almanzaida. EEBO-TCP.

La Rochefoucauld, François (1683). The memoirs of the Duke de La Rochefoucault. EEBO-TCP.

La Serre (1632). The sweete thoughts of death, and eternity. EEBO-TCP.

La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de ([1484]). [Here begynneth the booke which the knyght of the toure made]. EEBO-TCP.

Lactantius (1687). A relation of the death of the primitive persecutors. EEBO-TCP.

Lacy, John ([1560]). wyl bucke his testament. EEBO-TCP.

Lacy, John (1672). The old troop, or, Monsieur Raggou. EEBO-TCP.

Lacy, John (1684). Sr. Hercules Buffoon, or, The poetical squire. EEBO-TCP.

Lake, CLement (1692). Something by way of testimony concerning Clement Lake of Crediton in Devonshire. EEBO-TCP.

Lamb, Philip (1679). A funeral sermon after the interment of Mrs. Sarah Lye : the late wife of Mr. Thomas Lye of Clapham. EEBO-TCP.

Lambert, John (1548?]). A treatyse made by Johan Lambert vnto kynge Henry the.viij. concerynge hys opynyon in the sacrame[n]t of the aultre as they call it, or supper of the lorde as the scripture nameth it. Anno do. 1538. EEBO-TCP.

Lamport, John (1685). A direct method of ordering and curing people of that loathsome disease, the small-pox. EEBO-TCP.

Lane, John (1600). Lane: Tom Tel-Troths Message (1600). CH.

Lane, John (1603). Lane: An Elegie vpon the death of the high and renowned Princesse (1603). CH.

Lane, John (1648). Lane, J.: Alarvm to poets (1648). CH.

Lane, John (1888, 1890). Lane: Continuation of Chaucer's 'Squire's Tale' (1888, 1890). CH.

Laneham, Robert ([1575]). A letter. EEBO-TCP.

Lanfranco (1565). A most excellent and learned vvoorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci. EEBO-TCP.

Langbaine, Gerard (1641). Episcopall inheritance, or, A reply to the humble examination of a printed abstract of the answers to nine reasons of the Hovse of Commons against the votes of bishops in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Langbaine, Gerard (1685). The hunter. EEBO-TCP.

Langbaine, Gerard (1688 [i.e. 1687]). A new catalogue of English plays. EEBO-TCP.

Langbaine, Gerard (1691). An account of the English dramatick poets, or, Some observations and remarks on the lives and writings of all those that have publish'd either comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, pastorals, masques, interludes, farces or opera's in the English tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Langbaine, Gerard ([1699]). The lives and characters of the English dramatick poets. EEBO-TCP.

Langland, William (1867-1885). Langland: Piers the Plowman (1867 -1885). CH.

Langland, William (1867-1885). Langland: Piers the Plowman [B Text] (1867-1885). CH.

Langland, William (1867). Langland: Piers Plowman (1867). CH.

Langland, William (1983). Langland: Piers Plowman: The Z version (1983). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1861). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: Jacke Upland and The Reply of Friar Daw Topias, with Jack Upland's Rejoinder (1861). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1867). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: Pierce the Ploughmans Crede (1867). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1897). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: The Plowmans Tale (1897). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1930). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: Death and liffe (1930). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1936). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: Mum and the Sothsegger (1936). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1959). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: The parlement of the thre ages (1959). CH.

Langland, William [poems associated with] (1990). Langland, W. [poems associated with]: Wynnere and Wastoure (1990). CH.

Langland, William, 1330?-1400? (1377-1379). The vision of Piers Plowman. MiddleUVa.

Lanquet, Thomas (5 April 1559]). An epitome of chronicles. EEBO-TCP.

Lansdowne, George Granville (1696). The she-gallants, a comedy. EEBO-TCP.

Lansdowne, George Granville (1698). Heroick love. EEBO-TCP.

Lanyer, A. (1611). Salve Deus Rex Iudæorum. R3.

Lanyer, Aemilia (Bassano) (1611). Salve Deus rex Judaeorum. WWP.

Lathum, William (1634). Phyala lachrymarum, or, A few friendly teares, shed over the dead body of Mr Nathaniel Weld Mr of Arts of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Lathum, William (1634). Lathum: Phyala Lachrymarum (1634). CH.

Latimer, Hugh (1537, the 23 of Nouember). The sermon that the reuerende father in Christ, Hugh Latimer, Byshop of Worcester, made to the clergie, in the co[n]uocatio[n], before the Parlyament began, the 9. day of June, the 28. yere of the reigne of Our Souerayne Lorde Kyng Henry the VIII. nowe translated out of Latyne into Englyshe ; to the inte[n]t, that thing is well said to a fewe, may be vnderstande of many, and do good to al the[m] that desyre to be better. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh ([1548]). A notable sermo[n] of ye reuerende father Maister Hughe Latemer. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh ([1549]). The fyrste sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer, whiche he preached before the Kinges Maiestie wythin his graces palayce at Westminster. M.D.XLIX. the. viii. of March. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh ([1549]). The seconde [seventh] sermon of Maister Hughe Latimer. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh ([1550]). A sermon of Master Latimer, preached at Stamford the. ix. day of October. Anno. M.ccccc. and fyftie. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh (1553?]). A moste faithfull sermo[n] preached before the Kynges most excelle[n]te Maiestye, and hys most honorable Councel, in his court at Westminster,. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh (1562). 27 sermons preached by the ryght Reuerende father in God and constant matir [sic] of Iesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well such as in tymes past haue bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet neuer set forth in print. EEBO-TCP.

Latimer, Hugh (1661). The preaching bishop reproving unpreaching prelates. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1621). A sermon preached before his Maiesty, on Tuesday the nineteenth of Iune, at Wansted. Anno Dom. 1621. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1622). A sermon preached at VVhite-hall, on the 24. of March, 1621. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William ([1625]). A sermon preached before his Maiestie, on Sunday the XIX. of Iune, at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William ([1625]). A sermon preached on Munday, the sixt of February, at Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William ([1626]). A sermon preached before his Maiestie, on Wednesday the fift of Iuly, at White-hall. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1628). A sermon preached on Munday, the seauenteenth of March, at Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William ([1639]). A relation of the conference betweene William Lavvd, then, Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids; now, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury: and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1641). A letter sent by William Lavvd Archbishop of Canterburie. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1641). The copie of a letter sent from VVilliam Lavd, Archbishop of Canterbury, the 28 of June, MDCXLI, unto the Universitie of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1644). A true copy of certain passages of the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, his speech spoken on the scaffold on Tower-Hill immediatly before his death Jan. 10, 1644. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1645?]). The Arch-bishop of Canterburie his speech, or, His funeral sermon preached by himself on the scaffold on Tower-hill on Friday the tenth of January, 1645, upon Hebrews 12, 1, 2. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1645). A commemoration of King Charles his inauguration, or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1663). Officium quotidianum, or, A manual of private devotions. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1667). A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1683). The daily office of a Christian. EEBO-TCP.

Laud, William (1695-1700). The history of the troubles and tryal of the Most Reverend Father in God and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Lauder, George (1623). Lauder: The Anatomie of the Romane Clergie (1623). CH.

Lauder, George (1629). Lauder, G.: The Scottish Souldier (1629). CH.

Lauder, George (1630). Lauder: Tears on the Death of Evander (1630). CH.

Lauder, George (1646). Lauder, G.: A Horse (1646). CH.

Lauder, George (1661). Lauder, G.: Caledonias covenant (1641). CH.

Lauder, George (1853). Lauder G.: Aretophel (1853). CH.

Lauder, George (1853). Lauder: On the most Horrid and Terrible Treason (1853). CH.

Lauder, George (1853). Lauder: The sovldiers wishe (1853). CH.

Lauder, George (1913). Lauder: Damon (1913). CH.

Lauder, George ([1853]). Lauder, G.: Tvveeds Teares of joy [1853]. CH.

Lauder, William ([1556]). Ane compendious and breue tractate, concernyng ye office and dewtie of kyngis, spirituall pastoris, and temporall iugis. EEBO-TCP.

Lauder, William (1569?]). Ane godlie tractate or mirrour. EEBO-TCP.

Lauder, William (1570?]). Ane prettie mirrour or conference, betuix the faithfull protestant a[n]d the dissemblit false hypocreit. EEBO-TCP.

Lauder, William (1864). Lauder, W.: Ane compendious and breue tractate (1864). CH.

Lauder, William (1870). Lauder: The Minor Poems (1870). CH.

Laugharne, Rowland (1645 [i.e. 1646]). Two letters sent to the Honoble [sic] William Lenthal Esq., Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Laurent (1485 or 6]). This book was compyled [and] made atte requeste of kyng Phelyp of Fraunce …. EEBO-TCP.

Lavater, Ludwig (1572). Of ghostes and spirites walking by nyght. EEBO-TCP.

Lavater, Ludwig (1586). The book of Ruth expounded in twenty eight sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Lavater, Ludwig (1596). Three Christian sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Lawrence, Brother (Nicholas Herman, c. 1605-1691). The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of Holy Life. CCEL.

Lawrence, Henry (1649). An history of angells. EEBO-TCP.

Lawrence, Leonard (1639). Lawrence, L.: A Small Treatise betwixt Arnalte and Lucenda (1639). CH.

Lawrence, Leonard (1650). Lawrence: Epithalamium (1650). CH.

Lawrence, Leonard ([1650]). Epithalamium, or, A nuptial song, with a narrative of loves progress. EEBO-TCP.

Lawrence, Thomas (1664). Mercurius centralis, or, A discourse of subterraneal cockle, muscle and oyster-shels found in the digging of a well at Sir William Doylie's in Norfolk. EEBO-TCP.

Lawrence, William (1681). Two great questions determined by the principles of reason & divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Lawson, Deodat (1692). A brief and true narrative of some remarkable passages relating to sundry persons afflicted by witchcraft at Salem village, which happened from the nineteenth of March to the fifth of April, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Lawson, George (1659). Theo-politica, or, A body of divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Lawson, George (1662). An exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrewes. EEBO-TCP.

Lawson, George (1686). Magna Charta ecclesiæ universalis. EEBO-TCP.

Lawson, George (1689). Politica sacra & civilis, or, A model of civil and ecclesiastical government. EEBO-TCP.

Lawson, William (1631). A nevv orchard and garden, or, The best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good for a rich orchard. EEBO-TCP.

Layamon, fl. 1200 (1205). Brut. MiddleUVa.

Layamon, fl.1200 (1205). Brut. MiddleUVa.

Le Clerc, Jean (1690). Five letters concerning the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Le Comte, Louis (1697). Memoirs and observations typographical, physical, mathematical, mechanical, natural, civil, and ecclesiastical, made in a late journey through the empire of China, and published in several letters. EEBO-TCP.

Le Petit, Jean François (1608). A generall historie of the Netherlands. EEBO-TCP.

Le Roy, Adrian (1574). A briefe and plaine instruction to set all musicke of eight diuers tunes in tableture for the lute. EEBO-TCP.

Le White, Thomas (1660). A brief character of Englands distraction. EEBO-TCP.

Leach, Edmund (1652). The down-fall of the vnjust lawyers, with the monopolizing officers, who have devoured much of the wealth of this nation, and the rising of the just. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1681). The heavenly cloud now breaking. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1683). The revelation of revelations. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1694). The Enochian walks with God. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1695?]). The wonders of God's creation manifested, in the variety of eight vvorlds. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1695). The laws of paradise, given forth by wisdom to a translated spirit. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1696). A fountain of gardens. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1696). A message to the Philadelphian Society. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1697). A fountain of gardens. EEBO-TCP.

Lead, Jane (1699). The ascent to the mount of vision. EEBO-TCP.

Leanerd, John (1678). The rambling justice, or, The jealous husbands. EEBO-TCP.

Leanerd, John (1679). The counterfeits. EEBO-TCP.

Learned divine (1641). Certaine queries of some tender conscienced christians. EEBO-TCP.

Lechford, Thomas (1642). Plain dealing, or, Nevves from New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Francis (1690). The labouring persons remembrancer, or, A practical discource of the labour of the body. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1675). The tragedy of Nero, emperor of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1676). Gloriana, or, The court of Augustus Cæsar. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1676). Sophonisba, or, Hannibal's overthrow. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1677). The rival queens, or, The death of Alexander the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1678). Mithridates, King of Pontus. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1680). Cæsar Borgia, son of Pope Alexander the sixth. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1680). Theodosius, or, The force of love. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1681). Lucius Junius Brutus, father of his country. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1682). To the Duke on his return. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1684). Constantine the great, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1689). The Princess of Cleve. EEBO-TCP.

Lee, Nathaniel (1690). The massacre of Paris. EEBO-TCP.

Leeds, Daniel (1688). The temple of vvisdom for the little world. EEBO-TCP.

Lefèvre, Raoul (1473 or 1474]). hEre begynneth the volume intituled and named the recuyell of the historyes of Troye. EEBO-TCP.

Lefèvre, Raoul ([1477]). For as moche as late by the comau[n]dement of the right hye [and] noble princesse my right redoubted lady my lady Margarete by the grace of god Duchesse of Bourgoyne Brabant [et]c. […] as to the historie of Iason […]. EEBO-TCP.

Leicester, Philip Sidney (1642). An armie for Ireland conducted by the Lord Lithe [Lisle], son to the right honourable, the Earle of Licester, Lord Deputy of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Charles (1700). The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Dorothy (1616). The mothers blessing, or, The godly counsaile of a gentle-woman not long since deceased, left behind her for her children. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Dorothy (Kemp) (1616). The Mother's Blessing. WWP.

Leigh, Edward (1641). A treatise of the divine promises. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1648). The saints encouragement in evil times, or, Observations concerning the martyrs in generall. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1650). Annotations upon all the New Testament philologicall and theologicall. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1654). A systeme, or, Body of divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1656). A treatise of religion & learning and of religious and learned men. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1657). Annotations on five poetical books of the Old Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1657). Select and choyce observations, containing all the Romane emperours. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1658). A philologicall commentary, or, An illustration of the most obvious and useful words in the lavv. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1658). Second considerations concerning the High Court of Chancery, and the most excellent ordinance for the regulation and limitation of that court. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1661). Choice observations of all the kings of England from the Saxons to the death of King Charles the First. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward (1663). Fœlix consortium, or, A fit conjuncture of religion and learning. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Edward ([1664]). Analecta Caesarum Romanorum, or, Select observations of all the Roman emperors. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Richard (1673). The censure of the Rota. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Richard (1673). The transproser rehears'd, or, The fifth act of Mr. Bayes's play. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Richard (1675). Poems upon several occasions, and, to several persons. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, Richard (1675). Leigh: Poems, Upon Several Occasions (1675). CH.

Leigh, William (1605). The Christians vvatch, or, An heauenly instruction to all Christians, to expect with patience the happy day of their change by death or doome. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, William (1606). Great Britaines, great deliuerance, from the great danger of Popish powder. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, William (1609). The first step, towards heaven, or, Anna the prophetesse. EEBO-TCP.

Leigh, William (1612). Queene Elizabeth, paraleld in her princely vertues, with Dauid, Iosua, and Hezekia. EEBO-TCP.

Leighton, Robert ([1692]). Sermons preached by Dr. Robert Leighton, late archbishop of Glasgow. EEBO-TCP.

Leighton, Robert (1693). A practical commentary, upon the two first chapters of the first epistle general of St. Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Leighton, Robert ([1694]). A practical commentary upon the first epistle general of St. Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Leighton, William (1603). Vertue triumphant, or, A liuely description of the foure vertues cardinall. EEBO-TCP.

Leighton, William (1603). Leighton, W.: Vertue trivmphant (1603). CH.

Leighton, William (1613). The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull soule. EEBO-TCP.

Leighton, William (1613). Leighton: The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule (1613). CH.

Leland, John ([1542]). Naeniae in mortem Thomæ Viati equitis incomparabilis. EEBO-TCP.

Leland, John (1545). Bononia gallo mastix. EEBO-TCP.

Leland, John ([1546]). Enkomion tes eirenes. EEBO-TCP.

Leland, John ([1549]). The laboryouse iourney [and] serche of Iohan Leylande, for Englandes antiquitees. EEBO-TCP.

Leland, John (1582). A learned and true assertion of the original, life, actes, and death of the most noble, valiant, and renoumed Prince Arthure, King of great Brittaine. EEBO-TCP.

Lemaire de Belges, Jean ([1539]). The abbreuyacyon of all generall councellys holden in Grecia, Germania, Italia, and Gallia. EEBO-TCP.

Lennox, James Stuart (1641). The Dvke of Lenox his honovrable and vvorthy speech in the high court of Parliament in Scotland Octob. 28, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1641 [i.e. 1642]). Master Speakers letter ordered by the honorable House of Commons to be sent to the high sheriffe and gentry of Yorkshire. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1641 [i.e. 1642]). Mr. Speakers letter to the Kings most excellent Majestie, Febr. 16, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1641 [i.e. 1642]). Two letters of note. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1641). Mr. Speakers speech before His Majestie and both Houses of Parliament, after his returne from Scotland, upon passing the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage, on Thursday the 2. of December, relating the present distempers of England and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1641). Mr. Speakers speech on Thursday the thirteenth of May 1641 as it was delivered to the Kings Majesty before the Lords in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William ([1641]). His Maiesties speech. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William ([1641]). Mr. Speakers speech in the Lords House of Parliament, June 22, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William ([1641]). The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr. Speaker to the sheriffes of several counties. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1642). A copy of the speakers letter to the vice-chancellour and the heads of houses of the Vniversity of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1647). A declaration of Master William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (1660). A true narrative of the particular profits and gaines made by me William Lenthall. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William ([1660]). Reasons humbly offer'd why the name of William Lenthall should be left out of the exception in the Act of oblivion. EEBO-TCP.

Lenthall, William (8, 1642). A letter from the speaker of the House of Commons, to the gentry, freeholders and inhabitants of the county of Yorkshire in answer to their protestation. EEBO-TCP.

Lenton, Francis (1629). The young gallants whirligigg, or, Youths reakes. EEBO-TCP.

Lenton, Francis (1631). Characterismi, or, Lentons leasures. EEBO-TCP.

Lenton, Francis (1634). The Innes of Court anagrammatist, or, The masquers masqued in anagrammes. EEBO-TCP.

Lenton, Francis (1638). Great Britains beauties, or, The female glory. EEBO-TCP.

Leo (1600). A geographical historie of Africa,. EEBO-TCP.

Leroy, Louis (1594). Of the interchangeable course, or variety of things in the whole world. EEBO-TCP.

Leslie, John (1569). A defence of the honour of the right highe, mightye and noble Princesse Marie Quene of Scotlande and dowager of France. EEBO-TCP.

Leslie, John (1572). A table gathered ouut of a booke named A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England. EEBO-TCP.

Leslie, John ([1572]). The copie of a letter writen out of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Lessius, Leonardus (1621). The treasure of vowed chastity in secular persons. EEBO-TCP.

Lessius, Leonardus (1634). Hygiasticon, or, The right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age. EEBO-TCP.

Leti, Gregorio (1669). Il nipotismo di Roma, or, The history of the popes nephews from the time of Sixtus the IV to the death of the last Pope Alexander the VII. EEBO-TCP.

Leven, Alexander Leslie (12, 1644). A Letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, to the committee of both kingdoms, and by them communicated to the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Christopher (1607). A crucifixe, or, A meditation vpon repentance, and, the holie passion. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Christopher (1607). Queene Elizabeths teares, or, Her resolute bearing the Christian crosse. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Christopher (1607). Lever, C.: Queene Elizabeths teares (1607). CH.

Lever, Christopher (1608). Heauen and earth, religion and policy, or, The maine difference betweene religion and policy. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Christopher (1618). The holy pilgrime, leading the way to heaven, or, A diuine direction in the way of life, containing a familiar exposition of such secrets in diuinity, as may direct the simple in the way of their Christian pilgrimage. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Christopher (1627). The historie of the defendors of the Catholique faith. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Ralph (1563?]). The most noble, auncient, and learned playe, called the Phiosophers [sic] game. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Ralph (1573. These bookes are to be solde at his shop at the northvvest dore of Paules church, [1573]). The arte of reason, rightly termed, witcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Thomas ([1550]). A fruitfull sermon made in Poules churche at London in the shroudes, the seconde daye of February. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Thomas ([1550]). A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the xiiii day of December. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Thomas ([1550]). A sermon preached the thyrd Sondaye in Lente before the kynges Maiestie, and his honorable counsell. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Thomas (1551). A meditacion vpo[n] the the [sic] lordes praier. EEBO-TCP.

Lever, Thomas (1575). A treatise of the right way fro[m] danger of sinne & vengeance in this wicked world, vnto godly wealth and saluation in Christe /. EEBO-TCP.

Lewicke, Edward (1937). Lewicke: Titus and Gisippus (1937). CH.

Lewis, John (1620). Ignis cœlestis, or, An interchange of diuine love betweene God and his saints. EEBO-TCP.

Lewis, John (1624). The vnmasking of the masse-priest. EEBO-TCP.

Lewis, John (1659). Eyaggeloigrapha, or, Some seasonable and modest thoughts, in order to the furtherance and promoting the affairs of religion, and the gospel, especially in Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Lewkenor, Lewis (1595). A discourse of the vsage of the English fugitiues. EEBO-TCP.

Lewkenor, Samuel (1600). A discourse not altogether vnprofitable, nor vnpleasant for such as are desirous to know the situation and customes of forraine cities without trauelling to see them. EEBO-TCP.

Ley, John (1641). A comparison of the Parliamentary protestation with the late canonicall oath and the difference betwixt them. EEBO-TCP.

Ley, John ([1655]). A letter to Dr. E. Hyde. EEBO-TCP.

Lhuyd, Edward ([1695]). A design of a British dictionary, historical and geographical. EEBO-TCP.

Lhuyd, Edward ([1697]). Parochial queries in order to a geographical dictionary, a natural history &c. of Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Libel of English Policy (1926). Anon.: The libelle of Englyshe polycye (1926). CH.

Lichfield, William (1534?). The remors of conscyence. TUDOR.

Lichfield, William (1911). Lichfield. CH.

Lickbarrow, Isabella (1814). Poetical effusions. WWP.

Lickbarrow, Isabella (1818). A lament upon the death of her royal highness the Princess Charlotte. And Alfred, a vision. WWP.

Liddiard, J. S. Anna Liddiard, William (1816 1816). Mont St. Jean, a poem, by William Liddiard; Theodore and Laura, a tale, by I.S. Anna Liddiard. WWP.

Life of St Gregory's Mother, The ([1548]). [Anon]: The lyfe of Saynt Gregoryes mother [1548]. CH.

Lightfoot, John (1629). Erubhin, or, Miscellanies Christian and Iudaicall, and others. EEBO-TCP.

Lightfoot, John (1643). An handfull of gleanings out of the Book of Exodus. EEBO-TCP.

Lightfoot, John (1644). The harmony of the foure evangelists. EEBO-TCP.

Lightfoot, John (1645). A commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles, chronicall and criticall. EEBO-TCP.

Lightfoot, John (1655). The harmony, chronicle and order of the New Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Lightfoot, John (1684). The works of the Reverend and learned John Lightfoot D. D., late Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Lightfoot, John (1700). Some genuine remains of the late pious and learned John Lightfoot, D.D. EEBO-TCP.

Ligon, Richard (1657). A true & exact history of the island of Barbados. EEBO-TCP.

Lilburne, Elizabeth (1646). To the chosen and betrusted knights, citizens, and burgesses, assembled in the high and supream court of Parliament. WWP.

Lilburne, John (1640?]). A coppy of a letter written by John Lilburne, close prisoner in the wards of the fleet, which he sent to Iames Ingram and Henry Hopkins, wardens of the said fleet. EEBO-TCP.

Lilly, William ([1683]). The great and wonderful predictions of that late famous astrologer Mr. Lilly; and Mr. Partridg and Mr. Coley, concerning this present year 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Linacre, Thomas ([1525]). [Rudimenta grammatices]. EEBO-TCP.

Lincoln, Elizabeth Clinton (1622). The Countesse of Lincolnes nurserie. EEBO-TCP.

Lindanus, Guilelmus Damasus (1565). Certaine tables sett furth by the right reuerend father in God, William Bushopp of Rurimunde, in Ghelderland. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, Alexander (1641). The recantation and hvmble svbmission of two ancient prelates of the kingdome of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David (1538). The complaynte and testament of a popiniay. TUDOR.

Lindsay, David ([1538]). The complaynte and testament of a popiniay. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David (1548?]). The tragical death of Dauid Beato[n] Bishoppe of sainct Andrewes in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David ([1554]). Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David ([1604]). The historie of ane nobil and wailzeand squyer, William Meldrum, vmquhyle Laird of Cleische and Bynnis. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David (1619). The reasons of a pastors resolution, touching the reuerend receiuing of the holy communion. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David (1621). A true narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, holden at Perth the 25. of August, anno Dom. 1618. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, David (1625). The godly mans iourney to heauen. EEBO-TCP.

Lindsay, Sir David (1931-1936). Lindsay, D.: The Works (1931 -1936). CH.

Lineall, John (1658). Itur Mediteranium. EEBO-TCP.

Lingham, John (1584). A true relation of all suche Englishe captaines and lieuetenants, as haue beene slaine in the Lowe Countries of Flaunders. EEBO-TCP.

Lipsius, Justus (1592). A direction for trauailers. EEBO-TCP.

Lipsius, Justus (1595). Tvvo bookes of constancie. EEBO-TCP.

Lipsius, Justus (1670). A discourse of constancy in two books chiefly containing consolations against publick evils. EEBO-TCP.

Lisle, William (1595). Lisle, W.: Babilon (1595). CH.

Lisle, William (1598). Lisle: The Colonies of Bartas (1598). CH.

Lisle, William (1623). Lisle: Saxon Treatise Concerning the old and New Testament (1623). CH.

Lisle, William (1631). Lisle: The Faire Æthiopian (1631). CH.

Lisle, William (1637). Lisle: Fovre bookes of Du Bartas (1637). CH.

Lithgow, William (1616). A most delectable and true discourse, of an admired and painefull peregrination from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke. EEBO-TCP.

Lithgow, William (1618. At the expences of the author, [1618]). The pilgrimes farewell, to his natiue countrey of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Lithgow, William (1618). Lithgow: The Pilgrimes Farewell (1618). CH.

Lithgow, William (1640. At the expences of the authour, [1640]). The gushing teares of godly sorrovv. EEBO-TCP.

Lithgow, William (1640). The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica. EEBO-TCP.

Lithgow, William (1640). Lithgow: The Gushing Teares of Godly Sorrow (1640). CH.

Lithgow, William ([1640]). A briefe and summarie discourse upon that lamentable and dreadfull disaster at Dunglasse. Anno 1640. the penult of August. EEBO-TCP.

Lithgow, William (1643). The present svrveigh of London and Englands state. EEBO-TCP.

Lithgow, William (1863). Lithgow: Scotland's Teares (1625). CH.

Lithgow, William ([1633]). Lithgow: Scotlands Welcome [1633]. CH.

Littleton, Adam (1662). Solomons gate, or, An entrance into the church. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam (1668). Hezekiah's return of praise for his recovery. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam (1669). A sermon at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Jane eldest daughter to His Grace, William, Duke of Newcastle, and wife to the Honourable Charles Cheyne, Esq, at Chelsey, Novemb. I, being All-Saints day. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam ([1669]). The churches peace asserted upon a civil account. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam (1671). A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Alston,. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam (1671). A sermon preached in Lent-assizes, holden for the county of Bucks, at Alesbury, March 8th 1671/2 being Ash-Wednesday. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam (1680). A sermon at a solemn meeting of the natives of the city and county of Worcester, in the church of St. Mary le Bow, June 24, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

Littleton, Adam (1680). A sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and the Right Worshipful the Aldermen of the city of London, preached on Febr. 29, 1679/80, at Guildhall-Chappel. EEBO-TCP.

Livingstone, Michael (1680). Livingstone: Albion's Congratulatory (1680). CH.

Livingstone, Michael (1680). Livingstone: Albion's Elegie (1680). CH.

Livingstone, Michael (1682). Livingstone: Patronus redux (1682). CH.

Livingstone, Michael ([1680]). Livingstone: Augustis, ac Præpotentibus heroibus, Jacobo and Mariæ [1680]. CH.

Livingstone, Michael ([1680]). Livingstone: Celsissimo Principi, Gulielmo, Hamiltoniæ Duci [1680]. CH.

Livy (1600). The Romane historie. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1631). The legend of Captaine Iones. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1648). The legend of Captain Iones continued from his first part to his end. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1656). The legend of Captaine Jones. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1660). Modern policy compleated, or, The publick actions and councels both civill and military of His Excellency the Lord Generall Monck. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1664). Cabala, or, The mystery of conventicles unvail'd. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1666). Wonders no miracles, or, Mr. Valentine Greatrates gift of healing examined. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1668). Dying and dead mens living words. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1668). Memoires of the lives, actions, sufferings & deaths of those noble, reverend and excellent personages that suffered by death, sequestration, decimation, or otherwise, for the Protestant religion and the great principle thereof, allegiance to their soveraigne, in our late intestine wars, from the year 1637 to the year 1660, and from thence continued to 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, David (1670). State-worthies, or, The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1573?]). The pilgrimage of princes. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1573). Lloyd, L.: Lodowick Lhuyd, in prayse of the Author (1573). CH.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1576). Lloyd, L.: An Epitaph vpon the death of Syr Edward Saunders (1576). CH.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1586). Certaine Englishe verses. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1586). Lloyd, L.: Certaine Englishe Verses (1586). CH.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1590). The consent of time. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1590). The first part of the diall of daies. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1591). The triplicitie of triumphes. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1602). A briefe conference of diuers lawes. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1602). The stratagems of Ierusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1607). Hilaria, or, The triumphant feast for the fift of August. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1607). The choyce of ievvels. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1607). The ivbile of Britane. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1607). The tragicocomedie of serpents. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1607). Lloyd, L.: Hilaria (1607). CH.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1607). Lloyd, L.: The Choyce of Iewels (1607). CH.

Lloyd, Lodowick (1810). Lloyd, L.: A Dittie … to the Queenes maj.' Eliz. (1810). CH.

Lloyd, Lodowick (3. [1576]). An epitaph vpon the death of the honorable, syr Edward Saunders Knight, Lorde cheefe Baron of the Exchequer, who dyed the. 19. of Nouember. 1576. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, Lodowick ([1573]). Lloyd, L.: The Pilgrimage of Princes [1573]. CH.

Lloyd, Richard (1584). Lloyd, Richard: A briefe discourse of the most renowned actes and right valiant conquests (1584). CH.

Lloyd, William (1668). A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, on Decemb. 1, M.DC.LXVII, being the first Sunday in Advent. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1671). A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Francis Mitchel, who dyed the 19th, and was buried the 24th of July, 1671. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1672). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Reverend Father in God John late Lord Bishop of Chester, at the Guildhal Chappel London, on Thursday the 12 of December, 1672. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1673). A conference between two Protestants and a papist, occasion'd by the late seasonable discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1673). A seasonable discourse shewing the necessity of maintaining the established religion, in opposition to popery. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William ([1673]). The late apology in behalf of the papists reprinted and answered in behalf of the royallists. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1674). A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, March 6, 1673/4. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1674). The difference between the Church and Court of Rome, considered. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1677). Considerations touching the true way to suppress popery in this kingdom. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1677). Papists no Catholicks, and popery no Christianity. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1678). A sermon at the funeral of Sr. Edmund-Bury Godfrey, one of His Majesties justices of the peace, who was barbarously murthered. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1678). A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1679). A sermon preached at St. Martins in the Fields, on November the fifth, 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1680). A sermon preached before the House of Lords, on November 5, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1688). An answer to the Bishop of Oxford's reasons for abrogating the test impos'd on all members of Parliament anno 1678, Octob. 30. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1689). A sermon preached before Their Majesties at Whitehall, on the fifth day of November, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1690). A sermon preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, March the twelfth, 1689/90, being the fast-day. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William ([1690]). An exposition of the prophecy of seventy weeks, which God sent to Daniel by the angel Gabriel. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1691). A discourse of God's ways of disposing of kingdoms. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1691). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, January the 30th being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles the First. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1692). A sermon preached before Her Majesty, on May 29, being the anniversary of the restauration of the King and royal family. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1692). The pretences of the French invasion examined for the information of the people of England. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1697). A sermon preach'd before the House of Lords at the Abbey-Church of St. Peter's-Westminster, on Saturday the 30th of January, 1696/7. EEBO-TCP.

Lloyd, William (1699). A chronological account of the life of Pythagoras, and of other famous men his contemporaries. EEBO-TCP.

Lluelyn, Martin (1646). Lluelyn: Men-Miracles (1646). CH.

Lluelyn, Martin (1653). Llvelyn, M.; Anatomical exercitations (1653). CH.

Lluelyn, Martin (1660). Lluelyn: An Elegie On the Death of Prince Henry (1660). CH.

Lluelyn, Martin (1672). Lluelyn: Wickham Wakened (1672). CH.

Lluelyn, Martin ([1660]). Lluelyn: To the Kings most excellent Majesty (1660). CH.

Llwyd, Humphrey (1573). The breuiary of Britayne. EEBO-TCP.

Loarte, Gaspar de ([1579]). The exercise of a Christian life. EEBO-TCP.

Lobb, Stephen (1687). A second letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesties late gracious Declaration of indulgence. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, A. (1560). A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner. R3.

Locke, Anne (Vaughan) Calvin, Jean (1560). Sermons of John Calvin, upon the songe that Ezechias made after he had bene sicke, and afflicted by the hand of God, conteyned in the 38. chapiter of Esay. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe. WWP.

Locke, John (1689). A letter concerning toleration. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1690?). Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Bart.

Locke, John (1690). A second letter concerning toleration. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1690). An essay concerning humane understanding. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1690). Two treatises of government. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1690). Two Treatises of Government. PG.

Locke, John (1691). Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and raising the value of money [microform] : in a letter to a member of Parliament. EarlyUVa.

Locke, John (1692). A third letter for toleration, to the author of the Third letter concerning toleration. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1692). Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and raising the value of money. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1693). Some thoughts concerning education. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1694). Reason and religion. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1695). A vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c. from Mr. Edwards's reflections. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1695). Further considerations concerning raising the value of money. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1695). Short observations on a printed paper, intituled, For encouraging the coining silver money in England, and after for keeping it here. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1695). The reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1696). An abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning humane [sic] understanding. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John (1697). A second vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c,. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John ([1699]). Mr. Locke's reply to the right reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester's answer to his second letter. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, John, 1632-1704 (1690). An essay concerning human understanding. EarlyUVa.

Locke, John, 1632-1704 (1695). Further considerations concerning raising the value of money : wherein Mr. Lowndes`s arguments for it in his late Report concerning an essay for the amendment of the silver coins, are particularly examined. EarlyUVa.

Locke, John, 1632-1704 (1698). The works of John Locke. v. 5. EarlyUVa.

Locke, John, 1632-1704. (1689). The works of John Locke. v. 6. EarlyUVa.

Locke, Matthew (1672). Observations upon a late book, entituled, An essay to the advancement of musick, etc., written by Thomas Salmon …. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, Matthew (1673). The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick lately publish'd by Thomas Salmon, M.A. &c. EEBO-TCP.

Locke, Matthew (1675). The English opera, or, The vocal musick in Psyche. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, T. A Reply to Stephen Gosson's Schoole of Abuse in Defence of Poetry, Musick, and Stage Plays. R3.

Lodge, T. (1590). Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie. R3.

Lodge, Thomas ([1579]). Protogenes can know Apelles by his line though he se him not. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1584). An alarum against vsurers. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1584). Lodge: An Alarum Against Usurers. (1584). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1589). Scillaes metamorphosis, enterlaced with the vnfortunate loue of Glaucus. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1589). Lodge: Scillaes Metamorphosis (1589). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1590). Lodge: The censure of Thomas Lodge Gent: upon the Authors Booke (1590). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1591). The famous, true and historicall life of Robert second Duke of Normandy, surnamed for his monstrous birth and behauiour, Robin the Diuell. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1591). Lodge: The Famous, true and historicall life of Robert second Duke of Normandy (1591). CH.

Lodge, Thomas ([1591]). Catharos. Diogenes in his singularitie. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1592). Euphues shadow, the battaile of the sences. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1592). Rosalynde. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1592). Lodge: Euphues Shadow (1592). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1592). Lodge: Rosalynde (1592). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1593). Phillis. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1593). The life and death of william Long beard, the most famous and witty English traitor, borne in the citty of London. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1593). Lodge: Phillis (1593). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1593). Lodge: The Life and Death of William Long beard, (1593). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1594). A looking glasse for London and England. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1594). The vvounds of ciuill vvar. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1595). A fig for Momus. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1595). Lodge: A fig for Momus (1595). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1596). A margarite of America. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1596). Prosopopeia. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1596). The diuel coniured. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1596). VVits miserie, and the vvorlds madnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Lodge, Thomas (1596). Lodge: A Margarite of America (1596). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1600). Lodge: Englands Helicon (1600). CH.

Lodge, Thomas (1603). A treatise of the plague. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1614). Come and see. The blisse of brightest beautie. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1619). The mysterie of mankind, made into a manual, or, The Protestants portuize. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1620 (24 Jan.)]). Songs of Sion. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1620). Loe: Songs of Sion (1620). CH.

Loe, William (1621). Vox clamantis. Mark 1. 3. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1623). The kings shoe. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1632). The incomparable jevvell. EEBO-TCP.

Loe, William (1645). A sermon preached at Lambeth, April 21, 1645, at the funerall of that learned and polemicall divine, Daniel Featley, Doctor in Divinity, late preacher there. EEBO-TCP.

Loftus, Edward (1642). Ioyfull nevves from Ireland, or, A trve relation of the great overthrow which the English gave the rebels before Drogheda. EEBO-TCP.

Logan, John (1677). Analogia honorum, or, A treatise of honour and nobility, according to the laws and customes of England. EEBO-TCP.

Lok, Henry (1593). Sundry Christian passions contained in two hundred sonnets. EEBO-TCP.

Lok, Henry (1597). Ecclesiastes, othervvise called The preacher. EEBO-TCP.

Lok, Henry (1597). Lok: Ecclesiastes (1597). CH.

Longland, John ([1536]). A sermo[n]d [sic] spoken before the kynge his maiestie at Grenwiche, vppon good fryday: the yere of our Lord. M.CCCCCxxxvi. EEBO-TCP.

Longland, John (1538). A sermonde made before the kynge his maiestye at grenewiche, vpon good frydaye. The yere of our Lorde God. M.D.xxxviij. EEBO-TCP.

Longus (1587). Daphnis and Chloe. EEBO-TCP.

Lopes, Duarte (1597). A report of the kingdome of Congo, a region of Africa. EEBO-TCP.

Lord, Henry (1630). A display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Lord's Prayer ([1530?]). [Anon.]: A metricall declaration of the, vij, petitions of the pater noster [1530?]. CH.

Loredano, Giovanni Francesco (1664). Academical discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Love, Christopher (1647). Short and plaine animadversions on some passages in Mr. Dels sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Love, Christopher (1651?]). The strange and wonderful predictions of Mr. Christopher Love, minister of the Gospel at Laurence Jury, London. EEBO-TCP.

Love, Mary (Stone) (1663). Love's name lives, or, a publication of divers petitions presented by Mistris Love to the Parliament, in behalf of her husband. WWP.

Lovelace, Richard (1649). Lovelace, R.: Lucasta (1649). CH.

Lovelace, Richard (1657). Lovelace, R.: Voiture! (1657). CH.

Lovelace, Richard (1659-1660). Lovelace: Lucasta (1659-1660). CH.

Lovelace, Richard (1659). Lucasta. EEBO-TCP.

Lovelich, Henry [Herry] (1904). Lovelich: Merlin (1904). CH.

Lovelich, Henry [Herry] (1905). Lovelich: History of the Holy Grail (1905). CH.

Lovell, Archibald (1696). A summary of material heads which may be enlarged and improved into a compleat answer to Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Lovell, Thomas ([1581]). Lovell: A Dialogve between Custom and Veritie [1581]. CH.

Lover of Englishmens freedomes (1649). A prospective glasse. EEBO-TCP.

Lover of truth and virtue (1680). Mr. Cowley's verses in praise of Mr. Hobbes, oppos'd. EEBO-TCP.

Lowde, James (1684). The reasonableness of the Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Lowde, James (1694). A discourse concerning the nature of man. EEBO-TCP.

Lowde, James (1699). Moral essays. EEBO-TCP.

Lower, William (1639). The phaenix in her flames. EEBO-TCP.

Lower, William ([1661]). A funeral elegy on Her Illustrious Highnesse the Princess Royal of Orange. EEBO-TCP.

Lowndes, William (1695). A further essay for the amendment of the gold and silver coins. EEBO-TCP.

Lowndes, William (1695). A report containing an essay for the amendment of the silver coins. EEBO-TCP.

Lowndes, William (1695). Some remarks on a report containing an essay for the amendment of the silver coins. EEBO-TCP.

Loyal P. E. N (1685). A poem on the most deplorable death of the Mighty Monarch, Charles II, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Lucian ([1532?]). A dialogue betwene Lucian and Diogenes of the life harde and sharpe, and of the lyfe tendre and delicate. EEBO-TCP.

Lucian (1663). Part of Lucian made English from the originall, in the yeare 1638. EEBO-TCP.

Lucretius Carus, Titus (1700). Lucretius his six books of epicurean philosophy and Manilius his five books containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology. EEBO-TCP.

Lucy, William (1663). Observations, censures, and confutations of notorious errours in Mr. Hobbes his Leviathan and other his bookes. EEBO-TCP.

Lucy, William (1670). A treatise of the nature of a minister in all its offices. EEBO-TCP.

Lucy, William (1673). An answer to Mr. Hobbs his Leviathan. EEBO-TCP.

Ludlow, Edmund (1691). A letter from Major General Ludlow to Sir E.S. [i.e. Sir Edward Seymour]. EEBO-TCP.

Ludlow, Edmund (1692). Ludlow no lyar, or, A detection of Dr. Hollingworth's disingenuity in his Second defence of King Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Ludlow, Edmund ([1698]). Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow Esq; Lieutenant General of the Horse, Commander in Chief of the forces in Ireland, one of the Council of State, and a Member of the Parliament which began on November 3, 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Luis (1598). Granados deuotion. EEBO-TCP.

Luis (1598). Granados spirituall and heauenlie exercises. EEBO-TCP.

Luis (1598). The sinners guyde. EEBO-TCP.

Luis (1601). The flowers of Lodowicke of Granado. EEBO-TCP.

Luis (1614). A paradise of prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Lupset, Thomas ([1533]). A treatise of charitie. EEBO-TCP.

Lupset, Thomas (1534). A compendious and a very fruteful treatyse, teachynge the waye of dyenge well. EEBO-TCP.

Lupset, Thomas ([1535]). An exhortation to yonge men. EEBO-TCP.

Lupset, Thomas ([1546]). Tho. Lupsets workes. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Donald (1632). London and the countrey carbonadoed and quartred into seuerall characters. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Donald (1634). Obiectorum reductio, or, Daily imployment for the soule. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Donald (1640). The glory of their times, or, The liues of ye primitiue fathers. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Donald (1642). A warre-like treatise of the pike, or, Some experimentall resolves, for lessening the number, and disabling the use of the pike in warre. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Donald (1658). Flanders, or, An exact and compendious description of that fair, great, and fat countrey of Flanders. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Thomas (1578). A moral and pitieful comedie, intituled, All for money. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Thomas ([1579]). [A thousand notable things, of sundry sortes]. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Thomas (1580). Siuqila. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Thomas (1581. Cum priuilegio. Septembris 6,[1581]). The second part and knitting vp of the boke entituled Too good to be true. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Thomas (1581). A persuasion from papistrie. EEBO-TCP.

Lupton, Thomas (1589). A dreame of the diuell and Diues. EEBO-TCP.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. CCEL.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). A Treatise on Good Works. CCEL.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). Assorted Sermons By Martin Luther. CCEL.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). De Servo Arbitrio ?On the Enslaved Will? or The Bondage of Will. CCEL.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). Luther's Little Instruction Book: The Small Catechism of Martin Luther/Translation by Robert E. Smith. CCEL.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). Table Talk. CCEL.

Luther, Martin (1517). 95 Theses. EarlyUVa.

Luther, Martin ([1554]). A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete. EEBO-TCP.

Luther, Martin (1570). A very comfortable and necessary sermon in these our dayes. EEBO-TCP.

Luther, Martin (1577). A commentarie vpon the fiftene Psalmes, called Psalmi graduum, that is, Psalmes of degrees. EEBO-TCP.

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 (1520). The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli; Utopia by Sir Thomas More; Ninety-five Theses; Address to the German Nobility; Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther, With Introductions and Notes. EarlyUVa.

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 (1520). Works of Martin Luter: With Introductions and Notes, Vol. II. EarlyUVa.

Luzvic, Stephanus (1634). The devout hart, or, Royal throne of the pacifical Salomon. EEBO-TCP.

Lydgate, John (1506?]). Here begynneth the temple of glas. EEBO-TCP.

Lydgate, John (1559] the. iiii. of May). The serpent of diuision. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John ([1578]). Euphues. The anatomy of vvyt. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1580). Euphues and his England. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1584). A moste excellent comedie of Alexander, Campaspe, and Diogenes. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1584). Sapho and Phao. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1584). Sapho and Phao. ElizAuth.

Lyly, John ([1589]). Pappe with an hatchet, alias, A figge for my God sonne, or, Cracke me this nut, or, A countrie cuffe. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1591). Endimion - The Man in the Moone. ElizAuth.

Lyly, John (1592). Gallathea. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1592). Midas. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1594). Mother Bombie. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1597). The vvoman in the moone. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1601). Loues metamorphosis. EEBO-TCP.

Lyly, John (1902). Lyly: Works (1902). CH.

Lynyng, Urban; Leigh, Valentine? (1552?). The pleasaunt playne and pythye pathewaye leadynge to a vertues and honest lyfe. TUDOR.


Münster, Sebastian ([1553]). A treatyse of the newe India. EEBO-TCP.

Münster, Sebastian (1572). A briefe collection and compendious extract of the strau[n]ge and memorable things, gathered oute of the cosmographye of Sebastian Munster. EEBO-TCP.

Münster, Sebastian (1655). The Messias of the Christians and the Jewes. EEBO-TCP.

M. B. ([1688]). An account of the late proposals of the Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1624]). [A cruel Cornish murder]. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1625]). A man cannot lose his money, but he shall be mockt too, or, Suttle Mals loue to simple Coney, to make him an asse to spend his money. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1629]). Houshold talke, or, Good councell for a married man. EEBO-TCP.

M. P (1630?]). Saylors for my money. EEBO-TCP.

M. P (1630?]). The cooper of Norfolke, or, A pretty iest of a brewer and the coopers wife. EEBO-TCP.

M. P (1630?]). The desperate damsells tragedy, or, The faithlesse young man. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1633]). [The faire maides appology], or, Cupids wrongs vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1633]). The distressed virgin, or, The false young-man, and the constant maid, the qualities of them both displaid. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1634]). A messe of good fellows: or, The generous spark who roundly, doth call, and sayes for his part, tush, we have and shall have abundance, come fill us the other od quart. EEBO-TCP.

M. P (1635?]). A description of a strange (and miraculous) fish. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1635]). Fayre warning, or, Happy is he whom other mens harmes can make to beware, and to shun Satans charmes. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1635]). Good counsell for young vvooers. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1637]). A bill of fare. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1640]). An exact description of the manner how His Maiestie and his nobles went to Parliament, on Munday, the thirteenth day of Aprill, 1640, to the comfortable expectation of all loyall subiects. EEBO-TCP.

M. P ([1640]). Britaines honour. EEBO-TCP.

M. P. (1661). A character of coffee and coffee-houses. EEBO-TCP.

Mace, Thomas (1676). Musick's monument, or, A remembrancer of the best practical musick, both divine and civil, that has ever been known to have been in the world. EEBO-TCP.

Machiavelli, Niccolò (1680). The works of the famous Nicholas Machiavel, citizen and secretary of Florence. EEBO-TCP.

Machiavelli, Niccolò (1681). Machiavil's advice to his son. EEBO-TCP.

Machyn, Henry (1552-53). The Diary. NTNU.

Mackenzie, George (1660). Aretina, or, The serious romance. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1663). Religio stoici. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1665). A moral essay, preferring solitude to publick employment, and all it's appanages, such as fame, command, riches, pleasures, conversation, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1667). A moral paradox. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1667). Moral gallantry. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1673). Pleadings in some remarkable cases before the Supreme Courts of Scotland since the year 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1675). Observations upon the 28. (i.e. 18.) Act, 23. Parl. K. James VI. against dispositions made in defraud of creditors, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1678). The laws and customes of Scotland, in matters criminal. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1680). Observations upon the laws and customs of nations, as to precedency. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1680). The science of herauldry, treated as a part of the civil law, and law of nations. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1683). A vindication of His Majesties government and judicatures in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1684). Jus regium, or, The just, and solid foundations of monarchy. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1684). That the lawful successor cannot be debarr'd from succeeding to the crown. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1684). The institutions of the law of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1685). A defence of the antiquity of the royal line of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1685). A true and plain account of the discoveries made in Scotland, of the late conspiracies against His Majesty and the government. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1686). Observations on the acts of Parliament, made by King James the First, King James the Second, King James the Third, King James the Fourth, King James the Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1686). The antiquity of the royal line of Scotland farther cleared and defended, against the exceptions lately offer'd by Dr. Stillingfleet, in his vindication of the Bishop of St. Asaph. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1690). Reason. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1691). A vindication of the government in Scotland during the reign of King Charles II against mis-representations made in several scandalous pamphlets. EEBO-TCP.

Mackenzie, George (1691). The moral history of frugality. EEBO-TCP.

Madame Guyon. A Short and Easy Method of Prayer. CCEL.

Maddison, Ralph (1640). Englands looking in and out. EEBO-TCP.

Madox, Richard ([1581]). A learned and a godly sermon, to be read of all men, but especially for all marryners, captaynes and passengers, which trauell the seas. EEBO-TCP.

Maffei, Giovanni Pietro ([1632]). Fuga sæculi, or, The holy hatred of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Magalhães, Gabriel de (1688). A new history of China. EEBO-TCP.

Maid Emlyn ([c.1525]). [Anon.]: Mayd Emlyn [c. 1525]. CH.

Maidwell, Lewis (1680). The loving enemies. EEBO-TCP.

Maier, Michael (1654). Lusus serius, or, Serious passe-time. EEBO-TCP.

Maier, Michael (1656). Themis avrea. EEBO-TCP.

Maimbourg, Louis (1684). The history of the League. EEBO-TCP.

Maisonneufve, Estienne de (1592). Gerileon of England. The second part of his most excellent, delectable, morall, and sweet contriued historie. EEBO-TCP.

Maitland, Sir Richard, of Lethington (1830). Maitland, R.: Poems (1830). CH.

Makluire, John (1630). The buckler of bodilie health. EEBO-TCP.

Malebranche, Nicolas (1700). Father Malebranche his treatise concerning the search after truth. EEBO-TCP.

Mall, Thomas (1665). A cloud of witnesses, or, The sufferers mirrour. EEBO-TCP.

Malory, Sir Thomas (1470). Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 2. EarlyUVa.

Malory, Thomas ([1485]). [Le morte darthur]. EEBO-TCP.

Malthus, Francis (1629). A treatise of artificial fire-vvorks both for vvarres and recreation. EEBO-TCP.

Malvezzi, Virgilio (1637). Romulus and Tarquin /. EEBO-TCP.

Malvezzi, Virgilio (1642). Discourses upon Cornelius Tacitus. EEBO-TCP.

Malvezzi, Virgilio (1647). The pourtract of the politicke Christian-favourite. EEBO-TCP.

Malvezzi, Virgilio (1650). Il Davide perseguitato. EEBO-TCP.

Malynes, Gerard (1601). A treatise of the canker of Englands common wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Malynes, Gerard (1601). Saint George for England, allegorically described. EEBO-TCP.

Malynes, Gerard (1603). Englands vievv, in the vnmasking of two paradoxes. EEBO-TCP.

Malynes, Gerard (1622). Consuetudo, vel lex mercatoria, or, The ancient law-merchant. EEBO-TCP.

Malynes, Gerard (1622). The maintenance of free trade. EEBO-TCP.

Malynes, Gerard (1623). The center of The circle of commerce, or, A refutation of a treatise, intituled The circle of commerce, or, The ballance of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Mandevill, Robert (1619). Timothies taske, or, a Christian sea-card. EEBO-TCP.

Mandeville, John ([1496]). [Here endeth the boke of Iohn Maunduyle. EEBO-TCP.

Mandeville, John ([1499]). Here begynneth a lytell treatyse or booke named Johan Mau[n]deuyll knyght born in Englonde in the towne of saynt Albone. EEBO-TCP.

Mandeville, John ([1503]). Than is there an other yle ye men call Dodye. EEBO-TCP.

Mandeville, John (1677). The voyages & travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Manilius, Marcus (1675). The sphere of Marcus Manilius. EEBO-TCP.

Manley, Delarivier (1696). Letters writen by Mrs. Manley. WWP.

Mannyng, Robert, of Brunne (1875). Mannyng: Meditations (1875). CH.

Mannyng, Robert, of Brunne (1887). Mannyng, R.: The Story of England (1887). CH.

Mannyng, Robert, of Brunne (1901-1903). Mannyng, R.: Handlyng Synne (1901-1903). CH.

Mansell, Robert (1602). A true report of the seruice done vpon certaine gallies passing through the narrow seas. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1678). Sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1679). XVIII sermons on the second chapter of the 2d Epistle to the Thessalonians. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1681). One hundred and ninety sermons on the hundred and nineteenth Psalm. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1684). A practical exposition of the Lord's-Prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1684). A second volume of sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1685). Christs eternal existence, and the dignity of his person asserted and proved. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1685). Christs temptation and transfiguration. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1685). Several discourses tending to promote peace & holiness among Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1693). A fourth volume containing one hundred and fifty sermons on several texts of Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Manton, Thomas (1694). Advice to mourners under the loss of dear relations. EEBO-TCP.

Map, Walter (1598). Phillis and Flora. EEBO-TCP.

Maplet, John (1567 (3 June)). A greene forest, or, A naturall historie. EEBO-TCP.

Marandé, Léonard de (1629). The iudgment of humane actions. EEBO-TCP.

Marbeck, John (1579). Marbeck: The holie Historie of King Dauid (1579). CH.

Marbecke, Roger (1602). A defence of tabacco. EEBO-TCP.

March, John (1647). Actions for slaunder, or, A methodicall collection under certain grounds and heads of what words are actionable in the law and what not. EEBO-TCP.

March, John (1677). A sermon preached before the Right Worshipful the mayor, recorder, aldermen, sheriff, &c. of the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, on the 30th of January 1676/7, at St. Nicholas their parish church. EEBO-TCP.

March, John (1682). Th' encænia of St. Ann's Chappel in Sandgate, or, A sermon preached May 3, 1682 before the right worshipful, the mayor, aldermen, sheriff &c. of the town and county of Newcastle Upon Tyne. EEBO-TCP.

March, John (1699). Sermons preach'd on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Marchmont, Patrick Hume (1700). The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, etc., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Marckant, John (1559] the xxviii. of April). The purgacion of the ryght honourable lord Wentworth. EEBO-TCP.

Mardeley, John (1548?). Here is a shorte resytal of certayne holy doctours whych proueth that the naturall body of christ is not in the sacrament … collected in myter. TUDOR.

Mardeley, John (1548?]). Here beginneth a necessarie instruction for all couetous ryche men to beholde [and] learne what perel [and] daunger they be brought into, yf they haue theyr consolacion in theyr daungerous and myserable Mammon. EEBO-TCP.

Mardeley, John (1548?]). Here is a shorte resytal of certayne holy doctours whych proueth that the naturall body of christ is not conteyned in the Sacrame[n]t of the Lordes supper but fyguratyuely. EEBO-TCP.

Mardeley, John (1548). Mardeley: A declaration of thee power of Gods worde (1548). CH.

Mardeley, John ([1548]). A declaration of thee power of Gods worde. EEBO-TCP.

Mardeley, John ([1548?]). Mardeley: Here is a shorte Resytal of certayne holy Doctours [1548?]. CH.

Mardeley, John ([1548]). Mardeley: A necessarie instruction [1548]. CH.

Marguerite (1548. in Apryll]). A godly medytacyon of the Christen sowle, concerninge a loue towardes God and Hys Christe,. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1593). A discource of horsmanshippe. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1595). The most honorable tragedie of Sir Richard Grinuile, Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase ([1596]). The poem of poems, or, Sions muse. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1597). Markham: Devoreux (1597). CH.

Markham, Gervase (1600). The teares of the beloued, or, The lamentation of Saint Iohn, concerning the death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1600). Markham, G.: The teares of the beloved (1600). CH.

Markham, Gervase (1601). Marie Magdalens lamentations for the losse of her master Iesus. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1601). Markham: Marie Magdalens Lamentations (1601). CH.

Markham, Gervase (1607). Markham: Rodomonths Infernall (1607). CH.

Markham, Gervase ([1607]). Cauelarice, or, The English horseman. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1608). The dumbe knight. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1609). The famous whore, or, Noble curtizan. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1609). Markham: The Famovs Whore, or Noble Curtizan (1609). CH.

Markham, Gervase (1610). Markhams maister-peece, or, What doth a horse-man lacke. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1613). Hobsons horse-load of letters, or, A president for epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1613). The English hvsbandman. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1614). Cheape and good husbandry for the vvell-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1614). The second booke of the English husbandman. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase ([1615]). A schoole for young souldiers. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1620). Markhams farwell to husbandry, or, The inriching of all sorts of barren and sterill grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of graine, pulse, and grasse as the best grounds whatsoeuer. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1621). Hungers preuention, or, The whole arte of fovvling by vvater and land. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1622). The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1623). Countrey contentments, or, The English husvvife. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1624). Honour in his perfection, or, A treatise in commendations of the vertues and renowned vertuous vndertakings of the illustrious and heroycall princes Henry Earle of Oxenford. Henry Earle of Southampton, Robert Earle of Essex, and the euer praise-worthy and much honoured Lord, Robert Bartue, Lord Willoughby, of Eresby …. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1625). The souldiers accidence, or, An introduction into military discipline. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1626). The souldiers grammar. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1627). The second part of the soldiers grammar, or, A schoole for young soldiers. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase (1634). The art of archerie. EEBO-TCP.

Markham, Gervase ([1596]). Markham: The Poem of Poems [1596]. CH.

Marlowe, C. (1598). Hero and Leander. R3.

Marlowe, Christopher (1590). Tamburlaine the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1594?]). The massacre at Paris. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1594). The tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1594). The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward the second, King of England. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1598). Hero and Leander. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1598). Marlowe: Hero and Leander (1598). CH.

Marlowe, Christopher (1600). Marlowe: Lvcans first booke (1600). CH.

Marlowe, Christopher (1600). Marlowe: The passionate Shepherd to his love (1600?). CH.

Marlowe, Christopher (1604). The tragicall history of D. Faustus. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1616). The tragical history of the life and death of Doctor Faustus. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher (1633). The famous tragedy of the rich Ievv of Malta. EEBO-TCP.

Marlowe, Christopher (1910). The tragical history of Doctor Faustus. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher (1962). The second part of the bloody conquests of mighty Tamburlaine. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher (1962). The tragical history of Doctor Faustus. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher (1962). The troublesome reign and lamentable death of Edward the Second, King of England, with the tragical fall of proud Mortimer. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. Hero and Leander. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. Tamburlaine the Great who, from a Scythian shepherd, by his rare and wonderful conquests, became a most puissant and mighty monarch and (for his tyranny, and terror in war) was termed the scourge of God. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. The Jew of Malta. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. The massacre at Paris. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. The passionate shepherd to his love. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. The tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher. The tragical history of Doctor Faustus. OTA.

Marlowe, Christopher ([1598?]). Marlowe: Ignoto [1598?]. CH.

Marlowe, Christopher ([1600?]). Marlowe: Ouids Elegies [1600?]. CH.

Marlowe, Christopher (a 1593). Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus": electronic edition. TACT.

Marlowe, Christopher (a 1593). Marlowe's "Edward the Second": electronic edition. TACT.

Marmion, Shakerly (1637). Marmion: Vpon the Life and Death of Master Henry Welby (1637). CH.

Marmion, Shakerly (1638). Marmion: Cupid and Psiche (1638). CH.

Marolois, Samuel (1631). The art of fortification, or, Architecture militaire as vvell offensiue as defensiue. EEBO-TCP.

Marprelate, Martin ([1588]). Oh read ouer D. Iohn Bridges, for it is worthy worke, or, An epitome of the fyrste booke, of that right worshipfull volume, written against the puritanes, in the defence of the noble cleargie, by as worshipfull a prieste, Iohn Bridges …. EEBO-TCP.

Marprelate, Martin ([1642]). Hay any worke for Cooper, or, A briefe pistle directed by way of an Hublication to the Reverend Byshops. EEBO-TCP.

Marsh, A (1682). The ten pleasures of marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Marsh, A (1683). The confession of the new married couple, being the second part of the ten pleasures of marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, George (1554). Marshall, G.: A compendious treatise in metre declaring the firste originall of Sacrifice (1554). CH.

Marshall, Stephen (1641). A peace-offering to God. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1641). Meroz curse for not helping the Lord against the mightie. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1641). Meroz cursed, or, A sermon preached to the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Febr. 23, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1642). Reformation and desolation, or, A sermon tending to the discovery of the symptomes of a people to whom God will by no meanes be reconciled. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1643). A letter from Mr. Marshall and Mr. Nye, appointed assistants to the commissioners of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1643). A plea for defensive armes, or, A copy of a letter. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1644). A sermon of the baptizing of infants. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1644). Threnodia, the churches lamentation for the good man his losse. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1647). An expedient to preserve peace and amity, among dissenting brethren. By a brother in Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1647). The right vnderstanding of the times. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1653). A sermon preached to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, at their anniversary meeting on Easter Monday April 1652, at the Spittle. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1657). The power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (1661). The vvorks of Mr Stephen Marshall,. EEBO-TCP.

Marshall, Stephen (8, 1643). The true copy of the letter which was sent from divers ministers. EEBO-TCP.

Marsham, John (1649). Diatriba chronologica Johannis Marshami. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1598). The metamorphosis of Pigmalions image. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1598). The scourge of villanie. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1601). Iacke Drums entertainment, or, The comedie of Pasquill and Katherine. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1602). Antonios reuenge. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1602). The history of Antonio and Mellida. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1604). The malcontent. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John ([1604]). The malcontent. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1605). The Dutch courtezan. OTA.

Marston, John (1606). Parasitaster, or, The favvne. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1606). The vvonder of vvomen, or, The tragedie of Sophonisba. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1607). VVhat you vvill. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1613). The insatiate countesse. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1642). A sermon preached at St. Margaretts in VVestminster. EEBO-TCP.

Marston, John (1961). Marston, J.: Poems (1961). CH.

Marten, Henry (1662). Coll. Henry Marten's familiar letters to his lady of delight. EEBO-TCP.

Martial (1695). Epigrams of Martial, Englished. EEBO-TCP.

Martin (1538?]). The rule of an honest lyfe. EEBO-TCP.

Martyn, Joseph (1621). Nevv epigrams, and a satyre. EEBO-TCP.

Martyn, Joseph (1621). Martyn: New Epigrams, and a Satyre (1621). CH.

Marvell, Andrew ([1648]). An elegy vpon the death of my Lord Francis Villiers. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1665). The character of Holland. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1666). An essay, or, A narrative of the two great fights at sea between the English and the Dutch, on the 1, 2, 3 and 4 of June, and on the 25 and 26 of July in the year of our Lord 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1672). The rehearsal transpros'd, or, Animadversions upon a late book intituled, A preface, shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1675). Plain-dealing, or, A full and particular examination of a late treatise, entituled, Humane reason. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew ([1676]). Mr. Smirke, or, the divine in mode. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1677). A seasonable argument to perswade all the grand juries in England to petition for a new Parliament, or, A list of the principal labourers in the great design of popery and arbitrary power. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1677). An account of the growth of popery and arbitrary government in England. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1678). Remarks upon a late disingenuous discourse, writ by one T.D. under the pretence de causa Dei, and of answering Mr. John Howe's letter and postscript of God's prescience, &c., affirming, as the Protestant docrine, that God doth by efficacious influence universally move and determine men to all their actions, even to those that are most wicked. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1678). Poems. TACT.

Marvell, Andrew (1680). A short historical essay touching general councils, creeds, and impositions in matters of religion …. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1681). Miscellaneous poems. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1681). Marvell, A.: Miscellaneous poems (1681). CH.

Marvell, Andrew (1681). Miscellaneous Poems. EarlyUVa.

Marvell, Andrew (1689). A Collection of poems on affairs of state. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1689). The second part of the Collection of poems on affairs of state …. EEBO-TCP.

Marvell, Andrew (1689). The third part of the collection of poems on affairs of state. EEBO-TCP.

Mary the Blessed Virgin (1601). The Song of Mary the Mother of Christ (1601). CH.

Mason, Francis (1607). The avthoritie of the Chvrch in making canons and constitutions concerning things indifferent. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, Francis (1613). Of the consecration of the bishops in the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, Francis (1621). Two sermons, preached at the Kings court, this Ianuary, 1620. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, George (1618). The ayres that vvere sung and played, at Brougham Castle in Westmerland, in the Kings entertainment. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, Henry (1624). The nevv art of lying. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, James (1612. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, [1612]). The anatomie of sorcerie. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, John (1610). The Turke. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, John (1620). A briefe discourse of the Nevv-found-land. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, John (1671). The waters of Marah sweetned. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, John (1676). Mentis humanæ metamorphosis, sive conversio, The history of the young converted gallant, or, Directions to the readers of that divine poem written by Benjamin Keach, intituled Warre with the devil. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, John (1685). Mason, J.: Spiritual Songs (1685). CH.

Mason, John (1692). The midnight cry. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, John (1696). Penitential cries, in thirty--two hymns. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, Robert (1605). Reasons academie. EEBO-TCP.

Mason, William (1621). A handful of essaies, or, Imperfect offers. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1622). The virgin martir. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1623). The Duke of Millaine. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1624). The bond-man. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1629). The Roman actor. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1630). The picture. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1630). The renegado. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1632). The Emperour of the East. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1632). The fatall dovvry. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1632). The maid of honour. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip ([1633]). A new way to pay old debts. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1636). The great Duke of Florence. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1639). The unnaturall combat. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1656). The excellent comedy called, The old law, or, A new way to please you. EEBO-TCP.

Massinger, Philip (1659). The city-madam. EEBO-TCP.

Master, William (1653). Drops of myrrhe, or, Meditations and prayers,. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1682). A poem dedicated to the memory of the Reverend and excellent Mr. Urian Oakes, the late pastor to Christ's flock and præsident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge …. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1687). Military duties. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1689, sold by Joseph Brunning …, [1689]). Memorable providences relating to witchcrafts and possessions. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1689). Right thoughts in sad hours. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1689). Small offers towards the service of the tabernacle in the wilderness. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1689). Souldiers counselled and comforted. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1689). The declaration of the gentlemen, merchants, and inhabitants of Boston, and the countrey adjacent, April 18th, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1690). Speedy repentance urged. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1690). The way to prosperity. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1690). The wonderful works of God commemorated. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Cotton (1693). The wonders of the invisible world. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Increase (1684). An essay for the recording of illustrious providences. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Richard (1643). An apologie of the churches in New-England for church-covenant, or, A discourse touching the covenant between God and men, and especially concerning church-covenant …. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Richard (1650). A catechisme, or, The grounds and principles of Christian religion set forth by way of question and answer. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Richard (1650). An heart-melting exhortation together with a cordiall consolation. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Richard (1652). The summe of certain sermons upon Genes. 15.6. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Richard (1659). A disputation concerning church-members and their children in answer to XXI questions. EEBO-TCP.

Mather, Richard (1664). A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662. EEBO-TCP.

Mathews, Lemuel (1667). A p[i]ndarique elegie upon the death of the R.R. Father in God Jeremy, late Lord Bishop of Doune, Connor, and Dromore. EEBO-TCP.

Matthieu, Pierre (1612). The heroyk life and deplorable death of the most Christian King Henry the fourth. EEBO-TCP.

Matthieu, Pierre (1614). The history of Levvis the eleuenth. EEBO-TCP.

Maxwell, Caroline (1810). Feudal tales, being a collection of romantic narratives and other poems. WWP.

Maxwell, John (1641). Episcopacie not abivred in His Maiesties realme of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Maxwell, John (1680). Sacro-sancta regum majestas, or, The sacred and royal prerogative of Christian kings. EEBO-TCP.

May, Thomas (1633). The reigne of King Henry the Second. EEBO-TCP.

May, Thomas (1647). The history of the Parliament of England, which began November the third, MDCXL. EEBO-TCP.

Mayeres, Randulph ([1638]). Mayeres his travels. EEBO-TCP.

Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de (1676). A treatise of the gout. EEBO-TCP.

Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de (1677). Medicinal councels, or, Advices. EEBO-TCP.

Maynard, John (1611). The XII. wonders of the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Maynard, John (1641). Mr. Maynards speech before both Houses in Parliament upon Wednesday the xxiiijth of March. EEBO-TCP.

Maynard, John (1668). The beauty and order of the creation. EEBO-TCP.

Maynard, John (1669). A memento to young and old, or, The young man's remembrancer, and the old man's monitor. EEBO-TCP.

Maynard, John (1674). The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper ([1639]). The citye match. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper (1647). A sermon against false prophets. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper ([1647]). A sermon concerning unity & agreement. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper (1648). The amorous warre. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper (1652). A sermon against schisme, or, The seperations of these times. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper (1653). Certain sermons and letters of defence and resolution to some of the late controversies of our times. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper (1662). A sermon preached at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, Jasper (1665). To His Royall Highnesse, the Duke of Yorke. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, John (1674). Socius mercatoris, or, The merchant's companion. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, John (1675). Arithmetick. EEBO-TCP.

Mayne, John (1676). The practical gauger, being a plain and easie method of gauging all sorts of brewing vessels. EEBO-TCP.

Maynwaring, Roger (1627). Religion and alegiance. EEBO-TCP.

Mazzella, Scipione (1654). Parthenopoeia, or, The history of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples. EEBO-TCP.

McWard, Robert (1671). The case of the accommodation lately proposed by the Bishop of Dumblane to the non-conforming ministers examined. EEBO-TCP.

McWard, Robert (1671). The true non-conformist in answere to the modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist. EEBO-TCP.

McWard, Robert (1672). The English ballance weighing the reasons of Englands present conjunction with France against the Dutch. EEBO-TCP.

McWard, Robert (1678). The poor man's cup of cold-water. EEBO-TCP.

McWard, Robert (1681). The banders disbanded, or, An accurat discourse solidly and plainly demonstrating how inconvenient, scandalous & sinfull it is, in the present circumstances of the Church of Scotland, for ministers of Christ there. EEBO-TCP.

Meadows, Philip ([1677]). A narrative of the principal actions occurring in the wars betwixt Sueden and Denmark before and after the Roschild Treaty. EEBO-TCP.

Mede, Joseph ([1638]). Churches, that is, appropriate places for Christian vvorship. EEBO-TCP.

Mede, Joseph (1641). The apostasy of the latter times. EEBO-TCP.

Mede, Joseph (1642-1648). Diatribae. EEBO-TCP.

Mede, Joseph (1643). Daniels weekes. EEBO-TCP.

Mede, Joseph (1672). The works of the pious and profoundly-learned Joseph Mede, B.D., sometime fellow of Christ's Colledge in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Medina, Pedro de ([1581]). The arte of nauigation. EEBO-TCP.

Medwall, Henry (1529 and 1535]). Nature. EEBO-TCP.

Mela, Pomponius (1585). The vvorke of Pomponius Mela. the cosmographer, concerninge the situation of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Melanchthon, Philipp ([1548]). A waying and considering of the Interim. EEBO-TCP.

Melvill, Elizabeth (1606). A godlie dreame. WWP.

Melville, Elizabeth, Lady Calville of Culross (1603). Melville, E.: Ane Godlie Dreame (1603). CH.

Melville, James (1597). Ane fruitful and comfortable exhortatioun anent death. EEBO-TCP.

Melville, James (1683). The memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-hill. EEBO-TCP.

Melville, James, Minister of Kilrenny (1589). Melville, J.: A spiritvall propine (1589). CH.

Melville, James, Minister of Kilrenny (1634). Melville, J.: The black bastel (1634). CH.

Menewe, Gracious (1555?]). A confutacion of that popishe and antichristian doctryne, whiche mainteineth ye ministracyon and receiuing of the sacrament under one kind. EEBO-TCP.

Menewe, Gracious (1555?]). A plaine subuersyon or turnyng vp syde down of all the argumentes, that the Popecatholykes can make for the maintenaunce of auricular confession. EEBO-TCP.

Mennes, John (1654). Recreation for ingenious head-peeces, or, A pleasant grove for their wits to walk in. EEBO-TCP.

Mennes, John (1658). Wit restor'd. EEBO-TCP.

Menton, L (1698). Pecuniæ obediunt omnia. EEBO-TCP.

Merbecke, John (1579). The holie historie of King Dauid. EEBO-TCP.

Merbecke, John (1581). A booke of notes and common places,. EEBO-TCP.

Meres, Francis (1597). Gods arithmeticke. EEBO-TCP.

Meres, Francis (1598). Palladis Tamia: Wit's Treasury - A Comparative Discourse of our English Poets, with the Greek, Latin, and Poems. ElizAuth.

Meres, Francis (1634). Wits common wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Meriton, Thomas (1658). Love and war. EEBO-TCP.

Meriton, Thomas (1658). The wandring lover. EEBO-TCP.

Merret, Christopher (1670). The accomplisht physician, The honest apothecary, and The skilful chyrurgeon. EEBO-TCP.

Mervyn, Audley (1662). Two speeches. EEBO-TCP.

Metham, John (1916). Metham: The Works (1916). CH.

Mewe, William (1643). The robbing and spoiling of Jacob and Israel. EEBO-TCP.

Mexía, Pedro (1623). The imperiall historie, or, The liues of the emperours, from Iulius Cæsar, the first founder of the Roman monarchy, vnto this present yeere. EEBO-TCP.

Meyer, Albrecht (1589). Certaine briefe, and speciall instructions for gentlemen, merchants, students, souldiers, marriners, &c. employed in seruices abrode, or anie way occasioned to conuerse in the kingdomes, and gouernementes of forren princes. EEBO-TCP.

Michaelis, Sébastien ([1613]). The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman. EEBO-TCP.

Micronius, Marten (1556?]). A short and faythful instruction, gathered out of holy Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Middleton, Christopher (1596). Middleton, C.: Historie of Heaven (1596). CH.

Middleton, Christopher (1600). Middleton: The legend of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester (1600). CH.

Middleton, Thomas (1597). Middleton, T.: The Wisdome of Solomon Paraphrased (1597). CH.

Middleton, Thomas (1604). Middleton, T.: The Ant and the Nightingale (1604). CH.

Middleton, Thomas (1611). The roaring girle, or, Moll Cut-Purse. EEBO-TCP.

Middleton, Thomas (1617). A faire quarrell. EEBO-TCP.

Middleton, Thomas (1620). A courtly masque. EEBO-TCP.

Middleton, Thomas (1653). The changeling. EEBO-TCP.

Middleton, Thomas (1653). The Spanish gipsie. EEBO-TCP.

Middleton, Thomas. A song in seuerall parts. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas. Anything for a quiet life [Electronic resource] / written by Tho. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas. Anything for a quiet life [Electronic resource] / written by Tho. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas. Sir Robert Sherley. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas. The blacke booke. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas. The ghost of Lucrece. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas ([1624]). A game att chesse [1624], and, A game at chesse [Electronic resource] :. OTA.

Middleton, Thomas ([1624]). A game att chesse [1624], and, A game at chesse [Electronic resource] :. OTA.

Milbourne, Luke (1698). Notes on Dryden's Virgil. EEBO-TCP.

Miles, Abraham (1662?]). VVonder of vvonders. EEBO-TCP.

Mill, Humphrey (1639). Poems occasioned by a melancholy vision, or, A melancholy vision vpon diuers theames enlarged. EEBO-TCP.

Mill, Humphrey (1639). Mill, H.: Poems Occasioned by a melancholy vision (1639). CH.

Mill, Humphrey (1640). A nights search. EEBO-TCP.

Mill, Humphrey (1640). Mill, H.: A Nights Search, Part I (1640). CH.

Mill, Humphrey (1646). The second part of The nights search, discovering the condition of the various fowles of night, or, The second great mystery of iniquity exactly revealed. EEBO-TCP.

Mill, Humphrey (1646). Mill, H.: The Second Part of The Nights Search (1646). CH.

Mill, John (1676). A sermon preached on the Feast of the Annunciation of the B. Virgin Mary, at St. Martins in the Fields, Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Miller of Abington [etc.], The ([c.1575]). [Anon.]: The Miller of Abington [etc.] [c.1575]. CH.

Milner, John (1688). A collection of the church-history of Palestine, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the empire of Diocletian. EEBO-TCP.

Milner, John (1689). A short dissertation concerning the four last kings of Judah. EEBO-TCP.

Milner, John (1694). A defence of Arch-bishop Usher against Dr. Cary and Dr. Isaac Vossius. EEBO-TCP.

Milner, John (1698). A view of the dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Milner, John (1700?]). A brief examination of some passages in the chronological part of a letter, written to Dr. Sherlock in his vindication. EEBO-TCP.

Milner, John (1700). An account of Mr. Lock's religion, out of his own writings, and in his own words. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, J. Of Education. R3.

Milton, J. (1644). Areopagitica. R3.

Milton, J. (1645). Comus: A Masque. R3.

Milton, J. (1645). Milton: Shorter Poems in English. R3.

Milton, J. (1660). The Readie & Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth. R3.

Milton, J. (1667). Paradise Lost. R3.

Milton, J. (1671). Paradise Regained. R3.

Milton, J. (1671). Samson Agonistes. R3.

Milton, J. (1673). Psalm Paraphrases. R3.

Milton, John (1632, 1638). Milton "Three Poems: Lycidas, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso": electronic edition. TACT.

Milton, John (1637). A maske presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1637). Milton: A Maske [Comus] (1637). CH.

Milton, John (1639?]). Epitaphium Damonis. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1641). Of prelatical episcopacy, and vvhither it may be deduc'd from the apostolical times by vertue of those testimonies which are alledg'd to that purpose in some late treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1641). Of reformation touching chvrch-discipline in England, and the cavses that hitherto have hindred it. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1641). The reason of church-government urg'd against prelaty. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1642). Nevvs from hell, Rome and the Innes of court. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1643). The doctrine and discipline of divorce. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1644). Milton's "Areopagitica": electronic edition. TACT.

Milton, John (1645). Milton: Poems (1645). CH.

Milton, John (1649). The tenure of kings and magistrates. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1650). Eikonoklestes in answer to a book intitl'd Eikon basilike the portrature His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1651). The life and reigne of King Charls, or, The pseudo-martyr discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1659). A treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1659). Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1660). Brief notes upon a late sermon, titl'd, The fear of God and the King. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1660). The readie and easie vvay to establish a free commonwealth. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1667). Paradise lost. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1669). Accedence commenc't grammar, supply'd with sufficient rules for the use of such (younger or elder) as are desirous, without more trouble than needs to attain the Latin tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1671). Paradise regain'd. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1671). Milton: Paradise Regain'd (1671). CH.

Milton, John (1671). Milton's "Paradise Regained": electronic edition. TACT.

Milton, John (1671). Milton's "Samson Agonistes": electronic edition. TACT.

Milton, John (1673). Of true religion, hæresie, schism, toleration, and what best means may be us'd against the growth of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1673). Milton: Poems Upon Several Occasions (1673). CH.

Milton, John (1673). The Poetical Works of John Milton. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John (1673). The Poetical Works of John Milton. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John (1673). The Poetical Works of John Milton. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John (1673). The Poetical Works of John Milton. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John (1673). The Poetical Works of John Milton. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John (1673). The Poetical Works of John Milton. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John (1674). Milton: Paradise Lost (1674). CH.

Milton, John ([1680]). A supplement to Dr. Du Moulin, treating of the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1682). A brief history of Moscovia. EEBO-TCP.

Milton, John (1694). Milton: Dedicatory poems (1694). CH.

Milton, John, 1608-1674 (1665-1667). Paradise Regained. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John, 1608-1674 (1667). Paradise Lost 1667. EarlyUVa.

Milton, John. Areopagitica. OTA.

Milton, John. Comus. OTA.

Milton, John. Paradise lost. OTA.

Milton, John. Paradise Lost. OTA.

Milton, John. Samson agonistes. OTA.

Minadoi, Giovanni Tommaso (1595). The history of the vvarres betvveene the Turkes and the Persians. EEBO-TCP.

Minot, Laurence (1897). Minot: The Poems of Laurence Minot (1897). CH.

Mirk, John (1868). Mirk: Instructions for Parish Priests (1868). CH.

Mirror of New Reformation, The (1634). [Anon.]: Mirrovr of new reformation (1634). CH.

Misodiaboles (1596). Vlysses vpon Aiax. EEBO-TCP.

Mitchell, John (1697). The way to true honour and happiness. EEBO-TCP.

Moellenbrock, Valentin Andreas (1676). Cochlearia curiosa, or, The curiosities of scurvygrass. EEBO-TCP.

Moffet, Thomas (1599). Moffet: The Silkewormes, and their Flies (1599). CH.

Moise, Penina (1833). Fancy's sketch book. WWP.

Molesworth, Robert Molesworth (1694). An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Molesworth, Robert Molesworth (1694). Etat present de Danemarc. EEBO-TCP.

Molinos, Miguel de, 1628-1696. The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland. CCEL.

Mollineux, Mary (1702). Mollineux, M.: Fruits of Retirement (1702). CH.

Molloy, Charles (1666). Hollands ingratitude, or, A serious expostulation with the Dutch. EEBO-TCP.

Molloy, Charles (1676). De jure maritimo et navali, or, A treatise of affairs maritime and of commerce. EEBO-TCP.

Molyneux, William ([1682]). Whereas there is an accurate account and description of Ireland designed to be made publick in the English Atlas undertaken by Moses Pitt of London, and in order thereto, some gentlemen in Dublin have agreed to meet weekly for reviewing such an account, as shall from time to time come from under the pen of Mr. William Molyneux, as also to bring in some materials to the said description. EEBO-TCP.

Molyneux, William (1692). Dioptrica nova. EEBO-TCP.

Molyneux, William ([1698]). The case of Ireland's being bound by acts of Parliament in England stated. EEBO-TCP.

Monings, Edward (1596). The Landgraue of Hessen his princelie receiuing of her Maiesties embassador. EEBO-TCP.

Monipennie, John (1603). Certeine matters concerning the realme of Scotland, composed together. EEBO-TCP.

Monipennie, John (1612). A Christian almanacke. EEBO-TCP.

Monipennie, John (1612). The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles. EEBO-TCP.

Monlas, John (1633). Quadrivium Sionis, or, The foure ways to Sion. EEBO-TCP.

Monluc, Blaise ([1674]). The commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc, mareschal of France. EEBO-TCP.

Monmouth, Henry Carey (1641). A speech made in the House of Peeres by the Right Honourable the Earl of Monmouth on Thursday the 13 of Ianuary 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Monmouth, James Scott ([1685]). The declaration of James Duke of Monmouth, & the noblemen, gentlemen & others, now in arms, for defence & vindication of the Protestant religion, & the laws, rights, & privilieges of England, from the invasion made upon them, & for delivering the kingdom from the usurpation & tyranny of James Duke of York. EEBO-TCP.

Monro, Robert (1637). Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626. by Sr. Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one company in September 1634. at Wormes in the Paltz. EEBO-TCP.

Monson, William (1682). A true and exact account of the wars with Spain, in the reign of Q. Elizabeth (of famous memory). EEBO-TCP.

Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax (1716). Montagu, C.: Poetical Works (1716). CH.

Montagu, Walter (1629 [i.e. 1659]). The shepheard's paradise. EEBO-TCP.

Montagu, Walter (1641). The coppy of a letter sent from France. EEBO-TCP.

Montaigne, M. E. d. (1603). Montaigne's Essays. R3.

Montanus, Arnoldus ([1671]). Atlas Chinensis. EEBO-TCP.

Montenay, Georgette de ([1519]). A booke of armes, or, Remembrance. EEBO-TCP.

Montgomerie, Alexander (1597). The cherrie and the slaye. EEBO-TCP.

Montgomerie, Alexander (1605). The mindes melodie. EEBO-TCP.

Montgomerie, Alexander (1887). Montgomerie: The Poems (1887). CH.

Montgomerie, Alexander (1910). Montgomerie: Poems (1910). CH.

Montrose, James Graham (1641). Certaine instrvctions given by the L. Montrose, L. Nappier laerd of Keer and Blackhall. EEBO-TCP.

Montrose, James Graham (1649 [i.e. 1650]). The declaration of His Excellencie James Marquis of Montrosse, Earle of Kilcairn, Lord Greme, Baron of Mont-Dieu, Lievtenant Governour of Scotland, and Captaine Generall of all His Majesties forces by sea or land, for that kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Moone, Peter ([1548]). A short treatyse of certayne thinges abused in the Popysh Church. EEBO-TCP.

Moone, Peter ([1548]). A short treatyse of certayne thinges abused in the popysh church, longe vsed. TUDOR.

Moone, Peter ([1548]). Moone: A short treatyse of certayne thinges abused In the Popysh Church [1548]. CH.

Moone, Peter ([1548]). Moone: Verse sermon against Papists [1548]. CH.

More, Cresacre (1631?]). D.O.M.S. The life and death of Sir Thomas Moore Lord high Chancellour of England. EEBO-TCP.

More, Edward (1560). More, E.: The Defence of Women (1560). CH.

More, Edward ([1560]). A lytle and bryefe treatyse, called the defence of women. EEBO-TCP.

More, Gertrude (1657). The holy practises of a devine lover, or, The sainctly ideots deuotions. EEBO-TCP.

More, Gertrude (1658). The spiritval exercises of the most vertvovs and religious D. Gertrvde More of the holy order of S. Bennet and English congregation of Our Ladies of Comfort in Cambray. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1642). Psychodia platonica, or, A platonicall song of the soul. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1646). Democritus Platonissans, or, An essay upon the infinity of worlds out of Platonick principles. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1647). More, H.: Philosophical poems (1647). CH.

More, Henry (1650). Observations upon Anthroposophia theomagica, and Anima magica abscondita. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1651). The second lash of Alazonomastix, laid on in mercie upon that stubborn youth Eugenius Philalethes, or, A sober reply to a very uncivill answer to certain observations upon Anthroposophia theomagica, and Anima magica abscondita. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1653). An antidote against atheisme, or, An appeal to the natural faculties of the minde of man, whether there be not a God. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1656). The life and doctrine of ovr Savior Iesvs Christ. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1659). The immortality of the soul, so farre forth as it is demonstrable from the knowledge of nature and the light of reason. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1660). An explanation of the grand mystery of godliness, or, A true and faithfull representation of the everlasting Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the onely begotten Son of God and sovereign over men and angels. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1664). A modest enquiry into the mystery of iniquity. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1668). Divine dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1668). The two last dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1669). An exposition of the seven epistles to the seven churches. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry ([1672]). A brief reply to a late answer to Dr. Henry More his Antidote against idolatry. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1676). Remarks upon two late ingenious discourses. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1680). Apocalypsis apocalypseos, or, The revelation of St. John the Divine unveiled. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1681). A plain and continued exposition of the several prophecies or divine visions of the prophet Daniel. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1681). Tetractys anti-astrologica, or, The four chapters in the explanation of the grand mystery of holiness. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1682). Annotations upon the two foregoing treatises, Lux orientalis, or, An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the prae-existence of souls, and the Discourse of truth. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1685). Some cursory reflexions impartially made upon Mr. Richard Baxter. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1686). A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1692). Discourses on several texts of Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1694). Letters on several subjects. EEBO-TCP.

More, Henry (1706). More, H.: Divine Hymns (1706). CH.

More, S. T. (1557). The History of King Richard the Third. R3.

More, Sir Thomas (1516). Utopia. TACT.

More, Sir Thomas (1533). The Apologye of Syr Thomas More, Knyght. NTNU.

More, Sir Thomas (1557). More, T.: The workes (1557). CH.

More, Sir Thomas ([c.1540]). More: Lady Fortune [c.1540]. CH.

More, Thomas ([1516?]). A mery gest how a sergeau[n]t woldel erne [sic] to be a frere. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas ([1529]). A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyghte. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas (1532). The co[n]futacyon of Tyndales answere. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas (1533). The second parte of the co[n]futacion of Tyndals answere. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas ([1533]). A letter of syr Tho. More knyght impugnynge the erronyouse wrytyng of Iohn Fryth agaynst the blessed sacrament of the aultare. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas ([1533]). The apologye of syr Thomas More knyght. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas ([1533]). The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas (1534 [i.e. 1533?]). The answere to the fyrst parte of the poysened booke, which a namelesse heretyke hath named the souper of the lorde. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas ([1540]). The boke of the fayre genty[l]woman that no man shulde put his truste, or confydence in. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas (1551). A fruteful, and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Vtopia. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas ([1553]). A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion,. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas (1557). The workes of Sir T. More … wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. TUDOR.

More, Thomas (1641). The historie of the pitifull life, and unfortunate death of Edward the Fifth, and the then Duke of Yorke, his brother. EEBO-TCP.

More, Thomas, Sir, Saint, 1478-1535. (1516). Utopia / by Sir Thomas MoRE. EarlyUVa.

Morison, Richard ([1536]). A lamentation in vvhiche is shevved what ruyne and destruction cometh of seditious rebellyon. EEBO-TCP.

Morison, Richard ([1539]). An invective ayenste the great and detestable vice, treason. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, George (1661). A sermon preached at the magnificent coronation of the most high and mighty King Charles the IId. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, George (1662). The Bishop of VVorcester's letter to a friend for vindication of himself from Mr. Baxter's calumny. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, George (1683). A letter to Her Highness the Duchess of York some few months before her death. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, George (1683). A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, November 5, 1667. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, Henry Parker (1534 [i.e. 1539]). The exposition and declaration of the Psalme, Deus ultionum Dominus. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, Thomas ([1595]). Di Tomasso Morlei il primo libro delle ballette a cinque voci. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, Thomas ([1595]). Of Thomas Morley the first booke of balletts to fiue voyces. EEBO-TCP.

Morley, Thomas (1597). A plaine and easie introduction to practicall musicke. EEBO-TCP.

Mornay, Philippe de (1576). The defence of death. EEBO-TCP.

Mornay, Philippe de (1587). A vvoorke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian religion, written in French. EEBO-TCP.

Mornay, Philippe de (1608). A discourse of life and death. EEBO-TCP.

Mornay, Philippe de (1609). Philip Mornay, Lord of Plessis his teares. EEBO-TCP.

Mornay, Philippe, seigneur du Plessis-Marly de Garnier, Robert (1592). A discourse of life and death, and Antonius. WWP.

Morrell, William (1625). New-England, or, A briefe enarration of the ayre, earth, water, fish and fowles of that country. EEBO-TCP.

Morton, Charles (1692). The spirit of man, or, Some meditations (by way of essay) on the sense of that scripture, 1 Thes. 1:23 …. EEBO-TCP.

Morton, Sarah Wentworth (1790). Ouabi: or the virtues of nature, an Indian tale, in four cantos. WWP.

Morton, Thomas (1596). A treatise of the threefolde state of man. EEBO-TCP.

Morton, Thomas (1608). A preamble vnto an incounter with P.R. the author of the deceitfull treatise of mitigation. EEBO-TCP.

Morton, Thomas (1610). The encounter against M. Parsons,. EEBO-TCP.

Morton, Thomas (1633). A discharge of five imputations of mis-allegations, falsly charged upon the (now) Bishop of Duresme, by an English baron. EEBO-TCP.

Morton, Thomas (1662). Confessions and proofes of Protestant divines of reformed churches. EEBO-TCP.

Moryson, Fynes (1617). An itinerary. EEBO-TCP.

Mossam, Elam (1696). The famous tryal in B.R. between Thomas Neale, Esq. and the late Lady Theadosia Ivy. EEBO-TCP.

Mosse, Miles (1595). The arraignment and conuiction of vsurie. EEBO-TCP.

Mosse, Miles (1603). Scotlands welcome. EEBO-TCP.

Mosse, Miles (1614. And are to be sold by Matthevv Lavv in Pauls Churchyard [, London,] at the signe of the Foxe, [1614]). Iustifying and sauing faith distinguished from the faith of the deuils. EEBO-TCP.

Mote, Humphrey (1585). The Primrose of London. EEBO-TCP.

Motteux, Peter Anthony (1696). The loves of Mars & Venus. EEBO-TCP.

Motteux, Peter Anthony (1698). Beauty in distress. EEBO-TCP.

Mountfort, William (1690). The successfull straingers. EEBO-TCP.

Mountfort, William (1697). The life and death of Doctor Faustus. EEBO-TCP.

Moxon, Joseph (1674). A brief discourse of a passage by the North-pole to Japan, China, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Moxon, Joseph (1676). A collection of some attempts made to the North-East, and North-West, for the finding a passage to Japan, China, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Moxon, Joseph (1693-1701). Mechanick exercises, or, The doctrine of handy-works. EEBO-TCP.

Mubashshir ibn Fatik, Abu al-Wafa' (1477, i.e. ca. June 1480]). The dictes and notable wyse sayenges of the phylosophers. EEBO-TCP.

Mubashshir ibn Fatik, Abu al-Wafa' (18 Nov. 1477]). Here endeth the book named the dictes or sayengis of the philosophhres …. EEBO-TCP.

Muggins, William (1603). Londons mourning garment, or, Funerall teares. EEBO-TCP.

Muggins, William (1603). Muggins: Londons Mourning garment (1603). CH.

Mulcaster, Richard (1581). Positions vvherin those primitiue circumstances be examined, which are necessarie for the training vp of children, either for skill in their booke, or health in their bodie. EEBO-TCP.

Mulcaster, Richard (1582). The first part of the elementarie. EEBO-TCP.

Mulcaster, Richard (1582). Mulcaster's "Elementarie": electronic edition. TACT.

Mulcaster, Richard (1603). In mortem serenissimæ Reginæ Elizabethæ. EEBO-TCP.

Mulcaster, Richard (1603). Mulcaster: The Translation of certaine latine verses (1603). CH.

Mulcaster, Richard. The first part of the elementarie which entreateth chieflie of the right writing of our English tung. OTA.

Multibibus, Blasius ([1617]). A solemne ioviall disputation, theoreticke and practicke, briefely shadowing the lavv of drinking. EEBO-TCP.

Munda, Constantia (1617). The worming of a mad dogge: or, a soppe for Cerberus the jaylor of Hell. WWP.

Munday, Anthony (1579). The mirrour of mutabilitie, or, Principall part of the Mirrour for magistrates. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1579). Munday: The Mirrour of Mutabilitie (1579). CH.

Munday, Anthony (1579). Munday: To All Curteous and Freendly Readers (1579). CH.

Munday, Anthony (1580). Zelauto, The fountaine of fame. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1580). Munday: The paine of pleasure (1580). CH.

Munday, Anthony (1580). Munday: Zelavto. The Fovntaine of Fame. CH.

Munday, Anthony (1581). A courtly controuersie, betweene looue and learning. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1582). A breefe and true reporte, of the execution of certaine traytours at Tiborne, the xxviii. and xxx. dayes of Maye. 1582. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1582). A breefe aunswer made vnto two seditious pamphlets, the one printed in French, and the other in English. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1582). The English Romayne lyfe. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1582). Munday: A breefe Aunswer made unto two seditious Pamphlets (1582). CH.

Munday, Anthony (1584). A vvatch-vvoord to Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (1588). Munday: A banqvet of daintie conceits (1588). CH.

Munday, Anthony (1600). Munday: Poems from Englands Helicon (1600). CH.

Munday, Anthony (1601). The death of Robert, Earle of Huntington. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony (29. of Ianua. 1582). A discouerie of Edmund Campion, and his confederates, their most horrible and traiterous practises, against her Maiesties most royall person and the realme. EEBO-TCP.

Munday, Anthony ([1581]). Munday: The true reporte of the prosperous successe [1581]. CH.

Mure, Sir William, of Rowallan (1898). Mure: The Works (1898). CH.

Mure, William (1640). A counter-buff to Lysimachus Nicanor. EEBO-TCP.

Mure, William ([1641]). Caledons complaint against infamous libells, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Mure, William (1650). The cry of blood and of a broken covenant. EEBO-TCP.

Murray, David (1611). The tragicall death of Sophinisba. EEBO-TCP.

Murray, David (1615). A paraphrase of the CIV. Psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Murray, David ([1628]). The complaint of the shepheard Harpalus. EEBO-TCP.

Murray, David, of Gorthy (1611). Murray, David: The Tragicall Death of Sophonisba (1611). CH.

Murray, David, of Gorthy (1615). Murray: A paraphrase of the CIV. Psalme (1615). CH.

Musaeus (1616). The divine poem of Musæus. EEBO-TCP.

Musaeus (1645). [Erotopaignion]. EEBO-TCP.

Musgrave, Christopher (1688). Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine. EEBO-TCP.

Musgrave, John (1646). Another word to the wise, shewing that the delay of justice is great injustice. EEBO-TCP.

Musgrave, John ([1651]). The humble addresse of John Musgrave to the supreme authority, the Parliament of the common wealth of England. EEBO-TCP.

Musgrave, John (1683?]). [The lamentation of] John Musgrave. EEBO-TCP.

Mynsicht, Adrian von (1682). Thesaurus & armamentarium medico-chymicum, or, A treasury of physick. EEBO-TCP.


N. C. (1697). The great necessity and advantage of preserving our own manufacturies. EEBO-TCP.

N. H (1694). The ladies dictionary, being a general entertainment of the fair-sex. EEBO-TCP.

N. L (1598). Politeuphuia. EEBO-TCP.

N. N (1691). The blatant beast muzzl'd, or, Reflexions on a late libel entituled, The secret history of the reigns of K. Charles II and K. James II. EEBO-TCP.

N. O. The Roman-church's devotions vindicated from Doctour Stillingfleet's mis-representation. EEBO-TCP.

N. P. ([1638]). Come worldling see what paines I here do take. EEBO-TCP.

N. S. (1617). Merry iests, concerning popes, monkes, and friers. EEBO-TCP.

Nabbes, Thomas (1637). Hannibal and Scipio. EEBO-TCP.

Nabbes, Thomas (1637). Microcosmus. EEBO-TCP.

Nabbes, Thomas (1638). Covent Garden. EEBO-TCP.

Nabbes, Thomas (1640). The bride. EEBO-TCP.

Nabbes, Thomas (1640). The vnfortunate mother. EEBO-TCP.

Nalson, John (1684). Reflections upon Coll. Sidney's Arcadia, the old cause. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1589?]). An almond for a parrat, or, Cutbert Curry-knaues almes. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1589). Martins months minde. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1589). The anatomie of absurditie. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1592). Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the diuell. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1592). Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters, and a conuoy of verses, as they were going priuilie to victuall the Low Countries. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1594). The terrors of the night, or, A discourse of apparitions. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1594). The vnfortunate traueller, or, The life of Iacke Wilton. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1596). Haue vvith you to Saffron-vvalden, or, Gabriell Harueys hunt is vp. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1600). A pleasant comedie, called Summers last will and testament. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1613). Christs teares ouer Ierusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Nash, Thomas (1633). Quaternio, or, A fourefold vvay to a happie life. EEBO-TCP.

Nashe, T. (1592). Pierce Penilesse, His Supplication to the Divell. R3.

Nashe, Thomas (1592). Strange Newes. ElizAuth.

Nashe, Thomas (1899). Nashe: The Choise of Valentines (1899). CH.

Nashe, Thomas (Summer's Last Will and Testament). ElizAuth.

Nassyngton, William of (1884). Nassyngton: The Speculum vitae (1884). CH.

Nassyngton, William of (1895-1896). William of Nassyngton (1895 -1896). CH.

Naudé, Gabriel (1661). Instructions concerning erecting of a library. EEBO-TCP.

Naunton, Robert (1641). Fragmenta regalia, or, Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her times and favorits. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1643). A treatise of direction, how to travell safely and profitably into forraigne countries. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas ([1693]). A translation of the articles established by the most excellent magistracy of revisors and regulators of the publick revenue in the exchequer at Venice and approved by the Senate the 5th of March, 1693. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1693/4). A profitable adventure to the fortunate,. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1694?]). A proposal for raising a million on a fund of interest. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1695). About mending the coyn. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1695). To preserve the East-India trade. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas ([1695]). A proposal concerning the coin. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1695/6]). The national land-bank, together with money. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (1696). A proposal for amending the silver coins of England,. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas ([1696]). The tryal and comdemnation of the trustees of the land-bank at Exeter Exchange. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas ([1697]). Fourteen hundred thousand pound, made into one hundred forty thousand bills, of ten pound apiece, to be given out for so much, as occasion requires, and to be paid as chance shall determine in course, out of 1515000 l. to be raised on a duty on malt, the odd 115000 l. being left to be only made use of to pay interest, premium and charge. EEBO-TCP.

Neale, Thomas (4. 1676/7. Reprinted, with amendments, Feb. 20. 1696/7 [1697]). The best way of disposing of hammer'd money and plate. EEBO-TCP.

Nebrija, Antonio de (1631). A briefe introduction to syntax. EEBO-TCP.

Nedham, Marchamont (1649). A most pithy exhortation delivered in an eloquent oration to the watry generation aboard their admirall at Graves-End, by the Right Reverend, Mr. Hugh Peters, doctor of the chair for the famous university of Whitehall, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the high and mighty K. Oliver, the first of that name. EEBO-TCP.

Nedham, Marchamont (1660). A rope for Pol, or, A hue and cry after Marchemont Nedham, the late surrulous news-writer. EEBO-TCP.

Ness, Christopher (1682). A key (with the whip) to open the mystery & iniquity of the poem called, Absalom & Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.

Nevill, William (1518). The Castell of PleasuR3. NTNU.

Nevill, William (1930). Neville, W.: The Castell of Pleasure (1930). CH.

Neville, Alexander (1581). Neville: Oedipus (1581). CH.

Neville, Alexander (1615). Norfolkes furies, or, A view of Ketts campe. EEBO-TCP.

Neville, Henry (1668). The Isle of Pines, or, A late discovery of a fourth island near Terra Australis Incognita. EEBO-TCP.

Neville, Henry (1681). Plato redivivus, or, A dialogue concerning government. EEBO-TCP.

Neville, Henry (1691). A true copy of a letter written by N. Machiavill in defence of himself and his religion. EEBO-TCP.

Neville, William (1530?). The castell of pleasuR3. TUDOR.

Neville, William (1530?]). The castell of pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

New England Confederation (1643). The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of England (May 19, 1643). EarlyUVa.

New Treatise in Three Parts, A ([1550?]). Anon.: A newe treatyse deuyded in thre parties. CH.

Newbery, Thomas (1563). Newbery: Diues Pragmaticus (1563). CH.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1653). Poems, and fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1655). The philosphical and physical opinions. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1655). The worlds olio. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1662). Orations of divers sorts accommodated to divers places. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1662). Playes. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1664). Philosophical letters, or, Modest reflections upon some opinions in natural philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish ([1664]). CCXI sociable letters. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1666). Observations upon experimental philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1667). The life of the thrice noble, high and puissant prince William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess and Earl of Newcastle …. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1668). De vita et rebus gestis nobilissimi illustrissimique principis, Guilielmi ducis Novo-Castrensis, commentarii. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1668). Ground of natural philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1668). The description of a new world, called the blazing-world. EEBO-TCP.

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish (1671). Natures picture drawn by fancies pencil to the life. EEBO-TCP.

Newcome, Henry (1693). A plain discourse about rash and sinful anger. EEBO-TCP.

Newrobe, Richard (1641). Farewell myter, or, Canterbwies meditations and Wrenn's syllogismes. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, George (1672). A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Joseph Aleine. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, Isaac (1687). Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, John (1657). Astronomia Britannica. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, John (1679). Cosmographia, or, A view of the terrestrial and cœlestial globes. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, John (1691). The compleat arithmetician, or, The whole art of arithmetick, vulgar and decimal. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, John (1693). The English academy, or, A brief introduction to the seven liberal arts. EEBO-TCP.

Newton, John, 1622-1678 (). An Introduction to the Art of Rhetorick. EarlyUVa.

Newton, Thomas, gent. (1603). Newton, T.: A tropoïon Delion (1603). CH.

Newton, Thomas, of Cheshire (1581). Newton, T.: Thebais (1581). CH.

Niccols, R. (1607). The Beggers Ape. R3.

Niccols, Richard (1603). Expicedium [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1603). Niccols: Expicedium (1603). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1607). The cuckovv. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1607). Niccols: The Cvckow (1607). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1611). Niccols: Three Precious Teares of Blood (1611). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1613). A day-starre for darke-wandring soules. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1613). The three sisters teares. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1613). Niccols: The Three Sisters Teares (1613). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1614). Niccols: The Furies with Vertues Encomium (1614). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1615). Monodia, or, Walthams complaint. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1615). Niccols: Monodia or Walthams Complaint (1615). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1616). Sir Thomas Ouerburies vision. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1616). Niccols: Londons Artillery (1616). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1616). Niccols: Sir Thomas Overbvries Vision (1616). CH.

Niccols, Richard (1627). The beggers ape. EEBO-TCP.

Niccols, Richard (1627). Niccols: The Beggers Ape (1627). CH.

Nicholson, Samuel (1600). Acolastus his after-witte. EEBO-TCP.

Nicholson, Samuel (1600). Nicholson, S.: Acolastvs (1600). CH.

Nicholson, Samuel (1602). A sermon, called Gods new yeeres-guift. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1574?]). Dicta HN, Documentall sentences. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1574). A publishing of the peace vpon earth. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1574). The prophetie of the spirit of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1575?]). Epistolæ HN. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1575?]). Prouerbia HN. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1575?]). Reuelatio Dei. EEBO-TCP.

Niclaes, Hendrik (1652). Evangelium regni. EEBO-TCP.

Nicolay, Nicolas de (1585). The nauigations, peregrinations and voyages, made into Turkie by Nicholas Nicholay Daulphinois, Lord of Arfeuile, chamberlaine and geographer ordinarie to the King of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.

Nicole, Pierre (1666). The pernicious consequences of the new heresie of the Jesuites against the King and the state. EEBO-TCP.

Nicolson, William (1696). The English historical library, or, A short view and character of most of the writers now extant, either in print or manuscript. EEBO-TCP.

Nieuhof, Johannes (1673). An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1602). Nixon: The Christian Navy (1602). CH.

Nixon, Anthony (1603). Elizaes memoriall. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1603). Nixon, A.: Elizaes memoriall (1603). CH.

Nixon, Anthony (1605). Oxfords triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1606). The blacke yeare. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1607). The three English brothers. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1609). The vvarres of Svvethland. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1612). Londons doue, or, A memoriall of the life and death of Maister Robert Doue, citizen and marchant-taylor of London. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1612). The dignitie of man. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1613). Great Brittaines generall ioyes. EEBO-TCP.

Nixon, Anthony (1613). Nixon: Great Brittaines Generall Ioyes (1613). CH.

Nixon, Anthony (1615). The scourge of corruption, or, A crafty knaue needs no broker. EEBO-TCP.

No person of quality (1698). Aesop at Tunbridge, or, A few select fables in verse. EEBO-TCP.

Noot, Jan van der (1569). A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, J. (1600). Vicissitudo rerum. R3.

Norden, John (1584). A pensiue mans practise. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1585). Norden: A sinfvll Mans Solace (1585). CH.

Norden, John (1586). A mirror for the multitude, or Glasse. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1596). A christian familiar comfort and incouragement vnto all English subiects, not to dismaie at the Spanish threats. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1596). A progresse of pietie, or, The harbour of heauenly harts ease. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1596). Nordens preparatiue to his Speculum Britanniæ. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John ([1598]). 1598 Speculi Britan[n]iæ pars. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1599). A prayer for the prosperous proceedings and good successe of the Earle of Essex and his companies. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1600). Vicissitudo rerum. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1600). Norden: Vicissitudo rerum (1600). CH.

Norden, John (1603). A pensiue soules delight. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1603). Norden: A Pensive soules delight (1603). CH.

Norden, John (1614). A load-starre to spirituall life, or, A Christian familiar motiue to the most sweet and heauenly exercise of diuine prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1614). The labyrinth of mans life, or, Vertues delight and enuies opposite. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1614). Norden: The Labyrinth of Mans Life (1614). CH.

Norden, John (1615). A pensiue soules delight, or, The deuout mans helpe. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1620). A poore mans rest. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1624). The imitation of Dauid his godly and constant resolution in bearing all his trialls, troubles and afflictions being a king. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1625). The fathers legacie. EEBO-TCP.

Norden, John (1626). A pathvvay to patience. EEBO-TCP.

Norfolk, Henry Howard (1685). The Duke of Norfolk's order about the habit the ladies are to be in that attend the Queen at her Coronation. EEBO-TCP.

Norfolk, Henry Howard (1692). His Grace the Duke of Norfolk's charge against the Dutchess before the House of Lords, and the Dutchesses answer. EEBO-TCP.

Norfolk, Henry Howard (1692). The tryal between Henry Duke of Norfolk, plaintiff, and John Jermaine defendant. EEBO-TCP.

Norfolk, Henry Howard (1693). The full trial between Henry, Duke of Norfolk, plaintiff, and John Germaine, defendant. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1683). A murnival of knaves, or, Whiggism plainly display'd, and (if not grown shameless) burlesqu't out of countenance. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1683). An idea of happiness, in a letter to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1685). A discourse concerning the pretended religious assembling in private conventicles. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1685). A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford at St. Peters Church in the East on Mid-Lent Sunday, March 29, 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1688). The theory and regulation of love. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1689). Reason and religion, or, The grounds and measures of devotion, consider'd from the nature of God, and the nature of man. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1690). Christian blessedness, or, Discourses upon the beatitudes of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1690). Reflections upon the conduct of human life. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1691). Practical discourses upon several divine subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1691). The charge of schism continued. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1692). Norris: A Collection of Miscellanies (1692). CH.

Norris, John (1695). Letters concerning the love of God. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, John (1697). An account of reason & faith. EEBO-TCP.

Norris, Ralph (1577?]). A warning to London by the fall of Antwerp. EEBO-TCP.

North, Dudley North (1645). A forest of varieties …. EEBO-TCP.

North, Dudley North (1669). Observations and advices oeconomical. EEBO-TCP.

North, Dudley North (1670). A narrative of some passages in or relating to the Long Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Northampton, Henry Howard (1574). A defense of the ecclesiasticall regiment in Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Northbrooke, John (1571). Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith. EEBO-TCP.

Northbrooke, John (1571). Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. The poore mans garden. EEBO-TCP.

Northbrooke, John (1577?]). Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A treatise wherein dicing, dauncing, vaine playes or enterluds with other idle pastimes [et]c. commonly vsed on the Sabboth day, are reproued by the authoritie of the word of God and auntient writers. EEBO-TCP.

Northleigh, John (1682). A gentle reflection on the modest account, and a vindication of the loyal abhorrers from the calumnies of a factious pen. EEBO-TCP.

Northleigh, John (1688). Dr. Burnett's reflections upon a book entituled Parliamentum pacificum. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Richard (1696). Pausanias, the betrayer of his country. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, T. a. T. S. (1561). Gorboduc. R3.

Norton, Thomas (1560?]). Orations. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas ([1569]). To the Quenes Maiesties poore deceyued subiectes of the north countrey, drawen into rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas ([1570]). A bull graunted by the Pope to Doctor Harding & other. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas ([1570]). A disclosing of the great bull. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas ([1570]). An addition declaratorie to the bulles, with a searching of the maze. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas ([1570]). The tragidie of Ferrex and Porrex. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas ([1583]). A declaration of the fauourable dealing of her Maiesties commissioners appointed for the examination of certain traitours. EEBO-TCP.

Norton, Thomas (1975). Norton, T.: Ordinal of alchemy (1975). CH.

Norton, Thomas ([1551]). Norton, T.: To the reder [1551]. CH.

Nowell, Alexander (1. 1583). A true report of the disputation or rather priuate conference had in the Tower of London, with Ed. Campion Iesuite, the last of August. 1581. EEBO-TCP.

Nuce, Thomas (1581). Nuce: Octavia (1581). CH.

Numan, Philippe (1606). Miracles lately vvrought by the intercession of the glorious Virgin Marie, at Mont-aigu, nere vnto Siché in Brabant. EEBO-TCP.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-18; 1692-03-19). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Ann Putnam, Sr. Vs. Martha Cory & Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-19). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Deodat Lawson's Narrative. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-21; 1692-03-22; 1692-03-23). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Ann Putnam, Sr. Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-21; 1692-03-22; 1692-03-23). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Israel Forter, Elizabeth Porter, Daniel Andrew & Peter Cloyce For Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-23). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Rev. Lawson Visits the Thomas Putnam House. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-23). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Warrant for the Apprehension of Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Ann Putnam, Jr. Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Ann Putnam, Sr. Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Elizabeth Hubbard Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Examination of Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Marshall Herrick's Return of Rebecca Nurse's Apprehension. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Mary Walcott Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Rev. Lawson's Narrative of the Examinations of Rebecca Nurse & Dorcas Good. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Samuel Parris, Nathaniel Ingersoll & Thomas Putnam Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-24). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Thomas Putnam & Edward Putnam Vs. Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03-28). Rebecca Nurse Collection: John Tarbell & Samuel Nurse for Rebecca Nurse. EarlyUVa.

Nurse, Rebecca (1692-03). Rebecca Nurse Collection: Expenses at Ingersoll's Ordinary. EarlyUVa.

Nutbrown Maid, The (1871). Anon.: The Nut-Brown Maid (1871). CH.

Nutbrown Maid, The ([1535?]). [Anon.]: Notborune mayd vp° ye passi° of cryste [1535?]. CH.

Nye, Philip (1643). Two speeches delivered before the subscribing of the Covenant, the 25. of September, at St. Margarets in Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Nye, Stephen ([1691]). An answer to Dr. Wallis's three letters concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Nye, Stephen ([1693]). Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity by Dr. Wallis, Dr. Sherlock, Dr. S-th, Dr. Cudworth, and Mr. Hooker. EEBO-TCP.


Oakes, Urian (1673). New-England pleaded with, and pressed to consider the things which concern her peace at least in this her day, or, A seasonable and serious word of faithful advice to the churches and people of God, primarily those in the Massachusets Colony. EEBO-TCP.

Oakes, Urian (1674). The unconquerable, all-conquering, & more-then-conquering souldier, or, The successful warre which a believer wageth with the enemies of his soul. EEBO-TCP.

Oakes, Urian (1682). A seasonable discourse wherein sincerity & delight in the service of God is earnestly pressed upon professors of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Oakes, Urian (1682). The soveraign efficacy of divine providence …. EEBO-TCP.

Ochino, Bernardino (1549). A tragoedie or dialoge of the vniuste vsurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the iust abolishyng of the same. EEBO-TCP.

Ochino, Bernardino (1657). A dialogue of polygamy, written orginally in Italian. EEBO-TCP.

Ochino, Bernardino, of Sena (1548). Sermons of Barnardine Ochine of Sena. WWP.

Ocland, Christopher ([1585]). The valiant actes and victorious battailes of the English nation: from the yeere of our Lord, one thousand three hundred twentie and seuen: being the first yeare of the raigne of the most mightie Prince Edvvard the third, to the yeere 1558. EEBO-TCP.

Ocland, Christopher (1589). The fountaine and vvelspring of all variance, sedition, and deadlie hate. EEBO-TCP.

Ocland, Christopher ([1680]). The pope's farwel, or, Queen Ann's dream. EEBO-TCP.

Odell, Thomas (1635). A brief and short treatise, called the Christians pilgrimage to his fatherland. EEBO-TCP.

Odell, Thomas ([1635]). Isaacks pilgrimage. EEBO-TCP.

Ogle, John (1594). The lamentation of Troy, for the death of Hector. EEBO-TCP.

Ogle, Sir John (1594). Ogle, J.: The Lamentation of Troy (1594). CH.

Okey, John (1648). A true and particular relation of the late victory obtained by Colonel Horton & Colonel Okey, against the VVelsh forces under Major Generall Langhorn. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1677). Oldham: Upon the Marriage of the Prince of Orange (1677). CH.

Oldham, John (1677). Upon the marriage of the Prince of Orange with the Lady Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1679?]). Tom tell-troth, or, A dialogue between the Devil and the Pope about carrying on the plot. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1679). A satyr against vertue. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John ([1679]). Garnets ghost, addressing to the Jesuits, met in private Caball, just after the murther of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John ([1679]). The Jesuits justification, proving they died as innocent as the child unborn. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1680). The clarret drinkers song, or, The good fellows design. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1680). Oldham: Upon the Author of a Play call'd Sodom (1680). CH.

Oldham, John (1681). Satyrs upon the Jesuits. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1683). Poems, and translations. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1684). Some new pieces never before publish'd. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1684). The works of Mr. John Oldham, together with his Remains. EEBO-TCP.

Oldham, John (1684). Oldham: The Works (1684). CH.

Oldham, John (1685). Oldham: [For An Anniversary of Musick kept upon St. Cecilia's day, in] A Second Musical Entertainment (1685). CH.

Oldham, John (1696). Oldham: A Pastoral (1696). CH.

Oldisworth, Giles (1673). The illustrious wife. EEBO-TCP.

Olearius, Adam (1669). The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia. EEBO-TCP.

One of his brethren in the clergy (1643). A letter of spirituall advice. EEBO-TCP.

One that professeth himself a friend to presbytery, a lover and embracer of truth wheresoever he find's [sic] it ([1649]). The grand case of conscience stated, about submission to the new and present power, or, An impassionate answer to a modest book concerning the lawfullness of submitting to the present government. EEBO-TCP.

Openshaw, Robert (1579). Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Orleans, Charles Duke of (1941-1946). Orleans, Charles Duke of: The English Poems (1941-1946). CH.

Orlers, Jan Janszn. (1613). The triumphs of Nassau, or, A description and representation of all the victories both by land and sea, granted by God to the noble, high, and mightie lords, the Estates generall of the vnited Netherland Prouinces. EEBO-TCP.

Ormonde, James Butler (1682). A true account of the whole proceedings betwixt His Grace James Duke of Ormond, and the Right Honor. Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy-Seal, before the King and Council. EEBO-TCP.

Ornithoparchus, Andreas ([1609]). Andreas Ornithoparcus his Micrologus, or, Introduction: containing the art of singing. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Charles Boyle (1698). Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and The fables of Æsop, examin'd. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1662). The answer of a person of quality to a scandalous letter. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1662). The Irish colours displayed. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1668). The history of Henry the Fifth, and, The tragedy of Mustapha, son of Solyman the Magnificent. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1668). The tragedy of Mustapha, the son of Solyman the Magnificent. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1669). Two new tragedies. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1676). English adventures. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1676). Parthenissa, that most fam'd romance. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1677). A treatise of the art of war. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1681). Poems on most of the festivals of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1690). Mr. Anthony. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1693). Guzman. EEBO-TCP.

Orrery, Roger Boyle (1694). Herod the great. EEBO-TCP.

Ortunez de la Calahorra, Diego (1578). The mirror of princely deeds and knighthood. WWP.

Osório, Jerónimo ([1565]). An epistle of the reuerend father in God Hieronymus Osorius Bishop of Arcoburge in Portugale, to the most excellent Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Osborne, Francis (1656). Politicall reflections upon the government of the Turks …. EEBO-TCP.

Osborne, Francis (1658). Historical memoires on the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James. EEBO-TCP.

Osiander, Andreas ([1548]). The coniectures of the ende of the worlde. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1675). Alcibiades. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1676). Don Carlos Prince of Spain. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1677). Titus and Berenice, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1680). The history and fall of Caius Marius. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1680). The poet's complaint of his muse, or, A satyr against libells. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1681). The souldiers fortune. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1682). Epilogue to Her Royal Highness, on her return from Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1682). The epilogue. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1682). Venice preserv'd, or, A plot discover'd. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1684). The atheist, or, The second part of The souldiers fortune. EEBO-TCP.

Otway, Thomas (1685). Windsor castle, in a monument to our late-sovereign K. Charles II of ever blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Overbury, Sir Thomas (1622). Overbury: His Wife (1622). CH.

Overbury, Thomas (16[16]). Sir Thomas Ouerburie his wife. EEBO-TCP.

Overbury, Thomas ([1626]). Sir Thomas Ouerbury his obseruations in his trauailes vpon the state of the Xvii. Prouinces as they stood anno Dom. 1609. EEBO-TCP.

Overbury, Thomas ([1676]). A true and perfect account of the examination, confession, trial, condemnation and execution of Joan Perry, and her two sons, John and Richard Perry, for the supposed murder of Will. Harrison, Gent. EEBO-TCP.

Overbury, Thomas (1678). Ratiocinium vernaculum, or, A reply to Ataxiae obstaculum. EEBO-TCP.

Overbury, Thomas. OTA.

Overbury, Thomas. New and choice characters, of some seuerall authors. OTA.

Ovid (1565. Mense Decembris). The pleasant fable of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid ([1567]). The. xv. bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1580). The three first bookes of Ouid de Tristibus. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1602). Salmacis and Hermaphroditus. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid ([1602]). Ouid's elegies. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1613). The scourge of Venus, or, The wanton lady. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1618). Ouids Metamorphosis. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid ([1625]). Loves schoole. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1633). Ouids Tristia. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1640). Ovid de Ponto. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1663). Ovid's heroical epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1672). Chaucer's ghoast, or, A piece of antiquity. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid (1680). Ovid's epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Ovid [Trans., Sir Samuel Garth](). Metamorphoses (Books I-XIV). EarlyUVa.

Ovington, J (1699). An essay upon the nature and qualities of tea …. EEBO-TCP.

Owen, James (1694). A plea for Scripture ordination, or, Ten arguments from Scripture and antiquity proving ordination by presbyters without bishops to be valid. EEBO-TCP.

Owen, Jane (1634). An antidote against purgatory. WWP.

Owen, John (1616-1683). A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). A Brief Instruction in the Worship of God. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). A Dissertation on Divine Justice. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Christologia. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Gospel Grounds and Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Of Temptation. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Pneumatologia. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Sacramental Discourses. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). The Doctrine of Justification by Faith. CCEL.

Owen, John (1616-1683). Two Short Catechisms. CCEL.

Owen, John (1619). Epigrams of that most wittie and worthie epigrammatist Mr. Iohn Owen, Gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Owen, William (1642). The last trve intelligence from Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Owenson, Sydney (1801). Poems. WWP.


Péréfixe de Beaumont, Hardouin de (1663). The history of Henry IV. surnamed the Great, King of France and Navarre. EEBO-TCP.

P. H (1642). Terrible and trve nevves from Beverley and the city of Yorke. EEBO-TCP.

P. H (1647). Prosso kai opisso. EEBO-TCP.

Paget, Thomas (1650). A faithfull and conscientious account for subscribing the engagement. EEBO-TCP.

Paget, Thomas (1650). A religious scrutiny concerning unequall marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Pagitt, Ephraim (1639). A relation of the Christians in the world. EEBO-TCP.

Pagitt, Ephraim (1645). Heresiography, or, A discription of the hereticks and sectaries of these latter times. EEBO-TCP.

Painter, William (1566. Imprinted at London, by [John Kingston and] Henry Denham, for Richard Tottell and William Iones[. These bookes are to be solde at the long shoppe at the weast ende of Paules], [1566 (26 Jan.)]). The palace of pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

Painter, William ([1567]). The second tome of the Palace of pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

Painter, William ([1623]). [Chaucer newly painted]. EEBO-TCP.

Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de (1671). The history of the conquest of China by the Tartars. EEBO-TCP.

Paleario, Aonio (1580). The benefit that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucified. EEBO-TCP.

Palladius (1873 and 1879). [Anon.]: Palladius On Husbondrie (1873 and 1879). CH.

Palmer, Thomas (1606). An essay of the meanes hovv to make our trauailes, into forraine countries, the more profitable and honourable. EEBO-TCP.

Palmer, Thomas (1644). The saints support in these sad times. EEBO-TCP.

Paré, Ambroise (1617). The method of curing vvounds made by gun-shot. EEBO-TCP.

Paracelsus (1596). A hundred and fouretene experiments and cures of the famous physitian Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus. EEBO-TCP.

Paracelsus (1659). Paracelsus his Aurora, & treasure of the philosophers. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Henry (1640). The case of shipmony briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of law, policie, and conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Henry (1641 [i.e. 1642]). The altar dispute, or, A discovrse concerning the severall innovations of the altar. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Henry ([1642]). Observations upon some of His Majesties late answers and expresses. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Henry ([1642]). Some few observations upon His Majesties late answer to the declaration or remonstance of the Lords and Commons of the 19 of May, 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Henry, 8th Baron Morley (1814). Parker, H.: Henry Lorde Morley to hys Posteritye (1814). CH.

Parker, Henry, 8th Baron Morley (1891). Parker, H.: Soneto (1891). CH.

Parker, Henry, 8th Baron Morley ([1562]). Parker, H.: Epitaph of Sir Thomas West (1562). CH.

Parker, Henry, 8th Baron Morley ([1565?]). Parker, H.: The tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke [1565?]. CH.

Parker, Matthew (1571). An admonition to all such as shall intende hereafter to enter the state of matrimony. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Matthew ([1587]). A funerall sermon, both godlye, learned and comfortable, preached at S. Maries in Cambridge, Anno 1551. at the buriall of the reuerend doctor, and faithfull pastor of the Churche of Christe, Martin Bucer. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Matthew ([1567?]). Parker, M.: The whole Psalter [1567?]. CH.

Parker, Samuel (1666). A free and impartial censure of the Platonick philosophie. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1666). An account of the nature and extent of the divine dominion & goodnesse especially as they refer to the Origenian hypothesis concerning the preexistence of souls. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1671). A defence and continuation of the ecclesiastical politie. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1671). A discourse of ecclesiastical politie. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1673). A reproof to the Rehearsal transprosed, in a discourse to its authour. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1681). A demonstration of the divine authority of the law of nature and of the Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1681). The case of the Church of England, briefly and truly stated. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1684). Religion and loyalty, or, A demonstration of the power of the Christian church within it self. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1685). Religion and loyalty, the second part, or, The history of the concurrence of the imperial and ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the government of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1688). Reasons for abrogating the test imposed upon all members of Parliament, anno 1678, Octob. 30. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1690). A discourse sent to the late King James, to persuade him to embrace the Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.

Parker, Samuel (1700). Six philosophical essays upon several subjects …. EEBO-TCP.

Parkins, William (1641). Sir William Parkins speech to the Hovse of Commons in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Parliament (1647). An Ordinance for the suppression of all Stage-Playes and Interludes. R3.

Parliament-man in Cornwall (1676). A seasonable question, and an usefull answer, contained in an exchange of a letter between a Parliament-man in Cornwell, and a bencher of the Temple, London. EEBO-TCP.

Parliament. Titulus Regulus. R3.

Parnell, James (1675). A collection of the several writings given forth from the Spirit of the Lord through that meek, patient, and suffering servant of God, James Parnel, who, though a young man, bore a faithful testimony for God and dyed a prisoner under the hands of a persecuting generation in Colchester Castle in the year 1656. EEBO-TCP.

Parr, Katharine (1545). Prayers stirryng the mynd unto heavenlye medytacions. WWP.

Parr, Katharine (1548). The lamentacion of a synner. WWP.

Parr, Susanna (1659). Susanna's apologie against the elders. Or a vindication of Susanna Parr; one of those two women lately excommunicated by Mr Lewis Stucley, and his church in Exeter. WWP.

Parrot, Henry (1606). The mous-trap. EEBO-TCP.

Parrot, Henry (1606). Parrot, H.: The movs-trap (1606). CH.

Parrot, Henry (1608). Epigrams. EEBO-TCP.

Parrot, Henry (1608). Parrot: Epigrams (1608). CH.

Parrot, Henry (1613). Laquei ridiculosi, or, Springes for vvoodcocks. EEBO-TCP.

Parrot, Henry (1613). Parrot: Laquei ridiculosi: OR Springes for Woodcocks (1613). CH.

Parrot, Henry (1615). Parrot: The Mastive (1615). CH.

Parrot, Henry (1626). Parrot: Cvres for the itch (1626). CH.

Parry, Robert (1595). Parry: Moderatvs (1595). CH.

Parry, Robert ([1595]). Moderatus, the most delectable & famous historie of the blacke knight:[…]. EEBO-TCP.

Parry, Robert (1597). Sinetes passions vppon his fortunes. EEBO-TCP.

Parry, Robert (1597). Parry: Sinetes (1597). CH.

Parry, William (1700?]). The last words of William Parry a lawyer. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1580). A brief discours contayning certayne reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to church. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1581?]). The copie of a double letter sent by an English gentilman from beyond the seas, to his frende in London. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert ([1581]). A discouerie of I. Nicols minister, misreported a Iesuite, latelye recanted in the Tower of London. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1582). The first booke of the Christian exercise. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1585. Augusti. 30). A Christian directorie. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1592). An aduertisement written to a secretarie of my L. Treasurers of Ingland, by an Inglishe intelligencer as he passed throughe Germanie towardes Italie. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert ([1593]). Nevves from Spayne and Holland conteyning. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert ([1599]). A temperate vvard-vvord, to the turbulent and seditious VVach-word of Sir Francis Hastinges knight. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1602). A manifestation of the great folly and bad spirit of certayne in England calling themselues secular priestes. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1602). The vvarn-vvord to Sir Francis Hastinges wast-word. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert ([1604]). A relation of the triall made before the King of France, vpon the yeare 1600 betvveene the Bishop of Eureux, and the L. Plessis Mornay. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1607). A treatise tending to mitigation tovvardes Catholike-subiectes in England. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert ([1609]). A quiet and sober reckoning vvith M. Thomas Morton. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert ([1612]). A discussion of the ansvvere of M. VVilliam Barlovv, D. of Diuinity, to the booke intituled: The iudgment of a Catholike Englishman liuing in banishment for his religion &c. EEBO-TCP.

Parsons, Robert (1678). A rich treasure at an easie rate, or, The ready way to true content. EEBO-TCP.

Partridge, John (1566). Partridge: An admonition or Warning to England (1566). CH.

Partridge, John (1566). Partridge: The notable hystorie of two famous Princes (1566). CH.

Partridge, John (1566). Partridge: The worthie Hystorie of Plasidas (1566). CH.

Partridge, John (1570). Partridge: The end and Confession of John Felton (1570). CH.

Partridge, John (1697). Defectio geniturarum. EEBO-TCP.

Partridge, John (1873). Partridge, J.: The history of Pandauola (1873). CH.

Paruta, Paolo (1657). Politick discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Paruta, Paolo (1658). The history of Venice …. EEBO-TCP.

Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662). Pensées. CCEL.

Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662. (1670). Thoughts. EarlyUVa.

Paschal, Carlo (1605). False complaints, or, The censure of an vnthankfull mind. EEBO-TCP.

Pasqualigo, Luigi (1585). Fedele and Fortunio. EEBO-TCP.

Pasquill (1589). The returne of the renowned caualiero Pasquill of England, from the other side the seas, and his meeting with Marforius at London vpon the Royall Exchange. EEBO-TCP.

Paston family (c. 1420-1504). Paston letters and papers of the fifteenth century, Part I. MiddleUVa.

Paterson, James (1692). Edinburgh's true almanack, or, A new prognostication for the year of our Lord 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Paterson, Ninian (1683). The fanatick indulgence granted. EEBO-TCP.

Paterson, Ninian (1683). Paterson: Obsequies to the memorie of Alexander, late Lord Bishop of Rosse (1683). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1683). Paterson: On The Much Lamented Death of the Valiant Major William Cockburn (1683). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1683). Paterson: The Fanatick Indulgence (1683). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1685). Paterson: On that devout, and industrious gentelman, George Monteith, Merchant in Edinburgh (1685). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1685). Paterson: On the Death of His Excellence General Dalziel of Binns (1685). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1686). Paterson: On the Lamentable Death of the Lady Lee (1686). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1686). Paterson: To the Memorie of Thomas Robertson (1686). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1686). Paterson: To the Memory of the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Napier (1686). CH.

Paterson, Ninian (1688). Paterson, N.: To the Memory of the right Honourable, Sir John Nisbet (1688). CH.

Paterson, Ninian. Paterson: To the memory of the right Honourable Margaret Countess of Weems [1688]. CH.

Paterson, Ninian ([1687]). Paterson: Moristonus martyr [1687]. CH.

Paterson, Ninian ([1688]). Paterson: An encomiastick character of Taylorie [1688]. CH.

Paterson, Ninian ([1688]). Paterson: On the Death of the Phoenix of the Age [1688]. CH.

Paterson, Ninian ([1688]). Paterson: Prince and Stewart of Scotland [1688]. CH.

Paterson, Ninian ([1688]). Paterson: To the Memory of the Incomparable Sir Andrew Ramsay [1688]. CH.

Paterson, Ninian (38 p). Paterson: Poem On The Test (1683). CH.

Patten, William (1548 (30 June)]). The expedicion into Scotla[n]de of the most woorthely fortunate prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, vncle vnto our most noble souereign lord ye ki[n]ges Maiestie Edvvard the. VI. goouernour of hys hyghnes persone, and protectour of hys graces realmes, dominions [and] subiectes. EEBO-TCP.

Patten, William ([1575]). The calender of Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Paynell, Thomas (1553). The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1606). The art of dravving vvith the pen, and limming in water colours. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1612). The gentlemans exercise, or, An exquisite practise. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry ([1612]). Minerua Britanna, or, A garden of heroical deuises. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1613). The period of mourning. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1615). Prince Henrie revived, or, A poeme vpon the birth, and in honor of the hopefull yong Prince Henrie Frederick. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1620). Thalia's banquet. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1622 Imprinted at London [by John Legat] for Francis Constable, and are to bee sold at his shop at the white lio[n] in Paules churchyard, [1622]). The compleat gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1624). An Aprill shower. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1634). Thestylis atrata, or, A funeral elegie vpon the death of the Right Honourable, most religious and noble lady, Frances, late Countesse of Warvvick. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1636). Coach and sedan, pleasantly disputing for place and precedence. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1638). The truth of our times. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1638). The valley of varietie, or, Discourse fitting for the times. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1639). A merry discourse of Meum, and Tuum, or, Mine and Thine. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1639). The duty of all true subiects to their King. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1641). The worth of a peny, or, A caution to keep money. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1642). A paradox, in the praise of a dunce, to Smectymnuus. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1642). Sqvare-caps turned into rovnd-heads, or, The bishops vindication and the brownists conviction. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry (1642). The art of living in London, or, A caution how gentlemen, countreymen and strangers drawn by occasion of businesse should dispose of themselves in the thriftiest way not onely in the citie but in all other populous places. EEBO-TCP.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1611). Peacham: Two burlesque poems (1611). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1612). Peacham, H.: the younger: Minerva Britanna (1612). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1612). Peacham: Commendatory poem to The Commons Complaint (1612). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1613). Peacham, H.: the younger: The Period of Mourning (1613). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1615). Peacham: Prince Henrie revived (1615). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1620). Peacham, Henry, the younger: Thalia's Banquet (1620). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1624). Peacham, H., the younger: An Aprill Shower (1624). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1634). Peacham: Thestylis atrata (1634). CH.

Peacham, Henry, the younger (1641). Peacham, H.: En Surculus Arbor (1641). CH.

Peaps, William (1649). Love in it's [sic] extasie, or, The large prerogative. EEBO-TCP.

Pearl Poet, The (1864). The Pearl Poet: The Pearl, Cleanness, Patience (1864). CH.

Pearl Poet, The (1922). The Pearl Poet: Erkenwald (1922). CH.

Pearl Poet, The (1940). [Anon.]: Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (1940). CH.

Pearson, John (1658). The patriarchal funeral, or, A sermon preached before the Right Honourable George Lord Berkeley upon the death of his father. EEBO-TCP.

Pearson, John (1660). No necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Pearson, John (1668). Promiscuous ordinations are destructive to the honour & safety of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Pearson, John (1673). A sermon preached November V, MDCLXXIII, at the Abbey-Church in Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Pearson, John (1686?]). Antichristian treachery discovered and its way block'd up. EEBO-TCP.

Peck, Francis (1646). The kernell of Christianity. EEBO-TCP.

Peck, Samuel (1684). A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Henry Johnson, Kt. EEBO-TCP.

Pecke, Thomas (1658). Advice to Balam's ass, or, Momus catechised. EEBO-TCP.

Pecke, Thomas (1660). To the Most High and Mighty Monarch, Charles the II, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. EEBO-TCP.

Peckham, George (1583). A true reporte, of the late discoueries, and possession, taken in the right of the Crowne of Englande, of the new-found landes. EEBO-TCP.

Pecock, Reginald (1688). A treatise proving Scripture to be the rule of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Pedersen, Christiern ([1533]). The richt vay to the kingdome of heuine is techit heir. EEBO-TCP.

Peel, Robert (1961). Memoirs. OTA.

Peele, G. (1620?). Merrie conceited Jests. R3.

Peele, George (1584). The araygnement of Paris. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1585). The deuice of the pageant borne before the Woolstone Dixi Lord Maior of the citie of London. An. 1585. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1585). Peele: The Device of the Pageant (1585). CH.

Peele, George (1589). A farewell. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1589). Peele: A Farewell (1589). CH.

Peele, George (1589). Peele: An Eglogve Gratvlatorie (1589). CH.

Peele, George (1590). Polyhymnia. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1590). Peele: Polyhymnia (1590). CH.

Peele, George ([1591]). Descensus astrææ. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1593). The famous chronicle of King Edward the First, sirnamed Edward Longshankes. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1593). Peele: The Honovr of the Garter (1593). CH.

Peele, George ([1593]). The honour of the garter. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1594). The battell of Alcazar. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1595). The old wiues tale. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1599). The loue of King Dauid and fair Bethsabe. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1627). Merrie conceited iests of George Peele Gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Peele, George (1829-1839). Peele: The Works (1829-1839). CH.

Peele, George (1905). The arraignment of Paris. OTA.

Peele, George (1913). The love of David and fair Bethsabe. OTA.

Peele, George ([1591]). Peele: Descensus Astrææ (1591). CH.

Peend, Thomas (1565). Peend, T.: The moste notable Historie of John Lord Mandosse (1565). CH.

Peend, Thomas (1565). Peend: The Pleasant fable of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis (1565). CH.

Peeris, William (1843-1849). Peeris: Chronicle of the Family of Percy (1843-1849). CH.

Peeris, William (1892). Peeris: The Proverbs (1892). CH.

Peerson, Martin (1620). Private musicke, or, The First booke of ayres and dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

Pelling, Edward (1682). The apostate Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

Pemble, William (1627). Vindiciæ gratiæ. EEBO-TCP.

Pemble, William (1629). A fruitfull sermon, on 1 Cor. 15. 18, 19. EEBO-TCP.

Pemble, William (1630). A briefe introduction to geography. EEBO-TCP.

Pemble, William (1631). The period of the Persian monarchie. EEBO-TCP.

Pemble, William (1633). An introduction to the worthy receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Pen neer the Covent of Eluthery (1673). A pleasant treatise of witches. EEBO-TCP.

Penington, Isaac (1648). A touchstone or tryall of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Penington, Isaac (1649). The great and sole troubler of the times represented in a mapp of miserie, or, A glimpse of the heart of man. EEBO-TCP.

Penington, Isaac (1654). Divine essays, or, Considerations about several things in religion of very deep and weighty concernment. EEBO-TCP.

Penn, William (1674). The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated by Scripture, reason, and authorities. EEBO-TCP.

Penn, William (1682). Charter of Liberties (1682). EarlyUVa.

Penn, William (1693). Some Fruits of Solitude. EarlyUVa.

Pennecuik, Alexander, M.D. (1815). Pennecuik, A.: Works (1815). CH.

Percival, Thomas (1696). The Rye-house travestie, or, A true account and declaration of the horrid and execrable conspiracy against His Majesty King William and the government. EEBO-TCP.

Percy, George (1606). Observations gathered out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southerne Colonie in Virginia by the English, 1606. EarlyUVa.

Percy, W. (1594). Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia. R3.

Percy, William (1594). Sonnets to the fairest Coelia. EEBO-TCP.

Percy, William (1594). Percy: Sonnets to the fairest Coelia (1594). CH.

Percy, William (1606). Percy: To Master Barnabe Barnes (1606). CH.

Perkins, William (1585?]). Foure great lyers, striuing who shall win the siluer whetstone. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1590?]). A treatise tending vnto a declaration whether a man be in the estate of damnation or in the estate of grace. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1590). Armilla aurea, id est, Miranda series causarum et salutis & damnationis iuxta verbum Dei. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1591). The foundation of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1592). A case of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1593. And are to be sold [by Abraham Kitson] at the signe of the Sunne in Paules Church-yard in London, [1593]). Tvvo treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1593). A direction for the government of the tongue according to Gods word. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1593). An exposition of the Lords praier. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1595. And are to be solde [by R. Bankworth] at the signe of the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard in London,[1595]). An exposition of the Symbole or Creed of the Apostles. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1596). A declaration of the true manner of knowing Christ crucified. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1596). A discourse of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1598). A reformed Catholike, or, A declaration shewing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of religion, and vvherein we must for euer depart from them. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1600). A golden chaine, or, The description of theologie. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1601). How to liue, and that well. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1601). The true gaine. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1603). The reformation of couetousnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1604. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, [1604]). Hepieíkeia, or, A treatise of Christian equitie and moderation. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1604. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, [1604]). The first part of The cases of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1604). A commentarie or exposition, vpon the fiue first chapters of the Epistle to the Galatians. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1604). Lectures vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1604). Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1605). Of the calling of the ministerie. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1606. and are to be sold [in London] in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson). The whole treatise of the cases of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1606). A C[hristian] and [plain]e treatise of the manner and order of predestination. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1606). A godlie and learned exposition upon the whole epistle of Iude, containing threescore and sixe sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1606). A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1606). The combat betvveene Christ and the Diuell displayed, or, A commentarie vpon the temptations of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1607). A cloud of faithfull witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan, or, A commentarie vpon the 11 chapter to the Hebrewes. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1607). The arte of prophecying, or, A treatise concerning the sacred and onely true manner and methode of preaching. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William ([1607]). A treatise of mans imaginations. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1608). A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1609). A faithfull and plaine exposition vpon the 2. chapter of Zephaniah. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1609). Christian oeconomie, or, A short survey of the right manner of erecting and ordering a familie. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1610). A discourse of the damned art of witchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1611. And are to be sold in Pauls church-yard at the signe of the Crovvne by Simon Waterson,[1611]). A salve for a sicke man, or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1628). Deaths knell, or, The sicke mans passing-bell. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1644). Nova et expedita via comparandæ linguæ Latinæ. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1654). An abridgement of the whole body of divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Perkins, William (1674). The whole duty of man, containing a practical table of the Ten commandments. EEBO-TCP.

Perrault, Claude (1688). Memoir's for a natural history of animals. EEBO-TCP.

Person of honour (1700). A new session of the poets. EEBO-TCP.

Person of quality (1679). Female excellence, or, Woman display'd. EEBO-TCP.

Person of quality (1699). A guide to juries setting forth their antiquity, power and duty. EEBO-TCP.

Person of quality ([1700]). Hobson's choice. EEBO-TCP.

Person, David (1635). Varieties, or, A surveigh of rare and excellent matters. EEBO-TCP.

Pestell, Thomas (1940). Pestell: The Poems (1940). CH.

Petau de Maulette, Geneviève (1597). Deuoreux. EEBO-TCP.

Peter Heylyn (1641). Eroologia Anglorum, or, An help to English history. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1630). Milk for babes, and meat for men, or, Principles necessary, to bee known and learned, of such as would know Christ here, or be known of him hereafter. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1631). Digitus Dei, or, Good newes from Holland. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1646). Gods doings, and mans duty. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1646). Mr. Peters last report of the English vvars. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1660). A dying fathers last legacy to an onely child, or, Mr. Hugh Peter's advice to his daughter. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1660). Hugh Peters figaries, or, His merry tales, and witty jests. EEBO-TCP.

Peters, Hugh (1660). The tales and jests of Mr. Hugh Peters. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1598). The second part of Hero and Leander. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1598). Petowe: The Second Part of Hero and Leander (1598). CH.

Petowe, Henry (1599). Philochasander and Elanira the faire lady of Britaine. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1599). Petowe: Philochasander and Elanira (1599). CH.

Petowe, Henry (1603). Elizabetha quasi viuens. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1603). Englands Cæsar. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1603). Petowe: Elizabetha quasi Vivens (1603). CH.

Petowe, Henry (1603). Petowe: Englands Cæsar (1603). CH.

Petowe, Henry (1604). Londoners their entertainment in the countrie, or, The whipping of runnawayes. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1626 [i.e. 1625]). The countrie ague, or, London her vvelcome home to her retired children. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1626). Petowe: The Covntrie Agve (1626). CH.

Petowe, Henry ([1630]). An honorable president for great men. EEBO-TCP.

Petowe, Henry (1635). Petowe: The Artillery Garden (1635). CH.

Petowe, Henry ([1630]). Petowe: An Honovrable President For Great Men [1630]. CH.

Petrarca, Francesco (1555?]). The tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke. EEBO-TCP.

Petrarca, Francesco (1612). Petrarchs seuen penitentiall psalmes. EEBO-TCP.

Petrus ([1545]). The art of memory, that otherwyse is called the Phenix. EEBO-TCP.

Pett, Peter (1599). Times iourney to seeke his daughter Truth. EEBO-TCP.

Pett, Peter (1599). Pett: Times iourney to seeke his Daughter Truth (1599). CH.

Pett, Peter (1661). A discourse concerning liberty of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Pett, Peter (1687). The obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy. EEBO-TCP.

Pett, Peter ([1688]). The happy future state of England, or, A discourse by way of a letter to the late Earl of Anglesey. EEBO-TCP.

Pettie, George ([1576]). A petite pallace of Pettie his pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

Petto, Samuel (1693). A faithful narrative of the wonderful and extraordinary fits which Mr. Tho. Spatchet (late of Dunwich and Cookly) was under by witchcraft, or, A mysterious providence in his even unparallel'd fits. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1647). The advice of W.P. to Mr. Samuel Hartlib for the advancement of some particular parts of learning. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William ([1659]). A brief of proceedings between Sr. Hierom Sankey and Dr. VVilliam Petty. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1662). A treatise of taxes and contributions. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1674). The discourse made before the Royal Society the 26. of November, 1674, concerning the use of duplicate proportion in sundry important particulars. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1680). Upon the Earl of Ossory, who dyed of a fever, July 30, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1681). The politician discovered, or, Considerations of the late pretensions that France claims to England and Ireland, and her designs and plots in order thereunto. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William ([1682]). A further assertion of the propositions concerning the magnitude, &c. of London. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1683). Another essay in political arithmetick, concerning the growth of the city of London. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1683). Observations upon the Dublin-bills of mortality, MDCLXXXI, and the state of that city. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1686). Deux essays d'arithmetique politique, touchant les villes et hospitaux de Londres et Paris. Dedie's au Roy, par le chevalier Petty, de la Société Royale. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1687). Observations upon the cities of London and Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1687). Two essays in political arithmetick. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1690). Political arithmetick, or, A discourse concerning the extent and value of lands, people, buildings …. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1691). The political anatomy of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Petty, William (1695). Sir William Petty his Quantulumcunque concerning money. EEBO-TCP.

Petyt, William (1680). Miscellanea parliamentaria. EEBO-TCP.

Petyt, William (1680). The antient right of the Commons of England asserted, or, A discourse proving by records and the best historians that the Commons of England were ever an essential part of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Petyt, William (1681). The pillars of Parliament struck at by the hands of a Cambridge doctor, or, A short view of some of his erroneous positions, destructive to the ancient laws & government of England. EEBO-TCP.

Petyt, William (1689). Britannia languens, or, A discourse of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Phaer, Thomas (1544). Phaer: A commendatory poem (1544). CH.

Phaer, Thomas (1584). Phaer, T. and Twyne, T.: The xiii Bookes of Æneidos. CH.

Phalaris (1699). The epistles of Phalaris. EEBO-TCP.

Philalethes, Andreas (1602). An ansvvere made by one of our brethren, a secular priest, now in prison, to a fraudulent letter of M. George Blackwels, written to Cardinall Caietane, 1596, in commendation of the Iesuits in England. EEBO-TCP.

Philander (1669). "Philander": The history of Tarquin and Lucretia (1669). CH.

Philaretes (1602). VVork for chimny-sweepers, or, A warning for tabacconists. EEBO-TCP.

Philiatreus ([1634]). [The general practise of medecine. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1641). A congratulatory elegie offered up to the Earle of Essex vpon his investiture with the dignitie of Lord Chamberlaine. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1641). Elegies offer'd up to the memory of William Glover, Esquire …. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1641). Philipot: A Congratulatory Elegie (1641). CH.

Philipot, Thomas (1641). Philipot: Elegies (1641). CH.

Philipot, Thomas (1646). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1646). Philipot: An elegie offer'd up to the Memory of his Excellencie Robert Earle of Essex (1646). CH.

Philipot, Thomas (1646). Philipot: Poems (1646). CH.

Philipot, Thomas ([1646]). An elegie offer'd up to the memory of His Excellencie Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier and Lovaine, late generall of the Parliaments forces. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1661). An historical discourse of the first invention of navigation and the additional improvements of it. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1664). The original and growth of the Spanish monarchy united with the House of Austria. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1670). Antiquitas theologica & gentilis, or, Two discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1672). A brief historical discourse of the original and grovvth of heraldry. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1673). A phylosophical essay treating of the most probable cause of that grand mystery of nature, the flux & reflux, or flowing and ebbing of the sea. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1674). Self-homicide-murther, or, Some antidotes and arguments gleaned out of the treasuries of our modern casuists and divines against that horrid and reigning sin of self-murther. EEBO-TCP.

Philipot, Thomas (1687). Philipot: Æsop's Fables (1687). CH.

Philipot, Thomas ([1646]). Philipot: Englands sorrow (1646). CH.

Philipps, Fabian (1660). Tenenda non tollenda, or, The necessity of preserving tenures in capite and by knight-service. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1661). Ligeancia lugens, or, Loyaltie lamenting the many great mischiefs and inconveniences which will fatally and inevitably follow the taking away of the royal pourveyances and tenures in capite and by knight-service, which being ancient and long before the conquest were not then, or are now, any slavery, publick or general grievence. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1662). Restauranda, or, The necessity of publick repairs, by setling of a certain and royal yearly revenue for the king. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1662). The reforming registry, or, A representation of the very many mischiefs and inconveniences which will unavoidably happen by the needless, chargeable, and destructive way of registries. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1663). The antiquity, legality, reason, duty and necessity of præ-emption and prourveyance, for the King, or, Compositions for his pourveyance. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1663). The antiquity, legality, right, use, and ancient usage of fines paid in chancery. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1664). The mistaken recompense, or, The great damage and very many mischiefs and inconveniences which will inevitably happen to the King and his people by the taking away of the King's præemption and pourveyance or compositions for them. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1669). The pretended perspective-glass, or, Some reasons of many more which might be offered against the pretended registring reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1671). Regale necessarium, or, The legality, reason, and necessity of the rights and priviledges justly claimed by the Kings servants. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1676). The ancient, legal, fundamental, and necessary rights of courts of justice, in their writs of capias, arrests, and process of outlary. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1681). Ursa major & minor, or, A sober and impartial enquiry into those pretended fears and jealousies of popery and arbitrary power. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1682). A plea for the pardoning part of the soveraignty of the kings of England. EEBO-TCP.

Philipps, Fabian (1686). Investigatio jurium antiquorum et rationalium Regni, sive, Monarchiae Angliae in magnis suis conciliis seu Parliamentis. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, Ambrose (1700). The life of John Williams, Ld. Keeper of the Great Seal, Bp. of Lincoln, and Abp. of York in the reigns of King James and King Charles the First. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, Joan (1679). Female poems on several occasions. WWP.

Philips, John (12, 1642). Exceeding joyful newes from the narrow seas, Dover, and the Irish Seas. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, John (1661). God and the King. Gods strength the Kings salvation. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, Katherine (1651). Philips, K.: To the memory of Mr. Wil: Cartwright (1651). CH.

Philips, Katherine (1664). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, Katherine (1667). Philips, K.: Poems (1667). CH.

Philips, Katherine (Fowler) (1664). Poems by the incomparable, Mrs. K. P. WWP.

Philips, Katherine (Fowler) (1667). Poems By the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda. to which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, tragedies. WWP.

Philips, Katherine (Fowler) Pierre Corneille (1663). Pompey. A tragedy. WWP.

Philips, William (1641). Confident newes from Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, William (1698). The revengeful queen. EEBO-TCP.

Philips, William (1700). St. Stephens-Green, or, The generous lovers. EEBO-TCP.

Phillip[s], John (1570). Phillip[s], J.: An Epitaph on the Death of the Ladie Maioresse (1570). CH.

Phillip[s], John (1571). Phillip[s], J.: An Epytaphe, or A Lamentable Discourse (1571). CH.

Phillip[s], John (1578). Phillip[s], J.: An Epitaphe on the death of Lady Margarit Duglasis (1578). CH.

Phillip[s], John (1581). Phillip[s], J.: An epitaphe on Lord Henry Wrisley (1581). CH.

Phillip[s], John (1587). Phillip, J.: The Life and Death of Sir Phillip Sidney (1587). CH.

Phillip[s], John (1591). Phillip (s): A Commemoration on Sir Christopher Hatton (1591). CH.

Phillip[s], John (1594). Phillip (s), John: fl.1566-1594: A Commemoration of Dame Helen Branch (1594). CH.

Phillip[s], John ([1566]). Phillips, J.: The examination and confession of certaine wytches at Chensforde (1566). CH.

Phillip[s], John ([1570]). Phillip[s], J.: A Frendly Larum [1570]. CH.

Phillip[s], John ([1571?]). Phillip[s], J.: A Balad Intituled A Cold Pye For the Papistes [1571?]. CH.

Phillip[s], John ([1578]). Phillip[s], J.: A Commemoration of Ladye, Margrit Duglasis [1578]. CH.

Phillips, Edward (1658). The new world of English words, or, A general dictionary containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages …. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, Edward (1675). Theatrum poetarum, or, A compleat collection of the poets. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, Edward (1685). A treatise of the way and manner of forming the derivatives of the Latin tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, Edward (1685). The mysteries of love & eloquence, or, The arts of wooing and complementing. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1570?]). A balad intituled, A cold pye for the papistes. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John ([1570]). A frendly larum, or, faythfull warnynge to the true harted subiectes of England. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1571. October 4). An epytaphe, or a lamentable discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1577?]). [The history of Cleomines and Iuliet.]. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John ([1578]). An epitaphe on the death of the right noble and most vertuous lady Margarit Duglasis good grace, Countisse of Liuinox (& daughter to the renowmed & most excellent lady Margarit Queene, sister to the magnificent & most mighty Prince Henry the eight of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Kinge, and by Gods permission Queene of Scotland,) who disceased this life in the ninth day of March. anno. 1577. at hir mannoure in Hackny in the countye of Midelsex and lieth enterred the. 3. day of April at Westminster in the chaple of King Henry the seuenth, her worthie grandfather of Englande, Fraunce and Ireland King. [et]c. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John ([1578]). A commemoration of the right noble and vertuous ladye, Margrit Duglasis good grace, Countis of Lennox. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John ([1581]). An epitaph on the death, of the Right honorable and vertuous Lord Henry Wrisley, the noble Earle of South hampton. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John ([1581]). The wonderfull worke of God shewed vpon a chylde. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1584). A sommon to repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1587). The life and death of Sir Phillip Sidney, late lord gouernour of Flushing. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1588). The perfect path to paradice. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1591). Vt hora, sic fugit vita. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John ([1594]). A commemoration of the life and death of the right worshipfull and vertuous ladie ; Dame Helen Branch (late wife to the right worshipfull Sir Iohn Branch Knight …. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1625). The way to heauen. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1629). The Christians A.B.C., or, A Christian alphabet contayning grounds of knowledge vnto saluation. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1655). A satyr against hypocrites. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1655). Phillip (s): A Satyr against Hypocrites (1655). CH.

Phillips, John (1661). The religion of the hypocritical presbyterians, in meeter. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1665). Phillips, J.: Typhon (1665). CH.

Phillips, John (1672). Maronides, or, Virgil travestie. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1672). Montelions predictions, or, The hogen mogen fortuneteller. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1678). Phillips, J.: Maronides (1678). CH.

Phillips, John (1679). Phillips: Jockey's Downfall (1679). CH.

Phillips, John (1680). Dr. Oates's narrative of the Popish plot, vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1681). The character of a popish successour compleat. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1682). A pleasant conference upon the Observator and Heraclitus. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1682). Horse-flesh for the Observator. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1682). New news from Tory-land and Tantivy-shire. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1682). Speculum crape-gownorum, or, An old looking-glass for the young academicks, new foyl'd. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1682). Speculum crape-gownorum, the second part, or, A continuation of observations and reflections upon the late sermons of some that would be thought Goliah's for the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1685). An humble offering to the sacred memory of the late most serene and potent monarch Charles II. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1685). Phillips, J.: An Humble Offering to the Sacred Memory (1685). CH.

Phillips, John (1685). Phillips: A poem on the coronation of our most Illustrious Sovereign K. James II (1685). CH.

Phillips, John ([1685]). A poem on the coronation of King James II and his royl [sic] consort Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1688). Sam. Ld. Bp. of Oxon, his celebrated reasons for abrogating the test. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1688). Phillips, J.: Advice to a Painter (1688). CH.

Phillips, John (1690). The secret history of K. James I and K. Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1690). The secret history of the reigns of K. Charles II and K. James II. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1695). A reflection on our modern poesy. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1695). In memory of Our Late Most Gracious Lady, Mary, Queen of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1695). Phillips, J.: In Memory of Our Late Most Gracious Lady, Mary (1695). CH.

Phillips, John (1697). Augustus Britannicus. EEBO-TCP.

Phillips, John (1697). Phillips, J.: Augustus Britannicus (1697). CH.

Phillips, John ([1683]). Phillips, John: An anniversary poem [1683]. CH.

Philo-Caledon (1699). A defence of the Scots settlement at Darien. EEBO-TCP.

Philo-Caledon (1700). Scotland's present duty, or, A call to the nobility, gentry, ministry and commonalty of this land. EEBO-TCP.

Philostratus (1680). The two first books of Philostratus, concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus. EEBO-TCP.

Philotus (1603). Philotus: Ane verie excellent and delectabill treatise intitulit Philotus (1603). CH.

Piatti, Girolamo ([1632]). The happines of a religious state. EEBO-TCP.

Pick, Samuel (1639). Festum voluptatis, or, The banquet of pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

Pick, Samuel (1639). Pick: Festum Uoluptatis (1639). CH.

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco ([1525]). Here is co[n]teyned the lyfe of Iohan Picus Erle of Myrandula a grete lorde of Italy an excellent connynge man in all sciences, [and] verteous of lyuynge. EEBO-TCP.

Pidou de Saint-Olon (1695). The present state of the empire of Morocco. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1649). Caroli tou makaritou paliggenesia. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1655). A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1658). Philallelpa, or, The grand characteristick whereby a man may be known to be Christ's disciple. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1659). The divine purity defended, or, A vindication of some notes concerning God's decrees, especially of reprobation, from the censure of D. Reynolds in his epistolary praeface to Mr. Barlee's correptory correction. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1659). The new discoverer discover'd. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas ([1659]). Empsychon nekron, or, The lifelessness of life on the hether side of immortality. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1660). An impartial inquiry into the nature of sin. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1661). A sermon preached at St. Margarets in Westminster before the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, upon the 29th day of May, being the anniversary day of the King's and kingdomes restauration. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1663). The primitive rule of reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas ([1663]). A true accompt of the proceedings (and of the grounds of the proceedings) of the president and officers of St. Mary Magdalen College in Oxford, against Dr. Yerburie lately a fellow of the same. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1670). The signal diagnostick. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas ([1671]). A collection of sermons upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas ([1679]). A seasonable caveat against the dangers of credulity in our trusting the spirits before we try them. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas ([1683]). A vindication of the King's sovereign rights. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1686). The law and equity of the gospel, or, The goodness of our Lord as a legislator. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1688). A prophylactick from disloyalty in these perilous times. EEBO-TCP.

Pierce, Thomas (1691). An effectual prescription against the anguish of all diseases. EEBO-TCP.

Pilkington, James (1585). A godlie exposition vpon certeine chapters of Nehemiah. EEBO-TCP.

Pinto, Fernão Mendes (1653). The voyages and adventures of Fernand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal, during his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the Kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East-Indiaes. EEBO-TCP.

Pittis, William ([1696]). An epistolary poem to N. Tate, Esquire, and poet laureat to His Majesty, occasioned by the taking of Namur. EEBO-TCP.

Pittis, William (1699). An epistolary poem to John Dryden, Esq. EEBO-TCP.

Pius (1639). The historie of Eurialus and Lucretia. EEBO-TCP.

Pix, Mary (1696). Ibrahim, the thirteenth Emperour of the Turks. EEBO-TCP.

Pix, Mary (1696). The Spanish wives. EEBO-TCP.

Pix, Mary (1697). The innocent mistress. EEBO-TCP.

Pix, Mary (1699). The false friend, or The fate of disobedience. EEBO-TCP.

Pix, Mary (Griffith) (1697). The innocent mistress. WWP.

Pix, Mary (Griffith) (1698). The deceiver deceived. WWP.

Pix, Mary (Griffith) (1700). The beau defeated, 1700. WWP.

Plato, Ann (1841). Essays, including biographies and miscellaneous pieces, in prose and poetry. WWP.

Plato. Dialogues of Plato. EarlyUVa.

Plato. The Republic of Plato. EarlyUVa.

Plautus, Titus Maccius (1694). Plautus's comedies Amphitryon, Epidicus, and Rudens. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1595). A most excellent and heauenly sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1597). The pathway to perfection. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1603. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, [1603]). Hearts delight. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1603. And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, [1603]). The power of praier. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1605. And are to be sold in Paulschurchyard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson. [1605]). The sick-mans couch. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1610). Ten sermons Preached by that eloquent divine of famous memorie, Th. Playfere Doctor in Divinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Playfere, Thomas (1623). The vvhole sermons of that eloquent diuine, of famous memory ; Thomas Playfere, Doctor in Diuinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Playford, John (1672 or 1673]). Love in the blossome, or, Fancy in the bud. EEBO-TCP.

Playford, John (1674). An introduction to the skill of musick. EEBO-TCP.

Playford, John (1680). Vade mecum, or, The necessary companion. EEBO-TCP.

Pleydell, Josiah (1681). A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Jos. Glanvil. EEBO-TCP.

Pliny ([1566]). A summarie of the antiquities, and wonders of the worlde. EEBO-TCP.

Pliny (1634). The historie of the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Pliny (1685). An address of thanks to a good prince. EEBO-TCP.

Plockhoy, Pieter Corneliszoon ([1659]). A way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy, by bringing together a fit, suitable, and well qualified people unto one houshold-government, or little-common-wealth …. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch ([1528]). Tho. Wyatis translatyon of Plutarckes boke, of the quyete of mynde. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch ([1531?]). Howe one may take profite of his enmyes [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch ([1532?]). The education or bringinge vp of children. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch ([1545]). Practica Plutarche the excellent phylosopher. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch (1579). The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch (1589). A philosophicall treatise concerning the quietnes of the mind. EEBO-TCP.

Plutarch (1603). The philosophie, commonlie called, the morals. EEBO-TCP.

Pocklington, John (1637). Altare Christianum, or, The dead vicars plea. EEBO-TCP.

Pococke, Edward (1677). A commentary on the prophecy of Micah. EEBO-TCP.

Pococke, Edward ([1677]). A commentary on the prophecy of Malachi,. EEBO-TCP.

Polyander à Kerckhoven, Johannes (1610). The refutation of an epistle, written by a certain doctor of the Augustins order within the citie of Leige. EEBO-TCP.

Polyander à Kerckhoven, Johannes (1611). A disputation against the adoration of the reliques of saints departed. EEBO-TCP.

Polybius (1633). The history of Polybius the Megalopolitan. EEBO-TCP.

Pomey, François ([1698]). The Pantheon. EEBO-TCP.

Pomfret, John (1700). The choice. EEBO-TCP.

Pomfret, John ([1700]). Reason. EEBO-TCP.

Ponet, John ([1549]). A defence for mariage of priestes. EEBO-TCP.

Ponet, John (1550). A notable sermon concerninge the ryght vse of the lordes supper. EEBO-TCP.

Ponet, John (1556). A shorte treatise of politike pouuer. EEBO-TCP.

Ponet, John (1556). An apologie fully aunsvveringe by Scriptures and aunceant doctors, a blasphemose book gatherid by D. Steph. Gardiner, of late Lord Chauncelar, D. Smyth of Oxford, Pighius, and other papists, as by ther books appeareth and of late set furth vnder the name of Thomas Martin Doctor of the Ciuile lawes (as of himself he saieth) against the godly mariadge of priests. EEBO-TCP.

Ponet, John (1605). A way of reconciliation of a good and learned man, touching the trueth, nature, and substance of the body and blood of Chst in the sacrament [introductory material]. WWP.

Pont, Robert (1599). A newe treatise of the right reckoning of yeares, and ages of the world, and mens liues, and of the estate of the last decaying age thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Pont, Robert (1599). Against sacrilege. EEBO-TCP.

Pontis, Louis ([1694]). Memoirs of the Sieur De Pontis who served in the army six and fifty years under King Henry IV, Lewis the XIII, and Lewis the XIV. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Elizabeth (1648). A vision: wherein is manifested the disease and cure of the kingdome. WWP.

Poole, Matthew (1648 [i.e. 1658?]). A model for the maintaining of students of choice abilities at the university, and principally in order to the ministry. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew (1659). Quo warranto, or, A moderate enquiry into the warrantablenesse of the preaching of gifted and unordained persons. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew (1660). Evangelical worship is spiritual vvorship. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew (1666). The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew (1667). A dialogue between a popish priest, and an English Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew ([1673]). A seasonable apology for religion. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew (1676?]). An advertisement concerning the fourth and last part of Mr. Poole's Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturæ interpretum. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew ([1679]). Mr. Matthew Pool, author of that elaborate work, Sinopsis critticorum. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew ([1683]). Annotations upon the Holy Bible. EEBO-TCP.

Poole, Matthew (4 others], MDCLXXXV [1685]). Annotations upon the Holy Bible. EEBO-TCP.

Poor Robin (1677). Poor Robin's visions. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1670). The memoires of Monsieur Du Vall. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1674). The Catholick ballad, or, An invitation to popery. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1674). Pope, W.: The Catholick Ballad (1674). CH.

Pope, Walter (1675?]). Room for a ballad, or, A ballad for Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1676). The Salsbury-ballad. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1676). Pope, W.: The Salsbury-Ballad (1676). CH.

Pope, Walter ([1684]). The old mans vvish. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1685). Pope, W.: The Miser (1685). CH.

Pope, Walter (1697). The life of the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth, Lord Bishop of Salisbury and chancellor of the most noble Order of the Garter. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1697). Pope, W.: The Wish (1697). CH.

Pope, Walter (1698). Moral and political fables, ancient and modern. EEBO-TCP.

Pope, Walter (1698). Pope, W.: Moral and Political Fables (1698). CH.

Popple, William (1687). A rational catechism, or, An instructive conference between a father and son. EEBO-TCP.

Popple, William (1688?]). A letter to Mr. Penn with his answer. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, John (1683). Theologia mystica, or, The mystic divinitie of the aeternal invisibles,. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1660). Poems upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1660). Pordage: Poems upon Several Occasions (1660). CH.

Pordage, Samuel (1660). Pordage: Troades (1660). CH.

Pordage, Samuel (1661). Pordage: Heroick Stanzas On his Maiesties Coronation (1661). CH.

Pordage, Samuel (1661). Pordage: Mundorum Explicatio (1661). CH.

Pordage, Samuel (1673). Herod and Mariamne. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1678). The siege of Babylon. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1682). Azaria and Hushai. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1682). The medal revers'd. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1682). Pordage: Azaria and Hushai (1682). CH.

Pordage, Samuel (1682). Pordage: The Medal Revers'd (1682). CH.

Pordage, Samuel (1684). The loyal incendiary, or, The generous boutefieu. EEBO-TCP.

Pordage, Samuel (1684). Pordage: The Loyal Incendiary (1684). CH.

Porrée, Jonas (1669). A history of antient ceremonies. EEBO-TCP.

Porter, Henry (1599). The pleasant history of the two angry women of Abington. EEBO-TCP.

Porter, Walter (1632). Madrigales and ayres. EEBO-TCP.

Porter, Walter (1657). Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass. EEBO-TCP.

Potter, John (1697). Archæologiæ Græcæ, or, The antiquities of Greece. EEBO-TCP.

Potter, John ([1699]). Archæologiæ græcæ, or, The antiquities of Greece. EEBO-TCP.

Poulain de La Barre, François (1677). The woman as good as the man, or, The equallity of both sexes. EEBO-TCP.

Poulton ([1688]). An answer to a letter from a clergyman in the city, to his friend in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, George (1690). The treacherous brothers. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, George (1691). Alphonso, King of Naples. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, George (1693). A very good wife. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, George ([1697]). A new opera called Brutus of Alba, or, Augusta's triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, George (1698). The imposture defeated, or, A trick to cheat the devil. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Robert (1634). The life of Alfred, or, Alvred. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1601). The passionate poet. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1601). Powell: The Passionate Poet (1601). CH.

Powell, Thomas (1603). Powell: Vertues due (1603). CH.

Powell, Thomas (1613). A sermon preached in Saint Maries in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1622). Direction for search of records remaining in the [brace] Chancerie. Tower. Exchequer, with the limnes thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1622). Powell: Direction for Search of Records (1622). CH.

Powell, Thomas (1623). The attourneys academy, or, The manner and forme of proceeding practically. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1623). VVheresoeuer you see mee, trust vnto your selfe, or, The mysterie of lending and borrowing. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1657). Quadriga salutis, or, The four general heads of Christian religion surveyed and explained …. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1661). Humane industry, or, A history of most manual arts. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1675). The young mans conflict with, and victory over the Devil by faith, or, A true and perfect relation of the experiences of T.P., begun in the 15th and continued till the 17th year of his age …. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1676). The beauty, vigour and strength of youth bespoke for God. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1678. [i.e. 1679]). A sanctuary for the tempted. EEBO-TCP.

Powell, Thomas (1842). Powell, T.: Loves Leprosie (1842). CH.

Prance, Miles (1684). A postscript to the Observators first volume, or, The answer of Miles Prance to several of those papers wherein he finds himself most traduced and slandered. EEBO-TCP.

Preservation of Henry VII, The (1599). [Anon.]: The First Booke of the First Preservation of King Henry the vij (1599). CH.

Pressick, George (1661). A case of conscience propounded to a great Bishop in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1615). A sermon preached at the funerall of Mr. Iosiah Reynel Esquire, the 13. of August 1614. in East-Ogwell in Deuon. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1619). A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Arthur Vpton Esquire in Deuon. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1619). The patriarchs portion, or, The saints best day. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1629). The nevv covenant, or, the saints portion. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1629). The saints daily exercise. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1630). A sermon of spirituall life and death. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1630). Sermons preached before his Maiestie, and vpon other speciall occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1630). The breast-plate of faith and love. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1631). Life eternall, or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1631). The lavv out lavved, or, The charter of the Gospell shewing the priviledge and prerogative of the saints by vertue of the covenant. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1631). Three sermons vpon the sacrament of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1632). An elegant and lively description of spirituall life and death. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1632). The deformed forme of a formall profession, or, The description of a true and false christian. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1633). A liveles life, or, Mans spirituall death in sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1633). Foure godly and learned treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1633). Sins overthrow, or, A godly and learned treatise of mortification. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1633). The saints qualification, or, A treatise I. Of humiliation, in tenne sermons. II. Of sanctification, in nine sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1634). Remaines of that reverend and learned divine, Iohn Preston, Dr. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majesty, master of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes-Inne. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1636). The doctrine of the saints infirmities. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1638). Mount Ebal, or, A heavenly treatise of divine love. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1638). The golden scepter held forth to the humble. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1638). The saints submission and Sathans overthrow, or, Sermons on James 4.7. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1639). Grace to the humble. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1639). The fulnesse of Christ for vs. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1641). A great sea-fight which was fought lately upon the coast of Dunkirke, between the Babylonians and the Dunkirkers. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1644). Sun-beams of gospel-light, shining clearly from severall texts of Scripture, opened and applyed. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1645). Plenitudo fontis, or, Christ's fulnesse and man's emptinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1648). The mysticall match between Christ and his church. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1654). The position of John Preston, Doctor in Divinity … concerning the irresistiblenesse of converting grace. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1655). Christ's revvard of a Christians watch and ward, or, A sermon preached at the burial of Mr. John Berry of Thorverton in the countie of Devon, Aug. 23, 1654. EEBO-TCP.

Preston, John (1658). Riches of mercy to men in misery, or, Certain excellent treatises concerning the dignity and duty of Gods children. EEBO-TCP.

Prestwich, Edmund (1651). Prestwich: Hippolitus … with other Poems (1651). CH.

Prestwich, Edmund (1656). The hectors, or, The false challenge. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1650). The cloudie clergie, or, A mourning lecture for our morning lecturers. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1651). The wounds of a friend, or, A letter mentioned by Mr. Love upon the scaffold in his speech a little before his death. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1660). A letter written from Dover to the Commissioners for the Customs, London, May 26, relating certain passages of His Majesties arrival and reception there. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1661). Four sermons preached in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1663). Moderation not sedition. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John ([1663]). A description of Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1680). The mystery and method of His Majesty's happy restauration laid open to publick view. EEBO-TCP.

Price, John (1683). A sermon preached at Petworth in Sussex, September 9, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Pricket, Robert (1603). A souldiers vvish vnto His Soveraigne Lord King Iames. EEBO-TCP.

Pricket, Robert (1603). Pricket: A Sovldiers VVish (1603). CH.

Pricket, Robert (1604). Honors fame in triumph riding, or, The life and death of the late honorable Earle of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

Pricket, Robert (1604). Pricket: Honors Fame in Trivmph Riding (1604). CH.

Pricket, Robert (1606). Times anotomie [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Pricket, Robert (1606). Pricket: Times Anotomie (1606). CH.

Pricket, Robert (1607). The Iesuits miracles, or, New popish vvonders. EEBO-TCP.

Pricket, Robert (1607). The Lord Coke his speech and charge. EEBO-TCP.

Pricket, Robert (1607). Pricket: The Jesuits Miracles (1607). CH.

Prideaux, John (1634). The doctrine of the Sabbath. EEBO-TCP.

Primerose, David (1636). A treatise of the Sabbath and the Lords-day. EEBO-TCP.

Primrose, David (1625). Scotlands complaint. EEBO-TCP.

Primrose, Diana (1630). A chaine of pearle, or, a memoriall of the peerles graces, and heroick vertues of Queene Elizabeth, of glorious memory. WWP.

Prince, Nancy (1850). A narrative of the life and travels, of Mrs. Nancy Prince. WWP.

Prior, Matthew (1687). The hind and the panther transvers'd to the story of The country- mouse and the city-mouse. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew (1690). A Pindarique on His Majesties birth-day. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew (1692). An ode in imitation of the second ode of the third book of Horace. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew ([1694]). For the New Year, to the sun. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew (1695). An English ballad in answer to Mr. Despreaux's Pindarique ode on the taking of Namure. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew (1695). To the King, an ode on His Majesty's arrival in Holland, 1695. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew (1696). Verses humbly presented to the King at his arrival in Holland. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew ([1697]). A new answer to an argument against a standing army. EEBO-TCP.

Prior, Matthew (1700). Carmen sæculare for the year 1700. EEBO-TCP.

Proast, Jonas (1690). The argument of the Letter concerning toleration, briefly consider'd and answer'd. EEBO-TCP.

Proast, Jonas (1691). A third letter concerning toleration. EEBO-TCP.

Procter, Thomas (1578). Procter, T.: A gorgious Gallery of gallant Inuentions (1578). CH.

Procter, Thomas (1585). Procter, T.: Commendatory poem in Newes from the North (1585). CH.

Procter, Thomas (1866). Procter, T.: The Trivmph of Trueth (1866). CH.

Proctor, John (1554). The historie of Wyates rebellion. EEBO-TCP.

Proctor, Thomas (1578). A gorgious gallery, of gallant inuentions. EEBO-TCP.

Proctor, Thomas (1621). The righteous mans way. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1626). The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1628). A briefe suruay and censure of Mr Cozens his couzening deuotions. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1628). Healthes: sicknesse, or, A compendious and briefe discourse; prouing, the drinking and pledging of healthes, to be sinfull, and vtterly vnlawfull vnto Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1628). The vnlouelinesse, of loue-lockes, or, A summarie discourse, proouing: the wearing, and nourishing of a locke, or loue-locke, to be altogether vnseemely, and vnlawfull vnto Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1629). The Church of Englands old antithesis to new Arminianisme. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1629]). God, no impostor nor deluder, or, An answer to a popish and Arminian cauill, in the defence of free-will, and vniuersall grace. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1630]). Lame Giles his haultings, or, A briefe survey of Giles Widdovves his confutation of an appendix, concerning bowing at the name of Iesus. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1633). Histrio-mastix. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1636). Newes from Ipswich. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1636]). A looking-glasse for all lordly prelates. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1636]). Certaine quæres. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1637). A quench-coale, or, A briefe disquisition and inquirie, in vvhat place of the church or chancell the Lords-table ought to be situated, especially vvhen the Sacrament is administered?. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1637]). XVI. new quæres. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1640). Lord bishops, none of the Lords bishops, or, A short discourse, wherin is proved that prelaticall jurisdiction, is not of divine institution, but forbidden by Christ himselfe, as heathenish, and branded by his apostles for antichristian. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1641). A catalogue of such testimonies in all ages as plainly evidence bishops and presbyters to be both one, equall and the same …. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1641). A new discovery of the prelates tyranny in their late prosecutions of Mr. William Pryn, an eminent Lawyer, Dr. Iohn Bastwick, a learned physitian and Mr. Henry Burton, a reverent divine. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1641). Canterburies tooles, or, Instruments wherewith he hath effected many rare feats, and egregarious exploits …. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1641). The antipathie of the English lordly prelacie, both to regall monarchy, and civill unity, or, An historicall collection of the severall execrable treasons, conspiracies, rebellions, seditions, state-schismes, contumacies … & anti-monarchicall practices, of our English, Brittish, French, Scottish, & Irish lordly prelates, against our kings, kingdomes, laws, liberties; and of the severall warres, and civill dissentions … or against our realm, in former and latter ages. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1641). The humble petition of Mr. Prynne, late exile, and close prisoner in the isle of Iersey. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1642). A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and published under His Maiesties name, December 8. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1642). A vindication of Psalme 105.15. (touch not mine anointed, and doe my prophets no harme) from some false glosses lately obtruded on it by Royalists. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1643). The doome of cowardisze and treachery, or, A looking-glasse for cowardly or corrupt governours, and souldiers, who through pusillanimity or bribery, betray their trusts, to the publick prejudice. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1643). The Popish royall favourite, or, a full discovery of His Majesties extraordinary favours to, and protections of notorious papists, priestes, Jesuites, against all prosecutions and penalties of the laws enacted against them. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1643). The soveraigne povver of parliaments and kingdomes. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1644?]). Foure serious questions of grand importance, concerning excommunication and suspension from the Sacrament. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1644). A fvll reply to Certaine briefe observations and anti-queries on Master Prynnes twelve questions about church-government. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1644). Romes master-peece, or, The grand conspiracy of the Pope and his iesuited instruments, to extirpate the Protestant religion, re-establish popery, subvert lawes, liberties, peace, parliaments, by kindling a civill war in Scotland, and all His Majesties realmes, and to poyson the King himselfe …. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1644). Twelve considerable serious questions touching chvrch government. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1645). Hidden workes of darkenes brought to publike light, or, A necessary introdvction to the history of the Archbishop of Canterbvrie's triall. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1646). Diotrephes catechised, or, Sixteen important questions touching the ecclesiastical jurisdiction and censures (contradistinct to civill) now eagerly pretended to and challenged by a divine right, by some over-rigid Presbyterians and Independents. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1647). The hypocrites vnmasking, or, A cleare discovery of the grosse hypocrisy of the officers and agitators in the army. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1647). The Vniversity of Oxfords plea refuted, or, A full answer to a late printed paper intituled, The priviledges of the University of Oxford in point of visitation. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1648 [i.e. 1649]). A briefe memento to the present un-parliamentary junto. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1648). A remonstrance and declaration of severall counties, cities, and burroughs against the unfaithfulness, and late unwarrantable proceedings of some of their knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1648). Practicall law, controlling and countermanding the common law, and the sword of vvarre the sword of iustice. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1648). The case of the impeached lords, commons, and citizens; truely stated. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1648]). Mr. Prynnes demand of his liberty to the Generall, Decemb. 26, 1648. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1648]). Part of the famous speech of William Prynn esq, Decemb. 48, touching K. Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1649). A brief apologie for all nonsubscribers, and looking-glasse for all apostate perjured prescribers & subscribers of the new engagement. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1649). A legall vindication of the liberties of England, against illegall taxes and pretended Acts of Parliament lately enforced on the people, or, Reasons assigned by William Prynne of Swainswick in the county of Sommerset, Esquire, why he can neither in conscience, law, nor prudence submit to the new illegall tax or contribution of ninety thousand pounds the month; lately imposed on the kingdom, by a pretended Act of some commons in (or rather out of) Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1649). The arraignment, conviction and condemnation of the Westminsterian-Juncto's engagement. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1649). The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons by Wil. Prynn of Lincolns-Inn, Esquire, on Munday the fourth of December, 1648. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1650). Sad and serious politicall considerations touching the invasive war against our Presbyterian Protestant brethren in Scotland, their late great overthrow, and the probable dangerous consequences thereof to both nations and the Prorestant [sic] religion. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1650). The time-serving Proteus, and ambidexter divine, uncased to the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1658). Demophilos, or, The assertor of the peoples liberty. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1658). Some popish errors, unadvisedly embraced and pursued by our anticommunion ministers. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1659). A short, legal, medicinal, useful, safe, easie prescription to recover our kingdom, church, nation from their present dangerous, distractive, destructive confusion and worse than Bedlam madnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1659). A true and perfect narrative of what was acted, spoken by Mr. Prynne, other formerly and freshly secluded members, the army-officers, and some now sitting in the lobby, house, elsewhere, the 7th. and 9th. of May last …. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1659). Historiarchos, or, The exact recorder. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1659). The curtaine drawne, or, The Parliament exposed to view. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1659). The first part of a brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all parliamentary vvrits. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1659]). Six important quæres. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1659]). Ten quæres upon the ten new commandements of the general council of the officers of the armies, Decemb. 22, 1659 …. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1659]). The good old cause rightly stated, and the false un-cased. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1660?]). The privileges of Parliament which the members, army, and this kingdom have taken the protestation and covenant to maintain. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1660). An exact catalogue of all printed books and papers of various subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1660). Conscientious, serious theological and legal quæres, propounded to the twice-dissipated, self-created anti-Parliamentary Westminster juncto, and its members…. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1660). The first and second part of the signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians (as also of some idolatrous pagans) tovvards their kings, both before and under the law, and Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1660). The second part of a brief register and survey of the several kinds and forms of parliamentary writs. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1661). A brief, pithy discourse upon I Corinthians 14. 40. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1661). A short sober pacific examination of some exuberances in, and ceremonial appurtenances to the Common prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William ([1661]). Summary reasons, humbly tendered to the most Honourable House of Peers. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1662). A moderate, seasonable apology for indulging just Christian liberty to truly tender consciences, conforming to the publike liturgy. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1668). An additional appendix to Aurum reginæ. EEBO-TCP.

Prynne, William (1678). The grand designs of the papists, in the reign of our late sovereign, Charles the I. EEBO-TCP.

Pseudo-Chaucerian Pieces (1887). Pseudo-Chaucerian Pieces: The Tale of Beryn (1887). CH.

Pseudo-Chaucerian Pieces (1894-1897). Pseudo-Chaucerian Pieces (1897). CH.

Purcell, Daniel (1696). The single songs, with the dialogue sung in the new opera, call'd Brutus of Alba, or, Augusta's triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Purcell, Daniel ([1698]). A dialogue suppos'd to be between a evnuch boy and a virgin. EEBO-TCP.

Purchas, Samuel (1623). The kings tovvre. EEBO-TCP.

Purchas, Samuel (1625). Purchas his pilgrimes. EEBO-TCP.

Purchas, Samuel (1657). A theatre of politicall flying-insects. EEBO-TCP.

Purvey, John ([1550]). The true copye of a prolog wrytten about two C. yeres paste by Iohn Wycklife. EEBO-TCP.

Puttenham, George (1569). The Arte of English Poesie. EarlyUVa.

Puttenham, George (1588). The Arte of Poesie. NTNU.

Puttenham, George. The arte of English poesie. OTA.

Pym, John (1641). The speech or declaration of John Pymm, Esquire, to the Lords of the upper House, upon the delivery of the Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, against VVilliam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, in maintenance of their accusation, whereby he stands charged of high treason. Together with a true copie of the said Articles. EEBO-TCP.

Pyrrye, Charles ([1569]). Pyrrye: The Praise and Dispraise of Women [1569]. CH.


Quarles, Francis (1629). Argalus and Parthenia. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1631). The historie of Samson. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1632). Quarles, F.: Divine Fancies (1632). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1633). Diuine fancies. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis ([1633]). Diuine poems. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1636). An elegie upon the truely lamented death of the Right Honorable Sir Julius Cæsar Knt. Master of the Rolles, and of Snt Katherins. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1636). Quarles, F.: An Elegie on Sir Julius Cæsar (1636). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1637). An elegie vpon my deare brother, the Ionathan of my heart, Mr. Iohn Wheeler, sonne to Sir Edmond Wheeler of Riding Court neare Windsor, in the County of Buckingham, deceased. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1637). Quarles, F.: An Elegie vpon my Deare Brother, The Jonathan of my Heart (1637). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1638). Hieroglyphikes of the life of man. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1639). Memorials vpon the death of Sir Robert Quarles, Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1640). Quarles, F.: Sighes At the contemporary deaths of Those incomparable Sisters, The Countesse of Cleaveland, and Mistrisse Cicily Killegrve (1640). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1643). Emblemes. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1644). Enchiridion. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1644). The loyall convert. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis ([1644]). The vvhipper vvhipt. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1645). The profest royalist. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1646). Judgement & mercy for afflicted soules, or, Meditations, soliloquies, and prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1646). Quarles: The Shepheards Oracles (1646). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1648). Solomons recantation, entitvled Ecclesiastes paraphrased. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1649). The virgin widow. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis ([1682]). The Whig rampant, or, Exaltation. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1698). Wisdom's better than money, or, The whole art of knowledge. EEBO-TCP.

Quarles, Francis (1739). Quarles, F.: Solomon's recantation (1739). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1960). Quarles, F.: Hosanna and Threnodes (1960). CH.

Quarles, Francis (1994). Quarles, F.: Emblemes and Hieroglyphikes (1994). CH.

Quarles, Francis ([1632]). Quarles, F.: Divine poems [1632]. CH.

Quarles, John (1648). Quarles, J.: Fons Lachrymarum (1648). CH.

Quarles, John (1649). Quarles: A Kingly bed of Miserie (1649). CH.

Quarles, John (1653). Quarles, J.: Explanation of the Frontespiece (1653). CH.

Quarles, John (1655). Quarles, J.: Divine Meditations (1655). CH.

Quarles, John (1655). Quarles, J.: Tarquin Banished (1655). CH.

Quarles, John (1656). John Quarles: An elegie on James Usher (1656). CH.

Quarles, John (1658). Quarles, J.: The History Of the Most Vile Dimagoras (1658). CH.

Quarles, John (1662). Quarles, J.: Rebellion's Downfall (1662). CH.

Quarles, John (1665). Quarles, J.: Londons Disease, and Cure (1665). CH.

Quarles, John (1665). Quarles, J.: The Citizens Flight (1665). CH.

Quarles, John (1680). CH.

Quarles, John ([1647]). Quarles, J.: A direfull anathema against peace-haters. CH.

Quarré, Jean-Hugues (1664). A spiritual treasure. EEBO-TCP.

Quatermayne, Roger (1642). Quatermayns conquest over Canterburies court, or, A briefe declaration of severall passages between him and the Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Queen Elizabeth Protestant (1680). The loyal Protestants vindication, fairly offered to all those sober minds who have the art of using reason, and the power of suppressing passion. EEBO-TCP.

Quevedo, Francisco de (1667). The visions of dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, knight of the Order of St. James. EEBO-TCP.

Quixley, J. (1909). Quixley: Ballades Royal (1909). CH.


R. A. (1615). The valiant VVelshman, or, The true chronicle history of the life and valiant deedes of Caradoc the Great, King of Cambria, now called Wales. EEBO-TCP.

R. B ([1595]). R. B.: Orpheus His Journey To Hell [1595]. CH.

R. B (1683). A caveat for sinners, or, A warning for swearers, blasphemers, and adulterers. EEBO-TCP.

R. B. (1614). The yong mans gleanings. EEBO-TCP.

R. B. (1678). Miracles of art and nature, or, A brief description of the several varieties of birds, beasts, fishes, plants, and fruits of other countreys : together with several other remarkable things in the world. EEBO-TCP.

R. B. (1700). The English acquisitions in Guinea & East-India. EEBO-TCP.

R. C (1630?]). A wonder in Kent. EEBO-TCP.

R. C (1698). Lithobolia, or, The stone-throwing devil. EEBO-TCP.

R. C. (1602). A briefe and necessarie catechisme, concerning the principall poynts of our Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

R. F (1665). Epitaph upon the honourable and truly noble Sir Kenelm Digby Kt. Chancellour to Her Majesty the Queen-mother. EEBO-TCP.

R. G (1662). Virginia's cure, or, An advisive narrative concerning Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

R. H (1671). The character of a Quaker in his true and proper colours, or, The clownish hypocrite anatomized. EEBO-TCP.

R. L. (1596). R. L.: Diella (1596). CH.

R. M. (1618). Nevves of Sr. VValter Rauleigh. EEBO-TCP.

R. S. (1613). The nevv prophetical King of Barbary, or, The last newes from thence in a letter vvritten of late from a merchant there, to a gentl. not long since imployed into that countrie from his Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

R. S. esquire (1595). R. S. esquire: The Amorous Contention of Phillis and Flora (1595). CH.

R. T (1670). The opinion of witchcraft vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

R. W (1591). The tragedie of Tancred and Gismund. EEBO-TCP.

R. W. (1570). R. W.: A recantation of famous Pasquin of Rome (1570). CH.

Rabelais, François (1653). The second book of the works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, Doctor in Physick. EEBO-TCP.

Rabelais, François (1664). The works of the famous Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick. EEBO-TCP.

Rabelais, François (1693). The third book of the works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, Doctor in Physick. EEBO-TCP.

Rabelais, François (1694). The works of F. Rabelais, M.D., or, The lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and Pantagruel. EEBO-TCP.

Radcliffe, Alexander (1680). Bacchinalia cœlestia. EEBO-TCP.

Radcliffe, Alexander (1681). Ovid travestie, a burlesque upon Ovid's Epistles. EEBO-TCP.

Radcliffe, Alexander (1682). The ramble. EEBO-TCP.

Radcliffe, Alexander (1696). Radcliffe, Alexander: The Works (1696). CH.

Rainolds, John (1584). A sermon vpon part of the prophesie of Obadiah. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1584). The summe of the conference betwene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1599). Th'overthrow of stage-playes, by the way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1609). A defence of the iudgment of the Reformed churches. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1613). A letter of Dr. Reinolds to his friend, concerning his aduice for the studie of diuinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1613). The prophecie of Obadiah opened and applyed in sundry learned and gracious sermons preached at All-Hallowes and St Maries in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1614). The discovery of the man of sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Rainolds, John (1638). An excellent oration of that late famously learned Iohn Rainolds, D.D. and lecturer of the Greek tongue in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh (1614 [i.e. 1617]). The history of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Carew (1669). A brief relation of Sr. Walter Ralegh's troubles, with the taking away of the lands and castle of Sherborne in Dorset from him and his heires, being his indubitable inheritance. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, S. W. (1591). Last Fight of the Revenge at Sea. R3.

Raleigh, S. W. (1644). To Day a Man, To Morrow None. R3.

Raleigh, Sir Walter (1892). Raleigh: Poems (1892). CH.

Raleigh, Walter (1591). A report of the truth of the fight about the Iles of Açores, this last sommer. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1592). The sea-mans triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1596). The discoverie of the large, rich, and bevvtiful empire of Gviana. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1628). The prerogative of parlaments in England. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1632). Sir Walter Raleighs instructions to his sonne and to posterity. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1636). Tubus historicus. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1637). The life and death of Mahomet. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1642). The prince, or, Maxims of state. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1650). A discovrse of the originall and fundamentall cause of naturall, customary, arbitrary, voluntary and necessary warre. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1650). Maxims of state. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1650). Sir Walter Rawleigh his apologie for his voyage to Guiana. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1651). Sir Walter Raleigh's Sceptick, or, Speculations. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1653). Sir Walter Raleigh's observations, touching trade & commerce with the Hollander, and other nations, as it was presented to K. James. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1667). Sir Walter Rawleighs judicious and select essayes and observations. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1679). Reliquiæ Raleighanæ. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1681). The pilgrimage. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1692). The arts of empire and mysteries of state discabineted. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1693). An introduction to a breviary of the history of England. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1696). Select observations of the incomparable Sir Walter Raleigh. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1697). The secrets of government and misteries of state. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1698). An abridgement of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1700). A discourse of sea-ports. EEBO-TCP.

Raleigh, Walter (1700). A discourse of sea-ports. EEBO-TCP.

Ramazzini, Bernardino (1697). The Abyssinian philosophy confuted, or, Tellvris theoria neither sacred not agreeable to reason. EEBO-TCP.

Ramsey, John (1548 [STC]). A plaister for a galled horse. TUDOR.

Ramsey, Laurence ([1577?]). Ramsey: The practise of the Diuell [1577?]. CH.

Ramsey, Laurence ([1579]). Ramsey: A short Discourse of mans fatall end [1579]. CH.

Ramus, Petrus (1636). Via regia ad geometriam. EEBO-TCP.

Ramus, Petrus (1651). A compendium of the art of logick and rhetorick in the English tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Ranchin, Guillaume ([1638]). A revievv of the Councell of Trent. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas ([1630]). Aristippus, or, The Ioviall philosopher. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas (1632). The jealous lovers. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas ([1638]). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas (1642). The high and mightie commendation of the vertue of a pot of good ale. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas (1643). The muses looking-glasse. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas (1651). A pleasant comedie, entituled Hey for honesty, down with knavery. EEBO-TCP.

Randolph, Thomas (1652). Randolph, T.: Poems (1652). CH.

Rankins, William (1587). A mirrour of monsters. EEBO-TCP.

Rankins, William (1588). The English ape, the Italian imitation, the footesteppes of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.

Rankins, William (1598). Seauen satyres applyed to the weeke. EEBO-TCP.

Rankins, William (1598). Rankins: Seauen Satyres (1598). CH.

Rankins, William (1600). Rankins: [A Sonnet to the Muses Garden, in] Bel-vedére (1600). CH.

Rapin, René (1672). Of gardens. EEBO-TCP.

Rapin, René (1674). Reflections on Aristotle's treatise of poesie. EEBO-TCP.

Rapin, René (1694). Monsieur Rapin's Comparison of Thucydides and Livy. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John (1520?]). A new iuterlude [sic] and a mery of the nature of the.iiii. element declarynge many proper poynt of phylosophy naturall, and of dyuers straunge landys. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John ([1525]). A new co[m]modye in Englysh in maner of an enterlude ryght elygant [and] full of craft of rethoryk, wherein is shewd [and] dyscrybyd as well the bewte [and] good propertes of women, as theyr vycys [and] euyll co[n]dicio[n]s, with a morall co[n]clusion [and] exhortacyon to vertew. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John ([1525]). Of gentylnes and nobylyte. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John ([1530]). A new boke of purgatory. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John ([1565]). A copie of a challenge. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John ([1566]). The third booke, declaring by examples out of auncient councels, fathers, and later writers, that it is time to beware of M. Iewel. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John (1567). A briefe shevv of the false vvares packt together in the named, Apology of the Churche of England. EEBO-TCP.

Rastell, John (21. Nouemb. Anno. 1564). A confutation of a sermon, pronou[n]ced by M. Iuell, at Paules crosse, the second Sondaie before Easter (which Catholikes doe call Passion Sondaie) Anno D[omi]ni.M.D.LX. EEBO-TCP.

Ratramnus (1624). Three rare monuments of antiquitie,. EEBO-TCP.

Raveneau de Lussan (1698). A journal of a voyage made into the South Sea, by the bucaniers or freebooters of America, from the year 1684 to 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1672). The citizen turn'd gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1673). The careless lovers. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1677). King Edgar and Alfreda. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1677). Scaramouch a philosopher, Harlequin a school-boy, bravo, merchant, and magician. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1677). The wrangling lovers, or, The invisible mistress. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1678). The English lawyer. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1682). The London cockolds. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1683). Prologue to Dame Dobson the cunning woman. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1684). Dame Dobson, or, The cunning woman. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1687). Titus Andronicus, or, The rape of Lavinia. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1695). The Canterbury guests, or, A bargain broken. EEBO-TCP.

Ravenscroft, Edward (1698). The Italian husband. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlet, John (1667). A treatise of sacramental convenanting with Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlet, John (1672). An explication of the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlet, John (1685). A dialogue betwixt two Protestants. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlet, John (1686). The Christian monitor. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlet, John (1687). Poetick miscellanies. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlet, John (1687). Rawlet: Poetick Miscellanies (1687). CH.

Rawlins, John (1622). The famous and wonderfull recoverie of a ship of Bristoll, called the Exchange, from the Turkish Pirates of Argier. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlins, Thomas (1640). The rebellion. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlins, Thomas (1677). Tom Essence, or, The modish wife. EEBO-TCP.

Rawlins, Thomas (1678). Tunbridge-Wells, or, A days courtship. EEBO-TCP.

Ray, John (1693). Three physico-theological discourses …. EEBO-TCP.

Raymond, John (1667). Folly in print, or, A book of rymes. EEBO-TCP.

Read, Alexander (1638). The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man. EEBO-TCP.

Reading, John (1621). A faire vvarning. EEBO-TCP.

Reading, John (1621). The old mans staffe. EEBO-TCP.

Reading, John (1642). A sermon delivered at Maidston in Kent, at the assizes there held, August 23, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Reading, John (1651). A guide to the Holy City, or, Directions and helps to an holy life. EEBO-TCP.

Reading, John (1655). Anabaptism routed, or, A survey of the controverted points. EEBO-TCP.

Reading, John (1663). A sermon delivered in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, concerning church-musick. EEBO-TCP.

Records, Charles ([1632]). A mostpleasant [sic] dialogue, or, A merry greeting betweene two louers. EEBO-TCP.

Records, Charles (1633?]). Friendly counsaile, or, Here's an answer to all demanders. EEBO-TCP.

Refuge, Eustache de (1622). A treatise of the court, or, Instructions for courtiers. EEBO-TCP.

Refuge, Eustache de (1652). Arcana aulica, or, Walsingham's manual of prudential maxims for the states-man and the courtier. EEBO-TCP.

Refuge, Eustache de (1660). The accomplish'd courtier. EEBO-TCP.

Resbury, Richard (1652). The lightless-starre, or, Mr. John Goodwin discovered a Pelagio-Socinian. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1631). Three treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1632). An explication of the hundreth and tenth Psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1636). The shieldes of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1638). A sermon touching the peace and edification of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1638). Meditations on the holy sacrament of the Lords last Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1640). A treatise of the passions and faculties of the soule of man. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1642). Evgenia's teares for Great Brittaynes distractions, or, Some slender observations reflecting on those sad times. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1645 [i.e. 1649]). Israels prayer in time of trouble with Gods gracious answer thereunto, or, An explication of the 14th chapter of the Prophet Hosea. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1650). The humble proposals of sundry learned and pious divines within this kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1652). Self-deniall. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1658). A sermon touching the use of humane learning. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1658). The rich mans charge. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). Animalis homo. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). Gods fidelity, the churches safety. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). The brand pluck'd out of the fire. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). The misery of a deserted people. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). The peace of Jerusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). The substance of two sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1659). True gain, opened in a sermon preached at Pauls, Nov. 9. 1656. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1660). The author and subject of healing in the church. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1662). Preaching of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1662). The churches triumph over death. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1663). The pastoral office. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1663). The staves of beauty & bands. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1666). A sermon preached before the peers in the Abby Church at Westminster, November 7, 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1668). A sermon preached before the king at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1669). A sermon preached before the King upon the twenty eighth of March, 1669. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1669). Annotations on the book of Ecclesiastes. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1677). Meditations on the fall and rising of St. Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Edward (1678). A sermon preached in St. Paul's before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, Henry ([1632]). Mythomystes. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1606). Dolarnys primerose, or, The first part of the passionate hermit. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1624). Vox cœli, or, Nevves from heaven. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1624). Vox cœli, or, Newes from heauen. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John ([1624]). Votivæ Angliæ, or, The desires and vvishes of England. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1635). The triumphs of Gods revenge against the crying and execrable sinne of (willfull and premeditated) murther. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1654). The flovver of fidelity. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1669). A discourse upon prodigious abstinence. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (1678). Vituli labiorum, or, A thanksgiving sermon, in commemoration of our great deliverance from the horrid Powder-Plot, 1605. EEBO-TCP.

Reynolds, John (6, 1693). A catalogue of curious books in divinity, history, physick, mathematicks, travels, voyages, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Rhegius, Urbanus (1579). A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope. EEBO-TCP.

Rhodes, Hugh (1545?). The boke of nurture for men, seruantes and chyldren, with Stans puer ad mensam, newly corrected. TUDOR.

Rhodes, Hugh (1560?]). The boke of nurtur for men seruauntes, and children. EEBO-TCP.

Rhodes, Hugh (1577). Rhodes, H.: The boke of Nurture (1577). CH.

Rhodes, John (1602). An ansvvere to a Romish rime lately printed, and entituled, A proper new ballad. EEBO-TCP.

Rhodes, John (1606). A briefe summe of the treason intended against the King & state, when they should haue been assembled in Parliament. Nouember. 5. 1605. EEBO-TCP.

Rhodes, John (1637). The countrie mans comfort, or, Religious recreations. EEBO-TCP.

Rhodes, John, Minister of Euborne (1602). Rhodes, J.: An Answere to a Romish Rime (1602). CH.

Rhodes, John, Minister of Euborne (1604). Rhodes, J.: An Epitaph on the Death of John [Whitgift] (1604). CH.

Rhodes, John, Minister of Euborne (1606). Rhodes, J.: A Brief Summe (1606). CH.

Rhodes, John, Minister of Euborne (1637). Rhodes, J.: The Covntrie Man's Comfort (1637). CH.

Rhodes, Math (1623). The dismall day at the Black-Fryers, or, A deplorable elegie on the death of almost an hundred persons, who were lamentably slaine by the fall of a house in the Blacke-Fryers. EEBO-TCP.

Rich, Barnabe (1593). Greenes newes both from heauen and hell. EEBO-TCP.

Richard Hakluyt (1584). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Richard Hakluyt (1585). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Richard Hakluyt (1590). The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation. EarlyUVa.

Richards, Nathanael (1640). The tragedy of Messallina the Roman emperesse. EEBO-TCP.

Richards, Nathaniel (1630). Richards: The Celestiall Publican (1630). CH.

Richards, Nathaniel (1641). Richards: Poems Sacred and Satyricall (1641). CH.

Richards, Nathaniel (1660). Richards: Upon the declaration of His Majesty King Charles of England the Second (1660). CH.

Richards, Nathaniel ([1650]). Richards: Truth's Acrostick [1650]. CH.

Richardson, Gabriel (1627). Of the state of Europe. EEBO-TCP.

Richardson, George (1641). The Irish footman's poetry, or, George the rvnner against Henry the walker, in defence of Iohn the Swimmer. EEBO-TCP.

Ricraft, Josiah (1649). The civill vvarres of England. EEBO-TCP.

Rid, Samuel (1612). The art of iugling or legerdemaine. EEBO-TCP.

Rider, William (1656). Laying on of hands asserted, or, A plain discovery of the truth thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Ridley, Nicholas (1555). A brief declaracion of the Lordes Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Ridley, Nicholas ([1556]). Certe[n] godly, learned, and comfortable conferences, betwene the two reuerende fathers, and holye martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London, and M. Hughe Latymer sometyme Bysshoppe of Worcester, during the tyme of their emprysonmentes. EEBO-TCP.

Ridley, Nicholas (1559. The. 10. of Nouembre). A frendly farewel. EEBO-TCP.

Ridley, Nicholas ([1566]). A pituous lamentation of the miserable estate of the churche of Christ in Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Ridley, Nicholas (1688). An account of a disputation at Oxford, anno dom. 1554. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1687). Short-hand yet shorter, or, The art of short-writing advanced in a more swift, easie, regular, and natural method than hitherto. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1693). A continuation of the answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1694). The Scots episcopal innocence, or, The juggling of that party with the late King, His present Majesty, the Church of England, and the Church of Scotland demonstrated. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1697?]). A (second) dialogue betwixt Jack and Will, about a standing army. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1697). A dialogue betwixt Jack and Will, concerning the Lord Mayor's going to meeting-houses with the sword carried before him, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1698). The stage condemn'd, and the encouragement given to the immoralities and profaneness of the theatre, by the English schools, universities and pulpits, censur'd. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1699. and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1699]). A Rowland for an Oliver, or, A sharp rebuke to a sawcy levite. EEBO-TCP.

Ridpath, George (1700). Scotland's grievances relating to Darien &c., humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Rinaldi, Orazio (1590). The Royal Exchange. EEBO-TCP.

Ringrose, Basil (1685). Bucaniers of America. EEBO-TCP.

Ripley, George (1591). Ripley: The compovnd of alchymy (1591). CH.

Ripley, George (1652). Ripley, G.: Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum (1652). CH.

Risley, Thomas (1700). The cursed family, or, A short tract, shewing the pernicious influence of wicked prayer-less houses, upon this church and kingdom. EEBO-TCP.

Rivers, George (1639). The heroinæ, or, The lives of Arria, Paulina, Lucrecia, Dido, Theutilla, Cypriana, Aretaphila. EEBO-TCP.

Rivius, Johann ([1582]). Of the foolishnes of men in putting-off the amendement of their liues from daie to daie. EEBO-TCP.

Robert of Gloucester (1887). Robert of Gloucester: The Metrical Chronicle (1887). CH.

Robert the Devil (1864). [Anon.]: The Lyfe of Roberte the Deuyll (1864). CH.

Roberts, Alexander (1616). A treatise of witchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1648). Clavis Bibliorum. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1655). Believers evidences for eternall life. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1656). A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1657). Mysterium & medulla Bibliorum. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1657). The checqver-work of God's providences, towards His own people, made up of blacks and whites, viz., of their abasements, and advancements, their distresses, and deliverances, their sullying tribulations, and beautifying relaxations. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1662). The Christians advantage both by life and death. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Francis (1673). The true way to the tree of life, or, The natural man directed unto Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Henry (1585). Roberts, H.: A most friendly farewell (1585). CH.

Roberts, Henry (1589). Roberts, H.: Fames Trumpet Soundinge (1589). CH.

Roberts, Henry (1595). Roberts, H.: The trvmpet of Fame (1595). CH.

Roberts, Henry ([1595]). Roberts, H.: To the Reader [1595]. CH.

Roberts, John (1638). Great Yarmouths exercise. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, John (1639). The compleat cannoniere, or, The gunners guide. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Lewes ([1638]). The merchants mappe of commerce. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Lewes (1640). VVarrefare epitomized. EEBO-TCP.

Roberts, Lewes (1641). The treasure of traffike, or, A discourse of forraigne trade. EEBO-TCP.

Robertson, Bartholomew (1615). A blovv for the pope, or, A discourse had in S. Giles Church, in Elgen of Murray. EEBO-TCP.

Robertson, Bartholomew (1618). The crovvne of life. EEBO-TCP.

Robertson, Bartholomew (1619). The anatomie of a distressed soule. EEBO-TCP.

Robertson, Bartholomew (1621). Spirituall encrease, or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian. EEBO-TCP.

Robin Conscience (1864). [Anon.]: Robin Conscience (1864). CH.

Robins, Robert (1648?]). A whip for the marshalls court and their officers. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, Clement (1584). A handefull of pleasant delites. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, Clement (1584). Robinson, C.: A Handefull of pleasant delites (1584). CH.

Robinson, Henry (1641). Englands safety in trades encrease. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, Henry ([1644]). An answer to Mr. William Prynn's twelve questions concerning church government. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1610). A iustification of separation from the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1614). Of religious communion private, & publique. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1615). A manumission to a manuduction, or, Answer to a letter inferring publique communion in the parrish assemblies upon private with godly persons there. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1624). A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode at Dort. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John ([1625]). A iust and necessarie apologie of certain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Barrowists. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John ([1625]). Oberuations diuine and morall. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1634). A treatise of the lavvfulnes of hearing of the ministers in the church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1641). An appendix to Mr. Perkins his six principles of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1642). Irelands tragical tyrannie. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1672). A true and perfect relation of the great victory obtained over the Dvtch. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, John (1694). An account of Sueden. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, Mary (Darby) (1791). Impartial reflections on the present situation of the Queen of France. WWP.

Robinson, Mary (Darby) (1796). Sappho and Phaon. In a series of legitimate sonnets, with thoughts on poetical subjects and anecdotes of the Grecian poetess [prefatory material]. WWP.

Robinson, Mary (Darby) (1799). Thoughts on the condition of women, and on the injustice of mental subordination. WWP.

Robinson, Mary (Darby) (1824). The poetical works of the late Mrs. Mary Robinson: including the pieces last published. WWP.

Robinson, Richard, of Alton (1589). Robinson, R., of Alton: A Golden Mirrour (1589). CH.

Robinson, Richard, of Alton ([1574]). Robinson, R., of Alton: The rewarde of Wickednesse [1574]. CH.

Robinson, Richard, of London (1578). Robinson, R. of London: A dyall of dayly contemplacion (1578). CH.

Robinson, Richard, of London (1583). Robinson: The auncient order societie and unitie laudable of Prince Arthure (1583). CH.

Robinson, Richard, of London ([1576]). Robinson of London, Richard: Certain Selected Histories [1576]. CH.

Robinson, Thomas (1696). New observations on the natural history of this world of matter, and this world of life. EEBO-TCP.

Robinson, Thomas (1899). Robinson, T.: The Life and Death of Mary Magdalene (1899). CH.

Robson, Charles (1628). Nevves from Aleppo. EEBO-TCP.

Roche, Robert (1599). Eustathia, or, The constancie of Susanna. EEBO-TCP.

Roche, Robert (1599). Roche: Eustathia (1599). CH.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1675?]). A satyr against mankind. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1675?]). On man. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1679?]). Upon the stately structure of Bow-Church and steeple, burnt, an. 1666, rebuilt, 1679, or, A second poem upon nothing. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1679). The enjoyment. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1680?]). Poems on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1680). A letter of Dr. Burnet. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot ([1680]). A letter from Artemiza in the town, to Chloe in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot ([1680]). A satyr against marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1689?]). Upon nothing. EEBO-TCP.

Rochester, John Wilmot (1697). Familiar letters. EEBO-TCP.

Roderick, Richard (1683). A sermon preached at Blandford-forum in Dorset-shire, December the 19th, 1682, at the Lord Bishop of Bristol's visitation. EEBO-TCP.

Roderick, Richard (1684). A sermon preached Avgvst the 19th, 1684, at the consecration of the Lord VVeymouth's chapel in Long-leat. EEBO-TCP.

Roe, Thomas (1622). A true and faithfull relation, presented to his Maiestie and the prince, of what hath lately happened in Constantinople, concerning the death of Sultan Osman, and the setting vp of Mustafa his vncle. EEBO-TCP.

Roe, Thomas (1641). Sir Thomas Roe his speech in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Roe, Thomas (1641). Sir Thomas Rowe his speech. EEBO-TCP.

Roe, Thomas (4. 1642). The coppy of two letters from Sr. Thomas Rowe. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1578?]). The summe of Christianitie. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1579). An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John ([1579]). [The displaying of an horrible secte of grosse and wicked heretiques, naming themselues the family of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1618). The glory and happines of a true Christian. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1620). A discourse of Christian watchfulnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1627). The doctrine of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1629). A treatise of love. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1650). A godly & fruitful exposition upon all the First epistle of Peter. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1654). Sagrir, or, Doomes-day drawing nigh, with thunder and lightening to lawyers. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1659). Mr. Pryn's good old cause stated and stunted 10 years ago, or, A most dangerous designe in mistating the good by mistaking the bad old cause. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, John (1681). A sermon preached before the corporation of Trinity-house in Deptford Strand, at the election of their master, May XXX, 1681. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1580). A paterne of a passionate minde. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1581). The general session. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1585). The English creede. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1587). The English creede. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1589). An historical dialogue touching antichrist and poperie,. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1590). Miles Christianus, or, A iust apologie of all necessarie writings and writers. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1598). Celestiall elegies of the goddesses and the Muses. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1608). Two dialogues, or conferences (about an old question lately renued, and by the schismaticall company, both by printed pamphlets, and otherwise to the disturbance of the Churches quiet, and of peaceable minds, very hotly pursued.) Concerning kneeling in the very act of receiuing the sacramental bread and wine, in the Supper of the Lord. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas (1612). Gloucesters myte. EEBO-TCP.

Rogers, Thomas, of Bryanston (1598). Rogers, T.: Celestiall Elegies (1598). CH.

Rogers, Thomas, of Bryanston (1641). Rogers, T.: Leicester's Ghost (1641). CH.

Rogers, Timothy (1691). Practical discourses on sickness & recovery. EEBO-TCP.

Rojas, Fernando de (1631). The Spanish bavvd, represented in Celestina, or, The tragicke-comedy of Calisto and Melibea. EEBO-TCP.

Rolland, John, of Dalkeith (1884). Rolland, J.: The court of Venus (1884). CH.

Rolland, John, of Dalkeith (1932). Rolland: The seuin Seages (1932). CH.

Rolle, Richard (1895-1896). [Anon.]: Yorkshire writers, Vol. I. (1895-1896). CH.

Rolle, Richard. The pricke of conscience (Stimulus conscientia). OTA.

Roper, W. (1626). The mirrour of vertue in worldly greatnes; or the life of Syr T. MoRE. R3.

Roper, William (1555). The Lyfe of Sir Thomas MooR3. NTNU.

Roper, William ([1626]). The mirrovr of vertve in worldly greatnes, or, The life of Syr Thomas More Knight, sometime Lo. Chancellour of England. EEBO-TCP.

Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon (1681?]). A letter from Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon (1684). An essay on translated verse. EEBO-TCP.

Rosier, James (1605). A true relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the discouery of the land of Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1626). An exposition on the fourteene first chapters of Genesis, by way of question and answere. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1630). Ross, A.: Three Decads of Divine Meditations (1630). CH.

Ross, Alexander ([1630]). Three decads of diuine meditations. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1641). The black box of Rome, or, A true and short discourse shewing the blasphemous treacheries and conjurations of the wicked Iesuites when they intend and encourage any of their impious disciples to murther a king and overthrow a kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1642). Gods house made a den of theeves. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1642). Gods house, or, The hovse of prayer vindicated from prophanenesse and sacriledge. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1642). Mel heliconium, or, Poeticall honey gathered out of the weeds of Parnassus. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1642). Ross, A.: Mel Heliconium (1642). CH.

Ross, Alexander (1645). Medicus medicatus, or, The physicians religion cured by a lenitive or gentle potion. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1645). The philosophicall touch-stone, or, Observations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the nature of bodies and of the reasonable soule. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1646). A centurie of divine meditations upon predestination and its adjuncts. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1646). The new planet no planet, or, The earth no wandring star, except in the wandring heads of Galileans. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1647). Mystagogvs poeticvs, or, The muses interpreter. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander ([1648]). Som animadversions and observations upon Sr. Walter Raleigh's Historie of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1652). Arcana microcosmi, or, The hid secrets of man's body discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1652). The history of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1653). Leviathan drawn out with a hook, or, Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbs his Leviathan. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Alexander (1655). Pansebeia, or, A view of all religions in the world. EEBO-TCP.

Ross, Thomas (1661). Ross, T.: The Second Punick War (1661). CH.

Ross, Thomas (1671). Ross, T.: An essay Upon the Third Punique War (1671). CH.

Rous, Francis (1598). Thule, or, Vertues historie. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1616). Meditations of instruction, of exhortation, of reprofe. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1619). The arte of happines. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1622). The diseases of the time, attended by their remedies. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1623). Oile of scorpions. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1626). Testis veritatis. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1627). The onely remedy. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1631). The mysticall marriage. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis ([1637]). Archæologiæ Atticæ libri tres. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1638). The heavenly academie. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1641). A religious and worthy speech spoken by Mr. Rovse in Parliament concerning the goods, libertjes, and lives of his Majesties subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1641). Catholick charitie. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1641). Mr. Rovse his speech before the lords at the transmission of Dr. Cossens March 16, 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1642). Mr. Rowse his speech made in the lower House of Parliament the thirtieth of December, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1643). The Psalms of David in English meeter. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1649). The bounds & bonds of publique obedience, or, A vindication of our lawfull submission to the present government, or to a government supposed unlawfull, but commanding lawfull things. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1649). The lawfulnes of obeying the present government and acting under it. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis (1654). Archaelogiae Atticae libri septem. EEBO-TCP.

Rous, Francis, the elder (1598). Rous: Thvle, or Vertues Historie (1598). CH.

Rous, Francis, the elder (1650). Rous: The Psalmes of David in meeter (1650). CH.

Row, James (1642). The Red-Shankes sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Row, Peter (1661). The magistrates power vindicated, and the abominablenesse of resisting their power discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Rowe, Elizabeth (Singer) (1696). Poems on several occasions. WWP.

Rowe, Elizabeth (Singer) (1728). Friendship in death. In twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, thoughts on death. Translated from the moral essays of the Messieurs du Port Royal. WWP.

Rowe, Elizabeth Singer (1696). Poems on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Richard (1601). Rowlands, R.: Odes in Imitation of the Seaven Penitential Psalmes (1601). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1598). Rowlands, S.: The Betraying of Christ [etc.] (1598). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1600). Rowlands, S.: The letting of hvmovrs blood in the head-vaine (1600). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1602). Greenes ghost haunting conie-catchers. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1603). Aue Cæsar. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1603). Rowlands, S.: Aue Cæsar (1603). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1604). Rowlands, S.: Looke to it: For, Ile Stabbe ye (1604). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1605). Humors antique faces. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1605). Rowlands, S.: Hell's Broke Loose (1605). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1607). Rowlands, S.: Democritus (1607). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1607). Rowlands, S.: The Famous History of Guy Earle of Warwicke (1607). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1608). Rowlands, S.: Hvmors Looking Glasse (1608). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1611). Rowlands, S.: The knave of clubbs. CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1612). Rowlands, S.: The Knave of Harts (1612). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1613). A crevv of kind gossips, all met to be merrie. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1613). Rowlands: A Crew of Kind Gossips (1613). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1614). Rowlands, S.: A fooles bolt is soone shott (1614). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1615). Rowlands, S.: The Melancholie Knight (1615). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1615]). Diogenes lanthorne. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1617). The bride. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1617). Rowlands: The bride (1617). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1618). Rowlands: A Sacred Memoire (1618). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1620). Rowlands, S.: The Night Raven (1620). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1620]). [The famous history, of Guy Earle of Warwicke]. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1622). Good nevves and bad nevves. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1622). Rowlands, S.: Good Newes and Bad Newes (1622). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1628). Heavens glory, seeke it. Earts [sic] vanitie, flye it. Hells horror, fere it. EEBO-TCP.

Rowlands, Samuel (1628). Rowlands, S.: Diogenes Lanthorne (1628). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel (1628). Rowlands, S.: Heavens Glory, Seeke It (1628). CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1605?]). Rowlands, S.: Hvmors Ordinarie [1605?]. CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1606?]). Rowlands, Samuel: A Terrible Battell. CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1613?]). Rowlands, S.: More Knaves yet? [1613?]. CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1614]). Rowlands, S.: Sir Thomas Overbvry [1614]. CH.

Rowlands, Samuel ([1620?]). Rowlands, S.: [A Paire of spy-knaves] [1620?]. CH.

Rowley, Samuel (1605). When you see me, you know me, or, The famous chronicle historie of King Henry the eight, with the birth and vertuous life of Edward Prince of Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, Samuel (1634). The noble souldier, or, A contract broken, justly reveng'd. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1609). A search for money, or, The lamentable complaint for the losse of the wandring knight, Mounsieur l'Argent. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1632). A nevv vvonder, a woman never vext. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1633). A match at mid-night. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1633). A tragedy called All's lost by lust. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1633). All's lost by lust. OTA.

Rowley, William (1638). A merrie and pleasant comedy, never before printed, called A shoo-maker a gentleman. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1658). The witch of Edmonton. EEBO-TCP.

Rowley, William (1662). The birth of Merlin, or, The childe hath found his father. EEBO-TCP.

Royall, Anne Newport (1830). Letters from Alabama on various subjects. WWP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin ([1628]). Sir Beniamin Ruddierd's speach in behalfe of the cleargy. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (1641). A speech concerning a West Indie association, at a committee of the whole House in the Parliament, 21, Jacobi. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (1641). Sir Beniamin Rudyard his learned speech in Parliament on Wednesday being the twenty ninth day of December 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (1641). Sir Beniamin Rvdyerds speech concerning bishops, deanes and chapters at a committee of the whole House. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (1641). The speech of that worthy Knight, Sir Beniamin Rudierd, spoken in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (1641). Two speeches by Sir Beniamin Rudyard concerning the Palatinate. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (18, 1642). A worthy speech spoken in the honourable House of Commons by Sir Benjamin Rudyard, this present July, 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Rudyerd, Benjamin (2, 1641). A speech delivered in Parliament by Sir Benjamin Rudyard. EEBO-TCP.

Ruggle, George (1662). Ignoramus. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1689). A rational defence of non-conformity. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1690). A true representation of Presbyterian government. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1691). A vindication of the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1691). A vindication of the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1692). A vindication of the Presbyterians in Scotland, from the malicious aspersions cast upon them in a late pamphlet, written by Sir George Mackenzie late Lord Advocate there, intituled, A vindication of the government in Scotland during the reign of King Charles II, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1693). A just and modest reproof of a pamphlet called The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1694). A defence of The vindication of the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Rule, Gilbert (1697). The good old way defended. EEBO-TCP.

Rupert (21, 1641). Prince Robert his speech to the Earle of Essex the morning before hee marched forth with his forces. EEBO-TCP.

Rushworth, John (12, 1645 [1646]). A letter sent to the Hono[ra]ble William Lenthal Esq. EEBO-TCP.

Rushworth, John (1645). A true relation concerning the late fight at Torrington. EEBO-TCP.

Rushworth, John (1659). Historical collections of private passages of state. EEBO-TCP.

Rushworth, John (23. 1645). A letter sent to the Honorable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, concerning the miraculous taking of Tiverton-Castle with the church. EEBO-TCP.

Rushworth, John (7. 1645. [i.e. 1646]). A letter sent to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Rushworth, John (7. 1645. [i.e. 1646]). Sir Thomas Fairfax's proceedings in the vvest against the enemy since he advanced to Bodman in Cornvval. EEBO-TCP.

Russell, John (1628). The spy. EEBO-TCP.

Russell, John (1633?]). An elegie upon the death of the most illustrious and victorious Prince Gustavus Adolphus King of Swethland &c. EEBO-TCP.

Russell, John (1634). Russell, J.: The Battels of Lypsich and Lutzen (1634). CH.

Russell, William (1683). An exact account of the procedings [sic] at the Old-Bayly this July the 13, 1683 with a true survey of the tryal of the Lord Russel, John Rouse, William Hone joyner, Capt. William Blage. EEBO-TCP.

Russell, William (1683). The last legacy, or, Affectionate and pious exhortation, and admonitions of the late William Lord Russel, to his vertuous lady, and dear children, summed up by him during his confinement, and left them for their advantage after his death, and for the good of all Christian families. EEBO-TCP.

Russell, William (1683). The last speech & behaviour of William, late Lord Russel, upon the scaffold in Lincolns-Inne-Fields, a little before his execution, on Saturday, July 21, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Russell, William ([1684]). A physical treatise. EEBO-TCP.

Rust, George (1668). A funeral sermon preached at the obsequies of the right reverend father in God, Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down. EEBO-TCP.

Rust, George (1677). Two discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Rust, George (1683). A discourse of the use of reason in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661). A Selection from his Letters. CCEL.

Rutherford, Samuel (1642). A peaceable and temperate plea for Pauls presbyterie in Scotland, or, A modest and brotherly dispute of the government of the Church of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1644). A sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1644. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1644). The due right of presbyteries, or, A peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scotland …. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1647). Christ dying and drawing sinners to himself, or, A survey of our Saviour in his soule-suffering, his lovelynesse in his death, and the efficacie thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1648). A survey of the spirituall antichrist. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1652). The tryal & triumph of faith, or, An exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1655). The covenant of life opened, or, A treatise of the covenant of grace. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (1658). A survey of the Survey of that summe of church-discipline penned by Mr. Thomas Hooker …. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel ([1660]). Christ and the doves heavenly salutations, with their pleasant conference together, or, A sermon before the communion in Anwoth. Anno 1630. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel ([1660]). Christs napkin, or, A sermon preached in Kirkcubright at the Communion, May 12. 1633. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel ([1664]). Joshua redivivus, or, Mr. Rutherfoord's letters. EEBO-TCP.

Rutherford, Samuel (7, 1644). Lex, rex. EEBO-TCP.

Ruthven, Patrick Ruthven (1699). A relation of the death of David Rizzi. EEBO-TCP.

Rycaut, Paul (1668). The present state of the Ottoman Empire. EEBO-TCP.

Rycaut, Paul (1679). The present state of the Greek and Armenian churches, anno Christi 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Ryckes, John (1525] The vij. daye of October). The ymage of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1678). The tragedies of the last age consider'd and examin'd by the practice of the ancients and by the common sense of all ages. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1681). A general draught and prospect of government in Europe, and civil policy. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1688). A poem on the Prince of Orange his expedition and success in England. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1689). A poem on the arrival of Queen Mary, February the 12th, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1693). A short view of tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1693). Edgar, or, The English monarch. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1698). A vindication of An essay concerning critical and curious learning. EEBO-TCP.

Rymer, Thomas (1698). An essay, concerning critical and curious learning. EEBO-TCP.

Ryves, Eliza (1785). The Hastiniad; an heroic poem in three cantos. WWP.


S. E. (1684). An answer to several remarks upon Dr. Henry More, his expositions of the Apocalypse and Daniel, as also upon his Apology. EEBO-TCP.

S. N ([1624]). A true report of the priuate colloquy betweene M. Smith, aliâs Norrice, and M. VValker. EEBO-TCP.

Saavedra Fajardo, Diego de (1700). The royal politician represented in one hundred emblems. EEBO-TCP.

Sabie, Francis (1595). Flora's fortune. EEBO-TCP.

Sabie, Francis (1595). Pans pipe. EEBO-TCP.

Sabie, Francis (1595). The fissher-mans tale. EEBO-TCP.

Sabie, Francis (1595). Sabie: Flora's Fortune (1595). CH.

Sabie, Francis (1595). Sabie: Pans Pipe (1595). CH.

Sabie, Francis (1595). Sabie: The Fissher-mans Tale (1595). CH.

Sabie, Francis (1596). Adams complaint. The olde vvorldes tragedie. Dauid and Bathsheba. EEBO-TCP.

Sackville, Charles, Baron Buckhurst (1979). Sackville, C.: Poems (1979). CH.

Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset (1561). Sackville, T.: In commendation of the worke (1561). CH.

Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset (1849). Sackville, T.: Poem on Sir Philip and Sir Thomas Hobby (1849). CH.

Sadler, John (1636). The sicke vvomans private looking-glasse. EEBO-TCP.

Sadler, John (1640). Masquarade du ciel. EEBO-TCP.

Sadler, John (1660). Olbia, the new i[s]land lately discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Sadler, John (1682). Rights of the kingdom, or, Customs of our ancestors. EEBO-TCP.

Sage, John (1690). The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented. EEBO-TCP.

Sage, John (1693). An account of the late establishment of Presbyterian-government by the Parliament of Scotland anno 1690. EEBO-TCP.

Sage, John (1695). The fundamental charter of Presbytery as it hath been lately established in the kingdom of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Sage, John (1695). The principles of the Cyprianic age with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction. EEBO-TCP.

Saint Benedict Gray, Alexia (1632). The rule of the most blissed father Saint Benedict patriarke of all munkes [dedication]. WWP.

Saint Margaret of Scotland ([1530?]). Anon: St Margaret of Scotland (1530). CH.

Saint Mary Magdalene ([1871]). [Anon.]: The Lamentation of Saint Mary Magdalene [1871]. CH.

Saint Ursula ([1509?]). [Anon.]: ye Lyf of saynt Ursula [1509?]. CH.

Saint-Evremond (1692). Miscellaneous essays. EEBO-TCP.

Saint-Evremond (1694). Miscellany essays. EEBO-TCP.

Saker, Austin (1580). Narbonus. EEBO-TCP.

Sala, Angelus (1618). Opiologia, or, A treatise concerning the nature, properties, true preparation and safe vse and administration of opium. EEBO-TCP.

Salas Barbadillo, Alonso Jerónimo de (1670). The fortunate fool. EEBO-TCP.

Sallust (1608 [i.e. 1609]). The tvvo most vvorthy and notable histories which remaine vnmained to posterity. EEBO-TCP.

Salmon, Thomas (1672). A vindication of an Essay to the advancement of musick. EEBO-TCP.

Salmon, Thomas (1688). A proposal to perform musick in perfect and mathematical proportions. EEBO-TCP.

Salmon, William (1692). Medicina practica, or, Practical physick. EEBO-TCP.

Salter, Thomas ([1579]). A mirrhor mete for all mothers, matrones, and maidens, intituled the Mirrhor of Modestie. EEBO-TCP.

Saltmarsh, John (1636). Saltmarsh: Poemata sacra (1636). CH.

Saltonstall, Wye (1631). Picturæ loquentes, or, Pictures drawne forth in characters. EEBO-TCP.

Saltonstall, Wye (1637). The country mouse, and the city mouse. Or a merry morrall fable. EEBO-TCP.

Saltonstall, Wye (1638). A description of time. EEBO-TCP.

Saltwood, Robert (1533-34? [STC Addenda]). A comparyson bytwene.iiij. byrdes / the Larke / the Nyghtyngale / ythorn superscript-e Thrusshe and the Cucko / for theyr syngynge who shuld be chauntoure of the queR3. TUDOR.

Saltwood, Robert (1533-34?]). A comparyson bytwene. iiij. byrdes, the larke, the nyghtyngale, ye thrusshe [and] the cuko, for theyr syngynge who shuld be chauntoure of the quere. EEBO-TCP.

Saltwood, Robert ([1548?]). Saltwood: A comparyson bytwene iiii. byrdes [1548?]. CH.

Salusbury, Sir John (1914). Salusbury, J.: Poems (1914). CH.

Salvian (1580). A second and third blast of retrait from plaies and theaters. EEBO-TCP.

Sammes, Aylett (1676). Britannia antiqua illustrata, or, The antiquities of ancient Britain. EEBO-TCP.

Sampson, William (1636). The vow breaker, or, The faire maide of Clifton. EEBO-TCP.

Sampson, William (1636). Virtus post funera viuit, or, Honour tryumphing over death. EEBO-TCP.

Samuel, William (1550?). The practice practiced by the pope and his prelates. which they haue vsed synce they came to their estates. TUDOR.

Samuel, William (1550?]). A vvarnyng for the cittie of London. EEBO-TCP.

Samuel, William (1550?]). The practice practised by the Pope and his prelates. EEBO-TCP.

Samuel, William ([1551]). The abridgemente of goddes statutes in myter. EEBO-TCP.

Samuel, William (1559?]). The loue of God. EEBO-TCP.

Samuel, William (1569). An abridgeme[n]t of all the canonical books of the olde Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Samuel, William (1569). Samuel: An Abridgement of All the Canonical Books of The Old Testament (1569). CH.

Samuel, William ([1550?]). A warnyng for the cittie of London. That the dwellers, there in may repent their euyll lyues for feare of Goddes plages. TUDOR.

Samuel, William ([1550?]). Samuel: A VVarning for the cittie of London [1550?]. CH.

Samuel, William ([1550?]). Samuel: The Practice [1550?]. CH.

San Pedro, Diego de ([1548?]). The castell of loue. EEBO-TCP.

San Pedro, Diego de (1639). A small treatise betwixt Arnalte and Lucenda entituled The evill-intreated lover, or, The melancholy knight. EEBO-TCP.

Sancroft, William (1653). Modern policies taken from Machiavel, Borgia, and other choice authors. EEBO-TCP.

Sancroft, William ([1666]). Lex ignea, or, The school of righteousness. EEBO-TCP.

Sancroft, William (1678). A sermon preach'd to the House of Peers, Novemb. 13th, 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Sancroft, William (1689). The proceedings and tryal in the case of the most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Sancroft, William ([1694]). Occasional sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Sander, Nicholas (1566 [Jan.]). The supper of our Lord set foorth according to the truth of the Gospell and Catholike faith. EEBO-TCP.

Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins (1829). Conversations principally on the aborigines of North America. WWP.

Sanderson, Robert (1622). Tvvo sermons, preached at tvvo severall visitations, at Boston, in the diocesse and country of Lincolne. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1627). Ten sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1628). Two sermons preached at Paules-Crosse London. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert ([1635]). Tvvo sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1647). Reasons of the present judgement of the Vniversity of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1655). De juramento. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1657). Fourteen sermons heretofore preached. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1661). Episcopacy (as established by law in England) not prejudicial to regal power. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1666). Five cases of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1674). Eight cases of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1678). Nine cases of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert ([1678]). Bishop Sanderson's judgment concerning submission to usurpers. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert ([1686]). XXXVI sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, Robert (1688). A discourse concerning the church …. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, William (1656). A compleat history of the lives and reigns of, Mary Queen of Scotland, and of her son and successor, James the Sixth, King of Scotland, and (after Queen Elizabeth) King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, the First …. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, William (1656). An answer to a scurrilous pamphlet intituled, Observations upon a compleat history of the lives and reignes of Mary, Queen of Scotland, and of her son, King James …. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, William (1658). A compleat history of the life and raigne of King Charles from his cradle to his grave. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, William (1658). Peter pursued, or, Dr. Heylin overtaken, arrested, and arraigned upon his three appendixes. EEBO-TCP.

Sanderson, William (1658). Post-haste. EEBO-TCP.

Sandoval, Prudencio de (1652). The civil wars of Spain in the beginning of the reign of Charls [sic] the 5t, Emperor of Germanie and King of that nation. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin (1585). Sermons made by the most reuerende Father in God, Edwin, Archbishop of Yorke, primate of England and metropolitane. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin (1605). A relation of the state of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin (1615). Sacred hymns. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin (1629). Europæ speculum, or, A vievv or survey of the state of religion in the vvesterne parts of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin (1642). A vindication of Colonell Sandys his honour and loyalty. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin ([1679]). A proposal of union amongst Protestants, from the last-will of the most Reverend Doctor Sands sometime Archbishop of York. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, Edwin (17, 1642). The declaration of Col. Edwyn Sandys in vindication of himself from those calumnious aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Falkland and Secretary Nicholas. EEBO-TCP.

Sandys, George (1632). Sandys: Ovid's Metamorphosis (1632). CH.

Sandys, George (1638). Sandys: A paraphrase vpon the divine poems (1638). CH.

Sandys, George (1640). Sandys: Christ's passion. A tragedie (1640). CH.

Sandys, George (1641). Sandys: A paraphrase vpon the song of Solomon (1641). CH.

Sandys, George (1657). Sandys, G.: Mottets of two voyces (1657). CH.

Sandys, George (1676). A paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. EEBO-TCP.

Sansovino, Francesco (28. 1590). The quintesence of wit. EEBO-TCP.

Sarcerius, Erasmus ([1538]). Co[m]mon places of Scripture ordrely and after a co[m]pendious forme of teachyng. EEBO-TCP.

Sarpi, Paolo (1625). The free schoole of vvarre, or, A treatise, vvhether it be lawfull to beare armes for the seruice of a prince that is of a diuers religion. EEBO-TCP.

Sarpi, Paolo (1628). A discourse vpon the reasons of the resolution taken in the Valteline against the tyranny of the Grisons and heretiques. EEBO-TCP.

Saumières, Jacques de Langlade (1693). New memoirs and characters of the two great brothers, the Duke of Bouillon and Mareschal Tvrenne. EEBO-TCP.

Saunders, C (1681). Tamerlane the Great. EEBO-TCP.

Saunders, Richard (1682). A view of the soul, in several tracts …. EEBO-TCP.

Savage, J (1690). An answer to an anonimous pamphleteer, who impugns the doctrine contain'd in St. Athanasius his creed. EEBO-TCP.

Savile, Henry (1596). A libell of Spanish lies. EEBO-TCP.

Savile, Henry (1672). A True relation of the engagement of His Majesties fleet under the command of His Royal Highness with the Dutch fleet, May 28, 1672. EEBO-TCP.

Saxey, Samuel (1538?]). A straunge and wonderfull example of the iudgement of almighty God. EEBO-TCP.

Saye and Sele, William Fiennes (1641). A speech of the Right Honourable William Lord Viscount Say and Seale, one of His Majesties most honourable privy councell, spoken in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Saywell, William (1688). The reformation of the Church of England justified according to the canons of the Council of Nice, and other general councils, and the tradition of the Catholick Church. EEBO-TCP.

Scaife, William (1686). A short relation of some words and expressions that were spoken by Barbara scaife in time of her sickness, a little before she departed this life. EEBO-TCP.

Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1687). The mirror of architecture, or, The ground-rules of the art of building. EEBO-TCP.

Scarron (1665). Typhon, or, The gyants war with the gods. EEBO-TCP.

Scarron (1700). The whole comical works of Monsr. Scarron …. EEBO-TCP.

Scot, Gregory (1574). Scot, G.: A briefe Treatise agaynst certayne errors of the Romish Church (1574). CH.

Scot, Reginald (1651). Scot's Discovery of vvitchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Scot, Thomas (1622). Scot, T.: Philomythie (1622). CH.

Scot, Walter (1688). A true history of the several honourable families of the right honourable name of Scot. EEBO-TCP.

Scot, Walter, of Satchells (1688). Scot: A True History (1688). CH.

Scott, Alexander (1902). Scott, A.: The Poems (1902). CH.

Scott, Edmund (1606). An exact discourse of the subtilties, fashishions [sic], pollicies, religion, and ceremonies of the East Indians. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1673). A sermon preached before the Honourable Military Company at St. Clements-Danes, July 25. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1673). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 5th of November, 1673. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1680). A sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London, September 15, 1680 at St. Mary Le Bow, and at their request published. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1681). The Christian life. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1683). Certain cases of conscience resolved concerning the lawfulness of joyning with forms of prayer in publick worship. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1684). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, at the Guild-Hall Chappel, the 16th of December, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1685). A sermon preached at the funeral of Dr. William Croun on the 23d of October, 1684, at St. Mildred Church in the Poultrey. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1685). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London at St. Mary le Bow, July 26, 1685, being the day of publick thanksgiving for his Majesties late victory over the rebels. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1685). The Christian life. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1686). A sermon preached at the assizes at Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, August 31, 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John ([1686]). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1687). The Christian life. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1688). A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Sir John Buckworth, at the parish-church of St. Peter's le Poor in Broadstreet, December 29, 1687. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John ([1692]). A sermon preached before the queen the 22d of May, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1693). An abstract (with remarks) of Dr. Scot's sermon preached at Chelmsford assizes, Aug. 31, 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1696). The Christian life. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1697-98). Practical discourses upon several subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John ([1698]). Practical discourses concerning obedience and the love of God. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, John (1699). The Christian life. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, Mary (1774). The female advocate; a poem. WWP.

Scott, T. (1624). Certaine reasons and arguments of policie, why the king of England should enter into warre with the Spaniard. R3.

Scott, Thomas (1602). Scott, T.: Foure Paradoxes (1602). CH.

Scott, Thomas (1621). A speech made in the lovver house of Parliament, anno. 1621. EEBO-TCP.

Scott, Thomas (1626). Sir VValter Ravvleighs ghost, or, Englands forewarner. EEBO-TCP.

Scougal, Henry (1650-1678). The Life of God in the Soul of Man. CCEL.

Scougal, Henry (1677). The life of God in the soul of man, or, The nature and excellency of the Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Scribonius, Wilhelm Adolf (1621). Naturall philosophy, or, A description of the world, namely, of angels, of man, of the heauens, of the ayre, of the earth, of the water and of the creatures in the whole world. EEBO-TCP.

Scroggs, William ([1680]). Articles of high misdemeanours. EEBO-TCP.

Scudéry, Madeleine de (1683). Conversations upon several subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Scupoli, Lorenzo (1598). The spiritual conflict. EEBO-TCP.

Seager, Francis (1549). Seager, F.: A Brefe declaration of the great myseries (1549). CH.

Seager, Francis (1553). Seager: Certayne Psalmes (1553). CH.

Seager, Francis (1868). Seager: The Schoole of Vertue (1868). CH.

Sedley, Charles (1668). The mulberry-garden. EEBO-TCP.

Sedley, Charles (1677). Antony and Cleopatra. EEBO-TCP.

Sedley, Charles (1687). Bellamira, or, The mistress. EEBO-TCP.

Sedley, Charles (1691). The speech of Sir Charles Sidley in the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Sedley, Sir Charles (1928). Sedley: Poetical works (1928). CH.

Segar, William ([1587]). The blazon of papistes. EEBO-TCP.

Segar, William (1602). Honor military, and ciuill. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John (1610). The duello, or, Single combat. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John ([1614]). Titles of honor. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John ([1618]). The historie of tithes. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John (1640). A briefe discourse, concerning the power of the Peeres and Comons of Parliament, in point of judicature. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John (1642). The priviledges of the baronage of England, when they sit in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John (1652). Of the dominion, or, Ownership of the sea. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John (1681?]). John Selden, Of the judicature in parliaments. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John ([1682]). The reverse or back-face of the English Janus. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John ([1683]). Tracts. EEBO-TCP.

Selden, John (1696). Table-talk, being discourses of John Seldon, Esq. EEBO-TCP.

Semedo, Alvaro (1655). The history of that great and renowned monarchy of China. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, James ([1669]). A pick-tooth for the Pope, or, The pack-mans Pater Noster. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert ([1567]). The Kingis complaint. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert (157[2?]). Ane premonitioun to the barnis of Leith. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert (1570). The deploratioun of the cruel murther of James Erle of Murray, vmquhile regent of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert (1570). The tragical end and death of the Lord Iames Regent of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert (1571). The exhortatioun of the lordis. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert ([1572]). The lamentatiõ of the cõmounis of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Sempill, Robert (1872). Sempill: The Sempill Ballates (1872). CH.

Sempill, Robert (1891). Sempill: Satirical Poems of the Reformation (1891). CH.

Semple, Sir James, of Beltrees (1669). Semprill: A Pick-tooth For the Pope (1669). CH.

Semple, Sir James, of Beltrees (1849). Semple, J.: A Pick-Tooth for the Pope (1849). CH.

Senault, Jean-François (1650). Man become guilty, or, The corrruption of nature by sinne, according to St. Augustines sense. EEBO-TCP.

Senault, Jean-François (1671). The use of passions. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ([1559]). The sixt tragedie of the most graue and prudent author Lucius, Anneus, Seneca, entituled Troas. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1560. 26. die Martij). The seconde tragedie of Seneca entituled Thyestes. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ([1561]). Lucii Annei Senecæ tragedia prima quæ inscribitur Hercules furens nuper recognita, & ab omnibus mendis, quibus antea scatebat sedulo purgata, & in studiosæ iuuentutis vtilitate[m], in Anglicum metrum tanta fide conuersa, vt carmen pro carmine quoad Anglica lingua patiatur pene redditum videas. Per Iasperum Heyvvodum Oxoniensem. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1563. 28. Aprilis). The lamentable tragedie of Oedipus the sonne of Laius Kyng of Thebes out of Seneca. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ([1566]). The eyght tragedie of Seneca. Entituled Agamemnon. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ([1566]). The seuenth tragedie of Seneca, entituled Medea. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ([1569]). The line of liberalitie. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1578). The vvoorke of the excellent philosopher Lucius Annæus Seneca concerning benefyting. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1614). The workes of Lucius Annæus Seneca, both morrall and naturall. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1648). Medea. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1648). Seneca's answer to Lucilius his quære. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1651). Hippolitus. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1664). Apokolokyntosis, or, A mockery upon the death and deification of Claudius Cæsar. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1679). Seneca's morals abstracted. EEBO-TCP.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (1679). Troades, or, The royal captives. EEBO-TCP.

Sennert, Daniel (1662). The sixth book of Practical physick. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1655). Schism dis-arm'd of the defensive weapons, lent it by Doctor Hammond, and the Bishop of Derry. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1659). A vindication of the doctrine contained in Pope Benedict XII, his bull. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John ([1661]). Reflexions upon the oathes of supremacy and allegiance. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1665). A discovery of the groundlesness and insincerity of my Ld. of Down's Dissuasive. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1665). Sure-footing in Christianity, or, Rational discourses on the rule of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1665.]). A letter from the authour of Sure-footing, to his answerer. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1666). A letter of thanks from the author of Sure-footing to his answerer Mr. J.T. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1667). Faith vindicated from possibility of falshood, or, The immovable firmness and certainty of the motives to Christian faith asserted against that tenet, which, denying infallibility of authority, subverts its foundation, and renders it uncertain. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John ([1671]). The method to arrive at satisfaction in religion. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1672). Reason against raillery, or, A full answer to Dr. Tillotson's preface against J.S. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1673). Errour non-plust, or, Dr. Stillingfleet shown to be the man of no principles. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1678). Of devotion. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1687). A letter to the D. of P. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1688). Five Catholick letters concerning the means of knowing with absolute certainty what faith now held was taught by Jesus Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1694). An historical romance of the wars between the mighty giant Gallieno, and the great knight Nasonius, and his associates. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John ([1695]). A letter from a trooper in Flanders to his comrade. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1696). The method to science. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1697). Solid philosophy asserted, against the fancies of the ideists, or, The method to science farther illustrated. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John ([1698]). Non vltra, or, A letter to a learned Cartesian. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John ([1699]). Raillery defeated by calm reason, or, The new Cartesian method of arguing and answering expos'd. EEBO-TCP.

Sergeant, John (1700). Transnatural philosophy, or, Metaphysicks. EEBO-TCP.

Serres, Jean de (1574). The three partes of commentaries. EEBO-TCP.

Serres, Jean de (1607). A general inuentorie of the history of France. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1666). Mare clausum, or, A ransack for the Dutch. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1667). An elegie on the late fire and ruines of London. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1671). Cambyses, King of Persia. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1673). The Empress of Moroccco. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1674). Notes and observations on the Empress of Morocco revised. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1675?]). A poem to the charming fair one. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1675). Love and revenge. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1676). The conquest of China by the Tartars. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1677). Ibrahim the illustrious Bassa. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1677). Pastor fido, or, The faithful shepherd. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah ([1677]). The prologue to Pastor fido. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah ([1679]). Londons defiance to Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1680). Fatal love, or, The forc'd inconstancy. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1681). A vindication of The character of a popish successor, in a reply to two pretended ansvvers to it. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1682). Absalom Senior, or, Achitophel transpros'd. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1687). Reflections on several of Mr. Dryden's plays. EEBO-TCP.

Settle, Elkanah (1698). A farther defence of dramatick poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1668). The sullen lovers, or, The impertinents. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1669). The royal shepherdess. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1671). The humorists. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1672). The miser. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1673). Epsom-Wells. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1675). Psyche. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1676). The libertine. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1676). The virtuoso. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1678). The history of Timon of Athens, the man-hater. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1679). A true widow. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1680). The woman-captain. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1682). The Lancashire-witches and Tegue O Divelly, the Irish-priest. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1682). The Tory-poets. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1683). Some reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called, The Duke of Guise. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas ([1683]). A Lenten prologue refus'd by the players. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1688). The squire of Alsatia. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1689). A congratulatory poem on His Highness the Prince of Orange his coming into England. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1689). Bury-fair. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1689). The address of John Dryden, laureat to His Highness, the Prince of Orange. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1690?]). Ode to the King on his return from Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1690). Ode on the anniversary of the King's birth. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1690). Poem on the anniversary of the King's birth. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1690). The amorous bigotte. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1691). The scowrers. EEBO-TCP.

Shadwell, Thomas (1692). Ode on the King's birth-day. EEBO-TCP.

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper (1672 [i.e. 1673]). The Lord Chancellor's speech in the Exchequer to Baron Thurland at the taking of his oath, 24 Jan. 1672/3. EEBO-TCP.

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper (1675). A letter from a person of quality to his friend in the country. EEBO-TCP.

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper (1675). Two speeches. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, W. (1591). Henry VI, Part II. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1591). Henry VI, Part III. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1592). Henry VI, Part I. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1593). Comedy of Errors. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1593). Richard III. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1593). Venus and Adonis. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1594). Taming of the Shrew. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1594). The Rape of Lucrece. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1594). Titus Andronicus. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1595). Love's Labour's Lost. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1595). Romeo and Juliet. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1595). Two Gentlemen of Verona. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1596). A Midsummer Night's Dream. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1596). Richard II. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1597). King John. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1597). Merchant of Venice. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1598). Henry IV, Part I. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1598). Henry IV, Part II. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1599). Julius Caesar. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1599). King Henry V. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1599). Much Ado About Nothing. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1601). As You Like It. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1601). Merry Wives of Windsor. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1602). Troilus and Cressida. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1602). Twelfth Night. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1603). Alls Well that Ends Well. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1604). Hamlet. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1605). Measure for MeasuRE. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1605). Othello. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1606). King Lear. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1606). Macbeth. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1607). Antony and Cleopatra. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1608). Coriolanus. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1608). Pericles. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1608). Timon of Athens. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1609). A Lover's Complaint. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1609). Cymbeline. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1609). The Passionate Pilgrim. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1609). The Phoenix and the Turtle. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1609). The Sonnets. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1611). King Henry the Eighth. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1611). The Winter's Tale. R3.

Shakespeare, W. (1612). The Tempest. R3.

Shakespeare, William (1593). Venus and Adonis. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1594). Lucrece. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1594). The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1594). Shakespeare: Lvcrece (1594). CH.

Shakespeare, William (1594). Shakespeare: Venus and Adonis (1594). CH.

Shakespeare, William (1597). An excellent conceited tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1597). The tragedie of King Richard the second. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1597). The tragedy of King Richard the third. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1598). The history of Henrie the Fourth. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1599). Shakespeare: The passionate pilgrime (1599). CH.

Shakespeare, William (1600). A midsommer nights dreame. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1600). Much adoe about nothing. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1600). The cronicle history of Henry the fift. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1600). The second part of Henrie the fourth. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1601). Shakespeare: [The Phoenix and the Turtle] (1601). CH.

Shakespeare, William (1602). A most pleasaunt and excellent conceited comedie, of Syr Iohn Falstaffe, and the merrie wiues of Windsor. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1603). The tragicall historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1608). M. William Shak-speare : his true chronicle historie of the life and death of King Lear and his three daughters. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1609). Shake-speares sonnets. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1609). Shake-speares sonnets. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1609). The historie of Troylus and Cresseida. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1609). The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1609). Shakespeare: Sonnets (1609). CH.

Shakespeare, William (1612). A Funeral Elegy. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). A Midsommer Nights Dreame. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). All's Well, that Ends Well. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). As you Like it. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). Loues Labour's lost. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). Measvre, For MeasuR3. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). Much adoe about Nothing. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Comedie of Errors. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eight. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The First Part of Henry the Fourth. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The first Part of Henry the Sixt. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The life and death of King John. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The life and death of King Richard the Second. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Life of Henry the Fift. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Life of Timon of Athens. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Merchant of Venice. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Merry Wiues of Windsor. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Second Part of Henry the Fourth. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The second Part of Henry the Sixt. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Taming of the Shrew. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tempest. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The third Part of Henry the Sixt. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Coriolanus. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Cymbeline. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Hamlet. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Julius C[aelig ]sar. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of King Lear. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Macbeth. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Richard the Third. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Tragedie of Troylus and Cressida. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Two Gentlemen of Verona. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). The Winters Tale. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1616). Twelfe Night, Or what you will. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1622). The tragœdy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1623). Henry VIII. TACT.

Shakespeare, William (1640). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Shakespeare, William (1886). [Romeo and Juliet]. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). OTA.

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Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1902). Shakespeares comedies, histories [and] tragedies [Electronic resource] : being a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio edition. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1940). Pericles. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1968). Henry VIII. OTA.

Shakespeare, William (1971). The historie of Troylus and Cresseida. OTA.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1592-1593). Venus and Adonis. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1596). Edward the Third. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1599). The Passionate Pilgrim. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1607-1608). Coriolanus. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1589-1590). The First Part of King Henry VI. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1590-1591). The Second Part of King Henry VI. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1590-1591). The Third Part of King Henry VI. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1592-1593). The Tragedy of King Richard III. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1592-1594). The Comedy of Errors. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1593-1594). The Rape of Lucrece. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1593-1594). The Taming of the Shrew. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1593-1594). The Tragedy of King Richard II. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1593-1594). Titus Andronicus. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1593-1599). Sonnets. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1594-1596). The Life and Death of King John. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1594-1597). Love's Labour's Lost. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1594). The Two Gentlemen of Verona. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1595-1596). A Midsummer-Night's Dream. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1595-1596). Romeo and Juliet. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1596-1597). The First Part of King Henry IV. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1596-1597). The Merchant of Venice. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1596-1599). Edward the Third / edited with a preface, notes and glossary by G. C. Moore Smith. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1597-1601). The Merry Wives of Windsor. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1598-1599). Much Ado About Nothing. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1598). The Second Part of King Henry IV. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1599). As You Like It. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1599). Julius Caesar. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1599). The Life of King Henry V. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (16??). The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (16??). The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1600-1601). Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1601-1602). All's Well That Ends Well. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1601-1602). Troilus and Cressida. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1601-1602). Twelfth Night; or What You Will. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1603). The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1604). Measure for MeasuR3. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1604). Othello, the Moor of Venice. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1605). King Lear. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1606). Antony and Cleopatra. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1606). Macbeth. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1607-1608). Pericles. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1607-1608). Timon of Athens. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1609 1593-1599). Sonnets. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1609 1601-1602). The Historie of Troylus and Cresseida. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1609 1607-1608). Pericles. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1609-1610). Cymbeline. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1609). A Lover's Complaint. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1610-1611). The Winter's Tale. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1611). The Tempest. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1612-1613). The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1589-1590). Henry VI, Part One. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1590-1591). Henry VI, Part Three. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1590-1591). Henry VI, Part Two. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1592-1593). Richard III. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1592-1594). A Comedy of Errors. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1593-1594). The Taming of the Shrew. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1593-1594). Titus Andronicus. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1594-1596). King John. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1594-1597). Love's Labour Lost. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1594). Two Gentlemen of Verona. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1595-1596). A Midsummer Night's Dream. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1595-1596). Romeo and Juliet. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1595). Richard II. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1596-1597). Henry IV, Part One. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1596-1597). The Merchant of Venice. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1597-1601). The Merry Wives of Windsor. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1598-1599). Much Ado About Nothing. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1598). Henry IV, Part Two. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1599). As You Like It. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1599). Henry V. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1599). Julius Ceasar. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1600-1601). Hamlet. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1601-1602). Troilus and Cressida. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1601-1602). Twelfth Night. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1602-1603). All's Well That Ends Well. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1604). Measure For MeasuR3. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1604). Othello. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1605). King Lear. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1606). Antony and Cleopatra. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1606). Macbeth. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1607-1608). Coriolanus. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1607-1608). Cymbeline. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1607-1608). Timon of Athens. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1610-1611). A Winter's Tale. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1611). The Tempest. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623 1612-1613). Henry VIII. EarlyUVa.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 (1623). Preface. EarlyUVa.

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Shakespeare, William. [Pericles]. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. [Titus Andronicus]. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. [Troilus and Cressida]. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. [Troilus and Cressida]. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. A midsummer-night's dream. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. A pleasant conceited comedie, of Syr Iohn Falstaffe, and the merry wiues of Windsor. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. As you like it. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Henry IV. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Love's labours [sic] lost. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Love's labours [sic] lost. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Much ado about nothing. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Richard II. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Shake-speares Sonnets. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. Shake-speares Sonnets [1-30]. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. The first part of the Contention betwixt the two famous houses of Yorke and Lancaster …. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. The merchant of Venice. OTA.

Shakespeare, William. The tragicall historie of Hamlet. OTA.

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Sharp, John (1680). A sermon preached at the second general meeting of the gentlemen and others in and near London who were born within the County of York. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1680). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, in Bow-Church, on the feast of St. Michael, 1680. EEBO-TCP.

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Sharp, John (1684). A discourse concerning conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1685). A sermon preached at White-hall, in Lent. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1690). A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Wednesday the 21th of May, 1690, being the day of the monthly-fast. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1690). A sermon preached before the Queen at Whitehall. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1691). A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-church at Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1691). A sermon preached on the 28th of June, at St. Giles in the Fields. EEBO-TCP.

Sharp, John (1692). A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall on Easter-Day, March 27, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

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Sheeres, Henry (1680). A discourse touching Tanger. EEBO-TCP.

Sheeres, Henry (1698). An essay on the certainty and causes of the earth's motion on its axis, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Sheffield, John (1654). The rising sun, or, The sun of righteousnesse shining upon the sons of unrighteousnesse. EEBO-TCP.

Sheffield, John (1698). Salvation by grace and never the less of grace, tho it be through faith and not without it. EEBO-TCP.

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Sheffield, John, 3rd Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, Duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1740). Sheffield: The Works (1740). CH.

Shelford, Robert (1602). Lectures or readings vpon the 6. verse of the 22. chapter of the Prouerbs. EEBO-TCP.

Shelford, Robert (1635). Five pious and learned discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Shelton, Thomas (1641). Tachygraphy. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1641). The sincere convert discovering the paucity of true beleevers and the great difficulty of saving conversion. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1645). The sound beleever, or, A treatise of evangelicall conversion. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1650). Certain select cases resolved. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1650). Theses Sabbaticæ, or, The doctrine of the Sabbath. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1655). The first principles of the oracles of God. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1657). Subjection to Christ in all his ordinances and appointments. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1660). The parable of the ten virgins opened & applied. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1663). The church-membership of children, and their right to baptisme. EEBO-TCP.

Shepard, Thomas (1668). Wine for Gospel wantons, or, Cautions against spirituall drunkenness. EEBO-TCP.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?). A pore helpe. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?). Antipus. To heare of such thinges ye be not wont. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?). Doctour doubble ale. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?). Philogamus. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?). The vpcheringe of the messe. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?]). A pore helpe. EEBO-TCP.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?]). Doctour doubble ale. EEBO-TCP.

Shepherd, Luke (1548?]). The vpcheringe of the messe. EEBO-TCP.

Shepherd, Luke and Sir John Mason? (1548?). The comparison betwene the Antipus and the Antigraphe or answere therunto, with. An apologie of the same Antipus. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke? (1548?). Pathose, or an inward passion of the pope for the losse of hys daughter the masse. TUDOR.

Shepherd, Luke ([1548?]). Shepherd: Antipus [1548?]. CH.

Shepherd, Luke ([1548?]). Shepherd: Doctour doubble ale [1548?]. CH.

Shepherd, Luke ([1548?]). Shepherd: John Bon and Mast Person [1548?]. CH.

Shepherd, Luke ([1548?]). Shepherd: Philogamus [1548?]. CH.

Shepherd, Luke ([1548?]). Shepherd: The upcheringe of the messe [1548?]. CH.

Shepherd, Luke ([1548] [See Spurgeon, _An Edition_, p. 11]). John Bon and Mast person. TUDOR.

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Shepherd, Luke ([1549]). Shepherd: A pore helpe [1549]. CH.

Sheppard, Samuel (1646). S. Sheppard: The Times (1646). CH.

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Sheppard, Samuel (1650). Sheppard: The Loves of Amandus and Sophronia (1650). CH.

Sheppard, Samuel (1651). Sheppard: Epigrams theological, philosophical, and romantick (1651). CH.

Sheppard, Samuel (1672). Sheppard: Fortunes Tennis-Ball (1672). CH.

Sherburne, Edward (1675?]). Nathanael Brook, stationer at the Angel in Cornhil, to the reader. EEBO-TCP.

Sherburne, Sir Edward (1648). Sherburne: Seneca's Answer to Lvcilivs (1648). CH.

Sherburne, Sir Edward (1675). Sherburne: The Sphere of Marcus Manilius (1675). CH.

Sherburne, Sir Edward (1701). Sherburne: The Tragedies of Seneca (1701). CH.

Sherburne, Sir Edward (1961). Sherburne, E.: Poems and translations (1961). CH.

Sheridan, Thomas (1677). A discourse of the rise & power of parliaments, of law's, of courts of judicature, of liberty, property, and religion, of the interest of England in reference to the desines of France, of taxes and of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Sheridan, Thomas (1681). Mr. Sheridan's speech after his examination before the late House of Commons on Wednesday the 15th of December 1680. EEBO-TCP.

Sherley, Anthony (1613). Sir Antony Sherley his relation of his trauels into Persia. EEBO-TCP.

Sherley, Thomas (1672). A philosophical essay declaring the probable causes whence stones are produced in the greater world. EEBO-TCP.

Sherley, Thomas ([1678]). The case of Thomas Sherley Esq. one of His Majesties physitians in ordinary, Plaintiff, against Sir John Fagg, Baronet, defendant. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1674]). A discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ and our union and communion with him &c. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1675). A defence and continuation of the discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and our union and communion with Him. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1677). An answer to a late scandalous pamphlet entituled A friendly debate between Satan and Sherlock, written by Thomas Danson. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1681). A practical discourse of religious assemblies. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1682/3 [i.e. 1683]). A resolution of some cases of conscience which respect church-communion. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1683). A letter to Anonymus in answer to his Three letters to Dr. Sherlock about church-communion. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1683). Some seasonable reflections on the discovery of the late plot. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1683). The protestant resolution of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1684). The case of resistance of the supreme powers stated and resolved according to the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1685). A discourse concerning the object of religious worship, or, A Scripture proof of the unlawfulness of giving any religious worship to any other being besides the one supreme God. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1685). A sermon preached at St. Margarets Westminster, May 29, 1685, before the Honourable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1685). A vindication of a passage in Dr. Sherlock's sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1685). A vindication of the rights of ecclesiastical authority. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1686). A discourse concerning a judge of controversies in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1686). A papist not misrepresented by Protestants. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1686). A Protestant of the Church of England, no Donatist, or, Some short notes on Lucilla and Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1686). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Benj. Calamy, D.D. and late minister of St. Lawrence Jewry, London, Jan. 7th, 1686. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1686). An ansvver to a discourse intituled, Papists protesting against Protestant-popery. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1686]). An answer to the Amicable accommodation of the difference between the representer and the answerer. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1687). A brief discourse concerning the notes of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1687). A short summary of the principal controversies between the Church of England, and the church of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1687). A vindication of the Brief discourse concerning the notes of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1687). An answer to a late Dialogue between a new Catholick convert and a Protestant. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1687). An answer to the request to Protestants, to produce plain Scriptures directly authorizing these tenets. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1688?]). A letter to a member of the convention. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1688). A discourse concerning the nature, unity, and communion of the Catholick Church. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1688). A vindication of both parts of the Preservative against popery. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1688). A vindication of some Protestant principles of Church-unity and Catholick-communion, from the charge of agreement with the Church of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1688]). A preservative against popery. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1688]). A preservative against popery. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1689). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at Gvild-hall-Chappel, on Sunday, Nov. 4, 1688. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1689). Observations upon Mr. Johnson's remarks, upon Dr. Sherlock's book of non-resistance. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1689]). A letter to a member of the convention of states in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1689]). A practical discourse concerning death. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1691). A sermon preached at White-Hall, before the Queen, on the 17th of June, 1691. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1691). A vindication of The case of allegiance due to soveraign powers, in reply to An answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, Obedience and submission to the present government, demonstrated from Bishop Overal's convocation-book, with a postscript in answer to Dr. Sherlock's Case of allegiance, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1691). A vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed Trinity and the Incarnation of the Son of God. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1691). The case of the allegiance due to soveraign powers further consider'd, and defended. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1691). Their present Majesties government proved to be throughly settled, and that we may submit to it, without asserting the principles of Mr. Hobbs. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). A practical discourse concerning a future judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). A second letter to a friend, concerning the French invasion. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, January the xxxth, 1691/2. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-hall, February the XIIth, 1691/2. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). A sermon preached at the Temple-Church, May 29. 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-hall, June 26, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1692). The charity of lending without vsury, and the true notion of vsury briefly stated. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1692]). A letter to a friend concerning a French invasion to restore the late King James to his throne. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1693). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Richard Meggot D.D. and late Dean of Winchester, Decemb. 10th, 1692 at Twickenham. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1693). An apology for writing against Socinians, in defence of the doctrines of the Holy Trinity and incarnation. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1694). A defence of the Dean of St. Paul's Apology for writing against the Socinians. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1694). A discourse concerning the divine providence. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1694). A sermon preach'd at the Temple-Church, December 30, 1694, upon the sad occasion of the death of our gracious Queen. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1694]). A defence of Dr. Sherlock's notion of a Trinity in unity. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1696). A modest examination of the authority and reasons of the late decree of the vice-chancellor of Oxford, and some heads of colleges and halls. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1696). The distinction between real and nominal trinitarians examined. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1697). A vindication of Dr. Sherlock's sermon concerning The danger of corrupting the faith by philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1697). The danger of corrupting the faith by philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1697). The nature and measure of charity. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1698). The present state of the Socinian controversy, and the doctrine of the Catholick fathers concerning a trinity in unity. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1699). A sermon preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, November 22, 1699. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William ([1699]). A sermon preach'd on the second of September. EEBO-TCP.

Sherlock, William (1700). Sermons preach'd upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Sherry, Richard ([1550]). A treatise of schemes [and] tropes. EEBO-TCP.

Sherry, Richard ([1555]). A treatise of the figures of grammer and rhetorike. EEBO-TCP.

Sherry, Rychard (1550). Rychard Sherry's "A treatise of Schemes & Tropes": electronic edition. TACT.

Sherry, Rychard (1550). Rychard Sherry's "That chyldren oughte to be taught and brought up gently in vertue and learnynge, and that euen forthwyth from theyr natiuitie: A declamacion of a briefe theme, by Erasmus of Roterodame.": electronic edition. TACT.

Sherwood, Thomas (1641). The charitable pestmaster, or, The cure of the plague. EEBO-TCP.

Shields, Alexander (1687). A hind let loose, or, An historical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the interest of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Shields, Alexander (1688. Edinburgh, re-printed 1690). An elegie upon the death of that famous and faithful minister and martyr, Mr. James Renwick. EEBO-TCP.

Shields, Alexander (1690). A short memorial of the sufferings and grievances past and present of the Presbyterians in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Shields, Alexander (1692). The history of Scotch-presbytery. EEBO-TCP.

Shipman, Thomas (1678). Henry the Third of France, stabb'd by a fryer, with the fall of the Guise. EEBO-TCP.

Shipman, Thomas (1683). Carolina, or, Loyal poems. EEBO-TCP.

Shipman, Thomas (1683). Shipman: Carolina: or, Loyal Poems (1683). CH.

Shirley, James (1629). The vvedding. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1630). The gratefull seruant. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1631). The schoole of complement. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1632). Changes, or, Love in a maze. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1633). A contention for honour and riches. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1633). The bird in a cage. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1635). The traytor. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1637). Hide Parke. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1637). The example. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1637). The gamester. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1637). The lady of pleasure. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1637). The young admirall. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1638). The Dukes mistris. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1638). The royall master. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1639 [i.e. 1640]). The maides revenge. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1639). The ball. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). A pastorall called the Arcadia. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). Loves crueltie. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). St. Patrick for Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). The constant maid. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). The coronation. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). The humorous courtier. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1640). The opportunitie. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1646). Narcissus, or, The self-lover. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1646). Shirley: Poems (1646). CH.

Shirley, James (1648). VVits labyrinth, or, A briefe and compendious abstract of most witty, ingenious, wise, and learned sentences and phrases. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1653). a Six new playes. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1655). The gentleman of Venice. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1655). The politician, a tragedy. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1659). a Honoria and Mammon. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1659). Cupid and death. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1660?]). The grateful servant. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1692). The true impartial history and wars of the Kingdom of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Shirley, James (1921). Shirley: To the King [etc.] (1921). CH.

Shirley, John (1677). The life of the valiant & learned Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight. EEBO-TCP.

Shoreham, William of (1902). Shoreham, William of: Poems (1902). CH.

Shotterel, Robert (1676). Archerie reviv'd, or, The bow-man's excellence. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1630). The bruised reede, and smoaking flax. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1633 [i.e. 1634]). The saints safetie in evill times. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1635). The soules conflict with it selfe, and victory over it self by faith. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1636). Tvvo sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon Iohn XIIII. I. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1637). The Christians portion. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1637). The spirituall-mans aime. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). A glance of Heaven, or, A pretious taste of a glorious feast. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). A miracle of miracles, or, Christ in our nature. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). Divine meditations and holy contemplations. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). Light from heaven. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). The brides longing for her bride-groomes second comming. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). The riches of mercie. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). The saints priuiledge, or, A Christians constant advocate. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1638). Yea and amen, or, pretious promises, and priviledges. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1639). A breathing after God, or, A Christians desire of Gods presence. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1639). An exposition of the third chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1639). Christs exaltation purchast by humiliation. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1639). The Christians end, or, The sweet soveraignty of Christ, over his members in life and death. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1639). Two sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard ([1639]). Beames of divine light. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard ([1639]). Bovvels opened, or, A discovery of the neere and deere love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church, and consequently betwixt Him and every beleeving soule. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1640). Evangelicall sacrifices. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1640). The spirituall favorite at the throne of grace. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1641). A consolatory letter to an afflicted conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Sibbes, Richard (1655). A learned commentary or exposition upon the first chapter of the second Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians. EEBO-TCP.

Sibelius, Caspar (1650). Of the conversion of five thousand and nine hundred East-Indians, in the isle Formosa, neere China. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Algernon (1684). The arraignment, tryal & condemnation of Algernon Sidney, Esq. for high-treason … before the Right Honourable Sir George Jeffreys … Lord Chief Justice of England at His Majesties Court of Kingsbench at Westminster on the 7th, 21th and 27th of November, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Algernon (1698). Discourses concerning government. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Mary, Countess of Pembroke (1602). A poetical rapsody containing diverse sonnets, odes, elegies, madrigalls, and other poesies, both in rime and measured verse. WWP.

Sidney, Mary, Countess of Pembroke Robert Garnier (1595). The tragedie of Antonie. WWP.

Sidney, P. (1590). The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. R3.

Sidney, P. (1591). Astrophel and Stella. R3.

Sidney, P. (1595). Defence of Poesie. R3.

Sidney, P. (1598). The Lady of May. R3.

Sidney, Philip (1590). The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Philip (1591). Syr P.S. his Astrophel and Stella. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Philip (1591). Astrophel and Stella. TACT.

Sidney, Philip (1593). The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Philip (1595). An apologie for poetrie. EEBO-TCP.

Sidney, Philip (1595). Defence of Poesie. TACT.

Sidney, Philip (1605). Sir Philip Sidney's The Lady of May. OTA.

Sidney, Philip (1605). The Lady of May. TACT.

Sidney, Philip (1968). Defence of poesie (Ponsonby, 1595). OTA.

Sidney, Sir Philip (1912). Sidney: The Complete Works (1912). CH.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard (1822). Traits of the aborigines of America. A poem. WWP.

Sikes, George (1662). The life and death of Sir Henry Vane, Kt., or, A short narrative of the main passages of his earthly pilgrimage. EEBO-TCP.

Sikes, George (1667). The book of nature. EEBO-TCP.

Sikes, George (1680. Sold by Samuel Lee, at the Feathers in Lombard-Street, near Popes-head Alley, [1680]). An exposition of Ecclesiastes, or, The preacher. EEBO-TCP.

Sikes, George (1698). A wakening call, or, An alarm from heaven to the wise and foolish virgins. EEBO-TCP.

Silesio, Mariano (1635). The Arcadian princesse, or, The triumph of iustice. EEBO-TCP.

Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius (1661). The second Punick vvar betwwen Hannibal, and the Romanes. EEBO-TCP.

Simons, Joseph (1663). An answer to Doctor Piercie's sermon preached before His Majesty at White-Hall, Feb. 1, 1663. EEBO-TCP.

Simson, Patrick (1613[-1616]). A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Simson, Patrick (1624). The historie of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Sinclair, George (1672). The hydrostaticks, or, The weight, force, and pressure of fluid bodies, made evident by physical, and sensible experiments. EEBO-TCP.

Sinclair, George (1683). Natural philosophy improven by new experiments. EEBO-TCP.

Sinclair, George (1685). Satan's invisible world discovered, or, A choice collection of modern relations. EEBO-TCP.

Sinclair, George (1688). The principles of astronomy and navigation, or, A clear, short, yet full explanation of all circles of the celestial and terrestrial globes. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John (1499?). Here begynneth a lytell treatyse named the bowge of courte. TUDOR.

Skelton, John ([1499?]). Here begynneth a lytell treatyse named The bowge of courte. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John ([1513]). A ballade of the Scottysshe kynge. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John (1523). A ryght delectable tratyse vpon a goodly garlande or chapelet of laurell. TUDOR.

Skelton, John ([1523]). A ryght delectable treatyse upon a goodly garlande or chapelet of laurell. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John (1527?). Skelton laureate agaynste a comely coystrowne. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1527?]). Skelton Laureate agaynste a comely coystrowne. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John (1528?]). Here folowythe dyuers balettys and dyties solacyous. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John (1530?). Magnyfycence a goodly interlude and a mery. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1531?). Here after foloweth a lytell boke called Collyn Clout. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth a lytell boke whiche hath to name why come ye nat to courte. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth certayne bokes compyled by mayster Skelton. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth certayne bokes compyled by mayster Skelton. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth certayne bokes, compyled by mayster Skelton. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth certayne bokes, compyled by mayster Skelton. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?). Here after foloweth the boke of Phyllyp Sparowe. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1545?]). Here after foloweth certayne bokes, co[m]pyled by mayster Skelton, Poet Laureat. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John ([1545?]). Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John ([1545?]). Here after foloweth a lytell boke, whiche hath to name, Why come ye nat to courte. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John ([1545?]). Here after foloweth the boke of Phyllyp Sparowe compyled by mayster Skelton Poete Laureate. EEBO-TCP.

Skelton, John (1548). The Vnion of the two noble and illustrate famelies of Lancastre and Yorke [by Edward Halle]. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1568). Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton. Nowe collected and newly published. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1568). Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton. Nowe collected and newly published. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1568). Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton. Nowe collected and newly published. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1568). Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton. Nowe collected and newly published. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1568). Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton. Nowe collected and newly published. TUDOR.

Skelton, John (1589). Skelton: A Skeltonicall Salvtation (1589). CH.

Skelton, John (1856). Skelton: Poetical Works (1856). CH.

Skelton, John. TUDOR.

Skelton, John. TUDOR.

Skelton, John. TUDOR.

Skelton, John. TUDOR.

Skelton, John ([1513]). A ballade of the scottysshe kynge. TUDOR.

Skelton, John ([1528]). Honorificatissimo amplissimo … A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers. TUDOR.

Skene, Alexander (1675). A true and faithful accompt of the most material passages of a dispute betwixt some students of divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene and the people called Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Skinner (1694). Some observations made upon the Russia seed. EEBO-TCP.

Skinner, John (1624). A true relation of the vniust, cruell, and barbarous proceedings against the English at Amboyna in the East-Indies, by the Neatherlandish gouernour and councel there. EEBO-TCP.

Slater (1636). The new-yeeres gift. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1653). Epithalamium, or, Solomons song. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1653). Slater: Epithalamium (1653). CH.

Slater, Samuel (1659). The protectors protection, or, The pious prince guarded by a praying people. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1671). A treatise of growth in grace. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1679). Poems in two parts. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1679). Vincentius redivivus, a funeral sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1680). A sermon preached (May 16. 1680.) at the funeral of Mr Tho. Gilson, late minister of the Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1682). A funeral sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1688). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London at Grocers-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1690). The souls return to its God, in life, and at death. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1691). A discourse of closet (or secret) prayer from Matt. VI 6. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel ([1691]). A funeral-sermon upon occasion of the death of Mrs. Lobb. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1693). A sermon preach'd at Crosby-Square, Jan. 8, 1692. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1693). A sermon preached on the Thanksgiving day the 27 day of October, 1692 at Crosby Square. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel (1694). An earnest call to family-religion, or, A discourse concerning family-worship. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel ([1695]). A funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. William Rathband. EEBO-TCP.

Slater, Samuel ([1679]). Slater: Poems in two parts [1679]. CH.

Slater, Samuel ([1688]). Slater: A Rhetoricall Rapture [1688]. CH.

Slingsby, Henry (1658). A father's legacy. EEBO-TCP.

Slingsby, Henry (1658). The several tryals of Sir Henry Slingsby, Kt., John Hewet, D.D., and John Mordant, Esq., for high treason, in Westminster-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Smalridge, George (1687). Animadversions on the eight theses laid down, and the inferences deduced from them in a discourse entitl'd Church-Government part V, lately printed at Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Smart, Peter (1640). A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Durham, Iuly, 7. 1628. EEBO-TCP.

Smectymnuus (1641). An answer to a booke entitvled An hvmble remonstrance. EEBO-TCP.

Smectymnuus (1654). Smectymnuus redivivus. EEBO-TCP.

Smectymnuus ([1654]). A vindication of the answer to the humble remonstrance from the unjust imputation of frivolousnesse and falshood. EEBO-TCP.

Smerte, ?([1496]). The Epitaffe of the moste noble and valyaunt Iasper late duke of Beddeforde. TUDOR.

Smith, Charlotte (Turner) (1793). The old manor house [vol. 3]. WWP.

Smith, Charlotte (Turner) (1819). Conversations introducing poetry, chiefly on subjects of natural history, for the use of young persons. WWP.

Smith, James (1681). Smith's experiments. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, John (1608). "A True Relation of Occurences and Accidents in Virginia, 1608". EarlyUVa.

Smith, John (1612). "A Map of Virginia. With a Description of the Countrey, the Commodities, People, Government and Religion.". EarlyUVa.

Smith, John (1665). The mysterie of rhetorique unveil'd. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, Miles (1602). A learned and godly sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, Miles (1632). Sermons of the Right Reuerend Father in God Miles Smith, late Lord Bishop of Glocester. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, Sir Thomas (1963). Smith, Thomas: Certaigne psalmes or songues of David (1963). CH.

Smith, Thomas (1583). De republica Anglorum. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, Thomas (1659). The Quaker disarm'd, or, A true relation of a late publick dispute held at Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, Walter (1573). XII. mery iests, of the wyddow Edyth. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, Walter (1573). Smith, Walter: XII mery gestes (1573). CH.

Smith, Wentworth (1615). The Hector of Germany, or, The Palsgraue, prime Elector. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, William (1679). The wisdom of the earthly wife confounded, or, A manifestation of the spirits of some envious professors. EEBO-TCP.

Smith, William (1970). Smith, W.: The Poems (1970). CH.

Smyth, R ([1540]). An artificiall apologie, articulerlye answerynge to the obstreperous obgannynges of one W. G. … Repercussed by … R. Smyth P. with annotacions of … master Mynterne. TUDOR.

Smyth, Thomas ([1540]). A treatyse declarynge the despyte of a secrete sedycyous person, that dareth not shewe hym selfe. TUDOR.

Smyth, Thomas ([1540]). An enuoye from Thomas Smyth vpon thaunswer of one.W.G. TUDOR.

Smyth, Thomas ([c. 1540]). A lytell treatyse agaynst sedicyous persons. TUDOR.

Smythe, John (1. Maij. 1590). Certain discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Smythe, John (1594). [Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie,. EEBO-TCP.

Solinus, C. Julius (1587). The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor. EEBO-TCP.

Solomon and Marcolphus ([1529?]). [Anon.]: The sayinges or proverbes of King Salomon [1529?]. CH.

Somerset, William Seymour (3, 1642). New plots discovered against the Parliament and the peace of the kingdome. EEBO-TCP.

Somner, William (1640). The antiquities of Canterbury, or, A survey of that ancient citie, with the suburbs, and cathedrall. EEBO-TCP.

Somner, William ([1669]). Chartham news, or, A brief relation of some strange bones there lately digged up. EEBO-TCP.

Somner, William (1693). A treatise of the Roman ports and forts in Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Songbooks (1562). [Miscellaneous]: The whole booke of Psalmes (1562). CH.

Songbooks (1588). Byrd: Superius. Psalmes, Sonets, & Songs (1588). CH.

Songbooks (1588). Yonge: Mvsica transalpina (1588). CH.

Songbooks (1589). Byrd: Songs of sundrie natures (1589). CH.

Songbooks (1594). Morley: Madrigalls. To Foure Voyces (1594). CH.

Songbooks (1594). Mundy: Songs and Psalmes (1594). CH.

Songbooks (1595). Morley: The first booke of balletts (1595). CH.

Songbooks (1595). Morley: The first booke of canzonets to two voyces (1595). CH.

Songbooks (1596). [Anon.]: A nevv Booke of Tabliture (1596). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Dowland, J.: The First booke of Songes or Ayres of fowre partes (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Holborne, W.: The cittharn schoole (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Morley, T.: Canzonets. Or little short songs to foure voyces (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Morley: Canzonets (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Morley: Canzonets (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Morley: Within this crosse here may you find (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Weelkes: Madrigals (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1597). Yonge: Musica Transalpina (1597). CH.

Songbooks (1598). Cavendish, Michael: Ayrs and madrigalles (1598). CH.

Songbooks (1598). Farnaby: Canzonets to fowre voyces (1598). CH.

Songbooks (1598). Morley: Madrigals to fiue voyces (1598). CH.

Songbooks (1598). Weelkes: Balletts and madrigals to fiue voyces (1598). CH.

Songbooks (1598). Wilbye: The first set of English Madrigals to 3. 4. 5. and 6. voices (1598). CH.

Songbooks (1599). Bennet, J.: Madrigalls to four voyces (1599). CH.

Songbooks (1599). Farmer: The first set of English Madrigals: To Foure Voices (1599). CH.

Songbooks (1600). Dowland: The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres, of 2. 4. and 5. parts (1600). CH.

Songbooks (1600). Jones, R.: The first booke of songes & ayres of foure parts (1600). CH.

Songbooks (1600). Weelkes: Madrigals of 5. and 6. parts (1600). CH.

Songbooks (1601). Carlton: Madrigals to Fiue voyces (1601). CH.

Songbooks (1601). Jones, R.: The first and the second booke of songs and ayres (1601). CH.

Songbooks (1601). Morley, T.: Madrigales (1601). CH.

Songbooks (1602). Davison: A Poetical Rapsody (1602). CH.

Songbooks (1602). Morley: Canzonets (1602). CH.

Songbooks (1603). Dowland: The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603). CH.

Songbooks (1604). Bateson: The first set of English madrigales (1604). CH.

Songbooks (1604). East: Madrigales to 3. 4. and 5. parts (1604). CH.

Songbooks (1604). Greaves, T.: Songes of Sundrie Kindes (1604). CH.

Songbooks (1605). Hume, T.: The first part of ayres (1605). CH.

Songbooks (1605). Jones, R.: Vltimvm vale (1605). CH.

Songbooks (1605). Pilkington, F.: The first booke of Songs or Ayres of 4. parts (1605). CH.

Songbooks (1606). Alison: An howres recreation in Musicke (1606). CH.

Songbooks (1606). Bartlet: A booke of ayres … 4. Partes to sing (1606). CH.

Songbooks (1606). Cooper, J: Fvneral Teares (1606). CH.

Songbooks (1606). Danyel: Songs for the lvte viol and Voice (1606). CH.

Songbooks (1606). East (or Este): The Second set of Madrigales to 3. 4. and 5. parts (1606). CH.

Songbooks (1607). Ford, T.: Musicke of sundrie kindes (1607). CH.

Songbooks (1607). Hume, T.: Captaine Hvmes Poeticall Musicke (1607). CH.

Songbooks (1607). Jones, R.: The first set of Madrigals, of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Parts (1607). CH.

Songbooks (1608). Weelkes: Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites (1608). CH.

Songbooks (1608). Youll, H.: Canzonets to three voyces (1608). CH.

Songbooks (1609). Ferrabosco, A.: Ayres (1609). CH.

Songbooks (1609). Jones, R.: A Mvsicall Dreame (1609). CH.

Songbooks (1609). Ravenscroft: Deuteromelia (1609). CH.

Songbooks (1609). Ravenscroft: Pammelia (1609). CH.

Songbooks (1609). Robinson, T.: New Citharen Lessons (1609). CH.

Songbooks (1609). Wilbye: The second set of Madrigals (1609). CH.

Songbooks (1610). Dowland: A mvsical banqvet (1610). CH.

Songbooks (1610). East: The third set of bookes (1610). CH.

Songbooks (1610). Jones, R.: The Muses Gardin for Delights (1610). CH.

Songbooks (1611). Byrd: Psalmes, Songs, and Sonnets (1611). CH.

Songbooks (1611). Maynard: The XII. Wonders of the world (1611). CH.

Songbooks (1611). Ravenscroft: Melismata. Musicall phansies (1611). CH.

Songbooks (1612). Corkine: The second booke of ayres (1612). CH.

Songbooks (1612). Dowland: A Pilgrimes Solace. Wherein is contained Musicall Harmonie of 3. 4. and 5. parts (1612). CH.

Songbooks (1612). Gibbons: The first set of Madrigals and Mottets of 5. Parts (1612). CH.

Songbooks (1613). Lichfield, A.: The first set of Madrigals of 5. Parts (1613). CH.

Songbooks (1613). Pilkington: Madrigals and Pastorals in 3. 4. and 5. Parts (1613). CH.

Songbooks (1613). Ward, J.: The first set of English Madrigals: To 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts (1613). CH.

Songbooks (1615). Amner: Sacred Hymns (1615). CH.

Songbooks (1615). Tailour: Sacred Hymns (1615). CH.

Songbooks (1616). Corkine: Ayres to sing and play (1616). CH.

Songbooks (1618). Bateson: The second set of madrigales to 3. 4. 5. and 6. Parts (1618). CH.

Songbooks (1618). East: The fovrth set of bookes (1618). CH.

Songbooks (1619). Vautor, T.: The first set (1619). CH.

Songbooks (1620). Peerson: Priuate Musicke (1620). CH.

Songbooks (1622). Attey: The first booke of ayres of foure parts (1622). CH.

Songbooks (1624). East, M.: An Aire of a Canzo (1624). CH.

Songbooks (1624). Pilkington F.: The second set of Madrigals, and Pastorals (1624). CH.

Songbooks (1627). Hilton: Ayres (1627). CH.

Songbooks (1630). Peerson, M.: Mottects or grave chamber mvsiqve of fiue parts (1630). CH.

Songbooks (1632). Porter, W.: Madrigales and ayres (1632). CH.

Songbooks (1652). [Anon.]: Musicks Recreation (1652). CH.

Songbooks (1652). [Miscellaneous]: Select Musicall Ayres, and dialogues. CH.

Songbooks (1652). Hilton, J.: Catch that Catch can (1652). CH.

Songbooks (1653). [Miscellaneous]: Select Mvsical Ayres and dialogves (1653). CH.

Songbooks (1653). Lawes: Ayres and Dialogues (1653). CH.

Songbooks (1655). Lawes: The second book of ayres, and dialogues (1655). CH.

Songbooks (1656). Gamble, J.: Ayres and Dialogues (1656). CH.

Songbooks (1658). Lawes: Ayres and dialogues, the third book (1658). CH.

Songbooks (1659). Gamble: Ayres and dialogues (1659). CH.

Songbooks (1660). Wilson, J.: Cheerfull Ayres (1660). CH.

Songbooks (1669). Lawes, H.: The treasury of musick (1669). CH.

Songbooks (1670). Playford: A brief introduction to the skill of musick (1670). CH.

Songbooks ([1614]). Ravenscroft: A briefe discourse of the true use of charact'ring the degrees in measurable mvsicke (1614). CH.

Songbooks ([1622]). Tomkins, T.: Songs [1622]. CH.

Soowthern, John (1584). Soowthern: Pandora (1584). CH.

Soranzo, Lazzaro (1603). The Ottoman of Lazaro Soranzo. EEBO-TCP.

Soto, Andrés de (1634). The ransome of time being captive. EEBO-TCP.

Souligné (1698). The political mischiefs of popery, or, Arguments demonstrating I. that the romish religion ruines all those countries where 'tis establish'd. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1660). Interest deposed, and truth restored, or, A word in season, delivered in two sermons. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1663). A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Novemb. 9, 1662. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1665). A sermon preached before the covrt at Christchurch Chappel in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1666). A sermon preached at Lambeth-Chappel on the 25th of November, upon the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr John Dolben, Lord Bishop of Rochester. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1692). Twelve sermons preached upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1693). Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book, entituled A vindication of the holy and ever-blessed Trinity, &c. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert ([1693]). A table of the additions and alterations made in the second edition of the Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book of the Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1694). Twelve sermons preached upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1695). Tritheism charged upon Dr. Sherlock's new notion of the Trinity and the charge made good. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1698). Twelve sermons upon several subjects and occasions. EEBO-TCP.

South, Robert (1700). Musica incantans, or, The power of music, a poem. EEBO-TCP.

Southerne, Thomas (1682). The loyal brother, or, The Persian prince. EEBO-TCP.

Southerne, Thomas (1692). The wives excuse, or, Cuckolds make themselves. EEBO-TCP.

Southerne, Thomas (1693). The maids last prayer, or, Any, rather than fail. EEBO-TCP.

Southerne, Thomas (1694). The fatal marriage, or, The innocent adultery. EEBO-TCP.

Southerne, Thomas (1696). Oroonoko. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1587?]). An epistle of comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1591). Marie Magdalens funeral teares. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1595 [i.e. 1600]). An humble supplication to her Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1595). Mœoniæ, or, Certaine excellent poems and spirituall hymnes : omitted in the last impression of Peters complaint. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1595). Saint Peters complaynt. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1595). The triumphs ouer death, or, A consolatorie epistle, for afflicted mindes, in the affects of dying friends. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1595). Southwell, R.: Moeoniæ (1595). CH.

Southwell, Robert (1595). Southwell: Saint Peters complaint (1595). CH.

Southwell, Robert (1595). Southwell: Saint Peters complaynt (1595). CH.

Southwell, Robert (1602). Southwell, R.: Saint Peters Complaint (1602). CH.

Southwell, Robert (1622). A short rule of good life. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1632). The dutifull advice of a loving sonne to his aged father. EEBO-TCP.

Southwell, Robert (1856). Southwell: The Poetical Works (1856). CH.

Sowernam, E. (1617). Ester hath hang'd Haman. R3.

Sowernam, Ester (1617). Ester hath hang'd Haman: or, an answer to a lewd pamphlet, entituled, the arraignment of women. WWP.

Spalding, John (1690). A sermon preached before His Grace George Earl of Melvil. EEBO-TCP.

Sparrow, Anthony (1672). A rationale upon the Book of common prayer of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, John (1601?]). A description of the ciuill vvarres of England. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, John (1611 and are to be solde by Iohn Sudbury & Georg Humble, in Popes-head alley at ye signe of ye white Horse, [1611]). The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, John ([1620]). A cloud of vvitnesses. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, John (1646). A prospect of the most famous parts of the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, John (1676). An epitome of Mr. John Speed's Theatre of the empire of Great Britain. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, John (1680). Batt upon Batt. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, Samuel (1673). The prisoners complaint to the King's Most Excellent Majestie, or, The cries of the Kings Bench. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, Samuel (1673). Speed: The Prisoner's Complaint (1673). CH.

Speed, Samuel (1674). Fragmenta carceris, or, The Kings-bench scuffle, with the humours of the common-side. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, Samuel (1674). Speed: The King's Bench Scuffle (1674). CH.

Speed, Samuel (1677). Prison-pietie, or, Meditations divine and moral. EEBO-TCP.

Speed, Samuel (1677). Speed: Prison-Pietie (1677). CH.

Speed, Samuel (1682). Speed: Gigantomaxia (1682). CH.

Speght, R. (1617). A Mouzell for Melastomus. R3.

Speght, R. (1621). Mortalities Memorandum. R3.

Speght, Rachel (1617). A mouzell for Melastomus, the cynicall bayter of, and foule mouthed barker against Euahs sex, or, An apologeticall answere to that irreligious and illiterate pamphlet made by Io. Sw. and by him intituled, The arraignement of women. EEBO-TCP.

Speght, Rachel (1617). A mouzell for Melastomus, the cynical bayter of, and foule barker against Evahs sex. WWP.

Speght, Rachel (1621). Mortalities memorandum, with a dreame prefixed, imaginarie in manner, reall in matter. WWP.

Spelman, Henry (1616). De non temerandis ecclesiis. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, Henry (1641). De sepultura. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, Henry (1646). An apology of the treatise De non temerandis ecclesiis. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, Henry (1647). The larger treatise concerning tithes. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, Henry (1656). Villare Anglicum, or, A vievv of the tovvnes of England. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, Henry (1684). Of the law-terms, a discourse. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, Henry (1698). The history and fate of sacrilege. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, John (1642). Certain considerations upon the duties both of prince and people. EEBO-TCP.

Spelman, John (1643). The case of our affaires in law, religion, and other circumstances examined and presented to the conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John (1461 [i.e. 1641]). A discovrse of divers petitions of high concernment and great consequence. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John (1641). A short treatise concerning the lawfullnese of every mans exercising his gift as God shall call him thereunto. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John ([1655]). Scripture mistaken. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John (1660). The righteous ruler. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John (1663). A discourse concerning prodigies. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John (1665). A discourse concerning vulgar prophecies. EEBO-TCP.

Spencer, John (1688). The schism of the Church of England etc. demonstrated in four arguments. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, E. Letters from Spenser to Gabriel Harvey. R3.

Spenser, E. (1579). The Shepheardes Calender. R3.

Spenser, E. (1591). Complaints. R3.

Spenser, E. (1592-1599). Sonnets by Spenser from Various Sources. R3.

Spenser, E. (1595). Amoretti and Epithalamion. R3.

Spenser, E. (1595). Colin Clouts Come Home Againe. R3.

Spenser, E. (1596). A View of the Present State of Ireland. R3.

Spenser, E. (1596). Astrophel and Stella. R3.

Spenser, E. (1596). Daphnaïda. R3.

Spenser, E. (1596). Four Hymnes. R3.

Spenser, E. (1596). Prothalamion. R3.

Spenser, E. (1596). The Faerie Queene. R3.

Spenser, Edmund (1579). The shepheardes calender. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1579). The Shepheardes Calender. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1580). Three proper, and wittie, familiar letters. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1580). Spenser-Harvey correspondence. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund (1590). The faerie qveene. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1591). Complaints. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1595). Amoretti and Epithalamion. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1595). Colin Clouts come home againe. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1595). Colin Clouts Come Home Againe. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). Prothalamion, or, A spousall verse. EEBO-TCP.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). Astrophel. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). Daphnaida. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). Four Hymnes. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). Prothalamion. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Book I. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Book II. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Book III. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Book IV. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Book V. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Book VI. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Faerie Queene: Introduction. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1596). The Mutabilitie Cantos. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund (1890). The shepheardes calender, 1579 [Electronic resource] /. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund (1909). The faerie queene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund (1910). Amoretti and Epithalamion. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund (1932-1949). Spenser: The Works (1932-1949). CH.

Spenser, Edmund Sidney, Mary, Countess of Pembroke (1595). Colin Clout's come home againe. WWP.

Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 (1579). Shepheardes Calendar. EarlyUVa.

Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 (1591). Colin Clouts Come Home Againe. EarlyUVa.

Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 (1591). Prosopopoia: Or Mother Hubberds Tale. EarlyUVa.

Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 (1594). Amoretti and Epithalamion. EarlyUVa.

Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 (1594). Amoretti and Epithalamion. EarlyUVa.

Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 (1596). Fowre Hymnes. EarlyUVa.

Spenser, Edmund. Letter to Raleigh and Commendatory Poems, &c. TACT.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The faerie qveene. OTA.

Spenser, Edmund. The shepheardes calender. OTA.

Spinoza, Benedict De1632-1677 (1677). Political Treatise. EarlyUVa.

Spinoza, Benedictus de (1689). A treatise partly theological, and partly political. EEBO-TCP.

Spottiswood, John (1655). The history of the Church of Scotland, beginning in the year of our Lord 203 and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI of ever blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1659). Sprat: To The Happie Memory (1659). CH.

Sprat, Thomas (1665). Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage into England. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1665). The plague of Athens, which hapned in the second year of the Peloponnesian Warre. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1667). The history of the Royal-Society of London for the improving of natural knowledge. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1677). A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, Decemb. the 24th. 1676. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1678). A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting the Sons of Clergy-men. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1678). A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at St. Margarets Westminster, January 30th 1677/8. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1682). A sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London at St. Mary Le Bow, April 20, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1682). A sermon preached before the Lord mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, on the 29th of January 1681/2. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1684). A sermon preach'd before the right honourable Sir Henry Tulse, Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, and the citizens of the city of London, on May the 29th, 1684. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1685). A true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against the late King, His present Majesty and the government. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1685). Copies of the information and original papers relating to the proof of the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his present Majesty, and the government. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1688?]). The Lord Bishop of Rochester's letter to the right honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Ecclesiastical Court. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1688). A letter from the Bishop of Rochester, to the right honourable the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Lord-Chamberlain of His Majesties houshold. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1689). The Bishop of Rochester's second letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's household. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1690). A sermon preached before the King and Queen at Whitehal, on Good-Friday, 1690. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1692). A relation of the late wicked contrivance of Stephen Blackhead, and Robert Young, against the lives of several persons by forging an association under their hands. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1693). A sermon preach'd to the natives of the county of Dorset, residing in and about the cities of London and Westminster, at St. Mary Le Bowe, on Dec. 8, 1692, being the day of their anniversary feast. EEBO-TCP.

Sprat, Thomas (1709). Sprat: The Plague of Athens (1709). CH.

Sprigg, William (1657). Essayes with brief adviso's. EEBO-TCP.

Sprigg, William (1660). The royal and happy poverty, or, A meditation on the felicities of an innocent and happy poverty. EEBO-TCP.

St. Serfe, Thomas ([1661]). The scout of Cockeny. EEBO-TCP.

St. Serfe, Thomas (1668). Tarugo's wiles, or, The coffee-house. EEBO-TCP.

St. Teresa of Avila. The Interior Castle or The Mansions. CCEL.

Stafford, Thomas (1633). Ireland appeased and reduced, or, An historie of the late vvarres of Ireland, especially within the province of Mounster, vnder the government of Sir George Carew, Knight, then Lord President of that province, and afterwards Lord Carevv of Clopton, and Earle of Totnes, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Stagg, Anne (1641). A true copie of the petition of the gentlewomen,and tradesmens wives, in and about the city of London. WWP.

Stair, James Dalrymple (1681). Modus litigandi, or, Form of process, observed before the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Stair, James Dalrymple (1681). The institutions of the law of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Stair, James Dalrymple ([1695]). A vindication of the divine perfections. EEBO-TCP.

Stamford, Henry Grey (22, [1642]). Exceeding joyfull nevves from the Earl of Stamford, and the Lord Wharton, and the Lord Kymbolton. EEBO-TCP.

Stanbridge, John ([1560?]). Vocabula Magistri, Stanbrigij. EEBO-TCP.

Stanley, Thomas (1651). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Stanley, Thomas (1656). The history of philosophy, in eight parts. EEBO-TCP.

Stanley, Thomas (1660). Psalterium Carolinum. EEBO-TCP.

Stanley, Thomas (1662). The history of the Chaldaick philosophy. EEBO-TCP.

Stanley, Thomas (1850). Stanley, Thomas (d.1570): The Stanley Poem (1850). CH.

Stanley, Thomas, the elder (1647). Stanley, T.: Poems and translations (1647). CH.

Stanley, Thomas, the elder (1651). Stanley, T., the elder: Anacreon. Bion. Moschvs. Kisses, by Secundus. Cvpid crvcified, by Ausonius. Venvs vigils, Incerto Authore (1651). CH.

Stanley, Thomas, the elder (1651). Stanley, T.: Poems (1651). CH.

Stanley, Thomas, the elder (1655). Stanley, T., the elder: The History of Philosophy (1655). CH.

Stanley, Thomas, the elder (1657). Stanley, T., the elder: Psalterium Carolinum (1657). CH.

Stanyhurst, Richard (1582). Stanyhurst: The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis (1582). CH.

Staphylus, Fridericus (1565). The apologie of Fridericus Staphylus counseller to the late Emperour Ferdinandus, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Stapylton, Robert (1663). The slighted maid. EEBO-TCP.

Stapylton, Robert (1664). The step-mother. EEBO-TCP.

Stapylton, Robert (1669). The tragedie of Hero and Leander. EEBO-TCP.

Stapylton, Robert (8, 1651). A more full relation of the great victory obtained by our forces near Worchester, the taking of the city of Worcester and totall routing of the Scotch army. EEBO-TCP.

Starkey, Thomas ([1536]). A preface to the Kynges hyghnes. EEBO-TCP.

Statius, P. Papinius (1648). An essay upon Statius, or, The five first books of Publ. Papinius Statius his Thebais. EEBO-TCP.

Steele, Richard (1667). An antidote against distractions, or, An indeavour to serve the church, in the daily case of wandrings in the worship of God. EEBO-TCP.

Steele, Richard (1668). The husbandmans calling. EEBO-TCP.

Steele, Richard (1672). A plain discourse upon uprightness. EEBO-TCP.

Steele, Richard (1684). A scheme and abstract of the Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.

Steele, Richard (1688). A discourse concerning old-age. EEBO-TCP.

Steele, Richard (1695). The procession. EEBO-TCP.

Stennett, Joseph (1695). Advice to the young, or, The reasonableness and advantages of an early conversion to God demonstrated, in three discourses on Ecclesiastes xii, I. EEBO-TCP.

Stennett, Joseph (1697). Hymns in commemoration of the sufferings of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Stennett, Joseph (1725?]). Hymns compos'd for the celebration of the holy ordinance of baptism. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, Edward (1691). An admonition concerning a publick fast. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, Jeremiah (1660). An apology for the ancient right and power of the bishops to sit and vote in parliaments …. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, John (1613). Cinthia's reuenge, or, Mænanders extasie. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, John (1615). Essayes and characters, ironicall, and instructiue. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, John (1615). Satyrical essayes characters and others, or, Accurate and quick descriptions, fitted to the life of their subiects. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, Nathaniel (1656). A plain and easie calculation of the name, mark, and number of the name of the beast …. EEBO-TCP.

Stephens, Thomas (1661). Ad magistratum. EEBO-TCP.

Stephenson, Marmaduke (1660). A call from death to life. EEBO-TCP.

Stephenson, William (1565). Gammer Gvrtons Nedle. NTNU.

Stepney, George (1691). An epistle to Charles Montague Esq., on His Majesty's voyage to Holland. EEBO-TCP.

Stepney, George (1691). Stepney, G.: Epistle to Charles Montague (1691). CH.

Stepney, George (1693). Stepney: The eighth satyr of Juvenal (1693). CH.

Stepney, George (1695). A poem dedicated to the blessed memory of her late gracious Majesty Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Stepney, George (1695). Stepney: Poems Dedicated to the Blessed Memory of her late Gracious Majesty Queen Mary (1695). CH.

Stepney, George (1749). Stepney, G.: Works (1749). CH.

Sterne, John (1648). A confirmation and discovery of witchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Sternhold, Thomas (1562). The Whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into Englysh MetR3. NebMusic.

Sterry, Peter (1645). The spirit convincing of sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Sterry, Peter (1648). The clouds in which Christ comes. EEBO-TCP.

Sterry, Peter (1652). England's deliverance from the northern presbytery, compared with its deliverance from the Roman papacy. EEBO-TCP.

Sterry, Peter (1657). The way of God with his people in these nations. EEBO-TCP.

Sterry, Peter (1670). Free grace exalted, and thence deduced. EEBO-TCP.

Sterry, Peter (1675). A discourse of the freedom of the will. EEBO-TCP.

Sterry, Peter (1683). The rise, race, and royalty of the kingdom of God in the soul of man. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1645). Occasions off-spring, or, Poems upon severall occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1645). Stevenson, M.: Occasions Off-spring (1645). CH.

Stevenson, Matthew (1661). Bellum presbyteriale, or, As much said for the presbyter as may be. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1661). The twelve moneths, or, A pleasant and profitable discourse of every action, whether of labour or recreation, proper to each particular moneth. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1661). Stevenson, M.: Bellum Presbyteriale (1661). CH.

Stevenson, Matthew (1662). Florus Britannicus, or, An exact epitome of the history of England, from William the Conquerour to the twelfth year of the reign of His Sacred Majesty Charls the Second, now flourishing. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1662). Stevenson, M.: Florus Britannicus (1662). CH.

Stevenson, Matthew (1665). Stevenson, M.: Poems (1665). CH.

Stevenson, Matthew (1673). Norfolk drollery, or, A compleat collection of the newest songs, jovial poems, and catches, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1673). Stevenson, M.: Poems (1673). CH.

Stevenson, Matthew (1680). The vvits paraphras'd, or, Paraphrase upon paraphrase. EEBO-TCP.

Stevenson, Matthew (1680). Stevenson, M.: The wits paraphras'd (1680). CH.

Stevin, Simon (1599). The hauen-finding art, or, The vvay to find any hauen or place at sea, by the latitude and variation. EEBO-TCP.

Steward, Richard (1658). Three sermons preached by the Reverend and learned Dr. Richard Stuart …. EEBO-TCP.

Steward, Richard (1659). Trias sacra, a second ternary of sermons preached. EEBO-TCP.

Steward, Richard (1682). The old Puritan detected and defeated, or, A brief treatise shewing how by the artifice of pulpit-prayers our dissenters, at all times, have endeavour'd to undermine the liturgy of the reformed Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Steward, Richard (1683). A discourse of Episcopacy and sacrilege by way of letter. EEBO-TCP.

Steward, Richard (1684). Several short, but seasonable discourses touching common and private prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Steward, Richard (1687). The English case, exactly set down by Hezekiah's reformation. EEBO-TCP.

Stewart, John, of Baldyneiss (1912-1913). Stewart: Poems (1912 -1913). CH.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1662). A discourse concerning the power of excommunication in a Christian church, by way of appendix to the Irenicum. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1662). Irenicum, a weapon-salve for the churches wounds, or The divine right of particular forms of church-government. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1662). Origines sacræ, or, A rational account of the grounds of Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the Scriptures and the matters therein contained. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1665). A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1666). A reply to Mr. J.S. his 3d. appendix. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1666). A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at St. Margarets Westminster, Octob. 10, 1666. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1667). A sermon preached before the King, March 13, 1666/7. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1669). A sermon preached before the King, January 30, 1668/9, being the day of the execrable murther of King Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1669). Six sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1671). A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome and the danger of salvation in the communion of it. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1673). A second discourse in vindication of the Protestant grounds of faith, against the pretence of infallibility in the Roman Church. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1673). An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of salvation in the communion of it. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1673). Sermons preached on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1674). A sermon preached November V, 1673, at St. Margarets Westminst. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1674). The reformation justify'd. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1675). An answer to Mr. Cressy's Epistle apologetical to a person of honour. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1677). A letter to a deist, in answer to several objections against the truth and authority of the scriptures. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1678). A sermon preached on the fast-day, November 13, 1678, at St. Margarets Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1679). A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, March 7, 1678/9. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1679). Several conferences between a Romish priest, a fanatick chaplain, and a divine of the Church of England concerning the idolatry of the Church of Rome, being a full answer to the late dialogues of T.G. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1680). The grand question, concerning the Bishops right to vote in Parliament in cases capital. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1681). A sermon preached at White-Hall, February the 19th, 1685/6. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1681). Protestant charity. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1681). The unreasonableness of separation, or, An impartial account of the history, nature, and pleas of the present separation from the communion of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1682). Of the nature of superstition. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1684). A sermon preached before the King, February the 15, 1683/4. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1685). A sermon preached at a publick ordination at St. Peter's Cornhill, March 15th 1684/5. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1685). Origines Britannicæ, or, The antiquities of the British churches. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1686). An answer to some papers lately printed concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in matters of faith, and the reformation of the Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1686). The doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome truly represented. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1687). A letter to Mr. G. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1687). A relation of a conference held about religion at London. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1687). A second letter to Mr. G. in answer to two letters lately published concerning the conference at the D. of P. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward ([1687]). A vindication of the answer to some late papers. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1688). A discourse concerning the nature and grounds of the certainty of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1688). Scripture and tradition compared. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1688). The Council of Trent examin'd and disprov'd by Catholick tradition in the main points in controversie between us and the Church of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1688). The doctrine of the Trinity and transubstantiation compared as to Scripture, reason, and tradition. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1689). A discourse concerning the illegality of the late ecclesiastical commission. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1689). A discourse concerning the unreasonableness of a new separation, on account of the oaths. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1689). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, February 22d, 1688/9. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1689). Proposals tender'd to the consideration of both Houses of Parliament for uniting the Protestant interest for the present, and preventing divisions for the future. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1690). A sermon preached before the King & Queen at White-hall, March 23, 1689/90. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1690). Christian magnanimity. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1691). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 1st, 1690/1. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1691). A vindication of Their Majesties authority to fill the sees of the deprived bishops. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1691). The Bishop of Worcester's charge to the clergy of his diocese, in his primary visitation begun at Worcester, Sept. 11, 1690. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1691). The mysteries of the Christian faith. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1692). A sermon preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, Novemb. 29, 1691. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1692). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 13th, 1691/2. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1693). The case of an oath of abjuration considered and the vote of the honourable House of Commons vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1694). A sermon concerning sins of omission. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1694). A sermon preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall on Christmas-Day, 1693. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1695). A discourse concerning bonds of resignation of benefices in point of law and conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1696). Twelve sermons preached on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1697). A discourse concerning the doctrine of Christ's satisfaction, or, The true reasons of His sufferings, with an answer to the Socinian objections. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1697). A discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1697). Ten sermons preached on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1697). The Bishop of Worcester's answer to Mr. Locke's letter, concerning some passages relating to his Essay of humane understanding, mention'd in the late Discourse in vindication of the Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1698). Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1698). The bishop of Worcester's answer to Mr. Locke's second letter. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1698). Thirteen sermons preached on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stillingfleet, Edward (1700). Reformation of manners the true way of honouring God. EEBO-TCP.

Stirling, William Alexander (1630). The mapp and description of Nevv-England. EEBO-TCP.

Stokes, David (1668). Verus Christianus, or, Directions for private devotions and retirements. EEBO-TCP.

Stone, Samuel (1652). A congregational church is a catholike visible church, or, An examination of M. Hudson his vindication concerning the integrality of the catholike visible church. EEBO-TCP.

Storer, Thomas (1599). The life and death of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall. EEBO-TCP.

Storer, Thomas (1599). Storer: The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey (1599). CH.

Story, Thomas (1698). A word to the well-inclin'd of all perswasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stow, John ([1565]). A summarie of Englyshe chronicles. EEBO-TCP.

Stow, John (1598). A suruay of London. EEBO-TCP.

Strachan, William (1694). Some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, An answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence. EEBO-TCP.

Strada, Famiano (1650). De bello Belgico. EEBO-TCP.

Stradling, George (1692). Sermons and discourses upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Stradling, Sir John (1623). Stradling: Beati Pacifici (1625). CH.

Stradling, Sir John (1625). Stradling: Divine Poems (1625). CH.

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth (1641). The Earle of Straffords speech on the scaffold before he was beheaded on Tower-hill, the 12 of May, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth (1680). The Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an impeachment of high treason by the Commons then assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves and of all the Commons in England, begun in Westminster-Hall the 22th of March 1640, and continued before judgment was given until the 10th of May, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Streater, John (1659). A letter sent to his Excellency the Lord Fleetwood. EEBO-TCP.

Strode, William (1642). Master Strovvd his speech in Parliament on Tuesday the third of January. EEBO-TCP.

Strode, William (1644). A sermon concerning death and the resurrection, preached in St. Maries, at Oxford, on Low Sunday, April the 28. 1644. EEBO-TCP.

Strode, William (1644). A sermon concerning svvearing. EEBO-TCP.

Strode, William (1907). Strode: The poetical works (1907). CH.

Strong, James (1674). Joanereidos, or, Feminine valour. EEBO-TCP.

Strong, James (1676). Balm in Gilead, or, A spur to repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Struther, William (1628). Christian observations and resolutions, or, The daylie practise of the renewed man, turning all occurrents to spirituall uses, and these uses to his vnion with God. EEBO-TCP.

Struther, William (1628). Scotlands warning, or, A treatise of fasting. EEBO-TCP.

Struther, William (1632). A looking glasse for princes and people. EEBO-TCP.

Struther, William (1633). True happines, or, King Dauids choice. EEBO-TCP.

Strype, John (1689). A sermon preached at the assizes at Hertford, Jvly viii, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Strype, John (1694). Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Strype, John (1696). David and Saul. EEBO-TCP.

Strype, John (1698]). The life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., doctor of the civil law. EEBO-TCP.

Strype, John (1699). Lessons moral and Christian, for youth and old age. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1657). Clamor, rixa, joci, mendacia, furta, cachini, or, A severe enquiry into the late oneirocritica published by John Wallis, grammar-reader in Oxon. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1659). A light shining out of darknes, or, Occasional queries submitted to the judgment of such as would enquire into the true state of things in our times. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1660). A letter to an officer of the army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1662). The Indian nectar, or, A discourse concerning chocolata. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1666). The miraculous conformist, or, An account of severall marvailous cures performed by the stroking of the hands of Mr. Valentine Greatarick. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1670). A censure upon certaine passages contained in the history of the Royal Society as being destructive to the established religion and Church of England. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1670). A specimen of some animadversions upon a book entituled, Plus ultra, or, Modern improvements of useful knowledge. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1670). Campanella revived, or, An enquiry into the history of the Royal Society, whether the virtuosi there do not pursue the projects of Campanella for the reducing England unto Popery. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1670). Legends no histories, or, A specimen of some animadversions upon The history of the Royal Society. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1671). A reply unto the letter written to Mr. Henry Stubbe in defense of The history of the Royal Society. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1671). The Lord Bacons relation to the sweating-sickness examined, in a reply to George Thomson, pretender to physick and chymistry. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry ([1671]). An epistolary discourse concerning phlebotomy. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1672). A justification of the present war against the United Netherlands. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry (1672). Rosemary and Bayes, or, Animadversions upon a treatise called, The rehearsall trans-prosed. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry ([1673]). A further iustification of the present war against the United Netherlands. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbe, Henry ([1680]). The Rota, or, News from the common-wealths-mens club. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Henry (1675). A disswasive from conformity to the world. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Henry (1677). Conscience the best friend upon earth, or, The happy effects of keeping a good conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, John (1579). The discouerie of a gaping gulf vvhereinto England is like to be swallovved by another French mariage, if the Lord forbid not the banes, by letting her Maiestie see the sin and punishment thereof. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip (1. Maij. 1583). The anatomie of abuses. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip ([1581]). Two wunderfull and rare examples, of the vndeferred and present approching iudgement of the Lord our God. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip ([1583]). The second part of the anatomie of abuses. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip (1585). The theater of the Popes monarchie. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip ([1585]). The intended treason, of Doctor Parrie: and his complices, against the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip (1592). A christal glasse for christian vvomen. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip (1592). A perfect pathway to felicitie. EEBO-TCP.

Stubbes, Phillip (1593). A motiue to good workes. EEBO-TCP.

Stucley, Lewis ([1618]). The humble petition and information of Sir Lewis Stucley, Knight, Vice-admirall of Deuon,. EEBO-TCP.

Studley, Christopher (1585). Treason pretended against the King of Scots. EEBO-TCP.

Studley, John (1581). Studley: Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon, Herculas Oetaeus (1581). CH.

Sturm, Johannes ([1538]). The epistle that Iohan Sturmius, a man of great lerninge and iugement, sent to the Cardynalles and prelates. EEBO-TCP.

Suckling, John (1638). Aglaura. EEBO-TCP.

Suckling, John (1641). A coppy of a letter fovnd in the privy lodgeings at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Suckling, John (1641). The coppy of a letter written to the Lower Hovse of Parliament touching divers grievances and inconveniences of the state &c. EEBO-TCP.

Suckling, John ([1642]). The discontented colonell. EEBO-TCP.

Suckling, John ([1679]). A letter from Sir John Suckling to Mr. Henry German, in the beginning of the late Long Parliament, anno 1640. EEBO-TCP.

Suckling, Sir John (1646). Suckling: Fragmenta Avrea (1646). CH.

Suckling, Sir John (1659). Suckling: Last remains (1659). CH.

Suetonius (1606). The historie of tvvelve Cæsars. EEBO-TCP.

Sutcliffe, Alice (Woodhouse) (1634). Meditations of man's mortalitie. Or, a way to true blessednesse. WWP.

Sutcliffe, Matthew (1606). The subuersion of Robert Parsons his confused and worthlesse worke,. EEBO-TCP.

Sutcliffe, Matthew (1625?]). The blessings on Mount Gerizzim, and the curses on Movnt Ebal, or, The happie estate of Protestants. EEBO-TCP.

Sutcliffe, Matthew (1629). A true relation of Englands happinesse, vnder the raigne of Queene Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.

Sutton, Christopher (1600). Disce mori. EEBO-TCP.

Sutton, Christopher (1601). Godly meditations vpon the most holy sacrament of the Lordes Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Swammerdam, Jan (1681). Ephemeri vita, or, The natural history and anatomy of the Ephemeron, a fly that lives but five hours. EEBO-TCP.

Swan, John (1635). Speculum mundi, or, A glasse representing the face of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Swetnam, Joseph (1615). The araignment of leuud, idle, froward, and vnconstant women. EEBO-TCP.

Swinhoe, Gilbert (1658). The tragedy of the unhappy fair Irene. EEBO-TCP.

Swinnock, George (1665). The works of George Swinnock, M.A. EEBO-TCP.

Swinnock, George (1672). The life and death of Mr. Tho. Wilson, minister of Maidstone, in the county of Kent, M.A. EEBO-TCP.

Sylvester, Joshua (1621). Sylvester: Du Bartas: His Divine Weekes And Workes (1621). CH.

Symmons, Edward (1642). Foure sermons vvherein is made a foure-fold discovery. EEBO-TCP.

Symmons, Edward (1644). A militarie sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Symmons, Edward (1645). Scripture vindicated from the mis-apprehensions, mis-interpretations, and mis-applications of Mr Stephen Marshall,. EEBO-TCP.

Symmons, Edward (1648). A vindication of King Charles, or, A loyal subjects duty. EEBO-TCP.

Synesius (1579). A paradoxe, prouing by reason and example, that baldnesse is much better than bushie haire, etc. EEBO-TCP.


T. A (1602). The massacre of money. EEBO-TCP.

T. A. ([1660]). Rump rampant, or, The sweet old cause in sippits. EEBO-TCP.

T. B (1631). The life and death of the merry deuill of Edmonton. EEBO-TCP.

T. C. (1579). An hospitall for the diseased. EEBO-TCP.

T. C., gent ([c.1565]). T. C.: A pleasant and delightful history of Galesus, Cymon and Iphigenia [c.1565]. CH.

T. C., gent. (1569). C. T.: A Notable Historye of Nastagio and Trauersari (1569). CH.

T. D (1639). The bloodie banquet. EEBO-TCP.

T. D. (1618). T. D.: Canaans Calamitie (1618). CH.

T. D. (1684). A new littany designed for this Lent and to be sung for the introduction of the Whiggs. EEBO-TCP.

T. F. ([1630]). A fooles bolt is soone shot. EEBO-TCP.

T. G. (1616). The rich cabinet. EEBO-TCP.

T. G. (1623). The friers chronicle, or, The true legend of priests and monkes liues. EEBO-TCP.

T. G. (1625). An answer to VVithers motto. EEBO-TCP.

T. H (1660). Iter boreale. EEBO-TCP.

T. H ([1691]). An account of several new inventions and improvements now necessary for England,. EEBO-TCP.

T. H. (1560). T. H.: The fable of Ouid treting of Narcissus (1560). CH.

T. H. ([1560]). The fable of Ouid treting of Narcissus. EEBO-TCP.

T. L (1651). A letter to the Right Honourable William Lenthall, Esq., Speaker of the Parliament of England. EEBO-TCP.

T. M. (1599). T. M.: Micro-cynicon (1599). CH.

T. P (1578). Of the knovvledge and conducte of warres. EEBO-TCP.

T. R (1694). The common-wealths-man unmasqu'd, or, A just rebuke to the author of The account of Denmark. EEBO-TCP.

T. W (1610?]). [Summarie and short meditations touching sundry poynts of Christian religion]. EEBO-TCP.

T. W. (1593). The tears of fancie, or, Loue disdained. EEBO-TCP.

T. W. (1593). T. W.: The Tears of Fancie (1593). CH.

T. W. (1603). T. W.: The Lamentation of Melpomene (1603). CH.

T. W. (1641). A briefe recitall of the unreasonable proceedings of Dr. Laud, against T.W. minister of the word of God, which he conveyed into his hands in a letter very lately sent to him in the Tower. EEBO-TCP.

Tacitus, Cornelius (1698). The annals and history of Cornelius Tacitus. EEBO-TCP.

Taffin, Jean Locke, Anne (1590). Of the markes of the children of God, and of their comforts in afflictions. WWP.

Tallemant, Paul (1688). Lycidus, or, The lover in fashion. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas (1658). The entrance of Mazzarini, continued through the first years regency, of Anna Maria of Austria, Qu. Dowager of France, and mother of the present Monarch. Louis XIV. Wherein the principall causes of those revolutions, that have since happened in that kingdome, may be discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas (1665). Euphuia, or The acts, and characters of a good nature. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas (1674). A call to the Shulamite, or, To the scattered and divided members of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas ([1677]). [Hebrew] or Wisdome and prudence. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas (1683). Primordia, or, The rise and growth of the first church of God described. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas ([1694]). An account of the book entituled, Notitia monastica. EEBO-TCP.

Tanner, Thomas (1695). Notitia monastica, or, A short history of the religious houses in England and Wales. EEBO-TCP.

Tarlton, Richard (1570). A very lamentable and woful discours of the fierce fluds, whiche lately flowed in Bedford shire, in Lincoln shire, and iu [sic] many other places. EEBO-TCP.

Tarlton, Richard ([1592]). A prettie newe ballad, intytuled: the crowe sits vpon the wall, please one and please all. EEBO-TCP.

Tasborough, John (1679/80). The tryal and conviction of John Tasborough and Ann Price for subornation of perjury, in endeavouring to perswade Mr. Stephen Dugdale to retract and deny his evidence about the horrid Popish Plot. EEBO-TCP.

Tasso, Ercole (1599). Of mariage and vviuing. EEBO-TCP.

Tasso, Torquato ([1588]). The housholders philosophie. EEBO-TCP.

Tasso, Torquato ([1594]). Godfrey of Bulloigne, or, The recouerie of Hierusalem. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1677). Poems. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1678). Brutus of Alba, or, The enchanted lovers. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1680). The loyal general. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1681). The history of King Lear. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1681). The history of King Richard the Second. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1682). The ingratitude of a common-wealth, or, The fall of Laius Martius Coriolanus. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1682). The second part of Absalom and Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1685). Cuckolds-Haven, or, An alderman no conjurer. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1685). On the sacred memory of our late sovereign, with a congratulation to His Present Majesty. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum ([1685]). A song for St. Cæcilia's Day 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1687). The island-princess. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1689). The prolouge to King William and Queen Mary. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1690). A pastoral dialogue. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1691). Characters of vertue and vice. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1693). A duke and no duke. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1694). A poem on the late promotion of several eminent persons in church and state. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum ([1694]). An ode upon His Majesty's birth-day. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum ([1694]). In memory of Joseph Washington, Esq., late of the Middle Temple. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1695). An elegy on the Most Reverend Father in God, His Grace, John, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1695). Mausolæum, a funeral poem on our late gracious sovereign Queen Mary of blessed memory. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1696). A new version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1696). Miscellanea sacra, or, Poems on divine and moral subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1698). A consolatory poem to the Right Honourable John, Lord Cutts, upon the death of his most accomplish'd lady. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1698). The anniversary ode for the fourth of December, 1697. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum ([1699]). An essay of a character of the right honourable Sir George Treby, Kt. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1700). An elegy in memory of the much esteemed and truly worthy Ralph Marshall, Esq., one of His Majesty's Justices of peace, etc. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum (1700). Panacea, a poem upon tea. EEBO-TCP.

Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715 ([1687]). A pastoral elegy on the death of Mr. John Playford. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1640). The fancies theater. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1650). Ostella, or, The faction of love and beauty reconcil'd. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1650). Tatham: Ostella (1650). CH.

Tatham, John (1652). The Scots figgaries, or, A knot of knaves. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1658). Londons tryumph, presented by industry and honour. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1659). Londons tryumph. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1660). The royal oake. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1660). The rump, or, The mirrour of the late times. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1662). Aqua triumphalis, being a true relation of the honourable the city of Londons entertaining Their Sacred Majesties upon the river of Thames and wellcoming them from Hampton-Court to White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1663). Londinum triumphans : Londons triumphs celebrated. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1664). Knavery in all trades, or, The coffee-house. EEBO-TCP.

Tatham, John (1664). Londons triumphs celebrated the 29th of October, 1664. EEBO-TCP.

Tattle-well, Mary Hit-him-Home, Joan (1640). The womens sharp revenge; or an answer to Sir Seldome Sober that writ those railing pamphlets called the Juniper and Crab-tree Lectures, etc. WWP.

Taverner, Richard (1539 [[Printed by Richard Bankes] in ædibus Richardi Tauerneri,] solde in Lomberdstrete at the signe of the Lamb by Iohn Haruye, [1539]). The garden of wysdom. EEBO-TCP.

Taverner, Richard (1539). Taverner's "Proverbes or adagies with newe addicions gathered out of the Chiliades of Erasmus": electronic edition. TACT.

Taverner, Richard ([1539]). A catechisme or institution of the christen religion. EEBO-TCP.

Taverner, Richard ([1542?]). The second booke of the Garden of wysedome. EEBO-TCP.

Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste (1677). The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier, Baron of Aubonne through Turky, into Persia and the East-Indies, for the space of forty years. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Edward (1960). Taylor, E.: The Poems (1960). CH.

Taylor, Edward (1962). Taylor, E. CH.

Taylor, J (1680). New verses concerning the Plot, Londons fire, & Godfreys murder. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, j. (1630). The Praise of Hemp-Seed. R3.

Taylor, Jane (1816). Essays in rhyme, on morals and manners. WWP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667). Holy Dying. CCEL.

Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667). Holy Living. CCEL.

Taylor, Jeremy ([1638]). A sermon preached in Saint Maries Church in Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1649). An apology for authorized and set forms of litvrgie. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1650). A funerall sermon preached at the obsequies of the Right Hon[oura]ble and most vertuous Lady, the Lady Frances, Countesse of Carbery. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy ([1650]). The rule and exercises of holy living. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1651). The rule and exercises of holy dying. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1655). The golden grove, or, A manuall of daily prayers and letanies, fitted to the dayes of the week. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1656). Deus justificatus. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1657). A discourse of the nature, offices, and measures of friendship. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1658). A sermon preached at the funerall of that worthy knight Sr. George Dalston of Dalston in Cumberland, September 28. 1657. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1661). A sermon preached at the consecration of two archbishops and ten bishops, in the Cathedral Church of S. Patrick in Dublin, January 27, 1660. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1661). A sermon preached at the opening of the Parliament of Ireland, May 8. 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1663). A sermon preached in Christs-Church, Dublin, July 16, 1663, at the funeral of the most Reverend Father in God John, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1664). A dissuasive from popery. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1664). A dissvvasive from popery to the people of Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1672). Clerus Domini, or, A discourse of the divine institution, necessity, sacredness, and separation of the office ministerial. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1675). Antiquitates christianæ, or, The history of the life and death of the holy Jesus. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1677). A choice manual. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy ([1686]). A dissuasive from popery to the people of England and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy (1687). A copy of a letter written to a gentlewoman newly seduced to the Church of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor (1870-1872). Taylor, Jeremy: Poems and verse-translations (1870). CH.

Taylor, John (121, and number 16, of Mercurius Britanicus, 1643). Mercvrivs Aqvaticvs, or, The vvater-poets ansvver to all that hath or shall be writ by Mercvrivs Britanicvs. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1612). Great Britaine, all in blacke. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1612). The sculler. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1613). Odcombs complaint, or, Coriats funerall epicedium. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1613). The eighth vvonder of the vvorld, or, Coriats escape from his supposed drowning. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1613]). Heauens blessing, and earths ioy, or, A true relation, of the supposed sea-fights & fire-workes. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1614). The nipping and snipping of abuses, or, The woolgathering of vvitte. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1615 [i.e. 1616]). Taylors Vrania, or, His heauenly muse. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1615). Faire and fowle vveather, or, A sea and land storme. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1615). Taylors revenge, or, The rymer William Fennor firkt, feritted, and finely fetcht ouer the coales. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1615]). The muses mourning, or, Funerall sonnets on the death of Iohn Moray Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1617). Three vveekes, three daies, and three houres obseruations and trauel, from London to Hamburgh in Germanie. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1618). A briefe remembrance of all the English monarchs, from the Normans conquest, vntill this present. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1618). The pennyles pilgrimage, or, The money-lesse perambulation, of Iohn Taylor, alias the Kings Majesties water-poet. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1619). A kicksey winsey, or, a lerry come-twang. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1620). Taylor his trauels. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1620). The life and death of the most blessed among women, the Virgin Mary mother of our Lord Iesus. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1620]). An English-mans loue to Bohemia. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1621). Superbiæ flagellum, or, The vvhip of pride. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1621). Taylor's motto. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1621). The colde tearme, or, The frozen age, or, The metamorphosis of the Riuer of Thames. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1621). The praise, antiquity, and commodity, of beggery, beggers, and begging. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1621). The vnnaturall father, or, The cruell murther committed by [one] Iohn Rowse of the towne of Ewell, ten m[iles] from London, in the county of Surry, vpon two of his owne children. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1621]). [Taylors goose]. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1621]). A shilling, or, The trauailes of twelue-pence. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1621]). The subjects joy for the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1622). A verry merry vvherry-ferry-voyage, or, Yorke for my money. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1622). An arrant thiefe, vvhom euery man may trust. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1622). Taylors farevvell, to the Tovver-bottles. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1622). The great O Toole. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1622). The water-cormorant his complaint. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1623). A new discouery by sea, with a vvherry from London to Salisbury, or, A voyage to the West, the worst, or the best. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1623). The praise and vertue of a iayle, and iaylers. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1623). The world runnes on vvheeles, or, Oddes, betwixt carts and coaches. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1624). True louing sorow, attired in a robe of vnfeigned griefe. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1624]). The scourge of basenesse, or, The old lerry with a new kicksey, and a new cum twang with the old winsye. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1625). For the sacred memoriall of the great, noble, and ancient example of vertue and honour, the illustrious and welbeloued Lord, Charles Howard, Earle of Nottingham. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1625). The fearefull summer, or, Londons calamity, the countries courtesy, and both their misery. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1625]). A liuing sadnes, in duty consecrated to the immortall memory of our late deceased albe-loued soueraigne lord, the peeereles paragon of princes, Iames, King of great Brittaine, France and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1627). A famous fight at sea. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1627). An armado, or nauy, of 103. ships & other vessels, who haue the art to sayle by land, as well as by sea. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1628?]). A dog of vvar, or, The trauels of Drunkard, the famous curre of the Round-Woolstaple in Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1628). Wit and mirth. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1630). A memorial of all the English monarchs. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1630). The great eater, of Kent, or, Part of the admirable teeth and stomacks exploits of Nicholas Wood, of Harrisom in the county of Kent. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1630). Taylor, John: All the workes (1630). CH.

Taylor, John ([1630]). Christian admonitions against the tvvo fearefull sinnes of cursing and swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1631). The complaint of Christmas, and the teares of Twelfetyde. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1631). The needles excellency. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1632). Taylor on Thame Isis, or, The description of the tvvo famous riuers of Thame and Isis, who being conioyned or combined together, are called Thamisis, or Thames. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1635). A bavvd. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1635). The olde, old, very olde man, or, The age and long life of Thomas Par. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1636). A brave memorable and dangerous sea-fight, foughten neere the road of Tittawan in Barbary. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1636). Taylors travels and circular perambulation, through, and by more then thirty times twelve signes of the Zodiack, of the famous cities of London and Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1636). The honorable, and memorable foundations, erections, raisings, and ruines, of divers cities, townes, castles, and other pieces of antiquitie, within ten shires …. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1637). Drinke and vvelcome, or, The famous historie of the most part of drinks, in use now in the kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1637). The carriers cosmographie, or, A briefe relation, of the innes, ordinaries, hosteries, and other lodgings in, and neere London …. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1637). John Taylor: The Phoenix of these late Times (1637). CH.

Taylor, John (1637). Taylor, John: A Funeral Elegie (1637). CH.

Taylor, John (1638). Bull, beare, and horse, cut, curtaile, and longtaile. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1638). Newes and strange newes from St. Christophers of a tempestuous spirit, which is called by the Indians a hurry-cano or whirlewind. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1638). Stripping, vvhipping, and pumping, or, The five mad shavers of Drury-Lane. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1638). Taylors feast. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1638]). A sad and deplorable loving elegy. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1639). Divers crabtree lectures. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1639). The booke of martyrs. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1639]). A most horrible, terrible, tollerable, termagant satyre. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1639]). Part of this summers travels, or, News from Hell, Hull, and Hallifax, from York, Linne, Leicester, Chester, Coventry, Lichfield, Nottingham, and the Divells Ars a peake. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1640 and 1644]). Most curious Mercurius Brittanicus, alias Sathanicus, answer'd, cuff'd, cudgell'd, and clapper-claude …. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1640). A valorous and perillous sea-fight. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1640). Differing worships, or, The oddes, betweene some knights service and God's. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). A pedlar and a Romish priest in a very hot discourse, full of mirth, truth, wit, folly, and plain-dealing. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). A reply as true as steele to a rusty, rayling, ridiculous, lying libell. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). A tale in a tub, or, A tub lecture. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). Englands comfort and Londons ioy. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). Lvcifers lacky, or, The devils new creature. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). Old nevves newly revived, or, The discovery of all occurences happened since the beginning of the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). The Brownists conventicle, or, An assemble of Brownists, separatists, and non-conformists as they met together at a private house to heare a sermon of a brother of theirs neere Algate, being a learned felt-maker. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). The hellish Parliament being a counter-Parliament to this in England, containing the demonstrative speeches and statutes of that court. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1641). The Popes benediction, or, His generall pardon to be purchased onely with mony and without penance. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642?]). A brief director for those that would send their letters to any parts of England, Scotlaud, or Ireland, or, A list of all the carriers, waggoners coaches, posts, ships, barks, hoys, and passage-boats, that come to London, from the most parts and places, by land & sea. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642?]). The Devil turn'd Round-head, or, Plvto become a Brownist. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). A full and compleat answer against the writer of a late volume set forth. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). A plea for prerogative, or, Give Cæsar his due. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). A seasonable lecture, or, A most learned oration. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). An humble desired union betweene prerogative and priviledge. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). Cornu-copia, or, Roome for a ram-head. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). Heads of all fashions. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). Mad fashions, od fashions, all out fashions, or, The emblems of these distracted times. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). St. Hillaries teares shed upon all professions from the judge to the petty fogger. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). The anatomy of the separatists, alias, Brownists. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1642). The vvhole life and progresse of Henry Walker the ironmonger. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1642]). The diseases of the times, or, The distempers of the common-wealth. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1643). The conversion, confession, contrition, comming to himselfe, & advice, of a mis-led, ill-bred, rebellious round-head. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1643]). A preter-plvperfect spick and span new nocturnall, or, Mercuries weekly night-newes. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1643]). Love one another: a tub lecture. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1643]). The noble cavalier caracterised, and a rebellious caviller cavterised. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John ([1643]). Truth's triumph, or, Old miracles newly revived in the gracious preservation of our soveraigne Lord the King. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1645). Oxford besiedged. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1647). The world turn'd upside down, or, A briefe description of the ridiculous fashions of these distracted times. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1648). Mercurius Nonsencicus, written for the vse of the simple vnderstander. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1648). Tailors travels from London to the Isle of VVight, vvith his returne, and occasion of his iourney. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1648). The vvonder of a kingdom, dedicated to the iunto at VVestminster. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1649). The number and names of all the kings of England and Scotland, from the beginning of their governments to this present. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1650). A late weary, merry voyage and journey, or, Iohn Taylors moneths travells. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1651). Epigrammes. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1651). Nonsence upon sence, or, Sence, upon nonsence. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1652). Christmas in & out, or, Our Lord & Saviour Christs birth-day. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1652). Misselanies, or, Fifty years gathering out of sundry authors in prose and verse. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1653). Taylors arithmetick from one to tvvelve. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1653). Taylor, John: The impartiallest Satyre that ever was seen (1653). CH.

Taylor, John (1667). The semicircle on a sector. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1683). A loving and friendly invitation to all sinners to repent. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1687). Tresaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1696). Ephemeris, or, An almanack for the year of our Saviour's incarnation 1696. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1700 [i.e. 1622]). Sir Gregory Nonsence his newes from no place. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (1870). Taylor, John: Works not in the volume of 1630 (1870). CH.

Taylor, John (23, 1642). A cluster of coxcombes, or, Cinquepace of five sorts of knaves and fooles. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (28 [1642]). An apology for private preaching. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, John (7 [1642]). An honest ansvver to the late published apologie for private preaching. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1609). The beavvties of Beth-el. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1612). A commentarie vpon the Epistle of S. Paul written to Titus. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1612). Iaphets first publique perswasion into Sems tents, or, Peters sermon which was the first generall calling of the gentiles. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1617). Dauids learning, or, The vvay to true happinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1618). Christs combate and conquest, or, The lyon of the tribe of Iudah. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1620). A mappe of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1620). The Kings bath. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1621). The parable of the sovver and of the seed. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1624). Tvvo sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1625). A good husband and a good wife. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1628). The practise of repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1629). A man in Christ, or, A new creature. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1629). The valevv of true valour, or, The probation and approbation of a right military man. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1630). The progresse of saints to full holinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1631). Circumspect walking. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1631). Regula vitæ. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1633). Christs victorie over the Dragon, or, Satans downfall. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1633). Three treatises. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1635). The principles of Christian practice. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas ([1635]). Christ revealed, or, The Old Testament explained. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1641). A treatise of contentment. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1642). The second part of the theatre of Gods ivdgments. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1653). Moses and Aaron, or, The types and shadovvs of our Saviour in the Old Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1653). Peter his repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1660). Testimony for the Lord God, and his work in the Earth. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1661?]). A faithful warning to out-side professors, and loose pretenders to Christianity of all sorts. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1661). Gods controversie with England declared, or, A warning-word by way of reproof to the inhabitants thereof …. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1666). A loving exhortation to all kings, princes, potentates, bishops and people in the whole Christendom. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas ([1667]). A vvarning to the nations to lay aside all prejudice and enmity. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1670). A testimony to the true and spiritual worship. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1671). Baxter's book entitul'd The cure of church-divisions answer'd & confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1675). A testimony for the Lord, the good shepherd against all the false shepherds and hirelings of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas ([1679]). To the people at and about Stafford. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1693). The true light shining in darkness. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1697). A sermon preach'd in the parish church of Burcester in the county of Oxford, on the second day of December, 1697. EEBO-TCP.

Taylor, Thomas (1697). Ignorance and error reproved. EEBO-TCP.

Telfair, Alexander (1696). A true relation of an apparition. EEBO-TCP.

Telin, Guillaume (1592). Archaioplutos, or, The riches of elder ages. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, Richard (1696). Some short remarks upon Mr. Lock's book. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1605). A logicall analysis of twentie select Psalmes. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1670?]). Poems by Sir W.T. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1673?]). An essay upon the advancement of trade in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1673). Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1680). Miscellanea …. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1690). Miscellanea. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1692). Memoirs of what past in Christendom, from the war begun 1672 to the peace concluded 1679. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1693). An essay upon taxes, calculated for the present juncture of affairs in England. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1695). An introduction to the history of England. EEBO-TCP.

Temple, William (1699). Letters written by Sir William Temple during his being ambassador at The Hague, to the Earl of Arlington and Sir John Trevor, Secretaries of State to K. Charles II. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1670). The creed of Mr. Hobbes examined. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1678). Of idolatry. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1681). A sermon concerning discretion in giving alms. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1683). A Discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1683). An argument for union. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1687). A true account of a conference held about religion at London, Septemb. 29, 1687 between A. Pulton, Jesuit, and Tho. Tenison, D.D. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1687). Mr. Pulton consider'd in his sincerity, reasonings, authorities, or, A just answer to what he hath hitherto published in his True account, his True and full account of a conference, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1687). The difference betwixt the Protestant and Socinian methods. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1688). An answer to the letter of the Roman Catholick souldier, as he calls himself. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1688). Of transubstantiation, or, A reply to a late paper, call'd A full answer to Dr. Tenison's conferences concerning the Eucharist. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas ([1688]). A defence of Dr. Tenison's sermon of discretion in giving alms. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1689). A discourse concerning the Ecclesiastical Commission, open'd in the Jerusalem-Chamber, October the 10th, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1689). A sermon against self-love, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1690). A sermon concerning doing good to posterity. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1691). A sermon concerning the folly of atheism. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1691). A sermon concerning the wandring of the mind in God's service. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1691). A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting of the clergy-mens sons in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow, December 3, 1691. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1694). A sermon concerning the cœlestial body of a Christian, after the resurrection. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1695?]). Concerning doing good to posterity. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1695). A sermon concerning holy resolution. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1695). A sermon preached at the funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Mary of ever blessed memory in the Abbey-church in Westminster upon March 5, 1694/5. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1699). His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Reverend Dr. Batteley Archdeacon of that diœcese, to be communicated to the clergy of his archdeaconry. EEBO-TCP.

Tenison, Thomas (1699). His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lords Bishops of his province. EEBO-TCP.

Terence (1533, i.e. 1534 (pridie calendas Martias)]). Floures for Latine spekynge selected and gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated in to Englysshe, together with the exposition and settynge forthe as welle of suche latyne wordes, as were thought nedefull to be annoted, as also of dyuers grammatical rules, very profytable [and] necessarye for the expedite knowledge in the latine tongue. EEBO-TCP.

Terence in English ([1520]). Anon: Terens in englysh [1520]. CH.

Teresa of Avila, St. (Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, 1515-1582). The Way of Perfection. CCEL.

Teresa, of Avila, Saint (1515-1582). The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, of The Order of Our Lady of Carmel. CCEL.

Terilo, William, (1604). A piece of Friar Bacons brazen-heads prophesie. EEBO-TCP.

Terry, Edward (1649). The merchants and mariners preservation and thanksgiving, or, Thankfulnesse returned, for mercies received. EEBO-TCP.

The Proud Wife's Paternoster (1560). [Anon.]: The Proude Wyues Pater Noster (1560). CH.

The Remedy of Love (1532). Anon.: The Remedy of Loue. CH.

Theobald, Francis ([1667]). A discourse concerning the basis and original of government. EEBO-TCP.

Theophilus ([1638]). Divine and politike observations. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas (1592). Soliloquium animæ. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, Kempis, 1380-1471. (1425). Imitation of Christ; trans. from the Latin by the Rev. William Benham. EarlyUVa.

Thomas, Kempis, 1380-1471. The Imitation of Christ. CCEL.

Thomas, William ([1549]). The historie of Italie. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William ([1549]). The vanitee of this world. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1641). A speech of VVilliam Thomas, esquire Ianurary, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1641). A speech of VVilliam Thomas, esqvire in Parliament in May 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1641). Master VVilliam Thomas esquire his speech in Parliament Iune 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1657). A vindication of Scripture and ministery. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1657). The regulating of law-suits, evidences, and pleadings. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1661). Christian and conjugal counsell, or, Christian counsell, applyed unto the maried estate. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William ([1662]). A preservative of piety. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1679). An apology for the Church of England in point of separation from it. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1688). The mammon of unrighteousness detected and purified. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1689). The Bishop of Worcester his letter to the clergy of his diocess. EEBO-TCP.

Thomas, William (1691). Echemythia. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1665). Galeno-pale, or, A chymical trial of the Galenists, that their dross in physick may be discovered. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1665). Loimologia. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1665). Plano-pnigmos, or, A gag for Johnson that published animadversions upon Galen-pale. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1666). Loimotomia, or, The pest anatomized. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1671). Misochymias elenchos, or, A check given to the insolent garrulity of Henry Stubbe. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1672). A letter sent to Mr. Henry Stubbe. EEBO-TCP.

Thomson, George (1675). Ortho-methodoz itro-chymike, or, The direct method of curing chymically. EEBO-TCP.

Thornes, Edward (1615). Encomium Salopiæ, or, The description of the pleasant situation, commendable gouernement, and rarities, of the ancient and famous towne of Shrowesbury. EEBO-TCP.

Thoroton, Robert (1677). The antiquities of Nottinghamshire. EEBO-TCP.

Thorowgood, Thomas (1652). Digitus dei, nevv discoveryes. EEBO-TCP.

Thorowthistle, Theophilus (1674). Sober reflections, or, A solid confutation of Mr. Andrew Marvel's work. EEBO-TCP.

Throckmorton, Job ([1589]). M. Some laid open in his coulers. EEBO-TCP.

Thucydides ([1550]). The hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans. EEBO-TCP.

Thucydides (1629). Eight bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre. EEBO-TCP.

Thynne, Francis (1652). The perfect ambassadour. EEBO-TCP.

Thynne, Francis (1871). Thynne: Emblemes and Epigrames (1871). CH.

Tillinghast, John (1637). Saint Pauls ship-vvrack in his voyage to Rome, with the entertainment hee found amongst the barbarous people of Melita. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1676). The rule of faith, or, An answer to the treatises of Mr. I.S. entituled Sure-footing &c. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1679). A sermon preached at the first general meeting of the gentlemen, and others in and near London, who were born within the county of York. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1680). The Protestant religion vindicated, from the charge of singularity & novelty. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1681). The lawfulness, and obligation of oaths. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1682). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Mr Thomas Gouge, the 4th of Novemb. 1681 at S. Anne's Blackfriars. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1683). A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Benjamin Whichcot, D.D. and minister of S. Lawrence Jewry, London, May 24th, 1683. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1684). A discourse against transubstantiation. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1685). A persuasive to frequent communion in the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1685). A sermon lately preached on I Corinth. 3.15. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1687). A seasonable new-years-gift. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1687). The indispensable necessity of the knowledge of the Holy Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1689). A sermon preach'd before the King and Queen at Hampton-Court, April the 14th, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1689). A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 8th, 1688/9. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1689). A sermon preached at Lincolns-Inn-Chappel, on the 31th of January, 1688. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1690). A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, on Wednesday the 16th of April, a day appointed by Their Majesties, for a solemn monthly fast. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1690). A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 7th, 1689/90. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1690). A sermon preached at St Mary le Bow before the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, & citizens of London, on Wednesday the 18th of June, a day appointed by Their Majesties, for a solemn monthly fast. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1692). A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the XXth, 1691/2. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1693). A sermon concerning the unity of the divine nature and the B. Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1694). The parable of the ten virgins. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1695). Bibliotheca Tillotsoniana, or, A catalogue of the curious library of Dr. John Tillotson late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1695). Of sincerity and constancy in the faith and profession of the true religion, in several sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John ([1695]). The last sermon of his grace John late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.

Tillotson, John (1697). A seasonable vindication of the B. Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Tilney, Edmund (1571). A briefe and pleasant discourse of duties in mariage, called the flower of friendshippe. EEBO-TCP.

Tilney, Emery (1550?). Here beginneth a song of the Lordes supper. TUDOR.

Tilney, Emery ([1550?]). Tilney: A song of the Lordes Supper [1550?]. CH.

Timberlake, Henry (1603). A true and strange discourse of the trauailes of two English pilgrimes. EEBO-TCP.

Tindal, Matthew (1694). A letter to the reverend the clergy of both universities, concerning the Trinity and the Athanasian creed. EEBO-TCP.

Tindal, Matthew (1694). An essay concerning obedience to the supreme powers, and the duty of subjects in all revolutions. EEBO-TCP.

Tindal, Matthew (1694). An essay concerning the laws of nations, and the rights of soveraigns. EEBO-TCP.

Tindal, Matthew (1697). An essay concerning the power of the magistrate, and the rights of mankind in matters of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Tobias (1650?]). Mirabilia opera dei. EEBO-TCP.

Tobin, Maurice (1697). A true account of the celebrated secret of Mr. Timothy Beaghan. EEBO-TCP.

Tofte, Robert (1597). Laura. EEBO-TCP.

Tofte, Robert (1597). Tofte: Laura (1597). CH.

Tofte, Robert (1597). Tofte: Two Tales (1597). CH.

Tofte, Robert (1598). Alba. EEBO-TCP.

Tofte, Robert (1598). Tofte: Alba (1598). CH.

Tofte, Robert (1598). Tofte: Orlando Inamorato (1598). CH.

Tofte, Robert (1610). Tofte: Honovrs Academie (1610). CH.

Tofte, Robert (1611). Tofte: [Ariostos seven planets] (1611). CH.

Tofte, Robert (1615). Tofte: The Blazon of Jealousie (1615). CH.

Toland, John (1696). Christianity not mysterious, or, A treatise shewing that there is nothing in the Gospel contrary to reason, nor above it. EEBO-TCP.

Toland, John (1697). An apology for Mr. Toland. EEBO-TCP.

Toland, John (1698). A defence of the Parliament of 1640. and the people of England against King Charles I. and his adherents. EEBO-TCP.

Toland, John ([1698]). The danger of mercenary Parliaments. EEBO-TCP.

Toland, John (1699). Amyntor, or, A defence of Milton's life. EEBO-TCP.

Toland, John ([1699]). The militia reform'd, or, An easy scheme of furnishing England with a constant land-force. EEBO-TCP.

Toland, John (1700). Clito. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1641). Christs commination against scandalizers, or, A treatise wherein the necessitie, nature, sorts, and evils of scandalizing are clearly and fully handled. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1641). Væ scandalizantium, or, A treatise of scandalizing. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1652). An addition to the Apology for the two treatises concerning infant-baptisme, published December 15, 1645. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1654). A publick dispute betwixt John Tombs … respondent, John Cragge, and Henry Vaughan … opponents, touching infant-baptism, the fifth of September, 1653 …. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John ([1654]). Anti-pædobaptism, or, The second part of the full review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1657). Anti-pædobaptism, or, The third part. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1659). Felo de se, or, Mr. Richard Baxter's self-destroying. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John ([1660]). A serious consideration of the oath of the Kings supremacy. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1667). Theodulia, or, A just defence of hearing the sermons and other teaching of the present ministers of England. EEBO-TCP.

Tombes, John (1669). Emmanuel, or, God-man. EEBO-TCP.

Tomkins, Thomas (1622). Songs of 3.4.5. and 6. parts. EEBO-TCP.

Tomkins, Thomas (1660). The rebels plea, or, Mr. Baxters judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Tomkins, Thomas (1667). The inconveniencies of toleration, or, An answer to a late book intituled, A proposition made to the King and Parliament for the safety and happiness of the King and kingdom. EEBO-TCP.

Tomkins, Thomas (1675). The modern pleas for comprehension, toleration, and the taking away the obligation to the renouncing of the covenant. EEBO-TCP.

Tomkis, Thomas (1607). Lingua, or, The combat of the tongue, and the fiue senses for superiority. EEBO-TCP.

Tomkis, Thomas (1615). Albumazar. EEBO-TCP.

Tomson, Laurence ([1570]). An ansvvere to certein assertions of M. Fecknam, sometime abbot of Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Top, Alexander (1597). Saint Peters rocke. EEBO-TCP.

Torquemada, Antonio de (1600). The Spanish Mandeuile of miracles, or, The garden of curious flowers. EEBO-TCP.

Totnes, George Carew ([1675]). To the honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of George Carew, Esquire, administrator of the goods and chattles of Sr. Paul Pyndar, Knight, deceased (with his will annexed), unadministred by William Toomes. EEBO-TCP.

Tottel, Richard (1557). "Songes and Sonettes written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other". EarlyUVa.

Touchet, Anselm (1686). Historical collections, out of several grave Protestant historians concerning the changes of religion, and the strange confusions following. EEBO-TCP.

Tourneur, Cyril (1600). The transformed metamorphosis. EEBO-TCP.

Tourneur, Cyril (1600). Tourneur: The Transformed Metamorphosis (1600). CH.

Tourneur, Cyril (1605). Lavgh and lie dovvne, or, The worldes folly. EEBO-TCP.

Tourneur, Cyril (1609). A funerall poeme. EEBO-TCP.

Tourneur, Cyril (1609). Tourneur: A Funerall Poeme (1609). CH.

Tourneur, Cyril (1611). The atheist's tragedie, or, The honest man's reuenge. EEBO-TCP.

Tourneur, Cyril (1613). Tourneur: A griefe on the death of Prince Henrie (1613). CH.

Tourneur, Cyril Middleton, Thomas (1608). The Revenger's Tragedy. EarlyUVa.

Townshend, Aurelian (1631 [i.e. 1632]). Albions triumph. EEBO-TCP.

Townshend, Aurelian (1631 [i.e. 1632]). Tempe restord. EEBO-TCP.

Townshend, Aurelian (1912). Townshend: Poems and Masks (1912). CH.

Traherne, Philip (1685). The soul's communion with her savior, or, The history of our Lord Jesus Christ, written by the four evangelists. EEBO-TCP.

Traherne, Thomas (1673). Roman forgeries, or, A true account of false records. EEBO-TCP.

Traherne, Thomas (1675). Christian ethicks, or, Divine morality. EEBO-TCP.

Traherne, Thomas (1699). A serious and pathetical contemplation of the mercies of God. EEBO-TCP.

Traherne, Thomas (1932). Traherne, T.: The Poetical Works (1932). CH.

Traherne, Thomas, 1636?-1674. Centuries of Meditations. CCEL.

Translator of Du Bartas (1595). [Anon.]: The first day of the worldes creation (1595). CH.

Translator of Guarini (1602). [Anon.]: Il pastor fido: or The faithfull Shepheard (1602). CH.

Translator of Theocritus (1588). [Anon.]: Sixe Idillia (1588). CH.

Trapnel, Anna (1654). Strange and wonderful newes from White-Hall: or, the mighty visions proceeding from Mistris Anna Trapnel, to divers collonels, ladies, and gentlewomen, concerning the government of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. WWP.

Trapnel, Anna (1654). The cry of a stone. Or a relation of something spoken in Whitehall. WWP.

Trotter, Catharine (1696). Agnes de Castro. EEBO-TCP.

Trotter, Catharine (1698). Fatal friendship. EEBO-TCP.

True son of the Church of England ([1662]). A breif and full account of Mr. Tate's and Mr. Brady's new version of the Psalms. EEBO-TCP.

Trussel, John (1595). Trussel: The first rape of faire Hellen (1595). CH.

Trussel, John (1595). Trussel: Triumphs Over Death (1595). CH.

Trussel, John (1636). A continuation of the collection of the history of England. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1682). A treatise of cleanness in meats and drinks of the preparation of food, the excellency of good airs and the benefits of clean sweet beds. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1682). Healths grand preservative, or, The womens best doctor. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1683). A dialogue between an East-Indian brackmanny or heathen-philosopher, and a French gentleman concerning the present affairs of Europe. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1684). Friendly advice to the gentlemen-planters of the East and West Indies. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1684). Modest observations on the present extraordinary frost …. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1684). The planter's speech to his neighbours & country-men of Pennsylvania, East & West Jersey. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas ([1684]). The country-man's companion, or, A new method of ordering horses & sheep so as to preserve them both from diseases and causalties [sic], or, to recover them if fallen ill. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1688). Monthly observations for the preserving of health. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas ([1689]). A treatise of dreams & visions. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1690). A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1691). A way to health, long life and happiness, or, A discourse of temperance and the particular nature of all things requisite for the life of man. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1691). Pythagoras his mystick philosophy reviv'd, or, The mystery of dreams unfolded. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1691). Wisdom's dictates, or, Aphorisms & rules, physical, moral, and divine, for preserving the health of the body, and the peace of the mind …. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1692). The good house-wife made a doctor, or, Health's choice and sure friend. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1694). A pocket-companion, containing things necessary to be known by all that values their health and happiness. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1695). A new method of educating children, or, Rules and directions for the well ordering and governing them during their younger years. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1696). Miscellania, or, A collection of necessary, useful, and profitable tracts on variety of subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1699). England's grandeur, and way to get wealth, or, Promotion of trade made easy. EEBO-TCP.

Tryon, Thomas (1700). Tryon's letters upon several occasions …. EEBO-TCP.

Tubbe, Henry (1659). Meditations divine & morall. EEBO-TCP.

Tubbe, Henry (1915). Tubbe: Poems (1915). CH.

Tunstall, Cuthbert ([1539]). A sermon of Cuthbert Bysshop of Duresme. EEBO-TCP.

Tunstall, Cuthbert (1558). Certaine godly and deuout prayers. EEBO-TCP.

Tunstall, Cuthbert ([1560]). A letter written by Cutbert Tunstall late Byshop of Duresme, and Iohn Stokesley sometime Byshop of London. EEBO-TCP.

Turbervile, George (1567). Turbervile, G.: The Eglogs of Mantuan (1567). CH.

Turbervile, George (1567). Turbervile: Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets (1567). CH.

Turbervile, George (1567). Turbervile: The Heroycall Epistles of … Publius Ovidius Naso (1567). CH.

Turbervile, George (1568). Turbervile: A plaine path to Perfect Vertue (1568). CH.

Turbervile, George (1575). Turbervile: The noble arte of venerie or hvnting (1575). CH.

Turbervile, George (1586). Turbervile, G.: To the Reader (1586). CH.

Turbervile, George (1587). Turbervile: Tragicall Tales (1587). CH.

Turbervile, George ([1567]). Turbervile: Commendatory poem to G. Fenton [1567]. CH.

Turner, John (1698). A discourse on fornication. EEBO-TCP.

Turner, W (1612?]). Turners dish of Lentten stuffe, or, A galymaufery. EEBO-TCP.

Tusser, T. (1557). A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie. R3.

Tusser, Thomas (1580). Tusser: Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie (1580). CH.

Tutchin, John (1685). Tutchin: Poems on Several Occasions (1685). CH.

Tutchin, John (1689). Tutchin: An Heroick Poem upon the Late Expedition of His Majesty (1689). CH.

Tutchin, John (1689). Tutchin: Civitas Militaris (1689). CH.

Tutchin, John ([1690]). A poem upon Their Majesties speeches to the nonconformist ministers. EEBO-TCP.

Tutchin, John (1691). The tribe of Levi. EEBO-TCP.

Tutchin, John (1691). Tutchin: A Congratulatory Poem To the Reverend Dr. John Tillotson (1691). CH.

Tutchin, John (1691). Tutchin: The Tribe of Levi (1691). CH.

Tutchin, John (1692). Tutchin: A Funeral Poem (1692). CH.

Tutchin, John (1692). Tutchin: The Earth-quake of Jamaica (1692). CH.

Tutchin, John (1694). Tutchin: An Epistle to Mr. Benjamin Bridgwater (1694). CH.

Tutchin, John (1696). Tutchin: A Pindarick Ode, In the Praise of Folly and Knavery (1696). CH.

Tutchin, John (1697). Tutchin: A Search after Honesty (1697). CH.

Tutchin, John (1698). Tutchin, J.: White-Hall in Flames (1698). CH.

Tutchin, John (1700). Tutchin, T.: The foreigners (1700). CH.

Tutchin, John (1701). Tutchin: The Apostates (1701). CH.

Tutchin, John ([1690]). Tutchin: A Poem upon Their Majesties Speeches [1690]. CH.

Tutchin, John ([1702?]). Tutchin: The British Muse [1702?]. CH.

Tutchin, John ([1705?]). Tutchin: The Tackers [1705?]. CH.

Twisse, William (1631?]). The doctrine of the synod of Dort and Arles, reduced to the practise. EEBO-TCP.

Twisse, William ([1631]). A discovery of D. Iacksons vanitie, or, A perspective glasse, wherby the admirers of D. Iacksons profound discourses, may see the vanitie and weaknesse of them, in sundry passages, and especially so farre as they tende to the undermining of the doctrine hitherto received. EEBO-TCP.

Twisse, William (1632). A briefe catecheticall exposition of Christian doctrine. EEBO-TCP.

Twysden, Roger (1659). The commoners liberty, or, The English-mans birth-right …. EEBO-TCP.

Twysden, Roger (1663). An historical vindication of the Church of England in point of schism. EEBO-TCP.

Tye, Christopher (1553). The Actes of the Apostles. EEBO-TCP.

Tye, Christopher (1553). Tye: The Actes of the Apostles (1553). CH.

Tyndale, William ([1526]). A compendious introduccion. EEBO-TCP.

Tyndale, William ([1528]). The obedie[n]ce of a Christen man. EEBO-TCP.

Tyndale, William ([1547]). The parable of the wycked mammon. EEBO-TCP.

Tyndale, William (1548?]). A briefe declaration of the sacraments. EEBO-TCP.

Tyndale, William (1548). The practyse of prelates. EEBO-TCP.

Tyndale, William (5 April. An. 1533]). The souper of the Lorde. EEBO-TCP.

Tyrie, James (1573). The refutation of ane ansuer made be Schir Iohne Knox to ane letter. EEBO-TCP.

Tyro, T (1598). Tyros roring Megge. EEBO-TCP.

Tyro, T. (1598). Tyro: Tyros Roring Megge (1598). CH.

Tyrrell, James (1692). A brief disquisition of the law of nature. EEBO-TCP.

Tyrrell, James (1694). Bibliotheca politica, or, An enquiry into the ancient constitution of the English government. EEBO-TCP.


Udall, Ephraim (1641). Directions propovnded and hvmbly presented to the high court of Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, Ephraim (1641). Good workes if they be well handled, or, Certaine projects about maintenance for parochiall ministers. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John (1584). Amendment of life. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John (1584). Obedience to the gospell. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John (1584). Peters fall. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John (1588?]). The combate betwixt Christ and the deuill. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John ([1588]). A demonstration of the trueth of that discipline which Christe hath prescribed in his worde for the gouernment of his Church, in all times and places, vntill the ende of the worlde. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John ([1588]). The state of the Church of Englande. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John ([1588]). The true remedie against famine and warres. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John (1593). A commentarie vpon the Lamentations of Ieremy. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, John (1642). The true form of church government. EEBO-TCP.

Udall, Nicholas (1566?]). What creature is in health, eyther yong or olde. EEBO-TCP.

Underdowne, Thomas (1566). Underdowne, T.: The Excellent Historye of Theseus and Ariadne (1566). CH.

Underdowne, Thomas (1577). Underdowne, T.: Ouid his Inuectiue against Ibis (1577). CH.

Underhill, John (1638). Nevves from America, or, A new and experimentall discoverie of New England. EEBO-TCP.

Urquhart, Sir Thomas (1641). Urquhart: Epigrams (1641). CH.

Urquhart, Thomas (1641). Epigrams, divine and moral. EEBO-TCP.

Urquhart, Thomas (1652). Pantochronochanon, or, A peculiar promptuary of time. EEBO-TCP.

Urquhart, Thomas (1653). Logopandecteision, or, An introdvction to the vniversal langvage. EEBO-TCP.

Ussher, James (1659). Certain discourses, viz. of Babylon (Rev. 18. 4.) being the present See of Rome. EEBO-TCP.


Valdés, Juan de (1638). The hundred and ten considerations of Signior Iohn Valdesso. EEBO-TCP.

Valerius Maximus (1678). Romæ antiquæ descriptio. EEBO-TCP.

Vallans, William (1578). Vallans: Commendatory poem to Whartons Dreame (1578). CH.

Vallans, William (1590). A tale of tvvo swannes. EEBO-TCP.

Vallans, William (1590). Vallans: A Tale of Tvvo Swannes (1590). CH.

Vallans, William (1615). The honourable prentice, or, This taylor is a man. EEBO-TCP.

Vanbrugh, John (1697). Aesop. EEBO-TCP.

Vanbrugh, John (1697). The provok'd wife. EEBO-TCP.

Vanbrugh, John (1697). The relapse, or, Virtue in danger. EEBO-TCP.

Vanbrugh, John (1698). A short vindication of The relapse and the provok'd wife from immorality and prophaneness. EEBO-TCP.

Vane, Henry (1643). Two speeches spoken at a common hall Octob. 27. 1643. EEBO-TCP.

Vane, Henry (1660?]). A needful corrective or ballance in popular government. EEBO-TCP.

Varchi, Benedetto (1615). The blazon of iealousie. EEBO-TCP.

Various authors (1582). The monument of matrones [excerpts]. WWP.

Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre de (1691). The new method of fortification, as practised by Monsieur de Vauban, Engineer General of France. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Henry (1646). Vaughan: Poems, with The tenth Satyre of Iuvenal Englished (1646). CH.

Vaughan, Henry (1647). A protestation of the gentlemen prisoners in the Tower of London dated October 1647. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Henry (1650). Silex scintillans, or, Sacred poems and priuate eiaculations. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Henry (1650). Vaughan: Silex Scintillans (1650). CH.

Vaughan, Henry (1651). Olor Iscanus. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Henry (1651). Vaughan: Olor Iscanus (1651). CH.

Vaughan, Henry (1652). The Mount of Olives, or, Solitary devotions. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Henry (1655). Vaughan, H: Silex Scintillans (1655). CH.

Vaughan, Henry (1678). Thalia rediviva. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Henry (1678). Vaughan, H.: Thalia Rediviva (1678). CH.

Vaughan, Robert (1542). Vaughan, R.: A Dyalogue defensyue for women (1542). CH.

Vaughan, Rowland (1610). Most approued, and long experienced vvater-vvorkes. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Sir William (1626). Vaughan, W.: The Golden Fleece (1626). CH.

Vaughan, Sir William (1640). Vaughan, W.: The Church Militant (1640). CH.

Vaughan, Thomas (1651). Lumen de lumine, or, A new magicall light discovered and communicated to the world. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Thomas (1669). A brief natural history intermixed with variety of philosophical discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, Thomas (1697). The tryal and condemnation of Capt. Thomas Vaughan for high treason in adhering to the French-king and for endeavouring the destruction of His Majesties ships in the Nore. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1600). Naturall and artificial directions for health. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1600). The golden-groue. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1612). Approved directions for health, both naturall and artificiall. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1626). The golden fleece. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1630). The arraignment of slander periury blasphemy, and other malicious sinnes. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1630). The Newlanders cure. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1640). The Church militant. EEBO-TCP.

Vaughan, William (1641). The sovles exercise in the daily contemplation of our Saviours birth, life, passion, and resurrection. EEBO-TCP.

Vautor, Thomas (1619). The first set. EEBO-TCP.

Vaux, Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden (1870-1872). Vaux: Poems (1872). CH.

Vegetius Renatus, Flavius ([1572]). The foure bookes of Flauius Vegetius Renatus. EEBO-TCP.

Venables, C. R. (1662). The Experienced Angler. R3.

Vennar[d], Richard ([1601?]). Vennar (d): Englands Ioy [1601?]. CH.

Vennar[d], Richard ([1605]). Vennar[d]: A thanksgiving to God [1605]. CH.

Venner, Tobias (1620). Via recta ad vitam longam, or, A plaine philosophical discourse of the nature, faculties, and effects, of all such things, as by way of nourishments, and dieteticall obseruations, make for the preseruation of health. EEBO-TCP.

Venner, Tobias (1621). A briefe and accurate treatise, concerning, the taking of the fume of tobacco. EEBO-TCP.

Venner, Tobias (1628). The baths of Bathe, or, A necessary compendious treatise concerning the nature, vse and efficacie of those famous hot vvaters. EEBO-TCP.

Vere, Francis (1657). The commentaries of Sr. Francis Vere. EEBO-TCP.

Vere, Thomas ([1645]). To the never dying memory … of his ever honor'd friend Mr. Michaell Sparke Iun. EEBO-TCP.

Vergil, Polydore. Anglica Historia, Books 23-25: Richard the Third. R3.

Verheiden, Jacob (1637). The history of the moderne protestant divines. EEBO-TCP.

Vermigli, Pietro Martire ([1550]). A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Flore[n]tine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford. EEBO-TCP.

Vermigli, Pietro Martire ([1555]). A treatise of the cohabitacyon of the faithfull with the vnfaithfull. EEBO-TCP.

Vernon, George (1682). The life of the learned and reverend Dr. Peter Heylyn. EEBO-TCP.

Vernon, John (1644). The young horse-man, or, The honest plain-dealing cavalier. EEBO-TCP.

Vernon, John (1666). The compleat scholler, or, A relation of the life, and latter-end especially, of Caleb Vernon. EEBO-TCP.

Vernon, John (1678). The compleat comptinghouse, or, The young lad taken from the writing school and fully instructed by way of dialogue in all the mysteries of a merchant from his first understanding of plain arithmetick, to the highest pitch of trade. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1618). A prospectiue glasse to looke into heauen, or, The cœlestiall Canaan described. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1619). Owen: Epigrams (1619). CH.

Vicars, John (1631). Englands hallelu-jah, or, Great Brittaines gratefull retribution, for Gods gratious benediction. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1641). Englands remembrancer, or, A thankfull acknowledgement of Parliamentary mercies our English-nation. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1643). A discovery of the rebels. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1643). The great Antichrist. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1643). The opinion of the Roman jvdges touching imprisonment and the liberty of the subject, or, A sermon preached at the Abby at Westminster, at a late publique fast, Jan. 25, 1642. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, John (1647). England's worthies. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, Thomas (1627). Romphaiopheros. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, Thomas ([1630]). The grounds of that doctrine which is according to godlinesse, or, A briefe and easie catechisme. EEBO-TCP.

Vicars, Thomas (1633). Edom and Babylon against Jerusalem, or, Meditations on Psal. 137. 7. EEBO-TCP.

Vicary, Thomas ([1577]). A profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body. EEBO-TCP.

Vicary, Thomas (1586). The Englishemans treasure, or, Treasor for Englishmen. EEBO-TCP.

Vickris, Richard (1691). A just reprehension to John Norris of Newton St. Loe, for his unjust reflection on the Quakers in his book, entituled, Reflections upon the conduct of human life, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Vickris, Richard (1692/3). Truth and innocency defended. EEBO-TCP.

Vigne (1688). Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks. EEBO-TCP.

Vignola (1673). Vignola, or, The compleat architect. EEBO-TCP.

Villiers, Claude Deschamps (1678). The gentleman apothecary. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Philip (1637). A true relation of the late battell fought in New England, between the English, and the salvages. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Philip (1638). The lamentations of Germany. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1667). Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1667). God's terrible voice in the city. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1668). The wells of salvation opened, or, Words whereby we may be saved. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1668). Words of advice to young men. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1670). Fire and brimstone from heaven, from earth, in hell, or, Three discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1672). Christ the best husband, or, An invitation of young women unto Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1672). The best gift, or, God's call upon young men for their hearts. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1675). An explicatory catechism, or, An explanation of the assemblies shorter catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1677). The true Christians love of the unseen Christ, or, A discourse chiefly tending to excite and promote the decaying love of Christ in the hearts of Christians. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, Thomas (1678). The death of ministers improved, or, An exhortation to the inhabitants of Horsley on Glocester-shire, and others, on the much lamented death of that reverend and faithful minister of the Gospel, Mr. Henry Stubbs. EEBO-TCP.

Vincent, William (1677). Strange and true nevvs from Staffordshire, or, A true narrative concerning a young man lying under almighty Gods just vengeance, for imprecating God's judgment upon himself, and pleading his innocency though he knew himself guilty. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil (1620). Virgils Eclogues, vvith his booke De apibus, concerning the gouernment and ordering of bees. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil (1628). Virgil's Georgicks. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil (1628). Virgils Eclogues. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil ([1632]). The XII Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned laureat-prince of Latine-poets. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil (1634?]). Dido and Aeneas. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil (1661). Aeneas his errours, or, His voyage from Troy into Italy. EEBO-TCP.

Virgil (1679). The passion of Dido for Æneas. EEBO-TCP.

Vitell, Christopher [Translator of Hendrik Niclas] (1574). Vitell: A New Balade or Songe of the Lambes Feast (1574). CH.

Vitell, Christopher [Translator of Hendrik Niclas] (1575). Vitell, C.: Terra Pacis (1575). CH.

Vitell, Christopher [Translator of Hendrik Niclas] (1575). Vitell: All the Letters of the A. B. C. by euery sondrye Letter (1575). CH.

Vitell, Christopher [Translator of Hendrik Niclas]([1574?]). Vitell, C.: Comoedia [1574?]. CH.

Vitruvius Pollio (1692). An abridgment of the architecture of Vitruvius. EEBO-TCP.

Vives, Juan Luis ([1550]). Introduction to wisedome. EEBO-TCP.

Vives, Juan Luis (1555?]). The office and duetie of an husband. EEBO-TCP.

Voiture (1700). Familiar and courtly letters. EEBO-TCP.

Vox Populi Vox Dei (1868-1872). [Anon.]: Vox Populi vox Dei [1547 -1548]. CH.


W. B (1657). The trial of the ladies Hide Park, May Day, or, The yellow books partner. EEBO-TCP.

W. B (1659). The yellow book, or, A serious letter sent by a private Christian to the Lady Consideration, the first day of May, 1659. EEBO-TCP.

W. P (1659). One sheet, or, If you will a winding sheet for the good old cause. EEBO-TCP.

W. R (1657). Organon salutis. EEBO-TCP.

W. S (1602). The true chronicle historie of the whole life and death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. EEBO-TCP.

W. S (1607). The puritaine, or, The vviddovv of VVatling-streete. EEBO-TCP.

W. S. (1574). A new balade or songe, of the Lambes feast. EEBO-TCP.

W. S. (1595). The lamentable tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus. EEBO-TCP.

W. W. (1582). A true and iust recorde, of the information, examination and confession of all the witches, taken at S. Ofes in the countie of Essex. EEBO-TCP.

W. W. (1623). A nevv, and merrie prognostication. EEBO-TCP.

Wadding, Luke Augustine, Sister Magdalen (1635). The history of the angelical virgin glorious S. Clare [introductory material]. WWP.

Wadsworth, James ([1615]). The contrition of a Protestant preacher, converted to be a Catholiqve scholler. EEBO-TCP.

Wadsworth, James (1624). The copies of certaine letters vvhich haue passed betweene Spaine and England in matter of religion. EEBO-TCP.

Wadsworth, James (1629). The English Spanish pilgrime, or, A nevv discouerie of Spanish popery, and Iesuiticall stratagems. EEBO-TCP.

Wadsworth, James (1630). Further obseruations of the English Spanish pilgrime, concerning Spaine. EEBO-TCP.

Wadsworth, James (1630). The present estate of Spayne, or, A true relation of some remarkable things touching the court, and gouernment of Spayne. EEBO-TCP.

Wadsworth, James (1641). The Evropean mercury. EEBO-TCP.

Wadsworth, James (1679). The memoires of Mr. James Wadswort [sic], a Jesuit that recanted. EEBO-TCP.

Wager, Lewis (1566). A new enterlude, neuer before this tyme imprinted, entreating of the life and repentaunce of Marie Magdalene. EEBO-TCP.

Waite, Mary (1688). Epistle from the womens yearly meeting at York, 1688. And an epistle from Mary Waite. WWP.

Wake, William (1685). A sermon preached upon the XXXth of January S.V. 1684/5, at Paris in the chappel of the Right Honourable the Lord Vicount Preston, His Majestie's envoy extraordinary in the court of France. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1687). Preparation for death. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1688). The missionarie's arts discovered, or, An account of their ways of insinuation, their artifices and several methods of which they serve themselves in making converts. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William ([1688]). A collection of several discourses against popery. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1689). A defence of the Missionaries arts. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1689). A sermon preach'd before the honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster June 5th. 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1689). An exhortation to mutual charity and union among Protestants. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1690). A sermon preach'd before the King and Queen at White-Hall, May the 4th. M.DC.XC. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1690). A sermon preach'd before the lord-mayor and Court of Alderman at S. Sepulchres-Church on Wednesday in Easter-week, A.D. MDCXC. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1690). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, April 2, 1690. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1690). Sermons and discourses on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1691). A sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor and court of Aldermen in the church of St. Mary le Bow, on Thursday the 26th of November, being the day of the publick thanksgiving. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1691). A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, May the Xth. M.DC.XC.I. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1692). A brief history of several plots contrived, and rebellions raised by the papists. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1695). Of our obligation to put our trust in God, rather than in men, and of the advantages of it. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1696). A practical discourse concerning swearing. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1696). A sermon preached in the parish church of St. James, Westminster, April xvith, 1696. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1697). The authority of Christian princes over their ecclesiastical synods asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1698). An appeal to all the true members of the Church of England, in behalf of the King's ecclesiastical supremacy …. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1699). The case of the exiled Vaudois and French Protestants stated, and their relief recommended to all good Christians, especially to those of the reformed religion. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William (1699). The principles of the Christian religion explained. EEBO-TCP.

Wake, William ([1700]). The false-prophets try'd by their fruits. EEBO-TCP.

Walcot, Thomas (1683). The tryals of Thomas Walcot, William Hone, William Lord Russell, John Rous & William Blagg for high-treason for conspiring the death of the King, and raising a rebellion in this kingdom. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1624). The svmme of a dispvtation betweene Mr. VValker, pastor of St. Iohn Euanglists [sic] in Watling-street London, and a popish priest calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George ([1624]). Fishers folly unfolded, or, The vaunting Iesuites vanity discovered in a challenge of his (by him proudly made, but on his part poorely performed). EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1638). The doctrine of the Sabbath. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1641). A defence of the true sence and meaning of the words of the Holy Apostle, Rom. chap. 4, ver. 3, 5, 9. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1641). God made visible in his workes, or, A treatise of the externall workes of God. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1641). Socinianisme in the fundamentall point of justification discovered, and confuted, or, An answer to a written pamphlet maintaining that faith is in a proper sense without a trope imputed to beleevers in justification. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1641). The history of the creation. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1641). The manifold vvisedome of God. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George ([1641]). The key of saving knovvledge, opening out of the holy Scriptures, the right way, and straight passage to eternall life, or, A dialogue wherein the chiefe principles of the Christian religion are unfolded for the enabling of Christian people, to understand the Word of God …. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1642). A sermon preached in London by a faithfvll minister of Christ, and perfected by him. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1642). A trve relation of the chiefe passages betweene Mr. Anthony Wotton, and Mr. George Walker, in the yeare of our lord 1611, and in the yeares next following untill 1615. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1645). A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne monethly fast Januarie 29th, 1644. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1689). A true account of the siege of London-Derry. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1689). A vindication of the true account of the siege of Derry in Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1689). The substance of a sermon, being an incouragement for Protestants,. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, George (1690). The Protestant's crums of comfort. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). A remarkable revelation of the wandrings of the Church of England idolatry, superstition and ceremonies. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). A terrible out-cry against the loytering exalted prelates. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). A trve copie of the disputation held betweene Master Walker and a Iesuite in the house of one Thomas Bates in Bishops Court in the Old Baily concerning the ecclesiasticall function. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). Taylors physicke has purged the Divel, or, The Divell has got a squirt. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). The churches purity, or, The difference betweene the churches frame in darke times and her settlement in the purest times. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). The heavenly guide to true peace of conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1641). The prelates pride, or, The manifestation, that the bishops lordly government from the originall institution, is not de iure divino, by divine right, but meerely humane and contrary both to the holy word of God, the practice of the Apostles, and of the primitive churches in the purest times. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (1644). Ecce homo, the little Parliament unbowelled. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Henry (9, 1642). Five lookes over the professors of the English Bible. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, John (1616). The English pharise, or religious ape. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, John (1684). The antidote, or, A seasonable discourse on Rom. 13. 1. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Obadiah (1659). Periamma 'epidermion, or, Vulgar errours in practice censured. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Obadiah (1673). Of education, especially of young gentlemen. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Obadiah (1680). Of the benefits of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to mankind. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Obadiah ([1688]). Of faith necessary to salvation and of the necessary ground of faith salvifical. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Obadiah (1691). Some instructions in the art of grammar. EEBO-TCP.

Walker, Obadiah (1692). The Greek and Roman history illustrated by coins & medals. EEBO-TCP.

Walkington, Thomas (1607). The optick glasse of humors, or, The touchstone of a golden temperature, or, The Philosophers stone to make a golden temper. EEBO-TCP.

Walkington, Thomas (1608). Salomons sweete harpe. EEBO-TCP.

Walkington, Thomas (1620). Rabboni. EEBO-TCP.

Walkley, Thomas (1630). A catalogue of the nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Wall, John (1653). Ramus olivæ, sive Concio eireno-deetiké. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1641). An honorable and learned speech made by Mr. Waller in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1642). A vindication of the King. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1642). To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1645). The vvorkes of Edmond VValler, Esquire, lately a member of the Honourable House of Commons in this present Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1655). A panegyrick to my Lord Protector. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1658). Waller and Godolphin: The Passion of Dido for Æneas (1658). CH.

Waller, Edmund ([1658]). Upon the late storme, and of the death of His Highnesse ensuing the same, by Mr. Waller. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1659). Three poems upon the death of His late Highnesse Oliver Lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1660?]). On the park at St. Jamese's. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1665). Upon Her Majesties new buildings at Somerset-House. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1666). Instructions to a painter for the drawing of the posture & progress of His Ma[jes]ties forces at sea, under the command of His Highness Royal. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1677). Of the Lady Mary, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1679). Waller: A poem on the Present Assembling of the Parliament (1679). CH.

Waller, Edmund ([1679]). A poem on the present assembling of the Parliament, March the 6th. 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1685). Divine poems. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1686). A poem on the present assembly of Parliament, November 9th. 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1686). Poems, &c. written upon several occasions, and to several persons. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1686). Waller, E.: A poem on the Present Assembly of Parliament (1686). CH.

Waller, Edmund (1690). The maid's tragedy altered. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund ([1690]). The second part of Mr. Waller's poems. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Edmund (1893). Waller: The Poems (1893). CH.

Waller, Edmund (1926). Waller: On the marriage of Mrs. Frances Cromwell with Mr. Rich (1926). CH.

Waller, Edmund (3, 1641). A speech made by Master Waller esquire in the honourable House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Waller, Hardress (1659). A letter from Major General Sir Hardress VValler, and the Council of Officers at Dublin, to Lieutenant General Ludlow. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John ([1658]). Reasons shewing the consistency of the place of Custos Archivorum with that of a Savilian Professor. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John ([1671]). An answer to three papers of Mr. Hobs. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1675). A discourse of gravity and gravitation, grounded on experimental observations, presented to the Royal Society, November 12. 1674. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1678). A defence of the Royal Society, and the philosophical transactions, particularly those of July, 1670. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1679). The resurrection asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1682). The necessity of regeneration. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1684). A treatise of angular sections. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1684). Cono-cuneus, or, The shipwright's circular wedge. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1684). The life of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John ([1690]). The doctrine of the blessed Trinity, briefly explained in a letter to a friend. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). A fifth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). A fourth letter concerning the sacred Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). A second letter concerning the Holy Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). A seventh letter, concerning the sacred Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). A sixth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). An explication and vindication of the Athanasian Creed. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1691). Three sermons concerning the sacred Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1692). A defense of the Christian Sabbath. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John ([1692]). An eighth letter concerning the Sacred Trinity. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1696). An answer to Dr. Sherlock's examination of the Oxford decree. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1697). A brief letter from a young Oxonian to one of his late fellow-pupils upon the subject of magnetism. EEBO-TCP.

Wallis, John (1697). A defense of infant-baptism. EEBO-TCP.

Walsh, William (1691). A dialogue concerning women, being a defence of the sex. EEBO-TCP.

Walsh, William (1692). Letters and poems, amorous and gallant. EEBO-TCP.

Walsh, William (1692). Walsh, W.: Letters and poems (1692). CH.

Walsh, William (1695). A funeral elegy upon the death of the Queen. EEBO-TCP.

Walsh, William (1695). Walsh, W.: A Funeral Elegy (1695). CH.

Walsh, William (1706). Walsh: Ode for the thanksgiving day (1706). CH.

Walsh, William (1749-1750). Walsh, W.: Poems (1749). CH.

Walsh, William ([1797]). Walsh, W.: Poetical Works [1797]. CH.

Walshe, Edward (1545). The office and duety in fightyng for our countrey. EEBO-TCP.

Walter, William (1520). Walter: The Spectacle of Louers (1520). CH.

Walter, William (1532). Here foloweth the amerous hystory of Guystarde and Sygysmonde … newly translated out of laten … by Wyllyiam Walter …. TUDOR.

Walter, William (1533?). The spectacle of louers. Here after foloweth a lytell contrauers dyalogue bytwene loue and councell. TUDOR.

Walter, William ([1533?]). The spectacle of louers. EEBO-TCP.

Walter, William (1937). Walter, W.: Tales from The Decameron (1937). CH.

Walter, William (c. 1525). Here begynneth ythorn superscript-e hystory of Tytus and Gesyppus tr. out of latyn into englysshe by W. Walter. TUDOR.

Walton, Brian (1641). An abstract of a treatise concerning the payment of tythes and oblations in London. EEBO-TCP.

Walton, I. a. C. C. (1653). The Complete Angler. R3.

Walton, Izaak (1653 (1927)). The Compleat Angler: or, The Contemplative Man`s Recreation. EarlyUVa.

Walton, Izaak (1658). The life of John Donne, Dr. in divinity, and late dean of Saint Pauls Church London. EEBO-TCP.

Walton, Izaak (1665). The life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, the author of those learned books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity. EEBO-TCP.

Walton, Izaak (1670). The lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. EEBO-TCP.

Walton, Izaak (1678). The life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln. EEBO-TCP.

Walton, Izaak (1680). Love and truth. EEBO-TCP.

Walton, John (1894-1897). Walton: Prosperity (1897). CH.

Walton, John (1927). Walton: De Consolatione Philosophiae (1927). CH.

Wanley, Nathaniel (1673). The wonders of the little world, or, A general history of man. EEBO-TCP.

Wanley, Nathaniel (1681). Peace and rest for the upright. EEBO-TCP.

Wapull, George (1576). The tyde taryeth no man. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1690). The school of politicks, or, The humours of a coffee-house. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward ([1691]). The poet's ramble after riches, or, A nights transactions upon the road. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1692). A dialogue between claret & darby-ale. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1692). The miracles perform'd by money. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1695). Female policy detected, or, The arts of a designing woman laid open. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1698). A trip to Jamaica. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1698). Ecclesia & Factio. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1698). O raree-show, O pretty show, or, The city feast. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1698). Sot's paradise, or, The humours of a Derby-ale-house. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1699). A hue and cry after a man-midwife. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1699). A trip to New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1699). A walk to Islington. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1699). Modern religion and ancient loyalty. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1699). The world bewitch'd. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward ([1699]). A journey to Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward ([1699]). A trip to Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). A frolick to Horn-fair. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). A journey to Hell, or, A visit paid to the Devil. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). A step to the Bath. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). Labour in vain, or, What signifies little or nothing. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). Step to Stir-Bitch-Fair. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). The dancing-school. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). The metamorphos'd beau, or, The intrigues of Ludgate. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). The paradice of pleasure, or, An encomium upon Darby-ale. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward (1700). The rambling rakes, or, London libertines. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Edward ([1700]). The wealthy shop-keeper, or, The charitable citizen. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, John (1613). The first set of English madrigals. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, John ([1642]). An encovragement to warre, or, Bellvm Parliamentale. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Richard (1641). The principall duty of Parliament-men, or, A short and compendious treatise. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1615). A coal from the altar, to kindle the holy fire of zeale. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1618). Balme from Gilead to recouer conscience. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1618). Iethro's iustice of peace. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1621). The happinesse of practice. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1622). All in all. …. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1622). The life of faith in death. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1622). VVoe to drunkards. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1624). A peace-offring to God for the blessings we enioy vnder his Maiesties reigne. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Samuel (1640). The vvonders of the load-stone, or, The load-stone newly reduc't into a divine and morall vse. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1654). Vindiciæ academiarum. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1661). Against resistance of lawful powers. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1666). A sermon preached before the peers, in the abby-church at Westminster. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1670). The Christians victory over death. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1672). Six sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1674). An apology for the mysteries of the Gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth (1674). The case of Joram. EEBO-TCP.

Ward, Seth ([1674]). Seven sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Waring, Robert (165-]). Amoris effigies, sive, Quid sit amor?. EEBO-TCP.

Waring, Robert (1680). The effigies of love. EEBO-TCP.

Warner, William ([1584]). Pan his syrinx, or pipe. EEBO-TCP.

Warner, William ([1586]). Albions England. EEBO-TCP.

Warner, William (1597). Albions England. EEBO-TCP.

Warner, William (1602). Warner: Albions England (1602). CH.

Warner, William (1606). Warner: A Continvance of Albions England (1606). CH.

Warren, Arthur (1605). Warren, A.: The Poore Mans passions. And Pouerties Patience (1605). CH.

Warren, Arthur ([1605]). The poore mans passions. And pouerties patience. EEBO-TCP.

Warren, Erasmus ([1690]). Geologia, or, A discourse concerning the earth before the deluge. EEBO-TCP.

Warren, Mercy (Otis) (1775). The group. WWP.

Warriston, Archibald Johnston (1638). A short relation of the state of the Kirk of Scotland since the reformation of religion, to the present time. EEBO-TCP.

Warriston, Archibald Johnston ([1638]). Reasons against the rendering of our sworne and subscribed confession of faith. EEBO-TCP.

Warriston, Archibald Johnston (1653). Causes of the Lords wrath against Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Warriston, Archibald Johnston (1664). The last discourse of the Right Honble the Lord Warestoune, as he delivered it upon the scafford at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, July 22. 1663. being immediately before his death. EEBO-TCP.

Warwick, Arthur (1634). Spare-minutes, or, Resolved meditations and premeditated resolutions. /. EEBO-TCP.

Washbourne, Thomas (1654). Washbourne: Divine Poems (1654). CH.

Waterhouse, Edward (1622). A declaration of the state of the colony and affaires in Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Waterhouse, Edward (1653). An humble apologie for learning and learned men. EEBO-TCP.

Waterhouse, Edward (1663). Fortescutus illustratus, or, A commentary on that nervous treatise, De laudibus legum Angliæ, written by Sir John Fortescue, Knight …. EEBO-TCP.

Waterhouse, Edward ([1665]). The gentlemans monitor, or, A sober inspection into the vertues, vices, and ordinary means of the rise and decay of men and families. EEBO-TCP.

Waterhouse, Edward (1667). A short narrative of the late dreadful fire in London. EEBO-TCP.

Watkyns, Rowland (1662). Watkyns: Flamma Sine Fumo (1662). CH.

Watson, Richard (1642). A sermon touching schisme, lately preached at St. Maries in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Richard ([1649]). Regicidium Judaicum, or, A discourse about the Jewes crucifying Christ their king. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Richard (1651). Akolouthos, or, A second faire warning to take heed of the Scotish discipline. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Richard (1657). Historicall collections of ecclesiastick affairs in Scotland and politick related to them. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Richard ([1683]). A fuller answer to Elimas the sorcerer. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Richard (1684). The Right Reverend Doctor John Cosin, late Lord Bishop of Durham. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1554). Twoo notable sermons. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1558 (10 Feb).). Holsome and catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1582). Hekatompathia - A Passionate Century of Love. ElizAuth.

Watson, Thomas ([1582]). The hekatompathia, or, Passionate centurie of loue. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1587). The lamentations of Amyntas for the death of Phillis. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1590). An eglogue vpon the death of the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1590). The first sett, of Italian madrigalls Englished, not to the sense of the originall dittie, but after the affection of the noate. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1590). Watson, T.: An Eclogve Vpon the death of Sir Francis Walsingham (1590). CH.

Watson, Thomas (1590). Watson, T.: Italian Madrigalls Englished (1590). CH.

Watson, Thomas (1594). An ould facioned love, or, A loue of the ould facion. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1654). Autarkeia, or, The art of divine contentment. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1654). Gods anatomy upon mans heart, or, A sermon preached by order of the Honorable House of Commons, at Margarets Westminster, Decemb. 27. Being a day of publick humiliation. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1654). The Christian's charter shewing the priviledges of a believer. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1658). The one thing necessary. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1662). A pastors love expressed to a loving people. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1662). Paramuthion, or, A word of comfort for the church of God. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1662). The righteous mans vveal and the vvicked mans vvoe. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1663). A divine cordial, or, The transcendent priviledge of those that love God and are savingly called. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1666). The godly mans picture drawn with a scripture-pensil, or, Some characteristical notes of a man that shall go to heaven. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1668). The doctrine of repentance, useful for these times. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas ([1668]). The holy Eucharist, or, The mystery of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1670). Heaven taken by storm, or, The holy violence a Christian is to put forth in the pursuit after glory. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1671). The mischief of sinne. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1672). A plea for the Godly. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1675). The duty of self-denial briefly opened and urged. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1676). A sermon preached July 2, at the funeral of Mr. John Wells late pastor of Olave-Jury, London. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1678). The fight of faith crowned, or, A sermon preached at the funeral of that eminently holy man Mr. Henry Stubs. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1679). Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1682). Religion our true interest, or, Practical notes upon the third chapter of Malachy. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1689). Seven sermons on several select subjects. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas (1692). A body of practical divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Watson, Thomas ([1582]). Watson, T.: The Ekatompathia [1582]. CH.

Watson, Thomas ([1586?]). Watson, T.: A gratification vnto Master Iohn Case [1586?]. CH.

Weamys, Anna (1651). A continuation of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia. WWP.

Webb, John (1669). An historical essay endeavoring a probability that the language of the empire of China is the primitive language. EEBO-TCP.

Webbe, Edward (1590). The rare and most vvonderfull things vvhich Edvv. VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes. EEBO-TCP.

Webbe, William (1586). A discourse of English poetrie. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, J. (1613). A Monumental Column. R3.

Webster, J. (1623). The Duchess of Malfi. R3.

Webster, James (1694). A sermon preached in the high church of Edinburgh. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1612). The white diuel, or, The tragedy of Paulo Giordano Vrsini, Duke of Brachiano. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1613). A monumental columne, erected to the liuing memory of the euer-glorious Henry, late Prince of Wales …. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1623). The deuils law-case, or, VVhen vvomen goe to law, the Deuill is full of businesse. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1623). The tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1624). Monuments of honor. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1654). Academiarum examen, or, The examination of academies. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1654). The saints guide, or, Christ the rule, and ruler of saints. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John ([1654]). Appius and Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1661). The Thracian wonder. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1661). The Thracian wonder. OTA.

Webster, John (1661). The Thracian wonder. OTA.

Webster, John (1661). The Thracian wonder. OTA.

Webster, John ([1671]). Metallographia, or, A history of metals. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1677). The displaying of supposed witchcraft. EEBO-TCP.

Webster, John (1927). Appius and Virginia. OTA.

Webster, John (1927). Monuments of honor [Electronic resource] : derived from remarkable antiquity, and celebrated in the honorable city of London at the sole munificent charge and expences of the right worthy and worshipfull fraternity, of the emminent Merchant-Taylors : directed in their most affectionate love at the confirmation of their right worthy brother John Gore in the high office of His Maiesties Li eu!tenant [sic] over this his roy a!ll. OTA.

Webster, John (1927). The Devils law-case. OTA.

Webster, John (1927). The induction to the malcontent. OTA.

Webster, John (1927). The induction to the malcontent. OTA.

Webster, John. A cure for a cuckold. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Webster, John. To his belooved. OTA.

Wecker, Johann Jacob (1585). A compendious chyrurgerie. EEBO-TCP.

Wedderburn, John (1578). Wedderburn: Ane C°pendious [buik] of godly Psalms and spirit[uall Sangis] (1578). CH.

Wedderburn, John ([1578]). Ane co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie psalmes and spirit[uall sangis]. EEBO-TCP.

Wedderburn, Robert. The complaynt of Scotland. OTA.

Weever, John (1599). Weever: Epigrammes (1599). CH.

Weever, John (1600). Faunus and Melliflora, or, The original of our English satyres. EEBO-TCP.

Weever, John (1600). Weever: Favnvs and Melliflora (1600). CH.

Weever, John (1601). The mirror of martyrs, or, The life and death of that thrice valiant capitaine, and most godly martyre Sir Iohn Old-castle knight Lord Cobham. EEBO-TCP.

Weever, John (1601). Weever: The Mirror of Martyrs (1601). CH.

Weever, John (1601). Weever: The VVhipping of the Satyre (1601). CH.

Weever, John ([1631]). Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent. EEBO-TCP.

Weever, John (1887). Weever: Rochester Bridge (1887). CH.

Welcome to James I (1603). [Anon.]: Englands welcome to Iames (1603). CH.

Weld, Thomas (1653). The perfect pharisee under monkish holinesse opposing the fundamentall principles of the doctrine of the gospel, and scripture-practices of gospel-worship manifesting himselfe in the generation of men called Quakers, or, A preservative against the grosse blasphemies and horrid delusions of those, who under pretence of perfection and an immediate call from God, make it their business to revile and disturb the ministers of the gospel. EEBO-TCP.

Weldon, Anthony (1645). The true declaration of Colonell Anthony Welden, to the honourable Hovse of Commons. EEBO-TCP.

Weldon, Anthony (1651). The court and character of King James. EEBO-TCP.

Weldon, Anthony (1659). A perfect description of the people and countrey of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Well-willer (1674). The women's petition against coffee. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, James (1689). A vindication of the present great revolution in England. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, James (1689). Reasons why the Parliament of Scotland cannot comply with the late K. James's proclamation. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, James ([1689]). An answer to the late King James's declaration to all his pretended subjects in the kingdom of England, dated at Dublin-castle, May 8, 1689. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, James (1693). An answer to the late K. James's last declaration, dated at St. Germains, April 17. s.n. 1693. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, James (1700). Memoirs of the most material transactions in England for the last hundred years, preceding the revolution of 1688. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, William (1590). The sea-lavv of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Welwood, William (1636). An abridgement of all sea-lavves. EEBO-TCP.

Werdmüller, Otto ([1550]). A spyrytuall and moost precyouse pearle. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel. The pious communicant rightly prepar'd, or, A discourse concerning the Blessed Sacrament. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel (1685). Maggots, or, Poems on several subjects, never before handled. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel (1693). The life of our blessed Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel (1695). Elegies on the Queen and Archbishop. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel (1698). A sermon concerning reformation of manners. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel ([1700]). An epistle to a friend concerning poetry. EEBO-TCP.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1685). Wesley, S., the elder: Maggots (1685). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1693). Wesley, S., the elder: The life of Christ (1693). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1695). Wesley, S., the elder: Elegies (1695). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1700). Wesley, S., the elder: An Epistle to a Friend concerning Poetry (1700). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1705). Wesley: Marlborough (1705). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1713). Wesley, S., the elder: An Hymn on Peace (1713). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1715). Wesley, S., the elder: History of the Old Testament in verse (1715). CH.

Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1717). Wesley, S., the elder: History of the New Testament in verse (1717). CH.

West, Jane (Iliffe) (1791). Miscellaneous poems, and a tragedy. WWP.

West, Richard ([1606]). Newes from Bartholmew Fayre. EEBO-TCP.

West, Richard (1607). The court of conscience, or, Dick VVhippers sessions. EEBO-TCP.

West, Richard (1607). West, R.: The Court of Conscience (1607). CH.

West, Richard (1619). The schoole of vertue, the second part, or, The young schollers paradice. EEBO-TCP.

West, Richard (1671). The profitableness of piety. EEBO-TCP.

West, Richard (1700). A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting of the Sons of Clergy-men, in St. Paul's Cathedral, December 3, 1700. EEBO-TCP.

West, Thomas (1664?]). The word of God to all the elect number. EEBO-TCP.

West, Thomas ([1664]). The word of the Lord God Almighty. EEBO-TCP.

Westmorland, Mildmay Fane (1648). Otia sacra optima fides. EEBO-TCP.

Wever, R ([1565]). An enterlude called lusty Iuuentus. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, George (1661). Select and choice poems. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, Henry (1688). A treatise of the celibacy of the clergy. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, Henry (1688). The enthusiasm of the church of Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, Henry (1692). A defence of pluralities, or, Holding two benefices with cure of souls. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, Henry (1693). A specimen of some errors and defects in the history of the reformation of the Church of England, wrote by Gilbert Burnet …. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, Henry (1697). Fovrteen sermons preach'd in Lambeth Chapel. EEBO-TCP.

Wharton, Henry ([1698]). One and twenty sermons preach'd in Lambeth Chapel. EEBO-TCP.

Whately, William (1673). The redemption of time, or, A sermon containing very good remedies for them that have mis-spent their time. EEBO-TCP.

Wheathill, Anne (1584). A handfull of holesome (though homelie) hearbs, gathered out of the goodlie garden of Gods most holie word; for the common benefit and comfortable exercise of all such as are devoutly disposed. WWP.

Wheatley, Phillis (1773). Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. WWP.

Whetstone, George (1557). Whetstone: Rare is the worke … (1577). CH.

Whetstone, George (1575). Whetstone: G. W. In prayse of Gascoigne, and his Posies (1575). CH.

Whetstone, George (1576). The rocke of regard. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1576). Whetstone: The Rocke of Regard (1576). CH.

Whetstone, George (1577). Whetstone: A Remembraunce … of George Gascoigne (1577). CH.

Whetstone, George ([1577]). A remembraunce of the wel imployed life, [and] godly end, of George Gaskoigne Esquire. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1579). Whetstone: A Remembrance … of Sir Nicholas Bacon (1579). CH.

Whetstone, George ([1579]). A remembraunce, of the woorthie and well imployed life, of the right honorable Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lorde keper of the greate Seale of Englande, and one of the Queenes Maiesties most honorable Priuie Counsell, who deceased, the 20 daye of Februarie 1578. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1582). Whetstone: A remembraunce of … Sir Iames Dier (1582). CH.

Whetstone, George ([1582]). A remembraunce of the precious vertues of the right honourable and reuerend iudge, Sir Iames Dier, Knight, Lord cheefe Iustice of the Common Pleas. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1583). A remembraunce of the life, death, and vertues, of the most noble and honourable Lord Thomas late Erle of Sussex. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1583). Whetstone: A Remembraunce of … Thomas late Erle of Sussex (1583). CH.

Whetstone, George (1584 [i.e. 1586]). The enemie to vnthryftinesse. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1585). A mirror of treue honour and Christian nobilitie. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1585). The honorable reputation of a souldier. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1585). Whetstone, G.: A mirror of the life of Frauncis Earle of Bedford (1585). CH.

Whetstone, George (1586). The English myrror. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (1586). Whetstone: The Honovrable Repvtation of a Sovldier (1586). CH.

Whetstone, George ([1587]). Sir Phillip Sidney, his honorable life, his valiant death, and true vertues. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George ([1587]). The censure of a loyall subiect. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George (3. Feb. 1582). An heptameron of ciuill discourses. EEBO-TCP.

Whetstone, George ([1587]). Whetstone: Sir Phillip Sidney [1587]. CH.

Whichcote, Benjamin (1698). Select sermons of Dr. Whichcot. EEBO-TCP.

Whiston, William (1696). A new theory of the earth, from its original to the consummation of all things. EEBO-TCP.

Whiston, William (1698). A vindication of the new theory of the earth from the exceptions of Mr. Keill and others. EEBO-TCP.

Whiston, William (1700). A second defence of the New theory of the earth from the exceptions of Mr. John Keill. EEBO-TCP.

Whitaker (1680). The conspiracy, or, The change of government. EEBO-TCP.

Whitaker, Alexander (1613). Good nevves from Virginia. EEBO-TCP.

Whitaker, Edward (1681). To the Right Honourable Sir Patient Ward Knight Lord Mayor of the City of London. EEBO-TCP.

Whitaker, Tobias (1661). An elenchus of opinions concerning the cure of the small pox. EEBO-TCP.

Whitbourne, Richard (1620). A discourse and discouery of Nevv-found-land. EEBO-TCP.

Whitbourne, Richard (1622). A discourse containing a louing inuitation both honourable, and profitable to all such as shall be aduenturers, either in person, or purse, for the aduancement of his Maiesties most hopeful plantation in the Nevv-found-land, lately vndertaken. EEBO-TCP.

Whitby, Daniel (1697). A discourse of the love of God. EEBO-TCP.

White, Andrew (1634). A relation of the successefull beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's plantation in Mary-land. EEBO-TCP.

White, Francis (1624). A replie to Iesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propou[n]ded by his most gratious Matie: King Iames. EEBO-TCP.

White, John (1630). The planters plea, or, The grounds of plantations examined, and vsuall objections answered. EEBO-TCP.

White, John [?] (1585, 1588). Hariot's Narrative of The First Plantation of Virginia in 1585. EarlyUVa.

White, Thomas (1578 [10 Feb.]). A sermo[n] preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the thirde of Nouember 1577. in the time of the plague. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1578). A sermon preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the ninth of December. 1576. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas ([1586]). A godlie sermon preached the xxj. day of Iune, 1586. at Pensehurst in Kent, at the buriall of the late right honourable Sir Henrie Sidney. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1589). A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 17. of Nouember An. 1589. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1605). A discoverie of Brownisme, or, A brief declaration of some of the errors and abhominations daily practiced and increased among the English company of the seperation remayning for the present at Amsterdam in Holland. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1651). The practice of Christian perfection. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1654). A contemplation of heaven. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1654). An apology for Rushworth's dialogues. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1654). The state of the future life, and the present's order to it. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1655). The grounds of obedience and government. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1659). A catechism of Christian doctrin [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1659). A letter to a person of honour. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1659). Controversy-logicke, or, The methode to come to truth in debates of religion. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1659). The middle state of souls from the hour of death to the day of judgment. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1660). Chrysaspis to Querela. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1660). Notes on Mr. F.D.'s Result of a dialogue concerning the middle state of souls. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1660). Religion and reason mutually corresponding and assisting each other. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas ([1660]). Mr. Blacklovv's reply to Dr. Layburn's pamphlet against him. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1661). Devotion and reason. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas ([1663]). Sciri, sive, Sceptices & scepticorum jure disputationis exclusio. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1665). An exclusion of scepticks from all title to dispute. EEBO-TCP.

White, Thomas (1695). A sermon preach'd to the natives of the county of Warwick and city of Coventry in the church of St. Mary le Bow, London, November 14th, 1695. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, John (1679). The Leviathan found out, or, The answer to Mr. Hobbes's Leviathan in that which my Lord of Clarendon hath past over. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, John (1685). Whitehall, J.: Miscellaneous Poems (1685). CH.

Whitehall, Robert (1651). Robert Whitehall: Techupolimagamia (1651). CH.

Whitehall, Robert ([1657]). Illustrissimo Domino Dno. Richardo Cromwel. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert ([1660]). Viro, favore regio, et meritis suis honoratissimo, amplissimoque domino Edvardo Hide. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert (1661). The coronation. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert (1669). Urania, or, A description of the painting of the top of the theater at Oxon. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert (1669). Whitehall, R.: Urania (1669). CH.

Whitehall, Robert ([1674]). To the no less vertuous than ingenious Mris Mary More. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert (1677). Exastichon hieron, sive jconum quarundam extranearum (numero 258) explicatio breviuscula & clara …. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert (1677). Whitehall, R.: ECASTIXON IEPON (1677). CH.

Whitehall, Robert (1679). 1679, gratulamini mecum, or, A congratulatory essay upon His Majesties most happy recovery. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehall, Robert (1679). Whitehall: Gratulamini Mecum (1679). CH.

Whitehall, Robert ([1660?]). Whitehall, R.: Carmen Gratulatorium [1660?]. CH.

Whitehall, Robert ([1661]). Whitehall, R.: The Coronation [1661]. CH.

Whitehall, Robert ([1681]). Whitehall, R.: The English Rechabite (1681). CH.

Whitehead, George (1658). A brief treatise on the truths behalf in discovery of falshoods. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1659). A brief discovery of the dangerous principles of John Horne (a priest in Lin) and Thomas Moore junior. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1660). The authority of the true ministry. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1660). The he-goats horn broken, or, Innocency elevated against insolency & impudent falshood. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1662?]). The law and light within. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1664). The case of the suffering people of God truly stated. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1664). The conscientious cause of the sufferers, called Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George ([1664]). An epistle of consolation from the fresh springs of life, and flowings forth of the Fathers love (through his servant) as a tender salutation extended to the whole flock and family of God; even to the lowest of his babes and servants, whose hearts are sincere and tender towards him: for their encouragement now in these suffering and trying times. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George ([1664]). Truth tryumphing in a suffering time over deceit and falsehood, or, William Prynn's book of Quakers unmasked clearly detected. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1665). No remission without repentance. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1668). The light and life of Christ within. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1669). Christ ascended above the clouds. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1669). The divinity of Christ and unity of the three that bear record in heaven. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1669). The glory of Christ's light within expelling darkness. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1671). The nature of Christianity in the true light asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1672). The dipper plung'd, or, Thomas Hicks his feigned dialogue between a Christian and a Quaker, proved, an unchristian forgery. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George ([1672]). The Babylonish baptist, or, H.G. contradicting H.G. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1673). The apostate incendiary rebuked, and the people called Quakers vindicated from Romish hirarchy and imposition. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1674). Enthusiasm above atheism, or, Divine inspiration and immediate illumination (by God Himself) asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1674). The case of the Quakers concerning oaths. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1680). A brief account of some of the late and present sufferings of the people called Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1681). The accuser of our brethren cast down in righteous judgment against that spirit of hellish jealousie. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1689). A Christian epistle to Friends in general. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1689). The Christianity of the people commonly called Quakers asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1690). The Christianity of the people commonly called Quakers vindicated from antichristian opposition. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1691). Christ's lamb defended against Satan's rage. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1691). The contentious apostate and his blow refelled [sic]. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1692). The contemned Quaker and his Christian religion defended against envy & forgery. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1692). The divine light of Christ in man, and his mediation. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1693). A just enquiry into the libeller's abuse of the people called Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1693). Innocency triumphant over insolency and outrage of a self-condemned apostate. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1694). The counterfeit convert, a scandal to Christianity. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1696). The Christianity of the people commonly called Quakers, asserted. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1697). An antidote against the venome of The snake in the grass, or, The book so stiled. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George ([1698]). George Whitehead's protestation against Francis Buss's persecution and abuse of the people call'd Quakers, his (quondum) beloved friends. EEBO-TCP.

Whitehead, George (1701?]). A brief answer to F. Bugg's Brief reply to the considerations humbly offered by the people call'd Quakers. EEBO-TCP.

Whitgift, John (1572). An ansvvere to a certen libel intituled, An admonition to the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Whitgift, John (1574). A godlie sermon preched before the Queenes Maiestie at Grenevvich the 26. of March last past. EEBO-TCP.

Whitgift, John (1574). The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition. EEBO-TCP.

Whitgift, John (1589). A most godly and learned sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Whiting, Nathaniel (1637). Whiting, N.: Le Hore di Recreatione (1637). CH.

Whitney, Geoffrey, junior (1595). Whitney, G., junior: Commendatory poem in Amoretti and Epithalamivm (1595). CH.

Whitney, Geoffrey, senior (1586). Whitney, G., senior: A choice of emblemes & other devises (1586). CH.

Whitney, Geoffrey, senior (1595). Whitney, G., senior: G: W. Senior to the Author (1595). CH.

Whitney, Isabella (1567). The copy of a letter, lately written in meeter, by a yonge gentilwoman: to her unconstant lover. WWP.

Whitney, Isabella (1573). A sweet nosgay, or pleasant posye. WWP.

Whitney, Isabella ([1573]). A sweet nosgay, or, Pleasant posye. EEBO-TCP.

Whitney, Isabella ([1567]). Whitney, I.: The Copy of a letter [1567]. CH.

Whitney, Isabella ([1573]). Whitney, I.: A sweet Nosgay [1573]. CH.

Whitrow, Joan (1677). The work of God in a dying maid. WWP.

Whitrow, Joan (1689). The humble address of the Widow Whitrowe to King William: with a faithful warning to the inhabitants of England. WWP.

Whitrow, Joan (1690). The humble salutation and faithful greeting of the Widow Whitrowe to King William. WWP.

Whitrow, Joan (1692). To King William and Queen Mary, grace and peace. WWP.

Whythorne, Thomas (1571). Triplex, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces. EEBO-TCP.

Whythorne, Thomas (1571). Whythorne: Triplex of songs for three, four and five voices (1571). CH.

Whythorne, Thomas (1590). Cantus. EEBO-TCP.

Whythorne, Thomas (1590). Whythorne: Duos (1590). CH.

Wiburn, Perceval (1581). A checke or reproofe of M. Howlets vntimely shreeching in her Maiesties eares. EEBO-TCP.

Wife Lapped in Morel's Skin, A ([1580?]). [Anon.]: A merry jest of a shrewd and cursed wife [1580?]. CH.

Wigglesworth, Michael (1666). The day of doom, or, A description of the great and last judgment. EEBO-TCP.

Wigglesworth, Michael (1666). Wigglesworth: The Day of Doom (1666). CH.

Wigglesworth, Michael (1873). Wigglesworth: God's Controversy with New-England (1873). CH.

Wigglesworth, Michael, 1631-1705 (1662). The day of doom; or, A poetical description of the great and last judgment. EarlyUVa.

Wild, Robert ([1641]). Alas poore scholler, whither wilt thou goe, or, Strange altrations which at this time be. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert ([1651]). The tragedy of Christopher Love at TowerHill, August 22, 1651. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1655). The incomparable poem Gondibert vindicated from the wit-combats of four esquires, Clinias, Dametas, Sancho, and Jack Pudding. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1656). The arraignment of a sinner at the bar of divine justice. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1660). Iter boreale. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1663). An essay upon the victory obtained by His Royal Highness the Duke of York, against the Dutch, upon June 3, 1655. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert ([1663]). The recantation of a penitent Proteus; or, The changling. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1667). On the death of Mr Calamy,. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1668). Wild: Iter boreale (1668). CH.

Wild, Robert (1670). Upon the rebuilding the city. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1670). Wild: Upon the rebuilding the city (1670). CH.

Wild, Robert (1672). Wild: Dr Wild's Humble Thanks (1672). CH.

Wild, Robert (1672). Wild: Poetica Licentia (1672). CH.

Wild, Robert (1673). A panegyrique humbly addrest to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1673). Wild: A Panegyrique Humbly Addrest to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty (1673). CH.

Wild, Robert (1678?]). Oliver Cromwells ghost, or, Old Noll newly revived. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1678). An exclamation against popery, or, A broad-side against Rome. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert (1678). Wild, R.: Exclamation against Popery (1678). CH.

Wild, Robert (1689). The benefice. EEBO-TCP.

Wild, Robert ([1651]). Wild: The Tragedy of Christopher Love (1651). CH.

Wild, Robert ([1678?]). Wild: Oliver Cromwell's Ghost [1678?]. CH.

Wild, Robert ([1679]). Wild: Dr. Wild's Last Legacie [1679]. CH.

Wild, Robert ([1679]). Wild: Dr. Wild's Poem [1679]. CH.

Wilkins, George (1607). The miseries of inforst mariage. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, George (1608). The painfull aduentures of Pericles prince of Tyre. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1640). A discourse concerning a new world & another planet. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1641). Mercvry, or, The secret and svvift messenger. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1648). Mathematicall magick, or, The vvonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1649). A discourse concerning the beauty of providence in all the rugged passages of it. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1651). Ecclesiastes, or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it fals under the rules of art. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1653). A discourse concerning the gift of prayer. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1668). An essay towards a real character, and a philosophical language. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1669). A sermon preached before the king, upon the seventh of March, 1668/9. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1670). A sermon preached before the King upon the twenty seventh of February, 1669/70. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1671). A sermon preached before the king, upon the nineteenth of March, 1670/1. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1675). Of the principles and duties of natural religion. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1677). Sermons preach'd upon several occasions before the King at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkins, John (1682). Sermons preached upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.

Wilkinson, Edward (1600). Wilkinson: Thameseidos (1600). CH.

Wilkinson, Edward (1603). Wilkinson: Isahacs Inheritance (1603). CH.

Willan, Leonard (1651). Astræa, or, True love's myrrour. EEBO-TCP.

Willan, Leonard (1658). Orgula, or, The fatall error. EEBO-TCP.

Willan, Leonard ([1670]). The exact politician, or, Compleat statesman. EEBO-TCP.

Willan, Robert (1630). Eliah's vvish. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1592). A fruitfull and godly sermon. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1592). Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1593). Tetrastylon papisticum, that is, The foure principal pillers of papistrie. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1602). A catholicon, that is, A generall preservative or remedie against the pseudocatholike religion. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1603. And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson [London, 1603]). Ecclesia triumphans, that is, The ioy of the English church. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1603). A retection, or discouerie of a false detection. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1603). An antilogie, or, Counterplea to An apologicall (he should haue said) apologeticall epistle published by a fauorite of the Romane separation, and (as is supposed) one of the Ignatian faction. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1604). Limbo-mastix, that is, A canuise of Limbus Patrum. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1604). Thesaurus ecclesiæ, that is, The treasure of the church. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1607. And are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard [London] at the signe of the Sunne by Richard Bankeworth, [1607]). An harmonie vpon the first booke of Samuel. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1607. And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard [ London] by Richard Bankevvorth at the signe of the Sunne,[1607]). Loidoromastix, that is, A scourge for a rayler. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1610). Hexapla in Danielem, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1612 [i.e. 1613]). A treatise of Salomons mariage, or, A congratulation for the happie and hopefull mariage betweene the most illustrious and noble Prince Frederike the V. Count Palatine of Rhine, Elector of the Sacred Romane Empire, and Arch-Sewer, and in the vacancie thereof Vicar Generall: Duke of Bauaria, &c. Knight of the most noble order of the Garter. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew (1614). An harmonie vpon the second booke of Samuel. EEBO-TCP.

Willet, Andrew ([1596?]). Willet: Sacrorvm Emblematvm Centuria Una [1596?]. CH.

William (1568?]). A declaration and publication of the most worthy Prince of Orange, contaynyng the cause of his necessary defence against the Duke of Alba. EEBO-TCP.

William (1573). A supplication to the Kings Maiestie of Spayne, made by the Prince of Orange, the states of Holland and Zeland, with all other his faithfull subiectes of the low Countreys, presently suppressed by the tyranny of the Duke of Alba and Spaniards : by which is declared the originall beginning of al the commotions [and] troubles happened in the sayd low Countrie : to the relief wherof, they require his Maiesties speedy redresse and remedie. EEBO-TCP.

William (1688). The declaration of His Highnes William Henry, by the grace of God Prince of Orange, &c. of the reasons inducing him, to appear in armes in the kingdome of England, for preserving of the Protestant religion, and for restoring the lawes and liberties of England, Scotland and Ireland. EEBO-TCP.

William (1689). His Majesties letter to the Lord Bishop of London. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1688). The advancement of Christs interests the governing end of a Christians life. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1688). The kingdom of God in power. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel ([1691]). The vanity of childhood & youth. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1692). Gospel-truth stated and vindicated. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1693). A defence of Gospel-truth. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1694). Man made righteous by Christ's obedience. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1697). The excellency of a publick spirit. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1698). A sermon preached at Salters-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1698). The answer to the report, &c., which the united ministers appointed their committee to draw up, as in the preface. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel (1699). An end to discord. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Daniel ([1700]). A sermon preach'd before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in Dublin. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Edward (1650). Virginia, more especially the south part thereof, richly and truly valued. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Edward (1650). Virginia's discovery of silke-vvorms, with their benefit. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Edward (1650). Virgo triumphans, or, Virginia in generall, but the south part therof in particular. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Helen Maria (1791). A farewell, for two years, to England. WWP.

Williams, John (1628). Perseuerantia sanctorum. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, John (1637). The holy table, name & thing. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, John (1678). The history of the gunpowder-treason. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, John (1682/3). The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, John (1684). A vindication of The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, John (1688). The Protestant's answer to The Catholick letter to the seeker, or, A vindication of the Protestant's answer, to the seeker's request. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, John (1696). A declaration of the sense of the archbishops and bishops, now in and about London, upon the occasion of their attendances in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1590). A briefe discourse of vvarre. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1591). Nevves from Sir Roger Williams. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1618). The actions of the Lowe Countries. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1643). A key into the language of America, or, An help to the language of the natives in that part of America called New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1644). A paraenetick, or, Humble addresse to the Parliament and assembly for (not loose, but) Christian libertie. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1644). The blovdy tenent, of persecution, for cause of conscience, discussed, in a conference betweene trvth and peace. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1652). Experiments of spiritual life & health and their preservatives. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1652). The hirelings ministry none of Christs, or, A discourse touching the propagating the Gospel of Christ Jesus. EEBO-TCP.

Williams, Roger (1676). George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes, or, An offer of disputation on fourteen proposals. EEBO-TCP.

Willis, Thomas (1681). An essay of the pathology of the brain and nervous stock. EEBO-TCP.

Willis, Thomas (1683). Two discourses concerning the soul of brutes. EEBO-TCP.

Willis, Thomas (1684). Dr. Willis's practice of physick. EEBO-TCP.

Willoby, Henry (1594). Willoby: Avisa (1594). CH.

Wilmot, John, 2nd Earl of Rochester (1984). Wilmot: The poems (1984). CH.

Wilson, Arthur (1653). The history of Great Britain. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1608). The English martyrologe. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1631). Zacheus converted, or, The rich publicans [brace] repentance. Restitution. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1660). Cheerfull ayres or ballads. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1664). The cheats. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1665). The projectors. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1667). Cultus evangelicus, or, A brief discourse concerning the spirituality and simplicity of New-Testament worship. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1676). The vanity of mans present state proved and applyed. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1677). A seasonable vvatch-vvord unto Christians against the dreams & dreamers of this generation. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John ([1677]). To His Grace James Duke of Ormond, &c. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1678). The Scriptures genuine interpreter asserted, or, A discourse concerning the right interpretation of Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1682). To His Excellence Richard Earle of Arran &c. Lord Deputy of Ireland, a poem. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1685). A pindarique to Their Sacred Majesties, James II and His Royal Consort Queen Mary, on their joynt coronations at Westminster, April 23, 1685. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John (1691). Belphegor, or, The marriage of the Devil. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, John ([1696]). David's distress and deliverance. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Robert (1590). The pleasant and stately morall, of the three lordes and three ladies of London. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Robert (1594). The coblers prophesie. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Robert (1595). The pedlers prophecie. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, T. (1560). The Arte of Rhetorique. R3.

Wilson, Thomas ([1551]). The rule of reason, conteinyng the arte of logique :. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1553). Thomas Wilson's "The Arte of Rhetorique": electronic edition. TACT.

Wilson, Thomas (1553] Mense Ianuarij). The arte of rhetorique. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1572). A discourse vppon vsurye. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1612). A Christian dictionarie. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1614). Christs farevvell to Jerusalem, and last prophesie. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1620). Saints by calling, or, Called to be saints. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1641). Davids zeale for Zion. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1643). Jerichoes dovvn-fall. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1645). The childes trade, or, The beginning of the doctrine of Christ. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1678). Quaker's false interpretations of Holy Scripture. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1679). A sermon on the gunpowder treason, with reflections on the late plot. EEBO-TCP.

Wilson, Thomas (1682). A sermon on the martyrdom of King Charles I. EEBO-TCP.

Wimbledon, Thomas ([1550]). A sermon no lesse frutefull then famous. EEBO-TCP.

Winchester, William Paulet (1586). The Lord Marques idlenes. EEBO-TCP.

Wingfield, Anthony (1589). A true coppie of a discourse written by a gentleman, employed in the late voyage of Spaine and Portingale. EEBO-TCP.

Wingfield, Augustus (1656). Carmen panegyricum, sive, Paræneticum, postridie inaugurationis Dom. Protectori. EEBO-TCP.

Winne, Edward ([1621]). A letetr [sic] vvritten by Captaine Edvvard Winne, to the right honourable, Sir George Caluert, Knight, his Maiesties principall secretary. EEBO-TCP.

Winslow, Edward (1624). Good nevves from New-England, or, A true relation of things very remarkable at the plantation of Plimoth in Nevv-England. EEBO-TCP.

Winslow, Edward (1649). The danger of tolerating levellers in a civil state, or, An historicall narration of the dangerous pernicious practices and opinions wherewith Samuel Gorton and his levelling accomplices so much disturbed and molested the severall plantations in New-England. EEBO-TCP.

Winstanley, G. a. t. D. (1649). The True Levellers Standard Advanced. R3.

Winstanley, Gerrard (1652). The law of freedom in a platform, or, True magistracy restored. EEBO-TCP.

Winter, Thomas (1603). Winter: The Second Day of the First Weeke (1603). CH.

Winter, Thomas (1604). Winter: The Third Dayes Creation (1604). CH.

Winthrop, John ([1645]). A declaration of former passages and proceedings betwixt the English and the Narrowgansets, with their confederates. EEBO-TCP.

Winthrop, John (1692). A short story of the rise, reign, and ruin of the Antinomians, Familists, and libertines that infected the churches of New-England and how they were confuted by the assembly of ministers there. EEBO-TCP.

Winzet, Ninian (1562). The last blast of the trompet of Godis vvorde aganis the vsurpit auctoritie of Iohne Knox and his Caluiniane brether intrudit precheouris etc. EEBO-TCP.

Wise, Michael (1685). The miser. EEBO-TCP.

Wishart, George ([1647]). The history of the Kings Majesties affairs in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1585). An A.B.C. for layemen, othervvise called, the lay-mans letters. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George ([1588]). A view of the marginal notes of the popish Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1612 [i.e. 1613]). Epithalamia, or, Nuptiall poems. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1612). Prince Henries obsequies, or, Mournefull elegies vpon his death. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1613). Abuses stript, and whipt, or, Satirical essayes. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1614). A satyre. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1615). The shepherds hunting. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1619). Fidelia. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1620). Exercises vpon the first Psalme. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1621). Wither's motto. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1621). Wither: The songs of the Old Testament (1621). CH.

Wither, George ([1622]). Faire-virtue, the mistresse of Phil'arete. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1623). Wither: The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch (1623). CH.

Wither, George ([1623]). The hymnes and songs of the Church. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George ([1624]). The schollers purgatory. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1628). Wither: Britain's Remembrancer (1628). CH.

Wither, George ([1628]). Britain's remembrancer. EEBO-TCP.

Wither, George (1632). Wither: Psalmes of David (1632). CH.

Wither, George (1633). Wither: Ivvenilia (1633). CH.

Wither, George (1635). Wither: A collection of emblemes (1635). CH.

Wither, George (1641). Wither: A Prophesie (1641). CH.

Wither, George (1641). Wither: Halelviah (1641). CH.

Wither, George (1641). Wither: Read and Wonder. A warre between two entire Friends, The Pope and the Divell (1641). CH.

Wither, George (1645). Wither, G.: The great assises Holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his assessovrs (1645). CH.

Wither, George (1655). G. Wither: The Protector (1655). CH.

Wither, George (1660). Wither: Predictions of the Overthrow of Popery (1660). CH.

Wither, George (1681). Wither, G.: Majesty in Misery (1681). CH.

Wither, George (1688). Wither: The grateful acknowledgment (1688). CH.

Wither, George (1689). Wither: Withers Redevivus (1689). CH.

Wither, George (1697). Wither: A Paraphrase on the Ten Commandments (1697). CH.

Wither, George (1872-1877). Wither: Miscellaneous works (1872 -1877). CH.

Wither, George (1880). Wither: Vox Vulgi (1880). CH.

Wither, George (1902). Wither: The Poetry (1902). CH.

Wither, George ([1648?]). Wither: Carmen-ternarium semi-cynicum [1648?]. CH.

Wither, George ([1648]). Wither: The tired Petitioner [1648]. CH.

Wither, George ([1649]). Wither, G.: Vaticinium Votivum [1649]. CH.

Wittewronghelus, Jacobus (1582?]). Concerning the true beleefe of a Christian man. EEBO-TCP.

Wollaston, William (1691). The design of part of the book of Ecclesiastes, or, The unreasonableness of mens restless contentions for the present enjoyments. EEBO-TCP.

Wolleb, Johannes (1660). The abridgment of Christian divinitie. EEBO-TCP.

Wolseley, Charles (1673). The case of divorce and re-marriage thereupon discussed. EEBO-TCP.

Womock, Laurence (1681). The verdict upon the dissenters plea, occasioned by their Melius inquirendum. EEBO-TCP.

Wood, John (1618). The true honor of navigation and navigators, or, holy meditations for sea-men. EEBO-TCP.

Wood, Robert ([1680]). Novus annus luni-solarius. EEBO-TCP.

Wood, Robert (1681). The times mended, or, A rectified account of time, by a new luni-solar year, the true way to number our days. EEBO-TCP.

Wood, Thomas (1697). An appendix to the Life of the Right Revd Father in God Seth, Lord Bishop of Salisbury. EEBO-TCP.

Wood, William (1634). Nevv Englands prospect. EEBO-TCP.

Wood, William (1682). The bow-mans glory, or, Archery revived. EEBO-TCP.

Woodford, Samuel (1667). A paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. EEBO-TCP.

Woodford, Samuel (1667). Woodford: A paraphrase upon the psalms of David (1667). CH.

Woodford, Samuel (1679). A paraphrase upon the Canticles, and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament. EEBO-TCP.

Woodford, Samuel (1679). Woodford: A Paraphrase upon the Canticles (1679). CH.

Woodhouse, Peter (1605). The flea. EEBO-TCP.

Woodhouse, Peter (1605). Woodhouse: The flea (1605). CH.

Woodnoth, Arthur (1651). A short collection of the most remarkable passages from the originall to the dissolution of the Virgina company. EEBO-TCP.

Woodward, John (1695). An essay toward a natural history of the earth. EEBO-TCP.

Woodward, John (1696). Brief instructions for making observations in all parts of the world. EEBO-TCP.

Woofe, Abraham (1653). Tyranny of the Dutch against the English. EEBO-TCP.

Woolley, Hannah (1664). The cook's guide, or, Rare receipts for cookery. EEBO-TCP.

Woolley, Hannah (1664). The cook's guide: or, rare receipts for cookery. WWP.

Woolley, Hannah (1670). The queen-like closet, or, Rich cabinet. EEBO-TCP.

Woolley, Hannah (1673). The gentlewomans companion, or, A guide to the female sex. EEBO-TCP.

Woolley, Hannah (1677). The compleat servant-maid, or, The young maidens tutor. EEBO-TCP.

Worthington, John (1673). Hypotyposis hygiainonton logon, a form of sound words, or, A scripture-catechism. EEBO-TCP.

Worthington, John (1675). The great duty of self-resignation to the divine will. EEBO-TCP.

Worthington, John (1690). The doctrines of the resurrection and the reward to come,. EEBO-TCP.

Worthington, John (1691). Charitas evangelica, a discourse of Christian love. EEBO-TCP.

Worthington, John (1693). Forms of prayer for a family. EEBO-TCP.

Worthington, Thomas (1615). Whyte dyed black, or, A discouery of many most foule blemishes, impostures, and deceiptes, which D. Whyte haith practysed in his book entituled The way to the true Church. EEBO-TCP.

Worthy gentleman in Windsor (1641). A letter sent to the Honourable George Lord Digby in Flushing from a worthy gentleman in Windsor, January the 24, 1641. EEBO-TCP.

Wortley, Francis (1641). Eleutherosis tes aletheias, truth asserted by the doctrine and practice of the apostles, seconded by the testimony of synods, fathers, and doctors, from the apostles to this day. EEBO-TCP.

Wortley, Francis (1641). The dvtie of Sir Francis Wortley deliniated in his piovs pitty and christian commiseration of the sorrowes and sufferings of the most vertuous yet unfortunate Lady Elisabeth Queene of Bohemia. EEBO-TCP.

Wortley, Francis (1642). A declaration from York. EEBO-TCP.

Wortley, Francis (1642). Lines dedicated to fame and truth. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Anthony (1606). A defence of M. Perkins booke, called A reformed Catholike. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1578). Wotton, H.: A Courtlie controuersie of Cupids Cautels (1578). CH.

Wotton, Henry ([1624]). The elements of architecture. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1631). A meditation vpon the XXIIth chapter of Genesis. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1641). A parallel betweene Robert late Earle of Essex, and George late Duke of Buckingham. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry ([1642]). A short view of the life and death of George Villers, Duke of Buckingham. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1649?]). A panegyrick of King Charles. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1654). Wotton, Henry: 1568-1639 Reliquiæ Wottonianæ (1654). CH.

Wotton, Henry (1657). The state of Christendom, or, A most exact and curious discovery of many secret passages and hidden mysteries of the times. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1661). Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, Henry (1672). Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems. EEBO-TCP.

Wotton, William ([1694]). Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. EEBO-TCP.

Wren, Matthew (1627 [i.e. 1628]). A sermon preached before the Kings Maiestie on Sunday the seventeenth of February last, at White-Hall. EEBO-TCP.

Wren, Matthew (1641). Articles of impeachment of the Commons assembled in Parliament. EEBO-TCP.

Wren, Matthew (1642). Bishop Wrens petition to the Parliament in defence of episcopacie in the behalf of himself and the rest of the bishops. EEBO-TCP.

Wren, Matthew (1662). An abandoning of the Scottish Covenant. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Abraham (1662). A practical commentary or exposition upon the Pentateuch. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Abraham (1668). Anarchie reviving, or, The good old cause on the anvile. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Edward (1614). A short treatise of dialling. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Edward (1627). The description and vse of the sphaere. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Edward (1657). Certain errors in navigation. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, John ([1691]). A sermon preached at the parish church of Solihull in Warwickshire, December 21. 1690. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, John Michael (1688). An account of His Excellence, Roger Earl of Castlemaine's embassy from His Sacred Majesty James IId, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. to His Holiness Innocent XI. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Leonard (1589). A display of dutie. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Leonard (1589). A summons for sleepers. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Leonard (1589). The hunting of Antichrist. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Leonard (1590). A friendly admonition to Martine Marprelate, and his mates. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Leonard (1591). The pilgrimage to paradise. EEBO-TCP.

Wright, Thomas (1686). The glory of God's revenge against the bloody and detestable sins of murther and adultery. EEBO-TCP.

Wright's Chaste Wife, The (1865). Cobsam, Adam of: The Wright's Chaste Wife (1865). CH.

Wroth, L. M. (1621). Pamphilia to Amphilanthus. R3.

Wroth, Lady Mary (1621). Pamphilia, to Amphilanthus: A Sonnet Sequence from the Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania. EarlyUVa.

Wroth, Lady Mary (1621). Pamphilia, to Amphilanthus: A Sonnet Sequence. TACT.

Wroth, Lady Mary (1621). Wroth: The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania (1621). CH.

Wroth, Lady Mary (1983). Wroth, M.: Poems (1983). CH.

Wroth, Mary ([1621]). The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania. EEBO-TCP.

Wroth, Sir Thomas (1620). Wroth: The abortiue of an idle hovre (1620). CH.

Wroth, Thomas (1635). Sir Thomas Wrothe his sad encomion, vpon his dearest consort, Dame Margaret Wrothe. EEBO-TCP.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1969). Wyatt: Collected poems (1969). CH.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, and Anon (1549?). [verso /recto headline:] A Boke / of Balettes. TUDOR.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, and Anon (1563?). The courte of Venus. Newly and diligently corrected with many proper ballades newly amended, and also added therunto which haue not before bene imprinted. TUDOR.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas?[poems 1-2]; Shyngleton, Robert?[poem 3] (1538?). [The court of Venus. With the Pilgrim's Tale]. TUDOR.

Wycherley, William ([1669]). Hero and Leander in Durlesque. EEBO-TCP.

Wycherley, William (1675). The country-wife. EEBO-TCP.

Wycherley, William (1677). The plain-dealer. EEBO-TCP.

Wycherley, William ([1682]). Epistles to the King and Duke. EEBO-TCP.

Wycherley, William (1693). The gentleman dancing-master. EEBO-TCP.

Wycliffe, John (1546). Wycklyffes wycket. EEBO-TCP.

Wycliffe, John (1608). Tvvo short treatises, against the orders of the begging friars. EEBO-TCP.

Wynn, Henry (1682). The description and uses of the general horological-ring: or universal ring-dyal. EEBO-TCP.

Wyntoun, Andrew of (1903-1908). Andrew of Wyntoun: Original Chronicle (1903-1908). CH.

Wyrley, William (1592). The true vse of armorie. EEBO-TCP.

Wyrley, William (1592). Wyrley: The Trve Vse of Armorie (1592). CH.

Wyvill, Christopher (1647). Certaine serious thoughts which at severall times & upon sundry occasions have stollen themselves into verse and now into the publike view. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher (1672). The pretensions of the triple crown examined. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher (1679). A discourse, prepared for the ears of some Romanists (at a general quarter sessions, in the north, when they were summon'd to take the oaths). EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher (1686). An assize-sermon preached in the cathedral-church of St. Peter in York, March the 8th, 1685/6, before the Right Honourable Sir Edward Nevill and Sir Henry Bedingfield …. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher (1686). The duty of honouring the King and the obligations we have thereto. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher ([1694]). The duty and obligations of serving God. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher (1695). A sermon preach'd in the Collegiate-Church of Ripon, on Sunday the 22d of September, 1695. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Christopher (1697). Of Christian magistracy. EEBO-TCP.

Wyvill, Sir Christopher (1647). Wyvill: Certain Serious Thoughts (1647). CH.


Xenophon (1623). The historie of Xenophon. EEBO-TCP.

Xenophon (1632). Cyrupædia. EEBO-TCP.

Xenophon (1685). Kyrou paideia, or, The institution and life of Cyrus the Great. EEBO-TCP.


Yalden, Thomas (1695). On the conquest of Namur. EEBO-TCP.

Yalden, Thomas (1700). The temple of fame. EEBO-TCP.

Yarington, Robert (1601). Tvvo lamentable tragedies. EEBO-TCP.

Yarranton, Andrew ([1680]). England's improvements justified. EEBO-TCP.

Yates, James ([1582]). The castell of courtesie. EEBO-TCP.

Yates, James ([1582]). The hould of humilitie. EEBO-TCP.

Youll, Henry (1608). Canzonets to three voyces. EEBO-TCP.

Young lady of quality (1689). An elegy upon the death of Mrs. A. Behn. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Bartholomew (1598). Young, B.: Diana of George of Montemayor (1598). CH.

Young, Edward (1678). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward ([1679]). A sermon preached before His Majesty at White-Hall, 29 Decemb. 1678. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1683). A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen at Guild-Hall Chappel, February 4, 1682. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1685). A sermon preached at Lambeth January the 25th. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1688). The idea of Christian love. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward ([1688]). A sermon exhorting to union in religion. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1693). A sermon concerning the wisdom of fearing God. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1693). A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, on Easter-Day, 1693. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1694). The great advertisement, that a religious life is the best way to present happiness. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1695). Piety's address to the magistrate. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1695). Two assize sermons preached at Winchester. EEBO-TCP.

Young, Edward (1700). The wisdom of believing. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1636). The victory of patience. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1638). The drunkard's character, or, A true drunkard with such sinnes as raigne in him. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1641). A counterpoyson, or, Soverain antidote against all griefe. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1643?]). Englands vnthankfulness striving with Gods goodness, for the victory. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1648). The cause and cure of ignorance, error, enmity, atheisme, prophanesse, &c., or, A most hopefull and speedy way to grace and salvation, by plucking up impediments by the roote. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1652). A hopefull way to cure that horrid sinne of swearing, or, An help to save swearers if willing to be saved. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1653). Philarguromastix, or, The arraignment of covetousnesse, and ambition, in our great and greedy cormorants. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1653). The whole duty of a Christian, or, The character of a true beleever, that walks in some measure answerable to the Gospel, his Christian profession, and the millions of mercies he hath received …. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1654). Apples of gold from the tree of life. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1654.]). A sovereign antidote against all grief. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1655). Armour of proof, or, A soveraign antidote, against the contagion of evil company. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1655). The prevention of poverty, together with the Cure of melancholy, alias discontent, or, The best and surest way to wealth and happiness. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1656). The impartial monitor, about following the fashions, or, The sweet fruit of sharp reprehension. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1658). An experimental index of the heart. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1658). Preparation to conversion, or, Faith's harbinger. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1658). The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankind, or, A charge drawn up against drunkards. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1660?]). Good report from bad men, no mean disparagement. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1660). A Christian library, or, A pleasant and plentiful paradise of practical divinity. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1660/1661). An infallible vvay to farewell. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1661). A leafe from the tree of life. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1666). No wicked man a wise man, true wisdom described. EEBO-TCP.

Younge, Richard (1669). Carnal reason, or, The wisdom of the flesh. EEBO-TCP.


Zárate, Agustin de (6. 1581). The discouerie and conquest of the prouinces of Peru, and the nauigation in the South Sea, along that coast. EEBO-TCP.

Zouch, Richard (1613). The doue, or, Passages of cosmography. EEBO-TCP.

Zouch, Richard (1639). The sophister. EEBO-TCP.

Zouch, Richard (1663). The jurisdiction of the admiralty of England asserted against Sr. Edward Coke's Articuli admiralitatis, in XXII chapter of his Jurisdiction of courts. EEBO-TCP.

Zwingli, Ulrich ([1548]). The rekenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of huldrike zwyngly. EEBO-TCP.

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